19.08.2013 25.12.2019 -

Since you have decided to engage in e-commerce, you cannot do without electronic payments. Therefore, we will first get acquainted with one of such systems - WebMoney Transfer

This is the most famous electronic payment system. The WebMoney Transfer system works wherever there is Internet. You can become a member of the system regardless of your citizenship, location, age, etc. The WM Keeper client program is presented in two languages ​​- Russian and English. You can work with any of the versions.

Using the WebMoney Transfer system you can:

Make payments with other users, pay for goods and services on the Internet;
discuss the terms of trade transactions with partners via voice service, video conference, secure WM mail;
receive and issue loans in title units (including collectively);
automate the budget management of your joint venture or network enterprise;
pay for services mobile operators, Internet and TV providers, pay for media subscriptions;
create your own digital Paymer checks to pay for your goods and services in online stores and instant payments offline;
exchange electronic currencies using favorable exchange rate;
distribute software products and e-books in copy-protected format;
make calculations according to email, use your mobile phone as a wallet...

Description of the WebMoney Transfer system

The WebMoney Transfer accounting system provides real-time settlements using accounting units - WebMoney title units (WM)

The movement of title units is controlled by users using a client program WM Keeper.

The system supports several types of title units, secured by various assets and stored on the corresponding electronic wallets:
WMR- equivalent to RUR on R-wallets, (rubles)
WME- equivalent of EUR on E-wallets, (euro)
WMZ- USD equivalent on Z-wallets, (dollars)
W.M.U.- equivalent to UAH on U-wallets, (hryvnia)

When transferring funds, wallets of the same type are used, and the exchange of various title units is carried out in exchange services

To determine the status of a participant in the WebMoney system, there is a certification procedure. The higher the certificate, the more confidence in the certificate holder and the greater the capabilities of the WebMoney system he uses.

After registration, you are the owner of a pseudonym certificate. Alias ​​certificate: is issued free of charge to each participant of the WebMoney Transfer system automatically upon registration in the system (after receiving a WM-identifier). User-supplied data is not verified. For all details in the certificate it will be indicated that the information has not been verified and is recorded from the words of the certificate holder.

But, since you are a serious person, you shouldn’t dwell on such an undignified level. Enter more detailed information about yourself, and you will become the holder of a formal certificate.

Formal certificate is issued free of charge to a participant of the WebMoney Transfer system on the website of the certification center after entering his personal (passport) data. User-supplied data is not verified. The owner of the formal certificate is given access to the Banking WebMoney Transfer service *, which allows:

Deposit funds using bank payments;

Enter funds by postal transfer (via postal
departments connected to Unified system electronic mail

Withdraw funds using bank payments.

However, your data is not checked in this case either, so both certificates are not credible.

However, if you plan to receive a personal certificate in the future, I advise you to immediately fill out truthful information.

Initial certificate issued to a participant in the WebMoney Transfer system who has received a formal certificate after checking his personal (passport) data by one of the Personalizers. The cost of the certificate (minimum 1 WMZ) and the conditions for obtaining depend on the selected attestator. The owner of an initial certificate receives additional features in the system:

Participate in the work of the credit exchange;

Participate in the Capitaller service (access to
current budget machine);

Restore control over the WM-identifier by
simplified diagram.

Personally, I don’t know why an initial certificate is needed at all. You still have to pay money for it, but it’s of little use.

To earn the trust of potential clients, you need personal certificate. Yes, it’s not just a matter of trust, but the fact that, having become the owner of such a certificate, you will be able to automate the acceptance of payments on your website using the Merchant WebMoney Transfer system. If your product is electronic, then, after receiving payment, the product will be automatically sent to the client, and you
You will admire your growing account and periodically withdraw and cash out money.

A personal passport is the main passport in the WebMoney system . A personal certificate is issued to a participant in the WebMoney system
Transfer, who has received a formal or initial certificate after verification of his personal (passport) data by one of the Registrars. Cost of the certificate (minimum 5 WMZ) and conditions
Receipts depend on the selected attestator. The owner of a personal certificate has the following capabilities in the system:

Automate the receipt of funds from clients using the interfaces of the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service;

Create trading platforms using the DigiSeller service; and much more.

Seller's certificate is issued free of charge to a WebMoney Transfer system participant who has received a personal certificate, automatically upon acceptance of the “Agreement with the owner of the merchant’s certificate” on the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service website. A seller’s passport is one of the forms of a personal passport and has all its capabilities without restrictions.

