Now the entire site consists of only one page - index. But your site will consist of more than one page, right? Then let's get to creating the rest of the pages.

It is understood that you should already have an image in your head of the approximate content of the remaining pages of your site. If you don’t have it yet, I advise you to build this image in your head, as it will be very helpful in future work.

In general, do you have names of sections and subsections? It is logical to start with their creation.

First, open the index page in Dreamweaver. Now save it by running the command File | Save as, but under a different name. Suppose your second page is called states(articles). So save the index page under the name states.

You now have two identical twin pages with different names. But why do you need two completely identical pages on your website, albeit under different names? I think there's absolutely no point.

So, without closing Dreamweaver, make changes to your new page, which I will call by default states. Insert all the pictures, write the text... Bring your ideas about this page to life. Of course, at first there may be only a couple of paragraphs, but this is only the first option?

Ready? Then let's go to Page Properties. Do you still remember how this is done? Menu command Modify | Page Properties or keyboard shortcut +. Next in the left list Category select an item Title/Encoding.

Next to the inscription Title write the title of your page. In this case, “Articles”. You can also write “your site name > articles” or vice versa, “articles > your site name”.

By the way, for home page do you have a title written down? What is a title anyway? This is what appears at the very top of your browser window when viewing a page.

That's it, the second page has been created. Before moving on to creating all the other pages, I will tell you how to connect the two already created pages (index and states) with hyperlinks.

As an Internet user, you have undoubtedly come across links more than once. The entire Internet is made up of them! It is difficult to imagine its existence without links, which are on almost every page.

Your visitors will also need to somehow move from one section to another. How can you do this without links?

Now you can execute the menu command Modify | Make Link(a dialog box will open) or go to our favorite Properties panel.
If you chose the second option, then pay attention to the field Link. On the right we find a button with a folder image Browse for file and click on it.

A dialog box will open Select File, where you need to select the file to which the link will lead.

Click OK, save the page and open it in the browser. Let's check how the link works. If you did everything correctly, then after clicking you will be taken to desired page. In this case, from the main page to the Articles page. Is everything like that? This means you have completed the task successfully!

Hyperlinks can be created from scratch without first selecting a word or phrase. Open the tab Common toolbars Insert. The first button is Hyperlink.

Clicking on it opens a dialog box Hyperlink.

Field Link you already know, this should be the URL of the page being linked to. When you click on the button on the right Browse with an image of the folder, a window will open Select File.

Pay attention to the input field Title. Here you can enter explanatory text that will be displayed when you hover over the link. This field is quite spacious; you can enter several sentences.

To change the address of a created link, you can select it and correct the entered value in the field Link panels Properties. Or execute the menu command Modify | Change Link which opens a window Select File, in which you need to select new file, containing the required page.

In addition to simple text links, you can also create an email link in Dreamweaver. A mail link is a hyperlink that creates a transition not to another page or site, but to a specified address email. As a rule, such links are used on sites to create feedback with visitors.

Both methods open a dialog box Email Link.

Click OK and see what happens.

On the page, in the place where the text cursor was, the text entered in the Text field will appear. It will look like a regular text link. Open the page in your browser and click on the link. A standard email program window should open.

Dreamweaver templates solve a problem that many businesses face - how to maintain a website and keep the standard sections standard. The usual solution is to use SSI (Server-Side Insertion), but not all web servers support this technology. There are other ways in which you can include one html file within another, but they all use either server-side programs or user-side java scripts.

Dreamweaver templates allow you to create a page template that resides in one area of ​​your site, and then create other pages based on that template. Then, when you make changes to the template, the pages that use the template will also change.

1. Start with the layout

The easiest way to create a template in Dreamweaver is to start with the layout you want to base the template on. I'm using the upgraded version free template: on the left is navigation, at the top is a header, as well as photos and colors.

Since it is possible to create a Dreamweaver template from scratch, many people find it easier to design first and then decide what will change and what will be part of the template.

Note. Dreamweaver templates are created as part of a Dreamweaver site. If you don't have any site defined, you'll need to create the site in Dreamweaver before creating the template.

3. Write a description of the template

Select the site you want to use the template on. I will use it on the Dreamweaver Examples site. The name of your site will be different.

Describe the pattern. The description can be as short or long as you need it to be. However, don't skimp on the details; they may be important in the future.

4. Create a folder to store templates

My site already has a template folder. But if it didn't exist, Dreamweaver will automatically create one.

All Dreamweaver templates are stored in the "templates" folder on your site, and have a *.dwt (short for Dreamweaver Template) extension.

5. Start adding editable areas

  • Select the part of the text you want to change.
  • Go to the menu item Insert - Template Objects.
  • Select Editable Area.

There are other template objects, but they are beyond the scope of this tutorial.

6. Set a name for the Editable Area

You can leave the name that Dreamweaver sets by default, but I recommend giving it a descriptive name, which will later remind you what information should be contained in this area.

