1. General provisions
2. The procedure for determining the base price of design work depending on the natural indicators of design objects
3. The procedure for determining the base price of design work depending on the total cost of construction
4. Basic prices for the development of design and working documentation
Table No. 1. City telephone networks
Table No. 2. Documentary telecommunications
Table No. 3. Long-distance telephone exchanges
Table No. 4. Cable communication lines
Table No. 5. Network nodes
Table No. 6. Rural telephone networks
Table No. 7. Wired broadcasting networks
Table No. 8. Postal facilities (district nodes, city and rural branches)
Table No. 9. Separate installations and structures of wired communications
Table No. 10. Calculations of the influence of electromagnetic induction
Table N 11. Radio relay communication lines
Table N 12. Transmitting and receiving radio stations
Table N 13. Radio and television transmitting stations
Table 14. Earth stations of satellite transmission systems
Table No. 15. Telephone VHF radio communication system with mobile objects
Table No. 16. Hardware and studio complexes of television centers, radio houses, radio television centers
Table N 17. Antennas, feeder lines, waveguide paths for radio communications, radio broadcasting and television facilities
Table No. 18 Steel supports for radio communication, radio broadcasting and television facilities
Table N 19. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), sanitary protection zones (SPZ), restricted development zones (ZZZ), radio coverage areas, radio communication reliability calculations
Table No. 20. Separate shop buildings and structures of radio communications, radio broadcasting and television enterprises
Table No. 21. Large systems of collective television reception (KSKPT)
Table No. 22. Adaptation of finished buildings or premises for the installation of technological communication equipment and automated control systems
Table N 23. Protected information systems, communication and telecommunications systems
Table N 24. Local area networks, structured cabling networks
Table No. 25. Railway and city post offices, mail transportation departments
Table No. 26. Nomenclature of the design object by category of complexity of railway and city post offices, mail transportation departments
Table No. 27. Recommended distribution of the base price for the development of design and working documentation for railway and city post offices, mail transportation departments
Table No. 28. Recommended estimated relative cost of section development project documentation buildings and structures of communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price)
Table No. 29. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing working documentation for buildings and structures of communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price)
Table No. 30. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of design documentation for linear communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price)
Table No. 31. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of working documentation for linear communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price) 1. General provisions
2. The procedure for determining the base price of design work depending on the natural indicators of design objects
3. The procedure for determining the base price of design work depending on the total cost of construction
4. Basic prices for the development of design and working documentation
Table 1. City telephone networks
Table 2. Documentary telecommunications
Table 3. Long-distance telephone exchanges
Table 4. Cable communication lines
Table 5. Network nodes
Table 6. Rural telephone networks
Table 7. Wired broadcast networks
Table 8. Postal facilities (district nodes, city and rural branches)
Table 9. Individual installations and structures of wired communications
Table 10. Calculations of the influence of electromagnetic induction
Table 11. Radio relay communication lines
Table 12. Transmitting and receiving radio stations
Table 13. Radio and television transmitting stations
Table 14. Earth stations of satellite transmission systems
Table 15. Telephone VHF radio communication systems with moving objects
Table 16. Hardware and studio complexes of television centers, radio houses, radio television centers
Table 17. Antennas, feeder lines, waveguide paths for radio communications, radio broadcasting and television facilities
Table 18. Steel supports for radio communications, radio broadcasting and television facilities
Table 19. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), sanitary protection zones (SPZ), restricted development zones (ZZZ), radio coverage areas, radio communication reliability calculations
Table 20. Separate shop buildings and structures of radio communications, radio broadcasting and television enterprises
Table 21.Large systems for collective television reception (KSKPT)
Table 22. Adaptation of finished buildings or premises for the installation of technological communication equipment and automated control systems
Table 23. Secure information systems, communications and telecommunications systems
Table 24. Local area networks, structured cabling networks
Table 25. Railway and city post offices, mail transportation departments
Table 26. Nomenclature of objects by complexity categories of railway and city post offices, mail transportation departments
Table 27. Recommended distribution of the base price for the development of design and working documentation for railway and city post offices, mail transportation departments
Table 28. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of design documentation for buildings and structures of communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price)
Table 29. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing working documentation for buildings and structures of communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price)
Table 30. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of design documentation for linear communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price) ........................
Table 31. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of working documentation for linear communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price)

for design work in construction

SBCP - 2001-02

Communication objects

Designed by Open Joint-Stock Company "Center for Scientific and Methodological Support of Engineering Support of Investments in Construction" (JSC "CENTRINVESTproject") together with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "17 Central Design Institute of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" (FSUE "17 TsPIS MO RF" ). Approved: Ministry regional development Russian Federation by order No. 260 dated May 28, 2010 Registered: Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registration No. 18439 dated September 14, 2010 Information about changes to this SBC, explanations and consultations on the use of SBC, distribution of the SBC is carried out by CENTRINVESTproekt OJSC (125057, Moscow, Leningradsky Ave. 63; tel. (499)-157-39-42).