Registrar's certificate is the highest status among the certificates issued to participants in the WebMoney Transfer system. The registrar's certificate is issued to the owner of the personal one only after a personal meeting with a representative of the certification center in Moscow, the conclusion of an “Authority Agreement” with the operator of the WM Transfer Ltd system. and making a guarantee fee in the amount of 2000 WMZ.
A prerequisite for obtaining a Registrar's certificate is participation in the Certification Center's affiliate program for issuing personal and initial certificates. The owner of the registrar's certificate can participate in the work of the arbitration service as an arbitrator.

There are also other certificates: Capitaller Certificate, Developer Certificate, WMT Service Certificate, WMT Guarantor Certificate, WMT Operator Certificate. If you wish, you can read about them on the page of the WebMoney Transfer service itself. Personally, I don’t see any particular need for this.

If you have a burning desire to register in the WebMoney system, then go to the next page, where you will familiarize yourself with practical questions about registering in the WebMoney Transfer system and obtaining a personal certificate.

In principle, there is nothing to think about here! A formal certificate costs nothing, but it can come in handy at any time. But you don’t have to rush to get a paid Personal Certificate. As required, then you will do the certification.

- This electronic system, with which you can carry out instant calculations on the Internet. Anyone can register in the system. An important feature of this payment system, which makes it convenient for you and me, is the presence of a Russian-language interface.

Using WebMoney Transfer, you can make payments with other participants in the system, make purchases in electronic stores, and create your own stores that carry out on-line sales on the Internet. All payments in the system are irrevocable, that is, they cannot be canceled.

For payments in the WebMoney system, WebMoney (WM) title units are used. All WM available in the system are stored in the electronic accounts (wallets) of its participants.

  • R-wallets are designed to store Russian rubles for settlements with them (the title sign - the equivalent of the Russian ruble - is called WMR);
  • Z-wallets - for storing and making payments in American dollars (WMZ);
  • E-wallets - for storage and payments in euros (WME);
  • U-wallets – for storage and payments in Ukrainian hryvnia (WMU);
  • B-wallets - equivalent to Belarusian rubles (WMB);
  • Y-wallets - for storing and making payments in Uzbek sums (WMY);
  • G-wallets - for storage and payments in gold (WMG);
  • WMC and WMD are the equivalent of WMZ for credit transactions on C- and D-wallets (for receiving and issuing loans, respectively).

Transferring money is only possible to wallets of the same type, and if you need to exchange some title units for others, there is an automatic exchange service for this.

After registering in the system, the client receives a unique identifier - WebMoney Identifier (WMID), consisting of 12 digits. Client wallets are attached to it. The number of each wallet consists of a prefix letter indicating the type of wallet and 12 digits, for example: R123456789123. In addition to the wallets issued to you by the system, you can create new wallets of any type. Just keep in mind that created wallets cannot be deleted.

To make a money transfer, you need to know the recipient's wallet number - money is transferred to wallets, not to WMIDs.

To register in the system, you need to select one of the versions of the WM Keeper client program.

WM Keeper Light does not require installation of the program on the user's computer and uses a Web interface. In other words, work with Keeper Light is carried out in the browser. The results of the work are transferred to the client's browser over a secure https connection (128-bit SSL is used).

To work with WM Keeper Light, just install the WebMoney Transfer certificate on your computer and launch the browser. WM Keeper Light supports different browser versions, so it can work on any platform.

  • Through a personal digital certificate installed on the user’s computer in the certificate store.
  • Through the e-num authorization system.

Advantages of the Light version:

  • no need for additional software;
  • less stringent requirements for computer resources than the Classic version (see below).

Disadvantages of the Light version:

  • limited built-in services and functions:
  • there is no support for credit transactions, no activation function.

WM Keeper Classic designed as a separate program installed on the user's computer. WM Keeper Classic works in operating rooms Windows systems 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2003 Server. Version Internet Explorer on the user's computer must be at least 6.0. When working with the Russian version of WM Keeper Classic, either the Russian edition of the corresponding OS or the localized English version must be used.

