Python Programmer uses a high-level programming language to create client-server applications, different types games, microservices, large and small sites, bots for social networks. Engaged not only in creating software, but also technical support, integration, optimization, trains company personnel to work with programs and services. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Brief description

In the early 90s of the last century, a Dutch developer created Python, which combined features of different programming languages. The high-level language in question ranks 4th in the world rankings; it is used and supported by Mail, Pinterest, Youtube, and the creators of large search engines.

Experienced Python programmers highlight the following: strengths language and the advantages of working with it:

  • language extensibility, integration with C/C++;
  • simplified syntax, Unicode support;
  • cross-platform;
  • dynamic typing;
  • the ability to quickly create the most complex code;
  • a huge number of development environments;
  • can be used to write all types of software products;
  • simplified maintenance of the created software;
  • free license;
  • a large community of competent programmers.

The disadvantages of Python include its slowness and the fact that the language in question is quite specific. Most often, programmers who study this language want to expand their horizons and improve their skills. There is a huge amount of interesting material about Python online: useful books and textbooks, videos, Russian-speaking communities, translated instructions.

Features of the Python programmer profession

Experienced programmers are constantly learning, because if they do not gain new knowledge, the developer will quickly lose both their qualifications and their value in the labor market. Python is a general-purpose programming language that it is desirable for a developer to know. Most often, programmers who already have solid experience with C++ or Java take up learning Python. The fact is that skills in working with object-oriented programming allow you to master Python in a short time.

Many developers consider the Python language to be outdated and too slow, so they do not pay due attention to studying it. But large technology companies are actively using this programming language; it has been at the top of the rankings for many years, thanks to which it can be considered promising.

A Python developer is involved in maintaining the software that he has developed or upgraded, training employees, preparing instructions, and documentation.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. The ability to learn independently, which is convenient for people who decide to move away from complex programming.
  2. Fast learning.
  3. Large Russian-speaking community of programmers.
  4. Beautiful and simple language code, which significantly speeds up the development process.
  5. A small number of programmers who are fluent in Python.
  6. There is a lot of demand, so there will be a lot of work.


  1. Python is less popular than Java and C/C++, which has a significant impact on salaries.
  2. The programming language in question may be a second language, but not a first language.
  3. Python programmers are in demand in well-known companies based in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities. Therefore, a developer who speaks only one programming language may have problems finding work in remote regions.
  4. To get hired in a large company, you must have 2-3 years of experience with Java, C/C++.

Important personal qualities

  1. Patience.
  2. Hard work.
  3. Determination.
  4. Initiative.
  5. Determination.
  6. Self-confidence.
  7. Attentiveness.
  8. Self-control.

Python programmer training

Anyone with a higher technical or IT education can master Python. Receiving a higher education is another plus on your resume, because employers who are looking for Python programmer, give preference to developers with a university diploma.

You can learn the language in 2-6 months through Python programming courses, which can be either paid or free. You can learn Python on your own using videos, blogs, and textbooks. Another good option is a search for a practicing programmer who is ready to take on a student.

Experienced teachers (each with at least five years of experience) help students, this is possible even if the students have no programming experience. Practical classes involve working with real projects. Accordingly, after completing the work, students receive in their portfolio finished works, with whom you can come to job interviews.

Well . You will gain knowledge and skills that allow you to implement projects of varying levels of complexity, from small web applications, simple scripts and programs, to software for spacecraft And artificial intelligence. Training takes place in a convenient and effective format in the form of step-by-step lessons with individual analysis of homework.

Users of the Quora site shared their opinions on which programming languages ​​are currently the most popular.

Nicholas Hargraves, CEO at Cloud Employee

However, it is worth considering that the high demand for a programming language among developers does not at all mean that this language will be in the same demand among clients. And do not forget that the high popularity of a language does not at all guarantee that it will also be highly paid.

Here is a list of the 8 highest paid and in-demand programming languages:

Go is an open-source programming language that allows you to create simple, reliable, and extremely efficient code.

