Flexor 5

This is the most popular plugin for WordPress. It is even more popular than the plugin, which is included by default in the engine distribution. The plugin allows users to edit SEO titles on their website easily and without unnecessary headaches.

For beginners, a little explanation: SEO headings can be used by search engines to form search snippets. For example:

This is what the search snippet looks like for home page this site. If you do not specify a meta description of the site (or any page on it), then the search engine itself will compose this description and show it in the search snippet. The problem here is that the description will be made up of random phrases taken from the page, and for a person such a description will not be very readable or attractive.

Therefore, the very first and main task of any website SEO optimization is to compile the correct SEO titles for each page of your website. There are many rules for composing these headings, but it is important to maintain a balance between listing keywords and human readability of the snippet.

The page title is also important (it is shown in the snippet almost always as you filled it out) and the meta description (the search engine can compose the description itself, but this does not mean that you should forget about compiling it).

There are also meta keywords, but you shouldn’t fill them out at all - according to official information from both Google and Yandex, meta keywords are not taken into account when ranking, and visitors don’t see them at all.

Why should you choose , and not some other, more powerful and functional plugin? Because of two things: it's extremely popular and it's very simple. Sounds paradoxical? I'll explain now. Let's assume that the plugin author has given up on supporting his plugin. And the next update WordPress suddenly it turned out to be incompatible with the plugin and it stopped working. In such a situation, there will definitely be enthusiasts who will correct the plugin code so that it works on new versions WordPress. After all, the plugin is quite simple and it will be easy for any programmer to understand, and it is very popular, and therefore among those who use it there are many specialists who know how to program.

Usually, if during an upgrade WordPress If one of the plugins suddenly stops working, we simply replace it with another similar one. This trick won’t work with SEO plugins - you can replace the plugin, but you’ll just need to re-enter it new plugin Titles and descriptions of thousands of pages can be an overwhelming task. A few years ago, bloggers advised using not a simple SEO Pack, but something like Platinum SEO Pack, which is much better functionally. But if you now go to the page of this plugin in the repository, you can see that it has not been updated since 2010. Would you trust such an important function as generating SEO titles to a plugin that has not been updated for more than 2 years? The plugin forum is filled with messages that some functions of the plugin have become glitchy, but there is no one to correct the shortcomings, since the plugin is not very popular.

There are also super-combines like the SEO Ultimate plugin, which is positioned as a “true all-in-one” SEO plugin, clearly hinting that the plugin with its scanty functions cannot be called an “all-in-one” SEO plugin. I don't argue SEO Ultimate this is truly a super plugin that contains everything you can for SEO optimization. But the size of the plugin archive is almost 1.5 megabytes, while the entire engine WordPress weighs only 4.7 megabytes.

In my opinion, this is overkill. I don’t even want to check how much memory consumption and CPU load on the server will increase after enabling this plugin, well, to hell with it. Not to mention the fact that if you completely rely on such a super-combine, then jumping from it to another SEO plugin in case of any problems will be extremely problematic. That is why, with all its functionality SEO Ultimate will never become as popular as the simple one.

Actually, now you understand why to generate SEO titles you need to choose not the most functional plugin, but the simplest and most popular?

1. Unpack the archive.

2. Copy the folder all-in-one-seo-pack V /wp-content/plugins/.

3. Go to the blog admin panel on the "tab" Plugins" and activate the plugin.

Immediately after its activation, the plugin will give you a sign that looks like:

This says that you need to configure and enable the plugin. The plugin settings are located in " Options\SEO all in one", here you must check the box "Module status:"

Formally, this checkbox should enable the plugin, but in fact, this checkbox only affects the display of the warning that I wrote about above. Even if the option is set to "Disable" the plugin still works. I still don’t understand the meaning of this option, apparently I don’t have enough experience with this plugin to explain such things. But you still need to check the box so that the plugin stops displaying its warning.

The plugin has been translated into Russian. Not completely and slightly crooked, but translated and no one should have any special problems setting it up. Each option contains a hint - click on the option to see it:

But in order. The first thing that greets us on the plugin settings page is a bunch of ugly advertising banners. I wanted to describe a way to remove them, but then I decided that it wasn’t worth it - the plugin is updated frequently and editing it every time to cut out ads would be time-consuming. Moreover, you won’t have to go to the plugin settings page after its initial setup.

