Creative people who have the skills to work in graphic editor, often ask themselves the question: “How to make money on web design? Is this possible? I hope that this article will satisfy your curiosity and help you earn extra money from web design.

Professional web designers who are ready to work remotely are in high demand among employers and private clients. That is why making money on design on the Internet is more than a reality. This profession is one of the most in demand and promising, which is associated with the widespread development of Internet marketing.

Ways to make money on the Internet for designers

Graphic design

The task of a graphic designer is to create a bright, memorable product, the image of which will be firmly embedded in the consumer’s subconscious and will be associated with the advertised product or service. Of course, such work requires a creative approach, but along with creativity, a web designer is required to have logical thinking, which will allow him to correctly build visual communication. You can start earning income from any type of work that you do best - creating a corporate identity, business cards, advertising banners, characters for web projects.

For example, how to make money from logo design? To do this, just register on one of the freelance exchanges that unites the interests of customers and performers. Such sites play the role of intermediaries, carrying out mutual settlements between the parties and ensuring security for the participants in the transaction. They will be discussed below.

On freelance exchanges you can find orders in the following areas:

  • logos;
  • website design;
  • illustrations and drawings;
  • banners;
  • interiors;
  • printing;
  • vector graphics;
  • corporate identity;
  • creating presentations;
  • painting;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • icons and infographics;
  • packaging design;
  • interface design;
  • knitted design;
  • landscape design;
  • font development;
  • 2D, 3D characters;
  • animation and much more.

How to make money from interior design?

To successfully work in this field, you will need knowledge of the basics of painting, mastery of the basics graphic design and software packages such as Photoshop and CorelDraw at the advanced user level.

Making money from web design is suitable for people who spend a lot of time on the Internet and understand the fashion trends of the virtual world. Depending on the professional level of the performer and the customer’s requirements, the designer’s responsibilities may include both the development of the visual concept of the site and the layout of the drawn elements.

Interior design costs on average from 800 to 60,000 rubles. depending on the complexity of the project.

How to make money from advertising design?

How to make money on website design?

Websites for making money

  • Freelance exchanges,, Kwork, Workzilla,,, (here you can not only find a customer, but also sell the corporate identity or logo you have developed);
  • You will find work for illustrators on the websites,, (here you have a chance to prove yourself in competitions held among designers);
  • Dlance (here you can sell ready-made designs for websites);
  • Elance (foreign company for designers, knowledge of English required).

Web design: how much do beginners and pros earn?

A web designer's salary depends on his level of knowledge, having a good portfolio and the work he does. Of course, you can make money from both logo design and website design, but your efforts will be paid differently.
On average, a beginner’s earnings can range from 100 to 20,000 thousand rubles per project, that is, approximately from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles per month. Professional designers who have proven themselves to be brilliant experts in their field can earn 100,000 rubles or more (mainly in collaboration with foreign companies or in collaboration with web workshops).

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From the author: Greetings ladies and gentlemen! After a huge amount of content related to education, let’s touch on a rather piquant question: how much does a web designer earn? You will be extremely surprised when you find out what level he is at.

No matter how interesting web design is, most people go there not because of this, but because of the attractiveness from a financial point of view. This direction is quite a profitable business after accumulating a certain educational base.

You can make money from it in three ways: working for hire in a studio, freelancing and your own business (your own studio). Below I will look at each of these types, talk about what directly affects the salary of a web designer, and also provide statistical data so that you have at least a rough idea of ​​the level of profitability of this business.

Salary of a web designer in a studio

In this option, the web designer receives a salary either as a percentage of sales for a completed project, or as a fixed monthly rate. If you choose this format of work, then the final amount will be influenced by experience (years of experience and number of completed projects), region of residence, specifics of the company’s remuneration policy (are there bonuses, bonuses, etc.) and personal level of qualifications (portfolio, skills).

Naturally, salaries are higher in large cities, so sometimes it may even be advisable to move. With the proper level of qualifications, you will earn more money than in small regions, however, you will do essentially the same thing.

