Most Internet users are faced with sending files via email almost every day. This is a quick and simple matter. However, a beginner may still have some problems. All questions and misunderstandings arise due to a simple lack of knowledge of the email client interface. That's why let's look at how to send a file via email with all the details. So let's begin.

First you need to go to one of the services where you are registered mailbox. Let's say it will be

If you did everything correctly, a redirect will occur and you will be taken to your email inbox.

Now you can start writing your letter. To do this, click on the corresponding “Write a letter” button above the folders with incoming, outgoing and other letters.

You should see a form to fill out a new email.

In it, be sure to fill in the field with the addressee. The subject field can be left blank. If necessary, leave the text of the message below. Next, click on the “Attach file” button or on the cloud icon located nearby. Last point selected if the file required for sending is located in your electronic storage, cloud.

When you click on “Attach file” you will see a window asking you to select the path to it. Specify the path and click the “Open” button.

If you did everything correctly, the necessary file will be attached to your letter. This will be indicated by the inscription just below the “attach file” button. If the file is large or the Internet speed is low, you will have to wait. In this case, a slider with loading the cord will appear. Should wait full load and only then click the “Send” button. It is located just above the field with the addressee.

If everything went correctly, you will see a message about the successful sending of the file, and your recipient will receive the long-awaited letter in a few minutes.

If you chose to send a file from the Cloud, then its structure will open in front of you. And already in it you must select the file you need and click the “Attach” button.

As in the first sending option we considered, you should see a field with a file already attached. If its size is large or the Internet speed is low, you will have to wait a little for it to load.

Once the file is attached, you can start sending. To do this, click the “Send” button, as in the first option we considered.

Once you have done everything correctly, you will be able to see a message indicating that the file was successfully sent to the recipient.

Now you know how to send a file by email. Even though we only looked at one of them all possible options free email services, this knowledge will be quite enough to deal with others. Their design, structure and operating principle are very similar. Take your time, follow the instructions exactly - and no unpleasant surprises will happen. Good luck on the Internet!

Computer for beginners

At one time I was also an internet newbie. And sending the file via email was a challenge for me. I didn't even know how to create email on Yandex.

I attach below brief instructions how this can be done. Watch the video tutorial below.

To do this we need a web browser (Opera, Mozilla Firefox or others.

If you use an email program, the principle of action is the same). In your mailbox, click the “Write a letter” button. An editing form will open. For example, the picture shows what it looks like in Gmail:

You must select the file you want to send. Selected - click “Open”.

Wait until the file is completely downloaded.

This will be shown by a progress bar.

As shown in the image, the download process icon and button names on different services may differ slightly.

In the example shown, loading is shown in blue on a white bar.

The download time usually depends on the file size and your Internet speed.

And depending on the size, for very large files it can reach half an hour or an hour.

Once the file is downloaded, it will appear in the list.

After this, you can enter the subject and recipient in the appropriate fields and send the letter by clicking on “Send”.

Note: Please note that when you transfer files this way, their size on the mail server increases by about a third of the original size. And since the maximum you can transfer is a maximum of 30 megabytes, make sure that the file you select is no larger than 22 megabytes. This restriction applies to a mailbox in Gmail; in mailboxes of other email services, the restriction may be slightly different.

By the way, here’s how my Odnoklassniki page is created!

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How to send large files by mail, archiving files before sending

In order to send a message by email, you need to log into the mailer service and click on the “write letter” button: each mailer has a different button.

Then we proceed directly to writing - you need to fill in the addressee fields using the contact list or entering the address manually using the input line. Next, it is recommended to fill in the subject of the message - this is necessary for the recipient to sort messages by importance: this way there is a higher chance that your message will not end up in spam or the trash bin.

Then you can start writing the text of the letter or attaching archives. Finally, you need to send the message using the button of the same name on the mailer. Once sent, your message will be moved to the "sent" or "outbox" section.

Sending multiple files

Modern email allows you not only to use the function of sending text messages, but also the ability to send files anywhere in the world completely free of charge.

To submit more than one piece of data, it is recommended that you archive the required information. This option will allow you to attach information in any format and in any size using the accompanying cloud on your email account.

However, you can add several small documents yourself directly from context menu postman. You need to select the “attach file” option, and then select the required components by checking the boxes and click “open”. The selected components will be downloaded and attached to the message. This method is good due to its ease and low demands on other applications, but it does not work with downloads larger than 25 megabytes.

