• 1. What is a router
  • 2. What to look for when purchasing
  • 3. Technical nuances when choosing a router
  • 4. What are protocols and why is it important?
  • 5. Signal frequency and encryption
  • 6. Appearance router
  • 7. How to ensure the most acceptable signal quality at home

Today, every office and every apartment must have at least one Wi-Fi router. This small magic box not only distributes the Internet to all our devices, but can also serve as a host for local network. Moreover, using a router, we can combine household appliances in such a way that we turn our usual living space into “ smart home”, where each device is in sync with the others. How to choose a Wi-Fi router for an apartment? We'll tell you in our article.

What is a router

Despite its deceptively simple design, this box is quite complex. Without going into technical thorns, let's say that it is a mini-computer with a processor, RAM and a bunch of interfaces of different protocols, and all this so that we can freely use a wireless high-speed Internet connection. At the same time, the unit does not just distribute a connection, but has a multi-level architecture of data delivery protocols, the complexity of which is due to the need to protect data from intrusions and the ability to encrypt it

What to look for when purchasing

Each router has a set of specific characteristics, any of which should be considered when you go to the store. Before we turn to the characteristics, it is advisable to study in advance the demand for popular models in Online markets, and the first thing you need to pay attention to is reviews of the devices

It is important not to blindly trust reviews, but to try to carefully analyze the situation ourselves, so the next thing we must learn to evaluate is the characteristics

Technical nuances when choosing a router

Quite often manufacturers try to hide technical specifications their devices, because these numbers are not similar to what we are used to seeing in modern devices. Most often, you will not see complete data even on the box with the device, so take the time to find the manufacturer’s website and scan it for the presence of the model you are interested in. We will select the router now, but we still have to work with it and solve its problems for a long time after. Let's look at the minimum required:

Simple and clear characteristics that you should pay attention to first. A good router for home should not have a processor less than 500Mhz, while the recommended values ​​for RAM and ROM are 64 and 32, respectively. Pay close attention to the presence and texture of antennas; their length and quantity directly determine the coverage width and quality of your Wi-Fi connection

What are protocols and why is it important?

Surely you didn’t even ask your provider what protocol it uses to provide Internet access. Of course, in everyday life this information is not critical for us, but when it comes to choosing a router for an apartment, we must find out this in a special order. The fact is that different operators use different transmission protocols, and if your router does not support at least one of them, you will not be able to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi.

  1. PPTP, L2TP, PPPoE are wired standards that no communication provider can do without. If your router does not support at least one of them, choose another.
  2. 2G/3G/4G/5G – modern wireless standards mobile communications. You may need support for one of them in your device in case you do not have a physical cable with wired Internet at home

Signal frequency and encryption

Any router has a built-in firewall that protects your packets from interception and modification. There are 2 - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz standards, determined by the frequency of the operating network. The 2.4 standard is the most widespread - you already have at least several devices at home that communicate on this frequency. 5GHz - new type distributors operating in a different frequency range. The main recommendation for choosing is to look for a device that will support both bands:

In addition to frequency gradation, there is also a classification based on speed characteristics. They are defined by the IEEE 802.11 standard. Choose a device that will support the entire speed range: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11 ac. Encryption in a router comes in both two and three types, namely

  • WPA2;
  • WPS/QSS.

A good router in 2019 should support any of the above standards.

Router appearance

The case is the first thing we pay attention to when purchasing. The form factor is so diverse that there is no point in describing everything possible options execution. Let's limit ourselves to useful tips:

How to ensure the best signal quality at home

Let's figure out what the router firmware is. This is software that simulates the operation of any device, which affects absolutely all characteristics, be it speed, protocol support, configuration options and much more. The firmware is installed by default by the manufacturer, but if you are not satisfied with the signal quality, you can find a custom one on the Internet or the official one on the manufacturer’s website. Please note that if you have reached this point fine tuning- here the manufacturer’s warranty liability to you ceases to have legal force.
Conductivity. Always install your router based on your living space. Wi-Fi signal does not have an isotropic structure, so its distribution is affected by absolutely everything, from connected household appliances to walls and furniture. Unlike the IR signal, Wi-Fi can pass through walls, but it is noticeably attenuated, changing the modulation. Any metal structures will strongly absorb the signal, as will concrete walls, and plasterboard walls provide the best transmission.

