• Settings, filters - automatic distribution of letters into folders and anti-spam protection
  • Add a mailbox - receive letters from other mailboxes via mail
  • This section is intended for creating new folders in electronic mail mail, for distribution of letters. Folders help you organize your mail by distributing letters by topic or other parameters. Folders also allow you to block access to certain emails by locking the folder with a password.

    Go to settings - button in the upper right corner, next to the “Exit” button or click the “More” button and select “Settings”.

    Select the “Folders” section either in the list on the left or on the right with an icon in the form of a yellow folder with a lock drawn on it.

    The page contains a list of existing folders. At the top of the list is the “Add Folder” button; by clicking this button, you can accordingly create a new folder for letters. For example, let’s create a “Personal” folder and click “Add Folder”.

    In the first field, write the name of the new folder (any name is possible, but I’ll create “Personal”). In the second line we select the nesting level, that is, it’s like in operating system, either this folder will be visible and it will be equal to the others, or it will be located inside another folder. To make it more clear, I’ll create a folder nested in the existing “Inbox” folder. I open the “First level folder” field and select the “Inbox” folder.

    Now select the folder availability. “Not available for email programs (POP3)” - this means that if you check this box, you will not be able to open this folder from programs for use by email, such as Bat, Microsoft Outlook and the like. In this case, letters from the folder can only be opened in Mail.

    You can create a password if someone else has access to your mail. To create a password, check the “Folder is password protected” box.

    Additional lines to fill out appear - we enter the password for the folder twice (you can see how to create a password in the “registration in mail” section), after the password we enter a secret question, the question is not selected, but is invented independently. The following is the answer to this question. The answer and the question do not have to be logically interconnected, the main thing is that you can later remember this answer. The answer is intended for password recovery; I do not advise you to write just anything, as one day you will definitely forget your password.

    In the bottom line enter the password for mailbox Mail, that is, from the mailbox you are currently in. If you don’t remember your password, go to the “password recovery” section. After filling in all the data, click the “Add” button.

    Now a new folder called “Personal” has appeared in the list of folders. If you point at a new folder, two buttons appear on the right - settings, and - delete folder. In the folder settings, you can rename the folder, make it inaccessible to email programs, and close it with a password. In general, this is all that we specify when creating a new folder.

    If you hover your mouse over the main folders that already existed when you entered, then two buttons also appear - “Clear” and - settings. You can only delete folders that you created yourself. When clearing a folder, all letters stored in this folder are deleted.

    Now we go to the main menu to look at the result of our actions; to go, click “go to inbox” in the list on the left.

    A new one has appeared among the folders - the one that was created. The Personal folder is located below the Inbox folder and can be hidden or shown using a triangle in the Inbox folder.

    In a previous article, I talked about how you can sort emails by folders (labels) in the GMail email service. And in this article I will show you how to organize incoming letters into the required folders in Yandex mail, in which this process is even more intuitive than in Google.

    Now I will not delve directly into the essence of this whole division of letters into folders, since I already wrote about this in more detail in a previous article (see the link above).

    If in GMail mail folders are called correctly “shortcuts” and you won’t see the word “folder” there, then in Yandex it is the concept “folder” that is used for letters.

    Creating folders for sorting letters in Yandex

    In Yandex, folders are created simply.

    Left in personal account mail there are main folders, such as “Inbox”, “Sent Items”, “Deleted Items” and under them there is a “Create folder” link. Click on it:

    In the window that opens, you need to indicate the name of the folder and such that you later understand what kind of letters it contains :) It is clear that by naming the folder “123”, you are unlikely to understand what kind of letters are in it :))

    Here you can select the “parent” folder, i.e. the one in which the created one will be placed this folder(subfolder).

    For example, there is a folder called “Company A”, in which you will receive all letters from company “A”. And since the letters may be from different people and for different purposes, you can create several more subfolders in that folder, for example, “From management”, “Reports”, if, of course, you need such detailed sorting.

    To create such a subfolder, click “Attach to another folder” and select the desired parent folder.

    All. You can click “Create folder” at the bottom and it will be created.

    The principle of sorting letters into folders in Yandex

    You can sort letters into created folders in Yandex in 2 ways:

      Manually. That is, having selected the desired letter, move it to the desired folder;

      Automatically. By creating special rules (conditions) for transferring certain letters to the required folders immediately when they arrive in the mail.

    Manually moving emails to a folder

    Manually transferring a letter or several to the desired folder is done like this...

    Select one or more letters from the list that you want to move to another folder, click “To folder” and from the window that appears, select which folder they will be moved to.

    Or you can open the letter itself and do the same. There is no difference.

    Automatic placement of letters into the required folders

    Automatic placement of letters can be configured directly when creating the folder itself.

    To do this, in the folder creation window, click “Yandex.Mail can automatically move …”.