This language has gained popularity due to the fact that it is used by such giant companies as Google, Facebook, Netflix, SoundCloud, Adobe and Dropbox. Its meteoric rise in the popularity rankings is attributed to a number of convenient features, such as efficient parallel processes, high speed and use of memory only when needed. By the way, many people call this language the server language of the future.

2. Objective- C

Generally, Objective-C is used to develop Apple products. The fact that this particular language is associated with Apple attracts the attention of many other projects that choose Objective-C to develop their products. This, in turn, creates a certain demand in the market.

3. Python

Python is a convenient and versatile language that is used in data analysis, mathematical calculations, machine learning, and web development. In addition, it is preferred by large technology corporations such as NASA and Google.

According to the TIOBE ranking, Python is ranked 5th among the most popular programming languages ​​for business. Analysts predict that this language will only expand its sphere of influence, as it has the highest growth rate among programming languages ​​over the past 5 years.

4. Ruby on Rails

This language began to gain popularity after some large international services used it to develop their own web products. With Ruby on Rails you can create a powerful yet uncomplicated application.

5. C#

Being a fairly simple language, C# gained wide popularity after it was introduced by a team from Microsoft. This language is used to perform various tasks - from creating desktop programs to supporting large web portals. If you are planning to create a native application on Microsoft, then you simply need to know C#.

6. Java

This language is not only actively used as the main tool for developing applications on Android, it is also often chosen for creating products in the banking industry and the field of automated testing. Based on its practicality and relevance, Java is an excellent choice for beginners.

7. Swift

Swift is used to develop applications on macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS. Like Objective-C, Swift was developed as recently as 2014 and is often used specifically for Apple products. Its main advantage is the speed and efficiency of development.

8. Kotlin

Already in 2017, Kotlin became official language development for Android products. Given that the language is easy to understand, fully compatible with Java, supported by Google, and has an extremely rapidly growing community, Kotlin looks like a very promising language to learn.

Gaurav Kumar, founder of WebMake

1. SQL

It is not surprising that SQL tops the list of the most popular programming languages ​​- after all, this language is used in a variety of areas and allows you to solve a number of current problems. Database technologies such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server are used by large corporations, small firms, banks, healthcare and education.

In fact, almost any computer and any person with access to modern technologies, somehow uses something related to SQL. For example, all iPhones and all phones on Android based have access to the database SQL data, which is called SQLite.

2. Java

This language is one of the most popular and widely used - it is preferred by about 9 million developers around the world. In addition, this programming language is used to develop native applications for Android. The secret to the popularity of the Java language lies in its ease of readability and simplicity. Java is definitely not going to lose its position in the coming years; besides, it is on the basis of this language that such giant platforms as Netflix, Amazon and LinkedIn are built.

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is another extremely popular programming language that can be used to bring web pages to life and make them interactive. So, thanks to JavaScript you can add various effects to a web page, set up pop-up messages, or create a game with basic functionality. It is also worth mentioning that JavaScript is the scripting language for World Wide Web– it is built into the most popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari.

Almost every website has some JavaScript elements in its structure - which, undoubtedly, directly affects the growth in demand for JavaScript developers. In recent years, this language has also become the main language for the development of Node.js, a server-side technology that, among other things, allows for real-time communication.

Created in the 2000s by Microsoft, the C# language can be classified as a relatively new programming language. C# is used in a wide range of enterprise applications that run on the .NET Framework. An evolution of C and C++, C# is a simple, modern, and secure object-oriented programming language.

5. C++

C++ is a universal object-oriented programming language based on the C language. C++ appeared in 1983, it was developed by Björn Stroustrup at Bell Labs. Stroustrup maintains a detailed list of applications written in his language. This list includes applications from such giants as Adobe and Microsoft, MongoDB databases, and significant parts of Mac OS/X. This language is great for creating applications in the field of game development and audio/video processing.


Python is extremely easy and simple to work with, given that it is very similar to English language. This programming language is perfect for beginners to learn. Today, Python (and not Java, as before) is chosen to study by 8 out of 10 Americans who take programming courses.

