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Hello network traveler, you were brought to the blog, today I will share with my readers how I do internal linking on my Internet projects.

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About the importance internal linking of website pages there is a lot of information on the Internet, each SEO blog contains one or a series of articles on this topic, but for novice webmasters it may not be clear how to do it correctly.

Everything is clear with importance, but how to properly carry out internal linking can be difficult, and so I decided to write this post and tell you how I do it!

Well, of course, at the beginning of the article, just in case, I’ll reveal general questions internal linking of site pages, in case someone is still off topic.

What is internal linking? Linking within a site is when one article links to another, that is, the internal page of a blog contains links to other articles of the same resource.

Why is it necessary to link pages within a website? First of all, linking is created for the convenience of your visitors.

So that the person who comes to your site, having received the information he needs, can also receive an addition to it by clicking on internal thematic links.

The second most important thing about internal linking is improving statistics. I think everything is clear here, if a person came to your project from a search engine, spent a lot of time on your page, and also made an internal link and did not return back to the search, then you can do conclusion that the information found satisfied him, search engines this is seen and taken into account.

And if you have a lot of such visitors, then your site will earn the trust of search engines and will rise in the search results, so you need to strive for your visitors to make a lot of internal transitions, and for this you need to place a lot of thematic internal links.

The third thing why internal linking is useful to you is to increase your positions in search engine results for low-frequency and even mid-frequency queries, that is, you need to use a promoted query in the anchors of internal urls (link text), I will tell you in more detail how I do this a little lower.

The fourth important function of website linking is the distribution of PR (what is) and increasing the internal weight of pages.

I think it’s clear to everyone that if a page is linked to by a large number of other internal pages, then it is the most important on a given project, and this indicator affects the ranking, and it is easier to bring such an article to the top.

In this way, you can catch up on the PR indicator, for example, on the main page, even without using external links.

The fifth possibility of internal linking is .

Let's say a search robot comes to a page, finds a new link on it, which it follows and indexes new page, and so on, walking through all the URLs of your site.

By the way, I’ll say by the way, these search robots crawling around your blog like this can create a serious load on the server, so you need to use the appropriate directive.

The sixth point in importance of linking can be attributed to copying.

No, of course they will steal content, but there are auto-filled web sites that automatically rob directly from RSS feeds.

And in this case, the stolen article will be posted with all internal urls, if you set them.

Personally, I have already discovered 4 resources that steal my articles in this way.

Now I’ll tell you how to do it correct internal linking of the site, there are two ways, automatic and manual.

Of course, manual linking gives the best results in terms of search engine results and I will talk about it at the end of the article, but now the story will be about automatic linking.

Automatic internal linking.

This type of internal linking is the easiest for a webmaster, once you set everything up and everything works automatically, but it does not give the same effect for increasing positions in search engines as manual, of course, in terms of increasing user activity on your site, such linking is just the thing!!! So let's go!

That is, if you have a lot of sub-categories and materials on your blog, then the user can simply get lost and have no idea where exactly he is, but here everything is visible and he will be shown his entire path.

Implementation on Joomla –

Manual linking is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming process, but if done correctly, the result will be wonderful.

Well, the first thing I want to say is that when writing new articles, you need to refer to old ones that fit into the topic of the new one, this is clear and easy!

How to make the correct link to a new page? Personally, I use search on my blog. Let's say I have a custom search installed from Google (those who have Yandex search installed will also work), so I enter the query I am promoting into the search form and I am given the results of the most relevant pages according to the search engine.

Of course, the first materials in this internal search results will be the most relevant.

By the way, check out how to do it, if you don’t want to use this software, then there is a service that will track your blog’s positions for free for queries in Yandex and Google and you will see all the movements by day and month, I talked about this system in the article .

But that's not all! It’s easiest to move to the top if the search query already occupies some places in the search.

Even if your article is written for a specific midrange request, it may appear in search results for many low frequency queries that we can easily promote and, as a result, receive traffic that exceeds even the number of visits from this midrange request, internal linking and statistics will help us with this Liv Internet and

Go to your liveinternet statistics, click on the “positions in Yandex” tab and see what positions you already occupy.

We are not interested in the first and second positions; we are already at the top, but we will look at the third to twentieth positions.

Let's say you have selected several queries that interest you for which you rank 12-13, that is, on the second page in Yandex results (the first page is 1-10 place), now we go to and evaluate them by frequency, that is how many times a month do users type this exact request, if it’s less than 50, then it’s not worth taking on, “the game is not worth the candle,” but from 100 to 1000, I think it’s just right!