  • Access key on the user's computer/
  • Through the e-num authorization system; with its help, in turn, you can log in either using fingerprints or using the “secret question-answer” method (read more on the E-num website); To use this authorization method, you need to register on the E-num website.
  • Using the eToken Pro key - personal device access to information; This is a full-featured analogue of a smart card, made in the form of a USB key fob. To store the WM identifier and secret key in memory, ruToken must be downloaded from the system website and installed a special plugin. After installing the plugin and connecting the key to USB port, a password is set, and the key is copied into the ruToken memory.

Advantages of the Classic version:

  • Full functionality unlike the Light version.

Disadvantages of the Classic version

  • strict requirements for computer resources;
  • the need to store key files and wallet on the user’s computer - if the key file is damaged or lost, you will have to go through a paid procedure to restore your wallet.

If Webmoney Keeper Light is no less inconvenient for you than Classic, you can use the “lightest” version of the keeper - WebMoney Keeper Mini. This keeper is designed as a lightweight website and implements the basic functions of managing your account in the system: logging in using your login and password, viewing your balance and recent transactions, replenishing your wallet (WM card or Paymer check), money transfers, purchases in online stores and payment services.

In WebMoney Keeper Mini, you can specify the wallets that you prefer to manage in this version and set limits on transactions - these are security measures with the program.

WebMoney Keeper Mini supports logging into your account using the E-NUM service. To use this method authorization, you need to register in this service using the same e-mail as in WM Keeper Mini.

The Mini type keeper can be controlled from mobile phone. But for supporters of the mobile Internet there is also a special service - Webmoney Keeper Mobile. This is a special application for your phone that allows you to fully manage WM wallets through the software menu displayed on the display of your mobile phone, namely:

  • check wallet balances,
  • carry out WM transfers,
  • pay/issue bills,
  • complete translations with protection,
  • carry out secure correspondence
  • pay for the service of replenishing the account of a cellular operator, Internet provider or satellite television.

To work with Keeper Mobile, you need a mobile phone that supports Java-based MIDP 2.0, Symbian or Windows Mobile.

Business level

Each participant in the system is assigned a so-called business level (Business Level, BL). BL is a public summary characteristic of the level of business activity of the owner of the WM-identifier, which is calculated based on data on:

  • duration of active use of WebMoney Transfer;
  • the number of correspondents with whom the user had transactions;
  • volume of transactions carried out;
  • any complaints or positive feedback to the user's address
The BL value can be seen in the WM Keeper program dialog when working with a specific counterparty, as well as on the system services pages. You can see your BL in your WM passport.


To become a WebMoney Transfer user, follow these steps:
  1. Download the WM Keeper installation program to your computer.
  2. Run the installer. During the installation process, follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
  3. After installation, launch the program by clicking on the WM Keeper icon in the “Start” menu of the taskbar (lower left corner of the screen). The dialog box that appears will ask you to either register or log in. Select registration.
  4. Next, you will be asked to specify a folder for storing files with a secret key and wallets and assign a password to launch the program. Fill out the fields and select "Create".
  5. The registration process will be completed automatically. You will be assigned a unique 12-digit WM identifier, required to log in. Write it down, the password for it and be sure to make a backup copy of the file with the key.
  6. After installation, the program will create wallets of all types described above, which you can use to make payments in the system.

After successful registration, an email with a code necessary to activate your account will be sent to the email address you specified during registration. After activation, you gain access to your account.

To start using WebMoney Keeper Light follow these steps:

  • Go to the WM Keeper Light registration website: www.wmcert.com.
  • Fill out the registration form on the page and read the instructions for receiving a personal digital certificate in the WebMoney Transfer system (use the links on the registration page on the right).
  • After receiving your personal digital certificate, create a backup copy of it (to a .p12 or .pfx file) and reinstall it in the storage in accordance with our recommendations.
  • To launch WM Keeper Light, go to light.webmoney.ru and select a personal certificate with your WMID.

Working with WebMoney Keeper Classic

The WM Keeper Classic program is launched from the start menu. The Webmoney Keeper Classic program window will appear on the screen. Specify the method for storing access keys, enter your WM ID and password. Wait for the program to connect to the certification server (Online state), and you will have access to your WM wallets and operations in the system.

System commission when making payments

For each transaction (except for operations with wallets of one WM-identifier), as well as when withdrawing funds, the system charges a tariff of 0.8% of the payment amount, but not less than 0.01 WM and not more than 50 WM for wallets of type Z and E, no more than 1500 WM for R type wallets and no more than 250 WM for U type wallets.

