I've been noticing this trend lately. If I type a phrase in the search bar of the browser and then go to the search results, the first thing I do is look at what is in the search results from the video. I got lazy or something, I don’t know. But it's not about me, it's about the general trend. The fact that the visual is much better perceived is already a scientific fact. Judging by the growth in the number of videos on the Internet, I’m not the only one who noticed this. Since such a wave has begun, it’s time to get your own YouTube channel. Let's figure it out how to make a YouTube channel and how to design it.

Why on YouTube, you ask? Yes, because now it is the largest video hosting in the world and the most promising. But let's take things in order.

YouTube was no exception. At first, everyone perceived it as pampering. Well, what could be there? Cool videos that teenagers shoot on their mobile phones, or politicians filmed on a hidden camera. That was the attitude.

But enterprising people realized that YouTube features simply limitless. And after it became possible to show advertising in videos and thereby earn money, this social network was instantly included in the set of popular online earnings.

The Internet is filled with a huge amount of information and users who just a couple of years ago greedily absorbed terabytes of printed posts have now drowned in this sea of ​​information and switched their attention to video. It is more visual, less stressful and much better absorbed. Therefore, serving in video format is considered the most promising direction compared to others.

Now that YouTube is one of the three most visited Internet resources in the world, it definitely needs to be given increased attention. Based on the above conclusions, there is no doubt about the need to create your own channel on YouTube video hosting.

Therefore, I am opening a series of articles on the topic of creating and promoting your channel on YouTube, as well as promoting your Internet projects with the help of it and monetizing your channel. It is also necessary to consider the issue of recruiting subscribers - this is perhaps the most important point. There will be no views - you don’t have to do everything else. This is a very multifaceted topic and not as simple as it seems at first glance. In the future, I will consider this issue in more detail, so I recommend subscribing to blog updates.

So, today we will consider the initial stage - this is, directly, the creation of the channel itself. Okay, enough water, let's go.

How to make a channel on YouTube?

YouTube was acquired by Google several years ago. Based on this, to create a channel, you need an account on Google+. We go into it and select YouTube (step 1). To create a new channel, select My channel (step 2).

You are asked to specify a photo for registration (by default, the photo that is used in your Google account+). If you want to place another one, click Change (step 1) and choose where to load it from. You can place a logo in place of the photo, which will show the thematic focus of the channel. We also indicate your user data (point 2). Click Continue.

Let's start setting up the channel header.

Let's figure out how to design our YouTube channel

Look at the screenshot shown above. Let's add channel design (point 1). Recommended background image size: 2560 x 1440. Such a large image is necessary for correct display on various types of devices (computer, smartphone or TV). You can install it from the Internet, from your computer, or select it from the gallery. Let's choose the latter.

You can, of course, take a well-worn picture from the gallery, but I suggest you pay attention to. Here you can buy stylized channel design for a ridiculous price. The purchase package includes a channel design template and video covers in psd formats. That is, you can always change or add something to them in Photoshop.

What am I saying, watch the video:

The channel has been designed, now let's move on to setting up the links that will be displayed in the header. This is an important point, because if a visitor to your channel is interested in the content and wants to learn more about you, this is where our links will come in handy. This is one of possible options receiving a visitor to your Internet resource from YouTube.

The links appear in two groups. The main resource is indicated (point 1) (you can indicate your website, blog or) and the second group includes links to you on popular social networks (there are a lot of them, you can choose the one you need from the list) (point 2). I indicate popular social networks in our country (VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). We have decided. Click Finish (step 3).

It looks like this (as I already mentioned, in two groups).

Now let's indicate the description of our channel (point 1). This description is necessary so that the visitor understands what the channel is about. Therefore, you need to briefly and succinctly describe its topic. The description will appear on the main page of your account. Click Finish (step 2).

Basic YouTube channel settings

Now let's look at the main points of the account. To do this, go to YouTube Settings (step 1). We are presented with the setup menu (point 2). We will return to it below. Let's go to Account information and click Advanced (point 3).

If you pay attention to the address bar, your channel is indicated in it by an obscure set of letters. To make it more or less acceptable, click Create custom url. Here we are ONLY 1 TIME We can indicate what you would like your channel to be called.

IN Linked accounts We connect social networks to which cross-posting will occur after the video is published.