Now, personally, at this stage of internal linking and promotion of queries that already occupy specific places in the search results, I create a file using a notepad, where I write down the promoted query, its details, and the place it occupies before promotion.

Now I go to the search on my blog, enter this query and in the first ten materials I put the reverse internal urls to the desired material with the anchors I need.

The same can be done with liveinternet positions in Google.

Now I wait for about two weeks to a month, check the positions and see if any movement has occurred; as a rule, the low frequency should have risen well.

And depending on the space occupied, I also add internal links.

If I really need a query in the top 3, then in addition to internal linking from old pages, I write new articles on a similar topic with a similar set of keywords, from which I add links accordingly.

This is how, with just one internal link, you can get to the top and collect tons of traffic.

Internal sewerage in its structure is practically no different from. Even in some moments it is easier to do.

Firstly, most pipes are not 110, but 50 size (internal diameter in millimeters). Secondly, these pipes are much easier to join yourself without the help of another person. Thirdly, they cut faster and easier. By the way, we cut both wide and thin pipes with an ordinary wood hacksaw with hardened teeth made in Germany.

The main meaning in internal sewerage is the same as in external sewerage. Horizontal sections must be laid with a certain slope. Only in pipes with a diameter of 50 mm is it necessary to make a slope of 1 cm more. For every meter of pipe there is a 4 centimeter slope (in pipes with a diameter of 110 mm this slope was 3 centimeters).

Why is such a specific slope needed at all? Why can’t it be 10 or 15 centimeters per 1 meter, because the greater the slope, the better the water will drain? That's right, the water will drain better, but if we only poured water into the sewer. The fact is that with a large slope of the horizontal section of the sewer, the water will flow away too quickly and it will turn out that the water will drain, and small solid particles of debris may remain in the pipe. This is especially important for sewer pipes through which waste from toilets passes. In this case, if the slope is very large, then the water leaves and the poop))) remains in the pipe.

But I would like to immediately note that deviations from the norms of slopes can be allowed, but only in areas of no more than 1.5 meters. If you need to change the slope in a small area up to 1.5 meters long, you can safely do it upward. This, as I was told, is the norm.

Just like when laying large pipes, it is better to replace all 90-degree elbows with two 45-degree elbows. This is 2 times more expensive per elbow, but your sewer will be much better protected from blockages.

It is also very important when laying sewers on long horizontal sections to install so-called revisions. What is it? I'll tell you with an example. From the washbasin and dishwasher in the kitchen there is a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, the length of this section is 7 meters. So, approximately in the middle of this section, I brought the pipe up to the floor level. This outlet will be at the level of the finished floor with a plug. I made it in the corridor near the wall. Then there will be either a cabinet or a mirror. But if the sewer gets clogged, it is very difficult to break through a 7-meter section. And with such revisions everything will be much simpler. I hope that it will not be useful, but it would be better. It is recommended to do exactly the same for.

All internal sewage pipes were laid in a dug trench and covered with sand. Then you need to pour water, compact this sand well under the pipes with your hands, and then add more sand, pour in more water, and preferably walk around.

That's it. Now photo report:

Left: black, thinnest pipe - water pipe; the thickest pipe - output to the inspection floor level for cleaning the sewer; middle pipe - outlet for washing machine slightly above floor level. Right: outlet for the toilet and riser to the second floor. On the right in the corner: outlet for the washbasin in the toilet. Note: This is the furnace room and toilet on the first floor. There will be a partition between them in the future.

The outlet in the kitchen for the sink and dishwasher is slightly above floor level. In the future there will still be a bifurcation there.

Correct linking on a website is one of the important aspects of internal optimization. It is not needed to distribute weight between pages, as some may believe in the old fashioned way. These are the paths through the site that the user takes. And they should be laid out in such a way that he will definitely come to perform the target action. We'll tell you how to do this in a new post.

What is linking and why is it needed?

Interlinking is the “stitching” of website pages using links.

Linking can be internal and external.

Internal linking- this is the arrangement of links within one site.

Internal linking tasks:

  • improvement (the site becomes convenient and understandable);
  • pages (search engines better understand the structure of the site - which pages lead where, which of them are more important);
  • increasing the relevance of pages (through the use of different key queries search engines better understand what queries to rank a page for in search).

Due to correct internal linking, it is possible to:

  • improve behavioral indicators (increase time spent on the site, browsing depth, reduce failures) and, therefore, “pull up” positions in the search;
  • increase the level of conversion on the site (purchases, applications, subscriptions, etc.).