For making credit transactions, the system charges owners of type D wallets a commission of 0.1% of the amount of each loan they provide, but not less than 0.01 WMZ.

Deposit/withdrawal of funds

Depositing and withdrawing funds is carried out in many ways. The most popular ones are by bank transfer in rubles, through exchange offices and self-service terminals, as well as with the help of WM dealers. In order to be able to withdraw funds from the system to a ruble bank account, you must:
  1. Obtain a formal certificate (see description of types of certificates and ways to obtain them);
  2. Upload a scan of your passport and indicate your details (it usually takes one day for system representatives to review the scan).
This all looks very complicated, but is actually quick and simple, and this procedure is performed once for each WMID.

Transaction security

Let's look at some of the security measures used in the system.
  1. To enter the WM Keeper program, you need to know the user's unique 12-digit WM identifier, his personal password (assigned by the user), as well as the location in the computer memory of files with the secret key and wallets.

    Attention! In versions of WebMoney Keeper Classic from and higher, an additional level of security has been introduced: each user must have a backup copy of the key file on removable media! When reinstalling your operating system or changing its parameters, when connecting, the keeper will request the path to the backup copy and restore the key file from it. If there is no backup copy, access to the wallet will be closed and to restore it you will have to go through a paid recovery procedure.

  2. The system architecture excludes unauthorized access to WM wallets of users and does not allow making payments using WM wallets that have no funds.
  3. All operations in the system - storing WebMoney in wallets, issuing invoices, settlements between participants, exchanging messages - are performed in encrypted form, using an information security algorithm similar to RSA with a key length of more than 1040 bits. Unique session keys are used for each session, which ensures guaranteed confidentiality of transactions and information exchange.
  4. At the system level, robustness against communication failures is ensured. If any operation was not completed successfully, it is not taken into account by the system. When making a transaction, the funds are always located either in the sender’s WM wallet or in the recipient’s WM wallet. There is no intermediate state in the system. Thus, in principle, a situation cannot arise where WM funds are lost.
  5. In addition to the built-in technological mechanisms, the system supports additional services, the configuration of which is carried out by users independently - restricting access via IP, activating a wallet, etc. You can read more about them on the WebMoney system website in the “Security” section and in this article.

Transactions are provided with an additional security measure that users can use at their discretion - a transaction protection code. There are two types of transfers from patronages - by code and by time.

Translation with code protection. In this case, during the transfer process, you enter an arbitrary sequence of characters - a kind of payment password. In addition, you indicate the protection period (from 1 to 120 days). The money will go to the recipient’s wallet, but he will not be able to use it until he enters the protection code. If he does not enter the code within the protection period you specified, the funds will be returned to your wallet.

Translation with code protection is convenient when ordering any work. You can make an advance payment for services, but provide the protection code only after the work is completed by the contractor.

Transfer with time protection. In this case, the transferred funds become available to the recipient automatically after the specified period. The protection code is not entered.

A time-protected transfer, unlike a code-protected transfer, is not refundable.

WebMoney Transfer, WM— Russian system of Internet payments in real time using digital cash. You can pay for purchases of information and material goods in online stores, pay for network services, and transfer them to other clients.

WebMoney or WebMoney Transfer is an electronic payment system founded in 1998 and owned by WM Transfer Ltd. Legally, in the system there is a transfer (transfer) of property rights, the accounting of which is carried out using special units of account - “title units”, denominated in relation to different currencies and gold. WebMoney is not registered as an electronic payment system in Russia, since from a legal point of view, title units are not electronic money.

The client part of the system is freely distributed software product Webmoney Keeper (WMK), which can be used by both the buyer and the seller and is installed on the user’s computer. A client can have several wallets, each with its own number. During settlements, the wallet number is communicated to the participant in the settlements. Only its owner can withdraw money.

In the WebMoney system, title units can only be stored in wallets. WM-purse is a requisite registered within the WM-identifier for accounting for title units. Each user has his own personal account, which is called WMID (consists of 12 digits, each WMID in the system is unique). Several wallets can be opened inside it - special accounts that keep records of “title units” denominated in various currencies:

  • WMZ - wallet type Z - funds equivalent to US dollars;
  • WMR - wallet type R - funds equivalent to Russian rubles;
  • WME - wallet type E - funds equivalent to euros;
  • WMU - U-type wallet - funds equivalent to Ukrainian hryvnia;
  • WMK - wallet type K - funds equivalent to Kazakh tenge;
  • WMY - wallet type Y - funds equivalent to Uzbek sums;
  • WMB - wallet type B - funds equivalent to Belarusian rubles;
  • WMG - wallet type G - funds equivalent to gold;
  • WMX - wallet type X - funds equivalent to 0.001 BTC.