To conduct a comparative analysis, let’s take one of the top job search sites in Russia. In the vacancy search column, enter “web designer.” As statistics have shown, salaries start from 30 thousand rubles. offered by 199 employers, from 50 thousand rubles. - 128, from 70 thousand rubles. - 49, from 90 thousand rubles. - 25, and over 100 thousand rubles. - only 10.

Each company, of course, has personal preferences for candidates, however, the main requirement is work experience. In companies offering up to 50 thousand rubles. 1 to 3 years of experience required. If personal experience exceeds this mark, then work with a payment of more than 60 thousand rubles. you are guaranteed, if, of course, the skills meet the required ones.

Let’s now find out for comparison how much web designers in Ukrainian and Kazakh studios earn. We do everything according to the same principle: we find a top job search site and analyze the vacancy we need.

In Ukraine the figures are somewhat lower than in Russia. The average salary of a web designer there is 20 thousand UAH. (this is about 55 thousand rubles). In Kazakhstan, this figure is at an even lower level. There, the average salary in this profession is up to 200 thousand dengue (this is about 40 thousand rubles).

If we compare the level of earnings in this direction across Russian regions, then the maximum profits are received by web designers from Moscow and St. Petersburg, which, in principle, is not surprising. In other cities, wages are lower, however, representatives of this profession there also clearly do not eat Mivina for dinner.

For example, in the Samara region I found 10 vacancies for web designers, where company owners offer salaries in the amount of 20 to 60 thousand rubles. In the Krasnodar region we managed to find vacancies from 25 to 55 thousand rubles. Thus, it can be emphasized that in small regions the income of representatives of this profession is approximately the same.

The advantage of this format of earning money is the opportunity to grow your career in web design. If you cope well with your direct responsibilities, then it is likely that you will soon advance up the career ladder, for example, to a chief project manager, or maybe even to a co-owner of the company, who knows...

Freelancers' salaries

Many readers of my blog are interested in the question of how much a freelance web designer earns. It is impossible to put everyone in one category, since everything here depends on the level of a particular specialist. If a person has little experience, then 5–10 thousand rubles. for 1 design layout - a very reasonable price. However, if you know how to develop turnkey websites, with full layout and graphic design, then the level of payment will be much higher.

Thus, by implementing one project per week, you can provide yourself with a stable income of 20 thousand rubles in a month. Earnings will increase if you learn to do work faster and sell it to customers at a higher price, despite the price they set for the service.

Web designers with 3 years of experience earn about 40 thousand rubles. It's simple - the more experience, the higher the qualifications; The higher the qualification, the correspondingly greater the income. The data was taken not from the head, but through monitoring of popular freelance exchanges.

You can look through them at your leisure and evaluate how much they pay and for what. In general, the earnings of freelancers are quite good, considering that during breaks from development, they listen to new albums of their favorite artists, while lying on a comfortable sofa in a Hawaiian print shirt.

Earning money from your own web design studio

The owners of their own web studios receive the maximum profit. But here risks, responsibility, etc. increase, but we will talk about this another time. Now letsspikeabout mani.

If you consider yourself a web design master and have opened your own studio, then your income in this case has no limiting ceiling. It does not depend on the level of creativity; the key role here is played by the ability to satisfy any requirements and wishes of the customer.

Income can be 1,000,000 rubles if you provide high-quality results, and 30,000 rubles if you make vermicelli, when they ask you to make pasta, saying that it’s the same thing. A stable flow of orders is also important, which cannot be achieved without a team with the appropriate skills and knowledge.

Well, what do you say? Is the earnings of web designers suitable for you or is it better to become a deputy? If the above ratio of cash dividends and effort expended is satisfactory, then quickly develop to a top level in order to get the maximum benefit from this profession.

Bye everyone, subscribe to my blog so you don't miss out. new material. Share a link to an article about how much a web designer earns with your friends. Maybe among them there will be people who want to work in this area with you.

We all need a break sometimes. I mean a real break; not a long walk in the countryside or a weekend away, but a change of scenery regarding the workplace that turns things on their head, thereby opening up a second wind.

