Articles and Lifehacks

The Android operating system allows users to record their thoughts and wishes. To do this, you just need to know where notes are stored on Android.

The standard program provided for any version of the operating system is located in the main menu of the device. It is usually displayed with an icon with the letter T. If you open this application, you can:

  • Create new notes.
  • Edit existing ones.
  • Delete unnecessary entries.
Unfortunately, standard program, which is already available on Android, does not have any advanced features, and if you want to further customize your notes, then it is better to turn to Playmarket.

Note Me – note-taking program

Note Me is a utility that is the opposite of standard notes. There are many functions here that allow you to work with text entries. With it, you can not only create, edit or delete notes, but also:
  • You can sort records according to your parameters;
  • Place them in certain categories;
  • Color-code the notes you need;
  • Create reminders.
To install Note Me, you can use the market or download installation file to your computer and then transfer it to your device.

After installation, an icon in the form of a notebook sheet will appear in the main menu; by clicking on it, you will find your notes and be able to work with them.

DrawNotek - drawing notes

If you want to store your notes in something other than simple text document, but in the form of a drawing, then use the DrawNotek application. With it you can:
  • Draw notes;
  • Choose the appropriate color for the note;
  • Edit and delete unnecessary items.
DrawNotek has the only drawback - the inability to rename the file.

If, when working with other programs, you always know where this or a note is stored, because you can call it whatever you want, then you will have to spend some time to find the right one.

After installing the utility, you can evaluate its performance by clicking on the icon in the form of a palette with a pencil located in the main menu of the device.

How to find notes on VKontakte has been of interest to loyal fans of the social network for 7 years. So much has passed since the format became outdated and gradually disappeared from users’ pages. You can no longer create a new note; such publications have been replaced by an article editor, but you can find old ones.

Notes unfamiliar to young VK users appeared along with the social network. This is a text recording format in which people shared their own thoughts, retyped texts. There were no likes, but friends expressed their reaction to the post in the comments.

Notes is a distant cousin of the modern article editor, but with limited formatting options. At first it was impossible to insert photos and music into the text - the option appeared in 2012 in an attempt to update the format and attract new authors. However, the changes did not help, and gradually the format was completely redesigned.

Where to find notes in VK

It is no longer possible to create entries in the format, but old ones remain in open access. To find notes in VK written by yourself from a computer:

A new page will open. Look at the list of sections on the right. If you have previously published and did not delete posts in the format, you will find “My Notes” among the links.

It’s easier to find the section from your phone using the client Kate Mobile. Open your profile and you will see notes among links to gifts and documents. The block has not gone away - the application allows you to view publications without getting confused in the links.

Find your favorite notes

Until October 2018, liked posts were stored in bookmarks. Now the placement of notes, like other posts marked with likes, raises questions among users. But the answer can be found in the same bookmarks - for those who are lost, the VK administration has posted an explanatory publication. The information did not disappear without a trace, but moved to the news feed.

To see the list:

  1. Go to the news.
  2. In the list on the right, click “Like.”
  3. Among the format, select notes by double-clicking the check mark next to the corresponding link.

If the section is not displayed, it means there are no likes on such posts or the person deleted the post or hid it with privacy settings.

How to view notes in VK from a computer

The same search method works with a friend's notes, which allows you to discover your publications. From your computer, first open the user page, where basic profile information, photos, albums and music are located. Scroll to the wall. If the Account Owner Name Posts tab is active, click All Posts twice. If the default wall displays all posts, click once.

After this action, posts should open on new page in the same form in which news is usually displayed. You can select a format from the sections on the right. If a friend wrote notes and left publications in public access, after “All Entries” there will be a link to “User Notes”. Registered people can still leave comments on texts and express approval in a way that was not possible in 2010 - likes appeared on posts.

How to find notes in VK from your phone

It’s more difficult with the official VKontakte phone application - the application does not allow you to find other people’s notes. But you can always open the social network through a browser and repeat the steps from the previous section. Just look for publications not in mobile version, and on the PC portal.

Another way to view recordings from a smartphone is to install Kate Mobile. On other people's pages, notes are displayed there, on the main profile. The link to the section is present even if the user does not have records in the outdated format.

Ability to publish your own notes in social network VKontakte is a very useful and necessary function. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to delete notes from VKontakte due to the fact that they have lost their relevance, the profile owner has stopped liking them, or for some other reason.

This guide will tell you how you can delete notes from your VKontakte account selectively and completely.

Method #1: removal by standard function

1. Go to your VKontakte profile.

2. On the main page, at the top of the news feed, click on the words “posts”.

3. Go to the “Notes...” tab (click on it).

4. Move the cursor to the upper right corner of the field of the entry that you want to remove from your VKontakte page. Click on the “cross” icon (Delete entry).

After these steps, the note will be completely deleted from your personal page.

