The genius of some people is simply impossible to deny. What is Jobs worth, who set a new standard for the whole world, in terms of mobile devices. Not a single manufacturer has been able to deviate from the established canons for a whole decade. But all thoughts about greatness and genius disappear when the iPhone 5s does not turn on; it is unclear what to do in such a situation and commercial geniuses are in no hurry to explain themselves.

Why does iPhone break?

No device can work without failures. More precisely, not a single high-tech device can fail once during its entire service life:

  • iPhone is smartphone, assembled from dozens of different components.
  • Each part of the iPhone, in itself, is a small miracle and the result of scientific and technological progress.
  • All these components are connected to each other thanks to rather fragile cables that have the ability to fail at the most inopportune moment.
  • The “human factor” cannot be ruled out; not every user can boast of handling fashionable gadgets with care.

In such conditions, sooner or later the phone will stop showing “signs of life,” and problems will arise with the sensor or some services. This is inevitable; you should prepare yourself for such a turn in advance. Understanding and looking for the culprits in this case is not the most reasonable solution; it is better to try to correct the situation yourself.

Do-it-yourself equipment repair

Official dealers always advise carrying products to service centers And do not try to fix the problem yourself:

  1. This is beneficial to the manufacturer from a commercial point of view. For the repair of any, even the most insignificant malfunction, you can issue a good bill.
  2. This is convenient in terms of diagnostics. It is much easier to try to restore a device when you know for sure that no one has dug into it or performed any manipulations before you.
  3. This is sometimes simply unacceptable to the user. The user needs the device in working order within a couple of hours, and the service center advises to come in 3-4 days.
  4. This can take a significant toll on your budget. Even minor, but regular breakdowns outside the warranty period will cost a pretty penny.

And we’re not just talking about iPhones or even phones in general. The manufacturer is really interested in a minimum number of breakdowns and malfunctions in the products sold. But even more, corporations want the user to turn to them for help with all the difficulties that arise, and not solve them on their own.

iPhone turned off and won’t turn on: what to do?

If your iPhone refuses to turn on:

  • Simultaneously hold down two buttons - “Home” and “Power”. Sometimes this action already helps to achieve the desired effect.
  • Press the buttons and hold them in this state a little longer. Even after half a minute, do not despair; the phone may still begin to show signs of life.
  • Put your device on charge, you may not have noticed how the battery fully sat down
  • Let it charge for 15 minutes, even if just recently the battery was almost full. If only you knew how lithium batteries suffer in the cold.
  • Click the sound switch a couple of times. From a theoretical point of view, this should not affect the performance of the smartphone at all. But in practice, such manipulation sometimes really helps to restart an already hopelessly “extinguished” device.
  • Launch iTunes on your PC and connect the cable from your iPhone. While connecting, you should press “Home” on your phone. This is an option to quickly restore your smartphone; just click the “Restore” button on the screen.

All these methods of checking the phone’s functionality will not take more than a minute. And what’s even more interesting is that they will not harm the device itself in any way. Just think, no one opens the case, no one gets into the “insides” of the iPhone. If you can’t start the phone yourself, you can safely contact the service center.

What to do if your iPhone is dropped and won’t turn on?

Mechanical damage is a separate issue:

  1. Malfunctions caused by a fall or other physical impact are always more difficult to correct.
  2. Any problem is associated with the destruction or serious damage to part of the iPhone.
  3. Most likely, you won’t be able to do it without turning to specialists for help.
  4. The problem may be due to damage not to the part itself, but to the cable that connects it to all other components.

If you have already “opened” your iPhone, this experience can be repeated again:

  • Inspect the contents carefully.
  • Try to look for cracks, signs of impact or compression.
  • Inspect all cables and correct them if necessary.
  • Check it out.

Sometimes this is enough to get the phone working again. If you don’t understand anything about electronics, have never seen microcircuits and don’t know which side to hold the soldering iron on, it’s better to take your iPhone to a company service center immediately after a fall.

When it comes to relatively expensive equipment, it is sometimes cheaper to pay for someone else's work than to try to do something for the first time.

Should I tell specialists about the cause of the malfunction? If the iPhone is under warranty, you can remain silent about it or confidently prove that the phone never fell anywhere. Warranty cases for mechanical damage do not apply, otherwise, maybe you’ll get lucky. Issues of conscience are a separate issue. Has the warranty expired? Then feel free to say, this will simplify the diagnosis of the device.