As it turns out, there are a wide range of features to look for when purchasing a router. We wish you good luck in this difficult matter - our article will certainly help you

Who and why might need a reserved Internet channel at home? For example, if you have a “smart home” installed in your house or apartment, or simply a server and video surveillance cameras, security and engineering sensors (water leaks, gas leaks), a status report on which you would like to receive is guaranteed, regardless of whether at the moment, your Internet provider, or unexpectedly decided to carry out routine maintenance.

Seamless Wi-Fi roaming

The technology is slowly starting to appear in home devices after becoming an integral part of enterprise wireless networks. It is important when, to ensure a large coverage area (a multi-room apartment with “impenetrable” walls or a large private house) not one wireless router is used, but several. One router is designated as the “master” (usually the one that is connected to the provider), and the rest are switched to access point mode, and the “master” constantly monitors the state of the entire network, distributes uniform settings and connection rules to all routers, and can transfer clients from loaded points to a less busy one, provides a transparent transition from one point to another, and so on. If you have a large house or apartment and are faced with the problem of stable reception with one wireless router, this may well be the way to go. One has only to take into account that a prerequisite for the operation of such a scheme is the use of routers from the same manufacturer, and those models in which this technology works. And one more “but”: you should not expect that this technology will work flawlessly on home routers - it is just emerging and is unlikely to be ideally implemented in the home segment in the near future.

Ethernet port speed

Gigabit ports are gradually becoming something that is simply necessary to have in a home router: providers are offering increasingly higher speeds, and all of our stationary devices have switched to the standard Gigabit Ethernet. So there’s not much to discuss here - soon there will simply be no devices left with 100 Mbit/s ports.

It is impossible to imagine our life today without the Internet, and people who are deprived of access to the Internet for at least a day feel cut off from the world. Since we became acquainted with the miracle of web surfing, a lot of water has passed under the bridge - connection speed has increased, traffic has ceased to be expensive and limited, and most importantly, with the advent of routers, the unbearable wires that cluttered our apartments have disappeared. It would seem that we have been familiar with this device for a long time, but still not many people know how to choose a Wi-Fi router for an apartment, so we will try to answer this question today.

What is a router and why is it needed?

In short, a router is a device that forwards data packets. That is, a device that allows you to establish a connection between your personal computer and the provider providing Internet services. A router, also known as a router, allows you to connect devices both via cable and via Wi-Fi radio, which is especially convenient when using several gadgets at home at once.

Despite the fact that home routers have the same basic function, they can differ quite greatly from each other, and therefore, when choosing such a device, you need to pay attention to a number of characteristics, namely:

Let's go through all the points listed in order to find the answer to the question of how to choose a router for an apartment and not regret the choice you made.


It’s worth starting with the question of supported Wi-Fi protocols. If you have at least once seen the technical characteristics of such a device, you have probably encountered similar combinations of symbols: 802.11bgn, 802.11b, 802.11n, and so on. Different symbols indicate different frequencies, and therefore we need to choose a router that has the widest range. Old PCs, laptops, mobile phones and tablets do not support new formats, and therefore if you are not sure about the frequencies available to you, feel free to choose the mixed type 802.11bgn.
Don’t forget that each generation has its own maximum data transfer speed, and therefore if you have access to a very wide channel, you should take a closer look at the new 802.11ac routers, which develop a significantly higher maximum data transfer speed.


When assessing this item, the first thing you need to do is decide on the room in which you plan to install the router. If this is your apartment, then you need to analyze its area and layout, the number and thickness of the walls. For example, if you live in a compact apartment with a minimum of partitions, like a studio, you don’t need a powerful antenna, and you will only overpay without noticing positive changes.

In the opposite situation, with a large area and a considerable number of obstacles in the path of the signal to the connected device, it is worth choosing a more powerful antenna, or better yet, if the antenna is removable and you can change it to a more suitable option for your conditions. If you live in an apartment with three or more rooms, where each room has a separate device that requires Internet access, then it makes sense to purchase an additional router and configure it in “Bridge” mode, which will allow you to achieve the same high-quality signal throughout the entire area housing.

Support and software

No one wants to face a situation where the router they just bought keeps dropping connections and is unable to maintain a stable network. It is for this purpose that such devices are supplied with a rich set of software, and the team of device developers works even after its release into wide production, improving and optimizing the operation of the device.
In this aspect, we advise you to rely on time-tested brands that have long proven themselves among millions of users around the world. Yes, you can save a few hundred rubles by purchasing a lesser-known Chinese analogue, but it is unlikely that this local savings will bring you much happiness when the Internet regularly drops right in the middle of playing a game or watching your favorite TV series. In the end, how quickly and efficiently you can configure it depends on the interface and its user-friendliness, so if you don’t want to spend a day reading endless manuals, choose simple and reliable options when buying a router for your home in 2018.


