
Select an account in the list of users that appears and change the entry group to “regular” or “restricted” in the properties in the “group membership” tab. Alternatively, remove all system users, leaving only the built-in administrator (his default username is always "Administrator").

Now anyone can use the former administrator account. If you have forgotten, you can bypass the system using fairly simple techniques. First, log in as a regular user (if this is not possible, via boot diskette). Open the system directory “System32” (C:WindowsSystem32). Make a backup copy of the "Logon.scr" file. Rename "Cmd.exe" to "logon.scr".

Restart Windows and wait about 10-20 minutes. If you did everything correctly, the command line will appear. At the command line, type “EXPLORER” and log in with full administrator rights. Then you can open accounts in exactly the same way (via the “Run” command) and limit or completely remove rights from each of them.


  • Obtaining rights to files and folders in Windows X
  • how to remove with administrator rights

In order to have access to all computer settings, you must log into the operating system under an administrator account. To do this, you need to perform some simple steps, which in all Windows versions they are the same.


After this, the monitor will go dark for a while, and then the screen will ask you to select an account to log in to. Click on the administrator account. Enter the administrator password and press Enter.

That's it, now you have access to all operating system settings.

Video on the topic

In the operating room Windows system It is possible to create multiple accounts for several computer users. You can restrict user actions account, or vice versa - give it all rights to control the computer.


Open the Start menu and go to Control Panel.

Open User Accounts and Family Safety and click User Accounts and then Manage Another Account.

Select the desired account from the list and click on its icon.

Now select the “Change Account Type” section and check the “Administrator” option, and then click the “Change Account Type” button to make the changes. From this moment on, the user of this account will have administrator rights.

Video on the topic

Only a few users know that it is possible to set up a home local network in such a way that all computers included in it have access to the Internet without purchasing expensive equipment.

You will need


First, select a computer that will be directly connected to the Internet. In this case, the operating system is installed on it Windows Vista. If this computer has only one network adapter, purchase a second network card. It will be needed to connect two computers to a local network.

Purchase a network cable of the required length. Connect with each other using it network cards both computers. Connect the provider cable to the second network adapter of the selected computer. In this case, the method of gaining access to the Internet (via a LAN port or DSL modem) is completely unimportant.

Turn on the first computer. Open the list of available network connections. Select the network adapter that is connected to the other computer. Open its properties. Select "Internet Protocol TCP/IPv4". Click the Properties button. Highlight the "Use the following IP address" option. Set the IP value for this network adapter, equal to

Set up an Internet connection if this operation has not already been performed. Go to properties of this connection. Select the Access tab. Find the option “Allow computers to use this Internet connection.” local network" Specify the network that your two computers form. Save your settings.

Activate the “Use the following IP address” option. Enter its value equal to Press the Tab key to automatically obtain the subnet mask. Find the "Default Gateway" and "Preferred DNS Server" options. Fill them with the IP address of the first computer. Save your network settings.

Video on the topic

Concept Windows security is built on the basis of delimitation of access rights to computer resources in accordance with the rights associated with user accounts. In XP, as in other versions of Windows, there is a superuser account created during installation, named Administrator in English and “Administrator” in the Russian version of the OS. When using the welcome screen, this account is not displayed, so questions like “how to log into XP as an administrator” often appear on IT forums.

You will need

  • - a user account that is a member of the administrators group.


Open a panel window Windows management. To do this, press the Win button on your keyboard or click on the “Start” button located in the taskbar on your desktop. In the menu displayed after this, select the “Settings” item, wait until the child menu appears and click on the “Control Panel” item.

Open the User Accounts folder window. To do this, in the Control Panel window, find the item with the appropriate name and open it. Select the “Open” item in the context menu available when you right-click on the element, or make one or two clicks (depending on the current type of display of the folder contents) on the element with the left button.

Go to the Change User Account Settings window if Control Panel is in Category View. To do this, click on the “User Accounts” element in the current window. If Classic View is enabled in Control Panel, you can: this step you won't have to do it.

