friGate CDN – this extension allows browsers based on the Blink engine (Opera, Google Chrome) and Gecko (Firefox) to get uninterrupted access to sites that are not available in a particular region. It is also capable of encrypting transmitted data if SSL is not used. The built-in PageSpeed ​​Optimization feature makes it possible to optimize site data for faster display of its pages.


After installing friGate CDN for Yandex Browser, you will be able to gain access to blocked sites. After accessing the resource, the extension independently determines the speed of your connection to the server and, if it is not high enough, the plugin uses a special proxy from the developer, which will provide the required data transfer speed. The extension is already used by a large number of people on the Internet; in 2015, their number exceeded 700 thousand. According to the developer's statistics, at least 250 thousand users were added every year.

With friGate, the capabilities of any browser get additional features, as well as broader proxy settings. Standard means browsers use limited proxy functions. The application improves work with settings by adding graphical interface elements; it is possible to adjust the list of resources that will be opened using a proxy. You can also set your own settings for a specific resource. All types are supported, even with authorization. Additional features:

  • creating exclusion lists;
  • creating lists of sites that will use proxies;
  • you can create a list using one click;
  • distribute proxies among states.

Operating principle

friGate is installed in a standard way– through the online store. There are about a dozen clones of the extension on the store pages, so it is best to download it via a direct link or from the official website page. You can make sure that it is installed in your browser using the triangular icon on the browser toolbar. Next, you will need to make small adjustments to the extension itself for more comfortable work.

An important feature of this software is that opening a blocked resource using a proxy is only possible if it is included in the list. If you try to follow links that are not listed, your IP will not be hidden and, most likely, access will not be possible. To create your own website database:

  • you need to select the extension in the browser toolbar and right-click;
  • then select the “Options” line from the drop-down menu;
  • Next, you need to click “Add list”;
  • Now, using the address input window and the “Add site” button, create a list and in the column next to it set the value “proxy is always on” (please note that before the address you need to enter an asterisk, then a dot, and then only the address itself without http protocol or www).

  • friGate determines “on the fly” whether it is necessary to use a proxy for a given site, and then, if necessary, establishes a connection through a proxy server;
  • there is a list of resources that are blocked, the list is often supplemented by developers;
  • presence of a proxy from the developer.

  • in the browser Mozilla Firefox you cannot view your personal list of sites, as well as limited editing capabilities;
  • sometimes disappears from the store for a while;
  • a small list of resources below the block.

How to download and install

friGate is a convenient extension for accessing any blocked sites. To install it, do the following:

  1. Open the browser from Yandex.
  2. Click on the link
  3. This is a Chrome extension store. In the search bar, type: “FriGate” and press Enter.

Recently, situations have increasingly arisen on the Internet in which it is necessary to hide your location or IP address. The Frigate extension comes to the rescue, which exists on many modern browsers, including on .

Main functions and features

Frigate extension features:

Traffic encryption. When the extension is running, the data between the user's computer and the server is encrypted. Thanks to this, third parties will not be able to intercept them in any way;

  • Change of IP address. If necessary, the user can enable the function of changing the IP address. In this case, the site will receive only proxy server data, and the real recipient will remain hidden;
  • Acceleration of access. If the proxy server is located close to the user's computer, this can significantly improve Internet speed. The reason for this is that the connection between the computer and the proxy will be at normal speed, and between the proxy and the site server will be at high speed;
  • Unblocking sites. Some web resources block access to countries or certain regions. However, they can be tricked by passing data through a proxy that is not located in the blocked area.

The Frigate extension can be useful both for visitors to web resources and for their owners.

Benefits for users:

  • It works selectively and only enables data redirection through a proxy if a direct connection is prohibited.
  • It uses only dedicated proxies. This provides much higher speed access, and accordingly the exchange of information between users and sites (naturally, this is in theory -in practice the speed may be lower - it all depends on the quality of the proxy server). In addition, this type of connection reduces the likelihood of leakage of personal data to third parties.

Benefits for webmasters:

  • Site visitors can access it at any time, even if the site is temporarily unavailable for the region.

The Frigate extension uses transparent HTTP/HTTPS proxies.

They do not hide the user's real IP address or location.

  • This type of proxy server is useless in terms of providing anonymity, but is nevertheless excellent for speeding up data transfer and bypassing local blocks. These proxies do not cause any inconvenience to webmasters, since they do not in any way affect the statistics of resource visits, providing the IP addresses of real users.

How to install

Since Yandex Browser is based on the Chromium project, it is fully compatible with all applications from the Chrome online store. Therefore, in order to download the Frigate extension, you should follow the following instructions:

    1. Open the Chrome Web Store;
    2. In the search bar located in the upper left corner, enter “Frigate”;
  1. Select friGate CDN, located in the “Extensions” section;
  2. In the pop-up window, click on the “Install” button, after which another window will appear at the top of the page, in which you need to confirm your intentions.

This will complete the installation of the extension, as indicated by a pop-up message and the Frigate icon appearing next to the address bar.