Archiving objects before sending

To archive a document, you must use WinRAR archiver or WinZip. For archived, you need to find and select the required object with the right mouse button and select the “add to archive.rar” option in the context menu. If you have the English version of the program installed, use the similar option “add to archive.rar”.

The speed of archiving depends on its size and computer performance. The packaged component will appear in the same folder as the non-archived version.

How to determine your email address

How to send a large file by mail

Most mailers do not support sending objects weighing more than 200 megabytes. When sending large data, it is recommended to use free cloud storage. To do this, you should upload the required document to the storage cloud, open it for access and send a link to the required element by email.

Cloud storage is good because when sending a document it is not necessary to archive the file. Also, on the cloud, your information can be stored for an unlimited period of time, while on mailers, messages are deleted after a certain time.

Google Drive

To add an object from Google Drive, you need to click on the service icon and select the required documents. Next, we will provide ways to send data: using a link to a disk or by attaching the required object. Having selected “attach”, click “insert” and the required component will be loaded into the letter.

Yandex Disk

To add a document from Yandex disk, you need to click the flying saucer icon above the input field and select the desired component, and then “attach”. After sending the letter, the recipient will receive a link to the sent data on the Yandex cloud.


You can also add a large document using the cloud. To do this, you need to select “attach file” in the mailer options, then “from mail”.

In the dialog box that appears, select the desired object and click “attach” so that the data is loaded into the letter.

After this, the download of file components for the letter will begin. When attaching documents larger than 25 MB to a letter, the information is automatically downloaded via the cloud.

E-mail is a multifunctional way of communication and transfer of information, having mastered it you will be able to use all the benefits of the Internet and communicate with people regardless of distance.

View DVD disc on laptop and computer

How to download files to a flash drive and send them by email from a USB drive

Throughout virtually the entire history of the Internet, e-mail has provided the ability to send any digital documents, except malicious and executable files. Such objects are called attached or attached to a letter (or attachment, from the English attachment - attachment). Despite the presence cloud storage and file sharing services, most users prefer to transfer information with a minimum of intermediaries - straight to the recipient. Not all PC users know how to download from email to a flash drive while working on someone else’s computer (at work, in an Internet cafe), and how to transfer from mail to a flash drive. Let's look at how the contents of a removable drive or certain objects recorded on it can be sent to a colleague and the attachment downloaded to a USB drive.

Find out how to download files to a flash drive or send them from a drive using email

Send a letter with an attached document

To send a digital e-mail recorded on removable media, you only need a computer with the Internet, a browser and the mailbox address of the person to whom the message is addressed. The algorithm of actions is similar for all mail services. The names of the buttons used and their locations may differ.

The window will close, and an icon and the name of the object will appear near the attach button.

The sent e-mail with an attachment will be indicated to the recipient by an icon with a paper clip.

Sticky material can be opened directly in a browser window to preview its contents with possible loss of formatting, or downloaded to a computer.

We figured out how to send one document from a flash drive to email. What to do if you need to send a dozen documents? Not everyone can send it in a separate e-mail. The way out of this situation is simple: all objects that need to be attached to the letter can be selected in the “Open” window: hold down Ctrl and click on the necessary objects.

Thus, all selected objects will become attachments of the created e-mail.

Don’t forget to press the Ctrl button while selecting files.

If there are more than a dozen attachments, we pack them into an archive using an archiver (7z, WinRar) or using file manager. To do this, select all documents and/or directories, call up their context menu and select the add to archive command.

Right-click on the files and select “Add to archive”

IMPORTANT. In this way, you can reduce the amount of data sent by choosing a good or high degree of compression.

It is sent as described above.

Download attachments to USB flash

Having received an incoming message with an attachment, and even at a work computer, many people ask the question: “how to download attached files from mail to a flash drive?” This is done in two ways.

We change the path for storing downloaded data in the browser, specifying your drive or one of its folders as a directory, or we download the attachment to the computer and copy it to external media.

How to transfer from mail directly to a flash drive

Now you know how to download a letter from mail to a flash drive, bypassing hard drive. And there are no difficulties in this.

How to send email | Computer world

Today we'll talk about how to send email. You can send mail in several ways. Let's consider one of them.

Email has long been a way of communicating between people. Regular letters in envelopes faded into the background and will soon remain only in the memory of mankind. Mailboxes in global network are used for instant messaging, email marketing and other digital notifications, which is very convenient and fast compared to outdated methods of information delivery. For those who do not know how to send email from a computer, these instructions have been written.

