Take a look around. If you are not in a field or deep taiga, then we can say with confidence that somewhere not far from you, if desired, a computer can easily be found. And believe me, he is not alone. In a modern city, a computer is found literally at every step. Let's take a closer look.

Computer in production

Just some 20 years ago (this is, of course, a long time, but in the scale of history let’s call it “some 20 years”) no one had a computer at home (we can’t vouch for multimillionaires). Even in enterprises or institutions, computers were rare. The point is not only the large size, but also the complexity of creating, maintaining and managing these units. But we live in the 21st century. In our highly technical times, every self-respecting institution or enterprise uses computers in one way or another. Even if 99% of his employees swing shovels (or other tools), the secretary always sits at the computer. And in general, now absolutely all technological products begin their journey with design on a computer.

And in modern automated production, the number of computers significantly exceeds the number of workers. Robots (computer-controlled mechanisms) perform a variety of operations - as a rule, either very simple (monotonic), or, conversely, very complex (for example, mathematical calculations) (Fig. 1.8).

Rice. 1.8. Automatic lines at the factory

Entire workshops, conveyors and production lines operate under the control of computers without human intervention (except for the participation of “came, saw, reloaded”).

Computer in agriculture (honestly, we saw it ourselves)

No, the computers are not working yet. And no one has figured out how to grow them yet either. But for all kinds of calculations (the required amount of feed, the amount of income and expenses, etc.), computers are used, if not everywhere, then quite often. Of course, the complete computerization of agriculture is still a long way off, but progress does not stand still. Who knows, maybe in a few years robots will really be plowing (we don’t even dream about computers farming yet).

Computer in medicine

This is where computers have been used for a long time and widely. Due to the large amount of information, medicine, like no other industry, needs the use of computers (Fig. 1.9).

Rice. 1.9. The good doctor Aibolit is sitting at the computer. Cows, wolves, bugs and worms come to him for treatment. He will heal everyone, he will heal... if he doesn’t short out

Often, only a computer can make an accurate diagnosis by collecting all the patient’s symptoms and test results.

Recently, almost every medical device is connected to a computer (even a thermometer). Calculation of research results, storage of databases, monitoring the patient’s condition - these are far from full list areas of application of computer technology in medicine. And this is not counting the hospital accounting department, where computers are used to calculate wages, as well as the reception department, in which records of incoming patients are kept and their registration by department. In addition, the computer is used for communication between hospitals (via the Internet), for access to international information centers (also via the World Wide Web), and for training young doctors (before letting them near patients, let them practice on the computer).

I planned to write a series of useful articles for beginners on how to choose and purchase a computer of the desired configuration (as well as a tablet) and for solving certain tasks: work, study, games, working with graphics. Before touching directly on the choice home computer or a laptop to solve your problems, it would be more correct to first explain to beginners what a computer consists of... Therefore, in this article I will talk about the main components of a typical home (stationary) computer so that you have an idea of ​​how it works, what one or another looks like component, what characteristics it has and what it is responsible for. All this information may be useful to simple novice users when choosing and purchasing a computer... By “Basic” I meant those components (components) that can be removed and can be easily replaced. Simply put, I won't go too far and go into great detail about how a computer works, explaining every element on the circuit boards and internal structure each component. This blog is read by a lot of beginners, and I believe that talking about all the complex processes and terms at once is not good and will simply cause confusion in the head :)

So, let's move on to considering the components of any one using the example of a regular home computer. In laptops and netbooks you can find everything the same, just in a much smaller version.

What are the main components of a computer?

    CPU. This is the brain of the computer. It is the main component and performs all calculations in the computer, controls all operations and processes. It is also one of the most expensive components, and the price of a very good modern processor can exceed 50,000 rubles.

    There are processors from Intel and AMD. Here, whoever likes what, but Intel heats up less and consumes less electricity. With all this, AMD has better graphics processing, i.e. would be more suitable for gaming computers and those where work will be carried out with powerful image editors, 3D graphics, and video. In my opinion, this difference between processors is not so significant and noticeable...