    In the window that opens, conditions will be given (“Put in a folder if”), with which you can set up automatic forwarding of letters.

    For example, you can fill in the address in the “From” condition or part of the address, and as a result, if when the letter arrives in the mail, the sender’s address matches what you specified in that condition, then it will work and the letter will be sent to this folder.

    To make the condition more “narrow”, you can also specify a topic. As a result, two conditions will be checked at once: address and subject of the letter. And only if both of them correspond to what you specified, the letter will be sent to the desired folder.

    Here, if necessary, you can proceed to setting up more complex and flexible conditions by clicking “I need more complex conditions.”

    In the window that opens, you can create more complex conditions and actions for incoming letters.

    The principle is similar: you specify the condition itself and choose what to do with the letter if this condition is met.

    You can also get to creating conditions and actions with letters through the “Mail Processing Rules” subsection of the general settings.

    Action on folders (delete, rename, configure)

    Created folders can be easily deleted and renamed. You just need to right-click on the folder in the list and select the appropriate action from the pop-up window:

    If you need to configure folders in more detail, click “Folder and Label Settings” in the same menu. This will take you to a separate window where you can change the arrangement of folders on top of each other, nest one folder in another, and create conditions for moving letters into them.


    When letters are sorted into folders, it is easier to work with mail and, most importantly, more convenient, because everything is sorted into shelves. In Yandex, as you already understood, creating folders, managing them and sorting emails by them is very simple and intuitive. Therefore, I recommend that owners of Yandex mail take this into account if they are not already using it!

    Personal folders are needed in order to conveniently sort the flow of letters. For example, letters from work can be stored in the “Work” folder, notifications from social networks. networks - to the “Social” folder. networks”, and correspondence with your favorite friends - in the “Friends” folder.

    Creating a new folder

    To create a personal folder, go to Yandex.Mail, then go to the “Settings” menu (the gear icon in the upper right corner of the page) and click on the “Folders and Labels” link.

    In the “Folders” block, click on the “New Folder” button and proceed to setting it up.

    Setting up a new folder

    In the window that appears, specify the name of the new folder. If you want to attach a folder to an existing one, click on “Attach to another folder” under the name field. By default, new folders are nested in the standard Inbox.

    If you want only certain letters to be put into a new folder, click on the link “Yandex.Mail can automatically move certain letters to a folder” - fields will open to set up a rule according to which some letters will only go to your new folder. To do this, indicate the address (or part of it) from which such letters should come, as well as their subject. Should only emails with attached files go into the folder? Then check the “Email contains attachments” checkbox.

    If three parameters for filtering letters into a new folder are not enough for you, move on to a more flexible setup of mail processing rules - to do this, click on the link “I need more complex conditions” and describe all the necessary rules for sorting letters for the new folder.

    Having described the rules for parsing mail, click “Create a folder” - the new folder will instantly appear in the list of Yandex.Mail folders.

    Return to the “Letters” section and to see all your personal folders, click on the checkmark to the left of the “Inbox” link - a list with your new personal folders will expand.

    Working with and managing new folders

    You can put any letter into a new personal folder directly from the letter itself or from the list of letters. To do this, open the letter or tick several letters in the list, then click on the “Move to folder” link under the search bar at the top right and select the desired folder. In the menu that appears, you also have the opportunity to quickly create another personal folder by clicking on the “New Folder” link.

    You can clear, rename, set up a rule or delete a personal (but not standard) folder at any time, and also mark all letters in the folder as read - to do this, go back to the “Settings” menu, then “Folders and Marks”. In the same section, personal folders can be moved among themselves, including nesting into each other by simply dragging with the mouse.

    All correspondence is distributed into folders. The mailbox contains 5 system folders that are created automatically and cannot be deleted or renamed. In addition to system folders, you can create your own personal folders.

    Folder navigation is available on the left side of pages with lists of letters. The system folders are listed at the top: Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts, Spam, Trash; your personal folders will be displayed below. Next to the folder name, the number of new (unread) messages in it is displayed. if they exist.


      "Inbox"- the main folder, by default all incoming (new) letters that arrive in your mailbox go into it.

      "Sent"- this folder contains letters sent from your mailbox. In order for your letters to be saved in this folder, when creating a letter, be sure to check the box "Save to Sent". By default, the checkbox is set automatically; this can be changed if necessary. To do this, go to the section "Settings" "General" and uncheck "Save to Sent", save changes. Then, when writing a letter, the “Save in sent” checkbox will always be unchecked automatically. In the same way, you can return the default setting for saving sent emails.

      In a folder "Drafts" Your unfinished and postponed letters that you intend to send later are stored. To save the letter in this folder, click the button "Save" when writing a letter.

      In a folder "Spam" emails that you have marked as SPAM are stored.

