Many users of computers with the Windows operating system (versions 7 and 8) have recently discovered that somehow a new icon has appeared in the tray - “ Get Windows 10».

Owners of "ancient" operating systems Windows type XP and 2000 did not receive such a “gift” and, most likely, were unlikely to be upset about it :).

The "Get Windows 10" icon sticks out in the system tray and looks like this:

Reasons against using Windows 10:

I recently found (on Habré) and read an article about how Windows 10 brazenly behaves, sending its creators (and perhaps not only them) a lot of different information about users and their activities:

  • What programs are installed on the computer;
  • What sites does the user visit;
  • Voice data of IP telephony;
  • Data from the connected video camera;
  • And, perhaps, many, many other things.

And this is not surprising, because Microsoft offers its Windows 10 completely free, that is, for nothing. This means there is a hidden catch! Russians love freebies, but usually not like this. In this case, it turns out to be the wrong freebie, an insidious deception with consequences that few people have yet assumed or realized.

According to subjective feelings, because of this little lousy Microsoft utility installed without permission, offering “free cheese”, the laptop with Windows 7 began to work much worse - it was wildly slow and stupid. As a result, the decision was made to find the source of the problem and fix it!

How to remove the "Get Windows 10" message?

Let’s not consider the question of how to simply hide the “Get Windows 10” message from the tray, simply removing the icon from the tray will not remove Microsoft’s intrusiveness, and the message with the tenth offer will still remain in the system. And then, you see, you can accidentally upgrade to the hellish ten! :)))

We set the task to remove “THE ANIMAL”, which is the reason for the inscription with the offer to get Windows 10.

The investigation showed that the reason for the appearance of a new tray icon and a message offering to get Windows 10 is the installation of an update from Microsoft - KV3035583. Thus, it is enough to uninstall this update to remove the message about receiving Windows 10.

Therefore, this issue does not occur for Windows OS users who have disabled automatic installation Windows updates. Best option update settings in Windows Update - " Look for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me".

Procedure for deleting a message about Windows 10:

1. Open the section " Programs and components" (for example, through the Control Panel), on the left click on the phrase " View installed updates":

2. In the list that opens, find the line "" and delete this update:

Attention! If in the window " Installed updates"The time period is very long, and it is difficult to search for them manually, use the search - in the upper right corner you need to write" KB3035583" (without quotes!), and all the "extra" lines will disappear, only the required line will remain - " Update for Microsoft Windows(KB3035583)".

Uninstalling an update KB3035583 launched by double-clicking on a line or clicking on the " button Delete".

3. The operating system, as usual, will not believe you the first time and will ask again about the reality of your cruel intentions:

4. Then it will still perform the deletion:

5. And it will ask you to restart your computer so that the removal is completed completely:

As a result of these actions, the icon " Get Windows 10"disappeared from the tray, and the computer seemed to work faster and slow down less (subjective personal assessment).

This method was used on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

How to prevent a Windows update from installing KB3035583?

6. In order to avoid accidentally installing this nasty update again in the future - KB3035583 you need to add him to the "black list". Open Windows Update and find this update in the recommended list:

The right side of the window displays detailed information about this update. In fact, this information is not at all detailed, but very brief. Why doesn’t Microsoft write honestly that this update will add an additional icon to the system tray with a Windows 10 offer!

7. Right-click on the update line KB3035583 and in the context menu click on the line " Hide update":

After which the update KB3035583 becomes inactive, you can’t click its checkbox anymore and, accordingly, you can’t check it:

8. If in Windows Update you go to the " Restore hidden updates":

Then here we will find KB3035583:

Microsoft's desire to push its products hard and fast is expressed in the new concept of OS "redundancy". The essence of the idea is that new version Windows 10 can be accessed by simply clicking the system tray icon. For owners of previous versions 7th and 8th installed packages Windows 10 updates are distributed completely free of charge - that is, for nothing. Such commercial policy MS is certainly attractive to anyone who wants to update the system, no matter what, immediately after the release of the next new product.

But a huge number of users around the world use considered outdated versions Windows. Their functionality is quite satisfactory for most applications. And you can play and work not only on Windows 10. Even WinXP remains quite workable system, although its owners were not offered to remove the OS from the disk. “Piggy” has long ceased to be supported by the manufacturer. Our presentation refers to later versions of Windows. For their sake, we started an investigation into how to remove the “get Windows 10” icon from the taskbar tray.