    The main characteristic is the processor frequency (measured in Hertz. For example, 2.5GHz), as well as a connector for connecting to motherboard(socket. For example, LGA 1150).

    This is what the processor looks like (the company and model are indicated at the top):

    Motherboard (system) board. This is the largest board in the computer, which is the link between all other components. All other devices, including peripherals, are connected to the motherboard. There are many motherboard manufacturers, and ASUS and Gigabyte are at the top, as the most reliable and at the same time expensive, respectively. The main characteristics are: type of supported processor (socket), type of supported RAM(DDR2, DDR3, DDR4), form factor (determines which case you can place this board in), as well as the types of connectors for connecting other computer components. For example, modern hard drives(HDD) and SSD drives are connected via SATA3 connectors, video adapters – via PCI-E x16 3.0 connectors.

    This is what the motherboard looks like:

    Memory. Here we will divide it into 2 main types, which will be important to pay attention to when purchasing:

  1. Video card(video adapter or “vidyukha”, as more or less advanced computer users call it). This device is responsible for generating and displaying images on the screen of a monitor or any other similar connected device. Video cards can be built-in (integrated) or external (discrete). Today, the vast majority of motherboards have a built-in video card, and visually we see only its output - a connector for connecting a monitor. An external video card is connected to the board separately in the form of another board with its own cooling system (radiator or fan).

    What's the difference between them, you ask? The difference is that the built-in video card is not designed to run resource-intensive games or work in professional image and video editors. It simply does not have enough power to process such graphics and everything will be very slow. The built-in video card today can be used more as a temporary backup option. For everything else, you need at least some kind of simple external video card, and which one depends on your preferences for using the computer: for Internet surfing, working with documents, or for playing games.

    The main characteristics of the video card are: connector for connecting to the board, frequency GPU(the larger it is, the better), volume and type of video memory, video memory bus width.

    This is what the video card looks like:

    Sound adapter. Every computer has at least a built-in sound card and is responsible, respectively, for processing and outputting sound. Very often it is the built-in one, and not everyone buys a discrete sound card that connects to the motherboard. Personally, for example, the built-in one is quite enough for me and, in principle, I don’t pay attention to this component of the computer at all. A discrete sound card will produce much better sound and is indispensable if you make music or work in any music processing programs. And if you’re not into anything like that, then you can safely use the built-in one and not think about this component when purchasing.

    This is what a discrete sound card looks like:

    Network adapter. Used to connect the computer to the internal network and the Internet. Just like a sound adapter, it can very often be built-in, which is enough for many. Those. in this case, you will not see an additional network adapter card in the computer. The main characteristic is throughput, measured in Mbit/sec. If the motherboard has a built-in network adapter, and it is, as a rule, available in the vast majority of motherboards, then there is no reason to buy a new one for your home. You can determine its presence on the board by the connector for connecting the Internet cable ( twisted pair). If there is such a connector, then the board has a built-in network adapter, respectively.

    This is what a discrete network card looks like:

    Power supply (PSU). A very important computer component. It is connected to the electrical network and serves to supply DC all other computer components, converting the mains voltage to the required values. And computer devices operate at voltages: +3.3V, +5V, +12V. Negative voltages are practically never used. The main characteristic of a power supply is its power and is measured, accordingly, in Watts. A power supply with such power is installed in the computer that it is enough to power all components of the computer. The video adapter will consume the most (the power it consumes will be indicated in the documentation), so you need to focus on it and just take it with a small margin. Also, the power supply must have all the necessary connectors for connecting to all existing computer components: motherboard, processor, HDD and SSD drives, video adapter, disk drive.

    This is what the power supply looks like:

    Disk drive (drive). This is an additional device, which, in principle, you can do without. Serves, respectively, for reading CD/DVD/Blu-Ray discs. If you plan to read or write any discs on your computer, then, of course, such a device is necessary. Among the characteristics, we can only note the ability of the drive to read and write various types of disks, as well as the connector for connecting to the board, which today is almost always SATA.

