In just a couple of weeks it will be (for those who don’t know, we’re talking about Clear TV ). During this time, from scratch it was raised to the following figures: 5,096 subscribers and 594,071 views. Exact date of registration: January 23, 2014 (the channel was empty for a month). All content is original (tutorials, program reviews, useful computer tips). To achieve the result, no youtube cheating sites were used; everything was done gradually, according to plan and for free.

What to do to promote a YouTube channel from scratch?

How to promote a YouTube channel from scratch? It will be very difficult for a beginner to do this without money. At the very beginning of the existence of Clear TV, the results of the YouTube channel were not at all impressive - 50-100 views per day.

What did I do?

1) Worked on the video quality.

I tried to express my thoughts more clearly and accessible. Sometimes, before recording a video, I prepare a text for myself on a piece of paper and record the video on the second or fifth attempt. For those who don’t know, most of my videos are recorded from the screen.

2) Didn't stop recording video.

Not knowing what promotion on YouTube was, gaining 50-100 views a day, I didn’t stop. On the contrary, I recorded and posted videos almost every day (luckily I had enough ideas). In about a month or two, youtube channel results improved a little, however, these figures were not impressive: 200-300 views per day on the YouTube channel.

3) Learned how to promote a channel through social media. networks.

Three months later, I learned how to promote a YouTube channel for free. Active recruitment of a subscriber base has begun. I don’t remember how much time passed, but it appeared. I didn’t buy courses of questionable quality, I didn’t read articles about how to promote a channel through social media. network, but simply mastered one truth: for a young, unknown channel, this was the ideal solution.

4) Learned how to properly promote a channel on YouTube through SEO.

Based on the views, the results of the YouTube channel began to satisfy me (I understood perfectly well that not all at once). Along with this, the search for levers that could influence the promotion of the channel continued. In this case I caught my eye SEO optimization youtube. Too smart? Ok, I'll tell you in simple words: SEO is how the videos on my channel have the correct title and optimized description.

5) Learned to analyze information.

You can read hundreds of pages of information, but you still won’t know how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch if you don’t learn to analyze the information. Fortunately, the channel itself has an excellent tool - Youtube Analytics. He showed which videos are watched longer, and where viewers don’t really linger. I drew conclusions, made adjustments and moved on.

6) I asked about tricks on YouTube.

Information that lets me know how to properly promote a channel on youtube- was found. In just two days, I managed to find out what annotations are, a pop-up subscription button, a button to subscribe to a channel at the bottom right (right subscribe button). It’s not difficult to guess that he started using all these features on his channels.

If you are interested in promotion on YouTube and want more specifics, I recommend it, which contains the most useful videos for beginners.

7) Worked on the design of the channel.

The cosmetic touch made the channel recognizable (at least I would like to believe so). I created a header and added beautiful screensavers for my videos. The goal is for me and the content to be noticed.

Here's how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch using simple tips. Of course, I didn’t give away some secrets (they are in my videos on YouTube).

1) Optimal promotion on YouTube- this is when views steadily go up (with the exception of the New Year and holidays).

2) If your channel is two years old, but the results are 5-10 times worse than mine, then you need the help of a specialist (you can order a paid consultation, channel analysis or inexpensive YouTube promotion from me). Or you can order not from me :)

3) My YouTube channel is two years old - if it’s not difficult and interesting, then you can subscribe (this is important for me).

I hope from the article you learned how to promote a channel on YouTube from scratch and now you can get 1,000,000 views!

Today, dear friends, I will tell you how to promote videos on YouTube. Promoted videos in this service that collect a lot of views are not only an opportunity to get additional clients for your sites, but also a way to earn money directly on Youtube. Today, there are a lot of channels that do not sell anything, but earn thousands of dollars monthly purely from internal advertising of the service (Adsense).

Based on the statistics of my channel, video clips bring in $0.7 per 1000 views. In other niches, this figure can be many times higher. This is about the question of whether it is worth doing promotion and how much it will all pay off.

By payback, I mean not so much financial costs, but your time, since you can promote videos completely free of charge if you know how. The only exceptions will be highly competitive niches, where it can be easier to give small fee. By the way, paid promotion is also not particularly expensive.

What does it mean to “promote a video” on YouTube?

Before moving on to step by step guide, we need to dwell on the very concept of promotion. Many views, likes and comments in themselves do not indicate that the video has a high service rating - they only say that it was popular earlier and crowds of people watched it, but that was in the past and these parameters do not tell us about the sources of all these signals.

