Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will continue the series of lessons on Joomla.

The topic of today's publication is the organization, presentation and management of website content (content). We will also look in detail at the nuances of deleting sections, categories and materials, and also study in detail possible settings options that can be made when adding new material.

Content structure and hierarchy in Joomla

Organizing and displaying content on project pages is carried out using components that are . To work with articles, a built-in component for working with content is used. True, access to its settings is somewhat different from usual and for this you will need to select from the top menu not the “Components” item, but the “Materials” item.

It allows you to organize articles into sections and categories or leave them uncategorized. Joomla also has other components that can display their content on site pages.

This is, for example, a built-in default component for contacts or displaying a list of web links. You can also use third-party extensions, for example, which is used to organize all kinds of photo galleries. Follow the link provided to find a detailed publication on this fascinating process.

Displaying content is also possible using modules that display their content around the periphery of the main part of the page. In this article, we will take a closer look at output methods using a built-in component designed for working with articles.

The texts of articles are stored in a database, and not in folders on the hosting hard drive. This organization allows you to very quickly reorganize content in Joomla. Instead of moving files with texts from one directory to another, it is enough to set new attributes for the article and it will instantly be assigned to another section and category.

As I mentioned earlier, the CMS does not store pages as files with the “.HTML” extension, as was previously done in static sites. Joomla generates a web page the moment a link is clicked, making it easy to modify the documents being viewed by changing the links in the menu. The information content itself will remain unchanged.

In the simplest case, a link from the menu can open one single article from those that you have already added to. But it will also be possible to organize the display of the contents of an entire category or section (a list of all materials contained in them in one form or another) on a web page.

And in this case, you will also only need to follow the link from the menu. You can configure what exactly will be displayed when you click on a link in the menu in the admin panel by selecting the option you need. But we'll talk about this a little later.

The easiest way to organize content is to use unclassified articles, which will not belong to any sections or categories. This method may be relevant and in demand when creating a business card website on Joomla, for example, when a hierarchical organization is simply redundant and unnecessary.

In this case, it will be possible to attach a separate article to each menu link by creating items in the admin panel called “Standard material template”. In this case, you will spend a minimum amount of time creating a website, because... you don’t have to deal with all the intricacies and withdrawal methods. All you have to do is write several articles and post each of them on a link in the menu. That’s it – we can assume that the business card has been created.

But this will be convenient and relevant only if there are no more than a dozen articles. And if there are more of them and you plan to add them over time, then you can’t do without a hierarchical organization of content. For these purposes, sections and categories (two-level hierarchy) are used, into which it will be possible to scatter both existing materials and those that will be added over time.

The top level of the hierarchy is sections in which content (materials) cannot be directly placed. To post articles, categories are used, which in turn must necessarily belong to some section. Simply put, sections contain only categories, but categories contain articles (content).

The hierarchy will look something like this:

The best option would be when you think through the structure of the sections and the categories nested within them in advance. This will be much easier than transferring a bunch of materials between them later. I have already discussed the nesting scheme in some detail, so I will not repeat it. There he also talked about their creation and settings.

Now I want to dwell on the process of filling the site with content. Everything seems to be simple here - enter texts in a visual editor, insert pictures and save the result. But at first, you may encounter minor difficulties and misunderstanding of how to do this or that action. Still, Joomla does not have a completely intuitive interface, which means there is work for me.

Deleting sections, categories and materials in the admin panel

But before you learn how to create content, I suggest you learn how to delete it correctly. Again, there is nothing tricky or complicated here, but there are nuances that may arise. Your content may end up in a new project because, for example, when running the engine, you did not uncheck the box requiring the addition of demo data.

They, of course, will allow you to clearly see all the engine’s capabilities for working and managing content. You will see actually placed in positions for your modules, look at the organization of materials in the Joomla admin panel and, finally, you will be ready to start adding your own articles, categories and sections, but for this you will need to first delete all demo data.

If you install the engine along with demo materials, many different sections, categories and articles are created that you will not need in the future. They will need to be removed. It seems like nothing complicated, but you need to know a few things that might get in the way.

Firstly, deletion must begin from the very bottom of the hierarchy, i.e. from articles. Because it will not be possible to delete a category in which there are articles and it will not be possible to delete a section in which there are categories.

Secondly, the article may be blocked and you will have to reset the blocking to delete it. Well, besides this, you need to know that when you delete them from the manager, they will not be completely erased, but will end up in the trash, from which they will also need to be removed. But first things first.

