Information protection

Slides: 16 Words: 724 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

Information. Association. Protection. The main activities of AZI are determined by the capabilities of AZI enterprises: Comprehensive protection of information resources of corporate systems. Result: Creation of secure automated systems, including management of a comprehensive information security system. Application of cryptographic means. Protection of information from leakage through technical channels. Supply of comprehensive systems and information security tools. Supply of secure computer equipment. Independent audit of information security of informatization objects. Carrying out R&D. - Information protection.ppt

Information Security Project

Slides: 5 Words: 352 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Project name: Protection of information from malware. SUBJECT AREA: computer science and ICT PARTICIPANTS: 10th grade students. Project planning. PROJECT PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE PROJECT EXAMPLES OF PROJECTS. Educational and methodological materials. Educational materials Methodological recommendations Guide for students. Assessment and standards. Assessment criteria Examples of assessment. - Information Protection Project.ppt

Legal protection of information

Slides: 17 Words: 522 Sounds: 0 Effects: 48

Legal protection of programs and data. Information protection. The presentation was prepared by Ekaterina Smoleva, student 11 “a” of class MOU Obyachevskaya Secondary School. Legal protection of information. When registering an electronic digital signature in specialized centers, the correspondent receives two keys: Secret. Open. The secret key is stored on a floppy disk or smart card and is known only to the correspondent. Public key must be available to all potential recipients of documents. Usually sent by email. When protecting against copying, various measures are used: - organizational - legal - physical - on the Internet. - Legal protection of information.pptx

Legal protection of information

Slides: 14 Words: 619 Sounds: 0 Effects: 63

RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF JUSTICE Department of Legal Informatics, Information Law and Mathematics. Legal computer science -. Information technology -. Electronic government (E-government) -. Examples of the use of electronic means in public administration: Main directions of use of information and computer technologies in the legal field: State automated system"Justice". Situation centers. Technical equipment of the situation center. The main element is the shared screen. - Legal protection of information.ppt

Computer Science "Information Security"

Slides: 29 Words: 1143 Sounds: 0 Effects: 10

Information search is understood as: Channel feedback in a closed information system. Search for all excellent students in computer science. What search methods do you know? Information protection. GOST basic terms and definitions in the field of protection. What information is called protected. Digital information. What are the main types of threats to digital information? What is the definition of information protection given in GOST? What kind of influence is called unauthorized. Which impact is called unintended. What you need to do to be sure of the information on your personal PC. - Informatics “Information Protection”.pptx

Protection against unauthorized access

Slides: 10 Words: 640 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

Protection of information from unauthorized access. PROTECTION AGAINST UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS. Terms related to protection against unauthorized access. Private means of copy protection are dongles, passwords, etc. Types of information security means. Firewall – firewall. Antiviruses. Scanner program checking files for viruses. State regulation of relations in the field of information protection in Russian Federation. Computer science basic course edited by S.V. Simonovich. - Protection from unauthorized access.ppt

Protecting information from unauthorized access

Slides: 20 Words: 480 Sounds: 0 Effects: 99

Computer crime and security. Types of computer crimes. Unauthorized Entry of logical access to information. bombs. Development and distribution of criminal negligence of viruses. ness in development. Computer counterfeit Theft computer information. no information. There are many measures aimed at preventing crime: Technical Organizational Legal. Prevention of computer crimes. Technical. Organizational. Legal. Classification of failures and violations: Equipment failures. Loss of information due to incorrect operation BY. - Protecting information from unauthorized access.pps

Computer protection

Slides: 46 Words: 3395 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Information protection. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Password protection. Biometric security systems. Physical protection of data on disks. Malware protection. Malicious and antivirus programs. Confidentiality. Integrity. Availability. Safety. Unauthorized access. Access control is implemented to prevent unauthorized access. It is not easy to overcome such a defense. Rights may vary for different users. Fingerprint identification. Identification by speech characteristics. Identification by the iris of the eye. - Computer protection.ppt

