Some text editors are perfectly suited not only for working with plain text, but also for coding (programming). Some of these "notebooks" have become, at a minimum, functional additions to the IDE.

Workspiration participants often mention code editors among other productivity tools. From these recommendations we have compiled a selection of the best text editors for Mac OS.

Atom - a smart editor for smart coders

Atom is a modern open source text editor, maximally optimized for coding. Available for Linux / Mac OS / Windows platforms, can be used instead of or in conjunction with the IDE.

Each open tab Atom is a standalone web page (using the Chromium engine for rendering). And at the same time, this is a desktop application: it diagnoses code, works with functions and classes, there are standard syntax highlighting and autocompletion, code formatting.

You can add new functions through packages, which are loaded directly through the package manager of the editor. Atom will appeal to those who like to customize their work environment (it’s not for nothing that it’s called “hackable”). Text config files are intended for this. However, the editor works great without configuration, and you can immediately start working with projects.

In addition to customizing functions, configs can also be used to change the interface. All display parameters (fonts, colors) are set via a css/Less file. If you don’t have time to manually configure, it’s easier to choose one of thousands of themes published by other community users.

Sublime Text is a powerful coding editor that has become a classic

Sublime Text is another promising code editor. Initially, many coders and other users were attracted by the flexible interface settings and quick change of layouts when coding. You can work in Sublime with multiple tabs and panels, quickly switching between files. There are also sidebar navigation and its own analogue of the search bar in mac os.

The functionality of Sublime Text is excellent. This editor was one of the first to offer extensions to increase functionality. They are installed through a special menu. Sublime Text (and its add-ons) is configured through user configs.

Sublime Text is often used for html/javascript coding or as an IDE editor. If you install add-ons like Emmet, working with HTML code will speed up significantly. You can modify Sublime for almost any programming language, the only question is the existence of the necessary packages.

Productivity in Sublime Text is achieved thanks to many features. Along with the above-mentioned navigation, it is worth mentioning auto-completion, syntax highlighting, and convenient functional search for all files at once.

The Sublime Text license costs $80. The unregistered version works without restrictions, but a reminder window will appear from time to time.

TextMate is a classic code editor for Mac OS X

As TextMate developers note, the editor is able to compensate for the shortcomings of IDE systems. This is a fairly lightweight and scalable editor, unlike many cumbersome IDEs.

Coders use TextMate for speed. Indeed, snippets and macros greatly automate the writing of code. You can install already created ones or write macros for your own tasks.

TextMate is convenient for formatting code, navigation (search and replace with regexp support, working with the clipboard). About fifty syntaxes of programming languages ​​are supported, namely code highlighting and autocompletion. In addition to the above, the editor is convenient when working with projects and work environments.

Compared to relatively young projects (Atom, Brackets), TextMate looks a little old-school, conservative, and, nevertheless, it has many fans among programmers and other supporters of solving problems through a text editor.

Coda is an editor for html coders with convenient publishing and file synchronization

Coda - favorite editor Mac users OS - especially for those who edit html, css. First of all, we are attracted by the live preview function and publishing tools. The edited file can be uploaded via FTP, SFTP, WebDAV to the server. If you configure Coda correctly, synchronization will occur in the background.

In general, Coda contains a standard gentleman's set for coding: this includes syntax highlighting, autocompletion, tabs, columns, and support for extensions - many little things that simplify working with any code and structure it.

However, Coda's focus is editing html markup and css-stylesheets. WebKit is built into the program - accordingly, the user has at his disposal tools such as a web inspector and a debugger.

The product price is $99, which is slightly higher than the cost of any other editor with similar functionality. However, download the trial version of Coda and decide whether it's worth it or not.

Brackets is a free editor with minimal distractions

Brackets are another helper for putting your code in order. Although it is not as functional as Sublime Text, it is more convenient when working with CSS, namely when navigating through code. The editor is designed so that all the necessary tools are at arm's length. Without having to switch between tabs, Brackets focuses on the parts of code you need and offers links to jump to other files.

Similar to Coda, there is an emphasis on Live Preview, which is perhaps the most popular when editing CSS and HTML.