    This is what the drive looks like:

Everything listed above is basic, which, as a rule, no computer can do without. In laptops everything is similar, only there may often be no disk drive, but this depends on which model you choose and whether you need this disk drive at all. There may also be other components that will also connect to the motherboard, for example: Wi-Fi adapter, TV tuner, video capture devices. There may be others additional components, which are completely optional, so we won’t dwell on them for now. Nowadays, almost every laptop has a Wi-Fi adapter for connecting to the Internet via wireless network, and there is also a built-in TV tuner. In stationary home computers, all this is usually purchased separately!

Computer case

All those major components I listed above need to be located somewhere and not just lying around on the floor, right? :) All computer components are placed in a special case ( system unit) in order to exclude external influences on them, protect them from damage and maintain the desired temperature inside the case due to the fans present in it. You also start your computer using a button on the case, so you can’t do without the case :)

Cases come in different sizes and the smallest case, of course, will not fit, for example, a standard motherboard. Therefore, the main characteristic of the case is the form factor of the supported motherboards. If the largest cases (Full Tower) are able to accommodate boards of any size and any components so that it is also more or less free and, if necessary, to remove any of the components, there will be no inconvenience.

This is what the computer case looks like:


Also, outside the case, another important device will be located - a monitor. The monitor is connected by wire to the motherboard and without it, you, therefore, will not see everything you do on the computer :) The main parameters of the monitor are:

    Screen diagonal in inches;

    Supported screen resolution, for example 1920x1080. The larger it is, the better;

    Viewing angle. Affects how the image will be seen if you look at the monitor from the side or slightly higher / lower. The wider the viewing angle, the better.

    Brightness and contrast. Brightness is measured in cd/m2 and in good models lies beyond 300, and the contrast must be at least 1:1000 for good display.

This is what the monitor looks like:

In addition to the main computer components listed above, there are also peripheral devices. Peripherals are various additional and auxiliary devices that allow you to expand the capabilities of your computer. This includes many devices, for example: computer mouse, keyboard, headphones, microphone, printer, scanner, copier, graphics tablet, joystick, web camera.

It will be convenient to discuss all these devices in separate topics, since each of them has its own characteristics and features. The keyboard and mouse are the easiest to choose, the main thing is that the connection to the computer is via USB or even via a radio channel without a wire, and all other parameters are selected individually and the main thing here is that it is simply convenient.

About choosing the most basic peripheral devices read the article:

This concludes the analysis of computer components. I hope that such an article will be somewhat useful for beginners and that those who did not understand at all what is in the computer and what it is needed for can now more or less imagine :) Also this information, I think, will be useful when choosing a computer, and even more so, subsequent articles will be about choosing and buying a home computer.

Have a nice day everyone! Bye;)

Ostroumov Sergey Konstantinovich

The scientific work of Sergei Ostroumov, a student of grade 9 “B”, is devoted to the study of the question “What are computers for?” The work describes the purpose of a computer, analyzes areas of human activity related to a computer, and publishes the results of a student survey.



Municipal educational institution Lyceum No. 1

named after G.S. Titov, Krasnoznamensk, Moscow region



Subject: “What are computers for?”

Completed the work:

Ostroumov Sergey Konstantinovich, 9B grade

Scientific supervisor:

Soroko Elena Vladimirovna

2010-2011 academic year

  1. ………………………………4
  2. . ………………..4
  3. ………………………4

3.1 ……………………………...4

3.2 ………………………………...5

3.2.1 ……………………………...5

3.2.2 ……………………………………………...6

3.2.3 …………………………………………. 7

3.3 …………………………... 7

3. …………………………7

3.5 ………………………..8

3.6 ……………..10

3.7 ………………………….11

4. Results of the student survey………………………..11

5. s…………………………………………….12

6. References…………………………………..12


The scientific work of Sergei Ostroumov, a student of grade 9 “B”, is devoted to the study of the question “What are computers for?” The work describes the purpose of a computer, analyzes areas of human activity related to a computer, and publishes the results of a survey of students.

Purpose and objectives of the work:

  1. Why do you need a PC?

The goals and objectives of the work have been achieved. A presentation has been created on a given topic. This work can be used both in computer science lessons and in classroom hours dedicated to students' leisure time.