Under no circumstances am I going to say that the daily routine does not give any fruitful results, but after some time you will feel a real itch, and once you have it, you just need to scratch it.

Many designers (and developers) working in offices often dream of switching to freelancing for obvious reasons; unlimited freedom, more money, no bosses. However, those of us who are not bound by our location know that such thoughts are extremely naive.

We must daily focus on the number of working hours, take care of taxes ourselves, and in addition, there remains the need to interact with commanding clients. Although, I think that there are more pros than cons on this issue, but in the end, it all comes down to what lifestyle you choose for yourself.

One of the key benefits is that you can choose when you work, but it's worth remembering that when you're not working, you're also not earning money.

In this article, I'll look at three ways developers and designers can make money if they want to take a break from their daily routine.

1. Blogging

Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions associated with blogging. At the same time, there are a huge number of “writers” who sell “SEO articles” (as I write these lines, I have to sigh heavily and roll my eyes, but still) for $5, there are also a huge number of already established blogs that are always new authors are needed, and they are willing to pay you well for articles; and most likely you are already experienced enough to start right away.

For starters, SitePoint publishes about 8-10 books every year and is always looking for new authors.

What do I need to get started?

You (usually) must have PayPal

I've never written for a blog that didn't pay the authors via PayPal; This is a universal service, most (if not all) freelancers use it. Any reputable blog will agree on payment with you before you start writing for it, as well as a date on which it will pay you. If you're tired of fighting with your freelance clients over money, then maybe you should try starting to write.

You must respect the Style Guide and formats

Every blog has its own voice, style, and specific formatting rules. You should respect them and try to incorporate them into your workflow as much as possible, Markdown, WordPress, Microsoft Word and HTML formats are quite widespread.

Most blogs use these formats, and I've had good luck working exclusively with Markdown, but it's smart to familiarize yourself with a few different common tools to avoid missteps later on.

It is also important to provide quality work. Every time you submit a draft, it should be checked for factual consistency, spelling, grammar - an editor is not needed to always make your handwriting look divine.

You should know what you're talking about

Design and development are two very broad subjects. You don't need to be Master Yoda, but you do need to have skills in specific areas and be confident that what you're talking about is useful and worth reading.

It always helps to ask yourself a question, especially if you are an avid reader of the blog to which you write: “Would I, as a reader, be interested in this material?”

2. Write a book

If you're having trouble coming up with relevant topics for articles and you have enough savings to last you a few months, write a book. All you need is a good sales-oriented website or something similar to generate income from it (I recommend Stripe, but PayPal will work too). You also need to be an active user in popular communities; Designer News, Product Hunt and Nomand Forum are excellent resources - you can start sharing your ideas there.

Meng To is a designer, layout designer and author. He wrote Design +Code and his story really appeals to me. After being denied a visa, he decided to write a book about Sketch App/IOS/Swift while traveling to 30 cities in 20 countries over the course of 18 months. Meng also launched a startup, and I'm sure his success is partly due to his lifestyle.

When he's not freelancing as a UI designer, he's writing the next chapter of a book, or launching a workshop in a new city.

The exact numbers are unknown, but Meng has sold a significant number of copies of his amazing book, like me.

3. Launch a workshop or training course

Your workshop can be of varying degrees of complexity. It can be very narrowly focused, for example, an online course on how to use Sketch, or voluminous, for example, you can travel around the world with a workshop on design and programming. However, this will not only strengthen your self-confidence, but will also create a good reputation around you.

Personal branding matters. In addition, you can earn money by teaching material that interests you, while meeting crowds of like-minded people.


If you currently have a full-time job or work in an office, doing any of the above is quite difficult. However, it is possible.

Many companies have their own blog; you don't have to be the editor of a blog like this to write for it. If day-to-day tasks are getting a little tedious, tell your boss that you'd like to explore other areas of your company sometimes.

If you are a designer or hacker who is always up to date with the latest trends in your field, then you are worth something in the professional community. Keep up the good work - it's incredibly helpful and will probably save you from going crazy.