To delete articles in Joomla, you will need to select “Materials” - “Material Manager” from the top menu in the admin panel. In the window that opens, you can use filters to display only articles from a specific section or category.

If you see a lock icon instead of a switch in this list next to a publication, this means that it is not currently being edited. Those. A window with a page for editing this article is open in the browser. Or you closed it, but forgot to click the “Close” or “Save” button on the editing page. Therefore, it is considered open and cannot be deleted from the Joomla database.

In this case, in order for the blocked publication to be deleted, you will have to select “Tools” - “Reset blocking” from the top menu in the admin panel. After this, all materials will be unlocked and they can be deleted:

In the materials manager, you can select individual ones to delete by checking the box, or delete the whole pack at once. You can also use a filter to display materials only from a certain section or category, and then select the “All” option at the very bottom of the list in the “Number of Rows” area:

Now you just need to check the top box in the column next to the name and click on the “Add to cart” button located at the top of the window. All the articles you selected will be moved to the trash:

To permanently delete them, you need to select “Materials” - “Trash” from the top menu in the admin panel and in the window that opens, select all the articles located there, and then click on the “Delete” button located at the top of the window:

That's it, the materials are finished, now all that remains is to go one by one to the category and section managers (from the top menu of the admin panel) and delete all unnecessary categories that no longer contain articles, and then unnecessary sections that no longer contain categories.

Well, we’ve learned how to delete content from Joomla, now it’s time to learn how to create it. Destroying, as you know, is easier than building. I won’t talk about creating a structure of sections and categories, because... I had a whole article devoted to this (the link to which is given just above), and I’ll move straight to adding new material.

Adding and distributing content in Joomla

To do this, you will need to select “Materials” - “Manager” from the top menu of the admin panel. A window that is already familiar to us will open, where the headings of all the articles on your site will be displayed. If you just deleted all demo data, this list will be empty. Let's take a look at the toolbar of the Material Editor window and look at the purpose of the buttons there:

The first two buttons “From archive” and “To archive” are used to unpack articles from the archive and to place them in the archive. The very rarely used ability to work with archives, in my opinion, is practically useless and unnecessary in work.

The “Show” and “Hide” buttons allow you to carry out mass publication (displaying materials on the site pages) or mass removal from publication. To do this, you will need to check the boxes next to those articles to which you want to apply this action, and then click on one of these buttons.

You can customize the display of materials for individual articles in the list by clicking on the red cross or green checkmark in its line:

The “Move” button allows you to move the selected materials (opposite which you check) to another category or section of Joomla. The “Copy” button only allows you to copy them. “Add to Recycle Bin” allows you to move selected materials to the Recycle Bin, from which they can then be restored or permanently deleted.

“Edit” allows you to open the selected article for editing (equivalent to clicking on the title of the article in the manager list). “Create” allows you to open a window for adding new material, where you can write the text of your article.

The “Options” button allows you to set default settings for all materials. They will be used by default for all new materials that you add to Joomla in the future, as well as for those articles that you have already added:

You will be able to change almost the same settings for materials (with some exceptions) when writing or editing each individual article (read more about this at the end). Of course, it is much more convenient to ask required settings by default, and when writing articles, change them only as necessary if they are not suitable for this particular publication.

Creating a new article in the Joomla admin panel

To add new material, we will need to use the “Create” button. As a result, a window will open allowing you to enter its text and make various settings for it:

You will have to fill out the “Title” field, where you need to enter the desired title, which will subsequently be displayed on the site pages. The “Nickname” field should be filled in if you. There you will need to enter in Latin letters without spaces, in fact, a piece of the future URL (address) of the page if it will be displayed separately via a link from the menu.

If third-party components are used to organize CNC, the “Alias” field will not need to be filled in. I already wrote. By the way, this component will also help you create a proper 404 error page, which is also welcome.

For a new article, you need to select a section and category in the appropriate fields. If you wish, you can make it not belong to any of them, i.e. unclassified (can later be used to create so-called static pages). To do this, in the “Section” and “Category” fields you need to select the “Not specified” option.

A checkmark in the “Published” field will mean that after saving it will be published immediately and may appear on the pages of the site if a corresponding menu item is created to display it. This publication can be displayed, for example, as part of a category for which you have created a corresponding menu item (in the form of a Blog or List).