Firstly, to send a digital letter you will need an email account, which you need to “create” on the Internet. We have already talked about where to create a mailbox, now let’s look at a specific example of its creation.


For example, you wanted to create a mailbox on the resource (a very popular site). To do this, go to this site by entering in the address bar of your browser:

Next, follow the link “Register your email” and start filling out the required fields. Enter your first name, last name and other requested information, then go to the “Mailbox” field and write the desired name of the mailbox.

Try to come up with an original name for your mailbox, since many names may already be taken. Remember the created name of your mailbox. Leave the end of your email as “”.

Now create and enter a password for this mailbox and confirm it in the “Repeat password” field.

Advice: don't create too much simple passwords, like “111” or “qwerty”, since such protection is easy to bypass.

If you forget your password, you can recover it using mobile phone, which must be indicated in the appropriate field during registration.

If you don’t want to leave your mobile phone number, then click the link “I don’t have a mobile phone”: the system will prompt you to select Security Question and give an answer to it. It is not necessary to enter an additional e-mail.

After filling out all forms, click the “Register” button. The system will ask you to enter a certain combination: this is done to confirm that you are not a software robot randomly creating mailboxes.

Enter these letters and numbers, then click the “Done” button. Congratulations, you have just created your own mailbox, but you still don’t know how to send email.


In order to send a digital letter to your friend, relative or work colleague, you will need his email address. For example, it looks like this: or and others. That is, first comes the name of the mailbox, for example, Billy-Micro, followed by a special symbol @, which is popularly called a “dog,” and after it the name of the resource on which the mail was registered is written.

Note: the created mailbox in these instructions looks like (capital or small letters - it doesn’t matter).

If you already have the email address of the person you want to send an email to, then click the “Write” button in the newly created mailbox and enter the existing address in the “To” field. Next, write the subject of the letter you are sending in the “Subject” field, and in the largest part of the “New letter” window you can directly type the text of the letter.

If there is a need to send along with the text also additional file, for example, a photograph, then use the “Attach file” button and find on your computer drive the digital document or photo you need to send.

The last step when sending an email is to click the "Send" button. The sending will occur, and a copy of the sent letter will go to the “Sent” category.

That's basically all. You've learned how to send email. This way you can send any number of letters for free. Of course, there is no need to create a mailbox every time, just log into the “email” that you have already created.

To do this, go to the website and enter the name of the mailbox and the password for it in the appropriate fields, then click the “Login” button.

Every active Internet user definitely uses email, because it is very convenient, fast and simple. In order to send email, you need a mailbox from your Internet service provider (ISP) or a registered mailbox on one of the popular free email services - mail, mail and gmail. How to open a mailbox is discussed in the article “”. Accordingly, you need a computer and Internet access.

Let's look at how to send an email using an example. postal service" ". The algorithm for sending an email in other services is similar and differs only in the user interface.

Using email, you can send not only text, but also files (audio and video, photos, text documents)

How to send a photo or document by email

The email from which you send (photos, documents, etc.) is called an email with an attachment. To send an email with an attachment, do the following:

If you uploaded the wrong file by mistake, you can delete it by clicking on the link " Delete", located below the icon of the downloaded file. offers us to send videos up to 25 MB in size, but if the size is larger, the video will be sent as a link.

Open and click “Write a letter” and “Attach file”.

Next, you need to select a file on your computer, click “Open” and the download will occur immediately. As you can see, a message appears stating that the file exceeds the required size and it will be sent as a link. When the video is loaded, don’t forget to write the recipient’s address and click “Send.”

Message about attachment size exceeding

Using a similar scheme, you can send a letter with a document via Yandex.

Disk and cloud

Another very useful thing is virtual disk and cloud. Yandex, Mail and Google have such services. If you are not yet familiar with them, I advise you to definitely use them, as they are very convenient for storing files. You can also easily share large files and videos.

If you want to use Yandex Disk, then follow the link, click “Upload files”, select a video on your computer and wait until the download is complete.

Let's look at Cloud When you open the page, click “Upload files” on the left, then a small window and a “Select file” button will appear. You just need to select a file from your computer and the download will begin.

If the video has been downloaded, select it by checking the box and click on “Get link”.

A small window will open from which you need to copy the link and send it to the recipient by email or social networks— VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc..

This way you can send photos, videos, any large files and documents.

Email has been around for decades. However, it is still the most popular way to transfer files on the Internet. And this is no coincidence. Using this method of data transfer is very easy and convenient. But, in some cases, email is completely unsuitable and you have to look for another way to send files.

One of the most common problems is sending large files. Due to restrictions, such files are not sent by email. Therefore, many users are interested in how to send a large file. In this article we will look at a number of simple ways, which will allow you to send files of almost any size.

Split a file into several parts

If the entire file cannot be sent by email, it can be divided into several parts and sent separately. It may not be very convenient, but sometimes it is necessary to send a file via email. In this case this method is the only solution.

In order to split a file into several parts, you need to use an archiver. We will look at the archiving process using an example free archiver 7zip.

Right-click on the desired file or folder and select “7zip – Add to archive”. After this, a window with archiving settings will open in front of you. Here you need to select the archive format (select the zip format) and the volume size (indicate the size of each part of the file in bytes). You can specify the volume size manually or select one of the suggested options.

To send by email, it is better to split the file into 10 megabyte pieces. Therefore, if you plan to send the file by mail, then choose the size 10 M (10 megabytes).

The files received after archiving are sent by mail or other convenient method.

Send a file via Skype

Skype, as well as other similar instant messaging services, usually allow you to send files. At the same time, there are no restrictions when sending as is the case with e-mail. So if you don't know how to send a large file, then Skype may be for you ideal solution problems.

Sending large files using Skype is very easy. To do this, right-click on the contact and select “Send”. Alternatively, you can simply drag and drop required file in the message field.

This method of sending large files is very convenient, but it also has disadvantages. In order to send a file, the recipient must be registered in and online.

Send a file via a file hosting service

There are a large number of services on the Internet designed for file sharing. They allow you to upload a file to them and receive a link. After this, this link must be sent to the recipient and he will be able to download the file at any convenient time. There are some restrictions on such services, but they differ significantly from one service to another.

For example, consider the file hosting service “ Files”. It allows you to upload up to 20 files, up to 100 megabytes. After registration, you will be able to upload files up to 1 gigabyte in size.

In order to send a large file using the Files service, you need to click on the “Upload File” button, select the desired file and wait for it to download. After this, you need to click on the “Get link” button. After this, the page will refresh and you will be provided with a link from which you can download the just downloaded file. This link can be sent to the recipient of the file.

Send a file via cloud storage

If you regularly need to send large files, then cloud storage is the ideal solution for you. In essence, cloud storage is the same file hosting service, but with a lot of additional features.

One of the most popular cloud storage services is . Initially, this service provides users with 2 Gigabytes of free space for files. But by inviting friends to this service, you can easily expand your storage capacity up to 18 gigabytes. At the same time the size separate file is not limited in any way.

In addition, the service offers a paid increase in free space. For $10 a month you can get as much as 100 gigabytes of your online storage.

How many times has this happened to you? You're trying to send a large file you've been working on—like a video or presentation, or maybe just a high-resolution photo—by email. But yours emails keep returning unsent with the error message "attachment too large". No matter how many times you try, your ISP simply won't let you send large documents. How to send a large file by email? Investment limits forced people to get creative, and their solutions are still used today, and quite well. So the next time you need to send large documents, try one of these workarounds.

Sending a large file by email.

There are two main approaches to overcoming the limitations of email: compression and third-party hosting. Compression is a more direct route. you're still sending the file as an email attachment, but you're simply changing the file format to make it small enough to limit the size of the attachment. Only you and the person you sent the email to will have copies of your file. There are a number of commonly used compression formats, but the most common are ZIP documents. Users can create ZIP files from large source documents and send them via email. To "extract" the compressed file back into its original form without losing quality, the recipient of the ZIP archive can use special software.

To send any compressed file via email the procedure is more or less the same. It requires the sender and recipient to use compatible software to compress and extract the file in question. Selecting the wrong compression format for emailing zipped files can cause problems in the future. One way to solve this problem is to use a multi-format compressor/extractor. Let's look at the process of compressing and sending documents by e-mail using the WinZip program as an example.

How to Compress and Email Files Using WinZip

WinZip products provide several ways to quickly and easily send Zip documents as email attachments or share them as a link. WinZip provides a built-in email utility that will allow you to use WinZip's email features even if you don't have mail application MAPI. WinZip Courier provides an easy way to compress attachments when you click the Send button or immediately after attaching files. Courier requires a supported version of Outlook or a supported webmail service used with an Internet browser installed. With WinZip Courier you will save time preparing and sending emails with attachments. Main features of the program:

  • Reduce the size of email attachments.
  • Send emails faster.
  • Save loading time for recipients.
  • Reduce the amount of disk space required to store email.
  • Reduce the time spent creating emails.
  • Fewer steps to compress and add attachments.
  • Works with Microsoft Outlook and webmail services you already use, reducing learning curve.
  • Protect attachments containing sensitive information with AES password-based encryption.

With WinZip Courier, you can send Zip documents that are larger than what your email provider allows. First, you will need to create an account with at least one cloud service. You can then either allow Courier to use the cloud service when your Zip file exceeds the size limit, or you can use the Attach Large File button. The last option avoids the possibility of an error that may occur if you use Microsoft Exchange and have a limit on the size of the attached file. Using WinZip Courier with cloud services, you can:

  • Send large documents by email. The size depends on whether you are using a free account or a subscription account.
  • Send multiple files and folders in one secure Zip file.
  • Protect the documents you send with strong AES encryption.
  • Configure other conversion options for additional security or for easier use by the recipient.
  • Work directly from your email account.

With WinZip Courier, uploading to the cloud service will work in the background, allowing you to continue working on other email messages instead of waiting for the message to finish sending.

How to compress and attach files or folders from an open folder window

To zip documents or folders and attach them to a new email message from an open folder window, simply right-click the documents or folders and select Zip and E-Mail from the WinZip submenu in the context menu. WinZip will compress the selected items into a temporary Zip file, create a new email message, and attach the Zip file to it. You can then send the message as usual. WinZip will automatically delete the temporary Zip file when it is no longer needed.

The technique described here can be used to compress attachments when composing messages using Outlook or other programs that allow you to attach documents using the standard Open dialog box. Windows file" This method does not require a MAPI-compatible email program:

  1. Open the dialog box you usually use to attach files.
  2. Find the file you want to attach.
  3. Right-click the file and select "Append to" from the WinZip context menu.
  4. Click the new Zip file to select it.
  5. Click Open or Insert to attach the Zip file.

How to Send a Zip File Directly to WinZip

If your default email program is MAPI compatible or you have WinZip configured to use the built-in mailbox, you can email the currently open Zip file without leaving WinZip. To do this, click "Email" in the Actions panel. If your email program is not running, it will open automatically. XP users should select "Send to Recipient by Mail" (Zip and E-Mail) from the File menu.

Using cloud services with WinZip to share files

With WinZip, you can share Zip files as a link to a cloud service. First, you will need to create an account with at least one cloud service and configure WinZip to use it. Then, when you use one of WinZip's email features, such as Zip and E-mail, if the Zip file reaches a set size threshold, it will be uploaded to your cloud service account and a link to your Zip file will be included in the message . If you have WinZip configured to use the built-in mailbox, you will have the option to click the Attach button. It allows you to share Zip files, whose size is less than the configured size threshold. Alternatively, you can right-click any self-extracting Zip file and select Email filename.exe from the WinZip context menu. Your self-extracting Zip file will be downloaded to your cloud service account when your postal message will be sent and the recipient of your message will be able to download it.

Mailboxes today easily hold and accept messages with several GB of attached documents. E-mail itself is a means of transport, it is also designed for transferring large files over the Internet. However, sending files by email is not very efficient, and any mail server may reject mail exceeding a certain—perhaps very limited—size.

Email and file sending services

  1. Hover your mouse over the Attach Files button (or the + sign) when composing a message in Gmail.
  2. Select Insert documents using Drive.
  3. Go to the download tab.
  4. Drag a file (or several) from your computer and drag it into the special window.
  5. If you don't see "Drag documents here," click "Select files on your computer."
  6. If you have already uploaded files, click Add more files.
  7. Select all the documents you want to upload.
  8. Click Open, then Download.

To send a file (or files) to your Google account Disk:

If one or more documents added to the message have not yet been sent to Google Drive to all email recipients, after clicking Send:

Gmail allows you to go the other way: saving files received as regular mail attachments to Google Drive, usually done with one click.

How to transfer a large file via Yandex

IMPORTANT. You can only upload files no larger than 2GB at a time.

On the other hand, when you receive a file attachment in your Yandex.Mail account, you get the option to save the file directly to your Yandex.Disk. Yandex.Mail has almost everything a user expects from postal service– from powerful web access, mobile apps, to IMAP/POP access and unlimited storage space.

Advantages of the service:

  • The service allows users to easily schedule mail and receive reminders.
  • Yandex makes it easy and simple to search for similar letters using subjects and contacts.
  • The unlimited storage offered by Yandex.Mail is another big advantage.
  • The ability to use IMAP/POP allows you to easily access Yandex.Mail via mail client on PC and mobile application.

Service features:

Mail comes with built-in antivirus software that protects your account by scanning incoming emails and filtering emails from entering your inbox. The service also has a task manager.

Sending a large file via involves uploading it to a special client service. So, to transfer a large document, follow these steps:

  1. Go to - the service allows you to send large files to any user.
  2. Find the “Upload File” button and click it.
  3. A document selection dialog box will open on your PC. select the one you need and click the “Open” button.
  4. Click the "Upload File" button.
  5. After downloading the document, the “Get link” button will appear - click it.
  6. Copy the received link and send it to the recipient.

Third-party file transfer services

As an alternative to the above methods, you can use one of third party services transferring large files. Let's look at the most popular of them in more detail.


Although FTP (File Transfer Protocol) may be quite old-fashioned compared to cloud services like Dropbox and Google Drive, it is still one of the most reliable ways to upload and download files. All operating systems support FTP, and there are many websites and add-ons that support uploading and downloading from your browser, such as FireFTP. Windows users and Mac can also use Cyberduck's free PC FTP client. The only drawback of this method is that you need access to a remote server (for example, a web hosting service). Many companies like DriveHQ offer some free space for storage (1 GB), and prices can compare very favorably with cloud storage providers.

Register for a free account and you'll get 10GB of storage. Connect your accounts Facebook and Twitter, install the mobile app and invite friends to get up to 40GB of bonus space. You can upload documents directly from your computer or the Internet and create a link that allows others to download documents from the MediaFire website. Paid subscriptions start at $3.75 per month and include 1TB of storage, a hefty 20GB limit on file sizes, and eliminate annoying captchas and ads. Another convenient premium feature is one-time links, which ensure that once the recipient downloads your documents, they will no longer be accessible.

WeTransfer is one of the most simple services for sharing large files. With a few clicks, the website will automatically submit the documents for you, and they will be available for download within seven days. Everything is very user friendly, with a step-by-step wizard that walks you through the download process. For $12 a month or $120 a year, you can upgrade to WeTransfer Plus, which allows you to transfer up to 20GB of files at once and offers 100GB of storage. You'll also have the option to set a password for downloading files - plus you can customize the background and email if you want.

Formerly BitTorrent Sync, this handy utility uses the BitTorrent protocol—designed specifically for large file sharing—to sync documents directly between your devices. This peer-to-peer connection can be used between two or more devices, such as a phone and a desktop PC. Resilio Sync also supports creating secure links that allow your contacts to download documents from your folders. This naturally means that your device must be connected to the network for them to access it. The software itself is free, and there are no restrictions on the amount of data you can transfer or store.

Send&Track allows you to use the Adobe website or Acrobat application Reader for sharing large files with multiple recipients no matter what device you are using (whether phone or PC). The website doesn't list any limits on the number or size of files you can send, but the service isn't free and will cost you $20 a year. There are also restrictions on what documents can be sent - for example, 7-Zip archives are not allowed. One of the most useful features here is tracking, thanks to which you can clearly see whether a document is open or not.

Send Anywhere is available for almost every platform imaginable and can transfer documents up to 10GB in size completely free. The file sharing service is available as a web application at, as an extension for Chrome browser, as mobile application for Android and iOS and as a download software for Windows and macOS. There are also versions for Linux and Amazon Kindle, as well as plugins for WordPress and Outlook. The browser widget allows you to share files up to 4GB, but the desktop software for paid subscribers supports documents up to 1TB. This should be more than enough for all but the largest 4K video files.


Another large file transfer service with the following features:

  • Send large files up to 8 GB.
  • Ideal for sending JPGs, PFs, MP3s.
  • Send important large documents to clients.
  • Fast, easy and safe to use.
  • Available with 256-bit AES security.
  • No software to install.
  • Try it for free.

Your secure hard drive in the cloud. Use the service to:

  • Create backup copy all your files online.
  • Keep important information and access it from anywhere.
  • Share your saved files with other users.
  • Backup your website and other projects.
  • Archiving important data.
  • A business plan is available for group file sharing.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to transfer large files via e-mail. If you have already encountered a similar problem and know other workarounds for email attachment size restrictions, please share your comments below this article.
