The availability of Android applications is becoming standard for every service. It’s not surprising, because the device on which the application will run is in every home, it’s a tablet, mobile phone, TV, and now smart watch- the list of devices is growing daily. Do you want to be with your client all the time? You must, simply must, develop an Android application for your website or service. Develop qualitatively required application our freelance programmers can, and our Safe service will provide financial guarantees for remote collaboration.

Prevalence Android devices makes it advisable to develop business applications on this basis. This helps to establish feedback your company with customers, conquer a completely new consumer market, and stand out from your competitors. It is advisable for enterprises of absolutely any field of business to start searching for a developer of mobile applications for Android when implementing plans for further development.

The best solution for creating an Android application is a freelance specialist

Having a mobile application is a relevant solution for all modern companies. For large commercial organizations, this is an opportunity to automate some business processes. Online stores and websites can expect increased sales, increased influence on consumers, and improved customer loyalty through the use of an alert tool. Developers of Android mobile applications will be able to competently use the available functionality to maximize the achievement of the goals set for the project. When choosing a contractor on our freelance website, pay attention to the ratings, reviews and portfolio of specialists. And we will control the integrity of the transaction using the Business Safe service.

Mobile applications increasingly used for business development. Development for operating system Android. Applications based on it significantly expand the company's target audience and increase sales.

Common Android Development Tasks

First of all, a freelance programmer needs to analyze the goals of the project, identify its uniqueness and value for clients. To do this, developers collect information about the problems and preferences of the target audience.

The next stage is writing the program. The main principle of Android specialists is to create a user-friendly application that is easy to use. To do this, freelance programmers carefully think through its structure and develop its design.

The advantage of working through Freelancehunt

On our website, the customer can see price statistics for the services of freelance developers to create mobile applications. For secure collaboration with remote specialists, use the Safe service, in which payment from the customer will be credited to the freelancer’s account only after the successful completion of the transaction.

Freelancers looking for mobile application development projects will find interesting offers in this category. Mobile application development requires knowledge:
Action Script;
Java Script;
C and CC++;
Visual Basic and more.
If you are a confident specialist, have a portfolio of completed projects, take a responsible and competent approach to completing the task, and guarantee the fulfillment of all technical requirements, then select a suitable order, click and contact the customer. Remote work The Internet is waiting for you!

For aspiring authors and people who want to start earning money without leaving home, we offer remote work on a computer. The essence of the task is descriptions of games for Android devices (smartphones, tablets). The information is taken from the Internet, the work is not difficult, we help, train, and provide editor support during the work process. Let me clarify that at the time of training you are already EARNING real money, successful test tasks are paid.


Creation of a mobile application for digitizing plastic cards

Good afternoon,

It is necessary to develop a mobile application for Android for digitizing and storing plastic cards.

The application design is currently the simplest (based on free templates).

Detailed terms of reference in the attachment.

The budget is specified for the task. (commissions for transfers and secure transactions are on me).

In addition to doing an interesting and creative task. Upon completion of the work, we write an objective extended review.

TK more details:

01/20/2020 15 days

transfer application

We need to transfer the application to our Apple Developer account.

fix a number of errors.
1. IOS does not work, New version rejected, but the old one has a problem with registering new users.
2.Android registration problem.
3. The user has a problem logging in.
4. Crimea - problem with entry.
5.Crashes for some users due to the application loading speed (needs optimization).
6.question with cash back (we were talking about different currencies)
7. One of the distributors has duplicate orders.
8. The application crashes when updating pages with the status of orders (active, completed)
9. a constant problem with connecting masters to distributors.

These problems need to be corrected.


IOS Developer Teacher

On the employer's premises

Working hours

Flexible schedule
A modern training center for training IT specialists, with subsequent employment.
Place of work: Kutuzovskaya metro station (5 minutes walk)
Classes must be held 2 times a week, the duration of one lesson is 2 hours
The timing of the courses is negotiable: evenings, mornings, weekends.
Pay per hour 1500 in person.
1500x2 hours = 3000 - for one lesson.
For a month
4 weeks 4 hours 1500= 24000 in hand per month
The course lasts 4 months (16 weeks), the program has already been developed
16x1500 = 96,000 will be your fee for teaching those who want to write simple applications for Apple


I'm looking for IT practitioners who would be interested in sharing their knowledge and skills with other people and getting rewarded for it. Teaching students from scratch or with minimal knowledge.

09/20/2019 16 weeks

Refinement of mob. applications and post. cooperation

We need an experienced JAVA developer.
It is necessary to add 1-3 features on the screen.
You may have to tinker with the logic.
We need a really smart person.
There is an API server, there is a design, there is an implementation on iOS.
I will send the task to the contractor.
The performer is needed for a relatively permanent job, loading is not 100%, for specific recurring tasks.
Important terms:
— We are not considering teams, we need one experienced JAVA developer.
— A short conversation on Skype is required before starting cooperation (we are looking for a person for long-term cooperation, it is important to communicate live).