Real promotion refers to the process as a result of which a video begins to attract users naturally from among the people visiting YouTube.

There are two sources of such visitors:

  1. Those who go to a video from the recommended videos block;
  2. Those who get to the video through YouTube's internal search after entering a query.

Both of these sources are not unlimited. As you understand, in response to search query a list of suitable videos is displayed and only those that are closer to the beginning collect views. The number of videos in blocks with similar and recommended videos is also limited.

Which videos will catch the eye of the audience and which ones will not are decided by the Youtube search algorithm. It operates according to a scheme similar to the usual search engines Yandex or Google - it selects the highest quality materials.

The goal of promotion is to get YouTube to consider your video. better than competitors– this is a whole complex of actions.

Preparing a video file

It will be impossible to promote a low-quality video by any means, therefore, the first step is to work directly with the file that you will upload to Youtube.

1. Content

What matters most is the content contained in the video you create. If this is a training or informational clip, it should be deep and detailed so that the user gets everything they need from it and does not try to look for something else on this topic. A humorous video should make you laugh, and so on.

2. Optimization for request

If a video is being prepared to be found through search, then it should be based on a key phrase - a query that users enter to find it. The rule for preparing a video for a request is similar to writing texts: one video = one request. There’s no point in spreading yourself thin and trying to cover everything; it’s better to make several separate videos.

YouTube can recognize speech within videos. It's not always perfect, but if you look at the automatic subtitles generated by the service, you will understand that the general meaning of the content is accurately guessed. Considering this point, it is worth saying the desired word several times inside the video key phrase. The first time it should sound as close to the beginning as possible.

3. Image quality

As for the quality of the picture itself, the times of slow Internet and saving on traffic are a thing of the past and now viewers want to distinguish any little things on the screen, and not guess faces from squares.

The minimum quality of modern video is SD (720x576), it is optimal to use HD (1280x720) or higher. Fortunately, now almost every phone is capable of recording a picture in this quality, and we’re not even talking about cameras.

4. File name

The file that you will upload to your channel should not be called MOV12458.avi or something similar. Rename it to match the theme or key query eg kak-raskrutit-video-na-youtube.avi would be a good option. You can use transliteration, as in the example, or make the name in English.

5. Duration

Statistics show that YouTube prefers longer videos. Perhaps this is justified by the fact that a long video has a better chance of covering the topic completely, or perhaps the reason is the banal opportunity to insert more advertising and earn money. Regardless of the reasons, it is recommended to do it for at least 10 minutes. Naturally, the figure is individual for each topic and there is no need to film for 10 minutes when the cat fell into the pool. Approach the issue head-on and without fanaticism.

Uploading and creating a video

Having a properly prepared file, you can proceed to posting it on the network (technical instructions on how to post a video on YouTube). In the process of uploading videos to Youtube, we must pay attention to 4 points.

1. Video title

The name of the clip in the service must exactly match its content - be relevant. Otherwise, you will receive a large percentage of refusals - viewers will open the video, see that it is not what is stated and close it, or, even worse, dislike it.

It is best to use the key phrase in the title that you plan to use to promote the video. You can dilute it or supplement it with other words.

2. Description

Most best option– make the description a full-fledged article (text version of the video). The search query must be used at the beginning of the description. Don't skimp and don't limit yourself to two sentences. 3-4 paragraphs is the minimum amount you should aim for. In addition, the text under the video will help in its promotion through regular search engines.

3. Tags

Tags are the same thing as keywords or tags. This field is specifically designed to indicate all queries that the video you are looking for answers. Here you need to indicate not only the phrase under which you originally planned to promote the video, but also all synonyms and related keywords.

For Youtube, this is a hint - in what cases to show your creation as a recommended video.

4. Default icon

This is the picture that is visible to viewers before they launch the player and start watching your video. The more attractive the image, the higher the click-through rate will be.

When a person sees a dozen options for viewing in a search or in a recommended block, he will always choose one thing and it will not necessarily be the clip located above. Visual design can make you stand out at the initial stage of promotion, and later, thanks to good conversion statistics, the video will begin to be shown closer to the top of the page.

Creating a Primary Reputation

Unless the topic of your video is unique and no one has posted anything like it on YouTube, each new video will face competition.

