Project History of the creation of cell phones and the cellular network

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History of Cell Phones and the Cellular Network

Students of class 7 "B"

Rutchina Marina

Project Manager:

Computer science teacher

Serdyuk N.N.


Explanatory note




    Main part of the project

    1. History of Cell Phones

      History of cellular networks


Main part of the project

A cell phone is a telephone designed to operate on networks. cellular communication. Uses a radio transceiver and traditional telephone communication to carry out telephone communications within the cellular network coverage area.

History of Cell Phones

History of the cellular network

One of the types of mobile radio communications, which is based on a cellular network. This network got its name “cellular” because the coverage area is divided into cells in the form of honeycombs. The networks partially overlap and form a single network.

Cellular communications have also developed in many countries. But the network could not keep up with the rapidly growing needs, and a solution was found in the form of cellular communications, which made it possible to increase capacity by reusing frequencies in a mesh system.

The diagram shows that the most popular operator is MTS. 37% of people use it.

In second place is Beeline. It is used by 27% of the population.

In third place is Megafon. 25% of people use it.

11% of the population uses other mobile operators.

Comparison of modern cell phones


Smartphone and communicator


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“Project History of the creation of cell phones and the cellular network”

Cell phones and cellular network

Prepared by 7th grade student “B”

Municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 87

Rutchina Marina

Goal and objectives

Target: Explore the origins of cell phones and the cellular network.

  • Review the history of cell phones
  • Consider the history of the cellular network
  • Consider modern cell phones
  • Compare modern cell phones


The relevance of this topic is beyond doubt, since basically when buying a new phone there is a choice, and in order to make the right one, the topic I have chosen will help you figure it out.

Cell phone is

A telephone designed to operate on cellular networks. Uses a radio transceiver and traditional telephone communication to carry out telephone communications within the cellular network coverage area.

The world's first cell phones

In 1957, Leonid Ivanovich Kupryanovich (USSR) created an experimental model of a mobile phone. It was called LK-1, weighing 3 kg. A base station was also built for this phone.

In subsequent samples of 1958, the weight of the mobile phone was reduced to 0.5 kg.

In 1961, L. I. Kupryanovich introduced a pocket telephone weighing only 70 grams, which fit in the palm of his hand.

In 1973, the first cell phone was released - the Motorola Dyna TAC.

The first call on it was made on April 3, 1973 by Martin Cooper, who called his competitors from AT&T.

This unit weighed 1.15 kg. The phone had no functions other than a call. You could talk on the phone for about an hour, but the phone took 10 hours to charge. A total of 5 prototypes were created.

Already in 1984, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X went on sale. People liked the phone and its features so much that thousands of people queued up to buy the phone.

Cellular network

One of the types of mobile radio communications, which is based on a cellular network. This network got its name “cellular” because the coverage area is divided into cells in the form of honeycombs. The networks partially overlap and form a single network.

History of the cellular network

The first use of mobile telephone radio in the United States dates back to 1921: Detroit police used a one-way control room to transmit information from a central transmitter to vehicle-mounted receivers.

In 1933, the NYPD began using a two-way mobile telephone radio system.

In 1934, the US Federal Communications Commission allocated 4 channels for telephone radio communications, and by 1940, about 10 thousand police vehicles were already using telephone radio communications.

But the Russians also did not lag behind. So in the late 50s. of the last century in the USSR, the development of the Altai car radiotelephone system begins. In 1963, an experimental zone was launched in Moscow. At the end of the 70s. The Altai system operated successfully in 114 cities of the country. In the summer of 2011, the Altai system stopped operating.

Cellular communications have also developed in many countries. But the network could not keep up with the rapidly growing needs and a solution was found in the form of cellular communications, which made it possible to increase capacity by reusing frequencies in a system with a mesh structure.


A camera phone is a type of phone that has a camera with a high-resolution matrix. Such phones have functions for processing photos and transmitting them to social media. networks.

Phones of this type became popular after they went on sale Sony Ericsson K and Sony Ericsson C in 2005. This device had a 2 -3.2 megapixel camera.

In 2009, Samsung released a phone that amazed the world because it had an 8 megapixel camera.

In 2012, Nokia 808 PureView with a 41 MP camera was introduced

It was officially announced in 2013 Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom is a smartphone with a 16 MP camera with 10x optical zoom and a powerful flash.