Today, PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor) is a scripting language that can be used to create web pages written in HTML. Due to its simplicity, PHP is particularly popular among beginners, but at the same time it also has a huge amount to offer. useful functions and more experienced programmers.

8. Ruby on Rails

Like Java and C, Ruby is a programming language general purpose. It has become widely known as a web programming language. Ruby on Rails has a significant amount of positive qualities, including high development speed. Both large companies and small startups use it for their applications. Hulu, Twitter, Github, and Living Social are some of the more well-known companies that have used Ruby on Rails in at least one of their web applications.

9. iOS/Swift

In 2014 Apple company decided that they needed their own programming language. The result was Swift - new language programming for iOS and OS X developers. The developers note that in Swift you can find a lot of familiar and familiar features from the C++ and Objective-C languages ​​with which they worked previously. It didn't take long for companies like American Airlines, LinkedIn, and Duolingo to catch on to the language, and we're sure to see its meteoric rise in the coming years.

Alex Coninx

I would like to start with the fact that to solve a problem, a language is most often chosen not based on which one is currently “in demand”. This usually takes into account the level of complexity of the task at hand, as well as various restrictions that need to be adjusted to. Such restrictions include time limits, the need for certain reasons to use an “inconvenient” programming language, and much more.

Taking these factors into account, my list looks like this:

  • C++ based on its enormous capabilities and scope of application. This language is a real Frankenstein in the world of programming. It brings together all the best in imperative, object-oriented and even functional aspects. This is an extremely broad language that can be used by most in different ways and for solving a wide variety of problems. As for me, it is this quality that best fits the characteristic of “being in demand.”
  • Assembly, because it is extremely important for a programmer to clearly know how the processor works. It is this knowledge that will help create something as effective and interesting as possible.
  • Functional languages ​​such asLisp AndHaskell are languages ​​that are still difficult for me to master, since I am used to working with procedural and object-oriented programming languages. I still find it difficult to create something using a functional language. It seems to me that this is more a matter of habit, and if I had started my work with these languages, then I would not have had any problems. However, at the moment, functional languages ​​are not an area in which I feel confident, so I would include them in the list of “most in-demand languages.”

Due to its simple syntax, abundance of training materials and high code execution speed, Python allows all efforts to be directed directly to machine learning. The auxiliary code is easy to write.

A recent study from supports this. According to their data, Python is the leader in terms of such indicator as Love-Hate Index (employers preferred JavaScript). The dedication of programmers proves the ease and efficiency of working with this programming language.

The figure above shows the forecast for the demand for different languages ​​by the end of the current decade. As you can see, Python has excellent prospects.

Simplicity of code

The figure below summarizes the philosophy followed by the creator of Python. To summarize, the code should be as simple, efficient and fast to execute as possible.

Machine learning algorithms cannot be called simple, so it is important for the developer not to scatter his attention and to reduce to a minimum the solution of problems associated with AI training. Python's syntax, its conciseness, modularity and scalability make it possible to very quickly prepare the basis for AI training.

Libraries and frameworks

This is another argument in favor of the popularity of Python. There are a lot of libraries and frameworks focused on working with artificial intelligence in the public domain. For work you will need:

  • Numpy - suitable for scientific calculations. Simplifies working with large multidimensional matrices/arrays, and Numpy contains a library of complex mathematical functions for working with these arrays;
  • Sci-Py - its basic data structure is multidimensional array. Used to work with special functions, genetic algorithms, signal and image processing;
  • SciKit-Learn is a well-documented library used for data extraction/analysis. Note that there are a lot of algorithms for machine learning out of the box;
  • Matplotlib - used for data visualization (2D only).

From the frameworks we highlight:

  • TensorFlow is developed by Google. It is used to build and train neural networks, allowing you to achieve almost the level of human perception and image classification;
  • Apache Spark - it is convenient to implement distributed processing of semi-structured/unstructured data through it;
  • CNTK is a Microsoft development, easily scalable, faster than TensorFlow, and very accurate.

