Today, technology allows people to pay not only with cash and a bank card, but also with a smartphone.

Contactless payments and mobile payment systems are the future; they are becoming popular every day. Google has created for its operating system Android Pay(now), Samsung and Apple are systems of the same name with the Pay prefix. They work on the same principle - just bring the switched on, unlocked smartphone to the contactless terminal.

Today we will tell you in detail how to use NFC, how to set up this function, and what you need for this.

Smartphone with NFC

First and most importantly, the device must be equipped. He is the one responsible for contactless transactions. If the gadget does not have NFC, unfortunately, . The operating system version must be Android 4.4 and higher.

How to find out if NFC is available:

  • Ours.
  • Official websites of manufacturers with a list of technical specifications.
  • Settings - More/Advanced/Additional functions (depending on the version of Android and the proprietary shell). This section should contain NFC and Android Beam features that need to be activated.

Supported card

This is the second most important condition. If the card does not support contactless payments or the bank for some reason gives an error when setting up the card, you will not be able to link it to a smartphone and Android Pay, an error will appear. In this case, you can either contact the bank with a request to reissue the card, or order a new one.

Almost everything modern maps, including Sberbank (except Maestro), Alfa, Tinkov and others, support contactless payments. If you see such symbols, then in most cases everything is fine.

Depending on the brand of smartphone, download the application. As is clear, all devices except Samsung and Apple require a program (now called Google Pay). It is with her example that we will show how contactless payment via NFC works.

After installing the application, you need to create a bank card in it: you can scan it through the gadget’s camera or enter the number manually. You also need to manually fill in the expiration date, owner’s name and CSV code (three digits on the back). Then the entered data must be confirmed - an SMS message with a code will be sent to the phone number to which the card is linked.

When this operation is completed, the bank card will appear in the Android Pay interface. At this stage, the application will definitely require you to set up a screen lock - these are Google's policies. You need to set a PIN code graphic key or password. In the future, it will be possible if you have a fingerprint scanner, the main thing is that the device is unlocked.

NFC technology - what is it, why did it appear in our lives and do you really need a smartphone with this mysterious technology? Let's find out today on the page of our portal.

What is this thing and what do you eat it with?

So, let's go: NFC on a phone, what is it and how to use it? NFC is wireless way communication, literally translated from English as “near field communication”. This technology “came out” back in 2004. (at the time of writing this is neither more nor less - (!)); 15 years ago! However, it is safe to say that its popularity came only 2-3 years ago.

The main area of ​​application of this technology is payments, then in popularity is reading information embedded in tags, and, less often, data exchange. So, precisely because of the lack of payment terminals, the NFC function that supports contactless payment did not gain popularity at first.

What about today? According to a study by Alfa Bank in 2018, every ninth non-cash payment transaction was carried out using NFC (which is 5 times more than, for example, in 2017). Experts predict that in 2019, every sixth payment will be made using the NFC module. 👍

Plus, phones with an NFC chip at the beginning of their history were no longer cheap at all, and Chinese manufacturers (whose smartphones are relatively inexpensive) generally ignored the emergence of such technology at the beginning. However, over time, the situation has changed radically; every year more and more people use the technology.

We have collected for you some statistics on sales of phones with NFC in Russia (according to the Svyaznoy company).

Advantages :

  • almost instantaneous connection establishment (0.1 sec);
  • relatively inexpensive cost (here, by the way, someone can argue, because according to data for 2018, the average cost of a smartphone with NFC was no less than 27,500 rubles);
  • compact size of the chip itself;
  • high level of security (unlike Bluetoth).
  • easy setup(we will give instructions below).


  • very low transfer speed;
  • small range of action (up to 10 centimeters), although this can be considered a plus, because this ensures payment security. The operation will only take place if the phone is pressed tightly to the POS terminal.

Payment by phone: setting up NFC

The NFC module in a smartphone is most often used to pay for purchases. Perhaps this is the opportunity I take advantage of every day. You don’t need to take your wallet with you or remember about your card, because you always have your phone with you. Setting up NFC on your phone is very easy!

