In order to register on VKontakte for free right now, you need to go to the main page social network VK at address The VKontakte social network will automatically open in a new window. After this it will load home page VKontakte. This is where you log in and register. In this case, you are registering, so pay attention to the center of the screen where it says instant registration. Under this heading we see fields that need to be filled out - these are your first and last name. After filling out, click register.

If you don’t have time to search for classmates and fellow students now, then you simply select Complete registration. Next, you need to read the article from the Completion of registration section.

Search for classmates

In order to find your classmates, we indicate the country, city, school, year of graduation, class. Afterwards a list of registered classmates on VKontakte will appear. To view the list of classmates, scroll the mouse wheel or move the Internet browser slider on the right side. In order to add a classmate as a friend, click next to the photo and name. Then move on to the next step.

The next window is a search form for classmates. There is an option not to search for classmates, choose to skip this step, or complete registration. Then we read from the heading Completion of registration.

Search for classmates

To find your classmates, select the country, city of the university, year of graduation, faculty, department and add friends by clicking next to the photo add as friends. To view the list of classmates, you need to scroll with the mouse wheel, or move the slider of the Internet browser. Once you have added friends, click go to the next step.

Completing registration

The last point is the binding mobile number phone number to your account. This is for page security. Select a country and enter your mobile phone number. After that, click get code. To the specified number phone will come message with code. This SMS is free.

Enter the confirmation code and password and enter the site. This password must be entered every time you enter the page on the VKontakte social network.

That's it, you are registered!

  • Video on registration without a phone

If you were unable to register on VKontakte

It was not possible to register on VK right now according to those instructions, write to us at . Write down the actions completed. We will answer individually.

A modern active Internet user cannot imagine his life without social networks, and there is a reason for this - these resources provide unlimited opportunities for communication and exchange of any information, be it scientific materials, news or music compositions. If you are deciding which one to register with, the most popular social network in Russia is VKontakte, and this is what we will talk about. In this article you will learn how to register with VKontakte and start communicating with people from anywhere in the world!

Standard way to register on VKontakte

Perhaps the VKontakte registration system, when you need a new page right now, is one of the simplest on sites of this kind. All you need to create a personal account, i.e., to register correctly, is a valid mobile phone number (you can do without it, but more on that later). So, let's look at the registration procedure (via SMS to your phone) right now and step by step:

  1. Go to the address and pay attention to the section of the page that opens called “Instant registration”.
  2. Enter your first and last name in the appropriate fields.
  3. The next step is confirmation of registration. The site asks you to enter a mobile phone number. We write our phone number in ten-digit format, click on “get code” and wait for an SMS message with a combination of numbers.

  4. Having received the message, enter the password in the appropriate window.

  5. If the code is correct, another window appears for entering a password. Create a strong password and fill out the line. It is allowed to use numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet; Cyrillic and other symbols are prohibited.

  6. This completes registration in contact. The system prompts you to select your place of residence and educational institutions, but if you wish, you can skip these steps.

Now all that remains is to fill out your profile and find friends - and you can use the functionality of the VKontakte social network to the fullest.

Register in contact without a mobile phone

Previously, you could register in a contact by entering email address, however, now this feature has been abolished, and the page in the contact is linked to a phone number, and only one profile in the contact can correspond to one number. This was done so that the resource would not be filled with dozens of accounts of the same person in contact. But what to do if the second page in contact is now vitally important, but there is no free mobile phone number and there is no way to receive SMS on your phone?

In this case, you can use services that help create a virtual telephone number, even if there is actually no phone, and receive messages on it. One of them is Pinger. Registration in it is not particularly difficult, despite the English-language interface. The only caveat is that for the site to fully operate you need current version Flash Player.

So, go to the address, after which, before registering on VKontakte, we register there, for which we perform the following steps:

After the message manager opens, you can safely copy the number and go to register with a contact, the detailed algorithm of which - that is, the way to register with a contact - is described just above.