Project Manager:

Computer science teacher Soroko E.V.

1. Purpose and objectives of the work:

  1. Analyze the influence of the computer on human life in modern society
  2. Find out what a computer is
  3. Why do you need a PC?
  4. Research the issue of the need to use a computer for students in grades 8-11 of our school
  5. Determine how much time they spend at the computer.

2. What is a computer

COMPUTER means electronic computer. Among specialists, it is customary to call a computer a machine and talk about a computer as a female person - “she”. Ninety percent of normal people consider computers to be those boxes with a monitor that are usually placed in the office or home, that is, personal computers.

In fact, a household computer can solve a limited number of tasks and is not suitable for professionals. Real supercomputers are much larger than household ones and are much more powerful and faster.

3.Spheres of human activity

3.1Entertainment and relaxation

  1. A computer is an excellent tool for listening to music. If you install powerful, high-quality speakers, then it will be in no way inferior to a music center. And the ability to store a huge number of songs and change them with one click without changing disks gives the computer a big advantage over the music center. You can download music from paid and free MP3 sites or buy CDs.
  2. On your computer you can comfortably watch movies, both those that have already been recorded and movies from discs. If you have a large monitor and a good stereo system, then the computer can become a full-fledged replacement for a home theater. In this case you will need a DVD-ROM and a fairly large hard drive, if you will be storing movies. A 500 GB screw can hold about 100 DVD quality movies. Agree, this is more convenient than having 100 disks.
  3. The computer is a powerful gaming center. Every year thousands of new games for the computer are released: strategy, shooting, logic, arcade, racing, quests, economic and others - so everyone will find something to their liking. If you have high-speed Internet, then games can be downloaded via torrent and peer-to-peer networks; if not, then you can always buy them in the store.
  4. You can read books on your computer, saving time on trips to libraries. By using special programs you can organize a virtual library, select the text font and page layout for easy reading. For example, the ICE Book Reader program is very good. And the books themselves are available in large quantities on various websites, for example on the website of the Mashkov Library.

3.2 Internet access

3.2.1 Internet browsing

If used correctly, a computer can be a good source of income. Surely you have already seen many offers on the Internet about various jobs and ways to make money from home. Just don't believe everything they write there. If you are promised mountains of gold tomorrow with minimal effort and without any knowledge, then this is 99% a scam. Most of these statements are made by MLM companies and financial pyramids, which hide behind decent companies. The income of such organizations comes from the sale of some useless product (or from the monetary contributions of new members), and you yourself look for new “fools”, just as someone found you. The profit from such work rarely justifies the actions taken. Are you ready to fool people all the time for $50 a month? Moreover, such pyramids usually exist for half a year - a year. What will you do when the company disappears, and along with it your entire network of referrals?

You shouldn’t pay attention to nonsense like mail sponsors, where they pay for reading letters and filling out questionnaires. $5-10 per month is the limit of such earnings on the Internet. Well, I hope you have been ignoring messages like “Send 5 dollars and receive 10” and other magic wallets for a long time. The question arises: how then can you make money on the Internet if there is only one scam everywhere? The answer is simple: study a lot and work on orders.

In the first case, you will engage in freelancing: make websites, create banners, write articles, translations, etc. If you have the ability to do something, then feel free to go to any site on this topic, for example www.free-lance. ru, fill out your resume and wait for customers or choose the tasks yourself. In the second case, you work for yourself. This means that you do not answer to anyone and do what you think is necessary. For example, you made an interesting website, it became popular - you are guaranteed a good income (from $100 per month) from advertising. What if there are several such sites?

Just remember, working on the Internet is no easier than working in real life. Here, too, you need to constantly learn, work hard and improve. The sooner you realize that there is no freebie and stop looking for it, the faster your life will change for the better.