31.08.2019 14

Remote work from home

We are recruiting employees for remote work. The work does not require any investment.

The interview is conducted by email. mail [email protected], RUSSIA.

The essence of the work: posting advertisements on various websites, correspondence and consulting potential clients by email. The work is carried out with a client database and a website database.
Requirements: availability of a computer and Internet access, communication skills, 3-4 hours a day to work in total.
Conditions: official remuneration, contributions to the Pension Fund, bonuses.


Online store consultant

— access to the Internet from a computer, laptop
— confident PC user

— free 2-4 hours every day,
- desire to work and earn money
— work with electronic databases
— work with email
— reporting
Conditions: remote work, flexible schedule from 3 hours a day
All details by email [email protected], Russian Federation


Remote work

Requirements: access to the Internet from a computer, laptop, computer knowledge at the user level, possible without work experience.

Responsibilities: posting information on the Internet to attract clients, processing client requests, consulting clients.

Conditions: remote work, flexible schedule from 3 hours a day, free training while working.

All details by email [email protected], RUSSIA.


I'm looking for work from home.

I'm looking for work from home, an active VK user, sociable, purposeful, I know how and love to work!

04/18/2019 1-3 days

Mobile application development for Android

Mobile application.


Play a sound file in a loop.

Mobile application functions.


Phone number


Selecting a problem

Problem in relationship with:

- brother

- sister

- daughter

- grandfather

- grandmother

- a man

- a woman

- friend

- friend

- friend

- friend

- *foe, enemy

- *a familiar person

- *by a stranger

— *colleague

- *boss

— *employee

- *to subordinates

Filling out the text fields of the questionnaire:

— enter the first and last name or nickname of the person with whom you want to improve your relationship;

— *mark the gender of the person.

Tariff plan:

— one-time purchase

- shopping for the whole family

- all-inclusive purchase

Loyalty program:

— bring a friend and get an N-percent discount

Transferring completed data and data from the questionnaire to the server.

"Synthesize audio file" button

Decryption of an audio file.

Audio player settings:

Setting the time for turning on and off the playback of a sound file (like an alarm clock)

Plays an audio file in a loop within a specified time range.

Tracking the time spent listening to a sound file by day, week, month in hours, displaying the total listening time on a graph.


Connection to payment systems.

Transferring payment information to the server.

Administrative panel (web interface).

User account management:

User contact information.

Displaying a list of problem types for each user.

Displaying a list of ordered files for each user.

Displays the number of hours of listening to ordered files for each user.

Displaying the type of feedback (satisfaction index) for each user.

Blockingunblocking users.

Displaying information about the amount of time spent synthesizing an audio file (monitoring system performance)

Financial statistics:

Payment statistics for each user

Summary payment statistics for all users

Loyalty program:

Additional discounts and bonuses for promoting the system to third-party users


Phone number


Type of problem

Server No. 1. Database + business logic.

Server No. 2 Sound file synthesizer. Developed by third-party developers, communication with server No. 1 via API.

Denis Yanov

Has extensive freelancing experience in various parts of the world. Loves new things software that help you live easier and better. A traveler sick in the mountains and a novice adherent of healthy eating.

If you are just starting your small business as a freelancer, then the most important thing for you will be budget.

There are a lot of things scattered across the Internet free services and applications that will help you get your business off the ground and work smarter.

A whole range of services is designed to simplify every aspect of your professional activity: from automating task management and financial monitoring to communicating with clients and promoting your services.

This article contains the most useful, important and free apps and services that a beginner (and not quite) freelancer will need.

Payment for services and invoicing

To receive payment for your services, you need to issue an invoice. To issue an invoice, you need to spend time and write down what hours were spent on what and how much money you need to pay for it. It is desirable that such accounts be as informative and transparent as possible. You don’t want the client to have questions or hair to stand on end when he sees what he needs to pay for and how much.

To automate and simplify the invoicing process, many services have been invented, most of which greatly simplify life, but require financial investments. And since you are a beginner freelancer who needs to start somewhere with a minimal budget, we recommend two free services.

A convenient application that helps you create and send professionally drawn up invoices in a couple of clicks. Allows you to monitor the status of your accounts and incoming money so that you can know when the next payment will arrive. Tracks not only your profit, but also your expenses in the form of convenient graphical reports.

Zoho has established itself as a major player in the productivity market with a huge range of tools for CRM, project management and collaboration. Easily integrates with the rest of Zoho's products, but also works great as a standalone product. Has a free plan for one user with a maximum of five clients. Ideal for a beginner freelancer who has not yet developed a large client base.