As you can see, there is no shortage of tools.

Community support and documentation

The entry threshold is quite low. In addition to the fact that the code is not overloaded with complex structures, Python is also well documented. There is a good set of materials in Russian. The same goes for third-party libraries and frameworks.

Don't discount the huge community of programmers around the world. Even if you encounter an unsolvable problem, you will most likely find answers to your questions on specialized resources.


At the beginning of the material, we called Python practically the only option for machine learning, this is not an exaggeration. If we consider the language from the point of view of training artificial intelligence, then it has no disadvantages. The code is extremely simple, the language is well documented, libraries and frameworks make writing code easier.

These conclusions are confirmed by the demand for Python. By 2020, it may become a leader compared to other programming languages.

From the author: In this article we will look at a very popular and relevant programming language - Python. Let's find out what kind of language it is, where it is used, what you can do with it. Let's consider how, in what areas, and how much developers earn, and what knowledge is needed for this.

What is it and where is it used?

Python's distinctive feature is its easy-to-use syntax, which makes this high-level programming language ideal for both beginners and those looking to change directions in IT.

Python is not a new programming language; it was first introduced in 1991. It's powerful scripting language with a huge number of modules and libraries for almost any task. A huge number of startups are developing in Python. Development on it is used by such giants as YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.

Python is universal and therefore suitable for solving problems in various fields. It can be applied in areas such as development mobile applications for iOS and Android, desktop applications, games, web development, machine learning, data analysis, educational projects, creation of ERP systems, business applications, etc.

Of course, he is not a leader in all areas. For example, in mobile development for Android, Java is most often used, less often C#, C++, and also the increasingly popular Kotlin. For mobile development for iOS they use Swift or Objective-C. Python is often used to program the server side of an application. For example, the Instagram backend is written in Python.

It is a leading language in areas such as:

Web development. One of the three languages ​​(Python, PHP, Ruby) that have developed ecosystems for rapid development of web projects high quality. Python-based frameworks such as Django and Flask have recently gained widespread popularity among web developers. These frameworks allow you to create server code, that is, the back-end part of the application that runs on the server. The Python framework Django is extremely popular at the moment.

The strength of Python is that it allows you to quickly develop complex web applications and has a huge number of high-quality modules.

Data processing. Python is actively used in machine learning, data analysis, and visual representation. If with the analysis and visual presentation of data everything is more or less clear from the names, then we will look at machine learning in more detail using an example.

The system “sees” what videos you watch on YouTube. It doesn’t literally watch videos with you, but based on certain sets of parameters it understands what videos you are watching. When you watch videos, you “train” the system, and it understands which ones you like, which ones you watch most often, and in recommended videos it produces videos on topics that are interesting to you.

Today machine learning is a very popular direction in development.

Writing scripts. This is usually understood as creating small programs to automate simple tasks. For example, companies use various customer support systems for email. To analyze received messages, companies need to count how many of them contain certain keywords.

This can be done either manually, or you can write a simple program (script) to automatically process messages. Python is great for tasks like this, mainly because of its relatively simple syntax and because it's quick and easy to write and test in. small projects.

Python Features

A simple, easy and accessible language to learn. Python has readable syntax. It is much easier to read and write programs in it compared to other languages. It makes programming fun and allows you to focus on the solution rather than the syntax. Starting learning with Python is a great choice for beginners.

Not too strict. There is no need to define the type of the variable. There is no need to add “;” at the end of the line. Python forces you to follow readable code practices (like consistent indentation). These little things can make learning much easier for beginners.

Expressiveness of language. Python allows you to write programs with more functionality and fewer lines of code. You'll be surprised how much you can do with Python once you learn the basics of the language.

Standard libraries for solving common problems. Python comes with a number of standard libraries, which makes a programmer's life easier since there is no need to write all the code yourself.

Great community and support. There are many active forums on the Internet to help when questions arise.

Popularity of Python

Python is becoming extremely relevant for all developers to learn and grow. It is a real favorite among beginners and even experienced developers due to its simple syntax and usage.