How to fix an iPhone 5s on your own?

If your favorite phone suddenly stops turning on, you need to:

  1. Don't panic, pull yourself together as quickly as possible.
  2. Check that the charging port is in good condition; it could be deformed or clogged with dirt.
  3. Make sure the phone charges properly when turned off. The reason may lie in a malfunction of the iPhone battery or problems with the charger itself.
  4. Press two buttons - “Home” and “Power”, hold them in this position for up to a minute.
  5. Play with the sound switch, then hold down the two treasured buttons again.
  6. Connect your phone to your computer, having first launched iTunes on your desktop device. Automatic recovery may start.
  7. Put the iPhone on charge overnight and check its performance in the morning using all the methods described above.

None of the options bring you closer to solving the riddle? Well, it's time to entrust this problem to real specialists.

Every year the number of users with Apple products increases, but many newcomers have absolutely no idea what to do and where to run if their iPhone 5s doesn’t turn on.

Video: what to do if iPhone 5s does not turn on

In this video, phone repairman Oleg Romanov will tell you how you can revive an iPhone 5s that won’t turn on:

Greetings! iPhone, like any other technically complex device, is prone to breakdowns. Yes, yes, yes, there are no perfect gadgets (that’s news!) and Apple’s smartphone is no exception to this rule. One of the most common ailments is the iPhone turning off on its own for no reason. That is, it seems to be charging, in general everything is working fine, but sometimes it will turn off. Moreover, these “tricks” occur periodically and quite often!

Now we will find out about the reasons for such a breakdown, and whether it is inherently a defect at all (and in some cases everything is logical and more or less normal). And of course, we’ll find out what can be done about an iPhone that constantly turns off at home, without visiting a service center (we’ll always have time to get there!). Let's begin!

Why does a situation arise when the iPhone turns off by itself:

  • Spontaneous reboots may be due to software problems. For example, if you have installed operating system iOS or its jailbreak, then periodic shutdowns should not be surprising. Although such options happen not only in these cases.
  • If this happens outside during the cold season, then this is exactly the case when the iPhone turns off (even if there is still charging) is a completely logical phenomenon. Read more about.
  • Problems with hardware. In 95% of cases it is either a battery or a power controller. To begin with, it would be a good idea to find out more information about the battery - find out how many recharge cycles there have already been, actual capacity, etc. your iPhone and if it is completely bad, then a replacement is inevitable.

In fact, this is all that can cause your iPhone to upset you by periodically stopping its work. Now let’s look at the actions that need to be performed in order to correct this ailment and the iPhone stops turning itself off for no reason:

  1. The best way to deal with various software errors that lead to reboots is to use. As a result, we get a “clean” device with the latest current firmware. If you have important data on your smartphone, do not forget to create it or.
  2. It is quite possible that the iPhone simply cannot turn on, the screen lights up and the device itself immediately turns off. Know that simple connection to the socket there is no way to save him. about what to do in such cases.
  3. A hard reboot can help! Simultaneously press two buttons – Home (round under the screen) and Power (power) and hold them for 10-15 seconds until the screen lights up. Updated! This combination does not work for all models - here. There is no need to worry about your data; it will not be lost during this manipulation.
  4. As I already said, if the problem is “iron”, then in most cases either the battery or the cable is to blame and they need to be changed. If you do not have sufficient repair skills and experience, contact the service.
  5. By the way, if several more problems are added to the shutdown - a blue screen, various stripes on the display, then the problem may be somewhat more serious than simply replacing the battery. Microcracks on the board and other scary things are possible. Here we definitely need diagnostics. Although... read about it, there are several sensible ideas for combating this and other ailments.

To summarize or instead of an afterword...

As we found out, there are only two reasons why the iPhone turns off by itself (we won’t count special case when used in the cold season) - these are either software failures or problems inside the gadget.

And if you can and should deal with the former on your own, then in case of any breakdowns it is better to turn to professionals. Especially if you know for sure that the availability for your device has not expired.

P.S. If you have any questions or have any questions, write them in the comments (if possible, give them a “like”!) – as I can, as they say, I will help.