7. Editable areas in block elements

If you try to place editable areas inside block elements (such as headings, paragraphs), Dreamweaver will issue a warning. If you leave the area inside a block element, your content authors won't be able to embed any other HTML elements there.

I use this when I want to make sure a title stays a title, or want a specific number of paragraphs or other elements in a template.

If you decide to leave the ability to add other block elements within a given element, then you need to move the editable area boundaries behind the element's tags. You can do this in HTML code display mode, or by re-specifying the area, having previously deleted it.

In the finished template, editable areas are highlighted with frames, above which there will be the name of the area.

9. Create a page based on a template

Once you save the template, you can use it on the site: From the File menu, select “New”;

  • Go to the “Page from Template” tab;
  • Select the created template;
  • Make sure that “Refresh page when template changes” is selected;
  • Click "Create".

You can now make changes, but only to editable areas. Dreamweaver will not allow you to change other parts of the template.

10. Change the template - update the files

If you need to make any changes to the template later, edit the dwt file in the Templates folder. Once you save your changes to the template, Dreamweaver will ask you if you want to update the pages based on the template. It will also indicate what files they are.

Once you click "Update", all files created from this template will be updated. All you have to do is save them and upload them to the web server.

Every website needs design, but creating a design yourself can be too difficult for first-time users. If you are using and would like to make an original website design, then you will need to know some information.

To get started, start searching for a quality template on the Internet. Once you find one of the options (usually an archive with files), open it and make sure that it contains the necessary folders and files, such as images, index.html, defaukt.css, etc. If these files are not in the archive, then you can immediately start looking for another template.

Template installation instructions

If you have all the necessary files, then use the following instructions.

1. The archive must be unzipped into the Templates folder, which must be created in the directory of your site. When copying, make sure that all files and folders are fully transferred, because This may be the reason for the poor quality display of some elements.

2. Now open Dreamweaver and press Ctrl+N or select “File”>”New”. In the window that appears, you need to go to the “Templates” tab and select the name of your site in the left column.

After this, the name of the template that you just added to the Templates folder will appear in the left column:

On the right side, which we have highlighted in green, you can see what the installed template will look like. To create a page with this template, click the “Create” button.

3. After this, a page with code will appear where you can change some page parameters:

As practice shows, pages with ready-made templates are often “littered,” so it makes sense to carefully read the code and remove unnecessary parts.

Separately, I would like to say that the best option receiving a template means ordering an individual project. On freelance exchanges you can find a lot of performers who, for a fee, will agree to create a unique template for your website. , it's a much simpler process than creating this template.

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We continue the series of articles devoted to creating a one-pager in the Dreamweaver program and in this next article we will look at an html template based on a one-pager.

We will create our html template based on a ready-made example of a simple “funnel” for attracting potential distributors (clients) or subscribers.

In the last article, “How to make your own website in Dreamweaver,” we studied a little about the Dreamweaver program and created our first html page using it.

If we talk about why I started this topic (the topic of creating one-pagers or, as they also say, creating a funnel for attracting potential clients, distributors), then...

The fact is that I repeatedly encounter how many people simply do not understand the obvious. Precisely, in order to create high-quality one-page websites and set up an attraction system in this particular way, it is not even advisable, but simply necessary to navigate the layout languages, be able to create a simple html template and, if necessary, make additional changes to it.

You don't need to know everything perfectly. You just need to know what is necessary to solve your problems. And, as you understand, one of the tasks is to have a strong skill in creating a one-page website. Bring this skill to the point that you can create the HTML template you need for any purpose at any time.

This can be an html template for a one-page website, for a newsletter, for a business card website, for a sales page, as well as an html template for various custom inserts on your website.

Whatever they say, the technical component of your network business or business based on the sale of information products is very important.

As I said in the previous article, there are currently a lot of services for creating one-page websites that offer various technologies for creating html template.

However, Firstly, such services become outdated and over time no longer meet the requirements imposed by modern technologies.

Secondly, if you have little or no knowledge of html layout, then it will be very difficult for you to make the changes that you need on such services. However, if you are vitally interested in increasing your conversion rate for attracting partners, you simply need the skills to create an html template.

Thirdly, - if you study this topic only superficially, your individuality, your style and, as a result, will suffer - Your Brand.

So it turns out that many people fall for all sorts of products, buy various packages and services, copy what in many cases does not work, and then wonder why there is so little return on their business.

The problem is that even after purchasing such products, people are faced with various pitfalls, give up and, in the end, “throw away” it all, without even making an attempt to find out the true reasons for the failures.

The most interesting thing is that these errors and failures are largely related to the technical component of html layout, the study of cascading style sheets (CSS), and also we understand what the internals of the created html pages.

We create a local server and prepare the ground for creating the first html template

So, let's start creating our first html template in the Dreamweaver program.

In the last video and article, we got acquainted with the Dreamweaver program, and also learned how to insert several elements (or, as they also say, blocks) on our simplest html template.

