Lately I have been receiving questions very often from site readers and guests of my channel. Clear TV . Here are some of them:

At the moment there is (a friend has been using it for 5 months) that gives the following result:

I got myself 48 views in about 5 minutes on the test channel. A friend spins 500-1000 a day. He says there are even commercial views and the channel’s income has increased noticeably. On the Internet, only positive reviews are written about this site (people who are not able to register and perform a couple of simple steps do not count).

How to increase views on YouTube?

1) (website in English, but in Google Chrome and some other browsers can be translated into Russian or another convenient language).

2) Registration, as often happens, must be confirmed by e-mail.

3) Log in to the site with your username and password. Click on Dashboard.

4) Then click on the red Link Account icon (click allow). This way we will connect the channel to the site (you can even use a new one that was just created).

5) Then in the upper right corner click Client (

6) Click Open, after which a pop-up window will appear in which you need to click Start.

7) This way we will start earning points, which can then be spent on increasing YouTube views.

8) You don’t need to do anything else. Don't cover anything! The program itself will start watching the video.

In the meantime, you can go about your business or do what you always do in another browser.

Bonuses from the site

If you watch 50 videos a day, you can get a bonus of 500 points (approximately 100-200 views). This bonus can be received every day! Thanks to this site, increasing views on YouTube will be done automatically.

I never said that getting views on YouTube or anywhere else is an activity worth doing, but if you can’t do without it, then you can try it. At the moment everything is working and views are not written off like on other sites.

No one knows how long this site will survive. While there is an opportunity, many play it safely, but to the maximum, otherwise times are changing, especially on YouTube.

Attention! New website (end of 2019) for effective promotion on Youtube:

You have learned how to increase views on YouTube and you will no longer ask me such questions. What to do next is up to each of you to decide.

Friends, I welcome everyone to the blog, today is the third part about cheating on YouTube. Now I will tell you how to increase views on YouTube, what ways there are to do it for free, which ones are paid, and why I think that increasing video views is a useful tool for promotion.

The main methods that I will now talk about are used even by very large brands and companies that advertise their products and services through videos on YouTube.

What do views on YouTube give?

As you may already know, in the first hours after a video is uploaded to a channel, if it quickly gains a large number of high-quality views, it can become trending and automatically advertised by YouTube. Therefore, many projects invest millions in advertising and promotion of their videos.

Often on the service, on the example of which I will make instructions at the end, I come across advertising tasks to increase views with a budget of a million rubles.

There are 2 types of services and programs to increase these indicators, which we will now analyze in detail.

Services for boosting views

We have already discussed the first type in articles about,. They work like exchanges where performers are paid per action. That is, you create a task, for example, to increase views for such and such a video and people sit and watch your video, and you pay them money.

To create such a task, you need to buy points or top up the service balance with money. If you don’t want to spend money, then these points and the service’s internal currency can be earned by also completing various tasks. In this case, you won't spend a penny.

Before ordering a promotion, you can calculate how much 1000 views on YouTube cost in the service you like, and choose the best option.

Here is a list of these resources, we work mainly with the first three:

  1. is one of the best and cheapest, there are a lot of performers, so tasks are completed quickly.
  2. – too good service for boosting social networks.
  3. – here, in my opinion, are the most responsible performers, but it is also the most expensive. One view will cost from 5 to 15 rubles.

But, friends, if you need more live views, then I recommend systems of the second type.

The second type, which I would like to talk about in detail today, is the so-called specialized online native advertising services, which combine the authors of popular advertising platforms and advertisers, that is, us who need to gain views on videos.

The essence of such sites is the following: you create a task on them in which you indicate a link to the video you need, and the authors of the sites (owners of communities on the social networks VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and thematic sites) publish them on their wall or in an article.

I know only 3 such services:

You can also earn money this way by posting videos on your website or in a group.

How to increase video views on YouTube

I’ll give you instructions using the example of the service that we most often use to promote commercials on channels - And I’ll tell you about its advantages. First, watch this video.

Step 1. Go to the page for advertisers and go through simple registration on the website. After that, in your personal account, in the top menu, click the button “Create a campaign”.

Step 2. Insert a link to the video you are going to promote. Choose an option “Set targeting” so that the service selects sites with your target audience. If the audience of viewers is not so important, just click Quick start campaign".

Step 3. Set your audience parameters. Here you can select your country, gender and age.

Step 4. Choose the types of sites.