It is always difficult to get to the TOP in popular niches, since reputation plays a significant role there. Reputation is a complex thing, it includes both the reputation of the channel and the reputation of a specific clip.

If your channel has been around for several days and has a loyal audience, that’s good, we will use this moment. But even young authors should not despair, since everything is fixable - all the promoted channels started from scratch.

The main task facing us is to immediately show the Youtube search algorithms after uploading a video that you have uploaded good content that people like. To do this, we must collect as many positive signals as possible. Signals in YouTube mean 5 main points:

  • Total number of video views;
  • Ratio of bad views to good ones. When the user opened and immediately closed the video, this is bad; if he watched the entire or significant part, this is good.
  • Marks “I liked” and “I didn’t like”;
  • Subscribe to the channel through the page of a specific video;
  • Commenting.

If you did everything correctly in the previous stages, viewers will like your video. All that remains is to invite more people to watch.

For initial promotion:

  1. We enable advertising of the last uploaded video in all videos of your channel. This is done in the “Creative Studio” section – “Channel” – “Recommended Content” – “Content Promotion” button. Through this you can promote not only the latest videos, but also any others.
  2. We make your video for all your accounts in social networks- let your friends see. If you are a member of communities on similar topics, post an announcement there. We need as many people as possible to watch the video at the start.
  3. If you have a blog and/or newsletter, publish it.
  4. Using Yandex or Google search, find discussions that match your video on forums and question-and-answer services, such as

Smart increase of views and likes

You already guessed that with high competition, you won’t be able to simply push other video clips with your elbows - views from friends and acquaintances will not be enough to create a high level of trust on the part of the service. What is needed is a push not of 20 views and 5 likes, but something significant, maybe 200 or 2000 similar signals.

The easiest way to implement such cheating is with the help of special services. But you need to be aware that promotion is not natural views. And if you do it incorrectly, everything will be pointless, since YouTube will easily determine that the king is not real the hype is fake and not only will it not add credibility, it will also impose sanctions.

The task is as follows: increase the indicators so that the behavior looks natural.

How to achieve this result?

Among all the services that I came across, the highest quality and most flexible was It doesn’t have a problem with too short views of 30 seconds, like AddmeFast, nor does it have the other extreme, when the duration of all inflated views is equal to the full time of the video, like Vktarget.

Pros of Vagex:

  • Firstly, it allows you to independently set the desired duration;
  • Secondly, it allows you to set up both video views and likes and subscriptions in the required proportion within one campaign. That is, the same users who watch the video mark “Like” and subscribe to the channel;
  • Thirdly, you can use the service for free. For this purpose, Vagex has special program, which automatically launches video clips and earns you credits, which you then spend on promoting your videos.

How to use the Vagex service

Register on the website –

In the form that opens, indicate the link to the video on Youtube and the desired duration of each view. The price depends on the duration; for every 30 seconds there is 1 credit. We limit the number of views per day, based on the budget, so that large expenses are spread over several days. We tick the boxes for the number of subscribers and likes and indicate their number, the price for each is 5 credits. Specify the total budget for your advertising campaign. Additionally, you can set geotargeting (country).

Click “Add” and the advertisement will start. But the real cheating will begin only at the moment when there are credits on your account - they can be bought or earned using service applications (in the first picture I marked the sections where all this is done). Purchasing is only possible through PayPal, not the most common payment system with us, but subject to availability bank card Anyone can register and pay.

Regarding the cost of cheating. If we take the video promotion from the example in the screenshot, then 100 views for 3.5 minutes (210 seconds) will equal 700 credits. Let's add to this 20 likes for 5 credits and 3 subscribers for 5 credits. The total amount is 815 credits.

1000 credits in the service costs 1 dollar.

Regarding applications for auto-cheating: for me, through a browser plugin, the service brings in about 90 credits per hour. He works in background and does not interfere with doing other things (including on the Internet), so you can run it even for the whole day.

External promotion factors

In addition to internal factors, video promotion on Youtube is influenced by such a parameter as incoming links. It is not as significant as those described above, but since the Youtube service is integral part empire of Google, then most of their search rules are similar, and Google loves links.

So, having additional external links to your YouTube page is a small additional plus in karma.

I mentioned some steps to obtain links above - forums, question-answer services, reposts on all social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Google+, Twitter).

Among the free methods, you can add the following - start blogs on free platforms -,, and publish announcements there for your new videos with a link. You can install both the embedded player and the link at the same time.