Computer protection

Slides: 30 Words: 924 Sounds: 0 Effects: 121

Research objectives: Studying scientific and educational literature on the subject under study. Systematization and generalization of work experience on this problem. Contents of the work: introduction; three chapters; conclusion; application; bibliography; presentation. Areas of work: Computer criminals, virology on a global scale. Methods and methods of protection against computer crimes in the world. The state of hardware and software, methods of protection against viruses at enterprises in Pokachi. Unauthorized access to legally protected computer information. Classification of computer crimes: - Computer protection.ppt

Protecting information on your computer

Slides: 36 Words: 1230 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Fundamentals of information security. Information. Laws regulating work with information. About the media. Computer threats. Your computer, what it can tell you about you. Internet travel history. Protecting a “personal” computer outside the network. Protecting a “shared” computer outside the network. Reliable power supply. Backup information. Reliability of media for data storage. Protection Word documents. Computer viruses. Species computer viruses. Boot virus. File virus. Macro viruses. Network viruses. Types of viruses. Signs of infection. Polyphages. - Protecting information on your computer.ppt

Protecting information on the Internet

Slides: 25 Words: 2504 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Information protection. Concept and definition of information. Increase in the amount of information. Disclosure of confidential information. Types of protection of a computer network of an information system. Hardware aspects of information security. Requirements for the security system. Review of methods for accessing network information and modifying it. The need to protect information. Modification of the “logic bomb” type. Modification of the “Trojan horse” type. Hardware aspects of information security. Ensuring data persistence at the user level. Applying the copy operation. Protecting information during unstable power supply. - Protecting information on the Internet.ppt

Protection of information in computer networks

Slides: 13 Words: 718 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Protection of information in computer networks. Information security tools. Means of protecting information from unauthorized access. Passwords. Login with password. Malicious program. Antivirus programs. Signature. Biometric security systems. Fingerprint identification. Identification by speech characteristics. Identification by the iris of the eye. Identification by the palm of the hand. - Protection of information in computer networks.ppt

Personal data protection

Slides: 35 Words: 1498 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Practical aspects of protecting personal data from telecom operators. Part 1 Legislation on personal data protection issues. Abbreviations used. Basic concepts of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”. Legislative and regulatory framework in the field of personal data. Documents developed on the basis of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”. Changes in the legislative framework in the field of personal data. A large number of changes are being prepared to the Federal Law “On Personal Data” Issues of collecting consents for processing Issues of forming requirements for the protection of personal data. It is possible that industry standards for the protection of personal data will be legalized. Changes to the consent form for processing. - Personal data protection.ppt

Personal data and its protection

Slides: 14 Words: 688 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

What is personal data? Legal regulation. Protection of personal data. A set of measures to ensure the protection of personal data. Technical measures to protect personal data involve the use of software and hardware information security tools. Personal data operator - state body, municipal body, legal entity. or physical the person organizing and (or) carrying out the processing of personal data, as well as determining the purposes and content of the processing of personal data. Who is a PD operator? Basic provisions of the Law “On Personal Data”. Requirements for information systems personal data. - Personal data and their protection.pptx

Processing and protection of personal data

Slides: 18 Words: 684 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Principles of secure processing of clients’ personal data. Letter of the law. Categories. Roskomnadzor inspections. Responsibility. Domain. Consent to processing. Instructions package. Agreement with courier service. Protective equipment. Recipes for success. An integrated approach. Trust. Certificate. Certificate in the browser. EV category certificates. - Processing and protection of personal data.ppt

Features of personal data protection

Slides: 26 Words: 1144 Sounds: 0 Effects: 7

Features of personal data protection. Russian business. Small and medium businesses. Some statistics. Heterogeneity. Problematic segments of SMEs. Statistics. Personal data. Risk analysis. Probability of inspections. Scheduled checks. Plan for some checks. The attitude of SMEs is still wary. Ways of organization. Commonality of information security organization. Construction of a protection system. Key requirements. Problematic issues practical implementation. Means to prevent unauthorized access. Information security tools. Budget. Construction of a personal data protection system. -

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Completed by: student group 23 Gubanova E. Ya. Checked by: Turusinova I. P. Yoshkar-Ola, 2015

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Contents Unauthorized access Information security tools Biometric protection systems Methods of protection against malware Data backup and recovery Hacker utilities and protection against them Conclusion

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Unauthorized access Unauthorized access is actions that violate the established access procedure or demarcation rules; access to programs and data is obtained by subscribers who have not been registered and do not have the right to familiarize themselves with or work with these resources. Access control is implemented to prevent unauthorized access.

