It is not uncommon for a situation to arise when you need to send a file by mail, but its size exceeds the permissible threshold. As a rule, in such situations, other methods of sending the file are used. For example, a file is uploaded to cloud storage and send a link with which this file can be downloaded. However, there is another way. A large file can be divided into parts and sent in several emails. In this article we will tell you how this can be done.

If you don’t know how to split a file into parts, then the first thing you need to do is download and install the archiver. In this article we will use the 7zip() archiver, but you can use WinRAR or any other that is convenient for you.

After downloading and installing the 7zip archiver, call the context menu (right-click) for the file that you want to split into parts. In the menu that opens, select “7-zip – Add to archive”.

After this, a window with archive creation settings will open in front of you.

At the bottom of this window there is a "Split into volumes" function. Using this function we can divide the file into parts of the size we need.

In order to divide the file into parts, you need to enter the size you want to receive. The size is entered in megabytes. To do this, enter the number of megabytes with English letter"M". For example, 5M, 10M, 15M, etc. You can leave the remaining archiving settings as default or change them as you wish. This will not affect the process of splitting the file into parts. The only note is that the archive format is best set to “zip”. This is the most popular format using this format, you can be sure that there will be no problems opening it on another computer.

After you have entered the file size you want to receive, you can click on the “OK” button and start the archiving process.

For example, we split the file into 15 MB parts. After this, archive files appeared in the folder with the source file. The size of each file will not exceed the size you specified in the archiving settings. You can verify this by looking at the file size.

At this point, the process of dividing the file into parts can be considered complete. You can send the created archive via email, attaching one file to each letter.

In order to unpack such an archive and get the original file again, you need to place all parts of the archive in one folder and use the “Unpack” function.

Computer programs are becoming more complex, movies are getting better quality, and games are getting better graphics. All this leads to the fact that file sizes increase, and if a film in a small resolution of 360p or 720p can be transferred from computer to computer without problems, then when the resolution reached 4K, this became more difficult to do. In such a situation, it is necessary to split the file into parts and then join it back together. There are several ways to do this, but first of all, we suggest dealing with situations in which you may need to split the file into several parts.

Why split the file into parts?

With the arrival of external hard drives Many people no longer need to split large files into parts. Large files can be easily downloaded to a spacious external storage device, and then transferred from it to another computer. But there are situations in which it is necessary to split the file into several parts, and here are just a few of them:

We have listed only three of the most common situations in which you may need to split a large file into several parts. In highly specialized areas there may be other reasons, for example it may be necessary to split a file to ensure additional security and the impossibility of accessing it without combining all the parts into one. We propose to consider two of the most simple ways separation large file into several parts.

The most common and easiest way to split a file into several parts is to use WinRar archiver program. This method the simplest, since the WinRar program is installed on most computers, and it is not difficult to assemble a divided file in parts, as well as to “cut” it. Please note that the instructions below require installed program WinRar.

To split a file into parts in WinRar you need to:

How to combine files divided into parts in WinRar:

As you can see, the process of splitting a file into parts using WinRar is quite simple. Its advantages include archiving of selected files, that is, after breaking into parts they weigh less than the original object. This allows you to split the file into fewer parts.

How to split a file into parts using Total Commander?

No less famous program than WinRar among experienced computer users is Total Commander. The program is used for various purposes, including working with files and folders on a computer. It allows you to easily split a file into parts by clicking a few buttons.

To split a file into parts in Total Commander:

How to merge files split into parts in Total Commander:

Unlike WinRar, Total Commander does not archive files, which means that parts of the file will take up approximately the same amount of space as a separate object. However, Total Commander has one serious advantage - it is much faster than WinRar at dividing files into parts and putting them together, which is useful when working with large amounts of information.

You need to split a large file into several parts for many reasons, for example, you need to write a file larger than 2 GB to a flash drive, but it won’t allow you to do this. You can read why and how to fix this in the article. I’ll just write briefly that this is not possible due to the standard file system USB flash drives. And in that article it says that you need to format the flash drive into another file system. Of course, all data will be lost.
But what if you don’t want to tinker with this for a long time (transfer files to your computer, format, record everything again) for the sake of one file? Then you need to read this article...
By the way, such a division can help in the case of postal services or file sharing services. The former do not allow you to attach large files, while the latter often, on the contrary, divide files to make it more convenient to download. After all, if you download a file in parts, then the speed will be higher and there will be no risk of losing what you downloaded if the Internet connection is interrupted.

Let's look at several ways to split a large file into parts.

I’ll write right away that they are standard Windows utilities they will not be able to help you with this. Therefore, you need to use third-party utilities.

First, let's try through the well-known one that almost everyone has - this WinRAR.

How to split and join (recover) a file using WinRAR

Right-click on the required file and select in context menu Add to archive...

In this window of the Winrar program we need a section Divide into volumes of size in which we select the size we need for partitioning. Here you can either specify the size yourself (just remember that the size is indicated in bytes, but there is one trick, so as not to calculate the size, you can simply specify 100M and then the file will be broken into pieces of 100 megabytes), or choose from the existing ones: for 3, 5 FDD floppy disks (I don’t recommend using it, because there will be too many files), for recording on CDs (each “piece” is 700 Mb), for evenly dividing 100 Mb, for DVD discs(4.7 Gb each) and Auto-detection.