Step 5. You pay and launch the campaign.

Another plus is that in most cases your video will not be removed from sites and will continue to bring views even when the advertising campaign ends and the budget is spent. Well, such cheating does not violate the rules of video hosting in any way; you don’t have to be afraid that the channel will be banned.

On average, 1 view costs 1 ruble; for 1000 rubles, a video can spread across hundreds of public pages and websites.

When you try, please write in the comments to this article what result you got.

You can also ask all questions below in the comments.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

The video with the highest number of views among competitors has a greater chance of gaining the viewer’s attention. Firstly, they trust him more. Secondly, YouTube itself advertises by placing it on the “Trending” tab or in personal recommendations. The treasured figure is growing, and the budget is not wasted. Today we’ll tell you how to promote yourself for popularity and ratings.

The most popular advice given first is to take care of the content. And there is some truth in this: even if you make boring videos, the public will not watch it and recommend it to friends. The content should be relevant to the selected user requests, be useful, i.e. provide the necessary amount of information to reveal the topic and at the same time be interesting and varied. Successful bloggers use all of these principles and gain a natural, live audience. Content is an essential part of promising promotion, but not always the only one.

Program for increasing video views on YouTube

When independent promotion doesn’t work, programs and services come to the rescue. There are now fewer programs on the market than services. This is explained by simple convenience: you don’t need to download anything, study anything, or keep it on all the time.

Naturally, they are all paid, otherwise the project will not develop and will soon die out. Some imply a subscription for a certain period of time (month, six months, year), others - a one-time payment for the entire period of use.

What to look for when choosing a program:

  1. Reliable and well-known developer.
  2. The download site is popular, has no hidden fees, and is secure.
  3. There are a lot of reviews about the project on the Internet, and not only positive ones.
  4. No installation: downloaded - launched.
  5. Takes up few computer resources.

The KruTube program is available on the Internet, which offers to add your video to the general database. And then videos of other users are launched. Points are awarded for actions, which can then be spent on promotion.

Exchanges and services for increasing views on YouTube

There are several types of services that engage in cheating. We compared some of them in previous articles and gave detailed description. Most job exchanges are suitable for this task.

The algorithm is simple:

  1. The customer registers in the system.
  2. Contributes funds. Or uses free points that he receives for performing other actions on the platform.
  3. Next, a task is drawn up: requirements for video search, key queries if necessary, duration of viewing, mandatory like or comment, subscription. It is separately clarified whether it is possible to watch in different tabs in parallel or whether this is unacceptable.
  4. If there are filters, then an audience is configured that will see this task and be able to complete it. For example, promoting a cosmetics promotional video will bring less benefit to a male audience.
  5. If the site has moderation, then you will need to wait for approval for some time.
  6. Performers begin to complete the task and submit a report within the specified time.
  7. The customer checks and pays if everything suits him. He adds the most successful ones to the white list, forming his own circle, to whom he will offer a larger number of tasks. Unscrupulous performers are blacklisted.

Some points may differ slightly on each service, but this does not affect the overall algorithm. Most often, such platforms offer not only increased views, but also likes, subscriptions, comments and any other activity on various social networks.

Another type of service was created to help YouTubers specifically. They create unique algorithms and try to cheat in an automated way. The customer chooses a tariff, pays and receives the promised numbers.

Examples of services for promotion:

  1. Viboom. Customizes your audience using filters to bring in the people most interested in your content. Offers advertising of the video in a native way, without causing negativity.
  2. Vagex. The service supports a referral program. Functions: increasing views, SEO optimization of the video.
  3. Seedmotion. Filters the audience by age, region and category. During the campaign, the client has access to detailed statistics to analyze the effectiveness. The video is posted on thousands of websites and social networks.

You can also see: Vktarget, Qcomment, Seedr.

There are many more of them. When choosing, focus on the number of registered performers, the cost of one action, commissions and other terms of use.

Websites often offer a combo: views+subscriptions+likes+comments.

Pay attention! If you plan to advertise anything, then advertisers will closely monitor the progress of your videos. The same type of monosyllabic comments or simply out-of-place remarks can be alarming. In addition, it is also noticed that likes are increased when there are too few of them from total number subscribers. There are usually always dislikes, and if there are none, but there are several thousand likes, this is another signal of unnaturalness.

Closed chats and groups

This method is not suitable for increasing numbers to millions. If you find a chat where everyone is watching everyone else's videos, you can provide yourself with up to a hundred live viewers. But this is a fairly time-consuming method and is suitable in cases where few views are needed.

