Hey, why is it so dangerous?

Problem:Severe overheating of the battery, which can cause burns to the user and damage to property due to fire.

Cause:From Samsung's statement it follows that the reason is an “extremely rare manufacturing error”, due to which some of the released batteries contain a defect. The fire was most likely caused by short circuit between the electrodes when charging a smartphone.

Solution:Replacing Note 7 with new flagship under the exchange program.

You must have already heard about the epic scandal with GALAXY Note 7: the top-end one was presented just over a month ago samsung smartphone withdrawn from sale for re-production. Due to... the danger of critical overheating and battery explosion.

In the US alone, Samsung has recorded 92 reports of battery overheating, with 26 resulting in burns and 55 resulting in property damage. A poor guy from the USA even had his entire Dodge Avenger burnt out due to a suddendangerous Note 7.

We won’t retell all the unfortunate cases of Note 7 overheating/fire. Let’s just say that they were enough to recall the phablet, which Samsung worthily announced at a press conference on September 2.

By this time, Samsung had sold about 2.5 million phablets with a defective battery (the majority of such devices were in France, Germany and the UK; the defect was found in 24 devices per million).

While the company is suffering huge material and reputational losses, this is what we should really be concerned about:

What should those who bought Samsung GALAXY Note 7 in Russia and now he’s afraid to come within a meter of it, let alone use it.

Well, first of all, Samsung acknowledged the problem in the new Note 7 and defective devices are subject to exchange under the warranty program. Buyers from South Korea were the first to take advantage of this opportunity, and we can’t say that all of them are happy with the result: upon return, the smartphone overheats again and holds an indecently low battery charge. Samsung calls these cases “isolated” and dissuades them with something like “don’t rush to conclusions, an investigation is underway.”

Secondly, what kind of exchange program for Russians can we talk about if Samsung GALAXY Note 7 has not officially entered the Russian market? The smartphone was supposed to be delivered to stores on August 26, then the deadline was pushed back to September 16. But now deliveries of the “Seven” are unlikely to begin soon.

It follows from this that devices purchased at exorbitant prices from third parties are not included in the exchange program. But, according to Rosstandart, you can still contact the Russian representative office of Samsung with “gray” Note 7 purchased through legal sales channels abroad.

By the way, next week Samsung will resume sales of new batches of Note 7 in South Korea; next month, working phablets will be sent to Australia and Singapore, and to Europe not earlier than the end of November. As we said above, there is not a word about Russia yet.

Imperfect iPhone

The one who would benefit from Samsung's global failures is Apple. But that was not the case. Before the public had time to calm down about the fact that Apple's design department knows what they've been doing for the last year (if not more), we saw... nothing new - the iPhone 7 looks the same as last year's iPhone 6s. Yes, yes, Apple always uses a “familiar design,” but even fans of the brand sat with sour faces after the presentation.

Well, before the public had time to calm down about the design, the headphone jack, the strange touch Home button with the Taptic Engine and bundled adapters for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, both models were subject to other well-founded complaints. If the issue of design and headphones can still be attributed to “a matter of taste / habit,” then what about the “hissing” of the smartphone in games, poor connection quality during cellular calls and glitches of the EarPods remote control?

If you have already acquired an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus, and you are also one of the “lucky ones” who hear your interlocutor as if from - hmm - from afar, Apple will advise you to read this document and calm down.

What should I do if my iPhone 7 hisses?

Problem:Smartphone whistling under heavy loads.

Cause:Apple admits the defect, but does not admit what the reason is. Most likely, the noise is caused by the new A10 Fusion processor.

Solution:Replacement of a smartphone under the warranty service program.

Users called the strange sound that both “sevens” make during heavy loads “spike.” Moreover, the sound source is not the speakers, but the near-processor area. After contacting AppleCare support, the problem was solved simply: by replacing the device with a new one. But the fact is that the iPhone 7 is in short supply, sold out everywhere, and not available anywhere. So the exchange in this case will not be completed very soon. Are you ready to wait a week or two?

An unpleasant sound, we note, does not occur en masse. However, you can hear it even if the smartphone is lying on the table - then this is a real problem. If you put your iPhone to your ear in a panic and hear crackling, squeaking and grinding noises, then it’s too early to contact Apple Care - this is not your case yet.