The audience of the social network VKontakte is growing every day. However, not all pages posted on this resource are real. There are a large number of people who want to have an additional account for business or personal purposes. Today we’ll talk about how to register in a contact without a phone number and what account confirmation via SMS gives.

Why do you need confirmation of VK registration via SMS?

Until 2012, there was a workaround - you could register on the website, indicating only email. However, such freedom led to a huge number of fake and fraudulent accounts, which created a heavy load on the server and interfered with free communication on the social network.

At the moment, profile activity occurs through the phone. The risk has decreased several times fraudulent schemes with page theft. You can track who accessed your profile and from where. In addition, connection to the phone is a guarantee of coordinated work mobile version VK.

How to register on a social network without a phone

Although developers are trying to make registering fake pages as difficult as possible, this possibility still exists. We have counted four currently relevant methods that allow you to join a virtual network via fake page.

Create two pages for one phone number

How does this work? Let's say you have a main page that fully matches your personality, but you really want to create a fake account. Log out of your page, register a new one - with the necessary data, photos and interests. At the end of registration, the system will ask you for a phone number to which you can send a verification code. You have such a phone. Enter the code you received in the required field and that’s it – you can use the page!

Now go back to your main account. The system will ask you for a phone number - and you will again you can enter your numbers.

Someone else's number

You can go by the simple way– to register VK, purchase an additional SIM card. This option is good for those who need only one additional page and have the opportunity to regularly communicate using a second SIM card so that it is not blocked.

If there are people in your circle who categorically do not welcome social networks, you can ask them for their phone number. However, if you don’t want to buy a SIM card or ask your friends for it, you can always register through a landline phone (if you still have one). To do this you should enter 11 digit number in the required field and request a code. On landline phone no display so it will call you automatic program, which will dictate the required code. In this option, you can register any number of additional pages in a contact.

Login via Facebook

Although VKontakte is the Russian-language version of Facebook, its owners are actively seeking to capture the audience of its older brother. Foreigners have a wonderful opportunity to log into the site using a Facebook account.

Can a resident of Russia use this opportunity? Of course yes. But to do this you will have to cheat a little and enter the site through Anonymizer. We offer you several popular sites:

  1. "Chameleon":

By clicking on the desired social network, we open a welcome window with the option “register via Facebook”. And to register on a foreign social network, you only need an email, so this option is very convenient for those who want to receive a large number of fake pages.

Registration via virtual number

Another interesting way for those who want to get an additional page without bothering to search additional SIM cards or changing the IP address. You can find several resources on the Internet that allow you to receive SMS on virtual number without having to buy and insert a SIM card into your phone. Here are the most popular ones:


We advise you to choose those sites that are aimed at residents of Russia - otherwise you may receive an American phone number.

How to work with these systems? Having selected the desired site, register via email and buy the opportunity to rent one of the virtual numbers. It costs very little.

Now enter the rented number in the required field and wait for the system to process your application and send an SMS code. It will appear on your monitor screen and, after copying it, you can finally register new page.

Let's sum it up

Creating a page without confirming a phone number is quite possible if you know a few tricks. The disadvantage of these methods is that if you lose access to the page (for example, if it is blocked for spam), it will not be easy to restore it.

When choosing any of the methods, you must decide for yourself whether you only need one additional page or whether you want to create several fake accounts. Are you ready to pay for access to a virtual number or endure the inconvenience of having to constantly re-register two pages recorded on one mobile phone?

Hello, dear blog readers! Today we’ll talk about how to register in VK correctly. VKontakte is one of the most popular social networks in the Russian-speaking segment. Currently, the number of registered users is more than 140 million people.

Let's answer this question! Many of you, especially those who are encountering this service for the first time, are wondering how you can register on VKontakte and why?

By creating your profile on this social network, you will be able to communicate with your friends, classmates, fellow students, and make new friends. In addition, in this social there are many interesting communities online where you will find something for yourself useful information on a variety of topics.

It is important to know that VKontakte registration is free!