We also created special folder, where they placed the files we needed for work.

Now we will learn how to create a more complex thing - a local server. It is needed so that we can create, customize and test our created HTML templates without the help of the Internet.

Those. when creating local server A virtual partition (disk) is created on your hard drive, which simulates the Internet. Accordingly, when we install a local server on your hard drive, the path to your html page will look as if you were on the Internet.

As a local server to create our html template we will use "Denwer".

I want to stop you right now. There are many modifications of “Denwer” and there are many additions to it. Therefore, if you go to the main site for downloading, then although it will be sufficient for our tasks, I recommend that you download exactly the version and assembly that the link to which is below.

This assembly contains a very important component - “Zend Optimizer”, which we will need in the future to configure a very important script to increase the conversion of your html pages.

To install a local server on your hard drive, just run executable file and follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

I told and showed in more detail about installing and configuring a local server in a specially created video tutorial.

Html template as an example

The HTML template that we will consider is the simplest, but currently the conversion to such one-pagers is still quite high. Therefore, you can safely place this type of html template on your websites.

What to pay attention to...

I tried to make the lesson so that it would not be difficult for you, because... I understand that many people still do not know the HTML layout language very well, as well as cascading style sheets. Therefore, the lesson explains in detail which buttons you can use to make your own one-page website without this knowledge and skills.

In general, watch the lesson, all the necessary files (if you haven’t downloaded them yet) and create your one-page website in visual editor html "Dreamweaver".

P.S. There is a small error in the lesson, which I noticed after creating the video. See the video itself for explanations.

P.S. In the next article I will prepare a video in which I will show an “advanced” method of creating a one-page website based on the most popular html templates Runet.

Best regards, Andrey Averkov

#averkovteam #mlm #networkmarketing #work from home #recruiting #mlm business #social networks

We have now completed our third Web site. Everything works, all pages load normally and are displayed in the Web browser. It would seem that there is no reason to worry.

No, but only for the time being.

Let's imagine such a situation. We suddenly decided to add a new page to our website. To do this, we need to change the navigation bar in all pages, and to do this we will have to open each of them in a document window, add a link and save the page. Our site is small in size and we will complete this work fairly quickly. What if he was great?

Of course, we can use Dreamweaver's built-in tools. For example, call the dialog box Find and Replace- the product is extremely powerful. (For information on searching and replacing substrings, see Chapter 2.) Or start replacing hyperlinks by calling the item Change Link Sitewide menu Site panels Site(see chapter 6). In many cases, this will help us quickly replace entire sections of a page's content or HTML code. The assets and element library, also described in Chapter 6, can be of great help.

But what if we want to make some significant changes, for example, radically change the layout table structure? Search and replace is unlikely to help us, much less automatically replacing hyperlinks. Even assets with a library will not help us in this case. Do you really have to redo all the pages again?!

If you weren't working in Dreamweaver, you probably would have to do this. But we were lucky. Dreamweaver supports powerful templates. They were already mentioned in Chapter 3. Now we will look at them in more detail.

Sample- this is a kind of sample, the “skeleton” of a Web page, containing elements common to all pages. When you create a new page based on a template, all you have to do is enter the unique content of this very page in the right places and save it. You can later change the template and Dreamweaver will update all pages created from it.

In this sense, templates are similar to library elements (see Chapter 6). The difference is that a template is a template for an entire page, while the library stores only its individual elements. However, the Dreamweaver developers believe that templates are closest in "relatedness" to assets (see Chapter 6), and have placed a list of templates in the panel Assets.

Initially, the template cannot be changed, i.e. when you create a page based on it, you can place content only in specially designated places - editable areas. You cannot edit elements of the template itself, since they are immutable areas. If you want to correct something, you will have to open the template itself in the document window. Thus, Dreamweaver saves you from mistakenly changing the template and, accordingly, from distorting the Web pages created from it.

We can say that templates are ordinary Web pages. When editing, you can treat templates like regular Web pages and use the same tools. You can also set the parameters of the page that will be created based on this template (title, background color, text and hyperlinks). However, when creating the HTML code Dreamweaver templates uses many of its own tags and attributes, so it is not entirely correct to say that the template is an ordinary Web page.

Templates are saved in files with the .dwt extension in the Templates folder, located in the root folder of the local copy of the site. It follows that templates are an integral part of your site, just like the library. To use any template on another site, you will need to copy it to that site using standard means Dreamweaver (see Chapter 6). Several templates can be used on one site.

Templates are most useful to you if you create pages based on a tabular design. Such pages almost always contain many repeating elements, which are extremely labor-intensive to update manually. But you can also prepare templates for “regular” pages. This may be necessary, for example, if you create pages with the same design for a large corporate website.

Dreamweaver comes with quite a few templates created by professional Web designers. You can use these templates to create your pages; how this is done was discussed in Chapter 3. Try it - you may find something that suits you.