New EarPods with a Lightning connector... and a remote control glitch

Problem:A glitch in the control panel that blocks volume control and other functions.

Cause: Software.

Solution:Installation iOS updates 10.0.2, specially released by Apple to fix this problem.

Well, well, Apple, comfortable headphones with a new connector, you say? Buyers of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus managed to encounter all the “advantages” of the new product. For example, the remote control on the headphones malfunctions from time to time - it is impossible to change the volume of the track being played, use Siri and accept an incoming call.

Apple quickly responded to a message about an error in the operation of the supplied headphones: this bug is being fixed software update and does not require replacement of equipment or accessories.

Let's say we got off with a slight fright. Moreover, the iOS 10.0.2 update did not take long - the update can already be downloaded over the air.

For discharge

They joke about the “whistle” of the new iPhones that “it’s Siri breathing, not the iPhone hissing.” Or that the unpleasant sound coming from under the back cover is the ghost of the 3.5 mm jack “and his name was Jack.” :-)

iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in Russia

By the way, 23 September iPhone 7 iPhone 7 Plus went on sale in Russia. The official price of an iPhone 7 with 32 GB (now the youngest model in the line) is 56,990 rubles, an iPhone 7 with 128 GB costs 65,990 rubles, and a model with 256 GB on board will cost 74,990 rubles. Apple Watch- from 33,990 and 24,990 rubles, respectively.

Hi all! No matter how “sophisticated” the iPhone is, the main task of the phone is to make calls. And here, it would seem, technology should have already reached such perfection that there should be no problems with the quality of communication and the convenience of conversation. No, seriously, the first Apple phone is over 10 years old! During this time it would be possible to bring the speaker to a state close to ideal. After all, there is nothing complicated - it just has to work and produce high-quality, good sound.

Must. But this does not always happen. Unfortunately, there are still situations when, instead of the “normal” voice of the interlocutor, wheezing and metallic rattling are heard from the iPhone speaker. What to do? Should I run to the service center and change the speaker? The solution is not bad, but we will always have time to do it. Let's try to get rid of wheezing in other ways. Will it work out?

Are you ready? One, two, three... Let's go!

Attention! If the device is under warranty, then you shouldn’t bother too much and get inside the device yourself. Well, maybe you can try to solve the problem programmatically. Nothing helped? Is the cracking still there? The best option will be taken to the ASC.

Let's move on to the simplest manipulations and analyze those cases when there is no need to disassemble the gadget, but at the same time, you can get rid of wheezing and rattling:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. And all these operations can be completed in almost a couple of hours. But! Sometimes the problem lies much deeper and the phone will have to be “opened” (I repeat, if there is a guarantee, then this is not necessary!). What is inside the phone that can cause wheezing during a call?

  1. Not quite inside, but still. Often, weak sound and rattling may be due to a clogged speaker grid. You can clean it only from the outside (very carefully with a soft brush), but there is a possibility that you will have to disassemble the device and clean not only the grille, but also the speaker itself.
  2. In the case where, in addition to sound distortion, there were (and remain) problems with the Wi-Fi module, then the problems may lie in it. It may be necessary to remove it if it cannot be repaired.
  3. Replacing the speaker itself. And although in the title of the article I emphasized the fact that crackling can be removed without replacement, sometimes such “modular” repairs are still necessary.

As you can see, the solutions are no longer so simple - most of them cannot be completed without the help of experienced and qualified craftsmen.

And finally. On the Apple forum we were able to discover an interesting picture - a fairly large number of cases with sound defects appear after updating to new version firmware.

Many hope that in the next iOS versions everything will be fixed. Is this possible? I don’t know, I don’t know... What should I do? If the “civilized” methods from the list above did not help and there is a guarantee, it is better to go to the service. As practice shows, in most cases the iPhone will simply be replaced ().

Owners of the iPhone 5S periodically encounter problems with the speaker, and it begins to make wheezing sounds. There are several various reasons malfunctions and sometimes it can be difficult to determine on your own what is causing the speaker to not function properly.

Why is the speaker wheezing on the iPhone 5S?