Below you will find step-by-step instructions that will help you easily register on this site.

Creating a new page

To do this, go to the site from any device: desktop computer, mobile phone or tablet. Until 2011, you could register your account via email.

Today there is no such option, and the VKontakte page is linked only to your mobile phone number. One number – one profile. This is done in order not to fill the resource with many accounts. Of course, many do not want to indicate their mobile phone. But you can activate the page only by entering your cell phone number.

To create a new page right now, just follow the link, where you will be asked to register.

Step 1. Enter your data.

In the window that opens, you need to enter your first name, last name and date of birth. Data must be entered with a capital letter and without errors. By clicking on the “Register” button, we proceed to the next step.

Of course, you can use fictitious data. But then, if your page is blocked, you will not be able to restore it, since the support service often asks you to send a spreadsheet of your passport with your photo and full name to unfreeze it.

Step 2. Enter your mobile phone.

Step 3

Enter the received numbers into the special field and click “Send code”. Linking to your phone is necessary so that, if necessary, you can restore access to your profile.

It happens that the first SMS does not arrive various reasons. You may have made a mistake when entering the phone number, then click “Enter another number”, correct the numbers and ask to send the code again. If everything is correct, then click “I did not receive the code.”

You will be sent another message. And in the open window, select either “No need, SMS has arrived,” if it does appear, or select the second option. If you do not wait for the message, the support service offers a call from a robot that can dictate the required series of numbers. Then click on the “Yes, let the robot call” button.

Step 4. Enter your password and enter the site.

Once you submit the code, a field will appear that says “Password.” We come up with our own safe and reliable set of Latin letters and numbers. We enter the invented code into a special cell and be sure to write it down in some safe place so as not to forget. There are even special programs to save passwords.

Please note that under the “Password” box there is a colored ruler that turns bright green if it is secure. At the same time, an inscription about its quality even appears.

After completing all the steps, click “Log in to the site.” You will be congratulated and asked to enter additional information about myself. You can read about how to set up a VKontakte page and how to design it on our website, but for now click on “Skip”.

After this, a window will open asking you to enter an address. email. I would recommend doing this to strengthen the security of your profile. But you don’t have to provide an e-mail. Select “Specify later”.

Are you on your profile? Almost. The service provides you with another service “Beautiful address for your page”. You can come up with it yourself or choose from those presented.

Now you can log in to your VKontakte page. You can safely use the social network: edit your profile, upload photos, listen to music, you can also add your own audio and video files, and join communities, subscribe to notifications from them, look for your friends and make new ones.

Registration without phone number

Some people want to create a VK profile again. Often I would like to start one of them without a real last name, but use a nickname.

Having analyzed information from different sites about whether it is possible to create a second page in VK without a phone number, and having tried some of the proposed methods, I came to the following conclusions.

Through Facebook and anonymizer

The developers of VKontakte offer to register via Facebook, where you can create a profile using e-mail.

But alas! A mobile phone is required again.

Particularly advanced ones claim that using an anonymizer, you can deceive the system, and VK will recognize you as a foreign guest. Then you can only register via Facebook using your email address.

Using a virtual mobile number

It may also be that you need to create a second VKontakte page. In this case, you can purchase a virtual phone number through various services.

I've read a lot of reviews trying to find one that works for you. free service virtual numbers, but realized that no one provides such a service.

But there is good news - the registration number costs very little. Among paid services the most popular is

You can register for the service by filling out a simple form. After confirming your email and payment, you can select the network or site in which you intend to use it. Please note that the cost varies for each site.

In the cell for the social network VKontakte there is often “0 pcs.” Don't be scared! You just have to wait a little (20-30 minutes), the situation will change. But then don’t yawn! And act quickly. Virtual numbers are being sold like hotcakes.

Having received the coveted set of numbers, we very quickly register a new user in VK. We have 20 minutes at our disposal. So, go to the VKontakte page, use the number received on the service and click “Get code”.