Now let's look at setting up the channel itself. There are several very important points here that I would like to draw attention to.

See the screenshot below.

To connect additional functions to the created channel (custom video icons, working with advertising, etc.), you need to confirm your account by phone (step 1). To do this, indicate its number and then enter the numbers from the sent SMS.

At the very beginning, we can upload videos for no more than 15 minutes. Here we click the Enable button (point 2) to be able to download longer videos.

After confirming your account, you will be able to create a channel trailer. Don't neglect this. You can make a small but bright video that will characterize the general focus of the channel. This requires an idea and imagination. You can make a video using various videos and graphic editors. I will also write about this in future articles.

In many ways, the success of a channel consists of the following components: trailer, design, overall attractive style of the videos. That's right, and not from the videos themselves. Even if they are the most useful in the world, but without a bright and provocative design, they will remain unnoticed.

Another interesting option is in Channel setup – In-Video advertising placement. It will help you promote your brand or resource. Here you can specify the place where the so-called watermark (personal photo or logo) will appear during the display and will be a link to your channel with the number of subscribers. You can also define one PRIORITY video or playlist, which will be displayed as link impressions on all your videos.

Also important functionality is presented in YouTube Analytics (point 1). Here we see a wide menu (item 2), which allows you to analyze behavioral factors when watching your videos, detailed information, activity, likes and comments. I won't describe it in detail. There's nothing complicated there.

In the next article we will look at how to add videos to a YouTube channel.

Well, that seems to be it. Lots of pictures and letters, but nothing, the main thing is the result! Today we made a channel onYouTubeand figured out how to register your channel onYouTube. Now you can regularly upload high-quality videos and gain subscribers and views. We will consider how to do this, as well as how you can make money from this, in the following articles. Therefore, subscribe to blog updates. See you soon, bye!

Video on how to start a YouTube channel:

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How to create a channel on YouTube - Instructions from A to Z

How to create a channel on YouTube Method No. 1

Nowadays, anyone with a computer with Internet access can create their own YouTube channel and share videos on a variety of topics with the world. Let's take a look at what this service is. This video hosting was created in 2005, and since then has undergone many changes in both design and functionality. At first it was just a library site for video files, but now it has become a whole system in which anyone can create their own channel and gain millions of subscribers. This is akin to television, but only here each person independently decides what to broadcast.

U of this service There is an affiliate program through which you can not only promote your business, but also earn income from video views.

Anyone can create their own channel, and you don’t need any special skills to do it. Before you get started, you need to register your account with Google. Google owns many services: mail, maps, translator, news site, application store, including YouTube. Therefore, to use all these services, you need to have only one Google account.

How to create an account on Google

First you need to enter http://www.google.ru/ in the address bar and go to their main page search page.

At the top right side of the monitor there will be a bluish “Login” button.

We click on it and get a login form, but since we don’t have mail in Google yet, we click on “Create an account.”

A window should now open with a form for filling out data.

Enter your first and last name, and then come up with a username that is currently free. After this, you should enter your password and confirm it. Please note that only adults are allowed to register and create accounts in the Google system. So if you have not yet reached your full age, and you are not yet 18 years old, then the system will not give the go-ahead to create an account. If you wish, you can enter a number mobile phone. This is necessary for easier recovery account in case of loss of access to it.

When everything is ready, enter the numbers for protection against robots, indicate your country and accept the terms user agreement.

Now a window should appear asking you to confirm your registration in the system using your mobile phone. Select the confirmation format (either a text message or a voice call), and then enter the code that will either be sent to you via SMS or dictated by a robot.

At this point, registration will be completed and you will have your own Google account.

Creating a YouTube channel

Click on it and, if required, enter your username and password for your Google account.

You will immediately be offered several popular channels in various categories and advised to subscribe to them. This is not at all necessary. If you want, you can select those that interest you and click on the “Save” button.

In order to get to your channel page, you need to click on the “My Channel” menu item in the upper left corner of the monitor.

That's basically all.

You have the opportunity to change the design (you can add your own, or choose one of the standard ones), put your photo or just a picture, add a video and set up a subscription.

If you plan to seriously engage in video blogging, then you should set a unique address for your channel. This will help your channel stand out among many others. As a link, you can enter any words on English or numbers. To do this, you need to click on your channel’s avatar and, among the highlighted functions, select YouTube Settings.