The first part of the plugin settings:

As you can see from the screenshot, here you need to specify the title and meta description of the main page. Carefully fill out this information - the main page of the site is often also the most popular in searches, and the values ​​​​specified here will directly affect the traffic to your site.

Filling in keywords makes no sense - as I already said, not a single search engine takes them into account now and filling out this information only means wasting your time.

Uncheck the "Canonical addresses" option. WordPress He himself has been generating them for a long time and there is no need to duplicate them with a plugin. Moreover, the plugin somehow strangely displays canonical links (indicating a canonical URL on the main page of the site or on category pages has no logic).

The "Rewrite headers" option is required to be enabled. Without this option, the plugin will essentially not output headers at all. Why then does the plugin provide the option not to rewrite headers? Probably so that the plugin can be used in conjunction with plugins like , which generate only headers and nothing else.

The second part of the plugin settings:

In this part of the settings, the template of generated headers is filled in. I fill out this template as shown in the screenshot, but no one is stopping you from filling it out as you think best. When you click on the options, the plugin will show you tips on existing macros and what they mean.

The third part of the plugin settings:

I can’t say anything about support for custom type records - I just haven’t used it, so figure it out for yourself. The option with an incomprehensible and long name “Custom post types for SEO support columns” is just a display of columns with SEO information on the post editing page, like:

That is, this option allows you to quickly assess which posts or pages on the site do not have completed SEO headings. Select or remove several types of records by holding down the "Ctrl" key.

I essentially have nothing to say about further options - the plugin settings page already has complete and clear information on them, which does not need my additional explanation. Let me just say that all other options are completely turned off. But this is for me, and I advise you to check the options “Use the “noindex” parameter for the archive:” and “Use the “noindex” parameter for the archive of tags:” - they will allow you to avoid excessive duplication of content on your site. Although I personally prefer to close archive and tag pages through the robots.txt file - it somehow seems more reliable to me.

You have configured the plugin, how can you use it now? Yes, actually, very simple. For example, we go to edit any post on your site and see there an administrative plugin widget like:

Fill it out and click the “Update” button, everything is very simple. When editing a page rather than a post, the plugin widget will be slightly different:

The difference is small, but it is there - you need to fill out the "Marker Menu" field with a short page name (that is, under this name the page will be displayed in the menu). In some templates, filling in this option is not necessary, but in some (where the menu with pages is built through " Appearance\Menu") this option must be filled in without fail, otherwise the menu will display a long page name.

You cannot fill in category meta information with the plugin. Or rather, it will display in the title what you specified in the “Category Title Format” option, but the plugin will take the meta description from the filled “Description” field of the category. For obvious reasons, this is a drawback of the plugin - the category description and its meta description are completely different things and often incompatible. For example, descriptions of categories pop up when you hover your mouse over their links:

I don't want to use the same description as a meta description. It is short and informative only for those who are already on the site, and not for those who are viewing the search engine results. So in this regard the plugin is crooked.

The plugin constantly counts the characters you enter in the title and description, but don't trust its advice. If the title really should consist of 60-65 characters, then the description now cannot be more than 120-125 characters. If only because Google has taken the habit of displaying the date when the post was published before the description, and thus the length of the meta description is automatically reduced. And one more thing - the plugin can lie about the length of the title and description if there are special characters like quotation marks in their text, keep this in mind.

By the way, about quotes. Always, always remember that quotes must be replaced with a sequence of html characters in the form " . If you don't replace the quotes with " , then the description will be cut off, and you won’t even notice it until you look at the source code of the site page.

Possible problems? Yes, actually, the problem can only happen if you don’t have a function call in your template wp_head();, but now there are practically no templates left where the author would forget to insert a call to this function.

An error like this is also possible: "PHP Warning: error_log([...]/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/all_in_one_seo_pack.log)". This means that you have checked the options:

The plugin tries to create and write logs to a file all_in_one_seo_pack.log in the plugin folder. Although, it is obvious that by default the plugin folder does not have the necessary write permissions. So create the file manually all_in_one_seo_pack.log and set the rights to it 777 . Although, to be honest, there is nothing useful in these logs and it’s easier to forget about this plugin function.