Pros and cons of Frigate

  • Frigate is immediately enabled only on those sites that are included in special lists (i.e., prohibited lists). Initially, the extension has only one such list containing 150 items, but if necessary, you can create your own;
  • Frigate determines whether a site is blocked and only then turns on the proxy.
  • The extension is not suitable for those who want to remain anonymous on absolutely all sites, because it only works with previously created lists.


This extension works great with installed settings, but you can “tweak” something yourself. To do this, in the upper right corner, right-click on the extension logo and context menu select “Settings”.

After this, the settings window opens.

Checking work

Let's try to see what this extension gives us. First of all, there is a register of prohibited sites in the Russian Federation. This site is located at

Without much hassle, we select the very first site (it is blocked by court), having previously disabled Frigate - click on the extension icon in the upper right corner of the browser and it will turn into an icon with the inscription “off” (which in English means “Off” .
So, go to the site under study without an extension. And we see such a vile picture:

It turns out that there is no such site on the Internet!

Now we turn on our extension (click on the “off” icon) and go to the same address again and see a completely different picture.

Order yourself as much alcoholic poison as you want in Moscow.
And so with every blocked site...

If your favorite Internet resource has been blocked by your provider or system administrator, you don't have to forget about it. Correct extension installed for Mozilla browser Firefox will allow you to bypass such blocking.

friGate is one of the best browser extensions for Mozilla Firefox that allows you to access blocked sites by connecting to a proxy server that will change your real IP address. The uniqueness of this add-on lies in the fact that it is capable of passing through a proxy not all sites without exception, but only those that are included in a special list.

How to use friGate

Over time, friGate developers removed most of the functions from their product. For example, there are no longer tools for maintaining anonymity and compressing incoming traffic. But friGate still copes well with its main task - allowing you to access blocked sites.

  1. To open the extension menu, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the browser.
  2. On the tab "Operating mode" you can set which resources will pass through the proxy: only those from the friGate list or all without exception. By default, the first option is activated in the extension. If you want the extension to pass all traffic through a proxy, activate the option "All sites".
  3. In the next tab "Latest open sites", accordingly, the resources visited in the browser are opened. To add a resource to the friGate list, check the box next to it, and then click on the button "Save".
  4. To quickly disable the add-on, move the slider "ON" in the upper right corner to the inactive position. To enable Frigate again, activate this item.
  5. friGate also provides advanced settings. Right-click on the extension icon and select "Extension Management".
  6. On the tab "Operating mode" it is set whether sites from the list or all resources opened in Firefox will be loaded through a proxy.
  7. In the next tab "List of sites" You can add web resources to which you have limited access. To do this, paste the link into the window, and then click on the button "Save".
  8. If you have an operating mode set that passes all sites through a proxy, the add-on, on the contrary, allows you to create a list of resources that will open in normal mode. To do this, go to the tab "Exclusion Sites", insert links to the desired sites and click on the button "Save".
  9. On the tab "Proxy" contains servers that friGate will use when gaining access to blocked resources.
  10. Please note that the add-on only includes Russian proxies. Accordingly, in order to gain access to blocked sites in the Russian Federation, you will need to manually add servers from other countries. You can find them either manually or with using Google(for this purpose there is a button at the bottom of the window “Search for proxies in Google”.

  11. Add a proxy server to the column and save the changes by clicking the button "Save".

friGate is a VPN extension for Mozilla Firefox that has been tested by many users, the use of which allows you to get rid of barriers on the Internet.

The latest steps by the Ukrainian government aimed at blocking popular social networks“VKontakte” and “Odnoklassniki”, resources “”, “Yandex” and others contributed to a surge of interest in software tools that allow. One such tool is the “Frigate” browser extension, which uses proxy servers to bypass unwanted blocks for the user. In this material I will tell you what a frigate is, how to use friGate, and what are the features of its functionality.

What is friGate?

"friGate" is an extension for Chrome browsers, Firefox, as well as Chromium-based navigators (Yandex.Browser, Opera, Amigo, etc.), designed to gain access to blocked sites. In his work "Frigate" (this is the literal translation of the English “frigate”) uses foreign proxy servers (usually from the USA, France, Great Britain, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands), allowing you to receive content from a site blocked by censors.

The principle of working with proxies is standard: you make a request to a proxy in order to access a blocked site, the proxy server contacts this site, downloads content from it, which then forwards it to you. Nominally, some Spanish server contacted the blocked site, but in fact it was you from Russia or Ukraine.

  1. The friGate extension I'm reviewing is downloaded and installed on your browser, after which the corresponding icon will appear in the toolbar (top right).
  2. After clicking on it with the left or right mouse button (depending on the browser), this extension can be activated/deactivated, changed its settings, selected the preferred proxy server country, and so on.

The “friGate” option provides the ability to use turbo compression (transmitted data is compressed, which allows saving traffic and data transfer speed). As well as activating the “anonymity” mode, which does not allow various software tools to track your online activities.

