Choosing a brand or which used laptop is better to buy

If you have decided to buy a used laptop and cannot decide on the model, we suggest that you carefully read the materials presented in this article. We hope that the analysis of reliability, operating features and capabilities of various models given below will help you make the right choice. The analysis was carried out based on our own observations and statistical data published by SquareTrade.

Acer has an affordable price

Perhaps it’s worth starting with laptops produced by the most popular company in Russia, Acer. Many people prefer Acer, primarily because the prices of the Acer model range are among the most affordable. This can also be called the main advantage. Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages that I would like to talk about in more detail. It's rare, but it happens that Acer malfunctions motherboard, and the south bridge is on, as a result, some keys will not work. And the most common problem is significant wear and tear on the batteries; sometimes the battery becomes almost completely unusable. Anyone who decides to buy a used Acer laptop should definitely remember this. In one and a half to two years, the battery life during active use will be limited to fifteen to twenty minutes, and sometimes even 30 seconds.

If design is a determining factor in your purchase and you want to buy an elegant used laptop, you should consider models from other brands. Acer cannot be called particularly beautiful; these are rather working devices, designed for an active user who is accustomed to saving money. In order for you to save, the company is also forced to save on everything. The package contents are not extensive; as a rule, they do not contain a disk for restoring the operating system. Therefore, it is better to immediately duplicate it yourself free disk Factory software installed on the computer. Otherwise, whoever decides to buy used Acer laptop, serious problems may arise if the failure of the licensed operating system renders the device inoperable, and there is no way to restore it. If we talk about reliability, then the savings make themselves felt - among the nine brands present in the rating table, Acer is only in seventh place.

Benq - a stylish option at an affordable price

Our experience in selling Benq laptops has shown that the build quality of this not the most popular and not the most expensive brand has the same problems as Acer. Do not forget that problems may arise primarily with the keyboard - it will work, but the keys may jam or become deformed. Just like Acer, some Benq models are equipped with batteries that cannot hold a charge for long after prolonged active use. However, according to our observations, the performance qualities of Benq are very good and, unlike Acer, the devices look great, so if you decide to save money, you can safely opt for one of the Benq brand models.

Asus - has a high degree of reliability

Our experience allows us to say that more and more often those who want to buy a used laptop are thinking about the possible purchase of an Asus device, although, unlike models from the two above-mentioned brands, Asus is far from cheap. But the manufacturers relied on quality - and they were not mistaken. In the reliability rating, Asus mobile computers confidently hold one of the first positions - hence the growing demand for models of this brand. Today, Asus is the second most popular brand after Acer in our country. Those who decided to go with Asus will be pleased to know that only Asus provides warranty service for its products for two years (other manufacturers usually have a warranty only for a year). Many people are attracted to Asus laptops by the hard drive capacity, which is 20-30% higher than that of models of the same class from other companies. The company made sure to provide the products with a licensed disc with operating system and drivers used for operation. Therefore, there will be no problems with reinstalling them. Asus laptops are equipped with Windows, an operating system that is quite suitable for most tasks. From possible problems It’s worth noting that it’s not too correct advertising company, conducted by Asus. As a result, those installed for advertising purposes are cumbersome and not always necessary programs, it is often inconvenient to work on a computer due to a lack of resources or system slowdown. If your tasks are quite resource-intensive, but you cannot optimize the system yourself, you should contact a specialist to optimize the device for your needs.

HP - beautiful and affordable

It happens that the main requirement of the buyer is an exquisite appearance. In our opinion, HP brand models are the most beautiful. Modern, stylish design and impeccable performance make HP unrivaled for those who dream of buying an elegant used laptop. In addition to external elegance, HP equips its models with a modern touch keyboard that allows you to work on your computer with light touches of your fingers. On the other hand, the keyboard is one of the most problematic areas on used HP laptops due to the poor quality of the touch sensors. However, it is worth adding that HP does not come with disks for restoring the operating system and it is not always possible to restore it from hard drive. Therefore, if the need arises to reinstall the OS, you will have to order a recovery disk through the official website (its price is approximately twenty dollars) and wait patiently for your order to be completed (on average about two weeks). The main thing that may confuse those who want to buy a used HP laptop is low level reliability. In the rating table for this indicator, the brand is in last, ninth place. Well, for the sake of beauty, sometimes it’s worth sacrificing everything else.