From the new menu, select Advanced.

Now you can’t easily create a unique url in the channel settings.

Google has new requirements:

Your channel should now have a customized design

The channel icon must be a picture

The subscriber base must be at least 500

The channel must have been created at least 30 years ago

Please note that you only need to write the name in English letters(you need to enable the English layout) without using various hyphens, you cannot put spaces either. When everything is ready, click on “Create Channel URL”.

Let's say you came up with and entered the name kanal1, and in this case you can get to the following address on your YouTube channel homepage http://www.youtube.com/kanal1. It's simple.

Congratulations! Now you have your own YouTube channel, you can start uploading videos right away.

Youtube video hosting is perhaps the most popular in the world. Its daily audience reaches several billion people. The service allows you to view videos and shares links to your favorite videos on social networks. To access additional features you need to create your own channel. This allows you to add your own videos and playlists on Youtube, as well as participate in discussions about other participants' videos. The channel can be used for personal purposes, such as video blogging, or to promote brands and companies. To create a channel you only need to perform a couple of steps.

1. Login to Youtube using an existing or new account.

Before creating a channel, you must log in to your account or register a new one. To do this, go to youtube.com and at the top right click the button labeled “Login.” To log into an existing account, just enter your e-mail address and password, and to register, you need to select the “Register” link and provide all the necessary data. It is worth noting that for Youtube it is used general account from Google, this allows you to more conveniently manage all services from the company.

2. Create a channel.

After logging into your account, you can proceed to creating a channel. To do this, in the upper left corner, select the button that opens an additional menu (see screenshot 1) and the My channel item (screenshot 2). To create a personal channel with the name specified during registration, simply click Ok; to change the name, for example, when creating a channel for a company, you can use the link below.

At this point, the creation of a channel on Youtube is completed and you can move on to setting up and designing it.

How to create a channel on YouTube Method No. 2

Every person wants to have their own channel on the world famous YouTube and share various videos. I must say that the procedure for creating a channel and then posting a video here does not require any special knowledge.

First, it must be said that a person can use such a channel for communication and exchange. useful information, and, for example, to successfully promote your own brand or attract visitors to the main site. Many users nowadays make good money here if they become a member special program.

Of course, first you need to finally determine the topic. You just need to think about what to share, what is interesting today modern users.

You can choose:

video blogs, various informational and news videos;

useful video instructions, let's plays, walkthroughs of popular games;

reviews of famous films, harmful videos, gadgets, games;

sketches, as well as stand-ups, popular music videos.

To make your own channel, you need to open the YouTube page, then click " Create an account T".

Here you can create an account for Google. You need to enter your first and last name and choose a unique, new name for YouTube. Then you need to enter a password, confirm it, write your date of birth, and select your gender. Then you need to perform a process that will prove that the person is not a robot and enter special security numbers. Next, you should select your country. It is definitely recommended to check the box, that is, accept all the conditions that the resource provides. The system will definitely prompt you to upload a photo, but this step can be completed later.

That's it, as a result, the user is registered and you can already create your own channel.

It is worth noting that the system offers to subscribe and watch the currently most popular channels in a given region. It is recommended to check the boxes in the privacy settings. Thanks to this, people can see the user's activity. Then open the settings and select a unique one, beautiful name channel. It is not recommended to give strange, ugly names to the channel, since the name is selected only once. You must completely fill out your profile. Don't forget to put the link. As a result, other users will always notice the site, and the link is also good for effective SEO optimization.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 311 Published 05/31/2018

The most popular video hosting site, YouTube, attracts billions of visitors to its service every day. Having your own channel will help promote your business and increase the popularity of your brand. Or it can simply be monetized through advertising, of course, provided that valuable and interesting content is offered to subscribers. Today we'll talk abouthow to create a channel on YouTube,what is needed for this and what nuances await the user.

What is needed to create a personal channel

Creating your own channel on video hosting is not so easy; a little preparation is required before you begin the process. First of all, you should consider that it is impossible to create a profile on YouTube without an active account on Google. Therefore, if you don’t have one, then the first thing you need to do is.

The following trends are popular on YouTube today:

  • video blogs and information areas;
  • beauty blogs;
  • music videos;
  • reviews of films and popular videos;
  • let's plays of different directions.

