When a computer or laptop writes at the most crucial moment that “the modem or other communication device reported an error,” most users are lost: they start calling the provider or installing a spare mobile Wi-Fi on the computer.

However, this connection failure is not a serious problem, and in most cases you can fix the problem yourself. We will talk about what connection failure with error 651 means and how to fix a high-speed connection via wan miniport on Windows 7 in this article.

It should be noted that error 651 does not depend in any way on the Internet provider, and subscribers of byfly, Rostelecom, Ufanet and other well-known providers equally often encounter this problem.

Why does Windows display error 651 when connecting to the Internet?

This error number indicates that for some reason the connection of the modem (or other communication device) to the OS windows of this computer is not performed correctly.

As a rule, network error 651 occurs when:

  • - there is no physical connection via wan miniport (damaged network cable, the connector is broken, the PC’s network card, modem or switch “burned out” due to voltage surges);
  • - incorrect network connection settings are installed on Windows (due to user inattention or as a result of a system failure);
  • - technical work is underway on the provider’s side.

But in most cases this error Internet failure arises as a result of incompetent user intervention in the operation of the system; accordingly, he can establish an Internet connection on his own.

How to fix connection error 651?

Having figured out what this error number means, first of all, carry out standard diagnostics that solve most computer problems:

  • - Restart your computer/laptop;
  • - Turn off the power to the router or modem for 10 minutes, then carefully plug the communication device into the mains and wait until it is fully loaded;
  • - Check the integrity of the network cable and its correct connection to the connector network card your PC;
  • - If your computer/laptop is equipped with several network cards (Ethernet connectors), try connecting through each of them one by one;
  • - If in addition to this PC you have another communication device (laptop, smartphone, etc.), or have several versions of Windows installed on your computer, check your Internet connection with a different OS;
  • - In the Windows Control Panel, uninstall the drivers for your network card and install them latest version- from disk, or by downloading software on the manufacturer’s official website.

The network cable is working, but the modem reported error 651 - what should I do?

If there are no connection failures on other devices, then you can safely celebrate your first victory - the modem is working and your provider is faithfully supplying you with paid Internet.

- When connected via ADSL

If the DSL link lights up stably (accordingly, the modem connection via the network cable is working properly), then should check:

VPI/VCI parameters (which you can find out from your provider’s technical support)

Bridge connection type

If connection failure with error 651 occurred after you ran a cable from the modem to the router and created a home wifi network- The existing broadband connection must be removed. The reason is that the router and modem transmit information using different protocols and often “conflict” with each other.

-At pppoe connection via router

To fix connection failure on Windows 7:

To do this, go to “Control Panel> Network and Internet> Network connections", select the section "Create a new connection or network > Internet connection > PPPoE" and in the open window enter your credentials from the agreement with the provider. Make sure you enter the parameters correctly, because connection failures often occur due to typos in the login/password field.

Try updating raspppoe.sys - system Windows file 7, managing connections via the PPPoE protocol. You can copy the file from a nearby computer (if it does not experience communication error 651) or download it from here - “http://goo.gl/oQytf2”. The raspppoe.sys file is located in the “C:\Windows\System32\Drivers” folder - find it, rename it (but do not delete it - in case you have to put it back) and copy the downloaded file to the directory. Restart your computer and try connecting again.

If none of the methods helped you, leave a request indicating the error number in the service technical support your provider.


Error messages when connecting to the Internet plague even modern high-speed connections. Such problems are often noticed Windows users, where each failure has its own digital code. With its help, the user has to independently find the problem and its causes.

What to do if your computer does not connect to the Internet

Your first action when a modem or other communication device reports an error is to check the physical integrity of the connection. Cables between personal computer, modem, router and socket (or the place where the cable enters the apartment) should be checked for damage. The cause of the problem may also be a contact falling out of the connector. After checking the device, try connecting again. A recurring situation indicates that there is a problem at the software level. Write down or remember the digital code from the message.

Whether you are using a VPN or PPPoE connection, there is a common set of three-digit digital codes to determine possible reason failure. The code itself does not provide accurate information, because the problem may be a hardware malfunction or incorrect software configuration, or sometimes restrictions on the part of the provider. The purpose of a digital code is to narrow possible options, which you can check for yourself. Error 651 when connecting to the Internet, for example, means that the problem is with the high-speed PPPoE method or its equivalent.

What is error 651 when connecting to the Internet

In operating rooms Windows systems Vista and previously a similar situation had codes 678 and 815. The new code was assigned starting from Windows 7. This message appears with the text about the impossibility of using the WAN Miniport (PPPoE) to access the services of the provider. The failure may be on your side - in the modem or in the configuration of the connection itself. Intermittent operation of the provider's network will demonstrate the same failure. The only fact reported by the code is that there is no Internet connection. Failure with error 651 can be resolved on your own if the devices and cables used are not damaged.