The plugin constantly advertises Pro version of the plugin called "". The benefits of this Pro The versions are small: it is ad-free and supports custom post types. I would not buy the plugin - it is sold according to a curve model like “$39 now and then $10 every month.” I never understood this distribution model.

The author of the plugin is also the author of an old plugin, which, by the way, I still use today. So, in his plugin, the author has implemented the import of a database from the old plugin to the new one; when you activate the plugin, you will see something like:

After clicking the " Update DataBase"All information will be irrevocably transferred from the old plugin to the new one. It will not be possible to roll back, so just in case, do as the plugin advises you in this message.

It is not without its shortcomings, but it perfectly combines ease of use and necessary functionality, and that is why this plugin is the most popular plugin for WordPress or

Good afternoon Today we will talk about SEO optimization in WordPress.

You probably already know that without search engine optimization a blog cannot be promoted. And not promoting a blog is like writing a book, sneaking into a library and hiding it among other books - no one will ever find it.

So if you want to be read, go ahead and optimize! And the All in One SEO Pack plugin for WordPress will help us with this.

WordPress SEO Basics

It will be useful for beginners to know the main points of internal website optimization on WordPress:

  • Filling out Title (page title) in WordPress
    Title is displayed in the title of the browser window. This parameter is very important for promotion, so be sure to specify it for each page and post. It is advisable that it contains a direct occurrence of the keyword and is different from the H1 heading.
  • Formation of a unique Description (page description) in WordPress
    Previously, Description was displayed in the search snippet, but now this rarely happens. However, this parameter is still required for optimization. It is desirable that the Description be unique and contain keywords - but it is important not to overdo it with them.
  • Specifying Keywords
    I do not recommend filling in Keywords, because... This optimization method has long been outdated and search engines do not take them into account when ranking.

These parameters need to be specified for each page, but by default in WordPress there is nowhere to enter them. The All in One SEO Pack plugin will help solve this problem.

Why All in One SEO Pack plugin?

All in One SEO Pack is a plugin designed for internal optimization of a WordPress site for search engines. Of course, there are alternatives to this plugin, but I recommend using this one because it:

  • The most popular of its kind
  • Easiest to set up and use
  • Takes up little space and does not create a large load on the server

Key features of the SEO plugin for WordPress

The main thing this SEO plugin is needed for:

  1. Formation of Title and meta tags Description and Keywords for a blog on WordPress, both manually and automatically
  2. WordPress and removing their search engine index to avoid sanctions and .

Installing an SEO plugin for WordPress

The installation is standard, I always advise not to download anything, but simply type the name “All in One SEO Pack” into the plugin search. Read more about. The plugin is Russified and ready to use. After installation, a new item appeared in the left menu “ SEO Tools" Go to this section and let's start setting up.

Setting up the All in One SEO Pack plugin

I will not describe in detail all the settings of the All in One SEO Pack plugin, I will only tell you about the interesting and important ones that everyone needs to perform. Next to each setting there is a question mark icon - click on it and a hint will appear with a description of this function.

Canonical URLs - eliminating duplicate WordPress pages

Duplicate content on a website is a negative ranking factor. It often happens that different links lead to the same WordPress page, for example:

For a search engine, these are two different pages with the same content - a double! Checking the “Canonical URLs” box allows you to remove duplicates in WordPress by adding the Canonical meta tag to the code. I won’t go into technical details, read a separate article about . And we still need to configure a lot.

Home page settings

Fill in the Title and Description for the main page of your WordPress blog. They need to indicate the name of your blog and its brief description, be sure to use some keyword.

Setting up keys

As mentioned above, keywords are unlikely to help promote a blog. Therefore, I advise you to disable the use of keys so as not to interfere.

Header Settings

The “Overwrite Titles” option must be enabled, otherwise the Titles will not be displayed at all. Next are the title templates for different types pages for automatic title generation. Again, by clicking on the question, you can understand what this or that variable means.

For example, %post_title% is the title of the post. If the title field is not filled in for an article, the post title (H1) will be displayed.

How to remove the site name from the title

By default, the plugin offers to create blog page titles in the form: Title | Site name.