Links from other authoritative sites will work more effectively, if it is possible to negotiate free placement - great. If not, then just buy a couple through exchanges like Rotapost or GoGetLinks - choose sites with good traffic and topics relevant to the video clip.


If you did everything correctly at the design stage and gave your videos a little push at the start, then after some time they will begin to bring natural traffic both from Youtube itself and through other search engines.

Each promoted video will add reputation to your channel, and in the future there will come a time when you won’t have to take any promotion measures - your videos will reach the TOP due to your overall author’s reputation.

Hello, dear friends and blog guests! Today we'll talk about how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch and is this even possible? I say it's possible! And now I’ll tell you about a method that will help, and you will learn the secret of promoting and promoting your channel on YouTube.

By the way, if you don’t have enough time to study promotion and promotion techniques, and you need views right now, they will definitely help you. This is a powerful and, most importantly, effective promotion tool on Youtube. Views, likes, subscribers and even comments under the video on quite affordable terms. Let's use it!

There are a lot of materials on the Internet regarding the promotion and promotion of a YouTube channel, some useful and some not so useful. For example, the guys from EPICSTARS have very useful material on the topic of promoting a YouTube channel. But I still decided to write more about this and I think my article will be useful to you. Why? Because mine YouTube channel I promote and promote this way! And if you follow the link to it, you can make sure that there are already more than 1,000 subscribers and more than 30,000 views. And this helps me make money on my YouTube channel. So let's get involved too!

What does it take for people to start visiting your channel, watching videos and subscribing to it? There is nothing complicated about it! You just need a little patience and attention to your YouTube channel. How to organize this? Now I will tell you...

YouTube channel design

If you are a complete beginner and are just taking your first steps on YouTube, then you first need to properly organize your YouTube channel. Create your logo, design beautiful hat for him. About how beautiful it is for your channel YouTube I already wrote in my material that you can watch and make your own beautiful and unique hat for him. There’s nothing complicated there; even the most novice YouTuber can figure it out. Did I figure it out?! And at that time I was just starting to use YouTube.

Believe me, the design of a YouTube channel plays a huge role in its promotion and promotion. After all, if your channel is without a beautifully designed header, without its own unique logo, then who will notice it, and if by chance someone comes to it, they will immediately leave it. That's for sure! So, pay special attention to the design of your channel!!!

Then, after the channel header and logo are ready, select keywords for it. Use the service I previously described to select keywords - ! I hope it helps you.

After all these steps, you need to upload several videos to your channel. It’s better to let them be thematic and necessarily unique, so that you can monetize them in the future.

Now that your channel is more or less designed and there is a video on it for viewing, you need to start promoting it and promoting it...

First steps or how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch

To promote and promote a channel on YouTube, there are many methods and services that offer their services for various amounts. Basically, these are tidy sums and a beginner is practically unable to handle them. What to do? Is there a way out of this situation? Of course there is!

This solution is a unique service for promoting and promoting not only your newly created YouTube channel, but also all kinds of other pages on social networks and public pages, etc.

Profi-Like- this is a unique service for promotion and promotion of your resource on social networks, including your YouTube channel.

I have been using this resource for a long time to promote and promote my YouTube channel, and I can tell you with confidence that best option no for a beginner!

To begin with register on the channel promotion service Profi-Like and then start choosing a way to promote and promote your channel. And for one thing you can promote the rest of your social networks if you need it!

Here's a screenshot of what the prices are for promoting and promoting your channel on YouTube:

And that's not all it has to offer this service. Take a look for yourself and choose the most suitable option for yourself to start promoting your channel.

It is also worth remembering that many popular channels also started from scratch. So, how can you promote your YouTube channel and get trending?

It’s quite easy for young channels with good material to become popular - they usually quickly gain views, if the content excites the minds of users and is current.

The only problem is that you need to somehow help viewers learn about this channel. For this purpose, there are special services to attract the public and promote.

Don't neglect the design either., because this is, first of all, your face. Users are attracted only by channels that are pleasing to their eyes and convenient.

The best ways to promote your channel for free

1 . Remember that at first everyone will be interested not in your personality, but in what you do and post, so don’t start your career as a successful video blogger by talking about yourself.

2 . Come up with titles and descriptions for your videos that will make it easier to search on the Internet; add more keywords and tags. It’s also worth choosing the right video category.

3 . Use annotations (clickable text that appears anywhere on a video and can, for example, ask the user to subscribe to a channel or other videos and take them to the appropriate page).