In addition, educational areas are quite popular; users are more willing to watch educational videos that explain how to use this or that program.

If you manage to generate a unique idea and develop your own channel in this direction, then not only monetization, but also popularity will bring joy.

How to create a channel on YouTube

Now let's proceed directly to answering the question,how to create a channel on YouTube. The process takes place in several stages: creation itself, design and filling.

Option one

This method involves creating a channel through the settings menu. In this case, the client simply receives a blank page that requires filling.

  1. Go to the site https://youtube.com Click the “login” button in the upper right corner. If you have a Google account, then simply enter your credentials. If not, click “register” and fill out the form fields, following the system prompts.
  2. After authorization is successful and you are in your own profile, you need to create a channel. It is worth noting that a profile and a channel are not the same thing. One account can have several channels of different directions. Open the menu section by clicking on the button in the upper left corner.
  3. We go down to the “Other features” block and go to “Settings”.
  4. After that, in the window that opens, find the “Account” menu item and in the work area we find the command “Show all channels or create a new one.”
  5. By clicking on the link indicated above, the user will see the “Create channel” button, click on it.
  6. Following the system prompts, we create a +page; if it’s easier, we simply give the new channel a name. Click the “Create” button.

This completes the creation algorithm. By clicking the last command, the user finds himself on blank page with a given name. This is the answer to the question,how to create a channel on YouTubeexhausted, but we want to tell our readers a little more.

Option two

There is another option for creating a new channel, which is a little simpler than the previous one.

  1. Login to your profile and open home page video hosting.
  2. Just after the search bar, look for the video camera icon with a “+” sign inside. Click on it.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select the “Add Video” option.
  4. Specify the authorship of the content, by default this will be your Gmail profile information, and click the “Create Channel” button.
  5. In the window that opens, upload your first video and set the privacy level ( open access or limited).
  6. Wait for the video to download and process.

In this case, a section without a name will be created; you can change this in the settings during the registration process. If you are planning a public channel, then it is mandatory to register it. In the case when a section is created only for personal use, this moment can be missed, at the request of the user.

Channel design

A beautifully designed channel attracts the attention of the audience and increases the number of content views. If you are planning to create a platform for monetization or promotion of a personal brand, then this issue should be approached very carefully. It is better if the design concept is developed in advance. But if this is not done, then you can always return to this step and make changes.

  1. Go to the new channel and in the main screen header find the button “Customize the appearance of the “Overview” page”, click it.
  2. In the window that opens, click the “Add channel design” command.
  3. Select images and upload them to the editor. Please note that the image size must be at least 2560×1440, and its weight must not exceed 6 MB. The image can also be selected from the standard gallery provided by the service.
  4. In the preview section, make sure that users on all devices see exactly what you want. If necessary, you can crop the image and select exactly the part you need.
  5. Click the “Select” button and get a customized channel header.

In the “About the channel” section you need to add its description. To do this, simply click on the appropriate command. Here you can add links to another Internet resource and email for commercial inquiries. The more high-quality and relevant information about the channel is filled out, the greater the chances of attracting the right audience and increasing content views. In it you can indicate what kind of content is posted, how often new publications appear, and who appears in them. And most importantly, you can insert a link to an external resource in the description. The description limit is 1000 characters.

Recommendations for maintaining a channel

Further maintenance of the channel is also of great importance. If you are planning to create a successful project that will allow you to earn money, then special attention should be paid not only to attracting, but also to retaining the audience. Therefore, it is necessary to publish content strictly on a schedule to make it more convenient for subscribers to follow the channel, create a trailer to interest viewers, and systematize the content of the site for easier search. All this will make your channel popular over time.

YouTube has a lot to offer a business if it is used correctly and consistently. But to achieve good results, you need to understand how a YouTube channel differs from other social networks, and how you can benefit from it.

This guide is primarily intended for beginners as it will help you create a YouTube channel from scratch, but it also contains advanced strategies that anyone can use.

We will talk about creating and setting up your YouTube channel, optimizing and editing your videos, new non-standard strategies, monetization on YouTube, all this will be accompanied by examples and screenshots.

This guide is for those who want to learn how to use YouTube to grow their business.