1.1. State estimate standard“The Directory of basic prices for design work in construction “Communication Facilities” (hereinafter referred to as the Directory) is intended to determine the cost of developing design and working documentation for the construction of communication facilities. 1.2. When using this Handbook, you should be guided by the Methodological Instructions. 1.3. The price level contained in the tables of the Directory is established as of 01/01/2001. 1.4. Basic prices in the Directory are set depending on the natural indicators of design objects (Tables No. 1-24) and the total cost of construction of design objects (Table No. 25). 1.5. The base prices of the Directory take into account the costs of:
  • surveys of existing communications enterprises necessary for design;
  • preparation of technological and construction tasks (except for city telephone network facilities).
1.6. Basic prices of the Directory, in addition to the work listed in paragraph 1.3.6 of section 1 Guidelines, design cost is not taken into account:
  • development automatic systems operational and technical management (ASOTU);
  • works on programming switching devices and devices operating with control according to a recorded program (quasi-electronic and electronic).
1.7. Basic price for the design of two or more enterprises classified under the same title (long-distance telephone exchange together with an automatic telephone or telegraph exchange, two or more automatic telephone exchanges, automatic telephone exchange together with a rural-suburban node or interexchange communication, with a telephone substation (PSK) or a radio node station and etc.), located at the same or different sites, is determined by summing up the prices for design work for each enterprise. 1.8. The base price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of facilities in the years. Moscow, St. Petersburg, cities with a population of more than 1 million people, is determined by Directory prices using coefficients: in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg - up to 1.2; in cities with a population of more than 1 million people - up to 1.1. 1.9. The base price for developing the design of communication facilities in protective structures of civil defense and other special structures is determined according to the prices of the Directory using increasing factors for protection classes:
  • structures IV and V protection class - up to 1.2;
  • structures of protection class III - up to 1.3;
  • structures of protection class II - up to 1.4;
  • structures of protection class I - up to 1.6.
1.10. The cost of design work for the construction of facilities falling within the scope of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 N 5485-1 “On State Secrets” (as amended on October 6, 1997, June 30, November 11, 2003, June 29, August 22, 2004, December 1, 2007), determined based on the basic prices for designing communication facilities using a coefficient of up to 1.2. 1.11. If work is carried out to assess the environmental impact of a capital construction project (EIA) as part of the design documentation on behalf of the customer, the cost of this work is determined in the amount of 4% of the total design cost. 1.12. The recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of project documentation (as a percentage of the base price) is given in tables No. 28, 30 of this Handbook.


Guidelines for the use of Directories of basic prices for design work in construction were approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2009 No. 620 “On approval of Guidelines for the use of Directories of basic prices for design work in construction” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2010 , registration number 16686).