Promotion on social networks

Share videos in VKontakte groups, talk about the premiere on Instagram, leave links on Facebook. An audience will come to you, but from different social networks. Naturally, this method helps when all other pages are not empty, but are quite popular among fans.

Use posting in thematic groups or forums, where there is a higher chance of finding an interested user.

How YouTube reacts to cheating

Modern deception algorithms are developing, but YouTube is not standing still either. Continuous improvements show the site's commitment to equality, respect for creative work and fair competition. The YouTube counter learned a long time ago to detect cheating and show the results of real users. That is why it works with a delay, not displaying the current number of views immediately.

Violating community rules may result in sanctions or account blocking. Then the budget for black promotion will disappear.

You should not use content that belongs to other people. Such videos receive warnings or are removed. In some cases, monetization from the video is enabled, and the funds are transferred to the copyright holder.

You can also get a ban for distributing violent videos.

How to cheat effectively and unnoticed

  1. Cheating occurs at any time. Usually in the evenings and on holidays the activity of spectators decreases. And if at this moment there is a significant increase in statistics, this is one of the signs of cheating.
  2. Check the service IP address database. If they are in the suspicious database, then YouTube will remove views.
  3. Focus on user behavior. There should be natural mouse movements, pauses, rewinds.
  4. Viewers must watch 60% of the video.
  5. If you are promoting a video yourself, then under no circumstances boost the video with page updates. Yes, the counter will count views, but after time expires, it will reset all invalid ones and ban the video.

Let's sum it up

You can buy increased views on YouTube on services, cheap labor exchanges and programs. This makes it possible for a brand or blogger to get ahead, leaving competitors behind, and get the message across first. However, you need to act with caution: YouTube does not approve of automated interference with competition and removes fake views, and sometimes even blocks the channel for violating community rules. Use legal promotion methods so as not to lose the trust of the social network and your audience.

How to increase views on YouTube? How to get subscribers on YouTube? How much does it cost to get views? A huge number of people search for this information in YouTube and Google searches every day. And in this article I will tell you whether it is worth using cheating and what it can lead to. You can also go straight to watching the video.

How to increase views on YouTube? How to get subscribers on YouTube?

Some of my clients used cheating in one way or another. Some used Viboom (I already wrote why this service should not be used:) and similar tools on their own. Others gave the channel to not entirely honest specialists who used cheating, passing it off as honest methods promotion. Not a single author who contacted me benefited from artificially increasing the number of views/subscribers. Based on my own experience, I concluded: cheating will never give a positive result.

Why won't boosting views and subscribers on YouTube give you anything?

3-4 years ago, it was possible to get a video to the top using boosted views, resulting in a bunch of views naturally. To date, this possibility has been eliminated by YouTube. Nowadays, with the help of cheating you can only get your channel banned. Moreover, violations may not be detected immediately. Sometimes it takes a month, sometimes more. If you engage in increasing views on more than one video, the channel may be deleted altogether.

The channel cannot be restored.

YouTube treats cheating and spam more strictly than copyright infringement. If a channel is deleted specifically for cheating, then it will not be restored.

Promote your channel honestly.

If you are ready to spend money on YouTube promotion, I advise you to buy advertising. Of course, you need to approach it wisely. One of the best, in my opinion, tools for advertising on YouTube is a properly configured Google AdWords. Let me explain:

  • Firstly, AdWords will not only increase the number of views and subscriptions, but also create a target audience. That is, your subscribers will be those people for whom your videos are actually being filmed. They will wait for the release of your videos, increase video retention (in my opinion, the most important parameter), and be active on the channel. Do I need to say that this will bring greater results than bots watching the video once?
  • Secondly, AdWords is an official Google tool. Its use in no way can lead to a ban on your YouTube channel.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. I will definitely answer each one.

    Based on the above, we can conclude that video descriptions and reviews give a big boost to businesses in terms of promoting goods and services to the masses.

    How can you present your services and products on YouTube?

    Many online stores record short videos, no more than 5 minutes long, describing products. For example, a smartphone. The video talks about the name, technical capabilities and parameters (case size and weight, screen size and resolution, number of megapixels of the camera, etc.) The consumer, who has watched a more detailed video, has a desire to buy a smartphone. In the video description or in the video itself, a link to an online store is inserted where the consumer can purchase the product. This method helps to attract more buyers.