How to fix this problem

To diagnose and resolve error code 651, start by checking your antivirus or built-in firewall settings. The connection may have been a suspicious connection. You will have to manually remove the lock. If the message continues to appear, turn off everything one by one. antivirus programs, and also add your Internet access to the list of trusted connections for the firewall and antivirus. Error 651 when connecting to the Internet often disappears after correct settings security programs.

Check the settings of the Internet access itself, or delete and recreate it manually so that connection error 651 disappears. You should have the instructions provided by the provider when concluding the contract. To recreate the connection, use Windows tools. In the main menu, find create new network connection: You are interested in high-speed (DSL, cable modem) using the PPPoE standard. The creation and configuration wizard will prompt you to enter provider data.

The reasons for code 651 can be checked by the provider at the client’s request - send a written statement or call the support service. After checking the port assigned to your contract and the equipment on the line, you may be asked to look at the parameters of the modem or router. Such settings are accessed by entering the address 192.168.x.x in the browser. The last digits of the modem address, login and password are specified in the contract, or they are reported by the support service. IN Internet section or specifically WAN, you can see the current parameter values.


Found an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything!

Internet connection problems can occur under different circumstances. The cause may be cable problems, incorrect settings of the modem or router, or problems arising directly from the provider providing Internet access.

All problems, except the last one, can be corrected yourself. To begin with, the main thing is to understand what exactly caused the malfunction; further actions will depend on this.

What does it mean

Often when you turn on the device, you may find that there is no connection.

The following signs indicate this:

The list contains the most common symptoms. The presence of one of them indicates that there was some kind of failure in network settings or hardware. To eliminate it, let's first find out the reason.


If your device works via WiFi, then first of all you need to check the router.

In this case, the reasons may be the following:

  1. power failures in the router due to overload or cable defects;
  2. software problems (for example, the wireless connection driver has crashed);
  3. malfunction of the router itself (contacts on the chip burned out, the socket was damaged, the firmware was lost).

The same problems can occur with the modem and adapter wireless network(most laptops have it built-in). Often, an error can occur in the operation of a program provided by an Internet service provider. But problems don't necessarily originate in Internet connection hardware.

Reasons not related to the modem and router:

Having figured out what caused it, you can begin to eliminate them.

Solutions to the “no internet connection” error

The first thing to do is to let the computer solve the problem on its own. Find and right-click on the network icon or WiFi access icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select “Diagnose problems.”

After checking, a notification about the results will appear in the window that appears. Sometimes such actions immediately solve the connection problem, but if the system does not detect any problems, you will have to independently find out why there is no connection to the Internet.

Follow these steps:

  1. check all connected cables and the sockets in which they are located (the modem or router must be connected to a working telephone line, and also correctly installed to your computer or laptop);
  2. reboot your router or modem, or reset their parameters using the button ( as a last resort you can turn off the power for a few seconds);
  3. check additional software for a modem or router (as a rule, a driver disk is included in the kit).

However, the problem may not always be so simple, and much more serious action will have to be taken to resolve it.

Video: what to do if there is no Internet connection

Changing the network connection method to Dynamic IP

An IP address is a kind of user passport for accessing the Internet. Changing the connection method is necessary in cases where the computer can directly connect to the network, but through the router it gives an error or does not connect at all.

The cause may be an address conflict.


Changing the router's IP address

The router is only involved in operation local network and does not go beyond its limits, so it can be assigned absolutely any IP address. However, this does not exclude the possibility of IP address conflicts.

Router ProcedureTP-LINK:

MAC address cloning

A MAC address is a unique identifier for a network card. The presence of two identical MAC addresses from the same provider can cause errors and lead to the fact that one of the users will not be able to connect to the Internet.

The problem can arise both in the address of the router and in the address of the computer’s network card.

For the first case, you need to do the same as for changing the router's IP address.

After you have entered the setup service, different steps follow for different routers:

In order to change the MAC address of a computer or laptop, you first need to:

Changing the MTU (Maximum Allowable Packet Size)

Maximum transmission unitmaximum size packet of data transmitted over the network.

Appointed in connection with:

  1. the need to reduce the time for transmitting information in the event of packet loss or defects;
  2. reducing the waiting time for sending subsequent packets;
  3. network buffers are insufficient for large blocks of information.

For the average user, the need to change the value appears extremely rarely, but if the problem with the connection is still not resolved, and there are no other possible options, then you have to get here.

You can configure the packet size:

  1. through command line(via the ifconfig command). As standard, it is the largest possible size to achieve maximum performance;
  2. in order to change it, go to the command line and enter the following:
  • ifconfig fddiO netmask mtu 1500, where the last number determines the maximum allowed packet size.

Any problems with the connection on your side can be corrected with your own hands, but sometimes unforeseen situations happen that only a specialist can handle. If this article did not help you, try contacting your provider for help.

If you are using a Windows computer to connect to a remote computer using a local network or the Internet, sooner or later you may encounter error 720. The error description will indicate that the connection cannot be established and that network settings need to be changed. We will describe in this article what causes such an error to appear and how to get rid of this problem.