2.1. The distribution of the base price for the development of design and working documentation for objects, the prices of which are established in the Directory depending on natural indicators, is carried out, as a rule, in accordance with the indicators given in columns 6 and 7 of tables No. 1-24 of this Directory, and can be specified as agreed between the contractor and the customer. 2.2. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 1 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • prices for the design of electronic telephone exchanges, part of the capacity of which is located at support transit stations (OPTS), and the rest - at substations, is determined by summing up the prices for the design of OPTS under points 1 or 2 and substations under point 7, determined respectively by the subscriber capacity of OPTS and each substation;
  • the design prices for electronic automatic telephone exchanges, all of which are located at substations, are determined by the summation of the design prices for a transit station (TS) according to point 8, depending on the total capacity of all substations included in the TS, and substations according to point 7;
  • the prices of points 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 do not take into account the design of linear structures of connecting lines between the OPTS (TS) and substations;
  • the prices of points 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 do not take into account the development of working documentation for station structures of electronic telephone exchanges, which is carried out by the plant supplying the EATS equipment;
  • reduction factors are applied to the price of point 7: when preparing project documentation for substations with a capacity of 1500 to 3000 numbers - up to 0.75, for substations with a capacity of 3000 numbers or more - up to 0.6; when preparing working documentation for substations with a capacity of over 3000 numbers - up to 0.9;
  • when designing a reference station (RSS) electronic system, when substations (SS) are not included in it, reduction factors are applied to the price of station structures determined in paragraphs 1 or 2: when preparing project documentation - up to 0.7; when preparing working documentation - up to 0.9;
2.3. The prices in Table No. 1 of this Handbook do not take into account the costs of designing distribution PBX networks. The price for designing distribution networks of automatic telephone exchanges is determined according to the corresponding tables of this Handbook. The price of designing a telephone exchange and substation without a distribution network is determined accordingly at the prices of points 1, 2, 7, applying a coefficient to the price of designing linear structures: when preparing design documentation - up to 0.9; when preparing working documentation - up to 0.7. 2.4. The prices in Table No. 1 of this Handbook do not take into account the costs of adapting buildings to accommodate telephone exchange equipment. When placing a telephone exchange in an adaptable building, the total price of design work is determined by summing up the corresponding prices for designing a station according to points 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, 22, 24 - 31, 32 - 37 of this table and the price of design work for adapting buildings . In this case, the following coefficients are applied to prices, taking into account the increase in labor intensity of design work in connection with the development of technological and construction specifications: The above coefficients apply only to those sections of the relative cost of design or working documentation (linear, station structures, power supply installations) for which a technological or construction task is developed. 2.5. When expanding an existing telephone exchange without its reconstruction, the price according to Table No. 1 of this Handbook is determined based on the amount of capacity increase. 2.6. The prices of paragraph 3 of Table No. 1 of this Handbook are used to determine the price of design work for the construction of interexchange communications (MSC) in networks with a number of stations of at least three, including the designed automatic telephone exchange (MTS). 2.7. The prices of items 3 - 5 of Table No. 1 of this Handbook are used when designing an MSS both as an independent title and as part of an automatic telephone exchange. The price of designing an automatic telephone exchange and an MSS for one title is determined by summing up the prices of design work for the construction of an automatic telephone exchange and an MSS. In cases of simultaneous design in one city of several automatic telephone exchanges, each of which includes an MSS, a coefficient in accordance with the labor intensity of the work of no more than 0.7 is applied to the prices of points 3 - 5 when preparing design documentation. 2.8. The prices for the design of interstation communications take into account the retrofitting of existing automatic telephone exchanges and communication centers without the reconstruction of any workshops, including for communication with existing automatic telephone exchanges (MTS), as well as the design of transmission systems on the connecting lines MSS and MUS. The prices for the development of design documentation for the retrofitting of a gas transportation system for communication with the designed automatic telephone exchange are determined by:
  • as part of the title for the construction of an automatic telephone exchange - at the prices of paragraphs 3 - 6 of Table No. 1 of this Handbook with a reduction factor for the volume of work of no more than 0.5;
  • for a separate title - at the prices of paragraphs 3 - 6 of Table No. 1 of this Directory with a reducing factor for the amount of work of no more than 0.55;
  • as part of the title of MCC and mobile communication center (MCC) - in addition to the price for designing the MCC and MCC according to paragraphs 3 - 6 of Table No. 1 of this Handbook with a reduction factor for the amount of work of no more than 0.3 for existing nodes.
The cost of developing communication schemes and synchronization schemes is determined according to paragraphs 3 - 6 of Table No. 1 of this Handbook with a coefficient of 0.5. 2.9. Under the main indicator of the designed facility in Table No. 1 of this Handbook - “network of 1 hub area”, the network of 1 hub area with a capacity of up to 100 thousand numbers is accepted. 2.10. For hub areas in which there is one automatic telephone exchange (existing or projected), a reduction factor in accordance with the labor intensity of the work of no more than 0.7 is applied to the prices for the design of the MTS according to paragraphs 4 or 6 of Table No. 1 of this Handbook. 2.11. The price of paragraph 13 of Table No. 1 of this Handbook takes into account the design of a cable communication line with a PCM-30 or PCM-120 transmission system or xDSL modems in the existing and projected cable duct, regardless of the number of cables being designed and the number of transmission systems. The price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of the designed cable communication lines, laid along the entire route in the existing cable duct, and compacted by IKM-30 or IKM-120 transmission systems or xDSL modems, is determined at the prices of paragraph 13 with a reduction factor for the volume of work on linear structures:
  • when preparing design and working documentation no more than 0.85;
  • when compacting existing cables with the same transmission systems along the entire route with a reduction factor for the volume of design work on linear structures of no more than 0.5;
  • when additional sealing of existing cables previously sealed with similar systems, the design price is determined at the price of point 13 with reduction factors: no more than 0.4 to the price of linear structures; no more than 0.3 to the price of power supply devices (EPD) for cases of power supply without its enhancement; no more than 0.8 to the price of the EPU for cases with increased EPU.
2.12. The design price for items 14 - 19 of Table No. 1 of this Handbook does not depend on the type and number of cables laid along one route and is determined based on the length of the route. 2.13. The cost of designing an undensified cable communication line with a total length of over 1 km, part of which runs in the designed and part in the existing cable duct, is determined by summing the prices determined respectively according to the prices of paragraphs 14 - 19 of Table No. 1 of this Handbook, based on the total length of all sections lines separately along the designed and existing sewer systems. If the total length of the route is up to 1 km, the design price is taken according to clause 14 or clause 15. The prices of clauses 14 and 15 do not take into account crossings through main highways and railways. 2.14. The cost of designing for one title, in one locality, two or more non-compacted cable communication lines along different routes is determined based on the total length of the routes of all lines in accordance with clause 2.13. of this Directory, applying to the price a coefficient equal to, if the largest length value in the table is exceeded:
  • more than two to three times - 0.8;
  • more than three to four times - 0.75;
  • more than four times or more - 0.7.
When designing several undensified cable communication lines in two or more settlements using one title and different routes, the cost of their design is determined in the order stated above separately for each settlement. 2.15. The cost of designing a cable line in a designed single-hole cable duct or in the ground with a length of over 1 km is determined according to paragraphs 16 and 17 of Table No. 1 of this Handbook using a reduction factor of 0.7. 2.16. The cost of designing an uncompacted cable communication line in a designed sewer with an average number of channels in a block of more than 6 is determined according to paragraphs 15 - 17 of Table No. 1 of this Handbook, depending on the length of the route with a coefficient of 1.8 to the design prices. The average number of channels in a cable duct block is determined by the ratio of the sum of the products of the lengths of each section by the number of channels in a given section to the total length of all sections. 2.17. The price of designing a central telephone exchange is determined according to Table No. 1 of this Handbook by summing up the prices for designing an end station of the appropriate capacity in the rooms and a separately installed automatic switching node by the number of connecting lines with a coefficient of 0.75 to the price of its design. 2.18. The price of designing linear structures of subscriber networks according to paragraphs 24 - 31 of Table No. 1 of this Directory for industrial and institutional automatic telephone exchanges is determined accordingly according to the prices of paragraphs 7 - 21 of Table No. 9 of this Directory. 2.19. Prices for items 32 - 37 of Table No. 1 of this Handbook also apply to the design of rural-suburban quasi-electronic system units. 2.20. The price of paragraph 38 of Table No. 1 of this Directory takes into account the cost of retrofitting up to three automatic telephone exchanges in the regional center (point). When retrofitting one automatic telephone exchange in a regional center (point) to the price of point 38 *** a coefficient of 0.4 is applied. The cost of equipping existing automatic telephone exchanges with equipment automatic detection numbers (caller ID) prices point 38 *** is not taken into account and is determined at the prices of paragraph 23 of Table No. 1 of this Directory with a coefficient of 0.7. 2.21. The prices in Table No. 1 of this Handbook do not take into account the design of: underwater cable crossings across rivers and other water barriers; reconstruction of embankment walls at river cable crossings; protection of cables from electrocorrosion. 2.22. The cost of designing terminal institutional-industrial automatic telephone exchanges (UPABS), including modem ones, and automatic switching nodes (as part of station structures and power supply installations) is determined accordingly according to the prices of Table No. 1 of this Handbook for the design of terminal automatic telephone exchanges and automatic switching nodes using coefficients:
  • with UPBX capacity, numbers: 256 - up to 1.1; 512- up to 1.15; 1024 - up to 1.2; 2048 and 4096 - up to 1.3;
  • with the capacity of automatic switching nodes, connecting lines: 256/256 - up to 1.2; 512/512 - up to 1.3.
2.23. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 2 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • The prices in the table do not take into account the design of: interstation connecting lines; automated diesel power plants; adaptations of premises;
  • the prices of point 1 do not take into account the design of the telegraph channel workshop building (main, zone and city sections);
  • the prices of points 2, 8 and 9 of the table do not take into account design work on the organization of a linear path;
  • if an existing EPU is used in the designed automated message switching nodes or electronic telegraph substations, a coefficient of 0.3 (without upgrading the EPU) or 0.8 (with upgrading the EPU) is applied to the prices for designing the EPU in paragraphs 3 and 4;
  • the prices of points 6 and 7 of the table do not take into account the design of connecting lines between line-hardware shops (LAS) and the subscriber telegraph;
  • the cost of designing each subsequent set of phototelegraph equipment in excess of one at the point of transmission or reception of newspapers via communication channels is determined additionally at the prices of points 8 or 9 with a coefficient of 0.2;
  • the price of designing individual buildings for subscriber or phototelegraph workshops is determined at the prices of points 6 and 7 of the corresponding capacity with a reduction factor of 0.5.
2.24. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 3 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • the prices in the table do not take into account the development of design documentation: for the adaptation of premises (buildings), except for the preparation of technological and construction specifications; diesel power plants;
  • the prices of points 6 - 8 of this table do not take into account the design of: linear hardware shops; MRU-M type stations and semi-automatic communication nodes; interexchange communications with city and long-distance telephone exchanges, the price of which is determined additionally according to the prices of the corresponding interexchange communications in Table No. 1 of this Handbook with a reducing factor for the incomplete volume of design work;
  • the number of channels for points 6 - 8 of the table is determined by summing the channels of trunk lines and zone communication lines, and for points 9 - 11 it is taken no higher than 130% of the installed capacity of stations;
  • the number of installations of hardware dedicated telephone or telegraph communication according to points 1 - 3 is taken according to the number of channels included in the MTS switching system or according to the number of structural units of installed station equipment that performs an independent function with overall dimensions exceeding 500 mm in one dimension (width, depth, height). The number of installations is determined separately for each hardware room;
  • the number of channels of the allocated telephone exchange according to points 4 and 5 is determined by the summation of long-distance channels and cord sets of the station;
  • the prices of paragraph 13 of this table do not take into account the development of project documentation: for the design of automated telephone points and retrofitting of the existing automatic telephone exchange for communication with the ACC; for adaptation of premises (buildings), in addition to drawing up technological and construction specifications; diesel power plants;
  • the prices of clause 13 provide for the design of switching and linear equipment and a switch shop with equipment for an automated workstation (AWS);
  • with simultaneous design of the same title of ATS and ATE/ATS, the price for developing design documentation is determined by summing up the cost of designing ATE/ATS and ATS with the application of a reduction factor to the price of ATS due to the reduction in the labor intensity of design work for ATS;
2.25. The number of connection points according to paragraph 14 of Table No. 3 of this Handbook is determined by summing the connection points of trunk lines, zone communication lines, connecting lines with city telephone exchanges, subscriber capacity (except for the capacity required to turn on concentrators). The prices in paragraph 14 of Table No. 3 of this Handbook do not take into account the design:
  • interexchange communications with city and long-distance telephone exchanges, the price of which is determined additionally according to the prices of the corresponding interexchange communications in Table No. 1 of this Handbook with a reducing factor for the incomplete volume of design work;
  • linear structures of connecting lines;
  • working documentation for station structures of automatic telephone exchanges/automatic telephone exchanges, which is carried out by the equipment supplier plant.
2.26. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 4 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • the length of the main cable communication lines (MCLS) is determined by the distances between their end points without taking into account the length of the cable lines connecting the terminal and intermediate points of the main communication line with long-distance telephone exchanges (MTS), regional (city) communication centers (RUS, GUS) and television centers (TC);
  • the prices of points 1 - 5 take into account the design for an MKLS with a reinforcement section length of 3 km and a length of: 1000 km - two semi-maintained reinforcement points (POUP) and 3 containers, 500 km - 1 POUP and 1 container, 350 km - 1 container;
  • for MKLS with a reinforcement section length of 6 km and a length of: 1000 km - 2 POUP and 2 containers, 450 km - 1 POUP;
  • the prices in the table take into account the placement of terminal points in existing buildings, and in cases of designing new buildings, the price for developing design documentation for new buildings is determined additionally;
  • allocation of communication channels, broadcasting and television in intermediate points cable communication lines prices in the table are taken into account;
  • the prices in this table do not depend on the number of transmission systems being designed;
  • the prices in the table do not take into account the design of: connecting lines from points of the main cable communication line to MTS (RUS, GUS, KU and others) with transmission systems; crossings through reservoirs and straits; telegraph and long-distance telephone exchanges; intermediate re-reception points; residential buildings and social facilities; water towers;
  • the prices in the table take into account the cost of developing technological and construction specifications for adapting buildings (premises), inspecting points in the required volumes, preparing initial data for the contract and working with the contract.
2.27. The prices of points 1 - 5 of Table No. 4 of this Handbook do not take into account the design of network nodes and network stations. The design price of an MKLS, which includes network nodes and network stations, is determined by summing the design prices of each network node and each network station according to the prices of tables No. 5 and No. 3 of this Handbook and the design price of an MKLS according to this table. This eliminates the cost of designing a replacement amplification point or station. 2.28. The prices of paragraphs 7, 8, 9 of Table No. 4 of this Handbook take into account the design of cable lines of dedicated communication in an existing or projected telephone duct with the laying of one to three cables along one route. The price of design work for laying cables along one route in excess of three is determined additionally according to the prices for cable lines not compacted in Table No. 1 of this Handbook, based on the length of the route, regardless of the number of cables being laid. When designing, according to one title, several independent cable lines of dedicated communication according to paragraphs 7, 8, 9 of Table No. 4 of this Handbook for different routes, the design price is determined according to the length of the line route of maximum length at the corresponding table price, and each subsequent one - according to the corresponding table price price with a reduction factor of 0.8. When designing for one title and different routes several cable lines of dedicated communication in two or more localities, the cost of their design is determined in the order stated above separately for each locality. 2.29. The prices of paragraphs 10, 11 of Table No. 4 of this Handbook take into account: the approval of the route with all interested organizations; design of cable crossings across rivers and lakes using horizontal directional drilling. 2.30. The prices of paragraph 12 of Table No. 4 of this Handbook provide for the placement of terminal stations in finished buildings (premises) with existing power supply and do not take into account the cost of developing: measures to protect equipment from electrical and mechanical influences; documentation for adaptation of buildings (premises). The prices in the table do not take into account the design of connecting lines from the points of the main cable communication line to MTS (RUS, GUS, KU and others). 2.31. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 5 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • the prices of points 1 - 3 of the table take into account the design of a new technical building for a pit-type network node and adjacent protected structures along utility routes within the construction site;