    YouTube is the most popular and widely used Internet resource. Its popularity can increase traffic to any other resource. However, in order for users to watch videos of a particular store or webinar, the videos must be popular and located at the top of the YouTube search feed, which requires promotion Youtube views. How to achieve this? It's quite simple:

  • Videos should get as many views as possible.
  • Live viewers or automated systems are used to increase views.

How to get these same views?

Channel owners often wonder how to increase views. Many sites offer the service “Increase views for free”. This type of service involves promotion with the help of live subscribers who watch videos, thereby increasing its popularity so that it takes a place among the recommended videos by the YouTube platform itself. The algorithm of operation should be considered. Free promotion views, as a rule, is “mutual promotion” when platform users visit the site and leave links to their videos. The rest of the participants watch those same videos, increasing his rating. Let's take a closer look at user actions:

  • The site does not require registration. To log in, just use account at any social network. For the convenience of users, the site contains buttons corresponding to the network.
  • To be able to add links to your video, you need to top up your balance, in other words, earn points.
  • They are collected by watching videos of other site users.
  • Having collected the required number of points, go to your personal account. Select the “Add task” function. From the icons presented, select Youtube.
  • Choose the one you need from two tasks: “increase likes” or “increase subscribers”. Note that the program for boosting YouTube does not work here, the videos are viewed by real people.
  • Specify the number of subscribers you need and click on the “Order” button.

To cheat, you don’t have to be online at all. After using this service, see after a while how much the number of subscribers and views has increased. Make sure it works!

However, promotion on YouTube will not be so successful if the quality of the video leaves much to be desired; It won’t be enough to upload a video, add a task on and wait for the promotion. Much depends on the quality of the videos, the activity of the channel, the manner of presenting information, because you are also counting on other users who access the site not through the service, but on their own. Agree, no one will be interested in a video with poor sound, constantly shaking images and a boring story about what wonderful smartphones can be purchased in an online store. Today, manufacturers and distributors offer a huge amount of inexpensive equipment for sound design and high-quality video shooting. Even low-cost cameras produce excellent quality videos. If you want to make your videos high quality, you should get:

  • Microphone.
  • Camera.
  • Download a video editor, at least with minimal capabilities.
  • Work on your diction and style of presentation.

A high-quality video means shooting without extraneous noise and good light. Try to find a quiet shooting area with at least one window that will provide daylight. If you are talking about services, for example, foreign language courses or a self-development school, invite employees to film, tell about the teachers, the diplomas and certificates they have, film the work process, indicate what technologies (interactive whiteboards, etc.) ) are used during classes. A great addition would be a review from one of the course graduates. In the case of an online store, this could be customer reviews.

The next thing you should pay attention to is how you talk about services or products. The story should be as informative, interesting and arouse a desire to purchase the services or goods offered. The story will be more interesting and informative if you make a list in advance and describe the product point by point.

Hashtags are one of the key factors. For example, you upload a video about a Greek dish and want it to be on the first lines. While uploading a video to Youtube, in the “Tags” field, enter the maximum number of tags – keywords, which are being searched. In the case of a Greek dish, the tags could be: “ greek cuisine", "Greek dish", "popular Greek dish", "name of the dish", "Mediterranean cuisine", etc.

Often, masterclass schools upload videos with short lessons or tips in a particular area. For example, a self-development school can post a video about how to cope with stress or how to speak successfully in front of an audience; then in the video description and on the video itself there is a link to the official website of the school, where visitors can find more complete courses or master classes.

Another area where YouTube views may be needed is blogging. Many bloggers create channels about travel, cooking, etc. To gain a large number of subscribers and viewers, you need to wait patiently, maybe for several years. However, patience and enthusiasm may run out before you gain subscribers, so they are recommended to use this service.

How to increase views on YouTube?

Visit the website and in a short time you will be convinced of the effectiveness of the service. Completely new or relatively new channels will be able to gain the required number of subscribers, leaving tasks in their personal account.

For those who do not have a lot of free time to complete tasks, we offer paid promotion, where the payment for every 100 subscribers is only 5 rubles. Advantages of the site:

  • No registration. Login is only possible using social networks.
  • Videos are watched by real people.
  • There is no need to download any programs to cheat.
  • It's completely free if you have some free time.
  • A simple algorithm of actions - just add a task and enter the number of required subscribers or views.
  • By watching videos of other users, you help them gain views and earn points to leave tasks for your channel.
