Thousands of articles and books are freely available on the Internet. Any user can read them through a browser without saving them to a computer. To make this process convenient and comfortable, there are special extensions that switch pages to reading mode.

Thanks to it, a web page resembles a book page - all unnecessary elements are eliminated, formatting is changed and the background is removed. The images and videos that accompany the text remain. Some settings are made available to the user to improve the reading experience.

A simple way to turn any Internet page into a text page is to install the appropriate add-on. In Google Webstore you can find various extensions designed for this purpose.

The second method, which became available to Yandex Browser users relatively recently, is to use the built-in and customizable reading mode.

Method 1: Installing the extension

One of the most popular add-ons for putting Internet pages into reading mode is Mercury Reader. It has modest functionality, but it is quite enough for comfortable reading at different times of the day and on different monitors.




You can configure the display of web pages in reading mode. Click on the gear button, which will be located at the top right of the page:

There are 3 settings available:

Method 2: Using the built-in reading mode

In most cases, users only need the built-in reading mode, which was developed specifically for Yandex.Browser. It also has basic settings, which is usually enough for comfortable work with text.

This feature does not need to be enabled in your web browser settings, as it works by default. You can find the reading mode button on the address bar:

This is what the page looks like in reading mode:

There are 3 settings on the top panel:

The panel automatically disappears when you scroll down the page, and reappears when you hover over the area where it is located.

You can return the original appearance of the site by reusing the button in the address bar, or by clicking on the cross in the right corner:

Reading mode is a very convenient feature that allows you to focus on reading and not be distracted by other elements of the site. You don't have to read books in the browser to use it - pages in this format don't slow down when scrolling, and copy-protected text can be easily selected and placed on the clipboard.

The tool for reading mode built into Yandex Browser has all the necessary settings, which eliminates the need to resort to alternative options that provide comfortable viewing of text content. However, if you are not satisfied with its functionality, then you can use various browser extensions that have a unique set of options.


At the beginning of 2017, the YouTube service began testing new design, which has a night mode (theme). While the service has not fully switched to this design, it can be enabled in some browsers. Below we will consider the option of enabling night mode on Youtube on operating system Windows on the following browsers: Chrome, Yandex and Firefox.

The general principle for installing a new theme on YouTube is as follows:

  • 1) It is recommended to update your browser.
  • 2) Log in with Google service. .
  • 3) Register in the browser console or switch to a new design.
  • 4) Switch to " Night mode»..

Now let's look at the nuances of this instruction in more detail. You need to update your browser because... On older versions, the YouTube design may not change.

Google Chrome Update

To update Google Chrome you need to go to the menu, then “ Reference» => « ABOUT Google browser Chrome».

Yandex.Browser update

Click on settings, then " Additionally» => « About the browser»:

Firefox update

Settings => " Open help menu» => « About firefox»:


Writing code in Console

After the update, it is appropriate, as required by the browser, to restart the program. We go to the updated browser, log in (enter the login and password for your YouTube account), if this has not already been done. Then go to the “Console” of the browser by pressing the keys Ctrl+Shift+I(the last letter “and English” corresponds to the letter Ш on the Russian layout). This combination works in all browsers reviewed. Next, copy the following content into the Console line document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=fPQ4jCL6EiE" and press the key Enter.

If the transition to the new design has not occurred, then follow the link and click " Switch to new design».

There is a small nuance in Mozilla Firefox, the mouse cursor when hovering over your avatar does not change from an “arrow” to a “hand”, unlike Chrome and Yandex Browser. It seems that the avatar is not clickable, this is not so, check. If everything is done correctly, then you will now be able to turn on or off “night mode” on Yotube.

Add-on support has another interesting use. With their help, we can quickly assess the popularity of an idea before making a decision to develop it. And today we invite users to pay attention to the Care your Eyes add-on, which will make reading more comfortable at night. It will render pages in dark colors, which will relieve the strain on your eyes.

We invite you to evaluate the idea of ​​the night mode and make your suggestions on its interface.


They can add new features using add-ons. Moreover, you can install them not only from the recommended list, but also from existing Opera Addons and Chrome Web Store directories. Our Browser is the only one mobile browser with this opportunity.

Add-on support has another interesting use. With their help, we can quickly assess the popularity of an idea before making a decision to develop it. And today we invite users to pay attention to the Care your Eyes add-on, which will make reading more comfortable at night. It will render pages in dark colors, which will relieve the strain on your eyes.

Care your Eyes is a third-party add-on developed outside of Yandex. For this reason, its interface has not yet been translated into Russian, but it is easy to understand. You can install it in one click from the built-in catalog. To switch to night mode, click on the add-on icon in the browser menu, and then on the “Disabled” button.

We invite you to evaluate the idea of ​​the night mode and make your suggestions on its interface.


They can add new features using add-ons. Moreover, you can install them not only from the recommended list, but also from existing Opera Addons and Chrome Web Store directories. Our Browser is the only mobile browser with this feature.

Add-on support has another interesting use. With their help, we can quickly assess the popularity of an idea before making a decision to develop it. And today we invite users to pay attention to the Care your Eyes add-on, which will make reading more comfortable at night. It will render pages in dark colors, which will relieve the strain on your eyes.