The next point is integration with LESS and SCSS preprocessors, which have long become de facto for layout and coding. Along with this, Brackets supports ECMAScript, so that JavaScript can be edited and debugged without the involvement of third-party tools.

Despite its youth, the editor has acquired plugins, which are difficult to do without with large amounts of code and high speeds:

  • Emmet (accelerated creation of HTML markup using special abbreviations),
  • Beautify (improving code readability),
  • Git (synchronization with repositories),

and hundreds of others. At the same time, Brackets is difficult to make heavy, and it remains one of the most lightweight editors in its category.

To be honest, this is not a review at all, but a brief description of the problems that I encountered when choosing a text editor for layout under Macos.

Under Windows, for as long as I can remember, I was involved in website layout in Notepad++ and, in general, I didn’t know any grief - I set it to F4 in TotalCommander, went to FTP or locally, edited and saved required file. To be honest, I had suspicions that somehow the work was not going well at all with this: open-edit-save-open..., but I didn’t know any alternatives and didn’t look for them.

After I built Gentoo on my desktop, at first I tried to use the same Notepad++ under wine, but something didn’t work out for me and after some searching I discovered the wonderful Quanta Plus editor (strange, what kind of craving do developers have? to these advantages). I must say that the editor literally captivated and spoiled me once and for all. After this, it is absolutely impossible to return to tools like Notepad++. Of course, I probably didn’t have time to study all its features, but I learned some things after the first launches and remained in love with them to this day. What specifically captivated me was working with projects, fine tuning type of indents (the width of the tab can be set not in some conventional units on the screen, but in spaces, which, for example, is important when layout in HAML), built-in work with FTP (that is, there is no such thing as open-opened-save-open... - now just save and you’re done, edit further) and, most importantly, auto-complete (guys... I’ve never seen such an auto-complete again and I don’t think I’ll ever see it again).

And then I switched to Mac.

Inspired by a note on MacRadar, I immediately rushed to install Textmate. I even found some cheat sheet based on hotkeys for him. I decided to try out the editor in battle and immediately broke down... Maybe I didn’t understand something, which is most likely, but I was never able to connect Textmate with FTP. That is, not at all. Using the already familiar Windows scheme, I set Textmate to F4 in Disk Order and when I tried to open the file for editing, I got it in the program’s built-in editor, although local files open just fine this way. I also didn’t find any analogue to the Quanta projects in Textmate... I want to repeat, most likely I didn’t do something right or didn’t understand, because when searching on blogs people complain about another problem - they want to recode the edited files into the desired encoding on the fly directly to FTP (another serious minus of TextMate for me is that our Russian folk win and koi encodings are not supported). So, friends, if you have a minute, teach me, stupid, the intricacies of international interaction between Textmate and FTP...

In general, I gave up on Textmate and continued my search. TextWrangler, presented in the same article, was immediately rejected by MacRadar because of the above-mentioned problems with domestic encodings, without which it is still difficult to live (we are forced people, if the company’s servers work with win-1251, then we are obliged too). I was thinking about running Eclipse, Emacs or Aptana, but for now I decided that in my case using an IDE would not be justified. Once I find time to seriously study Rails, then yes, then such machines can be used for layout, but for now I’ve given up on them too.

Whether long or short, I decided to send a private message to Vadim Makeev (a poke at the karma of this worthy husband), who, at one time, was also looking for a good text editor for Makosi. So it was he who recommended a wonderful instrument to me, about which, in fact, I wanted to write this note, but somehow my memories and thoughts spread throughout the tree =].

So, drum roll and Coda is the one and only code editor for me for Mac OS X. Not only is the program functional, it is also incredibly beautiful. It’s rare, you know, that intelligence and beauty are combined... To the point - as promised from the very beginning, briefly =], a list of things I liked and didn’t like.

1. Projects or sessions

Without this, I’ll probably be nowhere. Everything is compact and beautiful, and can be customized as outer part panel of sites (you can, for example, put a photo of your favorite boss, so as not to be distracted from work, and then reduce its size so as not to get bored) and internal (you can immediately specify a bunch of parameters for sites, for example, attendance and passwords for SSH, if suddenly the data differ from the FTP account data).
What I didn’t like was that you can’t open files from different projects in the same window. Not very convenient when HTML templates lie on one server, and CSS on another (and this happens).