Announced in February 2014 Sony Xperia The Z2 received a 20.7 megapixel camera with the world's first digital image stabilization system and Ultra HD video shooting.

Smartphone and communicator.

A smartphone is a mobile phone enhanced with the functionality of a pocket personal computer.

The communicator is almost no different from a smartphone, except that the communicator has a slide-out keyboard.

The first attempt to connect a telephone and a pocket computer appeared in the 90s of the last century. It was an IBM Simon phone. In addition to telephone functions, the device could receive faxes and allowed receiving email and had several games. There were no keys. All actions were performed through touch screen. But due to its size, the phone was not popular.

Comparison of cell phones

For comparison, I chose two phone models. Lenovo S 650 and Apple Iphone 6.

Lenovo S 650

communication standards

Apple Iphone 6

operating system


built-in memory

memory card slot



not removable

0t 7000 to 12000r


from 43000 to 63000r

sim card

  • During project work It was found out when the first cell phones appeared. I also found out what they looked like and what they were like.
  • While working on this topic, I learned what a cellular network is, when and where it originated and what it was.
  • Looking at modern cell phones, I learned that progress does not stop, but moves forward, and every year we can see more and more interesting phones.
  • Comparing two cell phones, I found out that the choice of phone depends on the purpose for which the phone is being purchased.
  • I believe my project is of great significance for those who want to learn a little about cell phones. It can also help when choosing a phone.
  • Next year I plan to supplement my project with new and interesting facts about cell phones, and compare another pair of phones.

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Introduction. Action cell phone. Thermal effect. Non-thermal effect. The influence of a mobile phone on a person. Conclusion.

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Millions of people use cell phones every day, which are becoming an indispensable attribute of a modern person - every fourth Russian today is a user of a cellular communication system. Therefore, doctors, scientists, and even users themselves are increasingly concerned about the question: are mobile radiotelephones safe?


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The purpose of this study is to study the problem of the influence of cellular communications on the human body, warn people about the danger and develop specific proposals to reduce it. It is impossible to stop progress. Mobile communications are very convenient, and in some cases extremely necessary, but using them unwisely can be unsafe.

Purpose of the study.

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Cell phones pose a threat to other electronic devices due to the so-called electromagnetic compatibility problem, i.e. creation of mutual interference by various radio-electronic devices. The fact is that the cell phone transmitter is turned on not only when there is a call, but also when it receives automatic (probing) BS calls.

Cell phone actions.

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Regardless of the user’s actions, the cell phone independently answers the call from the BS, reporting that it is within its coverage area and is ready to receive a call. Thus, a switched-on cell phone can create powerful radio interference at any time. The aviators were the first to sound the alarm. There is no need to explain what can happen to a landing plane if its navigation system or autopilot suddenly fails. Gas station owners also fear the same situations.

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Calling a cell phone can pose a threat to human health and life even in a hospital where sensitive electronic equipment is used. We should not forget about the danger for those who are forced to use implanted pacemakers and other implanted devices. Studies conducted on more than 230 pacemakers of various models showed that about a third of such devices experience interference from cell phone radiation.

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Further, almost all experts agree with the statement that cell phone radiation affects health. Only the assessment of the extent of this influence is controversial. Let's try to figure out this problem. Theoretically, in the action of any electromagnetic radiation it is customary to distinguish two effects: thermal and non-thermal.

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Thermal effect. Electromagnetic energy is absorbed by the human body and, converted into heat, heats up individual organs. Microwave ovens operate on the same principle. True, the radiation power in ovens is much higher than that of cell phones. However, we must take into account that the antenna, the main emitter of the phone, is located next to the brain, which is affected by the electromagnetic field. As a result, the temperature of certain parts of the brain rises.

Thermal effect.

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Non-thermal effect (sometimes called informational). The effect of cell phone radiation on the brain has so far been very poorly studied. The fact is that the frequencies coincide with the frequencies of the human brain’s own, natural bioelectrical activity, which are recorded on the electroencephalogram.

Thus, the frequency of 217 Hz coincides with the so-called gamma rhythm of the brain, 8.3 Hz with the alpha rhythm, and 2 Hz with the delta rhythm. Consequently, signals enter the brain from outside that can influence its own bioelectrical activity (for example, due to resonance) and thereby disrupt brain functions.

Non-thermal effect.