IBM - the standard of reliability, but no longer produced

If your future laptop is not a piece of furniture or a way to make a splash, but a device necessary for daily uninterrupted work, then you should think about buying a reliable used laptop from IBM. Apart from its primitive design, IBM has virtually no flaws. The design of many models is undoubtedly spoiled by the iron plate behind the matrix. However, it has the important function of protecting the screen. Also, many IBMs have the ability to replace the optical drive with an additional battery. The feature is useful, sometimes even necessary, but it obviously won’t add any attractiveness to your computer. For those who want to find the IBM brand in the reliability rating table, you need to know that this company is not there for a very simple reason - structural changes are the reason that IBM products are now manufactured under the Lenovo brand.

Lenovo is the current name of IBM, but without its former reliability

What advice can you give to those who decide to buy a used laptop from Lenovo's IBM successor? The authority of IBM allows Lenovo not to worry too much about appearance, while the quality of the products cannot be compared with the quality of IBM. In the reliability rating for this indicator, Lenovo is only one position higher than Acer, but Acer’s cost is much lower and its appearance is much more presentable. By releasing models that are not very reliable, appearance and functionality not much different from IBM, Lenovo risks losing demand for its products. True, there is hope that Lenovo will soon be beautiful and not expensive - the brand’s latest models are very elegant and have variable prices.

Toshiba - stylish and reliable

If you are inclined towards used Toshiba brand laptops, then this is exactly the option when you can choose almost any combination functionality, depending on which the price varies significantly. Therefore, Toshiba can be recommended both to those who are looking at cheaper devices, and to those who dream of a beautiful, reliable and powerful modern car. Almost every Toshiba sold through our online store worked and looked good. Toshiba often stocked installation disk and, in the event of an operating system failure, it can be installed in literally one to two hours using a disk. The Japanese company Toshiba captivates with its elegance, beauty, excellent build quality and reliability, second only to Asus models - the leading brand in the ranking for this indicator. However, despite the two-year warranty period from Asus, we recommend choosing the Toshiba brand for those wishing to buy an elegant used laptop. The only drawback of some Toshiba models can be considered a small RAM, but they can be quite easily improved.

Dell is a worthy American brand

Based on our own sales experience, we want to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Dell brand devices, a large number of models of which are assembled in Ireland. Dell ones are quite reliable, come with recovery disks and look quite decent, although too simple for a particularly picky buyer. We were unable to identify any other shortcomings in Dell brand models sold through our online store, however, we were also unable to identify any special advantages. It can be noted that Dell brand models are heavier and thicker than their counterparts from competing companies, but in general Dell is a completely suitable option for those who decide to buy a used laptop.

Based on the above, certain conclusions can be drawn:
  • Acer - the cheapest
  • Asus, IBM (Lenovo) - the most reliable
  • HP - The most beautiful
  • Toshiba is the so-called golden mean - modern, beautiful, and reliable.

We consider it necessary to bring to your attention the data provided by SquareTrade, obtained by analyzing the condition of laptops from various brands over a three-year lifespan. According to SquareTrade, during this time about thirty percent of the devices sold by the company fell out of service. At the same time, a little more than 10% of laptop computers became unusable due to improper use or careless behavior of users. The malfunctions that occurred in the rest (about 20% of the total number of devices under study) were not the fault of their owners.

Before deciding which used laptop model is worth buying, check out the statistics obtained as a result of SquareTrade's analysis of more than thirty thousand messages from users who purchased new portable devices through the company in the last three years. Considering that the specific nature of using laptops leads to quite frequent breakdowns, these statistics will be useful for you. Reliability is the main quality that you need to pay attention to. Among the nine most popular brands among customers, ASUS is confidently in the lead in this indicator, Toshiba is almost not inferior to it, while Gateway, Acer, and most of all Hewlett-Packard cannot please with reliability.

Of the total number of laptops that malfunctioned during the three years of research without the fault of their owners, only 5% broke down in the first year of use. Most computers failed later - during the second or third year of operation. If you analyze total number failed devices, then it (31%) is quite high compared to similar indicators for any other consumer electronics. Therefore, before you buy a used laptop, you will need to very carefully check the device you are purchasing, especially those parts that are subject to the heaviest load during operation: the keyboard, optical drive and Winchester. The high percentage of breakdowns is due to their not very high strength under mechanical stress; the consequence of this is a fairly large number of devices that do not withstand a long service life.