Please note that the card that you plan to link to your phone must be marked Paypass, which means “contactless payment”. If your card does not have such a mark, you should contact the bank to reissue the card.

Now I’ll show you step by step how to set up NFC for payment on your phone and link a card.

  • If your phone works on Android system, You need to first activate the NFC function on your phone. To do this, go to “Settings” - “Wireless Networks”. If you have an iPhone, you can skip this step; NFC is enabled by default.
  • Iphone owners will need to go to the Wallet application (it is installed by default). If we talk about Androids, everything is the same. For example, Samsung immediately has the SamsungPay application). Click on the plus in the upper right corner). By the way, I talked about it separately.
  • We begin the process of adding a card. Add all the card data to the form that appears.
  • Next, click “Accept”.

Contactless payment applications will definitely remind you that you need to lock your phone with a PIN code to protect your finances.

That's it. Are you wondering how to use NFC on your phone to pay in a store? It couldn’t be simpler - you simply place your phone on the payment terminal and confirm the operation with your fingerprint. True, for the first time I paid for a purchase by phone, I still took the card with me.

Fraud and other horror stories about NFC

Anything new is always scary and many people still don’t use contactless payments because... consider this method unsafe. But let's think together - is it much safer to carry money in your pocket or a card? Of course not, it’s just more familiar!

Even if something sad happens and the phone is stolen, payment will not be possible without you. After all, to make any payment via NFC you need a fingerprint (Touch ID) or a face scan (Face ID). Yes! I also heard stories about a cut off finger, but these are “tales” - nothing more :). I have not found a single confirmed case at the time of writing.

But if a card with a contactless payment function is stolen, the risk of losing money is higher, but it is limited to 1000 rubles. This is exactly the limit for transactions that do not require a PIN code that is established in Russia. This is exactly what scammers use in crowded places. The principle can be understood from the photo below. But again the theft will be up to 1000 at a time.

NFC for data transfer

In addition to the ability to pay, the NFC chip in a smartphone also allows you to transfer data. Of course, the opportunities for transfer here are small. You can only transfer small files, links, in general, everything that you usually send via the Internet or to extreme case Bluetooth. Moreover, as I wrote above, to transfer using NFC you need to put the phones very close to each other. In addition, you also need to install the application.

NFC differs from Bluetoth in several ways:

  1. Connecting via NFC is almost instantaneous. It is for this reason that technology is used to emulate a bank card;
  2. Very, very small range. As we have already said, this is both a plus (provides greater security), but also a minus - it may not always be convenient.
  3. The NFC sensor may be in an active working state even if the main device is turned off.

To be honest, I have never used NFC to transfer any files or information, although there is an NFC module in my smartphone, I just don’t understand why this is needed, if there is mobile internet, Wi-Fi, but this is my subjective opinion.

Reading information using NFC

Another area of ​​application of this technology, which, by the way, is gaining momentum, but still seems like a distant future, is NFC tags. They can encrypt absolutely any information and be considered by any device with an NFC module. This is something like a QR code that is scanned by a mobile camera and then the information that was included in this code appears on your phone. (I wrote more about and even how to create them separately)

An NFC tag is a very tiny chip. It is thanks to its compact size that it can be placed anywhere, even implanted into the human body, and such cases already exist.

Today there are about 50,000 people around the world who implanted NFC tags in yourself. Someone may not think about whether he took the keys to the house or his garage. There are also those who encrypt the data of their work pass, passport or medical card into a tag. Imagine: I drove up to the barrier, put my hand on it, and it opened. There is no need to look for anything, your hand is always nearby). In Russia, for example, there lives a man who implanted an NFC chip from a Troika card into his hand. Now he definitely won’t lose her or forget her at home. Convenience or fantasy? Call it what you want, but this is today's reality. More information about this in our other article.

Another way is to go through the “Settings” section. There should be at least some mention of NFC, for example, in the “Wireless Networks” section.

If you haven’t found anything like this, then this technology has bypassed you for now.

The NFS module for the phone is installed in models of the middle and high price segment. For example, in the latest generations of Galaxy and iPhone (starting with), the creators have been adding this feature for several years. However, in most countries the use of tags is rather poorly developed.