Removing the intrusive message about the availability of a new OS is the desire of everyone who does not want to disturb their peace every time MS decides to earn extra money. You can remove this notification in different ways. We will talk about them further.

We solve the problem through updates

Remove notification about booting Windows 10, please note that the offer to receive the new version does not apply to those who have not installed packages KB3035583 and KB2952664 for version 7 or packages numbered KB3035583 and KB2976978 for version 8.

That is, if these packages are not on your system, then there is no icon in the system tray of the taskbar, and there is no message that it is time for you to remove your Windows and get Windows 10. Thus, to get rid of an unwanted notification in the taskbar, just just remove the specified packages. Let's do the following:

  • Let's proceed to Control Panel -> Programs -> Uninstall programs -> View installed updates.
  • Let's find the above packages by their numbers.
  • Click on “Delete” for each package.

There is another way to remove packages. To do this, use the console command line:

  • Opening the window command line in the usual way.
  • In response to the system prompting you to enter a command, type something like: WUSA /UNINSTALL /KB:3035583.
  • We execute the command for both packages.

After these manipulations have been completed, the Windows 10 Receive notification will no longer bother us, and the corresponding icon will disappear.

"Get" from the inside

Another interesting way to remove the Windows 10 boot notification icon is based on understanding what the this service from a software point of view. If you look in the task manager, you will find a process called gwx (a program launched by the system itself called gwx.exe). This is exactly what we need. The name of the process, like the name of the file, fully corresponds to its contents and means “Get Windows X”, i.e. get Windows 10. If you “slam” the gwx process directly in the manager, then the update icon immediately disappears.

The trouble is that after a reboot it is back in its place. You can prevent its occurrence by renaming the folder in which the gwx.exe file is located. The path to this folder looks like this: “...Windows\System32\GWX\” . If you give the gwx folder any other name (or simply delete it from the disk), you can make sure that the gwx process does not appear in the list of active tasks when the system starts. This means that the message about the desirability of switching to Windows 10 will also disappear. By the way, the “malicious” program itself is included in the above update packages. Removing these packages from Windows is equivalent to removing this program. We just did it in a more economical way: while maintaining the updates, we destroyed the fed-up service.

A couple more ways

This rather cumbersome way to prevent “get Windows 10” from appearing again leads to the same result. The message to get a new version disappears from view and does not appear again. You can safely continue to use your preferred version of Windows.

You can do it differently. Do not delete, but simply hide the ill-fated service. To do this you need to go to "Windows Update", find the corresponding update there by its code and apply the “hide” option to it by calling context menu by clicking the right mouse button.

As you know, Microsoft recently presented the new Windows 10, and also offered users free update from already installed copies of the system. Including pirated ones. The icon in the notification area constantly reminds me of this. But what if, like me, you don’t want to update from your favorite “7”, and the icon is an eyesore? As far as I know, the system is still raw and not everyone wants to switch to it. That's why I wanted to remove the Get Windows 10 notification.

Disable notification get windows 10

In this article, I will tell you how to hide the hated icon in the notification area and how to make sure that the system no longer offers to upgrade to Windows 10. In order to remove the Get Windows 10 notification, you first need to remove installed updates. To do this, you need to find the “Windows Update” item in the control panel. On the left you will see the “Installed updates” item.

Here you can sort the received updates by the date they were downloaded, so it will be easier to find what you need. For Windows 7, you need to find the following updates in the list: KV3035583, KV2952664 and KV3021917.

If your favorite system is Windows 8, and you don’t want to part with it, then you should look for updates KV3035583 and KV2976978.

Next, right-click on one of the updates and select Uninstall Update. You need to do this with everyone, and then hide these updates in the same log. After this, just restart the computer and Windows will no longer offer updates to “ten”. To prevent these updates from accidentally penetrating your PC in the future, you can also make some changes in the registry. Press the Windows icon plus the R key. Here you need to enter the word regedit, the registry editor will open.

In the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\WindowsTechnicalPreview you need to find the Signup parameter. Then just delete it. Reboot and you're done.

In this article, I showed you how easy it is to get rid of the annoying Windows offer to upgrade to version ten. By removing updates and correcting the registry, you can safely continue to use the system that is most convenient for you.

How to remove receive windows 10 notification?