2. Direct work with files on FTP
Everything is clear here. The option that I loved so much in Quanta.

3. Clips

Pre-prepared text blocks. Well, in my case, these are some comments for CSS files. I haven’t figured out yet whether these Clips can be hung on hotkeys, if it were possible, they wouldn’t be worth it =]

4. Built-in terminal
At first glance, this is a completely unnecessary thing for a text editor, but in practice it turned out to be very useful. Well, for example, while working, I had the urge to transfer a large number of files from one folder to another - no problem, I connect, command and it’s done, here they are my files in the directory tree on the left.

5. Syntax highlighting and autocomplete
If there is nothing special to say about syntax highlighting, then there are some things in the local autocomplete that make life difficult. Although you can live and this is most likely a matter of taste...

I want to end this story with a solemn promise to buy the program if nothing comes of the idea on the side of Quanta Plus under Makos (she doesn’t want to, you know, get ready, since I don’t have a KDE). I’ll invite smart people, we’ll dance with tambourines, and if Quanta rises, I’ll write instructions on ritual dances here. Only you have to buy plastic, they don’t provide any kind of pipe. Okay, we’ll get out of it somehow...

But a free editor doesn't mean it's bad. Some provide their product for testing in order to understand whether this product is suitable for you or not. After the test, you can already choose whether to buy it or not.

HTML editors on Mac OS X

Below we provide you with a selection of the best free editors HTML for Mac OS X.

It is a relatively new and fresh development, for those who do not need an editor every day, but just want an editor with syntax highlighting. You can think of CotEditor as Notepad++ for OS X. It supports split editing area, good search and function replacement, excellent syntax highlighting for 40 programming languages, and comes with eight themes.

For simple editor, you can customize the application more than standard editors, and it's worth trying it in action.


Brackets A modern open source editor with several extremely interesting features. For example, when using Adobe Creative Cloud Extract(preview), you can see the design parts of the project being developed, such as colors, types, stories, etc. directly from PSD file and convert with minimal effort into correct CSS code.

Additionally, you can extract layers as images, and use the information from the PSD as variables in preprocessors. This also allows you to determine the distances and proportions of elements without leaving the editor.

Please remember Note: Use of Adobe Creative Cloud requires a paid subscription.

Another benefit of Brackets is the add-ons you can use to customize the editor to suit your needs. New extensions become available every 3-4 weeks.

Also in Brackets you can use “quick editing” and “preview” when working with LESS, and also SCSS files, which simplifies the workflow. Together with these and other extensions and Adobe Creative Cloud, this editor can be a great tool for professionals.

is a minimalist favorite among developers because it can easily be customized using a JSON file. In addition, there are many extensions to “improve” the editor. Examples of useful plugins include: Emmet(former Zen Coding– for fast coding), Sublime Linter(to find errors in the source code), Highlighter(to find related brackets and tags).

It also supports the ability to change themes. All standard functions such as find and replace are included of course. The editor is available in a trial version with no expiration date, so you can use it on an ongoing basis. However, you should purchase a license if you are sure you will use it regularly.

Google Web Designer

Yes, Google also provides web designer tools. Nevertheless, Google Web Designer works almost exactly like Adobe Dreamweaver. This is not a "pure" HTML editor, but a combination WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get– what you see is what you get) and a text editor. You can work with both interfaces, both graphically and directly with code.

Google Web Designer supports "correct" generation of HTML5 and CSS3 code with graphical interface. The correctness of the generated code often depends on the number of elements.

Aptana Studio 3

Aptana Studio is one of the best known and most versatile development tools available. This powerful tool, which supports the most common programming and markup languages, such as: HTML (including HTML5), CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby.

Featuring Git integration, a debugger for Ruby and JavaScript, and a built-in terminal with options for extensions. Aptana Studio is designed for almost any purpose. The latest web standards are generally supported.


Some of the best HTML editors for Mac OS X are free or available as a no-limit trial. Sublime Text is very productive and can be configured without any problems. And CotEditor can be an excellent tool for developers who are just starting to learn programming or web development.