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Protection using passwords Passwords are used to protect against unauthorized access to programs and data stored on the computer. The computer allows access to its resources only to those users who are registered and have entered the correct password. Each specific user may be allowed access only to certain information resources. In this case, all unauthorized access attempts can be recorded.

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Password protection Password protection is used at boot operating system Password login can be set to BIOS program Setup, the computer will not start loading the operating system if the correct password is not entered. It is not easy to overcome such a defense. The following can be protected from unauthorized access: disks, folders, files local computer Certain access rights can be set for them: full access the ability to make changes read-only, write, etc.

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Information protection is an activity aimed at preventing information leakage, unauthorized and unintentional impacts on information

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Information security tools Information security tools are a set of engineering, technical, electronic, and other devices and devices used to solve various problems of information protection, including preventing leaks and ensuring the security of protected information. Information security means are divided into: Technical (hardware) means Software tools Organizational means

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Technical (hardware) devices These are devices of various types that solve information security problems with hardware. They prevent physical penetration and access to information, including through its disguise. The first part of the problem is solved by locks, bars on windows, security alarms, etc. The second part is solved by noise generators, surge protectors, scanning radios and many other devices that “block” potential channels of information leakage or allow them to be detected.

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Software tools Software tools include programs for user identification, access control, information encryption, removal of residual information such as temporary files, test control of the security system, etc.

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Organizational means Organizational means consist of organizational and technical (preparing premises with computers, laying a cable system, taking into account the requirements for limiting access to it, etc.) and organizational and legal.

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Biometric protection systems Biometric identification systems are used to protect against unauthorized access to information. The characteristics used in these systems are integral qualities of a person’s personality and therefore cannot be lost or counterfeited. Biometric information security systems include identification systems: by fingerprints; according to speech characteristics; along the iris of the eye; by facial image; according to the geometry of the palm of the hand.

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Fingerprint identification Optical fingerprint scanners are installed on laptops, mice, keyboards, flash drives, and are also used as separate external devices and terminals (for example, at airports and banks). If the fingerprint pattern does not match the pattern of the user admitted to the information, then access to the information is impossible.

Slide 14

Identification by speech characteristics Identification of a person by voice is one of the traditional recognition methods; interest in this method is also associated with forecasts for the introduction of voice interfaces into operating systems. Voice identification is contactless and there are systems for restricting access to information based on frequency analysis of speech.

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Identification by the iris of the eye For identification by the iris of the eye, special scanners connected to a computer are used. The iris of the eye is a unique biometric characteristic for each person. The eye image is extracted from the face image and a special barcode mask is applied to it. The result is a matrix that is individual for each person.

Slide 16

Identification by facial image Facial recognition technologies are often used to identify individuals. Person recognition occurs at a distance. Identification features take into account the shape of the face, its color, and hair color. Important features also include the coordinates of facial points in places corresponding to changes in contrast (eyebrows, eyes, nose, ears, mouth and oval). Currently, the issuance of new international passports is beginning, the microchip of which stores a digital photograph of the owner.

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Identification by the palm of the hand In biometrics, for identification purposes, the simple geometry of the hand is used - size and shape, as well as some information signs on the back of the hand (images on the folds between the phalanges of the fingers, patterns of the location of blood vessels). Palm identification scanners are installed in some airports, banks and nuclear power plants.

Slide 18

Other identification methods use habitoscopy (three-dimensional image of the face) - Nvisage - developed by Cambridge Neurodynamics EyeDentify's ICAM 2001 device - measures the properties of the retina of the eye - eSign - a program for identifying a digital signature identification by the structure and relative position of the blood vessels of the hand complex system "One-on" -one Facial Recognition"

Slide 19

Digital (electronic) signature eSign is a signature identification program that uses a special digital pen and electronic pad to register a signature. During the registration process, eSign remembers not only the signature image itself, but also the dynamics of the pen movement. eSign analyzes a number of parameters, including general characteristics of a particular person’s handwriting.