For example, by creating a “News” menu item of the “Category Blog” type and adding new article into it, this material will be available on the site when you click on the “News” link in the menu of your project. The most difficult thing for a novice user to understand is that in Joomla there are no pages like in a static website, and all the content you add in the admin panel is stored in the database. On a website, content is only displayed if there are links to it from the menu.

Thus, you must first add content and then create links to it in the website menu. They define not only what should appear on the page, but also how the content should be laid out. But we have already gotten a little ahead of ourselves and we will need to return to creating new material in the Joomla admin panel.

At the top of the window there is one more field “On the main”, where by default the checkmark in the “No” position is active. This means that this article will not appear on the main page of your site.

All publications, when creating or editing which you put a tick in the “Yes” position of this field, will be displayed on the main page in the form of a blog. You can manage the articles displayed on the main page by selecting “Materials” - “Home Manager” from the top menu of the admin panel.

In the main part of the window for adding new material, you can enter the text of the future article, using the capabilities of the visual editor built into Joomla. Personally I prefer to use another visual editor– J.C.E. To learn how to install JCE and make it the default editor, read the link just above.

In principle, working in a visual editor is similar to working in text Word, with the exception that in Joomla you sometimes still have to go directly to editing the HTML code (there is such an “HTML” button on the toolbar of the default editor).

Your ability to understand and make changes to the HTML code of an article will help you easily and quickly resolve any quirks of the visual editor. Therefore, if necessary, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the contents of the “” section of my blog.

Personally, for the most part, I don’t use a visual editor at all, because at first I just trained in using HTML code in practice, and then I got used to using only it. But this is a matter of taste and personal preference. We will assume that with the creation of the text of the article and adding to it, if necessary, as well as images, etc. you can figure things out for yourself.

Settings (parameters) that can be specified when adding an article

Let's look at the settings for the new material that we can make using the three tabs from the right area of ​​the window. The first is called “Settings - articles” and on it you can select in the “Author” field the user who will be considered its author.

In the “Pseudonym” field, you can enter the pseudonym under which this material will be published if you do not want to show the author’s real name. Information about authorship will be displayed at the top of it, but only if you set this in the settings for this material, but we’ll talk about this a little lower.

In the “Access” field, you can select the group of users who can see this article (either everyone, or only registered users, or only administrators). In the “Creation Date” field, you can specify the creation date and it will be displayed on the article page, unless this is prohibited in the settings for this material.

In the “Published” field you can enter, if necessary, the date of delayed publication. In this case, after you save this article, it will appear on the site only after the date and time you specified in this field.

Thus, before leaving for vacation, you can add a lot of materials at once in the Joomla admin panel, but set up their serial publication at intervals of a day and thereby create the appearance of your presence. By default, the current date and time will be written there.

In the “Expires” field, you can set the date when this article will be removed from publication. This may be necessary, for example, when carrying out some one-time promotion, after which it will no longer be needed. By default, the “never” option is selected in this field, which means that this material can only be removed from publication manually. In this and the previous field, to select a date, you will need to click on the calendar icon located on the right.

Advanced settings for articles (materials) in Joomla

The “Options - Advanced” tab specifies those material settings that will be activated only when this article is fully displayed on the site (for example, when a visitor clicks on the “More details” link at the bottom of the article announcement when displaying a category blog in Joomla). Often, few people change these advanced parameters at all, because... either they don’t know how to do it, or they don’t consider it necessary.

Personally, I still think some of these advanced options should be changed. But, firstly, this can be done for all articles at once by clicking on the “Options” button on the material manager page and selecting the desired settings for the same parameters.

As a result, these advanced article settings will be applied by default (the default option is "Use Global") when all new articles are written. But you will be able to change some of them when creating or editing content.

Let's go into detail Let's look at all the settings on the “Options - Advanced” tab, which you can do when creating or editing material in Joomla:

The next settings tab in the new material creation window is called “Meta-data”:

Here you can set information about the article that is invisible on the site, which is primarily intended for robots search engines. In fact, some of the fields on this tab also have quite a strong impact on search engine optimization. I have already written about this in detail, so I do not consider it necessary to repeat myself. Right there.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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One way to increase the attractiveness of a site is to add icons to menu items. Icons are small pictures that are associated with the contents of a menu item. The benefit of them is that they attract the attention of users and make them more loyal to the site. In this article I will talk about two ways to add icons to menu items: quick, easy, but bad, and complex, long, but good..