When choosing a router type, you need to ask how you connect to your provider. The following options exist:

Experts have probably already waved their hands and exclaimed: “What about fiber optics?” They are right, this method gives a head start to all previous ones, but it is still not very widespread at home, but you can think about this option in the future.


With each point we get closer and closer to answering the question of how to choose the right router for your home, now let’s ask ourselves the question of what bandwidth will be enough for everyday use. To answer this question, we need to ask the provider what speed our service package provides. If you are the happy owner of a 1Gbit/s subscription, then it would be a pity to lose such opportunities by purchasing a router with a 100Mbit/s throughput, wouldn’t it?

Having learned about our limit of capabilities from the provider, you can go to the store and choose the appropriate device. Budget options, as a rule, have a bar of 100 Mbit/s, more expensive competitors can show 300 Mbit/s, and for rare copies with 1 Gbit/s you will have to fork out a lot. In general, if not many people in your apartment use a very limited number of gadgets, then 100Mbit/s will be enough, especially since not all providers provide wider access channels. If you have a large family and each member uses several devices, often simultaneously, you need to plan to create a serious channel and choose a router that can ensure its operation.

Manufacturer and cost

Today there is such a range of routers on the market that you can choose a device to suit every taste and budget. Don’t think that a router is a secondary device and nothing depends on its quality. In most cases, a higher price guarantees more high quality components, reliability and performance of the device. But also buying an unreasonably expensive device, having a mediocre network card It’s also not worth it - you still won’t be able to jump beyond the boundaries set by it.

A router for one or two thousand rubles will have limited bandwidth, but if you do not have high requirements for this indicator, such devices are quite suitable and will save you money. Let's highlight several manufacturers that have earned the best reputation among users, and arrange them according to the loyalty of the interface to the novice user from the simplest and most accessible to the more complex:

  • TP-Link;
  • D-Link;
  • Asus;
  • Zyxel;
  • Netis;
  • And so on.

The same brands also produce more expensive models, characterized by a better signal, higher throughput, and most importantly, connection security, but such devices are used primarily in offices and are not needed by the average user.

We hope that after reading our material you have no questions left and now you can choose the most effective device for your needs, without losing the quality, but also without overpaying for unnecessary functionality. If you still can't decide specific model– it’s time to read the latest rating of 2018 routers on our website and find out how, in the end, the two identical-looking models with the same price differ.

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When choosing a router for an apartment, first of all, you need to decide on the type of Internet connection. The device must be selected based on the technology used by your Internet provider. Let's look at the most common technologies:


An outdated technology that uses a telephone cable connected to the apartment to transmit data. Maximum incoming data transfer rate: 24 Mbit/s, outgoing: 4.5 Mbit/s. In reality, the numbers can be much lower, as they depend on the parameters of the client line. ADSL routers use a built-in modem - a device that allows you to convert an analog signal telephone line in digital.

If you already have an ADSL modem installed in your apartment, it is advisable to choose not ADSL, but a regular Ethernet router. To connect it, you just need to insert the telephone cable into the modem, and connect the LAN port of the modem to the Internet port of the router. This choice of device will help you easily change providers in the future (you won’t need to buy a new router to switch to cable Internet).


The most common choice when connecting in an apartment or small room. To establish a connection, a standard network cable, which is carried out by the provider to the apartment. The cable connects to the user’s router and provides access to the Internet via Wi-Fi and similar wires connected to laptops, computers, and modern TVs.


This technology is used extremely rarely indoors, since a 3G/4G connection provides lower speeds at higher costs compared to a cable signal. Routers of this type have a slot for connecting a SIM card or are produced with the firmware of a specific 3G/4G operator. The main advantage is high mobility. Data transmission is carried out wirelessly, so access to the Internet can be obtained even in remote areas. In addition, the 3G/4G router can be used on the road, without being tied to a cable network. For this purpose, models with USB power supply are available.


A promising technology that in the future may replace conventional cable Internet. When connecting using GPON, a fiber optic cable is installed into the client's premises. It provides the highest connection speed among all modern standards, since data is transmitted not through ordinary wires with metal cores, but through transparent flexible threads made of glass and plastic. Light flux is used to transmit data. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that compared to Ethernet, fiber optic equipment has a higher cost.