Why does error 720 occur?

To connect to remote computers Using a local network or via the Internet, special PPP control protocols are used. If their settings are incorrect or the protocols have been changed, attempts to establish a connection will be interrupted and the user will see error 720.

Most often, this problem appears after uninstalling Avast antivirus software! During the removal process, the settings of those very protocols are affected and to ensure system security, complete blocking remote access.

How to solve error 720 problem

  • Press the Win and R keys on your keyboard at the same time.
  • Enter and confirm the regedit command.
  • In the editing window system registry divided into two columns, find the following entries and delete them using the mouse and context menu called by right-clicking:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2
  • Restart the PC so that the system creates the deleted partitions again, assigning them standard values.
  • Opening all connections from the Panel Windows management, select the local network connection and open its properties using the context menu.
  • In the small system window, find the components section and select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
  • Click the Install button.
  • Select type network component Protocol and click Add.
  • Select Have from disk.
  • Specify the path C:\Windows\inf\nettcpip.inf and confirm the entry.
  • In the list of suggested protocols, also find Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click OK.
  • Reboot the system and try connecting again.

This is one of the most common problems when connecting to a server. Mostly found in Windows 7 and 8. Code 651 indicates a failure in the high-speed connection. It doesn’t matter which provider you use; the problem is relevant for everyone.

The first step, if Internet error 651 appears, is to simply manipulate the router or cable. Most likely the problem lies somewhere in the end user's equipment settings, poor contact, but sometimes also in incorrect configuration of the DHCP server on the part of the provider.

  • Unplug the cable and wait 10 seconds, and then reconnect it to the computer;
  • Reboot the router or 3G, 4G modem. In more modern devices there is a special button, in others you will simply have to unplug it and connect it afterwards;
  • Check with your provider if there are problems on the line. Quite often the problem is on his part.

It is likely that the problem is in the connection settings, so it is recommended to create a new one on the PC and then connect to it. The easiest way to do this is by pressing Win+R at the same time and entering rasphone.exe in the field, and then simply follow the instructions. It is important to correctly specify your own data for connecting to the provider’s server.

Additionally, you can try the following:

  • It is likely that error 651 appeared due to incorrect connection creation; you should carefully double-check the entered data. If you do not have the correct parameters, you can contact the provider's support service. Most likely, the address, password, IP, etc. were entered incorrectly somewhere;
  • Blocked due to Internet protection in a firewall or antivirus. It’s easy to check; you need to disable these tools for a while and monitor the behavior of the network;
  • Computers use a special adapter to connect to Wi-Fi; in Device Manager you should make sure it is enabled.

In many cases, such actions will be enough to restore access to resources via the Internet.

Windows Error 651: Factory Reset

Error 651 when connecting to Internet Windows may occur as a result of a failure in the TCP/IP settings. Most users are helped by a simple reset. There are several ways to achieve the desired result, but the easiest is to download the Fix It utility from the official Microsoft website and run the verification algorithm. Its advantage is autonomy and automation.

Users note that error 651 in Windows 10 and earlier versions is resolved by deselecting the TCP/IPv6 protocol, which is located in the PPPoE properties.

It's done like this:

  • RMB on the active connection and select “Network Center...”;
  • Select “Change adapter settings” from the left menu;
  • RMB on the connection and select “Properties”;
  • Next, select the “Network” tab and find the TCP/IPv6 element, then deselect it.

Driver Update

Connection error 651 Windows 7 may be the result of some failure in the drivers for the network card. This happens due to the installation of programs or other drivers that conflict with the current ones. In some cases, the problem may also occur due to updates.

To fix the problem, you just need to download the driver from the laptop manufacturer’s resource, motherboard or network card module. It is advisable to remove previous drivers before installation.

Perhaps the problem appeared due to the installation of a driver that was installed manually, and it was installed incorrectly or has an incorrect version. In this case, you will have to remove it.

Work with drivers is done in the “Device Manager” menu, which is located in the “System” section.

Users who have multiple installations network adapters, they encounter the problem much more often, so it’s worth disabling one card.

Troubleshooting hardware problems

Connection failure with error 651 can be the result of various system or hardware problems. Before you go to service center It is worth resetting and rebooting the main devices that affect the connection.

  1. Completely turn off the PC, router (or modem), while disconnecting it from the network;
  2. All cables that provide access to the network must be disconnected and checked to ensure that they are intact and have no interruptions, then install them in place;

  1. Boot the PC until it is completely turned on;
  2. Connect a router or other Internet device and wait for it to load.

Famous and effective methods The error resolutions were discussed in the article, but when nothing helps, it is worth checking the functionality of the router or modem itself. This can be done using a different connection. An alternative option is to directly connect the Internet cable to the PC.

We hope the above steps helped identify the problem. If it is a system problem, then it can be eliminated immediately; if it is a hardware problem, then additional repairs or the purchase of equipment may be required.

If you still have questions on the topic “What to do if error 651 occurs when connecting to the Internet?”, you can ask them in the comments

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