Hello everyone, in the next article of the Computer76 blog I will tell you how to get rid of and remove windows 10 - a notification that flashes every day on the computer and laptop monitor of any lucky owner of operating systems Windows versions 7 and later.

Microsoft has long offered free downloads and installations of the operating system. Windows systems 10 for users of the penultimate versions of their own. At first, it seemed like a time of unspeakable generosity on Microsoft's part. Not so.

Less than a month had passed before nosy users began to notice that new Windows began to get her paws into confidential information more openly and carefully tell the servers of the American IT giant about us. In addition to problems with personal security, problems with updating began to be added operating system and the equipment installed in the belly of the computer and laptop: Windows no longer likes the manufacturer’s drivers.

In general, the lion's share of users who still had a choice decided to hold off on switching to the latest Windows 10. But it’s not that simple...

Notification " get windows 10“, despite any silent protests, continues to meet users every day. Windows icon in the system tray, despite its apparent intrusiveness, it begins to irritate. Can be deleted get windows 10– notification by calling the task manager and stopping the ad from showing. The process name is not masked:

Using the button End the process You can stop the process, but only for the duration of the current session. After reboot the announcement " get windows 10 will haunt you again. Again and again…

Is it possible to get rid of this “get windows 10” at all and how?

In fact, I know several ways to do this. But now I’ll write about a method in a few clicks. We need a program GWX Stopper.

From my website (RAR archive, 1.6 MB)

At the program GWX Stopper has one and only purpose: it removes traces of the annoying ad from your system " get windows 10" All you need to do is run the utility with administrator rights (no installation required), choose from two options and click the button.

The program works even if you have removed the message “ get windows 10" So, when you start you will be greeted by a window:

I have a badge " get windows 10" has already been deleted using the Task Manager, but the utility sees the possibility of re-launching the notification. Let's choose Disable ‘Get Windows 10’ App (permanently remove icon) and the icon will disappear forever.

By the way, if you decide to upgrade to Windows 10 using the system, it won’t be difficult to return the offer “ get windows 10" to the system tray. It will be possible to run the program again GWX Stopper and choose Enable ‘Get Windows 10’ App (permanently restore icon).

It remains to add that the program is free and free to use.

Read: 13

Work performed: Development of an automatic script for deleting an upgrade reservation to Windows 10 and instructions for it.

Result: To cancel your Windows 10 upgrade reservation, do the following:

Create a system restore point according to the instructions:

Attention, after executing the following script, 2 updates and some system folders will be deleted, quit all programs, since after the script runs, the computer will reboot within five minutes.

List of updates to be removed:

Create a new one text document and open it with Notepad. Copy the text into it:

taskkill /f /im GWX.exe

taskkill /f /im GWXUX.exe

wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3035583 /quiet

REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade /f

REG ADD HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /v DisableOSUpgrade /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

Takeown /F "%systemdrive%\$Windows.~*" /a /r /d y

RD /s /q "%systemdrive%\$Windows.~BT"

RD /s /q "%systemdrive%\$Windows.~WS"

RD /s /q "%systemdrive%\ESD"

RD /s /q "%AppData%\..\local\GWX"

net stop wuauserv

RD /s /q "%systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download"

net start wuauserv

wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2976978 /quiet /warnrestart:300

wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2952664 /quiet /warnrestart:300

Then click in the notepad window "File" - "Save as ..." - File type: change to "All files (*.*)" - File name: write "delOSupgrade.bat" - then click on the "Save" button and you bury your notebook. If prompted to save changes, click "Don't save."

The folder where you saved the file will appear. batch file delOSupgrade. Right-click on it and run as Administrator!

After executing the script, if everything went well, the computer should reboot in 5 minutes.

If you don't want to wait, you can force your computer to reboot right away.

After rebooting, you need to open Update Center and search for new updates.

If you have installed all the updates before, then depending on the OS version you will have 2 updates to install in the list:

For Windows 7 SP1: KB3035583; KB2952664

For Windows 8.1 Update: KB3035583; KB2976978

From myself: After executing the script, this window will appear:
From my own experience, I recommend that you send the computer or laptop to reboot yourself as it’s in the process of waiting automatic reboot Updates will begin to download that will need to be hidden, and finally, you may be left with the $Windows.~BT and $Windows.~WS folders with residual files that can be easily deleted through disk cleanup. After completing this process, the reservation to Windows 10 is canceled.