For example, I use Brackets. In my opinion this is best editor code, among those listed. You can read about the capabilities of this editor in my

Still looking for the perfect text editor for your Mac? Then read our review dedicated to the best known text editors with text markup support.

If you are asked, “Why do you love Mac?”, you will most likely be taken aback and never give a comprehensive answer. Besides general characteristics, seducing potential Mac owners, there are certain programs and applications, in the absence of which any computer, laptop or tablet turns into a banal means of accessing the network.

One of these “vital” programs for most users, regardless of age and field of activity, is a text editor. We'll talk about them today.

Let's start with this, perhaps the most famous text editor. The team of creators promises users advanced publishing capabilities, namely: management of layers of text, images, SmartArt objects and diagrams; opportunity quick formatting, matching styles and document content. In addition, you can work with the document by turning on focus mode, which blocks all other windows, menus, etc.

WordOnline makes it possible to access documents anywhere and from any computer. You can process files together with colleagues, relatives and friends. At first glance, everything looks pretty good, and this could be enough. However, more and more users are complaining about Microsoft Word for Mac due to the fact that the latter turned out to be quite slow and freezing. Therefore, if you need a powerful editor for regular use, it is better not to opt for Microsoft Word. Price $139 – Home&Student, $219 – Home&Business.

We know that Apple has a love for practical minimalism. The text editor iA Writer, the brainchild of Information Architects, can also fall under their credo of “simpler and better.” So, if you decide to choose iA Writer Pro (improved and latest version) you can:

  • Enjoy focus mode in its entirety - just you and the text. The last sentence you are working on will remain contrasting;
  • take advantage of the simplest and most intuitive interface, easy navigation and a nice cursor;
  • divide your work on the text step by step (Note, Write, Edit and Read). Such professional scrupulousness is provided by Workflows, while also highlighting each of the modes in a different color;
  • in the Structure block you can select the header level and one of two list types;
  • in the Statistics block you can see the predicted reading time of your text, the number of characters, words and sentences.

There are only two real disadvantages: the cost of iA Writer Pro ($19.99 for Mac) and the lack of Cyrillic support in the Syntax block. But these shortcomings will in no way affect users of the regular iA Writer. Yes, you won't have Workflows. Sentences will not be illuminated with an incomprehensible light (this is exactly what happens with the Cyrillic alphabet). But focus mode, statistics and a nice minimalistic interface will be available.

The developers tried to create a beautiful, efficient and enjoyable editor. And we must admit, they succeeded. The most convenient and easy interface promotes productive, fast and fruitful work. Of course, in many ways (application design, font, etc.) MacDown is similar to iA Writer. But this can also be justified by the fact that all creators of text editors strive for some kind of “golden mean”. Obvious advantages include the presence of synchronization and its excellent work. MacDown has a focus mode, a preview mode, and hotkeys. TO weaknesses This can be attributed to the paucity of settings and the paid version for iOS ($4.99). Overall, a pretty decent text editor, in no way inferior to its brothers.

Another text editor that can compete with MacDown and iA Writer. Its creators tried to ensure that the product is in no way appearance, neither by functionality was not inferior to his brothers. Byword settings have a minimal set of options most often used in text editors: day or night theme, 3 side indent options, 5 font templates, full visual formatting (centering, bold/italic, lists). In addition to the much-loved focus mode, Byword has a “typewriter” mode, in which the entered line is in the center of the screen. Byword can be purchased for $11.99.

Here is another tool for writing. This application will appeal to lovers of lightness and minimalism. The presence of basic functions, the ability to change the theme, sounds and font display - this editor has all the prerequisites to become your favorite. Just like iA Writer, WriteRoom diligently keeps a word count and displays the time it takes to read your literary work. But, in addition, WriteRoom tracks the time spent writing a document. This feature can be extremely useful for authors who need to produce multiple submissions per day. WriteRoom will cost $9.99 (the version for iPhone and iPad is free).