If you find yourself in a situation where your iPhone won’t turn on, no matter what you do, then try to find a solution in our article. Particularly sad in such a situation is the thought of expensive repairs and the time that you will have to spend without your phone. Even if the phone refuses to turn on, this does not indicate the presence of serious defects or mechanical failure; perhaps the reason lies in a firmware failure. Let's figure it out The iPhone turned off and won't turn on, what should you do in such a situation?

Apple enjoys success in the global market largely due to the excellent quality of its products. Most often, problems with the functioning of technology occur as a result of incorrect interaction with it. Perhaps the device stopped turning on after falling or coming into contact with moisture. Try to remember what happened to the phone on the last day before it broke. We recommend equipping your iPhone with protective glass and carrying it in a bumper, which will ensure it maximum protection during use. If you did not drop your smartphone and it did not interact with water, then perhaps the problem is caused by glitches in the firmware. For this reason, problems of a mechanical and software nature are distinguished.

Software problems

If the iPhone cannot turn off or does not turn on, then the reason may be a firmware glitch, its reluctance to work properly and excessive load RAM.
Possible reasons:

  1. The system may restart frequently when there is a large number of installed programs, working in background and loading RAM. We recommend leaving only really necessary programs, and remove the unnecessary ones;
  2. Self-unlocking of the device. In most cases, the procedure proceeds without any consequences, but in exceptional cases it can harm your device. It will be possible to restore an iPhone after an unsuccessful Jailbreak by switching to DFU mode, where everything is done quite easily;
  3. Another likely cause is repeatedly entering the wrong password. Resetting the password is easy and is done in DFU mode, after which you can create a new one and write it down so as not to return to this problem again.

Hardware problem

The question iPhone turned off and won’t turn on, what to do, can take any user by surprise. In such a situation, it is important to put aside panic and try to figure out the problem yourself by studying the materials in our article. Problems with hardware do not appear often, because the company offers its customers high-quality equipment that has passed all tests in the factory.

Possible causes of the malfunction:

  1. Damage to the board, power controller, RAM and other internal components;
  2. Most often, a smartphone stops turning on after a fall, when the screen or back cover breaks. This is a very unfortunate situation, because installing a new display is one of the most expensive services. Handle your smartphone with care, carry it with protective glass and a bumper to avoid this problem;
  3. Quite often, the iPhone stops turning on after moisture gets into the case. We recommend that in such a situation you do not even try to turn it on, but contact a service center where they will perform high-quality drying using modern equipment. If you don’t yet have the opportunity to take your device for repair, then place it on a warm battery and leave it for the whole day. Then it is better not to turn it on for several days, otherwise the contacts will oxidize and corrosion will begin to appear. Motherboard and the elements installed on it are very expensive, so it is better not to experiment, but to immediately entrust the work to experienced specialists.

How to start a smartphone?

If you are convinced that the problem is hardware in nature, then you need to contact a professional service center, where you will have the problem quickly and efficiently fixed. We strongly do not recommend disassembling the gadget yourself and trying to fix a technical breakdown. This is especially true in cases where the device is still under warranty. If you have hardware problems, you can restore your iPhone yourself by switching to DFU mode. To do this you need to download current version iTunes to your computer and launch it. Next, connect the iPhone to the computer using a USB-Lightning cable. Press and hold the Power and Home keys simultaneously for 10 seconds. Then release the Power button and hold Home for the same amount of time.

Next, iTunes will detect the device in DFU recovery mode. Upon completion of the recovery procedure, we try to turn on the phone and make sure that everything is fine. If this measure is not effective, then take it to a service center. Only qualified specialists will be able to fix the breakdown.

Even the best-quality equipment is prone to problems and breakdowns. So the legendary iPhone periodically frightens its owners with minor malfunctions and “glitches,” causing them to become nervous and panic.

Fortunately, not all failures lead to service centers, and if your iPhone does not respond to buttons, then you can solve the problem yourself, especially since the multifunctionality of the iPhone contributes to this.

If the iPhone 6 or 7-8 series is frozen and does not want to respond to any external buttons, then you need to understand the reasons for this “behavior” and, accordingly, eliminate them.