Video presentation of the course “Python. Complete Guide"

The field of programming has remained in demand for several decades, as it is constantly necessary to create various programs, scripts, etc. This article talks about one of the most popular programming languages ​​- Python.

Python - what is it?

Python (pronounced Python in Russian) is one of the most popular and in-demand programming languages. The first version was released in 1991 and has been updated periodically every since then. 2-3 years.

Python is suitable for various areas of programming:

  1. System programming: searching for electronic catalogs, launching other programs.
  2. Graphical programming: development of applications with a web interface.
  3. Web scenarios: searching, receiving, transmitting, retrieving information, loading web pages, transferring and processing files, etc.
  4. Creation of prototypes.
  5. Creation of programs for calculations.
  6. Development of robot programs, games and other things.


The advantages of Python include:

  • Simplicity. It is often recommended as a first “base” language because it is very easy to learn and perform. When writing a program, it is not necessary to use curly braces, as in other languages, which allows you to avoid being distracted by switching between keys and focus more on developing the program.
  • Wide range of applications. Python is used almost everywhere: for creating websites, games, development software, 3D modeling and even photo processing. There are different tools and language programs for this. Many large companies (Google, Instagram, Facebook) use Python.
  • Licensed and free. The main advantage of this language is the presence of a license, its accessibility and freeness. This allows you to use Python without restrictions, even in schools. You can also learn this language absolutely free through various courses and video lessons.
  • Support. Python is supported by developers and the programming community (ordinary users), so if any problem arises, you can always find out how to solve it directly.
  • Extensive libraries. Python has standard libraries that can be used to work with electronic resources, databases, Internet protocols, and other tools.
  • Suitable for most types of modern operating systems . Scripts written in Python are suitable for iOS, Android, Windows and other types of OS. This allows the programming language to be used in a wide variety of areas.
  • Prospects. This is one of the main factors for learning Python - the language will be in demand for several more years due to its advantages. Therefore, if you want to learn programming, you should not think that Python is not suitable for this at all, since it is already “outdated2” - this is not so.


This programming language also has disadvantages:

  • Unusual syntax. If you learn Python as a second language, it will be difficult to get used to it due to the lack of parentheses and some symbols. But if the language is studied as a base language, then this problem is solved.
  • Low program execution speed. Programs written in Python run slower than similar programs written in other languages. But this problem can be solved using special virtual machines.
  • Incorrect code copying. If you copy program code from another resource, it will be inserted into the text without indentation and will not work. You'll have to spend time adding spaces.
  • Converting a program to exe. Programs written in Python have a “py” extension and must be converted to exe to be used on Windows. After this, the amount of memory occupied by the program increases several times. The problem of increasing memory can be solved by removing unnecessary libraries, but after this action the program may work worse.
  • Inability to write drivers. Some programmers have pointed out that Python is not intended for writing driver software because it does not have the tools to do so.
  • Incompatibility different versions language. Python 2.x and Python 3.x will exist in parallel for now and over the next several releases, with the second version being used for version compatibility. However, the third version is not backwards compatible with the second and when writing Python 2.x version codes in Python 3.x it will generate an error.

Is it worth studying and how promising is it?

If you want to learn programming, then Python is the place to be. ideal option. Its simplicity and brevity allow you to quickly master the basics of programming and start developing your own programs and scripts. Python is also suitable for use in system administration, due to the presence of libraries that provide access to the management of the entire computer system.

Python will not lose its relevance and relevance in the coming years. It can be used both as a main tool for developing programs and applications, and for creating extensions of ready-made applications. Despite its shortcomings, Python is the most convenient and understandable tool for writing programs. Python's shortcomings cause inconvenience mainly to experienced programmers.

You can learn Python programming on your own using Internet resources. But to begin with, it is best to take special courses (not in online format) to better understand the basics and study the programming language more deeply. If it is impossible to attend “live” courses, you can take individual remote training with the opportunity to communicate with the teacher.