Time, task and project management

If you have many clients, then the number of projects will increase. It will be difficult for you to manage them alone. There are a lot of useful tools on the Internet that help you manage a huge number of projects and tasks. But you are still a beginner freelancer and cannot afford expensive solutions.

A simple time tracking service with a friendly interface. designed to make managing your tasks and client projects convenient. Despite the fact that the service is quite simple, you can manage your tasks and projects, create clients and assign them to a particular project, set budgets for the project, receive detailed reports by the time spent, as well as by the money earned that certain projects brought. In addition, the service integrates with popular project management systems (RedMine, Jira, Asana, Trello).

As you might have guessed, this service was created as an alternative and free version of the monstrous Basecamp. allows you to create an endless number of projects, add deadlines and intermediate deadlines when completing tasks, create project templates and invite clients. The task board allows you to get an overview of all projects or set up email notifications that will notify you when the next important task is due.

5. Asana


More advanced solution than Freedcamp. Moreover, it is completely free for teams of up to 15 people. For beginning freelancers, this service will be a godsend. Free version will provide you with all the functionality. Immediately after registration, you can manage all your projects and interact with clients using the service’s friendly interface.

Data storage

Freelancers are characterized by mobility. They can work not only from their home PC or laptop. Therefore, it is important to know about services that allow you to store data in your cloud.

Best service for storing and transmitting documents. It allows you to store about two gigabytes of files in the cloud for free. But you can get another 16 gigabytes free space, if you invite your friends to register on the service. Dropbox keeps all your devices in sync, allowing you to access your files from both your laptop and smartphone. You won't have to send it to yourself anymore. emails with files.

A flexible platform that allows you to make it as simple and functional as you want. - most convenient service when it comes to remembering everything important that could be useful to you in the future. Leave notes on your desktop or in mobile applications, forward your emails, or use a special Web Clipper that will help you save web pages, screenshots, and anything else you find important while surfing the Internet.

Editing documents and pictures

If you are an aspiring copywriter or web designer, then it is very important for you to have an accessible tool for editing text or images.

The description of this tool can be contained in four words - free analogue Microsoft Office. And this is true, because the generous creators did not particularly bother with the unique functionality and distinctive features of their brainchild. They took the core features of Microsoft Office and wrapped them in a free package.

U Google There is also a version of free office tools. In terms of functionality, you will not find any breakthroughs or innovations, because it differs from the same OpenOffice only in that the first is in the cloud. It is perfect for people who love versatility and accessibility. cloud services. Google Docs It will be very useful if you work in a small team that is separated by huge distances, because several people can edit the same documents at the same time, regardless of their location.

Most likely, not all freelancers have access to professional graphics processing tools, which have a lot of advantages, but also have one disadvantage - the price. All serious graphic editors cost a lot of money. This fact becomes deadly for a novice web designer. But Adobe, which is famous for its reference graphic editors, decided to release a free and lightweight version of the Photoshop editor. has only basic functionality and is unlikely to allow you to create masterpieces, but for simple graphic projects this tool is a real find.


You found yourself a client, then another and another. So you have a decent base of clients with whom you simultaneously correspond. To always be aware of what stage of communication you are at and what promising points you can discuss with past clients, you need to have a special tool called CRM.

Most CRMs are either cumbersome or too expensive for individual use. The service is free of these shortcomings. Firstly, it is very flexible and integrates with other tools such as Evernote and Google. Secondly, with the free version, you can have more than 2,500 contacts. This will last you a long time.

Capsule is a very nice CRM that provides full review all your contacts. It also allows you to effectively build your communication process with clients by creating tasks, notifications and reports. Enough convenient system, allowing you to adapt the work of any business. Provides a free plan for 250 contacts.

A very useful tool if you can't live without Gmail. Built right into your Gmail account, so you can keep track of your communications with multiple clients without having to switch platforms. At the moment, the service is completely free for individual use.

Promoting your business on social networks

Finding clients and working on your image is also quite an expensive pleasure. Therefore, it is very important to use social networks not only for entertainment, but also to establish yourself as a professional, without which not a single project can be completed.

This is a huge board that collects activity data on all your social networks. Plan the posting of important posts, follow trends and hot topics in a convenient interface. Tag potential clients and start communicating with them. The free version will allow you to connect five accounts social networks.

This service can be called a lightweight version of Hootsuite. In terms of functionality, it is slightly similar to the latter and also has an auto-posting scheduler. is built into your browser and downloads messages along with popular content from many social networks. Using this service, you can choose everything that is currently trending, prepare your posts on popular topics and plan their placement. The free option allows you to connect one of your profiles for each social network.