External linking- this is the placement of links from your own website to other sites (websites, social network pages, catalogs, etc.). Do not confuse external linking with . When they talk about external linking, they mean outgoing links, and by link building they mean increasing the incoming link mass.

External linking tasks:

  • providing users with access to useful information posted on external resources;
  • indication of the original source of data (for example, when quoting or translations);
  • redirecting traffic to partner and affiliate resources.

External links are useful for visitors because they do not need to make additional manipulations to go to third-party resources. Moreover, search engines increase the ranking of sites that link to reputable sites.

How to do internal linking correctly

You can find many different linking schemes on the Internet - “ring”, “star”, “herringbone”, etc. In 2018, linking is based not on conventional figures, but on the benefits for visitors and, ultimately, the owner of the resource (after all user actions should lead to conversion).

Collection of data for linking

If your site has been running for some time and has collected enough statistics, information about link clicks can be obtained using the “ Link Map ” tool in Yandex.Metrica. You'll see which links are clicked on the most and you'll be able to spot patterns.

Fragment of “Link Maps” of Yandex.Metrica

But if the site is new, the “Link Map” will not provide information. In this case, use Yandex and Google search suggestions, which are formed based on user needs.

Let's look at an example. Let's say you have an online hardware store. You want to place quick links to popular models from the “Smartphones” catalog page. To do this, enter the phrase in Yandex "buy a smartphone" and get a list of tips. Users who want to buy a smartphone are likely to be interested in inexpensive smartphones, Samsung smartphones and Xiaomi, popular models and new products.

We write down all the “wishes” and get, in fact, a list of pages that are worth referring to and to which some users will definitely go. Even if they don’t buy the product, you will receive , which means your site’s position will increase.

Collecting clues manually is labor-intensive. To simplify and speed up your work, you can use the “ ” tool in SeoPult. Specify the list key phrases, select search engines (Yandex and/or Google), region, rules and collection depth (maximum - up to level 3) and click the “Run scan” button.

The finished result can be downloaded in XLSX format.

The final report looks like this:

The report contains enough information to understand the needs of users and make high-quality linking.

In addition to search suggestions, you can use similar queries for linking, which are displayed under the search results.

The same queries are available in the Yandex.Wordstat service (right column):

To collect similar queries, another SeoPult tool is suitable - “Collection of association phrases”. It works similarly to the tool for collecting search tips discussed above.

Why did we dwell in such detail on collecting phrases? The fact is that without understanding the needs of users, working on interlinking makes no sense. If you place links at random, chaotically, or, conversely, “ring”, there will be no targeted transitions on them.

Internal linking methods

You can set up linking on the site in different ways- below are typical examples of placing links between pages of the site.

Main menu

These are end-to-end links that are contained on all pages of the site. In a horizontal menu, they usually link to the page “About us”, “”, “Terms of payment and delivery”, etc. It is not recommended to link to home page, since it is usually linked to from the logo and/or header of the site.

The link to the current page should not be active (for example, if you went to the “Contacts” page, then when you click on the “Contacts” menu item, the page should not reload). In addition, do not use more than 7 links in the menu, otherwise the perception of information may deteriorate.

Product menu (catalogue, category menu)

Two types of menu

When placing links in the product menu, pay attention to the following points:

  • consider only the most popular search queries(for example, hallways can be brown, light, orange and whatever, but you have determined that users are most interested in white, black and black and white - these are the colors that should be indicated in the menu. If you specify too many links, then the site will be inconvenient to use, which will lead to worsening behavioral factors);
  • in the names of sub-items, avoid spam (for example, in the item “Hallways” there is no need to name the sub-items “Modular hallways”, “Small hallways”, etc. To understand the essence, it is enough to indicate only a descriptive characteristic - “Modular”, “Small”. Users and so they will understand that we are talking about hallways);
  • add pictures to the section names (this move will help improve the visual perception of the site. Under no circumstances replace text with pictures - the names of items and sub-items should be in the form of text that is understandable for search engines).

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Typically, recommendation blocks are used in . Here you can display similar products (smartphone 1, smartphone 2, ...), related products (headphones, charger, ...) or popular products from different categories. Do not draw conclusions of complementary positions randomly without any logic - this will not give the desired result.

Products can also be offered taking into account browsing history - in this case, the likelihood of clicks on links increases.

Recommendation links can also be placed on the catalog section page to clarify the user's request. For example, those who are in the “Tables” category can be asked to go to the subcategories “Dinning tables”, “Computer tables”, “Chairs”. Again, this technique will allow you to unload the complex and voluminous catalog menu in the left sidebar.