  • the prices of points 1 and 2 of the table take into account the design of a unit with 10 thousand v.h. channels along a linear path, and point 3 - from 17 thousand v.h. channels. Design price for each 1000 w.h. channels above the specified one are determined additionally by applying a coefficient of 0.05 to the cost of designing the station;
  • prices 1 - 3 of this table do not take into account the design of: long-distance broadcasting equipment for group long-distance telephone communication; garages and garage structures; water towers; refrigeration centers; free-standing warehouses and sheds; administrative and technical buildings of RCRM; blocks of production workshops;
  • prices for the design of network nodes (NS) take into account the design of diesel power plants of the following capacities: for a control system with a building volume of 7 thousand m 3 - 2-200 kW, for a control system with a building volume of 10 thousand m 3 - 2-200 kW, for a control system with building volume 20 thousand m 3 - 2-200 kW.
2.32. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 6 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • the table prices do not depend on the number of cables designed along one route and the number of transmission systems;
  • the price of designing an undensified overhead communication line on designed supports with two or more circuits along one route is determined at the prices of points 2 or 3 with a coefficient of 1.23, regardless of the number of circuits;
  • the length of one overhead line circuit is taken to be the total length of all designed lines of this circuit;
  • the prices in the table do not take into account the development of design and working documentation for the adaptation of premises at the terminal points of air and cable communication lines;
  • the prices of points 2 and 3 provide for the use of standard designs of support structures and do not take into account the costs of designing a joint suspension of radio lines on the designed supports of overhead communication lines;
  • the price of designing for one title, in one locality, two or more non-compacted cable communication lines along different routes is determined based on the total length of the routes of all lines, applying to the price a coefficient equal to when the maximum length value indicated in the table is exceeded: more than two to three times - up to 0.9, more than three to four times - up to 0.8, more than four times or more - up to 0.75.
When designing several cable communication lines using one title and different routes in two or more settlements, the cost of designing them is determined in the order stated above for each settlement. 2.33. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 7 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • when designing automated radio broadcasting units with remote control a coefficient of 1.35 is applied to the prices of items 5, 6;
  • the prices of points 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 of this table do not take into account the design of: installations for interpreting speeches and sound amplification in the halls; speech studios; adaptations of buildings (premises); radioification of other populated areas, carried out from the designed radio center.
2.34. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 8 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account: 2.35. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 9 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • the prices in the table should be used when determining the price of designing the appropriate communication facilities at existing enterprises, buildings, structures, carried out on a separate order from the customer, as well as in cases where the cost of designing the communication facilities indicated in the table is not taken into account by the price of developing documentation for the enterprise, building, structure being designed;
  • the cost of designing linear structures necessary for laying complex communication networks and transmitting information at an industrial site (pipelines, inspection devices, etc.) is taken into account at the prices of points 7 - 10;
  • the prices of points 11 - 14 do not take into account the design of linear structures necessary for laying complex communication networks and transmitting information inside buildings and structures (trays, gutters, channels, pipes, hatches, broaching boxes, etc.), which is determined additionally by the prices of points 15 - 21;
  • the prices of points 7 - 21 take into account the implementation of the following types of design work: for points 7 - 10 - development of a layout plan for routes on the general plan, layout of an integrated network, layout of cabinet areas, for points 11 - 14 - development of a layout plan for equipment and metal structures, layout diagram integrated network, according to points 15 - 21 - development of a plan for the location of pipeline routes, trays, etc. and technological specifications for embedded devices;
  • The price of point 26 takes into account the implementation of the following design work: calculation of the required number of sirens, installation of a layer (block) at the control point, laying of communication and power cables, installation drawings of sirens.
The cost of developing design documentation for a civil defense control center (CD) at the price of point 26 is not taken into account and is determined additionally. 2.36. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 11 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • - prices do not apply to radio relay lines (RRL) mobile, above-water, located underground;
  • - the price of designing RRL, MK RRL and TRRL with a length less than the tabular indicators (40 km of points 1, 4 and 170 km of point 3) is determined by the price for the values ​​of 40 km and 170 km, respectively. If the average length of the interval between stations is less than 40 km for points 1, 2, 4 and 170 km, for point 3 a coefficient equal to the ratio of 40 km or 170 km to the length (in km) of the projected average interval is applied;
  • - the prices in this table do not take into account: restoration of RRL, which includes the provision of means for restoring communications in emergency situations, calculations of electromagnetic compatibility, telecontrol of equipment, installation of radio and television repeaters, compaction of telephone trunks;
  • - the prices in paragraph 3 of the table do not take into account sound insulation, acoustic treatment and air conditioning;
  • - the price of developing antenna supports is not taken into account by the prices of this table and is determined additionally by the prices of table No. 16 of this Handbook;
  • - prices of points 1, 2 are established for the design of trunk, zonal, intrazonal, local RRL and broadband subscriber access lines as part of terminal (ORS), node (URS), intermediate (PRS) radio relay stations, base and local emergency prevention services (APS) and using broadband equipment in the ranges of 2 GHz and higher, allowing the organization of television and telephone trunks, hot standby trunks. Prices apply regardless of the combination and number of barrels.
2.37. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 12 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • the power of transmitting stations is determined in total, including: broadcasting stations - in telephone mode, others - in telegraph mode;
  • one receiving device is taken as four conditional connections;
  • prices do not apply to mobile, underground, surface, underwater and special purpose objects;
  • the prices of this table do not take into account: speech studio, control tower (KDP), hardware radio bureaus, hardware RRL, hardware switching and distribution (KRA), auditory, sound printing, phototelegraph and auto exchange, technical and on-air control, control and monitoring of the frequency standard, special-purpose hardware rooms, telecontrol of equipment, heat recovery from technological processes;
  • the prices in the table take into account air conditioning at transmitting radio stations without the use of refrigeration machines;
  • the cost of designing antenna mast structures (AMS) is not taken into account by the prices of this table and is determined additionally by the prices of tables No. 17, 18 of this Handbook;
  • if the designed antenna switching UBS system is implemented using complete factory equipment, the prices of points 7 - 14 do not apply, and work on the UBS in this case at all stages of design is included in the technological part of the price according to points 1, 2, 3 of this table.
2.38. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 13 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • the prices in this table do not take into account the design of hardware: integrated technical control; mobile television station (PA PTS); radio relay station (RRS); VHF communications with moving objects; connections with shopping centers; special communications;
  • Table prices do not take into account telecontrol of equipment and automatic installations fire extinguishing, fire and security alarm systems;
  • the prices in point 1 of the table take into account air conditioning without the use of refrigeration machines;
  • the prices in paragraph 2 of this table do not take into account air conditioning;
  • the cost of designing antenna mast structures (AMS) is not taken into account and is determined additionally according to the prices of tables No. 17 and 18 of this Handbook;
  • the prices of point 1 of the table take into account the design of radiotelevision transmitting stations (RTS) with the installation of transmitters with a power of over 1 kW for two or three television programs and up to four radio broadcasting programs in the VHF range. The cost of designing an RPS with a number of programs in excess of those specified is determined according to point 1 using the following coefficients: for four TV and up to four radio programs - 1.3; for four TV and up to six radio programs - 1.4; for four TV and up to eight radio programs - 1.5; for five TV and up to four radio programs - 1.5; for five TV and up to six radio programs - 1.6; for five TV and up to eight radio programs - 1.7; for six TV and up to four radio programs - 1.7; for six TV and up to six radio programs - 1.8; for six TV and up to eight radio programs - 1.9;
  • the prices of paragraph 1 of this table do not take into account the organization of radio broadcasting at the RPS in the ranges of short, medium and long waves (HF, SV and DV);
