The Android mobile operating system, like almost any modern platform, provides functionality that ensures the safety of the user’s personal data. One of these tools is synchronization of contacts, passwords, applications, calendar entries, etc. But what if such an important element of the OS stops working properly?

One of the common problems in this case is the lack of synchronization of the user's contact list. Such a failure may be short-term, in which case after a certain time the exchange of data with the Google cloud is restored.

It's another matter when the termination of contact synchronization is permanent. We will talk further about how to correct such an error in the system.

Before performing the steps described below, you should double-check whether the device is connected to the Internet. Just open any page in a mobile web browser or launch an application that requires mandatory network access.

You should also be sure that you are logged into your Google account and there are no problems with its operation. To do this, open any application from the Good Corporation mobile application package, such as Gmail, Inbox, etc. Better yet, try installing any program from the Play Store.

And the last point - auto-sync must be turned on. If this function is activated, the necessary data is synchronized with the cloud in automatic mode without your direct participation.

To find out if this option is enabled, you need to go to "Settings""Accounts""Google". Here in the additional menu (vertical ellipsis at the top right) the item should be checked "Auto-sync data".

If all of the above points are in perfect order, feel free to move on to ways to fix the contact synchronization error.

Method 1: Manually synchronize your Google account

The simplest solution, which in some cases can be effective.

If after performing these steps, synchronization begins and completes successfully, the problem is solved. Otherwise, we try other ways to resolve the error.

Method 2: Removing and Re-Adding Google Account

This option is even more likely to fix the problem with syncing contacts on your Android device. You just need to delete the account authorized in the system Google entry and enter it again.

Our next step is to add the newly deleted Google account to the device again.

By adding a Google account again, we start the data synchronization process from scratch.

Method 3: Force Synchronization

If the previous troubleshooting methods do not work, you will have to, so to speak, “cheat” and force the device to synchronize all data. There are two ways to do this.

The first method is to change the date and time settings.

As a result, your contacts and other data will be forcibly synchronized with the Google cloud.

Another option for forcing synchronization is using a dialer. Accordingly, it is suitable only for Android smartphones.

In this case, you need to open the Phone application or any other “dialer” and enter the following combination:

As a result, you should see the following message in the notification bar indicating a successful connection.

Method 4: Clear cache and delete data

Very effective method combating contact synchronization error is their complete removal and cleaning associated data.

Now let's start clearing the cache and contact list.

Method 5: Third Party App

It may happen that none of the methods described above will fix the problem with contact synchronization. In this case, we recommend using it from a third-party developer.

The “Fix for contact synchronization” program is able to identify and correct a number of errors that lead to the inability to synchronize contacts.

All you need to do to fix the problem is press a button "To correct" and follow further instructions of the application.

Now let’s figure out what to do if your Android phone or tablet does not sync with Google accounts and displays an error.

Synchronization Google account on an Android device is a very convenient feature. Thanks to it, part of the important information from a tablet or smartphone. When switching to a new gadget given information can be quickly restored.

For example, a list of contacts. When you apply account synchronization, when you switch to new phone the list of your contacts will be displayed on it in 1 minute and you will not have to manually enter everything again telephone numbers. Let's look at cases with Google account synchronization errors on Android devices.

Causes of synchronization errors between Android and Google

When Android does not synchronize information with the Google server, the reasons must be sought primarily in the operation of your gadget. Errors can also occur on Google's side, but quite rarely. Such failures are quickly detected and corrected.


Users most often encounter a notification that indicates a failure, the exact cause of which is not clear. It may be due to user actions or incorrect login settings. Devices with unofficial firmware can harm the system, so you will have to remove them and return the gadget to its original state.

The most unpleasant situation when a Google account synchronization error is displayed on Android may be “stuck synchronization.” In this case, the entire system freezes, and the error can be corrected after rebooting the tablet or smartphone.

A synchronization error may occur due to incorrect entry of personal data (login and password). You must enter the correct information that you received during registration. In extreme situations, you can recover your password.

Sometimes synchronization errors are due to incorrect system settings. You can reset to factory settings, but in most cases this is not necessary. Just go to settings and examine the included services.

Synchronization must be enabled for all accounts. First, you can deselect services that require authentication, and then reboot the gadget. Then, on the newly turned on device, you need to go to the accounts section and check the boxes next to the corresponding services.

In some situations, you will need to disable two-level authentication in your account security settings. You can also use the transfer of information to background and auto-sync.

If Android refuses to synchronize photos, mail, contacts and other information, perform the following steps:

  • Reboot the device.
  • Checking the stability of the Internet connection. We connect to Wi-Fi, if possible.
  • We check that synchronization is enabled and the settings are configured correctly.
  • Delete your Google account and add it again.

To delete account you should go to “Settings”, “Accounts”, then to “Google” and call up the additional menu (on the top right there is a button in the form of 3 buttons). Now click “Delete”.


When deleting accounts, no data will be lost, as the account remains intact. We reboot the gadget, and the next time we turn it on, we add the Google profile again, specify the username and password.


If errors continue to occur during synchronization, you should add another Google account. If other accounts do not work normally, you need to reflash the gadget. It is recommended to use only official firmware, since custom assemblies have their drawbacks, which can lead to various system failures.

How to enable Google synchronization with Android?

To enable Google account synchronization, you must first go to “Settings” on Android. Then we scroll down the settings until we reach the block with the “Personal Data” settings. Go to “Accounts” or in other versions “Accounts”.


Then a list will be displayed with the accounts that you have logged into before on your Android. To enable synchronization, select Google account. If your Google account is not in the list, it means you are not logged in.

In this situation, you should click on “Add account”, this button is located at the bottom of the list, and then follow the instructions displayed on the screen.


After selecting a Google account, the user will be shown the synchronization settings for this account. Here you can disable or enable synchronization of many services, for example, Google Keep notes, Gmail, Chrome web browser and much more. To enable synchronization, move the switch opposite necessary services to the “On” position.


To start immediate account synchronization, you need to click on the button in the upper right corner of the screen. A menu will open where you should select “Synchronize”.


By default, information from applications, contacts and calendar are synchronized. If you want to automatically synchronize photos with Google servers, you need to download Google app photo. By going to the application settings, the “Startup and synchronization” line is available. When activated on cloud storage Photos will be sent.

You see a sync error notification in the Chrome menu and need help resolving it, or you've made changes to one computer but can't see those changes on another computer.

If you click Sync Error Alerts in the Chrome menu, you'll see the messages below.

Synchronization error - Login

Your login information is out of date (for example, you recently changed your password or enabled two-step verification on your Google account).

If you changed your Google Account password

  1. Tap Messages and enter your Google account username and password.
  2. If prompted for a passphrase, enter your previous Google Account password. If you are using a special passphrase, enter it.

If you have enabled two-step verification, follow these steps.

  1. Click error alerts to see details.
  2. If you're prompted to sign in, enter your Google Account username and password. Do not enter the program password here.
  3. Next you will be asked to enter the “program password”. Create this password on your programs and sites authorization page and paste it into the window.

Program passwords are different from verification codes.

Sync error - update passphrase

This message appears if you have installed on one computer a special passphrase to encrypt synchronization or recently changed your Google Account password.

If you set a special passphrase on one computer, you must enter the same passphrase on all other computers that are synced. On other computers that sync, an error message may appear in the Chrome menu prompting you to update your passphrase.

Follow these steps to resolve this issue.

  1. From the Chrome menu, click Sync Error: Please update your sync passphrase.
  2. In the dialog box " Additional settings synchronization" in the section passphrase for encryption you will see one of the options below.
    • "You have already encrypted your data using a different version of your Google Account password." , enter Old Password Google account.
    • “You already have data encrypted with a passphrase.” If this message appears, enter a special passphrase.

If I don't remember the passphrase

If you no longer have access to your special passphrase, you need to reset sync.

  1. If your synced data (bookmarks, programs, etc.) is available on your computer, sign in to your Google Dashboard.
  2. Under Chrome Sync, click Stop syncing and delete data from Google. This action will delete data from Google servers. The data on your computer does not experience any changes.
  1. Wait a few minutes and then sign in to Chrome and re-enable synchronization on your computer.

In the Login section of the Settings page, you see the following error message.

Synchronization service is not available for your domain

You're probably using a Google Apps account to sync. Ask your administrator for permission to enable synchronization for your domain.

Unfortunately, synchronization stopped working

It's likely that one of your data types is failing to sync. Follow these steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Click to stop syncing on your computer.
  2. Log out(Mac: Quit).
  3. Restart Chrome.
  4. and turn synchronization back on on your computer.

Circle icon doesn't stop

If the circular icon doesn't stop for an extended period of time after you sign in to Chrome or after you enter the program's requested password, follow these steps.

  1. Click Cancel to close the dialog box with the circular current icon.
  2. If option available Disabling a Google Account, click the button to stop syncing on your computer.
  3. Close Chrome by going to Chrome menu → Log out(Mac: Chrome menu → Quit).
  4. Restart Chrome.
  5. Sign into Chrome and turn syncing back on on your computer.

Server is busy - Please try again later

This message appears if you recently reset your sync using Google Dashboard. Wait a few minutes and check to see if your Google dashboard shows any Chrome sync data, then sign in to Chrome.

This account is already in use

This message appears if you're already signed in to Chrome as a different user using the same Google Account.

Click the Chrome user icon in the top corner and select the user associated with the Google account you're trying to sign into Chrome from the drop-down menu.

Like most other operating systems, Android is not perfect. It may experience various glitches from time to time. Such failures can especially occur when installing applications not taken from PlayMarket. Problems may also arise when installing unofficial firmware. Account synchronization error is one of the most common. Let's try to find out how to get rid of this error.

Account synchronization error: typical failures

First of all, it is worth noting that when such problems occur, if the user is not always able to use some OS capabilities, you should not immediately blame everything on the device or operating system itself. Most often, users encounter such a message when some kind of failure occurs, the exact cause of which is not fully understood. However, it is worth noting that errors of this kind are usually associated with incorrect login settings, as well as with the actions of the user himself. In this review, we will not consider gadgets with unofficial firmware. In this case, the device itself may harm the operating system. The unofficial firmware will have to be removed and the device returned to its original state.

What should I do if an account synchronization error occurs?

In a situation where an account synchronization error occurs Google Android on a tablet or phone, the most unpleasant moment is “stuck synchronization”. As practice shows, in this case the entire system hangs. A simple reboot of the device can help fix the problem. This helps in most cases. Just remember how frozen programs in Windows start working again when you reboot.

How to fix the error?

Probably, an error synchronizing your Google Android account on a smartphone or tablet can be caused by incorrectly entering your password and login. Here you just need to correctly enter the data received during registration. The address is used as a login email in G-mail. You can also try to recover your password.

How to check synchronization settings

In some cases, an error with account synchronization in Google Android may be due to incorrect settings of the system itself. You can try to return the device to factory settings, but in most cases such drastic measures are not required. You just need to go to the settings and check the enabled services. Synchronization should generally be turned on for all accounts. First, you need to uncheck all services that require authentication, and then reboot the device. Next, when the device is turned on again, you need to go to the accounts section again and check the boxes next to the corresponding services, including browser, data transfer, and the like. In some cases, it is mandatory to disable two-level authentication in your account security settings. In this case it is necessary to use automatic synchronization and transferring information in the background.

Deleting an account

If all the methods described above do not help and the error associated with account synchronization appears again, you will have to take extreme measures, namely, deleting the existing account. To do this you need to use the settings menu. Here you need to select the accounts section. You should pay attention to your Google account. Log in, enter your Gmail address and confirm deletion using the menu command or button below. Now you need to reboot your devices. After of this action If you have an Internet connection, the system will prompt you to either create a new account or use existing registration data. You must enter your username and password and confirm your choice. In the event that this method does not help fix the problem, you will have to create a new account. At the same time, about restoring the contact list earlier installed applications you can forget.


Errors related to Google account synchronization are quite common. You can fight them with the simplest means and methods; just use the mobile gadget itself. No connection to personal computer entering the installed control program is not required. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that this article did not address the problem of failures that may occur on devices with unofficial firmware. The thing is that when installing unofficial updates, a rather serious problem may arise related to their safe removal. This issue requires special attention and maximum caution. Otherwise, the system can be rendered inoperable.

On devices with operating system Android

Step 1. Clear the cache and delete data.

Click on the icon Settings -> Applications -> All, and look there Google Play Market:

Tap on it and go to properties Google Play Store:

Here we need to click the button Clear cache, then Erase data, and finally the button Stop.
We need to do the same with Google Services Framework:

And then also with the system application Google Services Play:

Step 2. Disable Google account synchronization.

Let's go to the section Settings -> Accounts, click on your account. The account synchronization settings will open. Let's uncheck all the boxes there. It should look like this:

Step 3. Reboot your tablet or smartphone.

Step 4. Turn on Google account synchronization.

After rebooting the device, go to the section again Settings -> Accounts, select your account and check the boxes back:

If synchronization errors occur, we don’t pay attention.

Step 5. Reboot your tablet or smartphone.

Step 6. Check the operation of the Google Play market.

After this it should disappear.

If all else fails...

All that remains is to try deleting your account and registering it again.
To do this, go to the section Settings -> Accounts:

Click on our Google account and get into its settings:

In the upper right corner, click on the icon that looks like three squares. In the menu that opens, select the item Delete account.
After deleting the account, we reboot our device and add Google account again . To do this, in the section Accounts there is a point Add account in the upper right corner.