4 . Don't forget to politely ask the user to subscribe to the channel or like it at the end of the video. If you do this at the beginning, the person will simply forget about it.

5 . Try to be friendly and sociable with your audience, if possible answer questions in the comments, leave a connection with yourself on other resources.

6 . Post new videos more often with high-quality material that will be truly interesting. If you upload videos once a month or less, you can quickly lose your entire audience and be left with nothing.

7 . Improve the quality of your work, buy new equipment (microphone or camera).

9 . Find out what topics are currently trending. Try to do something new on these topics.

Remember that you need to choose what is interesting to the public, and not to you personally.

10 . Do not attempt to exhibit movie or cartoon footage shot in a movie theater or porn. This violates the law and video hosting rules.

11 . Don't hide your emotions. Spectators love to watch the appropriate reaction to what is happening.

For example, you review horror games, but not once did you flinch in the entire video. Your creativity is unlikely to attract more subscribers and will quickly become boring if they are not scared along with you.

12 . Don't try to deceive your audience. Sooner or later, the truth will still be found out, and then even deleting comments will not save you from haters.

13 . Try to create a viral video. These usually gain views and likes in a couple of days and remain in people’s ears for some time.

Paid ways to promote a YouTube channel

If you have at least a small capital and are ready to continue developing your channel, there are services where you can pay for advertising and get more views.

Unlike autoclickers, this method is more honest, and in this case, views will not be canceled.

The best services for paid channel promotion

  • Google AdWords ;
  • SEO sprint;
  • Soclike;
  • Redsurf.

There is also another option - promotion on social media. networks. You pay the owner of a large community, and he places advertising on your channel or video. This usually brings a lot of benefits., since the post stays at the very top for quite a long time.

Remember that the promotion of a video to the TOP depends on the number of likes, comments, views, the authority of the channel and the presence of links to the video on other resources.

How can you make money from your YouTube channel?

When you have managed to acquire subscribers and a sufficient number of views, you can start making money from your channel. This can be done using:

  1. Affiliate program and advertising of other channels.
  2. Links to other channels or sites in the description.
  3. Advertising of goods/services/competitions in your videos from advertisers.

Remember that becoming unique and interesting is not so easy. You will have to regularly improve yourself and learn a lot of new and useful information, which you can use for your videos. This is the only way you can get into trends and.

Greetings, dear friends. Today, every Internet user would like to become popular and... One of the ways to make money on the Internet at home is through media networks.

Youtube has remained the most popular video service for many years. Over the course of its existence, it has collected millions of videos on a wide variety of topics - from video clips of famous performers and full-length films to videos from family holidays.

What a video is, what quality it is and what information it carries directly determines its popularity among YouTube users - the number of views, likes and downloads. Many newbie bloggers are interested in the question of how to promote a channel on YouTube in order to get those same views and likes for each video?

YouTube Basics

Before considering promotion methods, let’s understand the principles of the service and the popularization of videos on it:

  • A channel that does not provide any useful information is doomed to fail. Even if you want to use YouTube exclusively or trade, a video that talks about the amazing properties of a product or a video with a link and description of a store is unlikely to be watched to the end. This information can be found on the website, and YouTube is designed to convey information that is more appropriate in video format. So, if you have a travel agency, the YouTube channel can be used to show a particular country, city, region, but not to talk about where your office is located and what cheap trips you have.
  • A channel with interesting videos is doomed to success. It doesn’t matter how well you understand promotion methods, what ways you advertise your channel and how many people you tell about your videos - if you post interesting videos, subscribers and likes will pour in by themselves.

How to promote a channel on YouTube: free ways

The main rule when promoting a channel is to post only videos that are interesting and useful to viewers. But besides this, there are several more ways to make your videos popular:

  • Think about the theme of the channel in advance. If you have a channel about travel, then you shouldn’t add videos, for example, about fashion, even occasionally. Most of your subscribers are interested in travel videos, and content on another topic that has nothing in common with the stated one is unlikely to be appreciated by viewers. Try to make videos on the chosen topic, but not the same type, so that the audience does not lose interest.

  • Choose a topic for your channel that is one of the most popular. News and educational videos, videos about celebrities, sports, and fashion are in demand on YouTube.
  • Optimize your video title well. To do this, you need to pay attention to several points:

We make a description in the optimal number of characters – from 500;

We select keywords and use them in the description;

We do not write tags in the description.