Where is the chip located in a mobile device?

The NFC module in the phone is located under its back cover, near the battery. It is this part that makes more sense when connecting the phone to another device.

What gadgets are equipped with an NFC module?

Well, of course, first of all, these are smartphones, and now they have begun to be installed in more budget models and in models from Chinese manufacturers. You can find a list of smartphones with NFC support.

A very convenient thing is a watch with NFC. Well, imagine, standing in a store, you don’t even need to look for money, a card, or a phone - because the watch is always on hand. In my opinion, it couldn’t be more convenient! The likelihood of such a device being stolen is low, and, by the way, even if the watch is taken off your hand, you will no longer be able to pay with it.

Fitness bracelets with NFC technology are also gaining popularity. Such a gadget on Yandex.Market costs from 2500-15000 rubles.

The NFC ring is a less familiar thing to me and I did not have the opportunity to test such a gadget live. To be honest, it’s confusing that it’s so easy to lose. If anyone has experience using it, please share it with us in the comments.

In conclusion, I would like to say once again to those who are interested in this technology: The NFC function in a phone, watch, bracelet, or anywhere - it’s really very convenient, simple and safe! I hope that my material was useful to you.

All current Android smartphones have the top line of the screen literally filled with all sorts of symbols. Many of them are clear, familiar, and even useful: the notification panel informs you about new email messages, file downloads, the availability and quality of telephone and WiFi networks, battery charge level, etc. However, sometimes a mysterious letter N appears there, causing some suspicious users to feel slightly uneasy.

In this article we will talk about the function that is designated in Android devices by this very letter N, as well as how to disable it, and why you can do it right now.

  • What does the N symbol mean and what is NFC?

On the panel Android notifications an intricately designed letter N appears as a sign that the smartphone (or tablet) has turned on the NFC module. NFC - near field communication - is a technology through which two nearby mobile devices can exchange data (sorry for such a simplified definition).

You've probably already heard about this technology and even seen it in action. In developed democracies, NFC is used everywhere: for example, in mobile payment systems (the most famous in our country are Android Pay and Samsung Pay) - this is when you can directly from your smartphone, smart bracelets and other smart devices. In addition, via NFC you can transfer any other data from one smartphone to another.

  • How to disable NFC in Android smartphone(and take the N icon from the notification panel)?

This one is simple. Most likely, in your Android you will find the option to disable NFC directly in the quick settings menu. That is, we swipe across the screen from top to bottom, and in the drop-down menu, somewhere next to the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth symbols, we find an icon in the form of the same letter N as in the notification panel, with a caption next to it and, if the function is active, tap on it to turn it off.

If you didn’t find the letter N in the quick settings of your smartphone, then open the normal settings, then click “ More… " in the section " Wireless networks " and in the subsection " Transfer files and data » turn the NFC option switch to the « position Off ", after which the N symbol will disappear from the notification panel.

  • To disable or not to disable NFC?

Frankly speaking, at present there is practically no real benefit from NFC for the vast majority of Android users. Well, as we already said, you can transfer photos or other files from one smartphone to another. Contactless mobile payment systems have not yet enjoyed such significant popularity among the population and, there is a suspicion that they will not be used for quite some time. The mentioned Android Pay and Samsung Pay, despite their very successful debut in the States, will not come to our shores anytime soon.

So if you are not currently in American store, then you can safely disable the NFC function in your Android smartphone and thus save its battery power.

Near Field Communication technology (or NFC for short) was initially popular only as an aid for contactless payments.

However, everything is much more extensive than it seems at first glance.

This technology provides high-quality wireless communications that have a very short range (up to 10 cm).

This connection makes it possible to carry out contactless data exchange between devices that are in close proximity.

So, using a SIM card with a built-in chip of this technology, you can use it as a payment card or, for example, a key card.

NFC is based on Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID). This is a radio frequency identification that works automatically.

The data is stored in so-called transponders, they are defined as NFC tags. And the radio signal reads and writes data.

The technology's radio channel supports both active and passive devices.

For example, even key fobs can be NFC technology adapters.

However, smartphones are increasingly becoming carriers of technology. Many manufacturers supplement gadgets with high-level NFC adapters.

And although many still do not know what NFC is in a smartphone and how to use it, the function sometimes comes in very handy.

What is NFC?

If you translate the full name of this technology, you will literally get “near-field communication.”

Essentially this wireless communication, which operates at very close range.

That is why devices with NFC adapters are able to communicate with each other, but this only works if they are nearby (no more than 10 cm from each other).

This technology can be used for various purposes.

So, for example, a phone that has an NFC module can become a bank card or a pass to some establishment.

In addition, the function involves instantly exchanging files or links.

However, to do this, both devices must have a special application that reads NFC tags.

Or the phone must have a SIM card with an NFC chip.

Android phones allow you to use the NFC function from version 4.0.

Nowadays, devices with NFC tags are used more and more often in various fields. For example, using an NFC adapter, it is possible to book tickets, as well as sell them.

Also in some cities, you can use a device with NFC to pay for parking or public transport.

However, NFC chips are most actively used in the service sector and in the field of control and security of access to personal data.

Features of NFC in a smartphone

For smartphones, there are three most popular options for using NFC technology:

  • Reading mode. This function allows you to read passive tags.
  • Card emulation. With this option, it is possible to use the phone as a card (bank card or pass card).
  • P2P. This is a mode that allows two phones to exchange data by pairing with each other.

The fact is that only a phone with an NFC module can become a carrier of the technology. That is, the chip is built into the device.

It is assumed that it will be inseparable from the user, since the device may have extremely convenient functions.

After all, the phone is always at hand, but the payment card may not be nearby, and then the smartphone with the module will replace it.

NFC also allows you to pay for purchases directly from a virtual wallet, which is even more convenient (after all, then there is no need to cash out the wallet).

This function can also be used to identify the owner of various bonus cards or travel tickets.

NFC tags

Tags are certain information zones that are programmed. They are usually built into posters or billboards.

They can also sometimes be found on product shelves in large hypermarkets.

When reading them you can get additional information, some links and even watch videos (like trailers for ).

However, in addition to exchanging files and information between devices, the NFC function can be used to write and read data from various installed NFC tags, as well as SIM cards that have the same chip.

The fact is that such chips are quite small in size.

This allows them to be integrated into various devices and devices. They can be business cards, product price tags, stickers or labels, bracelets, keychains, etc.

However, the process of working with NFC tags requires a certain algorithm of actions, which is performed using a special application on a smartphone.

However, there are many such applications and each of them is responsible for certain data.

There are also apps that allow you to program information into a tag on your smartphone.

Scanning tags

First of all, you need to enable the NFC function on your smartphone. Then activate the screen.

Afterwards, you should touch the tag with your phone, but do this in such a way that the NFC adapter in the smartphone touches the tag.

After which the gadget automatically reads the information that is entered into the tag chip and automatically displays it on the screen. However, for her full view you have to tap on the screen.

Transferring a music file

It is necessary to enable the NFC function on both devices and activate the smartphone screens. Go to a file that stores media content.

Having opened the media library, you should select the one you need. When you play a track, the file will automatically start streaming to another device.

However, it is worth considering that to transfer a file, you need to turn the phones back to each other and lean them so that the NFC tags touch.

After pairing, the phones will vibrate, after which you need to move them away from each other a little, which will prevent reconnection, which could interfere with file transfer.

After transfer to the receiving phone, the media file will be played automatically, and you can find it in a special application.

However, it is worth considering that if you stop the audio on the transmitting device, the transmission will also stop.

NFC or Bluetooth?

The fact is that Bluetooth and NFC technologies are similar in principle of operation. However, the difference in them is significant and quite noticeable.

So, if we talk about NFC, the connection time of this function is one tenth of a second, which is a definite advantage over Bluetooth.

In addition, the short range makes NFC much more secure.

However, NFC has a much lower transfer speed than , and you have to keep the devices close to each other (it can be compared to the IR ports on older phones).

This is why technology is used for different purposes.

For example, Bluetooth is not used to pay for goods or as a pass, since such a connection is not reliable enough and there is a possibility that payment data will be intercepted.

In addition, the practical instant connection of devices with NFC does not waste much time.

However, in the case of transferring large files, Bluetooth will be more suitable, since its data transfer speed is much higher and it does not require devices to be kept at the closest possible distance for a long time.

In addition, the development of bank payments at the present time is quite progressive, which leads to the increasing use of NFC modules.

For example, global payment systems and banking corporations create cards with built-in NFC chips.

Not long ago, a number of companies created a special Google service Wallet, which involves installation on smartphones based on .

This application will allow the user to turn the gadget into credit card, which you can use to pay for purchases or make payments at terminals.

However, to do this, the terminals must be equipped with PayPass technology, which will read NFC chips.

How can you tell if your smartphone has an NFC function?

The fact is that not every modern smartphone has a built-in NFC adapter. However, some do not even imagine the presence of such a function on their gadget.

Some devices place the words Near Field Communication or simply the NFC logo on the battery or phone body.

However, there is a way to check for an NFC adapter on your smartphone. To do this you need to perform a number of actions:

  • Go to the smartphone settings menu;
  • Open “Wireless Networks” and click “More...”;
  • If the function is present on the phone, you can see the NFC settings item.

Activating the NFC function

Once you have decided whether your gadget supports the NFC function, you must allow the use of the adapter, which will allow you to exchange data with other devices that support NFC.

To activate you need:

  • Go to the settings menu;
  • Then in “Wireless Networks” click “More...”;
  • And check the box (on some devices, switch the toggle switch) on the item “allow data exchange when combining the device with other devices”;
  • After this, the Android Beam function should turn on automatically, but if this does not happen, you must click “Yes” in the window that appears, which will activate this function.

Disabling Android Beam limits NFC's ability to pair and transfer data between devices.

NFC and data sharing

Once the NFC function is activated, it can be used to transfer data (data transfer also occurs when making payments).

However, for successful connection and data exchange, several points must be taken into account:

  • Android Beam must be enabled on both devices, as well as NFC;
  • Both devices must have their screen activated while in sleep or safe mode excluded;
  • Both devices notify with a signal or vibration about a successful connection, but for this they need to be brought close to each other at the place where the NFC chip is inserted;
  • It is necessary to keep the devices nearby until the transfer is complete and the phone notifies you that the data exchange has ended.

Data transfer

The point is that regardless of the data that needs to be transferred, the way you use Android Beam is the same.

It also does not change depending on the received and transmitted device. Its algorithm is as follows:

  • open the file (content) that needs to be transferred;
  • lean the devices against each other with their back panels;
  • wait for connection confirmation via signal or vibration;
  • click on the screen “click to transfer data”;
  • click on the screen to start data exchange;
  • wait for notification about the start of the transfer;
  • move the devices away a little, but do not move them away by more than 10 cm;
  • wait for the sound signal indicating the end of data transfer.

Transferring Applications

The big advantage of NFC is that it provides the ability to transfer APK files. However, it's not that simple.

Instead of the file itself, the device sends a link to the application to Play Store. Afterwards, on the recipient’s device, you can easily follow the link and download the application, rather than searching for it everywhere.

Transferring web pages

Just like when transferring applications, the device only transfers a link to a web page, which allows you to quickly open it on the recipient’s device using a browser.

This will happen automatically after receiving the link.

Transfer videos from YouTube

You can guess that, just like previous times, the device will only transmit a link that will open automatically special program on your Android device and the video will start playing immediately.

NFC-enabled devices

The first device to support NFC was Nokia phone 6131, which was released in 2006. However, at that time this function was absolutely not in demand and useless due to lack of infrastructure.

However, in given time Everything has NFC functionality more devices. One of them is Sony Xperia S with dual core processor and HD screen.

This phone runs on Android and has two NFC tags called XPERIA SmartTags.

They allow you to program the execution and launch of certain actions when the phone is within NFC range.

More and more companies are integrating NFC chips into their own or releasing certain devices (not always smartphones) with modules. For example, Intel plans and is already implementing production with NFC chips.

Samsung is also increasingly adding NFC functionality to its devices.

Considering that such large companies are increasingly concerned about the availability of NFC devices for users, we can assume that such a function will soon appear in all smartphones, which will allow its mass use.

Important NFC Points

If we talk about what NFC is on a smartphone and how to use it, it is worth understanding and learning a number of specific points, as well as the “downside” of using this function.

The NFC function can significantly facilitate some areas and the use of a number of everyday items that are sometimes not convenient to carry with you.

However, it is worth understanding that this technology also complicates some things in some ways, including the issue of security.

And although, compared to the same, the NFC function is more secure, it is worth understanding that not everything is so simple.

Since the technology only works at close range, turning it off is useless, but constantly turning the function on and off is also not very convenient.

So it turns out that we can ensure complete security of our data only after disabling the function, but in this case its convenience is significantly reduced and the function becomes practically useless.

The fact is that when using the NFC function as a mobile wallet, a password, PIN code and other similar means of protection will not always provide complete data security.

So, for example, the loss/theft of a phone threatens that attackers can use another device with NFC, get your data, withdraw money from your mobile wallet, or pay with it somewhere.

Although it is worth understanding that the loss of a wallet can lead to approximately the same consequences. That is, the function is relatively safe. It all depends on care and chance.


Many Android devices already have built-in NFC chips. However, the use of this function is still significantly limited and is not particularly widespread.

Now this function is used as an opportunity for contactless payment for services, however, this application is not always possible and not everywhere.

It is worth knowing that by its appearance NFC technology owes to such well-known companies as Sony and Philips.

Two corporations have teamed up to create the latest radio communication standard. After some time, it received the name Near Field Communication (NFC).

However, before this, both companies made attempts to create this kind of technology. So, until 2002, both companies had developments with the names MIFARE (from Philips) and FeliCa (from Sony).

And although the technologies were similar, their compatibility was not possible due to a number of reasons.

After a while, both corporations realized their shortcomings and came to a common conclusion that combining knowledge and resources would help achieve what they wanted, and in the end it turned out that way.

They combined all the advantages of previous developments and tried as much as possible to reduce the shortcomings. In addition, the main goal of the development was the possibility of its application in practice.

NFC has always been focused on pairing and transferring various types of data between devices that are not paired with each other.

However, initially only electronic media were supposed to become such devices, and only later it became clear that the use of NFC was possible in various other devices and objects.

The technology also allows devices in close proximity to communicate instantly, which has led to a number of different applications for the technology.

In addition, data transfer occurs immediately after connection (only in some cases additional actions are required).

This technology is implemented in the simplest and most convenient form - a chip. It works in both active and passive modes.

That is, as an active device, it works as a pass or key, and as a passive device, it acts as a transmitter of recorded/programmed information.

And although at the moment NFC technology is used extremely passively and in very limited areas, it can be assumed that not much time will pass and it will become extremely widely popularized throughout the world.

It is already clear that its use is possible in fairly wide areas.

This means that, most likely, technology will penetrate into various spheres of human life, perhaps even into those that are unimaginable.

This is why smartphones with NFC will soon be on every corner, and their value will increase significantly.

Many corporations understand that the implementation of such a project will bring significant benefits in the future.


Save time


Despite the fact that almost everyone has access to information, not every mobile device user knows what NFC is in a smartphone, what it is for this technology and how to use it.

How does NFC work?

NFC - won fame computer technology, which allows you to make purchases in stores and pay for services without money (cash) or a bank card. It's new and practically safe way contactless payment. The communication interface is used in a smartphone. To pay, just bring your smartphone with the installed module to the terminal.

The principle of operation of the NFC module in a smartphone is the same as that of plastic cards with a wireless communication function.

There are several known ways to use the NFC interface in a mobile device. Most often, people use it to make contactless payments. A bank card is attached to the mobile device. It is difficult to intercept bank card data due to the small range of this module. In this case, unattended, lost or unlocked smartphones are more dangerous.

The payment transaction is carried out in several stages:

  • Purchasing and activating a card with PayPass technology.
  • Install your issuing bank's application.
  • Activating NFC technology on a mobile device.
  • Applying the card to the smartphone, starting the data reading procedure.
  • Receive a PIN code from the bank via SMS for transactions.
  • Payment for goods and services using a smartphone and a payment terminal.