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The influence of the electromagnetic field on the nervous system. Large number Research allows us to classify the nervous system as one of the most sensitive systems of the human body to the effects of electromagnetic fields. At low field intensity, significant deviations occur in the transmission of nerve impulses at the level of neural bioelectrochemical relays (synapses). Suppression of higher nervous activity also occurs, and memory deteriorates.

Cell phone influence.

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The influence of the electromagnetic field on the immune system. It has been established that electromagnetic exposure changes the nature of the infectious process and autoimmunity occurs (an attack of the immune system on one’s own body). This pathology of the immune system leads to the fact that it reacts against its own normal tissue structures, and is characterized in most cases by a deficiency of lymphocytes generated in the thymus gland, which is inhibited by electromagnetic influence.

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The influence of the electromagnetic field on the endocrine regulatory system. Research by Russian scientists that began in the 60s. XX century, showed that under the influence of an electromagnetic field, stimulation of the pituitary gland occurs, accompanied by an increase in the content of adrenaline in the blood and activation of blood coagulation processes. Changes in the adrenal cortex and the structure of the hypothalamus were also noticed.

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The influence of the electromagnetic field on the reproductive system. Sexual dysfunction is usually associated with changes in its regulation by the nervous and endocrine regulatory systems, as well as with a sharp decrease in the activity of germ cells. It has been established that the female reproductive system is more sensitive to electromagnetic influences than the male reproductive system.

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The effect of cellular communications on the cardiovascular system. Studies have been conducted on the effect of cellular communications on the cardiovascular system of the body, in particular, the effect on human blood pressure. The study was conducted on twenty volunteers with an average of three ages: 12, 39 and 65 years. The conversation on the cell phone lasted 20 minutes. A general-purpose membrane blood pressure meter was used to measure systolic and diastolic blood pressure: pressure range from 20 to 300 mm Hg, permissible main error in the range from 60 to 240 mm Hg. was 3 mmHg, and in the rest of the range 4 mmHg.

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General influence of the electromagnetic field on the human body. The results of clinical studies conducted in Russia showed that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields can lead to the development of so-called radio wave disease. People who have been in the radiation zone for a long time complain of weakness, irritability, fatigue, weakened memory, and sleep disturbances. Often these symptoms are accompanied by disorders of the autonomic functions of the nervous system.

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Talking on a cell phone increases blood pressure, especially noticeably in children. This is most likely due to the fact that a growing organism is significantly more susceptible to radiation. This means that a cell phone affects the entire cardiovascular system as a whole, causing pathological deviations, which are described in given time very little is known.

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Based on the above, we conclude:

1. There is evidence that cell phone radiation can negatively affect some human organs, in particular the brain, leading to damage to nerve cells, cancer, decreased mental abilities, and functional disorders in the human body.

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2. Developing organisms are most susceptible to cell phone radiation. Therefore, children and pregnant women are in the first risk group.

3. Current safety standards cannot be considered absolutely reliable.

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4. Currently proposed protection measures have not been sufficiently tested and their protective ability is questioned.

5. You should not use mobile phones unless necessary - this will save your money and health.

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To reduce the harmful effects of cell phones on the person himself and his environment, we can recommend: – take the purchase of a phone seriously. To avoid buying a “wrong” phone, it is better to purchase the device from well-known companies, inquire about the availability of a Ministry of Communications certificate for the phone model and a sanitary and hygienic certificate.

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– at home and at work you should use regular wired telephones. Landline radiotelephones can also be harmful, especially since in the absence of time-based payment, the conversation can be very long;

– while the car is moving, the driver should not talk on a cell phone, because his attention is distracted: this may be the cause of the accident.

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– use should be avoided protective devices in the form of all kinds of records, because most often it is a fake;

– people using pacemakers should always keep a switched-on cell phone at a distance of at least 15 cm from the pacemaker; they should not carry a switched-on phone in their chest pocket.

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– Some cell phones may interfere with hearing aids. If such an influence is detected, you should seek advice from the phone manufacturer or service center;

– if any other personal medical devices are used, you should consult with the device manufacturer to determine whether they are reliably shielded from electromagnetic interference;

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– you should turn off your phone if in the area where you are there are signs and warnings about the need to turn it off;

– in areas where explosive work is carried out, be sure to turn off your phone;

– in areas with a potentially dangerous atmosphere (fire and explosion hazard areas), you must turn off the phone and do not disconnect the battery from it.