3.2.2 Communication

Nowadays, the computer combines various means of communication:

  1. Mail. Gone are the days when you wrote a letter to your friends in another city and waited two weeks for it to arrive, then waited even longer for a response. Sometimes the letters didn't arrive at all. But calling is expensive, so the former friendship faded over time and you no longer know much about each other. Today emails they arrive almost immediately, and to send you just need to press a couple of buttons. The cost of messages is pennies (unless, of course, you send photos or other large files), you are always aware of events, share your impressions with a person, regardless of his location, communicate almost in real time (a letter today - an answer tomorrow).
  2. Messages (formerly pagers).To ensure real-time communication, instant Internet messaging services were invented. By waiting for the person to also log on to the Internet and seeing this in the program (for example, ICQ - popularly known as ICQ, or the alternative - QIP), you can immediately send him messages and instantly receive a response. You can have any number of people in your contact lists and you can have a conversation with several friends at once.
  3. Telephone. If you have the Internet, a microphone and a special program, then you can call any phone at a low price. You can also call a computer through a special program (for example, Skype), but it must also be installed on it.
  4. Fax. If you have a printer and scanner, they can easily perform fax functions.
  5. Chat. Using various programs (for example mIRC) you can communicate with people over the Internet. To do this, you need to connect to the IRC channel through the program, select a topic of interest and start having a conversation.
  6. Forums. Some sites have forums where conversations take place in different topics, and messages are saved on pages. You can find a forum on the Internet about any topic under the sun, so you can always chat with people who share your passions.
  7. Video conferencing.With a webcam you can see the person you are talking to. This requires a high-speed Internet connection.

3.2.3 Purchases

Using a computer via the Internet, you can buy anything: from T-shirts and posters to cars and apartments. The advantages of such purchases are obvious:

  1. You buy goods at a time convenient for you, directly from home, without standing in lines or communicating with managers
  2. Prices in online stores are lower than in regular stores, since there is no need to spend money on rent and salaries for numerous staff
  3. The information you need is displayed on the screen in a convenient form, no need to ask salespeople about the product.

You can use your computer to pay for various services:

  1. Mobile communications
  2. Internet
  3. Public utilities

Payments on the Internet are carried out using electronic payment systems. In Russia, the most famous are Webmoney, Yandex-money and Rupay. Methods for depositing and withdrawing funds are becoming more accessible, which accelerates the development of Internet commerce.

3.3 Information storage

A computer can become a unique repository of all kinds of information you need. Digital photo and video cameras have become popular now, so your family photo albums and recordings can be conveniently viewed on your computer. Your favorite music and movies will always be at your fingertips, just a few clicks away. You won't need to bother with a bunch of photo albums, videotapes and folders - it all fits on your computer or on a small compact disk.

The amount of information will depend only on the volume of your hard drive. For example, a 500 GB hard drive will hold 8,330 thousand hours of digital music, 160,000 thousand photos, 500 hours of digital video and 250 games.

3.4 Computers in medicine

Computers are widely used not only in institutions and industrial enterprises, but also in medicine. Doctors, nurses, as well as pharmacists and representatives of other medical specialties consider the computer as an integral tool in their work.

How often do you get sick? You probably had a cold, chickenpox, or a stomach ache? If in these cases you went to the doctor, most likely he performed the examination quickly and quite effectively. However, medicine is a very complex science. There are many diseases, each of which has only its own symptoms. In addition, there are dozens of diseases with the same and even completely identical symptoms. In such cases, it can be difficult for a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. And here the computer comes to his aid. Currently, many doctors use a computer as an assistant in making a diagnosis, i.e. to clarify what exactly is hurting the patient. To do this, the patient is thoroughly examined, and the results of the examination are reported to the computer. After a few minutes, the computer reports which of the tests performed gave an abnormal result. At the same time, he can name a possible diagnosis.

Computers play an important role in medical research. They make it possible to establish how air pollution affects the incidence of disease in the population of a given area. In addition, they can be used to study the effects of impacts on various parts of the body, in particular the consequences of an impact in a car accident on the human skull and spine.

Medical data banks allow doctors to keep abreast of the latest scientific and practical advances.

Computer networks are used to send messages about donor organs needed by patients awaiting transplant surgery.

Computers are used to create maps showing how quickly epidemics spread.