Go to the window for configuring user login and logout settings. Open the "Change User Login" item in the "Select a task..." group of the current window.

Disable the use of the welcome page at system startup. Uncheck "Use Welcome Page". Click the “Apply settings” button to commit the changes made.

Restart your computer. Close the Control Panel window. Click on the “Start” button. From the displayed menu, select “Turn off computer.” Next, select the “Restart” option and click OK or click the “Restart” button (the actions will depend on installed version Service Pack for Windows XP). Wait until the system shuts down and then boots up.

Log in with administrator credentials. After the system boots, the “Login to Windows” window will appear. In the "User" field, enter the string "Administrator". In the Password field, enter the administrator password. Click OK.

In the Windows 7 operating system, there is an administrator account, as well as a Super Administrator account. Last entry disabled by default, but it allows you to execute various system commands.

You will need

  • - a computer with the Windows 7 operating system.


Start the Windows 7 operating system, then click the “Start” button or press the Win + R key combination, then in the window that opens, click on the “Run” command, then enter Lusrmgr.Msc, click on the “OK” button. In the menu that opens " Local users and groups" click on the "Users" folder on the left side of the window.

Then, in the list of the central panel, find the “Administrator” account, right-click on it, call the “Properties” option. Go to the “General” tab, uncheck the “Disable account” checkbox. Then click OK.

Enable the Administrator account by running an elevated command prompt. Right-click the Command Prompt icon that appears at the top of the main menu, then select Run as administrator.

In the window that opens, enter the command net user administrator /active:yes, then press Enter. For the Russian version of the Windows 7 operating system, use the command net user Administrator / active: yes. After this, the Administrator account will be enabled and will be available when selected in the welcome window along with other existing accounts. Use it in the same way as another account.

Use the Local Security Policy feature to run an administrator entry. To do this, click the “Start” button to bring up the main menu, click “Run”, and in the window that opens, enter Secpol.msc. Then go to the Local Policies window, then select the Security Options option. In this window, change the account properties and enable the Administrator option. To change your account password, use the following command: net user administrator password.

Windows is a multi-user operating system. Two or more users can work on one computer at once. Sometimes it becomes necessary to delete an account. Deleting a user account is quite simple. However, not everyone knows how to delete or hide the local administrator account in Windows 7. This is the issue that this article is devoted to.

How to hide an account

Removing the basic Administrator account can seriously hamper your ability to use Windows. On behalf of this user, the system is managed and its configurations are changed.

If you don't want someone to log in as an administrator and accidentally damage your computer, the best solution will hide this account.

To hide your account, you can use command line Windows. To do this you will need to do the following:

After completing the steps, reboot your personal computer to confirm your changes. Now the Administrator user account will not be visible in the system management interfaces and the list of accounts available for login.

Deleting a user

You can delete a user from any account that has administrator rights. This can be done through the Control Panel:

Restart your PC to correctly save changes to the registry. However, if you try to delete the admin account in this way, you will not succeed. The required button simply will not be in the list of available operations.

Removing an administrator

To delete the Administrator account, you can use a special service interface, which can be launched through the “Run” dialog. To successfully complete this operation, follow the instructions.

Windows 7 is a multi-user system that allows you to create multiple accounts on one computer. This is a very convenient opportunity - everyone uses their own “account”, has separate folder with documents, own desktop. On the other hand, each profile takes up a certain space, so sometimes it becomes necessary to delete an account in Windows 7.

Deleting accounts

Important! To manipulate other Windows 7 profiles, you must have local administrator rights. Otherwise, you will not be able to change or delete other user accounts.

But what if there is no administrator profile in the list of accounts?

With administrator rights, you can customize Windows 7 by disabling unnecessary services and optimizing the performance of this system.

Control Panel

First of all, try to get rid of the account through the “Control Panel” - this is the simplest and most convenient method that almost always works.