Nikolai Gordeev will leave his mark. He's already for a long time is engaged in web design and this is his main activity. Nikolay is also my friend, we have been working with him for a long time and I’ll tell you more, he was the one who designed my blog. The article will be in a “Question and Answer” format and in it I wanted to convey to many of my readers that you can make money from freelancing. Many people sit and think about how to make money freelancing or on the Internet without leaving home, but people like Nikolay don’t think, they do it, and that’s why everything works out for them. So, here are the answers to my questions from Nikolai Gordeev.

Why is it profitable to do design?

Now more and more companies are entering the Internet market. But, as a rule, most of them are not ready for this. They require graphic and web design services to reach new level. And there are many such companies; we won’t even consider startups that need to design websites, logos and advertising materials at the start. The demand for performers in this field is only growing, especially the demand for design professionals, of whom there is a huge shortage at the moment.

How did you get started in design?

I started studying design at the age of 12 for a very funny reason - I didn’t like most of the sites on the RuNet, they were inconvenient and were very far behind many Western resources in terms of sophistication. At that time, I played Freelancer and wanted to make a really beautiful website on this topic. This encouraged me to enter the field of web development and design to solve my problems. Then I further honed my skills on my own projects, and I had torrent portals, blogs, and news resources. Over time, I started working as a freelance web designer and earning good money.

What knowledge or skills are needed to start designing?

In order to start designing, you need to make a basic choice - in which direction you will work: with printed material or graphic design and web development. In the second case, you just need to start by reading a couple of books on design, watching video tutorials on Photoshop, and you can act. Look at the work of other people, think about repeating their results, then you will learn to solve problems that your competitors solve and raise your professional level.

What documents, certificates and other formalities are required in order to legally and officially make money from design?

A very interesting question. Interesting in the sense that at the time of writing my answer, you can work as a designer without paying taxes through freelancing. You really don’t need certificates or any documents at the initial stage; getting started is quite simple - you just register on the exchange and start fulfilling orders. However, if for some reason you need to carry out your activities officially, then you can always get a job in some company officially, or register an individual entrepreneur (here is an article about that).

How to effectively sell your services?

The best way to sell your services is a well-designed portfolio. The designer's portfolio is the basic item that is considered before approving your order application. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what city you’re from, your portfolio is your business card and your ticket to good orders.

What is your net profit and labor costs?

If we divide it into percentages, then, as a rule, 10% of my monthly profit goes to pay for ads or premium accounts to increase the likelihood of me being chosen as a performer in a project. One day I set myself a simple goal: to earn at least a thousand rubles a day. I am successfully achieving my goal, thanks to which I can only use design from the freelance exchange “ Workzilla“I earn from 30-40 thousand rubles a month. If we consider direct orders, then it all depends on the client and the complexity of the order. Prices vary from 10,000 to 120,000 rubles. (these are prices from my experience).

What subtleties and nuances are there in your work?

First of all, you need to understand that design is not just beautiful buttons and stripes. “Design is not about how something looks, but how it works.” © Steve Jobs.

The main task of the designer is to decide how the user will perceive and interact with the product.

What tools do you use to earn money (direct orders or freelance sites)? Which is more effective?

To make money from design in the past, I usually used freelance exchanges like FL, Freelance, Odesk and Workzilla. Lately I've only managed Workzilla, the rest of the flow consists of orders from regular customers and clients through word of mouth. Draw your own conclusions regarding financial efficiency; I indicated the income above.

What do you order most often?

As a rule, customers prefer to order a website design right away with the tricky phrase “come up with a logo yourself”; this is the most common option for orders. In second place I would place the development of logos, followed by positions such as the development of corporate identity, packaging or advertising.

What are your plans for the future? When will you finally open a full-fledged studio?

Now I am busy opening my own marketing agency “Everest”, which starts working on October 20th, and in a year I plan to open my own industrial and graphic design studio, which has been my little dream for many years now.


For many of us, freelancing is not primarily about money, but about freedom. Freedom of choice. Freedom to do what you like, to work on important and meaningful projects.