There are also two special types of wallets:

  • WMD - wallet type D - accounting for issued loans;
  • WMC - wallet type C - my credit obligations.

Wallets are created upon registration in the system. Depending on the certificate, system participants can create certain types of wallets in WM Keeper independently. In general, an unlimited number of WM wallets can be registered for each WMID. The exception is wallets of types D and C, which can only be registered in a single copy.


Despite the fact that virtual payment systems have been operating for quite a long time and are not news, despite the emergence of new virtual means of payment (cryptocurrencies), a wallet such as WebMoney still remains relevant and is not going to lose its position.

One of the advantages of WM is its security, which is superior to all its competitors. One way to protect your wallet is the E-num WebMoney service. This will be discussed later in this article. You will learn what it is and how to use this service.


In the modern world, virtual payment systems, combined with mobile gadgets, significantly simplify life. We can perform a financial transfer at almost any time, regardless of location. In addition, at any time we can check the transaction, the balance of our wallet and much more.

At the same time, in order to make any payments, it goes without saying that there must be money in the wallet account. And for this we will need to top up our wallet. At the same time, there are many ways to deposit money into your account. We will look in detail at how to top up your WebMoney wallet through a self-service terminal.


WebMoney is the oldest payment system, which was the first to appear in the post-Soviet space. And to this day it is a leader in the virtual wallet market.

At the same time, the system is quite complex even for experienced users, not to mention beginners. And in this article we will try to shed light on one of the most important issues - what is certification, why are certificates needed, and how to get them. In particular, we will talk about the benefits of a personal WebMoney passport and how to get it.


In modern realities, it is possible to do without payment systems, but it is quite difficult. Increasingly, we are faced with tasks that require a quick financial solution - shopping in online stores, transferring money, paying for services and much more. All this is greatly simplified when using virtual wallets.

At the same time, everyone who uses the services of digital payment systems has encountered one or another problem at least once. The service helps solve such problems technical support. And in this article we will talk about how the WebMoney support service works.


It’s probably not worth explaining what WebMoney is, because every modern person who has encountered virtual electronic payment systems knows that it is a wallet. But the nuance is that WM is not the simplest payment system, and often even experienced users experience some difficulties in trying to figure out how to work with it.

In this article, we will shed light on the question of what a WebMoney pseudonym certificate is, how to get it, what opportunities it opens up, and how to improve it. You will learn about limits and restrictions. This is important to know if you plan to use the wallet.


There are probably practically no people left who have not heard of such a payment system as WebMoney. However, questions still remain regarding user certification methods.

In this article we will talk about what an initial WebMoney certificate is, why it is needed and how to get it. Moreover, you will learn what nuances can await you and what will be required to solve them.


Although the international payment system WebMoney is not registered as a payment resource, its popularity is confirmed by the high percentage of active user accounts. Thanks to modern technologies, the system guarantees security, uninterrupted transactions, ease of wallet management and resolution of controversial issues.

In this article we will look at how to withdraw money in cash from WebMoney, because electronic currencies can’t do everything. And then you can independently choose the method that best suits your desires and capabilities.


We have witnessed the transition to an era mobile technologies. Today we can hardly imagine life without a smartphone, which has almost completely replaced our computer. At the same time, he is always with us. And thanks mobile Internet and open Fi-Wi points We can go online almost anywhere and perform the desired operation.

Many payment systems have already created applications for smartphones. And in this article we will talk about one of these programs, which is called WebMoney Keeper Mobile.


WebMoney is recognized and widespread throughout the world. The payment system has proven itself to be reliable, fast and uninterrupted, and its wallets allow you to create multi-currency wallets, which have few analogues.

Ease of management is provided by software storages in which wallets are combined under a common WMID identifier. One of these is WebMoney Keeper Webpro (Light) - a lightweight version of the “classic” Keeper, but not at all lacking in functionality.


Despite the fact that the WebMoney payment system was the very first to appear on the domestic Internet and has been operating for decades, there are still people who do not know how to use it.