You will be prompted to save the user data stored in the account you are removing from your computer. If there was some important information that you do not want to lose, click the “Save Files” button. As a result, a folder bearing the name of the remote profile will appear on the desktop.
If there is no need to save data, select “Delete files”. After selecting the actions that need to be performed with the files, you will only have to confirm your desire by clicking the “Delete” button again.

Computer Management Console

A warning about the consequences will appear on the screen. If you are confident in your decision, click the “Yes” button to get rid of the account.

Account Manager

System registry

Run system registry, by typing the command “regedit” through the “Run” menu.

Just in case, create a backup copy of the registry so that, if necessary, you can correct errors that lead to unstable system operation. To make a backup copy, open the “File” menu in the Registry Editor and select “Export”.

In the menu on the left, follow the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList.

Now you need to check all sections whose names begin with “S-1-5”. Expand the sections one by one and look at the “ProfileImagePass” parameter, which indicates membership in a specific profile.

The parameter value must correspond to the path to the user directory in the “Users” folder on the system drive.

After finding the desired partition, you need to delete it and at the same time erase the user directory, which is located in the C:\Users folder. After this, you need to restart your computer.

Even if you accidentally delete the wrong entries, you can always restore Windows registry 7. True, there is one condition - you must have backup registry, which you previously saved as a file with the *.reg extension.

IN as a last resort, you can use automatically created backup files that are stored in the “Regback” folder (Windows\System32\Config).

Account - this is a user profile, which includes the user name, password, and the user’s group membership. It also determines its rights to access network and local resources. Accordingly, if you delete a user, all of his personal data will be deleted.

You can delete an account in Windows 7 in two ways. We discussed the first method in the article setting up an account in windows 7 in section Deleting an account.

Now we will look at the second method. Of these two methods, you can choose the more suitable one for yourself and use it.

Step 1. Right click on the icon Computer on the desktop. In the window context menu select Control.

Step 2. Expand the list in the window Utilities, then Local users and click on the folder Users.

Step 3. A list of all users on your computer will appear in the central part of the window. Right-click on the user you want to delete. In the context menu window, select Delete.

Step 4. A window will appear Local users and groups the following content. It will tell you that if you delete your account, all information will be deleted. given user and it will no longer be possible to restore it, even if you create exactly the same account with the same name.
If you really want to delete your account, then click the button Yes.

Deleting a profile may be necessary when deleting old users whom we removed from access to the computer, but files and settings remained on the system after the last login, or when the profile was damaged by a virus and needs to be quickly cleaned.

Important!!! When deleting a user profile, the "Documents" and "Desktop" folders will also be erased, without the possibility of recovery. Don't forget to save them in advance.

Previously, I wrote how to delete a profile manually, and what errors appear in the system when doing so. (Error 1530 User Profiles Service, deleting a user profile manually) Where to start, now in detail.

There are several options, I will describe the shortest one. Let me remind you that all actions are not done from the user’s profile, which we will delete (the System will not provide the opportunity to cut the branch on which the User is sitting).

  • You need to open system properties; previously in Windows XP the window was called “My Computer Properties”. Open " Start"/"Computer"(right-click to open the context menu)/" Properties"
  • In the open window we will see the system properties in a simplified form, but we need to select the item " Additional options systems" (it will require Administrator rights) in the left column.

  • In the window that appears, we select the tab " Additionally" and in the section " User Profiles"press the button" Options..."

  • Next, select the user profile that needs to be deleted and press the button " Delete". We agree with our actions and the profile of the user we have selected will be deleted.

Now, when a user whose profile we deleted logs in, a new one will be created and without errors in the Windows system logs, as was the case when simply deleting the user’s directory from hard drive. This feature was available in early Windows operating systems, since the identifier was stored only in a file NTUSER.DAT the profile itself and was not duplicated in the registry.

When deleting a user profile in this way, we correctly delete only his data from the hard drive (permanently) and certain branches in the registry that signal the presence of a profile in the Windows system. Please note that when you delete a profile, you do not delete the user account itself, but only its files and settings. I guess that's all.

To delete a user account, I will write a little later, with pictures.