I think it’s unnecessary to attach the site name to each title. In addition, there is an opinion that the text after the | is not taken into account by search engines.

Post appearance settings

The first two checkboxes allow you to display the Title and Description column in the list of articles in the admin panel. This is very convenient if you want to check whether all pages have a title and description, everything is clearly visible.

If you are bothered by the separate “SEO Tools” item on the panel, you can uncheck the boxes « Quick access in the admin panel":

Indexing settings (noindex)

I advise you to leave everything as is, i.e. prohibit indexing of archives, tags and sections in which the same article announcements are repeated. This avoids duplication of content. I think that search engines are already smart enough to understand what categories are and why they are needed, so don’t bother too much.

Setting up Google services

Here you can specify the address of your Google+ account to link the blog with your account. This will be useful for verifying authorship in Google.

Additional settings

“Generated description” - the description will be taken from the “Quote” field if it is filled.
“Exclude pages” - you can list the pages that will not be affected by the plugin. This is where we finish with the settings; we have looked at the most important of them.

Using the All-in-One SEO Plugin

After setting up the All in One SEO Pack plugin is finished, open any article. Under visual editor A new section “SEO Tools” has been created. Be sure to fill in the Title of the entry (Title) - up to 60 characters and Description of the entry (Description) - up to 160 characters. How to fill them out correctly was discussed at the beginning of this article. Don't forget that they must be unique and contain keywords.

If you want to close a page from indexing, check the “Add NOINDEX argument” checkbox

This is where we'll finish messing around with the All in One SEO Pack plugin for WordPress. In the next article I will try to tell you something more interesting about blog optimization.

I wish everyone successful progress. Thank you for your kind comments!

Today we will learn how to configure the All-in-One SEO pack plugin, or in Russian SEO all in one. SEO optimization is a science that helps optimize your website, carry out both external and internal optimization. Using the all-in-one SEO plugin, you can change some internal factors, change the text, and optimize it.

SEO optimization is carried out in order to bring your site to the first place search results, according to certain requests. Which of course gives additional traffic and new visitors to your site.

The all-in-one SEO plugin is one of the essential plugins that you should have on your website or blog.

Installing a plugin is no different from installing other plugins. The Russified version can be downloaded from this link http://mywordpress.ru/plugins/kollekciya-plaginov-ot-lecactusru/. This is the site of Ivan Kalinin, better known as Lecactus. Lecactus makes high-quality translations of plugins and this greatly simplifies the work in the admin panel.

After installing the plugin, you need to activate it. Next we move on to configuration. Click “Options”, “SEO all in one”.

When you see the red bar, don’t be alarmed; first you need to enable the plugin and “Update settings”.

The red bar has disappeared and you can continue with the settings.

Now you need to fill in the Title, Description and Keywords of the Home Page.

Now I will talk in more detail about filling out these points. All in one SEO plugin is designed for optimization i.e. - he gives information search robots so that they “see” your resource.

For example, we specify approximately the same thing in the “General” parameters of the site.

And if in the “General” settings we write names for people, then when we write values ​​in the SEO plugin all in one, we write for robots.

This is what the difference looks like when opening the page

Below we tick the following parameters.

Finally, don’t forget to “Update settings”.

Setting up the all-in-one SEO plugin is complete. The thing is that all these settings relate to the Main page of the site. To configure and optimize internal pages, a package for optimizing articles is installed on the “Posts” page.

Sometimes it happens that not everything is displayed on the screen of your admin page; in order to fix this, you need to click “Screen Settings” in the upper right corner of the panel.

A tab will open where you can mark the add-ons you need.

Hi all!

The topic of today's post will be setting up the All in One SEO Pack. For those who don’t know what it is, I’ll explain. All in One SEO Pack is a search engine optimization plugin! Without this plugin, promoting your resource to the TOP is very difficult, I would even say, almost impossible! No, of course, you can do without it, but this is only available to those who understand the HTML language well.

And in today’s article we will look at all the basic settings of the All in One SEO Pack (SEO all in one). In the article I talked about how to fill out the fields of this plugin for articles. Today I'll show you how to most effectively set up and populate your homepage plugin fields to ensure your SEO is top notch!