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Malware is a malicious program, that is, a program created with malicious intent or evil intentions. Antiviruses are used to protect against malware. The reason for the penetration of viruses onto computers protected by antivirus can be: the antivirus was disabled by the user; antivirus databases were too old; weak security settings were set; the virus used an infection technology against which the antivirus had no means of protection; the virus got onto the computer before the antivirus was installed and was able to neutralize the antivirus; it was new virus, for which anti-virus databases have not yet been released Methods of protection against malware

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Anti-virus programs Modern anti-virus programs provide comprehensive protection of programs and data on the computer from all types of malicious programs and methods of their penetration onto the computer: Internet, local network, e-mail, removable storage media. Operating principle antivirus programs is based on checking files, boot sectors of disks and RAM and searching for known and new malware in them.

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Anti-virus programs The anti-virus monitor starts automatically when the operating system starts. Its main task is to provide maximum protection from malware with minimal slowdown of your computer. The anti-virus scanner is launched according to a pre-selected schedule or at any time by the user. The anti-virus scanner searches for malware in RAM, as well as on hard and network drives computer.

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Data backup and recovery Backup is the process of creating a copy of data on a medium designed to restore data to its original or new location in the event of damage or destruction. Data recovery is a procedure for retrieving information from a storage device when it cannot be read in the usual way.

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Hacker utilities and protection against them Network attacks on remote servers are implemented using special programs, which send numerous requests to them. This causes the server to hang if the resources of the attacked server are insufficient to process all incoming requests. Some hacking tools implement fatal network attacks. Such utilities exploit vulnerabilities in operating systems and applications and send specially crafted requests to attacked computers on the network. As a result, a special type of network request causes a critical error in the attacked application, and the system stops working. Protection against hacker attacks of network worms and Trojan programs Protection computer networks or individual computers from unauthorized access can be done using a firewall. A firewall allows you to: block hacker DoS attacks by preventing network packets from certain servers from entering the protected computer; prevent network worms from penetrating the protected computer; prevent Trojan programs from sending confidential information about the user and computer.

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Types and methods of information protection From deliberate distortion, vandalism (computer viruses) General methods of information protection; preventive measures; use of anti-virus programs From unauthorized (illegal) access to information (its use, modification, distribution) Encryption; password protection; "electronic locks"; a set of administrative and law enforcement measures Type of protection Method of protection

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I would like to hope that the information security system being created in the country and the formation of a set of measures for its implementation will not lead to irreversible consequences on the path of the information and intellectual unification that is emerging in Russia with the whole world. Conclusion Information today is expensive and must be protected. Mass application personal computers, unfortunately, turned out to be associated with the emergence of self-reproducing virus programs that interfere with the normal operation of the computer, destroy the file structure of disks and cause damage to information stored on the computer.

The official state policy in the field of information security is expressed in Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation(Order of the President dated September 9, 2000 No. Pr-1895). It expresses a set of official views on the goals, objectives, principles and main directions of ensuring information security of the Russian Federation and serves as the basis for:

  • To formulate state policy in the field of ensuring information security of the Russian Federation
  • Preparation of proposals for improving the legal, methodological, scientific, technical and organizational support for information security of the Russian Federation
  • Development of targeted programs for ensuring information security of the Russian Federation

Information security- this is the state of security of the subjects of the Russian Federation in information sphere, reflecting a set of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state.

At the individual level It is assumed that the constitutional rights of a person and a citizen will be implemented to access information, to use information in the interests of carrying out activities not prohibited by law, physical, spiritual and intellectual development, as well as to protect information that ensures personal safety.

At the societal level we are talking about ensuring the interests of the individual in this area, strengthening democracy, creating a rule of law state, achieving and maintaining public consent in the spiritual renewal of Russia.

At risk refers to an action or event that can lead to the destruction, distortion or unauthorized use of computer resources, including stored, transmitted and processed information, as well as software and hardware.

Type of threats:

  • accidental (or unintentional)
  • deliberate

Basic means of protecting computer data:

  • protection of computer hardware components;
  • protection of communication lines;
  • database protection;
  • protection of the computer control subsystem.