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– sufficient funding is needed to solve this problem (creation of special services, advanced training of personnel, etc.);

– a legislative and regulatory framework is needed, in particular, control over companies producing mobile phones;

– involvement of specialists from related professions (for example, doctors, radio designers and ecologists) to more accurately scientifically substantiate the degree of harmful effects of a cell phone and find ways to reduce it.

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Long-term exposure to radio waves on various human life systems has multiple consequences. The most characteristic effects of radio waves of all ranges are deviations from the normal state of the central nervous system and the human cardiovascular system. Subjective sensations – headache, drowsiness or general insomnia, fatigue, weakness, increased sweating, memory loss, absent-mindedness, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, causeless feelings of anxiety, fear, etc.

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The impact of cell phones was studied using models that simulate the structure of the human skeleton and soft tissues, thermal and electrical parameters (heat capacity, thermal and electrical conductivity, dielectric constant, etc.). Experiments were also carried out on living organisms (worms, mice, frogs) and on people (volunteers).

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It turned out that radio radiation can change the structure of the protein in the worm and cause malfunctions in the frog’s heart; temporarily and slightly increase a person’s blood pressure, as well as cause dizziness and drowsiness; worsen memory in rats, but at the same time improve intellectual abilities in humans, etc.

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Epidemiologists who tried to establish a connection between exposure to radio radiation and the occurrence of certain diseases did not find any harmful effects. Illnesses could often be attributed to a cell phone, but the number of such cases was within the normal statistical margin of error. It is likely that this effect may take some time to become apparent and that different people are susceptible to it to varying degrees.

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Why did I choose this topic

In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine life without a phone. I wondered how the telephone appeared. I found out that it was invented a little over 130 years ago.

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How the name came about

Two Greek words gave the name to the device, which is now impossible to do without. "Tele" means "far" and "fone" means "sound." The phone transmits the sound of voice over a long distance.

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Inventor of the telephone

The inventor of the telephone, Scottish-American Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), was a doctor who taught deaf and dumb people to speak. He knew a lot about sound and voice, and it was this that gave him the idea of ​​a device that could convert the human voice into an electrical signal. Such signals were transmitted through wires a million times faster than sound through the air. So Bell invented the telephone.

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First telephone conversation

The first telephone conversation took place in 1876. The assistant was very surprised when he suddenly heard Bell’s voice in the machine, who told him “Come here, Mr. Watson, I need you.”

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It turns out that the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Bell, never called his mother and wife - unfortunately, they were both deaf

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The first telephone set

A. Bell's telephone looked like a large closet

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The first telephones were a curiosity and very difficult to use.

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    What does it consist of?

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    How it works

    When you call one of your friends on the phone, your voice vibrates the microphone membrane. The microphone converts vibrations into electrical signals that travel along the wire. When these signals arrive on your friend's phone, they vibrate the earphone membrane, and it converts the vibration into sounds.

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    My experience

    For the experiment I needed two plastic glasses and a cord. I made a hole in each glass, threaded the cord through both holes, and tied a knot at each end. He took one of the glasses and gave the other to his brother. We separated so that the cord was taut and spoke in turns - one spoke into his glass, the other listened into his. Sound waves passed through the wire.

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    During the experience

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    A modern phone is completely different from its predecessors, but it does the same thing. Wires from all devices go to the telephone exchange. There is a whole kingdom of automata connecting people with each other.

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    Phones with caller ID

    Now there are telephones that determine the number of the subscriber - the person who is calling you.

    Inventor of the telephone The inventor of the telephone, an American of Scottish origin, Alexander Graham Bell (), was a doctor who taught the deaf and dumb to speak. He knew a lot about sound and voice, and it was this that gave him the idea of ​​a device that could convert the human voice into an electrical signal. Such signals were transmitted through wires a million times faster than sound through the air. So Bell invented the telephone.

    How it works When you call one of your friends on the phone, your voice causes the microphone membrane to vibrate. The microphone converts vibrations into electrical signals that travel along the wire. When these signals arrive on your friend's phone, they vibrate the earphone membrane, and it converts the vibration into sounds.

    My experience For the experiment I needed two plastic glasses and a cord. I made a hole in each glass, threaded the cord through both holes, and tied a knot at each end. He took one of the glasses and gave the other to his brother. We separated so that the cord was taut and spoke in turns - one spoke into his glass, the other listened into his. Sound waves passed through the wire.