How to Create a YouTube Channel: The Basics

Before we get into the practical part, it's worth going over the basics that everyone should know before getting started on this platform. Moreover, the information will be useful even for those who already have an existing channel.

Why you should start a YouTube channel

YouTube has a huge number of benefits that many entrepreneurs simply don't realize.

The first reason is the most obvious. Video content now plays a vital role in marketing, and if a company does not use video, it is safe to say that it will lose out to competitors. And this is no exaggeration: video materials rank higher on all social platforms, they are the most effective when used in advertising, and therefore customers are most likely to notice and turn to a company that uses video.

Using a YouTube channel gives you access to a whole library of video content. The video files can then be uploaded separately to each platform. You can also embed YouTube videos into your blog posts with just a few clicks, making your posts more dynamic and engaging.

YouTube has a huge and diverse audience that uses both YouTube's and Google's search engines to find content of interest. By optimizing your video for the right keywords (more on this a little later), you can immediately and directly connect with that audience rather than hoping they see an ad in their Facebook or VKontakte feed. This allows users to find a company, rather than the other way around.

Since YouTube videos often appear at the top of Google search results, and YouTube itself is the second most used search engine in the world, there is an obvious benefit here.

The final advantage? Only 9% of small businesses use YouTube for promotion. The competition here is much lower than on any other platform.

YouTube User Demographics

YouTube has approximately 1,300,000 active users and receives over 30 million daily visits to the site. YouTube's audience watches more than 3.25 billion hours of video every month, and more than a billion videos every day. This is simply an incredible amount.

But what about the audience itself? A study from FortuneLord provides the following data:

  • 11% of YouTube audience is 18-24
  • 23% – 25-34
  • 26% – 35-44
  • 16% – 45-54
  • 8% – 50-64
  • 3% – 65 years and older
  • Age 14% undetermined

Since 8 out of 10 people aged 18-49 are known to watch YouTube at least once a month, they form a huge audience open to any suggestions.

It is also known that the number of views of videos from mobile devices is increasing across all platforms, but especially on YouTube. Also, viewing sessions last about 40 minutes - longer than on other platforms. Therefore, you should keep mobile users in mind when creating your content.

How YouTube is different from other social channels

To achieve success on your YouTube channel, you need a completely different approach than other social networks.

When it comes to Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram and Twitter, it is necessary to create and distribute quality content in order to increase awareness, engagement and discussion, generally speaking. Socialization is really important there.

Key differences that prove this:

By treating YouTube as a content platform rather than a social platform, you can create more effective videos that get better results.

YouTube Updates

This is the last and important thing that you need to talk about before moving on to setting up a YouTube channel. YouTube recently made some changes to the site, so anyone planning to start promoting there should be aware.

  • As of May this year, it is no longer possible to create annotations. They were replaced new feature End Screens - End screens. But if the video annotations were made before May, they still work.
  • Mobile users can speed up or slow down video playback.
  • YouTube is currently working on adapting videos to any screen, making the platform more mobile-friendly.
  • The site overhauled its advertising policy because ads were appearing in videos containing extremism, hate speech, and other content that no business would want to be associated with. There are now significantly fewer ads on the channels of arms dealers, political commentators, and even video game reviewers. This only affects those who are trying to monetize their YouTube through hosting ads, not the owners of the ads.
  • You need to get 10,000 views on your channel before you can monetize your video. For small businesses who want to use YouTube as a source of passive income, this will present some challenges. Although most entrepreneurs benefit more from using YouTube to promote their business, so this will not affect many people reading this post.
  • Last year, YouTube improved its comment moderation tools, making it easier for channels to remove or prevent comments containing certain words or phrases from being posted.

And now that the basics are finished, you can start promoting on YouTube, starting with creating your channel.

How to create a YouTube channel

Some people believe that every business owner should create and optimize their channel before they even publish their first video. Even if the channel is already running, it's not too late to make some changes. Each of the following sub-points will tell you how to do this step by step.

How to register and create an account on YouTube

To do this, simply on YouTube.com itself in the upper right corner, click on the image to download the video (arrow on the left). Next, follow the instructions; you will need to register with Google, or log into your account. Or use the "Login" button.

Business channel name

You need to create a channel specifically for business and name it accordingly. Even if Ivan Ivanovich does this personally, the channel should be called “Marketing from Ivan Ivanovich.” Then he will arouse more interest, and people will quickly recognize his authority.