Protection system - a set of tools and techniques that protect computer components and help minimize the risk to which its resources and users may be exposed.

There are various security mechanisms:

  • encryption ;
  • digital (electronic) signature ;
  • access control;
  • ensuring data integrity;
  • providing authentication;
  • traffic substitution;
  • routing management;
  • arbitration (or examination).


Encryption (cryptographic security) is used to implement the classification service and is used in a number of different services.

Encryption can be :

  • symmetrical– is based on the use of the same secret key for encryption and decryption.
  • asymmetrical- characterized by the fact that one key, which is public, is used for encryption, and another, which is secret, is used for decryption. However, knowledge of the public key does not make it possible to determine the secret key.

To implement the encryption mechanism, it is necessary to organize a special service for generating keys and distributing them among network subscribers.

Mechanisms digital signature are used to implement authentication and denial services. These mechanisms are based on asymmetric encryption algorithms and include two procedures:

  • generating a signature by the sender
  • its identification (verification) by the recipient.

First procedure provides encryption of a data block or its addition of cryptographic checksum, and in both cases the sender's secret key is used.

Second procedure is based on the use of a public key, knowledge of which is sufficient to identify the sender.

Mechanisms access control check the authority of network objects (programs and users) to access its resources.

When accessing a resource over a connection, control is performed both at the point of initiation of the exchange and at the end point, as well as at intermediate points.

The basis for the implementation of these mechanisms is the access rights matrix and various options for its implementation. Mandate lists include security labels assigned to objects that grant permission to use a resource.

Another type includes lists of access rights based on the authentication of an object and subsequent verification of its rights in special tables (access control databases) that exist for each resource.

Mechanisms ensuring integrity apply both to individual data blocks and to information flows.

Integrity is ensured by the execution of interrelated encryption and decryption procedures by the sender and recipient, followed by comparison of cryptographic checksums.

However, to implement protection against block substitution as a whole, it is necessary to control the integrity of the data stream, which can be implemented, for example, through encryption using keys that change depending on previous blocks. It is also possible to use more simple methods such as numbering blocks or supplementing them with a so-called time stamp.

Mechanisms authentication provide one-way and mutual authentication.

In practice, these mechanisms are combined with encryption, digital signature and arbitration.

Traffic substitutions , in other words, the text filling mechanism is used to implement the data stream secrecy service.

They are based on the generation of fictitious blocks by network objects, their encryption and organization of transmission over network channels.

This neutralizes the possibility of obtaining information about network users through observations of the external characteristics of flows circulating in the network.

Source random threats , arising during computer operation, there may be errors in software, hardware failures, incorrect actions of users, operators or system administrators etc.

Deliberate threats pursue certain goals related to causing damage to network users (subscribers).

Types of intentional threats:

  • Active
  • Passive

Active Intrusions disrupt the normal functioning of the computer, make unauthorized changes to information flows, stored and processed information. These threats are realized through targeted impact on its hardware, software and information resources.

Active intrusions include:

  • destruction or electronic jamming of communication lines,
  • disabling the entire system connected to the network or its operating system,
  • distortion of information in user databases or system data structures, etc.

Information stored in computer memory can be selectively modified, destroyed, and false data can be added to it.

Active intrusions are easy to detect but difficult to prevent.

With a passive intrusion, the attacker only observes the passage and processing of information, without intruding into information flows.

These intrusions are usually aimed at the unauthorized use of computer information resources without affecting its functioning. Passive threat is, for example, receiving information transmitted over communication channels by listening to them.

In this case, the intruder analyzes the message flow (traffic), records identifiers, destinations, message length, frequency and time of exchanges.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Topic: Protection from unauthorized access to information KOU VO “Evening (shift) secondary school No. 2” Ustyuzhna Completed by: Shcheglova L.A.

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Basic concepts Information security is a set of measures aimed at ensuring information security. Information security – protecting the integrity, availability and confidentiality of information. accessibility - the ability to obtain the required information service in a reasonable time. Integrity - the relevance and consistency of information, its protection from destruction and unauthorized changes. Confidentiality - protection from unauthorized access to information.