  • The prices in paragraph 2 of the table take into account the design of unattended radio television repeaters (RTR) with the installation of transmitters with a power of up to 0.5 kW for two television programs. The price of designing an RTR with more than two programs is determined according to point 2 using the following coefficients: for three TV programs - 1.4; for four TV programs - 1.4.
2.39. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 14 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • the prices do not take into account the design of a radio-television repeater, radio relay station (RRS), channelization equipment, refrigeration machines and liquid nitrogen production plants;
  • the cost of designing antenna supports is not taken into account and is determined additionally according to the prices of table No. 18 of this Handbook;
  • price of design in digital and cellular communication determined by the prices of points 1 - 3 of this table using a coefficient of 1.5 at all stages of design;
  • the price of designing a receiving earth station is determined by the prices of points 1 - 3 of this table using a coefficient of 0.5 at all stages of design.
2.40. When determining the base price for designing objects according to table No. 15 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • the prices of points 1 - 4 take into account the cost of designing a base station, which includes transmitters, receivers and a control point;
  • the price of design in digital and cellular communication systems is determined at prices pp. 1 - 4, 6 and 7 using a coefficient of 1.7 for all stages of design;
  • The prices in the table do not take into account the design of mobile switching centers (MCSC).
2.41. When determining the base price for designing objects according to table No. 16 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • prices do not take into account telecontrol of equipment;
  • prices include air conditioning without the use of refrigeration machines;
  • in cases where, according to building codes and technological design or, according to the conditions of the construction site, several separate buildings (blocks) are being developed that are part of the enterprise being designed, the price of designing this enterprise is determined as the sum of the prices for the individual design of these buildings (blocks).
2.42. When determining the base price for designing objects according to table No. 17 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • the prices do not take into account the design of mechanisms for raising, lowering and inspecting antennas, modeling antennas, testing prototypes of antennas, antenna elements;
  • the price of designing short-wave receiving antennas is determined at the prices of points 8 - 10, depending on the number of vibrators;
  • the price of designing receiving antennas for long and medium waves is determined according to the prices of points 1, 3, 4 using a coefficient of 0.6 for all stages of design;
  • when designing a medium- and long-wave directional antenna with a number of emitters exceeding one, the following coefficients are applied to the price of item 1 of the table: with a number of emitters of 2 - 1.4; with the number of emitters 3 - 1.6;
  • when designing a long-wave antenna with a developed wire network with a number of 6 emitters, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to the price of item 2 of the table;
  • when designing a medium-wave directional antenna, the following coefficients are applied: with the number of emitters 2 - 0.7 to the price of item 3; with the number of emitters 27 - 1.3 to the price of item 4; with the number of emitters 40 - 1.6 to the price of item 4;
  • for points 5 - 7 when designing an antenna, the following coefficients are applied: with the number of vibrators 2 - 1.0 to the price of point 5; with the number of vibrators 8 - 0.6 to the price of item 6; with the number of vibrators 32 - 0.6 to the price of item 7;
  • the cost of designing a two-way antenna consisting of two antennas of the same type (in terms of design, load, height and electrical parameters) and located on common supports, is determined by the cost of designing a one-way antenna using a factor of 1.4.
  • the prices of points 1 - 7 take into account the design of antennas for power up to 500 kW. When designing antennas for powers above 500 kW, the following coefficients are applied to prices: for powers from 501 to 1000 kW - 1.2; at powers from 1001 to 2000 kW - 1.4;
  • when designing VHF radio communication antennas, the following coefficients are applied: with the number of vibrators 2 - 0.6 to the price of item 8; with the number of vibrators 8 - 0.7 to the price of item 9; with the number of vibrators 32 - 0.72 to the price of item 10;
  • The price of item 11 of the table takes into account the design of a system of antenna-feeder devices (AFD) for two or three television programs and up to four radio broadcasting programs in the VHF range. The cost of designing an AFU with a number of programs in excess of those specified is determined according to paragraph 11 using the following coefficients: for four TV and up to four radio programs - 1.3; for four TV and up to six radio programs - 1.4; for four TV and up to eight radio programs - 1.5; for five TV and up to four radio programs - 1.5; for five TV and up to six radio programs - 1.6; for five TV and up to eight radio programs - 1.7; for six TV and up to four radio programs - 1.7; for six TV and up to six radio programs - 1.8; for six TV and up to eight radio programs - 1.9;
  • the cost of designing feeder lines in one stream, suspended on common supports or laid in a common trench (cable lines), is determined by the price of one most expensive line using coefficients for points 12 - 21: for two lines in a stream - 1.1; with three lines in the flow - 1.2; with more than three lines in the flow - 1.3;
  • the prices of points 22 - 29 of the table take into account the design of a single feed line up to 50 meters long between the antenna and the device for tuning and connecting the feed line to the antenna.
2.43. When determining the base price for designing objects according to table No. 18 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • prices do not take into account the design of: observation platforms, cafes, etc.; elevators and lifting mechanisms; lowering and inspecting antennas; mechanisms and systems for installation and operational maintenance of supports and antennas; modeling and testing of prototypes of supports, support elements;
  • when designing supports with the possible location of elevators in them, the following coefficients are applied to the prices of points 1 - 3 of the table: 1.1 - when preparing working documentation; 1.07 - when preparing project documentation. The coefficients take into account the increased complexity of work on supports, but not the design of lifts and technical rooms (cabins). The price increase is calculated from the complex price and applies only to the technical and economic part, metal structures of supports and foundations for supports;
  • when jointly designing with supports for built-in technical rooms (or cabins), the following coefficients are applied to the prices of points 1 - 3 of the table: 1.3 - when preparing working documentation; 1.2 - when preparing project documentation. The coefficients take into account the increased complexity of work on supports, but not the design of lifts and technical rooms (cabins). The price increase is calculated from the complex price and applies only to the technical and economic part, metal structures of supports and foundations for supports;
  • when designing supports included in a system of interconnected structures, the following coefficients are applied to the prices for items 1 - 3 of the table: 1.3 - when preparing working documentation; 1.2 - when preparing project documentation. The price increase is calculated from the complex price and applies only to the technical and economic part, metal structures of supports and foundations for supports;
  • in the case when the designed support combines various functions (for example, television as part of the RRL), the price for all stages of design is determined at the price of points 1 - 4 for the main purpose support with a coefficient of 1.5;
  • prices do not apply to mobile, collapsible, quick-deployment supports, as well as to supports exceeding the maximum values ​​indicated in the table;
  • when designing a fence around the perimeter of a support, the following coefficients are applied to the prices of point 1: 1.1 - when preparing design documentation; 1.2 - when preparing working documentation;
  • the price of designing a feeder bridge with a length of less than 10 m is determined by the price for a value of 10 m.
2.44. When determining the base price for designing objects according to table No. 19 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • prices are given for each design stage;
  • for systems with moving objects, a coefficient of 1.75 is applied to prices according to points 1 - 4 of the table;
  • the price of designing electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of receiving earth stations is determined by the prices of points 5 - 12 of the table using a coefficient of 0.6;
  • prices for items 5 - 12 of the table do not apply to the electromagnetic compatibility of transmitting and receiving earth stations of satellite transmission systems (ZSSTS) of the "Screen" type;
  • at the prices of points 17 - 26 of the table in the MF and LW ranges, the number of antennas is taken according to the number of emitters;
  • the prices of points 1 - 46 of the table are applied once for any stage of design work with the possibility of relative division by stages of work;
  • the prices in this table do not take into account the measurement of object coordinates.
2.45. When determining the base price for designing objects according to table No. 20 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • the price of designing outdoor installations of industrial television equipment on the territory of the facility is determined according to paragraph 7 of this table using a coefficient of 1.1;
  • The prices in paragraph 10 of the table do not take into account the design of cable lines for transmitting video information from external cameras, cable ducts, and separate supports (masts) for installing cameras.
2.46. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 24 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:
  • under the network node consider: a set of personal computer (in a configuration that allows the PC to work in offline mode); workstation local network, network printers, network monitors, network storage devices and other devices; involved ports of active local area network (LAN) equipment; information sockets of the structured cable network (SCN), involved ports of SCS switching equipment. The cost of designing a LAN using SCS resources is determined according to the corresponding price tags with a reduction factor K=0.7.