In particular, difficulties arise from the fact that wallets can be managed using different programs. One such program is WebMoney Keeper WinPro (Standart). This is exactly what we will talk about. You will learn how to use all available WM functions and do it with maximum comfort.


For many of us, WebMoney has become not only a tool for online payments, but also a way to support our livelihoods. Reliability and a large selection of wallets arouse the envy of competitors, although it would be difficult to call the use simple.

In particular, WMID raises questions - what is it in WebMoney and what to do with it. It’s not easy to figure it out right away, but today we will try to fill this gap in the knowledge of our readers.


In the modern pace of life, it is quite difficult to do without payment systems. After all, with their help, many tasks have become much simpler and solutions faster. One of such payment systems is WebMoney. This is the very first virtual wallet that appeared in Russia and the former CIS countries, so it needs no introduction.

Of course, everyone understands that to use this wallet, you first need to top up your account, and only then pay for goods or services. This is exactly what we will talk about. You will learn how to top up WebMoney using all available methods.


The WebMoney payment system needs no introduction. She was the first to begin her work in Russia and neighboring countries. However, time passes, the design of WM changes, new functions are added, modern technologies are introduced.

And, despite the fact that WebMoney has been working for quite a long time, many still do not know what a WMZ wallet is and how to work with it. This will be discussed further in this article. You will learn what a Z-wallet is, how to create it, find out its number, features and much more.


WebMoney Transfer has been known throughout the world, no matter how loud it may sound, since the end of the last millennium. Trust in the international payment system is confirmed by 35 million accounts!

The service has not been officially registered in Russia, but approximately a third of the permanent “inhabitants” of the Runet actively use the WMR wallet. This WebMoney tool allows them to pay online, exchange currencies and make transactions. Transactions are instant, secure, and resolution of disputes is guaranteed, which is why this system has become widespread in the Russian Federation.


WebMoney is the first payment system in the online financial market. Therefore, she needs no introduction. But, it is quite complex and confusing, which is why many, even experienced users, may experience difficulties.

Therefore, it is worth starting with the most important thing - the method of managing WebMoney Keeper Mini (Standard) wallets. We will learn what it is, how to create a wallet for yourself, how to log into it, and what functions Keeper Mini can provide.


The WebMoney payment system is so old and widespread that it needs no introduction. Only those who are farthest from modern technology and the virtual world have not heard of it.

However, even experienced users sometimes experience certain difficulties. And the point is not only in the complex security system, which can be seriously confusing, but also in the fact that there is a system of certificates that regulates the level of trust in the user. Therefore, in this article we will shed light on the question of what a formal WebMoney certificate is, as well as how to obtain it.


The WebMoney payment system needs no introduction, since it was the first in Russia and its neighboring countries. And today it is the largest, safest and multifunctional system, which occupies a leading position in the Russian Federation and the countries of the former CIS.

However, at the same time it is the most complex, and sometimes even experienced users may experience difficulties. Moreover, the interface is constantly updated, which makes life a little more difficult. Therefore, the relevant question is how to top up WebMoney from your phone. This will be discussed later in this article.


WebMoney is the oldest payment system that operates in Russia and the post-Soviet space. It has the widest range of functions, and at the same time it is the most complex and confusing, which sometimes makes even active and experienced users experience difficulties.

However, the devil is not as scary as he is portrayed. Let's shed some light on this system and consider in detail the question of how to transfer money from WebMoney to WebMoney. This is quite an interesting topic, considering that the system is constantly being updated.


WebMoney is the first virtual payment system in Russia and neighboring countries. Today, within your account, you can create wallets in a variety of currencies, the list of which is very wide. And this list continues to grow.

Despite the fact that this wallet has been working for decades, many are only now beginning to understand all the advantages of WM. This can be difficult for beginners. In this article we will tell you how to carry out automatic WebMoney exchange. This will allow you to significantly save time and exchange currency with the greatest benefit.


It so happens that we are living on the threshold of a financial revolution, when all physical payments using cash are going digital. Today it is already quite difficult for us to solve many problems without payment systems.

However, despite this, many people have not yet had time to appreciate all the delights of virtual wallets. However, many still do not fully understand how to use WebMoney. Therefore, below we will talk about what a WebMoney certificate is. You will find out why it is needed and why it is so important.