  • Another answer to the question of how to promote a channel on YouTube -
  • write tags. Proper tag optimization will provide more targeted views for your videos. To do this:

We use all 500 characters allocated for tags;

First of all, we write less competitive tags, which are often repeated by bloggers, and then more competitive ones;

We use keywords from the video description in tags;

We try to write without errors. You can use special services or just Word;

We check tags for old videos and, if necessary, rewrite them or correct them.

  • An effective promotion method is to use other services to advertise your YouTube channel. To do this, place links to videos or channels on social networks and other sites. It is not a fact that all those who see the links will follow them, but there is a high probability that a certain percentage of visitors to a website or page on a social network will find the video useful in its description and watch it.

  • Share your videos on social networks and groups. If not everyone reacts unambiguously to the links, immediately perceiving them as advertising, then the reaction to the videos themselves is the opposite. Users who watch them and become interested can themselves ask for a link to your other videos, or follow the link to your channel if it is listed under the video.

  • Watch videos from popular bloggers and borrow the best ideas for your channel. But don't shoot the same thing. Even if your video turned out no worse, it is unlikely to be appreciated and considered plagiarism. It’s better to add something of your own to the borrowed idea, try to make your video not just no worse, but better.
  • Make video responses to other videos. To do this, take videos of the most popular bloggers and continue their thoughts or express your opinion on the issue raised. At the same time, you should not speak harshly to another blogger, even if you do not agree with his opinion.
    A similar video of yours will be shown in search results after the user watches the video to which you made a video response.
  • Add as many videos as possible to your channel. If you have one good idea, you can film it in 2 or 3 videos, thereby ensuring yourself and frequent updates, and interest in your channel. Users who like the first video will definitely want to watch the next ones, which means they will subscribe to your channel.
  • Don't be shy about encouraging the viewer to take action. It is possible that he liked the video, but did not think to like it or forgot. Remind him of this with the words “if you liked this video, give it a like”, “if you are interested in this idea and want to watch the next video in a similar format, subscribe to my channel.”
  • Make joint videos with other bloggers. When showing the video, they will definitely indicate a link to your channel, thereby providing you with new subscribers if your video is actually useful and interesting. Identical videos from several bloggers by agreement are also popular. In this case, you provide a link to other bloggers, and they, in turn, link to you, which allows the video to not look like plagiarism of someone else’s idea.
  • Be relevant. You shouldn’t try to interest your viewers in a video on a topic that has long exhausted itself and no longer interests anyone. Study fashion trends on YouTube and focus on them. It would be foolish to review a Russian beach resort in winter or a fall-winter collection show in spring.
  • Connect with your viewers. Don't ignore the questions they ask underneath the videos unless they have a negative connotation. It is also effective to communicate with viewers in the videos themselves by asking them to express their opinions in the comments and even making separate videos with answers to frequently asked questions.

  • Listen to the opinions of the audience. They often give really great ideas for next videos. Try to film about what is interesting to viewers, but without deviating too much from the theme of the channel.

How to promote a channel on YouTube: paid methods

If free promotion methods do not help you or you want to advertise your channel in a short time, you can use paid services:

Do paid advertising for your channel. To do this, negotiate with other bloggers, popular pages on social networks, so that they mention your channel in their videos, under them and on their pages. Accounts with a large number of subscribers can attract a significant percentage of new viewers to your channel.

A promotion method that guarantees at least dozens of subscribers is to sponsor a competition on a blogger’s channel with a large audience. The essence of the method is to use joint financial efforts with the channel owner to purchase a prize for the winner of the competition. In return, the latter indicates a subscription to your channel as a prerequisite, among others, for participation in the competition.

Order viral videos. This is one of the most effective ways and most popular tips when asked how to promote a YouTube channel. Viral videos spread throughout the site in a short time and gain thousands of views. At the same time, users themselves send a link to it to their friends. With the help of viral advertising you can:

  • at times increase channel traffic and the number of views and other videos;
  • ensure your recognition among a wide range of YouTube users.

Order promotion from specialists. Special services offer to gain a certain number of subscribers, views and likes for a certain fee. You can choose from two options - a set of live subscribers or bots. The first option is more expensive, since real people may become interested in your channel and start liking and commenting on their own, while bots will simply increase the number of subscribers.

I hope the material was useful and you will subscribe to the blog newsletter. Best wishes.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.