1. General provisions
2. The procedure for determining the base price of design work depending on the natural indicators of design objects
3. The procedure for determining the base price of design work depending on the total cost of construction
4. Basic prices for the development of design and working documentation
Table 1. City telephone networks
Table 2. Documentary telecommunications
Table 3. Long-distance telephone exchanges
Table 4. Cable communication lines
Table 5. Network nodes
Table 6. Rural telephone networks
Table 7. Wired broadcast networks
Table 8. Postal facilities (district nodes, city and rural branches)
Table 9. Individual installations and structures of wired communications
Table 10. Calculations of the influence of electromagnetic induction
Table 11. Radio relay communication lines
Table 12. Transmitting and receiving radio stations
Table 13. Radio and television transmitting stations
Table 14. Earth stations of satellite transmission systems
Table 15. Telephone VHF radio communication systems with moving objects
Table 16. Hardware and studio complexes of television centers, radio houses, radio television centers
Table 17. Antennas, feeder lines, waveguide paths for radio communications, radio broadcasting and television facilities
Table 18. Steel supports for radio communications, radio broadcasting and television facilities
Table 19. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), sanitary protection zones (SPZ), restricted development zones (ZZZ), radio coverage areas, radio communication reliability calculations
Table 20. Separate shop buildings and structures of radio communications, radio broadcasting and television enterprises
Table 21.Large systems for collective television reception (KSKPT)
Table 22. Adaptation of finished buildings or premises for the installation of technological communication equipment and automated control systems
Table 23. Secure information systems, communications and telecommunications systems
Table 24. Local area networks, structured cabling networks
Table 25. Railway and city post offices, mail transportation departments
Table 26. Nomenclature of objects by complexity categories of railway and city post offices, mail transportation departments
Table 27. Recommended distribution of the base price for the development of design and working documentation for railway and city post offices, mail transportation departments
Table 28. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of design documentation for buildings and structures of communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price)
Table 29. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing working documentation for buildings and structures of communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price)
Table 30. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of design documentation for linear communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price) ........................
Table 31. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of working documentation for linear communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price)