Now is the time to move on to its settings. This can be done in the administrative panel of the resource by clicking on the “SEO Tools” tab:

In principle, all the plugin settings are correct by default, but I will still briefly explain each point. So, let's start setting up the plugin in order, from the very beginning.


1. This item is aimed at donating certain funds to the plugin developers, but by checking the box, nothing will actually happen. Apparently the funds for the donation are transferred somehow differently, I did not delve into the details. Perhaps you know how to do this?

Although it is unlikely that anyone will be interested in this item. A person is designed this way by nature: if they give something for free, why pay for it? But seriously, the plugin is actually very worthwhile and I wouldn’t regret giving a couple of hundred to the developers instead of the usual “Thank you.”

2. Canonical URLs (addresses) allow you to avoid duplication of content on your blog. This item must be checked! Otherwise, duplicate content may have a negative impact on your promotion.

Go deeper into canonical addresses I won't. If anyone is interested, you can read the suggested Google article. By the way, if any of you misunderstand any of the points, you can always refer to the hint by clicking on the question icon located opposite each point:

However, in version 2.1.5, the tips are not displayed in Russian, so you will have to use a translator, since there are a lot of them on the Internet.

3. This option should be disabled, because in paragraph 5, we ourselves will write the heading we need, with the necessary keywords, which we will use to promote our resource.

4. This item is most likely intended for the developers of the plugin itself, and I don’t quite understand why they included it in the general settings? In general, there is absolutely no need for a tick in it.

Home page settings

And now we will look at perhaps the most important fields of the plugin, or rather, we will analyze how to fill them out. The promotion of your site will mainly depend on them!

So, I will show you filling out the fields of the plugin using the example of my blog, and you try to do something similar on your resource:

5. At this point you need to enter a title for the main page. What should this look like correctly? I already mentioned this in my last post, but I’ll say it again. Typically this field is filled in as follows.

Write the name and surname of the author of the blog (if you are promoting your name (brand) online) or the domain, and then, through a forward slash or without it, two or three HF (high-frequency) or MF (mid-frequency) keywords that most accurately characterize the subject of your resource (on which the main page of your blog is promoted). Look how it's spelled out for me. Nikolay Korotkov's blog | and three HF requests: how to create, how to promote a blog and how to make money on the Internet!

6. Here you will need to make a description of your resource; 2-4 sentences will be enough. Try to fit in them the keywords that most characterize your site.

Or at least plan to write these posts. There will be nothing wrong if, over time, you revise several keywords and enter completely different ones instead of the prescribed ones. This is allowed. Let's move on.

Key settings

8. This item must be included! Otherwise, all entered keywords will not be taken into account search engines and, accordingly, promotion will be ineffective.

9-11. We leave these items blank. There should be no translations of categories and tags into keywords, and certainly not into automatically generated keywords. You must choose the keywords you need to promote each article!

Header Settings

12. The “Overwrite headers” option must be enabled. This function allows you to rewrite all the meta tags specified in paragraph 15 at your discretion, which I do not advise you to do! This paragraph provides examples of displaying various meta tags on your site. Don't bother yourself too much with this, just leave everything as it is. These plugin fields are configured correctly from a .

13-14. These items can be edited at your discretion. They do not affect promotion in any way, so you can check the boxes next to them or you can not check them.

Settings for custom post types

16. Custom post type is a new type of post on a WordPress blog, but it has the characteristic features of pages or posts. They may not overlap with standard engine entries, but have their own structure.

This function is more suitable for a catalog of any products. In this case, standard posts and articles can be used for blogging, and a custom post type can be created for a product catalog. Then blog entries and entries in the product catalog will be completely independent of each other. It will even be possible to create, for example, separate categories for products in the catalog.

In general, for simple websites and blogs this function is not needed and should be disabled.

Appearance Settings

17. This item, in fact, should affect the display of the required fields of the plugin in posts, pages or media files. That is, if, for example, the checkbox in the “Posts” field is not checked, then correctly in the post editor, the plugin fields for entering the title, description and keywords in them should not be displayed:

But this is the right thing. I tried changing the settings in every way and personally, these items have no effect on anything, the entries were still displayed, regardless of whether the checkbox was checked or unchecked. Therefore, you can check these points or you can not check them.