For informational sites, recommendation blocks look different: here it is important to involve users in viewing new pages with content. Therefore, blocks with interesting posts, the latest news, the most popular pages, the most commented articles, etc. are used.


Each product can be described by different parameters that cannot be included in the menu. For example, a cabinet can be brown, made of chipboard, 100 cm wide, 50 cm deep. In order to simplify the search for products and navigate the site, tags are used - links to specially created pages on which products of a given category are grouped.

You might argue that all this can be taken into account in filters. Yes, this can and should be done - put all possible search characteristics into filters. However, the filtering results are not indexed by the search robot, so the most popular queries should be separated into separate ones and referred to using tags.

Example of tags on a category page

Tags are also suitable for information sites - they are used to link similar articles. Tag only those queries that are the most popular (see above on how to determine demand). Otherwise, you risk making the page visually heavier. Maintain balance.

Contextual linking

These links are placed in the descriptive part of the page (for example, in an article) and lead to other pages on the site. Such links are rarely used in product cards because they lead users away from them. But on the main page and in categories they are quite appropriate. For example, in the Laptops category, you can send users to an article with useful information about how to choose a laptop.

Linking a catalog section with info pages

If your store website has an information section, contextual links included in the text help redirect traffic to commercial pages, for example, product cards, etc.

Contextual linking of the article with catalog sections and product cards

You can also link different articles to each other (we use this technique in the posts of this blog), but it is important that they are related thematically and complement each other.

Breadcrumbs (“breadcrumbs”)

Be sure to use this linking method on all pages so that the visitor understands where he is and can return to the previous stage at any time.

It is better to use detailed chains that show the entire path to the current page, rather than abbreviated ones (when only the first page and the “Back” link are indicated). More about creation bread crumbs read our newsletter.

HTML site map

This is a separate page that contains links to all pages of the site. It helps to understand its structure. This is useful both for users and for improving the indexing of pages by search engines. See instructions for creating a sitemap.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when linking:

  • use only dofollow links;
  • do not adjust linking to any rules - use the principle of common sense and benefit for visitors;
  • It is not recommended to make excessive links from product cards (for example, to pages about delivery and payment), this can lead the user away from the goal; place all the necessary service information immediately on the card in a brief form;
  • avoid (when the page links to itself);
  • do not put too many links from one page (only the most relevant);
  • do not often link from internal pages to the main page;
  • pages that are linked from the main page are indexed faster;
  • regularly check the site for broken links (which lead to pages with a code other than 200) and remove them.

How to do external linking correctly

Many webmasters are afraid to link to external resources, citing the fact that the “weight” of pages leaks through external links and this negatively affects rankings. Indeed, this was the case before. But it's 2018 - search engines work on the basis artificial intelligence, and for them user satisfaction comes first.

For example, in the current article, when mentioning Yandex.Wordstat, we included an outgoing external link. As a result, you do not need to go to the search engine, enter “Yandex.Wordstat” and click on the link in the search - you go to this service directly from the article. Is this convenient? Yes. If you are interested in an article, you open Wordstat, move between pages, test the methodology described in the article, and read it further. And nothing “leaks” from this link, but behavioral factors On the contrary, they are improving.

Despite the obvious benefits of outgoing external links, they need to be placed correctly. Here are the basic rules:

  • each external link must be relevant and fit organically into the context (otherwise search engines may consider that the link is posted on a paid basis and apply sanctions);
  • if you are not sure about the reliability of the site you are linking to, add it to the link - in this case, search engines will not index it, but users will be able to follow it;
  • do not mask links using scripts;
  • make links clearly distinguishable from the main text;
  • use natural anchors (brand names, website URLs, index anchors - “link”, “here”, “instructions”, “site”, “useful resource”);
  • avoid anchors with obvious commercial overtones (with the words “buy”, “order”, “price”);
  • Using surrounding text, let users know that after clicking on the link they will go to an external resource;
  • Be sure to set up external links to open in a new window - otherwise behavioral indicators will suffer.

If you follow these tips, outgoing links from yours will only work as a plus.

Linking on a website is not an easy task

To solve this problem, you will need to analyze requests, study the behavior of site visitors, and determine which pages and how will be connected to each other. If you find it difficult to do it yourself, you can enlist support

Step 1
First, go to your group and in the “Latest News” block (in this case, I renamed it to “Menu”) click the “Edit” link, which appears when you hover over it. Important! Firstly, you must have exactly Open group, not Page. Because there is simply no such item on the Page. And second, in the Community Management > Information > Materials menu, the “Open” item should be selected.