Summing up, we can say that a rough three-year forecast allowed us to come to the following conclusions:

    - A quarter of the new devices purchased during this period cannot be avoided under warranty repair;

    It is safer to buy a used budget laptop than a small netbook - only every fifth device breaks down during its 3-year lifespan.

    The most reliable devices are premium ones, the price of new models starting from $1000. Such devices are the most durable, as one would expect. This mainly includes models from Sony and Apple brands. Only 18% of premium devices failed during the three years of research.

Used laptops have only one advantage over new devices - lower price. But this only advantage often decides the main question - to be or not to buy at all. The cost of a used laptop in some cases can reach only a third of the cost of a new device model with similar power parameters on store shelves. This refers to the acceptable condition of the used laptop. How to choose a laptop on the secondary computer market and not make a bad choice? We will look into the nuances of buying used laptops below.

1. Approximate purchase amount

The first question you need to decide on before purchasing new laptop, even if choosing a used device, this is the approximate purchase price. The purchase amount will determine the hardware power required to perform certain user tasks. So, to buy a used gaming laptop you need to have an amount of $400-500 (at least). With $200-300, you can start looking for a good productive business or multimedia device. And for $100 or less you can buy antiques, unsuccessful results of manufacturers’ experiments to create a budget laptop niche, as well as good devices, but with defects.

Based on the performance of the laptop, you can usually count on an amount cheaper than the indicated prices only if you are considering the possibility of purchasing a device with the prospect of repair or upgrade.

2. Secondary market for computer equipment

Where to buy a used laptop? It is most profitable to purchase used laptops, naturally, from their direct owners. The reasons why primary owners of computer devices may sell them do not necessarily have to do with their shortcomings. Some people urgently need money, others have grown up to purchase a more productive laptop, and others simply do not need the device. But when purchasing a laptop from its primary owner, the buyer must be more or less computer savvy. Primary owners do not always clearly know the characteristics, pros and cons of the product being sold. Therefore, in such cases, the rule “the eyes saw what they took” often works.

You can buy a used laptop profitably if you look for it in pawn shops for a long time. Naturally, you have a better chance of stumbling upon a successful model at a good price in big cities. Prices for used equipment, of course, depend on the pricing policy of each individual pawnshop network. But often prices in pawnshops are acceptable for buyers, since such establishments ensure their benefits through enslaving transactions with the primary owners of the equipment. When purchasing a laptop from a pawnshop, it is also advisable to have at least basic knowledge of the computer field. You won't meet a computer genius behind a pawn shop counter. As a rule, sellers of this kind of establishment understand a little about everything, but nothing in particular. And they often make contact with customers reluctantly, with caution, suspecting each of them is an operational employee.

Neither in the case of the primary buyer, nor in the case of the pawnshop, count on warranty obligations the manufacturer is not worth it. The first ones rarely sell computer device within the warranty period, which is usually 1 year, less often 2 years. And if they do sell them, they are used laptops with a small percentage of wear and tear, usually not much cheaper than new devices. Pawnshops are not required to provide guarantees for equipment, but individual chains can set their own rules for allocating customers a certain deadline for testing the purchase and making claims regarding its technical condition. For used laptops with a warranty from the seller, you need to go to specialized consignment stores.

Thrift stores where you can buy a used laptop are often located at computer service centers. At such points, computer equipment from the primary owners may be sent to the commission in as-is condition. But equipment that has been restored after a breakdown can also be sold. Thrift stores at service centers, as a rule, give their guarantee - from 1 to 3 months. In most cases, points of sale of used computer equipment at service centers employ professionals who can provide competent advice. But the price for used laptops at such points is, accordingly, too high.

On Internet trading platforms - auctions and online bulletin boards - you can find various sellers of used laptops. These can be the primary owners, private resellers, and the same consignment stores. With Internet advertisements, the picture is the same as with pawnshops: if you are patient and monitor offers in your city for a long time, sooner or later a profitable option. The larger the city, the correspondingly more offers. Contacting sellers from other cities that are so geographically distant that, along with the travel costs, the purchase becomes unprofitable is a risky business. General rules for purchasing goods online will help reduce risks in such cases:

  • Demonstration of the laptop and its technical condition via Skype;
  • Studying the ratings and reviews of the seller on the trading platform;
  • Careful study of the advertisement (sellers who are more expensive in their ratings, as a rule, list all the shortcomings of the product);
  • Application of various transaction protection mechanisms offered by trading platforms;
  • Payment by cash on delivery after inspection and testing of the laptop upon receipt of the parcel at the post office.

3. Hardware specifications

Hardware characteristics that you need to keep in mind when choosing a laptop are the screen, processor, amount of RAM, hard drive and video card if purchased. gaming device.

3.1. Screen

When buying a used device, you should focus on the size and integrity of the screen. All other screen parameters should be preferred to the internal filling of the device.

3.2. CPU

Whether a powerful processor is needed is a question for each individual case. If the priority is long-term autonomous operation It might be worth looking at a laptop with a low-voltage processor. If you need a productive device, you need to focus on full-fledged processors, starting with Intel Core i3 (without the addition of the letter “U” in the model name).

Processors from Intel should be preferred to those from AMD. Many people are moving away from this rule, since AMD has learned to make competitive processors for desktop computers. But, alas, in the market of processors for portable devices, AMD still has a lot to learn from Intel. Energy efficient AMD processors for laptops are monstrous.

The approximate starting frequency of the processor is at least 2 GHz. The number of cores is at least 2. Everything else is considered based on the market situation.

If you are satisfied with the laptop in many respects, but it is the processor that is in doubt, you can consider replacing it with a more productive one. To do this, the processor must be removable. But this kind of operation must be carefully calculated for the upgrade to be financially profitable.

3.3. RAM

The minimum RAM is 4 GB, the optimal option is 8 GB; for gaming laptops more is possible, if the other hardware characteristics meet the requirements of resource-intensive games. The RAM of modern laptop models is usually subject to upgrade. But this point still needs to be clarified and, again, calculated.

3.4. Hard drive

Regarding the disk space of a laptop, the guideline should be the total volume, the presence of an SSD, or at least the possibility of installing one.

3.5. Video card

Modern high-performance laptops are equipped with two video cards - an integrated one for non-resource-intensive tasks and a discrete one for performing complex graphics processing operations. But, alas, the presence of two video cards does not mean that the device is gaming, as many believe. Discrete video cards can have a 64-bit memory bus and, accordingly, are a fraction more productive than integrated video cards. It only makes sense to overpay for video cards from Nvidia when purchasing a device for specific purposes. The best “price-quality” option – video cards ATI Radeon with a 128-bit bus (at least).

3.6. Where to check laptop hardware specifications

Using this service, you can check whether the seller is lying by indicating certain characteristics of components in the ad. But with the names of laptop models the situation is more complicated. The fact is that the same laptop models can have different configurations and differ only in additions in the name, for which it is not always possible to find help on the Internet. If the dialogue with the seller goes well, you can ask him for detailed characteristics determined using the programs AIDA64, CPU-Z and their analogues in the form of a screenshot or text format.

4. Battery

Failed non-removable laptop batteries, such as those found, for example, in Apple and Dell manufacturers, can become a real headache. While a removable battery can be replaced yourself, to replace a non-removable laptop you will have to take it to a specialized service center and pay not only for a new battery, but also for services to replace it.

Used laptops are often sold with batteries that do not hold a charge. In such cases, it is necessary to add the cost of replacing the battery to the cost of the device and draw a conclusion about the profitability of the purchase, starting from the overall figure.

5. Operating system and drivers

For those with installation experience Windows operating system a laptop system may be of interest only in terms of availability license key. And only if we are talking about the required version of Windows. In fact, the disk with the driver package is not of particular value. Drivers for individual components can be downloaded from the official website of the laptop or component manufacturer, as well as using special programs– driver managers. It only makes sense to be interested in the topic of laptop drivers in order to adapt them to current versions Windows or other desktop operating systems. However, when buying a rare device or from a little-known manufacturer, the issue of the availability of drivers on the disk and their compatibility with the desired Windows version(or another operating system) needs to be taken seriously.

6. Age

Modern laptop models, with careful handling and regular hygiene, can last 10 years. In many ways, physical wear and tear determines the attitude of its owner towards the device. By the way, asking how long ago the laptop was cleaned from dust and when the thermal paste was replaced will clarify a lot about the seller if it is the primary owner. The seller’s bewilderment in response can be turned to your advantage by trying to reduce the price of the device by at least the amount of the cost of this service at the service center.

But with obsolescence things are more complicated. Therefore, even to perform simple operations, you should not take a laptop from the budget segment. The best option would be a device with the possibility of an upgrade, and ideally from a popular manufacturer and a top-end model.

7. Surface inspection

The first thing you need to do is inspect the case to see if there are any cracks, chips, abrasions, or deep scratches. If the seller did not indicate these points in the ad, they may be grounds for reducing the price. Clear signs that the device has been dropped or otherwise mechanical damage, may indicate possible damage to the internal filling, in particular, such a serious problem as cracks on the motherboard. You need to carefully check the keyboard - are all the keys in place, are they working, are there any signs of liquid spillage (keys sticking). It is also necessary to inspect all external ports (charging, USB, audio and video output, network, etc.).

Illustrations for the article taken from

Have a great day!

A laptop is a universal and convenient device that you can take with you on a trip, play graphic games, work in programs and simply spend your leisure time on the Internet. This is a mobile gadget that is relatively inexpensive (if you choose the average technical specifications). The question remains: where to buy a cheaper laptop?

From advertising platforms

This method accurately answers the popular question: “Where can I buy a cheap laptop?” Main feature advertising platforms is that ordinary people and companies there sell used devices that have been previously used and may have minor damage. As a rule, even after six months of use, the seller can sell the laptop at a 40% discount.

But there are pitfalls in this method. Firstly, sellers on advertising platforms are not always frank and may hide information about significant damage to the laptop. Inexperienced user will believe beautiful words and buy an unusable device. Secondly, you should always find out the reason for the sale. A brand new laptop that is sold at a huge discount may work well until one day it burns out. The reason is simple: the gadget could be dropped, filled with water, and then everything could be fixed so skillfully that it is almost impossible to find damage the first time.

Chinese and Korean online stores

Popular Chinese online stores They are famous for their low prices, and therefore are quite consistent with the place where it is very possible to buy a cheaper laptop. However, this method also has pitfalls. For example, there is a danger that the seller will send you a Chinese counterfeit, which he issued under a famous brand. In this case, there is no way to check; you can only rely on numerous reviews and the price. Too low a price indicates that you are ready to purchase a product that is far from original.

Choose only popular platforms such as Aliexpress or TaoBao. In online stores, you can dispute a purchase if the goods did not arrive or, conversely, arrived but were damaged. As a rule, site managers always meet the buyer halfway, especially if the purchase was serious.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to buy a laptop with a Russian layout on Chinese sites, but now manufacturers are trying to create adapted devices. In any case, even a schoolchild can replace the keys on the keyboard, and they are relatively inexpensive.

Foreign online stores

If you want to find out where to buy, then you should visit the online store again, but this time a foreign one. Sites such as Ebay are famous for their high-quality original products, which are much lower in cost than in domestic stores. However, you won’t be able to save much, because if you want to start using a brand new device in a few days, you will have to pay a hefty sum for express delivery.

There are also disadvantages to this method of saving. Firstly, stores rarely provide a guarantee, and even if they do, the broken product will have to be sent back to the seller (again, at your own expense). Secondly, you will have to purchase a special adapter that is adapted for Russian sockets. Thirdly, the disadvantage is the lack of Russian layout.

Domestic online stores

Many people ask the question: “Where can I buy a laptop cheaper in Moscow or in another city in Russia?” First of all, ad platforms come to the rescue. If you want to purchase a new personal computer, rather than a used one, then you can contact such companies as DNS, MediaMarkt or MVideo. If you are not looking for a gaming device, then you can purchase a fairly powerful and productive PC for under 30,000 rubles. Please note that it is best to buy a laptop during the period when new products are released from the most popular companies. As a rule, then, to sell goods, companies create promotions and discounts that allow you to save up to 50% of the total cost.

And, of course, one more thing should not be forgotten by those who are looking for where to buy a cheaper laptop. You are already overpaying for packaging and shipping to electronics stores, so it is recommended not to purchase accessories offered by consultants. It's simple: such companies use an excellent psychological technique, because a person makes a purchase on emotions, so he easily agrees to additional expenses. And if you do the math, then an operating system in such stores costs at least 3-6 thousand rubles, a laptop bag - 1-3 thousand rubles, a mouse and speakers - another 2-6 thousand rubles.

Defective devices

A small company supplies personal computers and smartphones, purchasing in bulk directly from foreign manufacturers. She does not overpay for delivery and therefore offers a price slightly lower than the market price, however, some devices were damaged during shipment. For example, the box is dented, or a small crack has appeared on the case. Many people are frightened by such damage, but the seller is ready to give away a new product with minor defects for a low price.

Finding an inexpensive laptop is quite simple: you just need to visit an advertising site, specify the exact query in the search and analyze several ads. Please note that many sellers indicate in their profile that they are not an individual, but instead of large chain stores, they have small offices.


This method is suitable for those who are looking for where to buy cheap. It’s no secret that a device with a powerful video card, processor and RAM will cost you 50-150 thousand rubles. It will be much cheaper to assemble a personal computer yourself, that is, in parts.

When assembling, you need to understand that for the performance and durability of a laptop you need to choose a case that consists of a matrix, motherboard, battery and keyboard. The main role is played by the motherboard, so more powerful parts are purchased for it. The next stage will be the processor. Everything is simple here: the higher the indicators, the more powerful the laptop will be. It is worth purchasing a processor from 2 gigahertz and above, but it will be best if it is multi-core (from two), and each core has at least 2 GHz.

Although this is the most inexpensive way to obtain personal computer, however, it is important to approach this issue responsibly. You need to understand which parts fit together best.


Now you know how and where to buy a laptop cheaply. In Moscow, for example, offline stores such as Mvideo or Svyaznoy are popular - such well-promoted companies offer you a guarantee, a service center, and pleasant bonuses for your purchase.

When buying a laptop, many people involuntarily ask themselves the question: which laptop to choose - new or used? Should I buy a new one, in a box, with a manufacturer’s warranty, service and all the documents, or for the same money buy a laptop of a higher class, with more powerful parameters, or just save money.

First of all, you need to decide what kind of laptop you need and for what tasks.

Let's take, for example, two different laptops and compare them.

Let's say you need a simple laptop for watching movies, the Internet, music, office applications and other simple tasks. For such purposes, the well-known HP compaq nc6000 laptop with an Intel Pentium 1.83 Ghz processor, 1024 Mb memory and a Radeon 9600 video card and a standard 14-inch screen size is quite suitable. The cost of this in our store starts from 6 thousand rubles.

If you need a more serious laptop with more powerful processor and a video card for working with graphic applications or for computer games, then for the sake of example you can consider the IBM Thinkpad T61 laptop. This is already with a modern Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 2 Gb of RAM, a 512 Mb video card, a 14-inch monitor size and a reinforced battery. The cost of such a model will be around 8.5 thousand rubles.

Now let's see what we can buy new for this money...

Prices for decent laptops start at 12 thousand rubles, and for less than 10 thousand rubles you can only buy a netbook - a small portable computer with a monitor size of 10-11 inches based on Intel processor Atom, which is convenient exclusively for mobile work or travel.

The cost of a new laptop from a well-known manufacturer starts from an amount approximately equal to 12 thousand rubles. For example, the HP compaq 625 model with an AMD 2300 MHz processor, 1024 Mb RAM, 256 Mb video card and a 15.4-inch monitor. It would seem that a laptop with not so weak characteristics and at a relatively low price.

The cost of a new laptop with similar parameters as the IBM T61 is about 22 thousand rubles. Those. You can buy a used laptop for almost 2 times cheaper! And, as a rule, such laptops were leased to European organizations, i.e. used carefully, carefully and only for work needs. And if such a laptop is 1-2 years old and is really in good condition, then this option is a worthy alternative to a new analogue.

In addition, many consumers are deliberately considering buying a used laptop from Europe, arguing that this is more high quality assembly and a guarantee of reliability from a well-known brand manufacturer. We deliberately do not review cheaper laptops from dubious manufacturers.

Of course, the final choice is yours, but certain conclusions can be drawn: budget laptop for simple tasks it is better to buy a used one, despite the fact that you can save a lot. A laptop of a more serious nature can be purchased either used. in good condition and with good characteristics, or new, but with more modest parameters.