Visual design of the channel

You need to select two images. The first is the account avatar, which is the same as the profile avatar on social networks. The second is the channel background image, which will be displayed at the top of the channel, just like the group profile cover.

The choice needs to be made wisely as it will be one of the first things users notice. In the example below, the account avatar is a photo of the account owner, the background image is a photo of flowers.

It is recommended that the account avatar (which is configured through your Google account) serve as the brand logo. For individual entrepreneurs, this could be a professional photograph of them. Ideally, it should match profile avatars on other social networks for brand recognition.

This works both ways: if a subscriber from another site stumbles upon the YouTube channel, they will recognize the company from the image and will likely watch the video. And vice versa, if a subscriber from YouTube is looking for a company, he will be able to understand from the profile avatar on another network that he was not mistaken. To change the background image of a channel, you just need to click on it when editing your profile.

For your channel background image, you need to choose something that is visually dynamic and reflects the essence of the business. It is recommended to use the same colors, fonts and style as on your profile avatar and company website.

You can also add text to get your brand message across more quickly. A great example is the background image :)

Links and contact information

The goal of promotion on YouTube should be to redirect users to other social networks and/or to the company website. To do this, you need to add links to your channel. They will appear in the lower right corner of the channel background image, that is, in the place where they are most visible and clickable.

To do this, you need to click on the editing pen in the upper right corner of the channel background image while editing your profile, and select “Edit Links”.

In the next window you will be able to add an email address with which users can contact the owner of the channel. It's worth adding it because the easier it is for a consumer to contact a businessman, the better.

You can add up to 5 links below. The company’s website should come first, then Facebook and VKontakte, and then, as their importance for the business decreases, some of these options: Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and/or LinkedIn.

YouTube channel description

Many entrepreneurs forget about this, but in vain. A good YouTube channel description helps demonstrate why users should watch the content and subscribe to the channel. The description can motivate them even more than the channel trailer.

The channel description should explain what the business does and what it can offer users. You can add it in the same place where you add email address and links to other sites in the section above.

Speaking of examples, the description on the Gary Vaynerchuck channel is simply excellent:

Channel trailer

All channels are simply required to have their own trailer. This video will be located in the most prominent place, at the top and almost central part of the channel. When users log in, it plays automatically, thereby immediately grabbing their attention. This allows the channel owner to choose how to introduce themselves to their viewers. The trailer is especially important because the channel description does not appear on the first page.

Again, this video needs to show users what the company does and how this particular channel can benefit them. An excellent example is the trailer for the Digistr channel:

When editing your profile, the “For returning subscribers” option will be available. If you click on it, you will be able to add a channel trailer. You need to do the same for “new users” and upload the video.

How to upload a video to YouTube

Now that the channel is set up, you can start uploading videos.

YouTube's top navigation bar has an arrow pointing up. It can be found on any page of the site. Once you click on this arrow, you will be able to select or drag a video file and the download will begin immediately.

Once the video is uploaded, you can enter basic information, including a title, description, privacy settings, and the playlist in which it will appear. You can also add tags that will help your video appear in relevant searches. You need to make sure that the text is optimized for search engines, but this will be discussed later.

You can add text translation to the video. For international companies, this helps make content accessible to all audience members. To do this, you need to add the necessary languages ​​and enter translations for the title and description.

Finally, once the video has loaded, you need to select a preview. You can choose from the options YouTube offers or upload your own image. It is recommended to use your own preview containing branding elements.

Once the video has fully loaded, you can edit it further, before or after publishing.

How to edit video

If you plan to further edit the video, you should publish it as “private”, and after editing you can change it to “public” in the settings.

To edit a video, you need to go to the Creative Studio tab, select a video and click “Edit”.

Using this menu you can:

  • Visually enhance and edit an image
  • Add an end screen to your video (but only if it is longer than 25 seconds)
  • Add an additional audio track to a video
  • Add tips to video
  • Create video captions or subtitles in any language.

It is recommended that you add both tips and subtitles to all your videos. This will make the video more understandable and actionable. Making them will take a few extra minutes, but it will definitely be worth it.