Computers store patient medical histories in their memory, which frees doctors from time-consuming paperwork and allows them to spend more time with the patients themselves.

3.5 Computer and education

Today, many educational institutions cannot do without computers. Suffice it to say that with the help of computers: three-year-old children learn to distinguish objects by their shape; six- and seven-year-old children learn to read and write; school graduates are preparing for entrance exams to higher education institutions; students explore what will happen if the temperature of a nuclear reactor exceeds the permissible limit.

PC advantages:

Firstly, the computer has “infinite patience”: it will repeat explanations five, ten and even a hundred times, and all this without signs of fatigue or displeasure.

Secondly, it allows you to choose the pace of learning that suits you, and not those students who grasp the material faster or slower than you. And thirdly, when you sit in front of the computer, it is entirely occupied only by you, i.e. “all his attention” is only for you. By the way, you answer him in kind, since many educational programs are not only educational, but also very exciting.

Computers in educational institutions are used not only for teaching. The school administration, for example, draws up class schedules, reports and summaries of student information based on databases stored in the machine. In addition, students are provided with information about higher educational institutions and the professions acquired in them. All teachers keep a class journal using a computer, and the physical education teacher also monitors the movement of sports equipment, the calendar of sports competitions and the registration of their results.

The computer can become an indispensable assistant in studies.

  1. Various textbooks, manuals, books, manuals - all this is available in electronic form. You just need to know how to search. With the development of the Internet, many sites began to appear offering ready-made essays, coursework, and diplomas. On the one hand, this saves time, but on the other hand, the quality of knowledge and creativity. What is more important is up to you to decide.
  2. You can test your knowledge using numerous tests. For example, the IQ test for intelligence quotient is very popular. True, it tests more general abilities: intelligence, erudition, speed of thinking. It is not suitable for testing knowledge, for example, in mathematics. You can be a good mathematician and simply fail to solve problems involving missing letters, of which there are a lot in the IQ test.
  3. Distance learning via the Internet is now spreading, where for a fee they will help you gain knowledge in a narrow field and even send you a certificate. It works simply: they send you literature and assignments electronically, and you send the solution within the appointed time.
  4. The computer today has also become an indispensable tool for completing coursework, essays and diplomas. We are not talking about stupid copying, but about writing text and then printing it on a printer. Students who do not have a computer often waste a lot of time and money doing work by hand and then sending the manuscripts for reprinting, because universities only accept printed works.
  5. The computer facilitates various calculations. For example, the MatLab and MatCad programs will be useful to students for solving equations of various degrees, finding integrals, limits, and the like. It is also convenient to make drawings on a computer. If you need to change something, you don’t have to redraw everything again, as would be the case if you were drawing by hand.

3.6 Computer and law enforcement

The “intellectual” power and high speed of the computer, its ability to process huge amounts of information, are now being put to the service of law enforcement agencies to increase work efficiency.

The ability of computers to store large amounts of information is used by law enforcement agencies to create a file of criminal activity. Electronic data banks with relevant information are easily accessible to state and regional investigative agencies throughout the country. Such banks can store:

  1. the names of the criminals and information about the reasons for the arrest;
  2. information about wanted and missing people;
  3. information about cars (including their state registration numbers), watercraft and firearms;
  4. information about stolen items.

With the help of a computer, through small crimes it is possible to “reach” large ones.So, one day the driver of one car was stopped for violating traffic rules. When his car's license plate number was checked using a computer, it turned out that the car had been stolen in a nearby region, and in addition, thanks to the computer, it was revealed that the driver was wanted in connection with a bank robbery. He was immediately arrested.

Computers are used by law enforcement agencies not only in computer information networks, but also in the process of investigative work. For example, in forensic laboratories I use computers to help analyze substances found at crime scenes. The conclusions of a computer expert often prove decisive in the evidence in a pending case.

Computers are often used to compile the “geography” of crimes. Data on crimes committed in different regions of the country are entered into a computer, which marks on a geographic map the points where the crimes were committed. Based on such data, law enforcement agencies take measures to prevent crimes in areas adjacent to the marked points.