On this page we are waiting for the confirmation code.


Creating an account using a virtual mobile number is considered one of effective methods. This number cannot be tracked. Its main advantage is anonymity. It should be noted that there are also disadvantages. If you lose access to the service you used, you will not be able to restore access to the page.

To summarize, I will say that previously the VKontakte registration process was simpler than it is now. But, of course, even now you can get around some restrictions. In any case, this is prohibited by the rules of the VK social network, and the page may be blocked.

I hope you found this article interesting and useful. If suddenly something was unclear or you still have questions, you can always ask them in the comments. I'll be glad to answer. Good luck everyone!

For some time now, the social network has tightened its rules registering new accounts, making it mandatory to link to mobile phone .

Now you must use your phone number when registering.

Those who are interested in how to register in contact via email you will have to disappoint - such an opportunity no longer exists.

Pay attention! VKontakte administration has excluded the possibility of registration account through only one mailbox in 2012. This decision was dictated by security considerations and optimization of the social network. Due to the tightening of the rules, the number of registered accounts has decreased - the level of fraud and the load on the servers have decreased.

In any case, there is still a way to register an account without using your own phone number.

To do this you will need to use a server virtual telephony to receive SMS messages.

Proovl SMS

Pinger allows you to get a virtual number to which you can receive messages.

Pinger registration process

So, how to register in contact if there is already a page? First you need to visit the service page.

We won’t need a form to log in for an existing user yet, so you need to select the “Create account” option.

Important! To fully use the service, you will need a recent version of Flash Player.

Selecting this option will direct the user to a page with a registration form.

Be afraid that all the points are not in English, even though the browser translator will not translate them. In any case, there is no Russian version of the service.

Fill this form necessary as follows:

  1. Username, which will subsequently become the login for logging into the service.
  2. Unique secure password, which you will also need to log in.
  3. Password confirmation.
  4. Email address to receive notifications and restore access in emergency situations.
  5. Mandatory agreement with the terms of use of the service
  6. A verification code that confirms that the user is not a robot.
  7. Account creation button.

If you fill out the fields incorrectly or do not confirm your agreement with the terms of use and privacy policy of the resource, then registration will be impossible.

For this you will need:

  1. Enter your postal code (this site will help you find it out).
  2. Select your gender (Male – man, Female – woman).
  3. Indicate age (it is better to indicate age over 18 years).
  4. Click the button to search for the most suitable phone number.

After this, the system will select numbers for some time.

As a result, a list of them will appear. You need to select one from those offered and confirm your choice with the “Confirm” button.

The choice occurs once, after which it is impossible to change the number for a specific account.

After this, the system will offer to publish news about purchasing a virtual mobile number on the page Facebook. This choice is optional, so you can simply click “Cancel”.

After this, a page with a message manager will open. There will be a field in the center of the screen. In which received messages will be displayed.

There will be an update button above it (useful if the message does not arrive for a long time).

To view your own virtual phone number, gently press the “Options” button. It will be indicated at the top of the form, in the “Phone number” column.

It can be selected and copied to the clipboard (Ctrl+C).

It is only important not to copy anything after this, otherwise the number will be erased from the buffer and you will have to copy it again.

Registration in VK without a phone number

Now you can proceed to registering an account on a social network. To do this you need to open home page and click “Registration” in the middle of the screen or under the login form.

The first thing you need to do is choose a first and last name. They will be real or an alias - the user’s personal choice.

You just need to remember that the administration blocks frankly fictitious names.

The next step is to indicate the country and city of residence. The veracity of this information also remains at the discretion of the user who is registering.

And finally, the reason for registering with Pinger – confirmation by phone number:

  1. In the country selection field, you must indicate the country whose code the newly created virtual number begins with (in this case, it is the USA, code +1).
  2. Then enter the phone number in international format.
  3. Click the button to receive a verification code.

A line will appear under the form in which you must enter the received code. You can view it on the Pinger page created in the first part of the instructions.