Care your Eyes is a third-party add-on developed outside of Yandex. For this reason, its interface has not yet been translated into Russian, but it is easy to understand. You can install it in one click from the built-in catalog. To switch to night mode, click on the add-on icon in the browser menu, and then on the “Disabled” button.

We invite you to evaluate the idea of ​​the night mode and make your suggestions on its interface.

They can add new features using add-ons. Moreover, you can install them not only from the recommended list, but also from existing Opera Addons and Chrome Web Store directories. Our Browser is the only mobile browser with this feature.

Add-on support has another interesting use. With their help, we can quickly assess the popularity of an idea before making a decision to develop it. And today we invite users to pay attention to the Care your Eyes add-on, which will make reading more comfortable at night. It will render pages in dark colors, which will relieve the strain on your eyes.

Care your Eyes is a third-party add-on developed outside of Yandex. For this reason, its interface has not yet been translated into Russian, but it is easy to understand. You can install it in one click from the built-in catalog. To switch to night mode, click on the add-on icon in the browser menu, and then on the “Disabled” button.

We invite you to evaluate the idea of ​​the night mode and make your suggestions on its interface.

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Today we invite users to pay attention to the Care your Eyes add-on, which will make reading more comfortable at night. It will render pages in dark colors, which will relieve the strain on your eyes. We invite you to evaluate the idea of ​​the night mode and make your suggestions on its interface.


Today we invite users to pay attention to the Care your Eyes add-on, which will make reading more comfortable at night. It will render pages in dark colors, which will relieve the strain on your eyes. We invite you to evaluate the idea of ​​the night mode and make your suggestions on its interface.

Today we invite users to pay attention to the Care your Eyes add-on, which will make reading more comfortable at night. It will render pages in dark colors, which will relieve the strain on your eyes. We invite you to evaluate the idea of ​​the night mode and make your suggestions on its interface.

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Blue light is said to be harmful to the eyes, especially at night when you are most likely to use your device in the dark. It supposedly leads to poor sleep, which leads to poor health. Few people know, but you can turn on the night Android mode devices.

On your computer you can use an application called f.lux. iOS also has a Night Mode feature. These methods add a red tint to your screen to eliminate the blue spectrum, which is beneficial for the eyes. Night mode Android devices It may seem uncomfortable at first, but you will soon get used to this image.

Unfortunately, Android devices don't have a built-in way to enable night mode, or at least it's not that obvious. Android Nougat has a hidden version of night mode that can be opened with third party applications. This method does not work on devices with Android versions lower than Nougat, so we will also look at some alternatives that can be downloaded from Google Play Store.

How to Enable Night Mode in Android Nougat

Night mode was hidden in the beta version of Android Nougat, and was simply removed in release. The menu still exists, but you won't be able to access it as easily as before.

First you need to enable System UI Tuner. To do this, pull down the notification panel twice and press and hold the gear icon. After a few seconds you can release it and it will start spinning. An icon next to the gear will appear, which means UI Tuner is enabled.

Now that UI Tuner is enabled, you need to install Night Mode Enabler from Google Play.

After the application is installed, launch it and click on the “Enable Night Mode” button. A new menu should open with a pop-up message saying “Yay, you should now have a quick toggle for Night Mode available.” (Hurray, now you can switch to night mode).

Before adding the quick switch, you can enable Android night mode to understand how it works. If you cannot turn on the night mode with the switch located on the right, then try clicking on the word “Enabled”, which is located at the top left. The screen should turn yellow.

To use night mode more effectively, turn on the “Turn on automatically” switch. This feature will allow you to use your location and turn on the night mode of your Android device when it gets dark outside. You can also use night mode to adjust the brightness, just slide the switch.

How to enable night mode of Android devices below Nougat

Users of devices with Android versions lower than Nougat also want to take advantage of night mode. There are several methods that we will tell you about.

There are three popular apps available on Google Play: CF.lumen, f.lux and Twilight.

It is worth noting that CF.lumen and f.lux require root rights, Twilight does without them. But CF.lumen and f.lux have more different settings than Twilight.

There are many different studies that suggest that filtering blue light on your device will help you sleep. It would be nice to see TV and other device manufacturers add a night mode feature to their devices.

Screens are becoming very relevant. If you like to surf the Internet at night, you've probably noticed: sites opened in the browser are usually made in light colors, which creates some inconvenience when the monitor is in dim brightness mode. Let's figure out how to deal with this problem.

Changing the contrast of sites
and switching them to night mode

You can adjust the contrast of the sites you are viewing according to your preferences using a plugin for Google Chrome with a very eloquent name - “ Sharp Contrast”. We download and install it, after which we see the corresponding notification button next to the address bar.

By clicking on the plugin button, we open a window in which you can activate it.

We turn on the plugin (this can also be done using the key combination “Shift+F11”), and see how the color scheme in the browser has changed.

If desired, you can set additional settings contrast.

Changing the site color scheme

Users who may find the capabilities of the application described above insufficient are advised to pay attention to another plugin - “Color Filter”. It is installed from the Chrome store in the same way as other add-ons.

Click the plugin button, check the “Enable” checkbox, then click the “Setup” button. Next, select the line in which the stars seem the dimmest to you. After selection, move the slider in the lower field until the star in the marked line becomes clearly visible. At the same time, we observe how the color scheme of the current site has changed.