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Information security is the state of security of the information environment. In computer technology, the concept of security implies the reliability of a computer, the safety of valuable data, the protection of information from changes to it by unauthorized persons, and the preservation of the secrecy of correspondence in electronic communications. In all civilized countries, there are laws on the safety of citizens; the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection” (with amendments and additions) is used to protect information, but still the reliability of computer systems rely heavily on self-defense measures.

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Unauthorized access Unauthorized access is actions that violate the established access procedure or demarcation rules; access to programs and data is obtained by subscribers who have not been registered and do not have the right to familiarize themselves with or work with these resources. Access control is implemented to prevent unauthorized access.

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Protection using passwords Passwords are used to protect against unauthorized access to programs and data stored on the computer. The computer allows access to its resources only to those users who are registered and have entered the correct password. Each specific user may be allowed access only to certain information resources. In this case, all unauthorized access attempts can be recorded.

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Password protection is used when loading the operating system. Password login can be set in the BIOS Setup program, the computer will not boot into the operating system unless the correct password is entered. It is not easy to overcome such a defense.

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Every disk, every folder, every file on the local computer can be protected from unauthorized access. Certain access rights can be set for them: full access, the ability to make changes, read only, write, etc. The rights can be different for different users.

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What is a password? "a password is a secret set of various characters that allows you to identify the legitimate user and his rights to work in computer system". The general idea is this: the most best password- a random and meaningless set of characters. Keep your password in a safe place. Change your passwords regularly. This may confuse attackers. The stronger the password, the longer you can use it. A password of 8 or fewer characters can be used for a week, while a combination of 14 or more characters can last for several years.

Slide 9

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Biometric security systems Currently, biometric identification systems are increasingly used to protect against unauthorized access to information. Biometric identification is a method of identifying a person by certain specific biometric characteristics (identifiers) inherent to a particular person. Methods of biometric identification are divided into two groups: Static methods Dynamic methods using fingerprints; according to the geometry of the palm of the hand According to handwritten handwriting. This technology is becoming a very popular alternative to hand painting. Dynamic signs of writing are analyzed - the degree of pressure, the speed of writing on the iris of the eye; by facial image; By voice. Constructing a voice identification code, as a rule, these are various combinations of frequency and statistical characteristics of the voice

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Fingerprint identification Optical fingerprint scanners are installed on laptops, mice, keyboards, flash drives, and are also used as separate external devices and terminals (for example, in airports and banks). If the fingerprint pattern does not match the pattern of the user admitted to the information, then access to the information is impossible.

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Identification by the palm of the hand In biometrics, for identification purposes, the simple geometry of the hand is used - size and shape, as well as some information signs on the back of the hand (images on the folds between the phalanges of the fingers, patterns of the location of blood vessels). Palm identification scanners are installed in some airports, banks and nuclear power plants.

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Identification by the iris of the eye For identification by the iris of the eye, special scanners connected to a computer are used. The iris of the eye is a unique biometric characteristic for each person. The eye image is isolated from the face image and a special barcode mask is applied to it. The result is a matrix that is individual for each person.

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Identification by facial image Facial recognition technologies are often used to identify individuals. Person recognition occurs at a distance. Identification features take into account the shape of the face, its color, and hair color. Currently, the issuance of new international passports is beginning, in the microcircuit of which a digital photograph of the owner is stored. Important features also include the coordinates of facial points in places corresponding to changes in contrast (eyebrows, eyes, nose, ears, mouth and oval).

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Until recently, it was believed that the most reliable method of biometric identification and personal authentication was a method based on scanning the retina. It contains the best features of iris and arm vein identification. The scanner reads the pattern of capillaries on the surface of the retina. The retina has a fixed structure, unchanged over time except as a result of an eye disease such as cataracts. Unfortunately, a number of difficulties arise when using this biometric method. The scanner here is a very complex optical system, and the person must not move for a considerable time while the system is aimed, which causes unpleasant sensations.

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Dynamic identification methods - using handwritten text Manufacturers of biometric equipment are trying to create reliable face identification systems using dynamic characteristics. Additional hardware Such systems are cheaper than fingerprint or iris scanners. Personal identification systems based on the dynamics of reproducing handwritten passwords (signatures) are very convenient and promising in their class.