Search Engine Optimization

If I had to pick the most valuable thing out of this whole guide, it would be this point. All your YouTube videos should be optimized as much as possible for search engines. This has already been said earlier - searching on YouTube and Google will help your videos get a lot more views.

YouTube SEO shares many of the same basic principles. Videos can be optimized for search in several ways:

  • Include the most popular ones in the title keywords
  • Place additional keywords in the video description
  • Choose the right tags for your videos so they will appear in relevant searches

You don't have to choose between a catchy video title and a title that contains a keyword, for that matter. Many great videos (which are rated search engines high enough) use the following strategy: first put a catchy title, then after the colon add a title with a keyword. Here is one example:

When creating your description, you can try to optimize it for the best keywords, but also include additional words that might be useful.

When researching keywords, it is recommended to research keywords from both Google and YouTube specifically. This way, you can be sure that the video will be as high as possible in search results both systems, and views will increase significantly. Use the free version of the service for this.

How to Create a Video That Converts

There is no point in talking about everything written above if the videos are nothing special. Whether the content is poor quality or simply unconvincing, videos that fail to deliver results are a waste of time and money. When creating YouTube videos, you need to focus on specific goals. For many businesses, this will be generating leads and sales.

There are several strategies for creating successful videos, such as:

  • Create videos that your target audience will definitely be looking for, organize them into a playlist, and end with a call to action to learn more, either by using , or by contacting a business representative.
  • Organize videos into playlists that act as a funnel that pushes conversions—users are more likely to convert after multiple videos than after just one.
  • Create videos that offer a product as a solution to some user problem.

It is possible to come up with more creative strategies. But the key is to focus on specific goals and create videos to achieve them, not the other way around. You need to remember the sales funnel and consistently push users towards conversion.

Monetization on YouTube

When clients ask, “Should I monetize my channel?”, some marketers ask in response, “You mean monetize in the sense of running ads and hoping to make money from it?” For most businesses, this course of action is highly discouraged, and there are several reasons for this.

Firstly, viewers quickly lose interest and have no idea of ​​loyalty and patience. If a user turns on a guide and an ad pops up, and there is a similar guide in the block next to it, most will immediately switch to the second option. And channels don’t need viewers to lose interest in the video, or, even worse, watch competitors’ videos.

Secondly, the money that channels receive as a result of such monetization is not at all large. You can earn something like $1 per 1000 impressions and not even get paid until you reach $100. For most companies, this will take years. And many believe that potential income isn't worth the risk of losing viewers.

The goal of most entrepreneurs in promoting on YouTube– monetization through soft sales and lead generation, rather than displaying advertising. If you focus on the strategies discussed earlier in this article, you can earn much more income on YouTube than by running ads on your videos.

There are two exceptions:

  1. if the channel has collected a large base of subscribers who will definitely wait for advertising to watch the video
  2. if the business became famous on YouTube.

And yet, in the latter case, it is worth waiting until the channel has at least 5-10 thousand subscribers, and only then launching advertising.

How to monetize your channel

For those who have decided that monetization is the right choice and/or strongly disagree with the arguments above, here is a guide on how to monetize a YouTube video.

You need to go to the Creator Studio, then click on the “Channel” tab. There is a monetization field where you need to click on “Enable”.

YouTube's requirements will appear:

  • Accept the terms affiliate program YouTube
  • Link an AdSense account to the channel
  • Choose which ads to show
  • Reach 10,000 views on the channel

Even if the channel has not reached 10,000 views, the registration process can be started in advance. Typically, channel owners already accept the terms of the YouTube Partner Program when they create an account, and they may have already enabled access to an AdSense account.

When choosing which ad to show, several options will appear. You need to select those that will be used and click “save”. This includes:

  • Display ads (desktop version only) that appear to the right of the viewing window above the list of recommended videos.
  • Overlays (desktop version only), which are superimposed on the video at the bottom of the viewing window.
  • Sponsorship cards, which can be shown on all devices, appear on the side of the video.
  • Skippable video ads that play before the video and are displayed to desktop and mobile users.

How to Promote Your Video on YouTube

But what if someone wants to be on the other side of monetization - that is, use advertising to promote their business, rather than receive income from displaying these ads? This is also a good tactic.

To get started, you need to go to the YouTube advertising platform. YouTube Ads are actually managed through Google Adwords, so you need to create an Adwords account. Once the account is created, you need to go to and click on the arrow of the Change button the desired video. There will be a “Promotion” button, and you need to click it.

Making money on Youtube is more interesting and easier than all other types of financial activities on the Internet. Who wouldn’t want to have their own video blog, for which the site pays money? But in order to reach this level, you must first gain popularity. How to create your own channel on Youtube, design it beautifully and correctly? Today I will tell you about the intricacies associated with this process.

Why do you need a Youtube channel?

In order to become popular on the Internet, it is not enough just to leave comments and write posts. Video bloggers who work mainly with YouTube and Instagram are really popular in RuNet. Creating a channel on Youtube is practically the first step to popularity and earnings.

It is a well-known fact that after monetizing the site, the owners of blogs, which consistently have several hundred thousand views, began to earn round sums of dollars, so the activities of a video blogger not only increase their popularity, but also justify themselves financially.

How can you make money from video views, you ask. Income on YouTube is real for popular vlogs, which reach hundreds of thousands of views per day. If you achieve this level of fame, then the channel can begin to bring in good profits. At the same time, connecting to the monetization service is free, and money is awarded not only for views, but also for affiliate advertising. Popular bloggers earn tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Before you start creating a channel, think about what content you want to fill it with. If you don't have any ideas or interests, then why make meaningless videos about nothing? It is important to take this issue seriously and count on a certain audience from the very beginning.

Popular topics on the Internet are beauty blogs, children's programs, reviews of games, digital technology, etc. Among them are high-quality and informative videos, and there are options with weaker content. If you are not sure that your proposal in the same areas will be better and more interesting, think several times before you start shooting a video.

Often creating a channel on Youtube is important for owners of author’s blogs or stores. By recording a video reviewing your products and services, you automatically expand your customer base and inspire more trust. Having your own channel on YouTube is the best form of advertising. Linking websites, forums, YouTube channels with social networks, you can achieve a wider reach of audiences interested in the product.

Design problem

Channels with original design attract much more visitors than regular posts. First of all, pay attention to:

  1. “Hat.”
  2. Original intro (trailer). The more attractive the intro, the more likely it is that the visitor will subscribe to you and follow you for updates. This is especially true for channels that have just started their activities.
  3. Presentation of information and video design.
  4. Original editing and sound.
  5. Availability of information.

Without taking these points into account, your channel is unlikely to become popular.

Registration and creation

So, you have decided why you need a YouTube channel and what you will publish there. Below are instructions on how to create a channel on the site right now. The first thing you need to do is create an account on Google.

Your YouTube account is linked to Google, and without your email you will not be able to register.

It is not necessary to create a Gmail.com email, because if you already have an account on Mail.ru, you can simply enter the address and confirm it by clicking on the link in the letter.

Creating an account on YouTube occurs in several stages:

  1. Visit www.youtube.com.
  2. Look at the upper right corner, there is a “Login” link.
  3. The login window has a “Create an account” section. Click on it.
  4. The site will ask you to fill out a form. You can replace the information you entered later, but still take it seriously. Here you indicate your phone number (you will need it later when connecting affiliate programs and monetization), email. This is where you will need your Google email address.
  5. The site supports a double authentication system via SMS message to the phone. If you install this application, the channel will be completely protected from scammers.

Create a channel

After registration, we return to the main page of the site. In the left column there is a section “My Channel”. You can also enter here through the “YouTube Settings” section. Pay attention to the first tab called “Create”. Click here, a window will open where you will need to enter the name of the channel, and then check the box to agree to the terms of use and click on the “Done” button.

There are three options for naming the channel:

  1. If you are the author of a blog, a well-known person (even if in narrow circles), use your name.
  2. If it will cover the activities of a project (musical group, store), name it by the name of the project.
  3. The third option is to name the channel with a name aimed at the target audience. Here you will need to think carefully, since the result can be very profitable in terms of promotion.

If you find the channel name inappropriate in the future, you can change it at any time. A successful and popular blogger usually does not change anything, since the name is associated in the audience with the blogger himself, and an unsuccessful change can lead to a partial loss of the audience.

Create a second channel for the same Google account

One account can have multiple channels. To create another one, just go to “YouTube Settings”, where instead of the create account button there will be a section “Show all channels or create a new one”. Then we follow a similar algorithm.