    The literature used is LARGE CHILDREN'S ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA Egmont Russia LTD. MY VERY FIRST ENCYCLOPEDIA Moscow "Rosman" 2006 POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIC ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY EUROPEDIA Moscow Olma-press 2004 WHY AND BECAUSE Moscow "Rosman" 2005 WHAT? FOR WHAT? WHY? Big book of questions and answers.

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    Presentation on the topic: “Cell phone” Prepared by: Student of VIII grade “A” MOUBSOSH No. 7 Nikolay Litvinov

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    The history of the appearance of the first cell phone in the world. April 3, 1973 head of division mobile communications Motorola Martin Cooper, walking through the center of Manhattan, decided to make a call on his cell phone. Passers-by were very surprised and did not understand what was happening: there were still 10 years left before the advent of commercial cellular telephony. On March 6, 1983, the world's first commercial portable cell phone was released. On this day, Motorola introduced the DynaTAC 8000X - the result of 15 years of development, on which more than $100 million was spent. The phone weighed 794 grams and had dimensions of 33 x 4.4 x 8.9 cm. The battery charge of the first mobile phone with an LED display was enough for 8 hours of standby time or hours of talk time. The phone was the first to be certified for commercial use by the US Federal Communications Commission. At retail, the new product cost fabulous money - $3,995. However, according to Motorola representatives, even despite the high price, the idea of ​​​​being always connected so inspired users that thousands of Americans signed up to buy the DynaTAC 8000X.

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    Phone operation on a cellular network. The cellular network consists of base stations (multi-frequency VHF transceivers) distributed throughout the coverage area of ​​the cellular network and switches. The cell phone listens to the airwaves, finds a signal from the base station and sends it a unique IMSI of the SIM card, as well as a unique Phone IMEI. The network computer verifies the subscriber's authenticity by sending a random number to the mobile phone, which the SIM card processes using a special algorithm and sends the result to the nearest base station. The base station transmits information to the control computer, where the code from the mobile phone and the one calculated by the computer are checked. If there is a match, the mobile phone is allowed access to the network. The reliability of identification is considered quite high. The cell phone and base station maintain constant radio contact. When moving, a cell phone periodically switches from one base station to another, choosing the station that has a stronger signal. This process occurs even if the phone is in standby mode and there is no conversation in progress. The network computer always knows with which base station a given mobile phone maintains stable radio communication. By remembering the current time and base station number, the computer stores the time of negotiations and the location of the subscriber. A stolen cell phone can be found by its IMEI, regardless of what SIM card is installed in it. In many devices, you can change the IMEI using various illegal methods. Communication between the telephone and the station can be carried out using a variety of digital protocols, which can be divided into families. The main ones are: (DAMPS, CDMA, GSM, UMTS. Outdated analog protocols - (AMPS, NAMPS, NMT-450). Most modern cell phones can operate in several standards, which allows you to use roaming services in different cellular networks. Most GSM phones used in Russia support the GSM-900 and GSM-1800 protocols, many also work in the GSM-850 and GSM-1900 networks. Almost all UMTS phones can operate on GSM networks. There was a media report about a project for a cell phone that can be used much like a walkie-talkie - if subscribers are close to each other, such a phone will provide communication between them without using switching technology mobile operator, - you won’t have to pay your mobile operator for such a conversation.

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    The influence of a cell phone on human health. First of all, I would like to present the results of a survey conducted on the Internet about the safety of cell phones. The question was: “Do you think that using a cell phone is harmful to your health?”

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    The influence of a cell phone on human health. (Part 2) 06/28/2000 The World Health Organization published its recommendations on the issue of cell phone safety in connection with the upcoming conference of the European Parliament. The recommendations note that to date there is no convincing evidence of a connection between the use of mobile phones with the development of cancer or other serious diseases. Final conclusions are expected to be drawn from the results of a multi-year study in 10 countries, which will be completed in 2003. Negative effects such as slower reaction time or sleep disorders are also considered not scientifically confirmed. Thus, the recommendations indicate that no special security measures should be applied to cell phones. This study corresponds to data obtained by a group of scientists from Canada who studied the effect of exposure to radio waves (from cellular antennas installed on the roofs of buildings and from cell phones) on humans. Their independent study was conducted at the request of Health Canada, and the report found that “exposure (to radio frequency fields) of the type and intensity generated by radiocommunication devices does not cause or cause tumors in animals or humans.” Despite this, the need to improve Canadian laws in the field of protection of personnel working in the field of cellular communications was noted.

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