Step 2
In the “Editing” tab we write the phrase [[Web design theory]], enclosed in double square brackets. Then click on the “Save Page” button.

Step 3
After that, a “Preview” link will appear next to the button, click on it. A preview of our menu will open below, where we see the link “Web design theory” appearing below.

Step 4
Click on this link and go to the created page called “Web Design Theory”. Then click on the “Fill with content” link. Next, edit the text as usual text editor— insert pictures, texts, videos and other objects. In this case, our created page will have a URL like

Alternative way to create an internal page
Eat alternative way page creation. It is mainly suitable for public pages (public pages), since the method described above is not suitable for them. To do this we will use the following code
where instead of XXX we will substitute the id of our group, and instead of the text “Page Name” we will write Menu. Now we need to find out the group id. How to do this? We go to the main page of the group and look at our posts on the wall - right under the “Add post” block it will say “All posts” - click on this link.

We go to the page and see a URL like this, where the numbers 78320145 in this example are the group id. We substitute our data into the source code and get a record like this: your numbers!). Paste this line into the address bar of the browser and press Enter. So we created a new VKontakte page.

Linking is...

...linking pages through links. Links can be placed both from one site to another and within a site.

There are external and internal.

External is the linking of pages of several sites, when a link from one leads to another.
Internal linking is the linking of pages within one site. It is one of the most important factors in internal optimization. This is due to the fact that the static weight of the page is transmitted through links; accordingly, with the help of well-configured linking, you can improve rankings for high-frequency, mid-range and especially low-frequency queries.

Let's talk about the internal one.

How to properly link a website: the basics

When distributing requests, you must adhere to the following rule: all high-frequency requests go to the main page, high-frequency requests go to secondary pages (sections), and low-frequency requests go to third-level pages (product cards, articles, etc.).

There are three basic linking schemes:

“Ring” - all the weight is transferred to low-frequency requests, and they, in turn, are interconnected.

“Star” - uniform distribution of weight throughout the site. When the main page, sections (categories) and products are on promotion.

“Ladder” (Hierarchical) - weight is transferred to mid-frequency queries. Promotion of sections and categories.

  1. Cross-links. Links from the site bar, horizontal menu and the footer should lead to all the most basic sections and subsections. Moreover, it is desirable that they be accessible not only from the main page, but also from other pages.
  2. Bread crumbs. Not only helps the user not to get lost on your site, but also transfers weight from child pages to parent pages. And if you use them keywords, then you can also increase relevance.
  3. Link from logo. Place a link from your site's logo to the home page in the format: (or, depending on the settings of the main mirror). Write keywords in alt and title.

  • Add a sitemap (not to be confused with sitemap. xml). Having a site map significantly speeds up the indexing process. In addition, you can link to it from the 404 page. If there are too many links, you can clear the map of pages like “cart” and “ personal account” and leave only landing pages.
  • Link promoted pages to each other. This way you can extend the effect of external links (which are often difficult to find due to the fact that high-quality external links are not cheap) to other pages of the resource.
  • Place links correctly in the text:

There should not be too many anchor links in the text.
There are exceptions when the link is very “on topic”, or the text is too large and a slightly larger number of links will not be very noticeable. But in most cases, you shouldn’t overdo it with links, because this one can not only be visually repulsive, but also be considered spammy. Follow the rule of no more than 3 links per 1000 characters and no more than 50 links per page.

Link anchors should be different.
Links with repeated anchors can be “glued together” and then the transfer of weight will be cut down, in addition, a large number of links in text descriptions with the same anchor can be considered search engines like spam. Come up with different texts for internal linking and do not forget about relevance.

  • Create a blog for your resource
    Create a section on your website to post high-quality and thematic articles that may be of interest to your user. Articles should be tailored to information requests that can be selected in Yandex. Wordstat and Google Planner. Place internal links from them to promoted sections and increase the weight of promoted pages.
  • Link old content to new content
    Are you adding new content? Wonderful. Place links from it to old pages, and from old to new ones. And you will be happy. New content will be indexed faster, and old content will improve relevance.
  • Also remember that pages should not link to themselves and you should not additionally highlight link anchors in the text.
    It is necessary to place links correctly. Internal linking is a user's guide to the site, allowing him to save time on searching necessary information. The search robot thus gets an idea of ​​the site structure. Internal linking occupies a crucial place in SEO optimization. And is effective method site promotion, due to which you can significantly increase the site’s position.