Reference price guide

for design work in construction

SBCP – 2001-02

Communication objects

Moscow 2010

REGISTERED: Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registration No. 000 dated September 14, 2010

Information about changes to this SBC, explanations and consultations on the application of the SBC, is distributed by the SBC (125057, Moscow, Leningradsky Ave. 63;

General provisions................................................... ..………………..
depending on the natural indicators of the design objects ………………………………………………….
The procedure for determining the base price of design work
depending on the total cost of construction……………

Basic prices for project development

and working documentation…………………………………………

Table No. 1.

City telephone networks………………………

Table No. 2.

Documentary telecommunications………………….

Table No. 3.

Long-distance telephone exchanges………

Table No. 4.

Cable communication lines………………………

Table No. 5.

Network nodes………………………………………………………

Table No. 6.

Rural telephone networks……………………

Table No. 7.

Table No. 8.

Postal facilities (district hubs, city and rural branches)………………

Table No. 9.

Individual installations and structures

wired communication………………………………..

Table No. 10.

Calculations of the influence of electromagnetic induction

Table No. 11.

Radio relay communication lines………………….

Table No. 12.

Transmitting and receiving radio stations…….

Table No. 13.

Radio and television transmitting stations.…

Table No. 14.

Earth stations of satellite systems


Table No. 15.

Telephone VHF radio communication systems with moving objects…………………….…….

Table No. 16.

Hardware and studio complexes of television centers, radio houses, radio television centers…………...

Table No. 17.

Antennas, feeder lines, waveguide paths for radio communication objects,

radio and television……………….…

Table No. 18.

Steel supports for radio communication facilities,

radio and television…………………

Table No. 19.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC),

sanitary protection zones (SPZ), zones

development restrictions (DZ), radio coverage areas, reliability calculations

radio communications…………………………………..…...

Table No. 20.

Separate workshop buildings and structures

radio communication and broadcasting enterprises

and television…………………………………

Table No. 21.

communication and telecommunications systems………..…

Table No. 24.

Local computer networks,

structured cabling networks……..……

Table No. 25.

Railway and city post offices, mail transportation departments…………………..

Table No. 26.

railway documentation

and city post offices, mail transportation departments………………………………………………………

relative cost of developing sections of building design documentation

and constructions of communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price)……………………………..…

relative cost of developing working documentation for buildings and structures of communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price) .................

relative cost of developing sections of working documentation for linear communication facilities (as a percentage of the base price) .................


1.1. The state estimate standard “Directory of basic prices for design work in the construction of “Communication Facilities” (hereinafter referred to as the Directory) is intended to determine the cost of developing design and working documentation for the construction of communication facilities.

1.2. When using this Handbook, you should be guided by the Methodological Instructions*.

1.3. The price level contained in the tables of the Directory is established as of 01/01/2001.

1.4. Basic prices in the Directory are set depending on the natural indicators of design objects (Tables No. 1 - 24) and the total cost of construction of design objects (Table No. 25).

1.5. The base prices of the Directory take into account the costs of:

· surveys of existing communications enterprises necessary for design;

· preparation of technological and construction tasks (except for city telephone network facilities).

1.6. The base prices of the Directory, in addition to the work listed in paragraph 1.3.6 of Section 1 of the Guidelines, do not take into account the cost of design:

· development of automatic operational and technical control systems (ASOTU);

· work on programming switching devices and devices operating with control according to a recorded program (quasi-electronic and electronic).

1.7. Basic price for the design of two or more enterprises classified under the same title (long-distance telephone exchange together with an automatic telephone or telegraph exchange, two or more automatic telephone exchanges, automatic telephone exchange together with a rural-suburban node or interexchange communication, with a telephone substation (PSK) or a radio node station and etc.), located at the same or different sites, is determined by summing up the prices for design work for each enterprise.

1.8. The base price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of facilities in the years. Moscow, St. Petersburg, cities with a population of more than 1 million people, is determined by Directory prices using coefficients: in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg - up to 1.2; in cities with a population of more than 1 million people – up to 1.1.

1.9. The base price for developing the design of communication facilities in protective structures of civil defense and other special structures is determined according to the prices of the Directory using increasing factors for protection classes:
