While typing in Word, upon completion of the page, the program automatically adds a new blank sheet. But sometimes it becomes necessary to add a page in Word at the beginning of a document or in the middle, and the user does not always cope with this task quickly. Below we will look at two ways to add a sheet in a text editor.

Regular page

In Microsoft Word, you can insert a blank sheet of paper in two slightly similar ways. So let's look at how to create new page thanks to the "Blank Page" button.

Using the Blank Page

It is necessary to position the mouse pointer at the desired place in the text, this could be the end of the article or the middle between two paragraphs. It can be clearly seen in the figure below.

Open the “Insert” tab in the main menu. Click on the “Blank Page” button.

After the first sheet there will be a new blank sheet. To verify this, go to the "Home" tab and turn on the hidden symbols icon.

If you zoom out on the document, you can see a double page break. With the help of which a blank page was created.

Using Page Break

Place the mouse cursor in the desired location. Open the “Insert” tab and double-click “Page Break”. After the first click, the text that was below the cursor will move to a new sheet, but an empty sheet will not be inserted. After the second click on “Page Break” a sheet will be added to the document, and the text located after the cursor will be located after the empty sheet.You can clearly see in the figure below.

Inserting a “Title Page”

If you need to add a title page to a document, go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Cover Page” item. From the proposed options, select the most suitable one and click on it. Regardless of the cursor location, the first blank title sheet will be added to the very beginning.

Many companies have branches in different time zones, and often text written at one end of the country has to be edited at the other. Communication takes place by phone or by email. WITH in simple texts problems usually do not arise even with this mode. But what happens if your document has dozens of sheets? How not to get confused in it and how to add pages in Word, we will now figure it out.

How not to get confused in large text?

Let's imagine that your document has a hundred sheets. How do you tell someone on the other side of the country where changes need to be made? Will you start relying on sections and counting sheets from them to the right place, while constantly getting lost, confused and scrolling the document on the monitor? But the solution lies on the surface. You don't get confused in the book. You look at the page number and navigate according to it.

So, we are faced with the task of how to add page numbers in Word. Go to the “Insert” menu on the top control panel and look for the “Page Number” icon. A drop-down menu will allow you to select the location and orientation of the digital indicators page. Having decided on a view that is easy to read, you get the opportunity to quickly and conveniently work on your text.

Adding new sections to the document

Now that we are navigating the test, adding numbering to it will complicate the task. Let's imagine that we need to add several additional sections to the document in different places. We’ll now figure out how to do this without breaking the structure of the document, so that your sections and tables don’t “float” to inconvenient places.

How to add pages to a finished document in Word? There is nothing complicated about this either; the “Insert” menu again comes to our aid. This time we will find the “Pages” item. This is where the tools we need are located. Let's consider two options - introducing a break in the text - and adding a new blank page and understand the difference between them.

How to add pages in Word using a break? By selecting the place in the document where you want to enter additional information, use “Page Break”. What will we get? Some of the text below the break has moved to the next page, leaving us on the current free space. The information you enter will fit organically into the overall structure.

How to add pages in Word by inserting a blank sheet into the body of the document? If there is little space left on the page behind which changes need to be made, and the scope of the adjustments requires the presence of tables, charts or photographs, this method may be more convenient than the one described above. A gap will also appear in the document, but at the same time an additional blank page will form behind it, from which you can begin making edits.

The described methods are suitable for the ribbon interface of Word, which is used in version 2007 and later. How to add a page in Word 2003? In fact, the sequence of actions is similar. The only difference in the “Insert” menu in this version is the absence of convenient icons next to the name of the operations.

In conclusion

Today we told you how you can make edits to a document without breaking its internal structure, and how to conveniently navigate large texts. We hope these simple office hacks will save you time.

How to add a page to Word. For some this is not a problem, but for others it is a real disaster. Even if you have been familiar with the Word text editor for a long time, this does not mean that you know everything about it. I can’t say the same about myself either. You should always learn, and don’t be shy about it. It is not the one who studies who is stupid, but the one who thinks that he knows everything! I do not write my articles to teach you. I never had such intentions. I'm just sharing my experience in a friendly manner. And I really want you to write in the comments about your secrets of working with text editors or various developments in the field computer programs. Only in this way can the truth be known.

Today we will talk about how to quickly and painlessly add a new blank page to a document, and how to create a title page or cover page in Word 2010. Since the text editor Word 2010 and Word 2007 are similar, I will describe the sequence of actions on only one of them , i.e. Word 2010.

In order to add a page to Word, you need to do the following:

  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert a new page;
  2. Select a team Blank page on the tab Insert in the group Pages ;

The new page will appear above the cursor you placed on the previous page.

How to insert a title page or cover intoWord

Word 2010 comes with ready-made title page and cover page templates. All you have to do is select, paste it, and replace the finished example text with your own.

  1. You can place the cursor anywhere, the title page will still be at the beginning of the document.
  2. Select a team Title page on the tab Insert in the group Pages .

3. From the drop-down window, select the title page cover you like and left-click on it.

4. If necessary, replace the text of the new title page with your own.


If you already had a cover page before, then when you select a new one, it will be replaced with a new one.

If your cover page was created in an earlier version, you will not be able to replace it. You must first remove the old one.

I think now you can quickly create a cover or title page in the Word text editor.

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Discussion: 3 comments

    Hello, I encountered such a problem on the school’s official website, created on the basis of Ucoz, I need to insert a document in Word format, but the first page in this document must be scanned. When I start adding material, the first page (where the sheet should be with signature and seal) is blank, followed by the text as expected. What do I need to do so that the first page does not disappear? I have a scanned page in picture format. Help, please. I really hope for your help. Thanks in advance.

    Good evening, Anzhey! This problem is familiar to me, I also once tried to make a title page with a frame, and nothing worked either. Apparently the developers decided that there should be no more decorations on the title page. So you will have to change the design of the book a little. There is one interesting option - to make a book in Power Point. There are more opportunities there, and the book will be colorful and interesting.

    Good evening, Lyudmila! Help me please, I just can’t insert a title page at the beginning of a Word document. I have Word 2013 installed, I read your lesson about inserting titles, I do everything as indicated, but it doesn’t work. The fact is that my title page is edged with a frame, and when I copy and save the sample to the collection of title pages in the “Title Page” section on the “Insert” tab, only the title page text itself is copied, without a frame. I do it differently, through the “Page Break” - a sheet with a frame appears, without text. In both cases, they are not copied to the Word collection of title pages; apparently they are perceived as a drawing or something else. I tried a lot of options, but nothing works. All hope is only for you. Sincerely,

How to insert a page in Word?

Quite often situations arise when you need to insert an additional page inside an array of text typed in the Word editor. The page may be required to insert an illustration, diagram, table, or additional text. How to insert a page in Word?

Inserting a blank page

While in the text file, go to the Insert menu tab. In the text, place the cursor at the place where you want to add a page (a blank page will appear directly in front of the cursor). In the menu, find the block at the bottom of which it says “Pages” (it’s on the far left). Click on "Blank Page". The editor will insert an additional page into your text.

An alternative option is to press the "Ctrl" and "Enter" keys simultaneously.

After you finish working on the text, don't forget to save your changes.

Inserting a Cover Page

In Word 2007 and later, you can design your document with an attractive cover page from the editor's collection of templates. How to insert a title page in Word?
The "Cover Page" item is located in the same block of the "Insert" menu, above the "Blank Page" line. Click on it and select the template you like from the ones offered. Once the cover page appears on your document, all you have to do is fill it out.

Hello everyone interested in working competently with Word version 2016. How to add a new page to Word document everyone knows? No? No problem. This task is so simple that it is quite understandable even after a stormy New Year's Eve.

But I hope, friends, that you have already taken a break from the feast for walks and active games in the fresh air. After the pre-New Year's slush in the Moscow region, frost has now set in and snow has fallen, so the weather is quite conducive to winter sports. And after a good walk, and a cup of aromatic coffee, you can pump up your brain a little. So let's get started?

How to create a blank page in Word

Sometimes situations arise when a document (article, essay, term paper, report) is almost ready. And suddenly... oh, horror! You remember that you forgot to insert a drawing, table or piece of text into your work, which it would be desirable to place on a separate page. Calm down, dear comrade! There is no need to tear out your hair or sprinkle ashes on your poor little head. Moreover, you should not mock the text by trying to move it forward two pages using the spacebar. Adding a new page to a Word document is easy.

There are two ways to insert a blank page anywhere in your material - beginning, middle, end, between any filled pages. This operation is carried out from the tab "Insert" section "Pages". Place the cursor at the place after which you need a separate page. Next, you can right-click on the button "Blank Page" or press the button twice "Page Break". In both cases you will get a blank page after the text before the cursor. And the text after it will always occupy the first line of the page following the empty one.

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The same operation can be performed from the tab "Layout", section "Page Options", using the button also available there "Page Break".

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Please note, friends, that when you click the button once "page break" a blank page will not appear, but the text after the cursor will automatically move to the beginning of the next page.

That's all that can be said about how to add a new page to a Word document. All that remains is to reassure you, researchers. text editor that the page numbering will have breaks and gaps. The new page will be numbered in order automatic mode. But if you need, on the contrary, not to put a number on this page, then let me refer you to, where its various options are described in detail.