Options for device inactivity may be as follows:

  • Full discharge to zero. It's very easy to check this version. To do this, connect the iPhone to the network using the original charger and 15 minutes later - after receiving the first volume required charge– we are trying to reactivate. You should start worrying if the charging screen does not appear after 15 minutes. But perhaps the reason for the iPhone’s “silence” lies in the options listed below.
  • Freezing. It is provoked by software difficulties, but everything is quickly resolved by a forced reboot, which we will describe below.
  • "Save Mode". This function is enabled automatically in cases where the equipment for a long time didn't reboot. For the owner, this looks like a non-functioning display of his beloved iPhone, which, of course, causes panic. In fact, the “fault” can be easily fixed by a forced reboot.

For models of different series, their own combinations have been developed:

  • iPhone 6, 5 and earlier series models will benefit from a long and simultaneous hold (10-15 seconds) "Power" and "Home" buttons.
  • Products iPhone 7 and 7 Plus series will have to be recorded "Power On" and "Volume Down" for ten to fifteen seconds.
  • On iPhone X, iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus: Press and quickly release the Volume Up button. Press and quickly release the Volume Down button. Then press and hold the Side button until the Apple logo appears.

In the first two cases, you need to hold the keys for 15-20 seconds or until it appears on the display Apple logo.

There is another way resuscitation Apple phones– iTunes program. This method can be considered the most radical, since it resets all device settings to factory settings and installs backup copy.

This helps activate the iPhone, despite the appearance of its complete destruction.

To work with iTunes you will need:

  • A computer or laptop with the latest version of iTunes;
  • The “non-working” iPhone itself;
  • A cable for connecting one device to another.
  1. Connect the iPhone to the MacBook and open iTunes;
  2. We put the iPhone into recovery mode, for which we press the buttons responsible for a forced reboot (see instructions above);
  3. We are waiting for the Apple logo to appear on the display, and then a special recovery mode screen with a colored iTunes note;
  4. Next in the menu, when a dialog box appears, click “Update”. If the “update” fails, you can also try restoring the data from a backup.

So, if you have difficulties with buttons and black, red or blue screen The equipment needs to be charged, rebooted or updated.

In other cases, troubleshooting is carried out in the service.

What to do if iPhone problems Are they connected not to the buttons, but to the sensor? There are some tips here.


Why does the iPhone not respond to the sensor and what to do about it

When the sensor on an iPhone fails, it’s even more interesting than problems with the buttons.

Depending on the severity of the situation, the touchscreen can:

  • Do not respond to touch;
  • Freezes when you touch the screen with your finger.

And here again we need to figure out what became the original source of the problem, since usually the iPhone sensor is infinitely resistant and very rarely breaks.

Fault options:

  1. Software glitches. The reasons for their appearance may be excessive load on the device’s RAM, as well as simple overheating. Such a breakdown is expressed through freezing of the equipment - incorrect behavior of the sensor and lack of response to pressing buttons. Eliminated by forced reboot .
  2. Display module wear. The iPhone sensor is an element of the display module, and if the sensor breaks down, protective glass or the display itself has to be replaced by the entire complex element. Repairs should only be carried out by professionals, as otherwise it is impossible to guarantee either the quality or durability of the replaced part. The last problem can only be fixed in the service, but as for the first block of software failures, here you can revive the iPhone yourself.

The following methods are suitable for combating freezing:

  • Removing unlicensed software and clearing the device’s memory of “garbage”;
  • iPhone flashing.
  • To reboot and flash the firmware, you can use the same methods as for resuscitating the device in case of problems with the buttons - a combination of reboot keys “from the manufacturer” and iTunes to restore a backup copy of the data.

    Any malfunction of the iPhone buttons or sensor should be resolved in two steps.

    1. The first is an independent attempt, which in half of the cases leads to success. If the experiment with restoring functionality is unsuccessful, there is no need to open the case and try to diagnose and repair the device.
    2. A better way is to contact specialists who will accurately understand the problem and fix it. Most often it is fast and not very expensive.

    Like any other smartphone, unpleasant situations can also happen with the iPhone. They are associated with both the software and the mechanical part of the device.

    In this article we will look at different types problems that the user may encounter and suggest ways to solve them.


    In this case, the following “symptoms” appear:

    Why do they appear? This is primarily due to:

    1. attempts to independently conduct Jailbreak (opening the system);
    2. clogging the smartphone with a large number of applications that require access to the network, which leads to overload of the operating system;
    3. loss of the password, leading to the device being locked.

    Solving these problems is quite simple - entrust the Jailbreak to professionals or restore the device after it, remove unnecessary applications or disable their network access, and recover the password.