Method #2: Quickly delete all notes

If you need to delete all records, and there are a lot of them, then it is better to do the cleaning not manually (because this process is labor-intensive and time-consuming), but using a special browser extension VkOpt.

Note. The addon is cross-browser compatible: it supports Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera and other popular browsers.

Installation VkOpt

(using Google Chrome as an example)
1. Download and install the extension from the online store ( or from the official website ( → link “Page downloads").

3. Go to your notes section (see points No. 2-No. 3 of the previous guide).

4. On the right side of the “Notes” tab, click the mouse to open the “Actions” menu and select “Delete all...”.

5. In the settings panel, you can enable the selective cleaning option “Delete only...” created after the specified date and time.

The VKontakte social network, like many similar sites, has a large number of types of posts that are unique to this resource. One of these subtypes of posts are notes, the search and discovery of which can cause a lot of difficulties for novice users.

Please note that we have already reviewed in detail the process of creating, publishing and deleting notes on the VKontakte website. In this regard, first of all, you should study the presented article and only then continue to read the material below.

In addition to the above, we touched on the process of searching for notes in another article on our resource.

Moving on to the essence of the issue, we note that notes, as well as the VKontakte entries mentioned above, are easiest to find using a special section "Bookmarks".

Find your favorite notes

In this section of the article, we will talk about how and where you can find posts with notes attached that were positively rated by you. At the same time, know that the category of positively rated includes all posts with a set “like”, whether they are notes created by third-party users or yours.

Notes can only be created and rated on people's personal pages! Please note that to successfully search for the required material you will need an activated section "Bookmarks".

  1. Through the main menu of the VKontakte website, open the page "Bookmarks".
  2. Using the navigation menu on the right side of the window, go to the tab "Records".
  3. In the main block with the site materials you marked, find the signature "Notes Only".
  4. By checking the box next to this item, the page contents will change to "Notes".
  5. The only way to get rid of any entry posted here is by deleting the rating. "Like" followed by rebooting the active window.
  6. If for some reason you have not tagged posts containing notes, after checking the box the page will be empty.

That's it for searching for notes by using the section "Bookmarks", we're finishing.

Search for created notes

Unlike the first method, this instruction within the scope of this article is suitable for you if you want to find all the notes that you took yourself and did not mark them with a grade "I like". Please be aware that this type of search directly intersects with the process of creating new records.

  1. Using the main menu of the VK website, open the section "My Page".
  2. Scroll to the beginning of your personal activity feed.
  3. Depending on the available material, you may have several tabs:
    • No entries;
    • All entries;
    • My notes.

    On third-party people's pages, the last option will be adapted to the user's name.

  4. Regardless of the type of subsection name displayed, left-click on the tab.
  5. You will now be on the page "Wall".
  6. Using the navigation tools on the right side of the active window, select the tab "My notes".
  7. Here you can find all the notes ever created, to find which you need to manually scroll the page.
  8. You are given the opportunity to edit and delete posts regardless of the date of publication.

In fact, these recommendations are quite enough to find the required information. However, several additional and no less important remarks can be made here. If when visiting the section "Wall" there will be no item in the menu "My notes", it means you have not created this type of record. To resolve this difficulty, you can create a new post with the appropriate attachment in advance.

Good afternoon. In this article we will learn what VKontakte notes are, what they are needed for and where they are located, as well as what actions can be performed with notes.

What are VKontakte notes and what are they for?

A note is a kind of mini-article or short record about something in which you can indicate important text information, as well as insert links and media files (, video and audio recordings). In fact, now notes have most likely lost their relevance and are not used often. But it’s still a pretty interesting tool with quite good capabilities, and below we’ll look at how to use it

How to create a note in VK

A note is essentially an attachment to a . Let's see how they are created.

1. You need to go to your wall, click on the creation window new entry, then in the attachments select “More” – “Note”

2. Afterwards you go to the note creation window, which looks like a simple text editor. Here you can insert or type any text and format it (bold text or italics, alignment, adding headings and quotes). You can also give a name to the note you are creating in the top field.

3. You can add a link to any note, as well as insert media files: photos or audio recordings.

4. Then you need to click on the “Save and attach a note” button. We will see that an attachment is attached to the post. Then click the “Submit” button and the post will be published on our wall.

5. To view the note, you need to click on the “View” button. In the window that opens, you can also edit the note by clicking on the button of the same name.

Where are the notes located?

But where and how to find notes without any links, just go to the desired section from your page? To do this, select “All posts” on the wall.

How to delete notes in VK

To delete, you need to go as described above to the section where the notes are stored, and opposite the one you want to get rid of, click the icon (). In the drop-down list, select “Delete entry”.

Attention! After deleting the entry containing the note, the recovery function will be available. It lasts until the page is reloaded or closed. After you reboot or close this page, it will be impossible to restore the note!