18. This item is responsible for displaying the “SEO Tools” tab in the admin panel, but similar to item 17, it does not work. Therefore, a tick in it does not affect anything.

19. Whether this item is checked or unchecked will determine the location of the “SEO Tools” tab in the administrative panel (either at the bottom or at the top).

Settings for webmaster

20-22 These items allow you to confirm rights to the site in the Web Masters panel. But the list is quite meager; there is a more detailed one on my blog.

Google services settings

23-25. These points are related to Google profile+1 and with Google statistics. Personally, I did not fill out anything and did not delve into more detailed analysis these points. If you are interested, you can see the description of each of them in the tips.

I’ll just say one thing: compared to version 2.0 of the plugin, two additional items appeared in this settings block, to which I assigned numbers 24.1 and 24.2, so as not to spoil the overall numbering.

Clause 24.1 is intended to be displayed on the website additional parameters attribution associated with your Google Plus profile. Clause 24.2 allows you to connect Google statistics Analytics.

Setting up indexing (noindex)

26-30. Make sure each item is checked! Otherwise, you can aggravate website promotion with duplicate pages.

Additional settings

31. And there was the last block of settings, in which I did not describe each item separately. You can take all the information you are interested in from the tips. Personally, I didn’t change anything in this paragraph and didn’t check any boxes.

If you changed something while setting up the plugin, don’t forget to click on the “Update settings” button! All! Now All in One SEO Pack 2.1.5 is configured as it should! Now the home page is optimized as correctly as possible and your blog will be good and search engines will love it.

I was personally convinced that these settings have a great effect on blog promotion. Once again, I wrote about this in the last post! I think that now setting up All in One SEO Pack will not be difficult for you. With this I say goodbye to you and see you soon!

I talked about how to install any plugin on a wp blog in the article “”, so I won’t stop now.

So, we installed it, but so far the plugin is useless - it is in suspended animation. To wake it up, you need to give the “fas” command, that is, activate the plugin. You can do it like this:

Admin – plugins – installed – select the one you need from the list (All in one seo pack) – activate

After you have activated the plugin, an English inscription in a red frame will appear at the top:

This is not a scary message. It says that the plugin by itself is not going to work, you need to configure it and enable it. This is what we will do now.

Setting up the All in one seo pack plugin

In order to go to the settings, you can click on the “the admin page” link in the red non-Russian message or go according to the usual scheme - now in the “Options” tab there is new button"SEO all in one." Click.

A rather impressive settings page will open to us. First, there is information about the developers, sponsors, a request to donate money to the creator to improve the plugin - I think until you have tried the plugin itself and are convinced of its effectiveness, it would be fair not to donate anything to anyone. Well, then, then whoever deems it necessary.

After this, you need to enable the plugin by placing a checkbox on “Connect”

Now you need to fill out three text fields: title, description and keywords. These fields relate to the site as a whole (then there will be the same descriptions for each article).

It is better to decide in advance what you will write in these fields, having previously analyzed key queries. Then it is advisable to create text document and record your thoughts there. And from there copy it into the required fields of the All in one seo pack plugin. It’s just that if you do this right away in the admin panel, you will spend a lot of time thinking and still write incompletely. However, these descriptions can always be replaced by others.

What to write in the fields?

It should be said right away that setting up the plugin AllinoneSEOpack maximally adapted for the most unprepared webmaster, no matter how paradoxical the phrase “unprepared webmaster” sounds :). If you left-click on any field name, a completely understandable tooltip will open.

However, I’ll briefly tell you what search engines want to see in these fields. I'll start with keywords for the main page (then there will be keys for each article and page):

Meta tag keywords (keys)

Here you enter those words and phrases for which you would like to see your website/blog in the TOP of search results. Don’t push with quantity – I think 4-5 phrases (or words) will be enough

Meta description tag (Description of the main page)

Using keywords, briefly describe what your site is about. It is recommended not to make the description longer than 160 characters including spaces. Most often, the description ends up in the snippet in the search results.

Title title (Main page title)

The name of your site with main keywords. Try not to go beyond 60 (according to other recommendations 70-75) characters with spaces.

Not everyone follows character restrictions and their sites still thrive. It turns out that this limitation is not critical. The clearest example is Dmitry, the author of the excellent educational SEO blog http://ktonanovenkogo.ru/. But personally, in filling out these fields, I still adhere to the recommendations of the majority.

So, we filled out the title fields and meta tags for description and keywords - we go below.

Rewrite headers– you can rewrite the headers, optimizing them at your discretion. The fields below indicate by default the structure of the various headers and how it will be displayed.

That is, in the upper left corner you will see, for example, if this is a separate post (called a post in wordpress),

Post title | blog name

If this is a page, then it will look like this:

Page title | blog name

The only thing is that it’s better to change the content of the first part of the “Error 404” header:

I wrote "Page does not exist"

Let's go even further down the page. The following block of obscure settings:

« SEO for custom post types» – I really didn’t find anything about this function. But everyone says they don’t use it and therefore don’t check the box. I didn’t either.

« Custom Post Type for SEO Support Columns" - the same song. Although no.

This function is convenient if you are not too careful and forget to fill out the fields of the “SEO all in one” plugin (title, description, keywords), or (like me) you already had a certain number of articles on your blog, you activated this plugin, started fill in plugin fields in posts and pages. You can find out which posts are still “unplugged” using the “Custom post type for SEO support columns” setting feature. As you can see, when you display “All posts” or “All pages” in the admin panel, you can see where the title, description, keyword fields are filled in, and where you forgot to do this.

So I'll turn this setting on for now. You can disable it like this. For example, you selected SEO support columns in posts.

The path is as follows: admin panel - all entries - screen settings (drop-down menu at the top) - uncheck unnecessary boxes

Next stage. Below in settingsAllinoneSEOpack There are two windows where you can write down your data if you wish:

Profile G+ and Google Analytics ID. I don't use them, so I won't write anything.

We do not tick the next three boxes. Why? Using category names and tags as keywords is appropriate when you originally named the categories and tags as your keywords. I didn't do this, so these keys don't suit me.

As for dynamic (read automatic) generating keys for records, definitely not here. A car is a car, it’s best to register the keys manually.

Let's go even lower in the settings.

Use “noindex” parameter for categories, archives and tags. Yes - to avoid duplication of content. Although, here it is at the discretion of the webmaster: someone removes the noindex from the headings, for example. I'll check all three boxes.

But from the field " Create descriptions automatically“It’s better to uncheck the box. Again, a manually written description will work much more effectively.

Uppercase category headings. Here, whichever you prefer: either “Wordpress – Help for Beginners” or “Wordpress – Help for Beginners”. Nothing changes in terms of SEO. Only appearance.

Final settings windows for the All in one seo pack plugin.

Exclude pages. Everything is perfectly written here in the tooltip, there is nothing to add.

Additional head area options for posts, pages, home page. Everything you enter in these boxes will be added to the “head” area of ​​the corresponding categories WordPress pages. But, as you understand, this will only be visible in the source code of the page. I don't use this function.

Log important events. For us, simple webmasters, this function is not needed.

All, general setup plugin AllinoneSEOpack completed.

But the setup for pages and posts has not yet been completed.

How to use the All in one seo pack plugin (Seo all in one)

Now for each post or page you can write individual title, description, keywords. Now in the draft of any post (or when adding a new one, or when editing an existing one), a block of our plugin appears for writing meta tags description, keywords and title.

Using the plugin is easy: just fill out three fields: title, description and keys. And listen to the recommendations written under these fields - the name is no more than 60 characters, the description is 160 characters, the keys are separated by commas.

Exactly the same fields are filled in for pages. Only two more are added: “Attribute Header” and “Label Menu”

Attribute header– if you fill out this field, then when you hover your mouse over the page, what you wrote will pop up in the menu.

Label Menu – The name of the page visible in the menu. If you do not fill in the field, the page will be under the title that you specified in the title when you added text to the page. It’s better to fill it out, because the name from the editor’s header will be in the menu and at the beginning of the page itself. Like this:

That's all the plugin setup AllinoneSEOpack(Seo all in one). I hope I explained everything clearly. If anything, ask, I’ll definitely explain.