In addition, you can disable advertising(at the expense of which the extension developers live). To do this, in Mozilla you need to go to Browser Settings - “Add-ons” - “Extensions”, find “friGate” in the list of extensions and click on the “Settings” button on the right. In the settings that open, check the “Disable advertising” checkbox.

In Chrome, this is done by going to the application settings (right mouse button on the “Frigate” icon - “Options”), and checking the box next to the “Do not show ads” item.

How to add a site to your friGate list

An important feature of “frigate” is the ability to activate this application not for all sites (as you know, working with a proxy somewhat slows down the operation of Internet resources), but only for those selected by the user. Below I will describe how to use friGate in this context in Firefox and Chrome.

Firefox browser

  1. Install "Frigate" by going to the Firefox extension store and clicking on "Add to Firefox".
  2. After installing the extension, restart your browser, the “friGate” icon will appear in the browser panel on the top right.
  3. Now go to the problematic site and wait until the browser gives you a message that this site is unavailable (the address of the blocked site must be in the address bar of the browser).
  4. Now click on the “friGate” icon with the left mouse button, in the menu that appears, check the box next to the “enable proxy for sites from the list” option.
  5. Then hover your cursor over the top panel (“site not from the list”), and in the panel that opens, select “add site to list.”

Chrome browser

  1. Install the Chrome browser extension from the Chrome store.
  2. After installing the extension, hover your mouse over the “frigate” icon, right-click and select “options”.
  3. There is already a list of sites that can be bypassed using a proxy, but you can add your own list by entering a name for it and clicking on the “Add list” button.

Click on “Add to List” to create your list of sites

After you add your list, click on it and enter the address of the blocked domain into it (for example, * - an asterisk and a dot before the name allows you to add a domain with subdomains), and click on the “Add site” button. You can also activate the “proxy is always enabled” option for a given site, or use an analytical algorithm that allows the extension to choose when to activate the proxy for a specified resource.

Setting up a list of Frigate sites

Unfortunately, at the moment the "friGate" extension for Firefox browser does not support customizing a list of sites. This setting available for browsers based on the Chromium core (for example, Google Chrome).

  1. To configure the list, hover the cursor over the “Frigate” icon in the browser and right-click.
  2. In the menu that appears, select “Options” and in the window that opens you will see a list of over 200 blocked sites called “friGate”.
  3. By clicking on it you can view this list, as well as deactivate the blocking of any of these sites by clicking on the corresponding button on the right.
  4. You can also create your own list and add the resources you need to it. The specifics of creating and editing such a list were described by me in the previous section.


In this material I described how to start using the friGate extension and how to configure the list of sites in this plugin. The tool I reviewed will be useful to those users who want to restore full access to resources blocked in their country (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Yandex, various torrent trackers and other resources). Download and install Fregat, find the country whose proxies work the fastest and most stable - and you can forget about censorship in your country.

For certain reasons, Internet users are not always able to access desired page. As a rule, this is due to the administrator restricting access to the site, or the provider blocks the site for security reasons. And now in the Russian Federation another campaign has launched against pirates and unwanted people (they write all sorts of things on their blogs there... in general, you don’t need them). And some uncles (aunts) decide for you what you can watch and what you don’t need at all.

However, if you still urgently need to get to such an Internet page, there is a possibility to solve this problem. Browser developers have come up with a plugin called friGate, which allows access to any kind of blocked sites.
The friGate plugin is an incredibly valuable application that allows you to check the availability of a site and removes access restrictions if it is blocked.

This is done quite simply:

When a blockage is detected, the plugin connects a proxy server, which acts as an intermediary between the Internet resource and the computer. As a result, any blocked site becomes accessible to the user, for which no additional effort is required.

Important features of friGate operation

At present, there are no full-fledged analogues of Frigate yet, and if there are certain ones, then they are characterized by certain shortcomings. In particular, a proxy server can mistakenly launch all sites, not just blocked ones, and as a result, frequent connections of users through a proxy server will likely lead to an increase in the level of security, since the administrator will consider such an action an attack on the site. With the FriGate extension, unlike other plugins, such problems do not arise. It allows you to gain access only if you are actually blocked, which will protect you from increasing the security of the site you are using.
The FriGate plugin has other advantages:

  • “Smart” management independently determines whether access to the site is blocked, using a proxy server if necessary;
  • The administrator systematically updates the list of restricted sites.

Moreover, the user himself has the opportunity to add verified resources or his own proxies at the right time.

How to install FriGate

However, Frigate also has a minor drawback: it cannot be installed directly on the Opera browser. (But we can handle it). As you can see, with the standard installation of extensions it is not found at all (something completely different comes out). Initially, the plugin was created exclusively for and. The extension can only be downloaded from the Chrome store, and there is no way to download it from Opera. However, there is a proven way to install FriGate for the Opera browser:

By installing FriGate, you can open in Opera browser any previously blocked Internet pages, for which you do not have to seek help from other, more progressive browsers installed on your computer.