The developers of UlyssesIII were pleasantly surprised by the fact that they worked hard on new version, which compares favorably with the previous ones. If you are working with a multi-page document (article or book), UlyssesIII is your salvation. You can create projects, save drafts to the Inbox folder, and use full-screen mode. All work takes place on three panels: on the left - projects and filters, in the center - a list of documents, on the right - text. The main difference from Byword and iA Writer is the ability to work with different texts from a single window. By activating synchronization via iCloud upon first launch, you will be able to “collect” documents into your own database (the way iTunes works). The only thing you will have to “sweat” on is familiarization with all the settings and further customization “for yourself.” Oh, and one more thing - the price of $44.99 is a little disappointing.

Another text editor that was supposed to be an “all-in-one editor.” Whether its creators managed to achieve this goal is up to you to judge, since all editors, in general, are similar to each other. The difference is clearly visible only in the little things, thanks to which we give our verdict on the program.

The main MarkDrop window is divided into 2 blocks: the text area and the preview area. If any of the blocks is not needed at the moment, you can hide it. Standard set functions, the ability to create files with markdown markup and then view and export them to HTML and PDF. MarkDrop is exactly the editor that has every reason to get a solid “B”, but at the same time lacks some zest, something that contrasts favorably with the capabilities of other text editors. Price: $7.99.

The very name of this application speaks for itself. Clean Writer Pro has the full functionality required for the average user: focus on the current paragraph (and not on the sentence), several theme options, font settings, Markdown support. Clean Writer Pro has some configuration issues and won't replace iAWriter or Byword. But this application is perfect for those who are looking for a regular text editor, not equipped with unnecessary “tricks”. The price pleases and surprises ($5.99, on sale – $0.99).

A program designed specifically for authors. Therefore, there is no point in downloading it if you only need the basic functions of a text editor. But if you are planning to write a script or scientific work– You will like Scrivener. Standard interface options allow you to select a design theme, color options, etc. Features include a "corkboard" for notes on which you can drag cards, a full-screen mode, a planner, a multi-window mode that allows you to edit multiple documents at once, tracking words and characters until you reach a certain goal (important when writing a novel or dissertation, for example) , support Markdown, MLA, APA, etc. The price of this indispensable tool for a writer ranges from $40 to $45 (depending on the version).

And finally, a review of the most basic text editor - Simple Writer. The minimal set of tools and functions of this editor gives you the ability to quickly and easily create small and simple documents, reports and notes. Also, you can add images to the text, print in PDF format, format the text and not worry about the safety of your work thanks to the function automatic update and iCloud support. Free.

Mac is without a doubt good for web surfing, multimedia and image work. But you may have to purchase office programs for creating documents, working with spreadsheets, presentations and databases. I wrote "purchase" because the Mac doesn't have built-in software for this purpose. The only exception is TextEdit. In such a “fishless situation” it will pass for a text editor, but for full-fledged work you will have to install additional programs. Almost all of them are paid, but there are exceptions.

Mac Office Suites

If you need multitasking office applications, you can save some money by purchasing an office suite that includes two or more programs. Most often this is a text editor and a program for working with spreadsheets, but programs for working with presentations and databases are also not uncommon.

Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac

IN Office package 2011 for Mac includes the Word text editor, Excel spreadsheet program, and PowerPoint presentation program. The Home & Student version costs $149.95; Home & Business version is 279.95 and includes Outlook. Get acquainted with the programs and download free trial version possible at the address


This package includes a text editor, spreadsheet program, vector editor, and database management system. For such a number of programs, it would seem that you would have to pay a hefty amount. However, this is not at all true. OpenOffice() is completely free.

Papyrus Office

The package includes a word processor, spreadsheet program, publishing application, and database management system. It costs $99, but you can download a trial version from the website

Text editors

Most Mac fans use either Microsoft Word or Apple Pages. But if you need a text editor, and TextEdit’s capabilities are not enough, then you can choose one of the following programs:


If you have to work a lot with numbers, choose Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers. But if you don’t want to purchase the entire package just for one program, then pay attention to the individual applications:


It’s not that it’s impossible to find programs for working with databases on Mac, but there isn’t an abundance of them either. None of the presenters office packages does not support working with databases, and of the others, only OpenOffice and Papyrus Office can do this. If you have datasets and need to work with them, try using the following programs.