But money is not the last thing in a freelancer’s work, even if it’s always hard to talk about it.

Today he earns more than $140,000, working only seven months a year. He has complete freedom to do whatever he wants in the time between projects.

But he has nine years of experience, and many skills had to be honed all this time.

Here are some tips from him that should help you earn more. Please note that bringing them to life will not happen overnight; you will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve the desired results.

1. Be a good designer

Improving the quality of your work helps you get more projects and also helps grow the design industry as a whole.

What aspects of your design work can you improve, and how?

Set a goal

The first step is to understand what it is good design. Think about all your favorite designers. Write down a list of the top five designers you admire. Your goal is to close the gap between your work and theirs. Follow creators you can find on media platforms like Behance, Dribbble, Pinterest, etc.

Now you have a guideline good example for imitation.

Improve your visual design skills

The best way to improve your skills in this area is through practice.

Devote one to two hours a day to analyzing, deconstructing, and recreating the work of other designers. Imitating the work of others will ultimately allow you to see and understand why some projects work better than others.

Many great designers have done just this. Take screenshots of sites you like, try to draw something similar on paper, understand how this resource works.

This will teach you to understand spacing, typography, grids, and how to create graphics from scratch.

Over time, as your library of visual elements grows, you will begin to come up with your own ideas.

To do something truly good, keep practicing over and over again.

Think objectively

Visual elements are good. But a design is more than just a visual image. You need to think about achieving the client's goals, and about your work as part of the system.

Many designers don't want to think of their work as part of a marketing plan or business strategy.

To be an effective designer, it is important to have a holistic view of a product or company. You need to see how your work fits into the big picture. Learn about other system components. Read about business, marketing, copywriting, web performance, and other topics related to your job.

What we do is considered art, but we are not artists. We are designers. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance of goals, form, functions, and focus on the user/client; it will make your designs irresistible.

2. Be sociable

At the end of the day, clients (be they creative directors, marketing managers, or business owners) are just people.

When hiring a designer, each customer evaluates his portfolio and the level of work. But almost as important is how well candidates communicate.

If you can communicate well and eloquently, it will help you build trust with your clients. How well can you answer their questions? Try to be empathetic and put yourself in your client's shoes. What do they need to know and how can their problems be better addressed?

Start by defining your personal style and tone of communication. Do not use an overly formal, “machine” style - let the client see that he is communicating with a person.

Punctuality is also very important. Your clients will be able to trust what you say if you stay true to your words and promises. When setting deadlines, always check whether you can get everything done on time (or better yet, before the agreed date).

3. Make yourself known

No one will hire you unless they know more about you.

To attract potential clients, communicate with like-minded people - perhaps over time you will be recommended. Publish your work on creative sites - Behance and Dribbble.

Shoot a video and show how you create your next masterpiece. They will definitely remember you and find you if they need your services.

4. Work only with clients who pay well

As your projects get better, and depending on how your reputation grows, you should get more clients.

But instead of rushing into every project that comes your way, prioritize those clients who will pay you what you think your services are worth.

Demonstrate the value of your work to potential clients and what it will mean for their business.

Determine your level and how much your time and services are worth. Agree to projects that fit these criteria.

Good clients will recommend you to other good clients. This means not only " good clients» regarding remuneration, but also how easy and pleasant it is to work with them. This is because like-minded businesses and people interact with each other.

If you design websites for $100, you will be known as the "$100 web designer" and you will in turn attract clients who believe websites should cost a hundred dollars. If you make websites for $30,000, then you exist in this market, and your prices are completely different. Accordingly, so does earnings.

5. Be a nice person

Most people don't like working with designers who have big egos.

The golden rule is to treat others the way you would like to be treated. Good manners are a currency that is always in demand in the business world.

It would seem that there is nothing extraordinary or previously unknown to you in these tips. But these techniques really work. Improve your work, practice, change your pricing policy, be a pleasant conversationalist - and success, money and complete freedom await you. But you need to start, first of all, with yourself.