Choosing a router for an apartment depending on Wi-Fi parameters

There are two frequencies at which Wi-Fi routers for apartments and premises operate: 2.4 and 5 GHz. The most common is the first one, everyone supports it Wi-Fi devices. Radio waves at 2.4 GHz have better penetration and travel a greater distance. The 5 GHz frequency is less susceptible to interference and allows data transmission from higher speed. This is due to the fact that it has an expanded selection of channels.

As a rule, routers operating at 5 GHz are backward compatible with 2.4. Creates two separate Wi-Fi networks for connecting old (not supporting 5 GHz standard) and new devices. Each of the networks is configured separately, with its own authorization parameters specified.

An important parameter when choosing a wireless router is supported standards wireless network. There are about three dozen different Wi-Fi standards, but for client equipment only five main ones are used: 802.11a, b, g, n, ac.

  • 802.11a - real speed up to 40 Mbit/s, wireless network operates at 5 GHz.
  • 802.11b - speed up to 5 Mbit/s, frequency 2.4 GHz. Used in old wireless devices, and in modern routers this standard is retained only for backward compatibility.
  • 802.11g - provides real speeds of up to 24 Mbps, at a frequency of 2.4 GHz.
  • 802.11n - operates at both frequencies: 2.4 and 5 GHz. Depending on the number of antennas, the data transfer rate can range from 55 to 220 Mbit/s. The most advanced standard for the 2.4 GHz frequency.
  • 802.11ac - frequency only 5 GHz, connection speed depends on the number of antennas and is more than 200 Mbit/s.

Important! Modern routers support several Wi-Fi standards at once, for example, 802.11b/g/n.

Type and number of antennas for apartment routers

When choosing a Wi-Fi router for your apartment, you should also take into account the number of antennas and their type. These settings affect the coverage area of ​​the Wi-Fi network. The more antennas and the higher their power, the further the signal will propagate, and the more of it will pass through obstacles - walls, partitions, furniture. In addition, the number of antennas affects the maximum data transfer rate that the device can provide.

For use in a small apartment, you can limit yourself to a router with a built-in antenna. As a rule, its gain does not exceed 1.5 dBi. Thick reinforced concrete walls will absorb such Wi-Fi radio waves almost completely.

For a large apartment, it is recommended to use a router with external antennas. Each of them provides signal amplification (from 1.5 to 5 dBi), so you can use the Internet even if the router is in the back room of the apartment. The most common router models have from 1 to 3 antennas. However, there are also extreme options on sale, for example, the Asus RT-AC5300, which has 8 antennas.

Pay attention! In most cases, it is more practical and cheaper to opt for a router with 2-3 antennas. You can expand your network coverage using a separate device - a repeater.

Choosing a router with additional features for an apartment

A useful addition that can increasingly be found on modern routers is the presence of a USB port. Using it, you can connect a number of additional devices to the device: 3G/4G modems, printers and scanners, flash drives and external hard drives. When you connect a wireless modem, you can use 3G or 4G Internet on all devices on your home network.

In the twenty-first century, the Internet is one of the important components of the life of a modern person. Thanks to it we work, communicate, watch movies, listen to music and much more. Our review today presents the 10 most functional models of Wi-Fi routers that can please us with a high-speed connection.

1. Home wi-fi router - Linksys E1200

This model is the most budget version of the line Linksys E-Series. This device will work great in a small home or office. The gadget operates at a clock frequency of 2.4 GHz, and its possible data transfer speed can reach 300 megabits per second. The main features of the E1200 router are: new design, the ability to set parental controls, guest network and expanded wireless coverage. The device has several connectors: 1 x WAN (RJ-45) and 4 x LAN (RJ-45). The package includes: router, network cable, power adapter and disk with software. The Linksys E1200 costs about $30.

2. Compact wi-fi router - TP-LINK TL-WR841N Wireless N300

Wi-fi router - TP-LINK TL-WR841N Wireless N300– this is an excellent and inexpensive option for use in small spaces: apartments, private houses or offices. This model operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, and the maximum information transfer speed can reach 300 megabits per second. It is also worth noting the rather compact dimensions of this device, which are 192 x 33 x 130 millimeters. It also has several external inputs: 4 10/100 Mbps LAN ports + 1 10/100 WAN port. The router comes with a network cable and two antennas. Main feature This gadget is easy and quick to set up. You can purchase the TP-LINK TL-WR841N Wireless N300 for $25.