There is another, less common way to use NFC technology. Using the module you can exchange data. Files are transferred from one mobile device to another, and a special device acts as an intermediary. Android app Beam. But exchanging data in this way is inconvenient, since the transmission speed is low and the range is minimal. The method is suitable for sending text messages, but nothing more.

The third way to use the technology is to record and read tags. Certain actions are assigned to a tag, such as sending a message, calling a contact, or going online. The function is suitable for people seeking to optimize personal time and automate their everyday life.

How to set up NFC for contactless payment by phone

NFC setup consists of the following steps:

  1. Module activation. The user goes to the “wireless networks” settings section and checks the box next to the NFC name.
  2. Agent selection. The user has the opportunity to select and install the application of the issuing bank of his card for data transfer.
  3. Module binding. The user moves the device closer to the card with PayPass technology until the signal goes off.
  4. Confirmation. Receive an SMS code to complete transactions.
  5. Usage. Payment for goods and services in terminals with NFC technology.

Is it possible to buy a separate NFC module for your phone?

Purchasing a separate contactless communication module for a telephone is possible in the form of several solutions. Together with mobile device you can use a special SIM card or antenna. The SIM card works the same as its counterparts. She is being released mobile operators and is installed in the smartphone in a special connector. The SIM card opens up all the possibilities of contactless transactions using mobile phone at the level Apple Pay or Samsung Pay.

NFC antenna is a radio device that performs the functions of an NFC module, but the user will have to install it on their smartphone themselves. The antenna is glued to the SIM card and installed under the phone cover. On model with non-removable lid Installing modules is more difficult, but theoretically possible.

What are nfc tags

Recording and then reading tags is necessary to automate everyday tasks. Tags are analogous to QR codes. When approaching the tag, the smartphone reads it using the NFC module and performs encrypted tasks. For example, opens a video on YouTube, email, SMS message or call a contact from your phone's address book.

A smart ring or bracelet with NFC function is a new development from Chinese engineers, suitable for smartphones running on any operating systems. The bracelet can be selected to suit any hand size (the same with the ring). The device weighs very little and fully supports NFC technology. The processor functions, for example, in the band 3 nfc model are performed by a special chipset. Thanks to the chipset, the smart bracelet helps the smartphone exchange data via a contactless channel, maintaining the necessary security. Data on a device can be overwritten hundreds of thousands of times.

The bracelet stores payment information, notes and other personal information. It’s easy to view information - just hold the bracelet to the smartphone screen. The bracelet will instantly establish a connection with the phone and remove the lock from the screen, and can also serve as a “hot” button. For example, when you bring the bracelet to your smartphone, the camera, Internet or social network application will instantly open.

How to find out if your phone has NFC

The NFC icon, if the smartphone has this module, can be found in the settings menu. On an Android device, you need to do this:

  1. Open the settings menu.
  2. Open the “wireless networks” section.
  3. Read the list of networks supported by the device. If the list does not include a network called NFC, then the smartphone cannot exchange data using this technology.

Is NFC technology safe? Won't the money be stolen?

People who have been using contactless phones for a long time bank cards, there is no need to explain what NFC technology is. This payment method is safer standard method activation of the PIN card in the terminal, since no one sees the code. Even after stealing a smartphone, an attacker will not be able to withdraw more than 1,000 rubles from the card due to universal current restrictions to the limit on amounts in contactless transactions.

Some media reported that attackers have developed terminals that they use in crowds, quietly withdrawing money. But this is only possible if the smartphone is not locked.

Advice: if the fraudster managed to write off money illegally, the account owner can always contact the bank and ask employees to track the movement of funds. The attacker’s account will be quickly found and the money will be returned to the owner if he (the fraudster) has not spent it yet.

Programs for creating NFC tags

There are already many separate applications for creating NFC tags, but their number is constantly growing. The following specialized programs are in great demand:

  • ABA NFC. The program creates standard labels for various purposes.
  • WiFi Tap. The program quickly connects the device to wireless network without entering a password.