      "Basket"- This folder stores letters that you have deleted from other folders. Saving deleted emails in the Trash folder works by default, but you can change this if necessary. To do this, go to the section "Settings"(menu bar at the top of the page), then go to the settings page "General" and uncheck/check the box Deleteadd to cart. Don't forget to press the button "Save".


    You can configure personal folders at your discretion: add a new one, rename the current one, clear or delete a folder. To go to managing personal folders, click on the link "Folder Management" under folder navigation (see Fig. 1).

    The folder management page will load (see Fig. 2). The page displays a list of all folders, including system folders, but for system folders only the action is available " Clear folder". For all folders in the list, the number of unread emails and all emails in the folder are indicated.

    Rice. 2. Folder management.

    To create a new folder, enter its name in the "Folder Name" text field and click the button "Create folder"(see Fig. 3).

    Rice. 3. Create a folder.

    You can rename a personal folder, to do this, click on the icon "Change" in the list line. In the window that appears, edit the folder name and click the button "Save"(see Fig. 4).

    Be careful! If you have filters that use this folder, then when you rename the folder, the filters will be deleted.

    Rice. 4. Rename the folder.

    You can delete all letters from both your personal and system folders. To do this, click on the icon "Empty folder" in the list line.

    Please note that deleted emails cannot be returned in this case. The system will display a dialog box to confirm the removal of all letters from the folder (see Fig. 5). If you are sure that the letters need to be deleted, click the " Clear".

    Rice. 5. Confirmation of deletion of all letters in the folder.

    You can delete not only all letters from a folder, but also the entire folder, to do this, click on the icon "Delete folder" "Delete". In this case, the folder itself and all its contents will be deleted.

    In this case, deleted folders and letters cannot be returned. In addition, all filters using this folder will be deleted. The system will display a dialog box to confirm the deletion of the folder (see Fig. 6). If you are sure that the folder needs to be deleted, click the " Delete".

    Rice. 6. Confirmation of folder deletion.

    Add folder

    1. Click Add Folder.
    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the new folder.
    3. In the Folder Location field, select:
    • "Folder at top level" if you want the folder to appear in the list of other folders.
    • The name of the parent folder if you want to create a subfolder.
  • Install additional options, if required.
  • Click Add.
  • You can also set a password for the folder. To do this, check the box next to “Folder is password protected” and fill in the fields:

    Clear folder

    If you want to clear a folder of emails, hover your mouse over the name of the required folder and click “Clean”. Messages from the folder will appear in the Trash folder.

    Delete folder

    You can delete any folder, except for the system ones: “Inbox”, “Spam”, “Sent Items”, “Drafts” and “Trash”.

    To delete a folder, hover your mouse over its name and click the icon.

    The folder will be permanently deleted, and all letters will end up in the Trash.

    You cannot delete a folder if it has subfolders. First you need to delete the subfolders and then the folder at the top level.

    Rename folder

    You can rename personal folders. To go to the folder editing page, hover your mouse over its name and click on the icon.

    Rename the folder and click Edit.

    The “Inbox”, “Spam”, “Trash”, “Sent Items” folders cannot be renamed.

    Make a folder unavailable for downloading by email programs using the POP3 protocol

    To make a folder unavailable for downloading via the POP3 protocol, move the mouse cursor over the name of the required folder and click on the icon. In the window that appears, check the box next to “Not available for email programs (POP3)” and click “Change”.

    You cannot download emails using email programs using the POP3 protocol from the “Sent Items,” “Drafts,” and “Trash” folders.

    Make a folder an archive

    If you move old emails to the Trash, they may disappear: a letter is deleted from the Trash after 30 days. To ensure that old emails are always available, create an archive folder.

    To do this, check the “Make folder as archive” checkbox. The folder will appear in the list after “Drafts” and will have its own icon - . Place old, unclaimed emails in this folder to avoid cluttering your inbox.

    Set a password for the folder

    To set a password for a folder, move the mouse cursor over the name of the required folder and click on the icon. In the window that appears, check the box next to “Folder is password protected” and fill in the fields:

    A password for the folder will help further protect the letters it contains. However, if someone gains access to your mailbox, it will not completely secure your emails. Enable secure SMS login in your mail so that no one gets into your mailbox.

    Folder order

    Folders in Mail are arranged automatically in alphabetical order. The first is always the “Inbox” folder, then folders with names from 0 to ∞, then from A to Z and finally from A to Z. The list is completed by service folders: “Sent”, “Outbox”, “Drafts”, “ Archive", "Spam", "Trash".

    If you want to put the folders in your own order, add numbers at the beginning of their names: 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on until you designate the desired folders.

    Example manual order folders with numbers at the beginning of the names

    If you have a problem logging into a folder, use our assistant .