Joomla. Step 1. Select icon size.

An icon is a small picture. First of all, let's figure out what the requirements are for icons. I would highlight:

  1. The icon must be the same size as the text.
  2. The icon must have a transparent background or a background similar to the one on which the menu is located.
  3. The icon should have a small file size (not be “heavy”).

The most common icon size on the Internet is 16x16 pixels, since this is the size that site favicons (a small picture located in front of the address bar in the browser) should be.

Here is an example of such an icon:

For the site site, I will choose this size.

Adding icons to menu itemsJoomla. Step 2. Finding suitable icons.

If there are several ways to search and select icons. The first is Google Image Search.

Oddly enough, this search still works very clumsily. Sometimes it doesn't work at all. It's the 21st century, and Yandex and Google still haven't learned how to search for images by exact size.

To ensure that only icons of the required size are displayed in the search, set the following settings:

Do not rush, Google haters, to criticize this PS. Yandex doesn't search by exact size at all :-) .

The second way is to search for sites with icon sets or search directly for the sets. Icons are divided into free and commercial. The choice of free icons is quite rich.

If you need to select a lot of icons, it’s easy to get confused. Be sure to keep a list of menu item and icon mappings.

Adding icons to menu itemsJoomla. Step 3. Linking icons. The easy way.

Once the icons have been selected, you can start linking them to menu items on the site. I'll tell you about two ways. The first will be linking through the menu item setting, the “Link Image” option:

Here we simply select an image for the menu item and that's it. It's very simple, fast and convenient. But this is far from best option and here's why. Each icon is a picture that is displayed on the site. The user's browser, when he visits the site, loads all the images sequentially. Sends a request, receives a response, downloads an image. And so on until all the pictures are loaded. Each time such an operation takes a fraction of a second, but when there are a lot of pictures, all this results in additional seconds of page loading. A striking example of what not to do is the site joomla-master.org. The developer apparently added pictures for menu items in exactly this way. Let's see what it turned out to be:

Opening home page the site simply rapes the user’s browser and computer.

Adding icons to menu itemsJoomla. Step 3. Linking icons. Good way.

A good way is to use CSS sprites. Their essence is that all the icons are placed on one picture, and they are accessed with using CSS. Thanks to this approach, the user's browser loads only one image and, accordingly, the page loading time is reduced. The bad news is that adding icons to menu items using a CSS sprite is a much more complex task than the method described above. The good news is that there are now services that make creating sprites much easier.

Let's figure out how to create a sprite.

Everything is ready. It happens that you need to slightly edit the display of sprite images. This can be easily dealt with using Firebug. You can see what happened on this site on the left.

The main disadvantage of sprites is the difficulty of updating them. So, for example, if you have even one new menu item that needs to add an icon, the sprite will have to be created again.

Although I called the methods of creating icons for Joomla menu items simple and good, it is impossible to say for sure which one is better. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. If there are few icons or they change frequently, then it is better to use the first method. If there are a lot of icons, and they remain constant, like the menu items to which they are attached, then you definitely need to use sprites.

This tutorial will show you how to use images instead of text for menu items in Joomla.

There are several ways to add icons to the menu:

Adding Images to Menus Using Menu Manager

The standard Joomla module for working with menus will allow you to replace the names of menu items with images:

Adding Images Using CSS Code

The second method is based on adding a class css images to a file (where ### is your template number). Some menu modules for Joomla, such as the IceMegaMenu module, will not allow you to add an image for a menu item in the admin panel. You can add an image using css code:

    Using background image in css code:

  1. Using FontAwesome icons:

    1. Explore your site using the Developer Tool to find a custom css class.

      Make changes to the file templates/theme###/css/templates.css(where ### is your template number).

      The CSS code you need to add to the file typically looks like this:

      #iceMenu_101 .iceMenuTitle:before ( font-family: FontAwesome !important; content: "###" !important; font-size: 45px !important; top: 20px !important; position: relative !important; display: inline-block !important; line-height: 45px !important; height: 90px !important; ) #iceMenu_101 .iceMenuTitle ( font:0/0 a !important; )

      Where ### is the FontAwesome icon class. A list of available icons can be found on the FontAwesome website.

      Check your site to see changes.

Now you know how to use images instead of text in menu items in Joomla.
