Bloggers and web writers who write for free sooner or later face the question: what topics should they write articles on? After all, you need to provide useful and interesting information that is in demand and will bring people back from the search.

There are several sources of information where you can get ideas for articles. I will also write relevant topics for articles all year round.

It is advisable to immediately choose several topics in which you will develop. It is much easier to come up with a topic and write an article on an issue that you understand. There is no need to grab any topics just because of their demand and high prices.

For example, I never work with construction or legal topics. I’m not interested in this and I don’t understand technical terminology - it would take too much time to write an article.

Typically, women choose standard topics: children, beauty, cooking, fashion, etc.
Men prefer automotive, construction, and computer themes.
There are many general topics that everyone can write about: gardening, sports and social topics.

How to come up with a topic for an article:

  1. On websites and blogs. Go through sites with similar topics and see what topics they write about. Try to find non-standard and hackneyed topics, but something interesting and original that will interest your readers or buyers.
  2. Browse social media , you can often find interesting ideas in them. Subscribe to several thematic public pages or add them to bookmarks. From time to time, look at what posts they post and get ideas for yourself.
  3. Forums, email replies and other similar sites where people ask questions. Read what people are interested in and give the answers they need. Of course, it is worth assessing the relevance of the issue and its popularity through the website
  4. Use other article formats: interviews, news, reviews and feedback. Introducing a little variety in your writing style will be useful - you will gain a new experience, and readers/customers will see you in a new light.
  5. Get ideas from magazines. They always try to come up with something original and interesting, so you can find a lot of new ideas. To do this, you don’t have to buy them, just write down the title of the articles from the cover - usually they are the most catchy.
  6. Find out what interests your readers. Read comments and questions on your site or on someone else's site with a similar topic. What are people asking? What points are they interested in? You can directly ask on your blog: what would you like to read about? This way you will get ideas for several new articles at once.
  7. See search tips. When you search for something in the search, “related queries” appear at the bottom of the page. Drive in keyword and look at the options, maybe you like something.

And don't forget to always carry a notepad and pencil with you to jot down ideas. After all, they can visit you anywhere. My most “productive” moments are when I’m driving somewhere, sitting in line, or washing dishes.

Current topics for articles

There are topics that will always be in demand:

  • construction;
  • women's (children, diets, beauty, pregnancy, home, etc.);
  • health and traditional medicine;
  • tourism and travel;
  • earnings (casino, forex, investments, etc.);
  • real estate;
  • cars;
  • reviews (of films, TV series, equipment, computer games, books, etc.).

On the site you can see top topics. Changes in demand are shown. For example, if new – the topic has just entered the top.

January– articles about diets are especially relevant; you can post interesting articles about Valentine’s Day and February 23rd.
February– articles about the holiday of St. Valentine's Day, February 23 and March 8.
March– March 8 is still relevant in the first few days. You can start writing articles on spring topics - spring vitamin deficiency, how not to get sick at the beginning of spring, how to care for your hair/skin/face in the spring.
April– we continue the theme of spring articles. You can start writing about gardening topics. If there are articles about the May holidays, now is the time to post them. Articles about preparing for summer: choosing a swimsuit, solarium, how to avoid getting sunburned.
May– Articles about gardening will be very popular, as well as various summer topics on how to look great in summer.
June-July– summer articles and “vacation packages”: how to spend a vacation, where to go to the seaside, how to pack and what to take with children. How to prepare children for kindergarten/school.
August– Articles about autumn depression, blues, vitamin deficiency, how to return to work from vacation. Articles about getting ready for school, studying, everything related.
September– Health problems and nutrition in the fall. How to choose autumn things, winter things. Autumn care for health and appearance.
October– Halloween is approaching, you can write several topics about this holiday. Again, topics about cooling and insulation. You can start writing on a New Year's theme.
November– New Year’s theme is in full swing: how to celebrate, recipes, gifts, Christmas trees, pastimes, competitions, etc. You can write winter topics about how to care for your skin and hair in winter.
December– New Year’s themes are still hot. Gift topics, how to give a gift economically, prepare for the holiday. Horoscopes will work very well for New Year, recipes for New Year's Eve and what makeup/clothing to choose for the holiday.

Now you know when to write articles on what topics and what are the relevant topics for articles at different times of the year. This will help you overcome writer's block and continue writing. Where do you get ideas for articles?

The Internet has given us the opportunity to always be up to date with all the news. It also gave us access to a huge variety of interesting and useful materials. But, unfortunately, there have become so many such materials that now the problem is different - lack of time.

It will take too much time to read all the interesting articles and news. That's why we offer you five resources that select the most useful and interesting materials based on your preferences and their popularity.


Let's start with the most famous Russian-language aggregator of interesting articles, news and photos. Not long ago, a scandal occurred, due to which many resources refused to cooperate with the service. But there's still plenty of useful material to be found at Surfingbird.

Based on unique (as always) algorithms, Surfingbird learns and displays content based on your preferences. Therefore, the more likes and dislikes you give, the more interesting the following materials will be for you.

Pocket Hits

You use Pocket, right? If not, then run to install it immediately. This is one of those apps that should be on every device.

Pocket Hits are the best articles, according to Pocket readers, that the creators of the service send out every week. Pocket Hits exists as a Twitter account, as well as an e-mail newsletter, which you can subscribe to in your account settings.

As I already said, the e-mail newsletter arrives once a week, and it contains the coolest materials from all resources. If this frequency doesn't suit you, follow them on Twitter, which posts some great articles every day.


As with Pocket, Flipboard regularly selects the best articles on various topics and publishes them in separate collections. Perhaps, at the moment this is the most functional and popular magazine on your device.


Longreads is simply a treasure trove of wonderful, detailed and long articles. Its only drawback is the lack of Russian language. However, if you can read English fluently, you can find a wealth of interesting and exciting material.

Medium Top Stories

Medium is a platform where anyone can publish their articles. Whether this is due to the fact that its creator is the co-founder of Twitter, or the reason is something else, but Medium has become incredibly popular, and the amount of quality material on it is off the charts.

Like Pocket, Medium sends out the top 10 stories every week, and trust me, every single one of them is worth your attention. If that's not enough for you, Medium has a Twitter account that posts some of the most interesting articles every day.

Physicists from Rice University and Princeton University have managed to make an ultra-sensitive microwave detector from gallium arsenide, widely used in electronics. This semiconductor can be used for a new generation of computers.

The discovery comes at just the right time - engineers are currently trying to add nanophotonic devices directly to microchips so that processor frequencies exceed the 10 GHz bar. However, tunable methods for detecting photons in the microwave range are not advanced enough.

The human brain generates more electrical impulses per day than all the world's phones combined.

The initial flight speed of a champagne cork is up to 14 m/s, flight altitude is up to 12 meters.

With a body length of up to 18 m, the giant squid has eyes the size of a football.

Rats reproduce so quickly that in 18 months, two rats produce more than a million offspring.

Ten tons of cosmic dust fall to Earth every day.

Grapes explode in the microwave.

Coca-Cola was originally green.

LOOSE CHANGE: 2ND EDITION(Change: Second Edition)
Number of views ( 5,210,478
Running time: 1 hour 29 minutes.
Genre documentary investigation
Authors: Dylan Avery (director, voice-over), Corey Rowe (producer), Jason Bermas (film designer, journalist), USA
Budget $6000