3. Multifunctional wi-fi router - Securifi Almond Easy Setup Router

Securifi Almond Easy Setup Router is a multifunctional router that is perfect for use in large rooms, apartments, houses, and also in open areas. Its main feature is the built-in touch screen, allowing you to easily configure the gadget and subsequently manage it without installation additional programs. This device can be used not only as a router, but also as a range extender. The Securifi Almond Easy Setup Router costs approximately $80.

4. Portable wi-fi router - ASUS RT-N66U Wireless-N900

ASUS RT-N66U Wireless-N900, which is excellent for use both indoors and outdoors. The main feature of this model is the data transfer speed, capable of reaching 450 megabits per second. It is also worth noting that the new product has several external ports such as: two USB, four LAN and one WAN socket. The router is equipped with three supplied antennas with a power of 19.5 dBm. The ASUS RT-N66U Wireless-N900 costs approximately $150.

5. Convenient wi-fi router - NETGEAR N750 Dual Band Wi-Fi Gigabit

Wireless router NETGEAR N750 Dual Band Wi-Fi Gigabit, which is capable of operating in two bands at once with a frequency of 2.4 and 5 GHz. The maximum possible information transfer speed is 750 megabits per second. The main feature of this device is the NETGEAR ReadyShare Printer function, with which you can print the necessary documents from various printers that have the ability Wi-Fi connections. This model is also equipped with several external ports: four LAN, one WAN and USB. You can purchase the NETGEAR N750 Dual Band Wi-Fi Gigabit for $100.

6. Desktop wi-fi router - Linksys N900 Wi-Fi Wireless Dual-Band Router

Company Linksys presented its functional Wi-fi router - Linksys N900 Wi-Fi Wireless Dual-Band Router, which is an excellent option for use in an apartment, house or small office. The maximum data transfer rate is 300 megabits per second. It has 2 built-in internal antennas with a power of 16.5 dBM. There are also several ports: 4x 10/100 Ethernet (LAN) 1x 10/100 WAN. The dimensions of the gadget are 189x152x31 millimeters, and it weighs only 202 grams. The Linksys N900 Wi-Fi Wireless Dual-Band Router costs approximately $80.

7. Functional wi-fi router - TP-LINK TL-WDR3600 Wireless N600 Dual Band

Functional wi-fi router called - TP-LINK TL-WDR3600 Wireless N600 Dual Band. The gadget operates at frequencies of 2.4 and 5 GHz, and its maximum permissible data transfer speed is 300 megabits per second. This device is equipped with several external ports: one WAN Gigabit Ethernet, four LAN and two USB 2.0 inputs. The dimensions of the router are 243 x 160.6 x 32.5 millimeters. There are also two antennas with a power of 20dBm. The TP-LINK TL-WDR3600 Wireless N600 Dual Band costs approximately $60.

8. Reliable wi-fi router - Asus AC2400 RT-AC87U Dual-band Wireless Gigabit

Wi-fi router - Asus AC2400 RT-AC87U Dual-band Wireless Gigabit– this is an excellent option for working in large rooms, offices or open areas, as the signal can cover up to 465 square meters. This model has four external antennas that are attached directly to the body. The device also has several ports: 4x 10/100/1000 Ethernet LAN, 2 WAN and 2 USB. The maximum data transfer speed can reach 600 megabits per second. The dimensions of the gadget are 289.5 x 167.6 x 47.5 millimeters and it weighs 747 grams. The Asus AC2400 RT-AC87U Dual-band Wireless Gigabit costs about $260.

9. Stationary wi-fi router - ASUS Dual-Band Wireless-N 600 Router (RT-N56U)

Company ASUS presented its compact functional router called - Dual-Band Wireless-N600 Router (RT-N56U). This model works with clock frequency 5GHz. The maximum data transfer speed can reach 300 megabits per second. The device also has several standard outputs such as WAN, LAN, USB. The Dual-Band Wireless-N600 Router costs approximately $80.

10. New wi-fi router - AirPort Express

Apple introduced a wi-fi router called - AirPort Express . This model operates in two bands with a frequency of 2.4 and 5.1 GHz. The maximum data transfer speed reaches 100 megabits per second. The dimensions of the device are 98x98x23 millimeters and it weighs 240 grams. The main feature of the gadget is that it supports exclusively Windows: 7.8 and Mac OS. AirPort Express costs approximately $120.

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