3.7 Computer and art

Today, computer technology has become the property of writers, artists, musicians and representatives of other professions in the art world. The creative computer helps write books, draw, compose songs, and create special effects in science fiction films.

Not long ago, two popular US writers - Stephen King and Peter Straub - decided to team up and write a story together. The only problem that prevented them from carrying out this decision was that they lived in different states - Maine and Connecticut. What did they do? They began to work together using electronics that connected their processors through modems and telephone lines. The combination of creative efforts of the authors ended successfully; their story “The Talisman” was published in 1985.

A word processor makes editing and collating texts much easier. In addition, it eliminates the need to retype texts and thereby saves time. Finally, the use of special programs helps to identify and eliminate spelling errors and syntax errors.

In the hands of an artist, a computer becomes a drawing tool. Illustrators, designers, cartoonists, and filmmakers believe that computer technology provides them with new opportunities in their creative activities. Using tools such as a plotter, graphics tablet, and light pen, artists create multi-color drawings, graphs, maps, and diagrams.

But why are computers still popular among professional artists? You probably already guessed it? The computer gives the artist the ability to easily and quickly make changes and corrections to his drawings and diagrams. Do you want the boy in the drawing to be wearing a red shirt and not a blue one? Or for the car to have a convertible top rather than a hard top? Please! No problem. Electronic editing takes much less time than manual editing. Likewise, multiple variations of complex images can be created in minutes without having to start over again each time.

4.Research results

Students in grades 8-11 took part in the survey.

Questions asked: Do you have a computer at home?

How much time do you spend on the computer per day?

Why do you need a computer?

5. Conclusions.

In this research work, I examined various areas of human activity and came to the conclusion that in modern society life without a PC is impossible.

In addition, during the study we examined the most important aspects related to personal computers. As a result, we found out the role of the computer in modern society and came to the conclusion that human life, with the help of a computer, has become much easier.

Positive aspects should be noted: students in grades 8-11 use computers mainly 1-3 hours a day, students in grades 10-11 use computers to a greater extent for studying.


1. Electronic encyclopedias

2. Internet

3. D. Routledge, K. Walnum “Your personal computer»

It is impossible to imagine our modern life without a computer. Anyone today is familiar with this concept. Many professions would not even have appeared if man had not created electronic computer technology. Today, dear reader, we will try to imagine why a computer is needed, both for domestic use and in all other respects. So:

What is a computer for?

Let's imagine a world without computers. There is no need to strain your imagination too much, since such a world was a reality at the beginning of the 20th century. With the development of technology and during the industrial revolution, humanity has made huge strides forward in all spheres of life and scientific research. All this ultimately led to the emergence of technology that could effectively replace some of the capabilities of the human mind. During the development of computers, robotics also appeared, which replaced heavy human labor in many sectors of industrial production and construction.

Thus, we can conclude that computers and similar complex technology have entered our lives as deeply as possible. Modern humanity is dependent on computers, the Internet and electronic devices. This is not surprising. A person pays for his comfort with his freedom. Let's look at where and how people use a computer.