    They may appear in the following cases:

    In most cases, the malfunction is directly related to a damaged screen or case, which allows you to simply replace these parts. If your phone is exposed to moisture or dirty (connectors, buttons, touchscreen, speakers), simple drying or cleaning can help.

    With damage to the motherboard and processor, the situation is much more complicated - their problems can only be eliminated by completely replacing these parts. Below we will talk about other cases related to mechanical damage iPhone.

    Power controller

    One of the common problems is related to the power controller - a small part, the breakdown of which leads to a rapid loss of charge. Before the user can blink, the phone is completely dead. The first thing you can try is to replace the battery, but this is only one of the possible options such a situation.

    First, let's make sure that the problem is really a faulty power controller.

    The following signs must be present:

    Attention! Repairing this part is a rather painstaking process that requires special skills. If you have any of the above symptoms, we recommend contacting a service center.

    Water ingress

    Getting your device into water is one of the main fears of smartphone owners. What to do if your iPhone falls into water and won’t turn on?

    In such a situation, it is necessary to act without delay:

    Voltage drops

    Are you worried about your smartphone quickly draining? This may also be due to improper power supply, especially if a non-original charger is used. This can cause irreparable damage to the battery and lead to voltage surges that can cause the smartphone to burn out.

    To avoid unnecessary costs for repairing the system board and battery, we recommend replacing the charger with an original one.

    Battery is old

    The iPhone battery, of course, does not last forever. Over time, the device begins to discharge faster and even turn off completely. There is only one thing that can help here - replacing the battery.

    To extend battery life, pay attention to the following tips:

    • always charge your smartphone to 100%, avoid frequent short-term charging;
    • use the original charger;
    • don't reboot your phone unnecessary applications– their operation also affects the aging of the battery.


    iPhone won't turn on

    iPhone won't turn on - one of the most frightening situations for users. What are its reasons? This will be discussed further below.

    Due to a broken charging connector

    This case is associated with the inability to charge the device. This is a very common breakdown that occurs when the charging connector is critically dirty. Also, the connector may simply break if you try to charge your phone carelessly.

    You can try to solve this problem yourself by cleaning the connector, but this is not always possible at home. In case of heavy contamination the best solution will contact specialists.

    After the firmware

    This problem occurs directly during the firmware, when the phone suddenly turns off.

    There can be two explanations for this:

    In any of these cases, there is no need to panic - new device firmware will help.

    After falling from a height

    The reason why problems occur if the user drops the phone is quite clear. Most often, it lies in the disconnection of one of the cables leading to the battery, screen or power button.

    With a strong impact, even more serious problems could arise - failure of soldering on system board or failure of one of the microcircuits. If you have the necessary skills, you can try to fix the problem yourself by unscrewing your smartphone and connecting the problematic cable. If not, you will have to contact the service center.

    After replacing the display

    Another common problem. It is mainly caused by incorrect assembly or problems with the cable leading to the screen. You can fix the problem yourself by disassembling the case and checking the problematic cable, or with the help of a specialist.

    After factory reset

    If your iPhone does not turn on after resetting the settings, the following procedure may help:

    When charging

    Device shutdowns when charging are most often associated with battery problems or non-original charging. This may also be due to a breakdown of the power controller, which we already discussed above.

    After jailbreak

    Device freezing after jailbreak is another common problem.

    You can solve it as follows:

    After reboot

    What should I do if the phone does not start after a reboot and only vibrates? A forced reboot will help in this case. To do this, just hold down the Home and Power buttons for a few seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

    Attention! Force reboot does not delete any data from the device. You can do it even if the screen goes dark and the buttons do not respond to pressing.

    Video: HARD RESET

    Apple lights up on iPhone and won't turn on

    This problem occurs after pressing the “Power” button. It is often called a “white apple” because booting the device gets stuck on the company logo. A forced reboot (holding down the power and Home buttons) most often does not work in this case. What to do?

    The solution is quite simple:

    1. turn off the smartphone using a forced restart (press and hold “Home” and “Power”), wait until it turns on;
    2. if the problem repeats and the device is stuck on the logo again, update software phone.

    Important! We also cannot rule out the possibility that the problem was caused by an application. In this case, removing it will help.

    We looked at the most common problems that cause the iPhone to stop turning on. We hope that our step by step instructions helped to get rid of problems and restore the functionality of the device.