  1. In most cases, the wheezing sound of the speaker is a consequence of mechanical damage to the internal mechanism of the device
  2. If moisture gets inside the device, the contacts on the printed circuit board may short out and the speaker will not work correctly.
  3. The speaker grill is clogged with dirt or dust.
  4. When wrong installed settings equalizer may also have problems when playing certain sounds

iPhone 5S speaker repair

It is possible to fix the malfunction yourself only if there is no physical damage. The equalizer settings must be set to standard, and then recheck the operation of the speaker. Cleaning the speaker from dirt is quite problematic and will require disassembling the device. In case of mechanical damage, it is also necessary to gain access to the internal mechanisms.

If you cannot solve the problem yourself, it is advisable to contact our specialists. service center who know how to fix the speaker on an iPhone 5S. Our employees have extensive experience in this field. To find out the cause of the breakdown, a free diagnosis of the device is carried out. If necessary, the polyphonic speaker is replaced.

We guarantee that repair work will be carried out at a professional level and within a pre-agreed time frame!

The official start of sales of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in Russia is recent, and users are just beginning to encounter problems with the new Apple smartphones.

Despite the fact that this year the iPhone received improved hardware, the smartphone still has certain problems. In this article, we will go through the most unpleasant shortcomings of the iPhone 7 and try to solve them.

When the phone is under heavy load, you may hear hissing sounds.

Some iPhone 7 owners have noticed that the phone makes a barely audible hissing sound under heavy load. This is most likely due to the new A10 Fusion chip because the epicenter of the sound is located where the iPhone's processor is located.

Unfortunately, simple way decide this problem does not exist. If you feel that the sound is excessively loud, replace the phone under warranty.

Battery charge does not last all day

Low battery charge - constant iPhone problem. IN iOS settings There is a Battery section where you can see which applications consume the most battery power. Also make sure that Wi-Fi is turned off when you are on the road.

When you receive push notifications, your phone screen lights up. To prevent this, place your phone face down - then iPhone screen will not turn on when a notification arrives.

As is the case with extraneous sound If you think the battery is draining too quickly, get your iPhone 7 replaced under warranty.

iPhone 7 can't find network after turning off airplane mode

In some cases new smartphone Apple does not restore the network after exiting Airplane Mode. Most likely, this problem will be resolved after the next iOS update. For now, if the problem occurs, it is recommended to restart your iPhone. If necessary, remove and reinsert the SIM card.

Problems with headphones

Some users complain that after 5 minutes of playing music, the sound in the headphones disappears. This applies to both EarPods with a Lightning connector and regular headphones connected via a 3.5 mm to Lightning adapter.

The problem with sound loss has been resolved in iOS 10.0.2, .

Activation problems

Problems iPhone activation 7 usually occurs when there are problems with network connection. Check what network you are connecting to the Internet on - Wi-Fi or cellular. It is preferable to connect via Wi-Fi.

Try restarting your smartphone several times, or activating it by connecting to iTunes.

Sometimes iPhone owners encounter problems with the operation of Apple EarPods, when when connecting the headset to the device, crackling and noise appear instead of normal sound. In some cases, you can solve the problem yourself, and the instructions below will tell you how to do this.

Before you start searching possible reason breakdown, perform a number of preliminary steps:

- If the iPhone is in a case, remove it, as some cases may prevent the headphones from connecting;

— Connect headphones to the device and press the volume button until it reaches maximum;

— Make sure that the iPhone and headphones have no mechanical damage. The audio jack may not work correctly if the smartphone is damaged, exposed to rain or dropped into water;

— Try restarting your iPhone. In some cases, errors in operation software may cause problems with the headphone output or audio jack.

Disconnect and reconnect your headphones

Physically unplug the headphones from the iPhone, and then plug the headset back in. If there is no change in the performance of the headphones, repeat the procedure several times. When connecting, insert the headphone cable into the connector with great pressure, but do not overdo it.

Check\clean audio connectors

Pull the headphone cable out of the jack and check the port for dust and dirt. Often small threads or dust particles get into the connector, which prevents a stable connection with the device. If you find dirt, clean the port opening using a wooden or plastic toothpick or an air compressor. Do not use metal objects for this purpose.

Also be sure to check and clean the headphone jack or adapter if necessary.

Check the headphones, adapter and cable for mechanical damage

Any mechanical damage headphones/adapter/cable may result in incorrect sound reproduction.