  • Why do you need a computer at home? Today we don’t even think about the fact that once upon a time a computer in the home was considered a luxury. Some even have multiple devices. Most often, people use a PC to access and work on the Internet. By the way, this is what you need it for tablet computer. It is this area that is increasingly taking a leadership position among other computer capabilities. Not only is the Internet a whole storehouse of necessary and unnecessary information, but it also makes it possible to work and communicate with your friends, colleagues and relatives. A computer is also a convenient tool for keeping your home budget and your affairs in order. Well, probably, the most important purpose of a home computer is to entertain and fill your leisure time. A huge number of programs on PCs allow people of all ages and views to find entertainment to their liking. Countless different games help to while away boring lonely evenings after work or school.
  • Why do you need a computer in an office or factory? Any enterprise that exists in today's business world needs the support of electronic computer technology. Be it an ordinary office of a recruitment agency, or a powerful automobile engine manufacturing plant. There is no need to separately clarify that the second example given requires much more complete computerization than the first. It is on these computers that vital important information, it is these machines that perform complex computing or analysis tasks, and, finally, it is these devices that assemble bulky engines on an assembly line. Even modern culture cannot do without complete or partial computerization. Music? Recording and creating arrangements, sound processing, accompanying concerts - all this is impossible without the use of high-quality computer equipment. Movie? Editing, special effects, audio accompaniment and final production - you can’t do without a computer (at least one). Literature? Printed materials for publications, creating a book design - you need a computer. In a word, not a single type of human activity is complete without active participation computer technology. Unless shepherds still lead their sheep using only a staff. However, to increase the efficiency of the shepherd's activities, he could take with him a GPS navigator, which is also a miniature computer.
  • Why do you need a computer on an airplane or on a ship? What do you mean? Imagine an airplane from the First World War. It was equipped with nothing other than an engine, landing gear, wings and a machine gun. That is why these unreliable machines crashed so often and took the lives of brave pilots with them. What is happening today? Modern powerful computer systems controls help huge double-decker aircraft of the highest class land in almost any weather conditions. That's what an on-board computer is for. We are talking, however, not only about aviation. Computers that control various objects can be found, again, everywhere. Satellites, locators, electronic systems control of water pressure in dams. The list can be endless. We strongly declare that life in the modern world is impossible without the participation of computer technology.

Thus, dear reader, you can guess that a computer is needed almost everywhere and in any field of activity. Whatever one may say, we cannot take a single step without turning to some kind of device. Where will this situation lead humanity? Should you completely trust your life to the calculations of a complex machine or device? Maybe sometimes it’s worth remembering and listening to your intuition?

It is quite difficult to briefly answer the question of why a person needs a computer, because it has already managed to enter almost all areas of our lives.

Perhaps we should start with its historical purpose – for work. Interestingly, they used to put a slightly different meaning into the phrase “working on a computer.” Back then, they mainly meant carrying out complex scientific calculations or programming machine equipment.

Now almost every job that is not related to physical activity can be done on this computer. On a computer you can do accounting, develop complex architectural projects, or simply write a book or even create music.

Interestingly, a lot of work has appeared on the computer thanks to the proliferation of computers themselves. This is how vacancies for website creators, programmers, etc. were developed.

Other uses of the computer

Why do you need a personal computer besides work? The second popular purpose of this technique was as an assistant for studying. On a computer, using the Internet, you can find all the necessary information on any topic of a given essay. It is also convenient to correct the printed text or swap individual phrases.

A student, having purchased only one disk or downloaded an archive from the Internet, can instantly gain access to an entire library. If necessary, in addition you can search for video or audio recordings.

Oddly enough, the question of why a computer is needed in a person’s life is not exhausted by these answers. Nowadays, computers are increasingly being used for banal entertainment. It has practically replaced TV and radio, because it can be used to watch movies or listen to your favorite radio programs. Also, the computer is often used as a game console.

Many people are interested in this technique only as an opportunity to communicate. made such communication accessible and inexpensive. For others, computers are used as a data storage box - personal photos and videos are dumped there.

Why do you need a more powerful computer?

Nothing stands still. This also applies to software. Companies are releasing more and more advanced versions of programs, taking into account previous errors and user wishes, as a result, new program becomes more demanding system requirements computer.

It is especially relevant to purchase more powerful computer for those people who are interested in computer games. Almost every new game requires more and more resources for its adequate launch.

It is worth noting that if a computer user has been performing one task for years on one software, and is going to continue doing this, then there is no point in thinking about improving your computer technology.

Why do we need ultra-fast computers?

The average user will not be able to fully enjoy the capabilities of an ultra-fast computer, since he simply will not be able to load it sufficiently.

Basically, the power of an ultra-fast computer is needed for scientists' research. Since they need to process a large amount of given data in short periods of time.

So, in the end, why does a person need a computer - there is no definite answer. You could say that for almost everything that can be digitized or automated. According to scientists, this global computerization is just the beginning. It also happens that a modern person needs a computer for something that no one has done with it before, so it is difficult to argue about any uniform standards for its use.