I recommend using Compression method How No compression. This will speed up the process a little.

Click OK and wait until everything is separated...

As a result, we get evenly divided parts of the archive:

Note that archives are designated with the additional extension partX, where X is the number of parts. There can be many of them. The last file will always be smaller than the others.

Now you can do whatever you want with them. The file is broken.

If you want to return everything as it was, then just start extracting any of the archives and the archiver itself will understand that you need to create the source file from the pieces:

Here you can only add that you can immediately specify the folder for extraction and then everything will be even simpler.

Thus, you can use not only this archiver, for example, 7zip can do this too.

Now let's move on to a less common program on users' computers - Total Commander. For those who still don’t have it, you can with . I’ll just add that this program is a very functional file manager.

How to split and join (recover) a file using Total Commander

We launch TC, go to the folder where our file is located and select it. Then go to the top menu Files(in some versions File) -> Split file:

and either manually specify the size of the parts to be split, or select from the list. Don't forget to indicate the save location:

As a result, we get something like this list of files:

the most “important” file here is the one with the crc extension. It contains everything necessary information. The remaining files are parts with an increasing extension.

You can now forward parts of the broken file.

To put them together, go to the folder with the files, click on the top menu Files(in some versions File) -> Collect files:

and specify the folder in which the file will appear:

Well, now I’ll show you how you can split a file using the utility FileSplitter. It is quite popular because it is small in size, free and does not require installation. In connection with this, the disadvantage is the lack of Russian language, but this is not particularly important, because... it's quite simple and you can figure it out.

Download from my website:

How to split and join (recover) a file using FileSplitter

On the tab Split file in the field Source file indicate the location of the file. You can specify either manually or by clicking the "Browse..." button to open Explorer and go to the desired folder with the file.
In the same way, specify the folder where the parts will be saved (line Destination folder).
Well, in the field Size of a chunk write the size for partitioning. You can also select the unit of measurement - bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. You can also choose from existing sizes:

All you have to do is click the “Split” button and the splitting process will begin.

Split files also have their own extension - chunk001, chunk002, etc...

To put it all together we now need a tab Join files. In it in the field Source chunk indicate the location of the folder and any part of the file, and in the field Destination file enter the name of the file in which what will be collected will be named.
We press the button and rejoice.

That's all I have. Now you can split the file, as well as reassemble it later.

I think many people have encountered the fact that a file or folder exceeds the required size limit (for example, when sending an attachment by mail, uploading it to an FTP server, or recording it on any media), one solution is to archive the data, since it will help reduce the size folder or file. But if this is not enough and even the archive cannot be compressed to the required limit, in this case the file or folder can be divided into several archives of the required size.

This is what this article will be devoted to - how to split/split a file or folder into several archives using the Winrar or 7-Zip archiver.

Split/split a file or folder into multiple archives using WinRar.

We have a site folder that needs to be archived into several archives. To do this, right-click on it and select "Add to archive".

In the window that opens Archive name and parameters, in the " General", we see a field at the bottom left "Split into volumes of size (in bytes)", you can use the already specified parameters, for example, if you want to save to a floppy disk (although I think this is no longer relevant) or CD. If you are not satisfied with the prescribed sizes, you can specify your value, just remember that the value is indicated in bytes!!!

Let me remind you:
1 Kilobyte (1Kb) = 1024 bytes,
1 Megabyte 1 (MB) = 1048576 bytes,
10 Megabytes (10 MB) = 10485760 bytes.
Accordingly, if I want to make archives not exceeding 10 MB. You must register 10485760.

Click "OK". As a result, I ended up with several archives whose size does not exceed the specified value of 10 MB.

Split/split a file or folder into multiple archives using 7-Zip.

Right-click on the file or folder you want to archive and select "7-Zip-Add to archive".

In the window Add to archive there is a box at the bottom left "Split into volumes of size (in bytes)", in this field select or enter required size, in this case, I want to split it into archives of 10 MB each and there is a specified size, so I simply select it (you can also enter 10485760 - the result will be the same)

As a result, several archives appeared that did not exceed 10 MB.
In order to correctly open the created archives, you need to place them all in one folder and open the first archive.

Using the program WinRAR. Let's now look at two more features of this program - archiving a file in parts, and creating a self-extracting archive.

Archiving a file in parts

If the file is large and it is impossible to transfer it due to size limitations of mail or a file hosting service, then you can split it into parts, more precisely, into several archives, and transfer these archives.

In the WinRAR program you can do archiving in parts. Let's do this now.

To archive files you will need WinRAR archiver installed. If you don’t have it, you can download the archiver from the link at the beginning of the article.

In the window My computer , or in the program Total Commander, right-click on the file that you want to archive in parts, and select the item in the context menu WinRAR - Add to archive . If you have an English version of the archiver, then you need to select Add to archive .

A window appears Archive name and parameters , in which you open the tab General, if it is not already open by default. In the English version of the archiver this tab is called General .

At the bottom, find the window under the item. In the English version the inscription will be Split to volumes, bytes .

In this window, enter the size of the parts into which your file will be divided.

For example, if you have a file of 6GB in size, and you need to split it into archives of 600 MB each, that is, into 10 archives, then enter the number 629145600 in the box, since 600 MB is equal to exactly this number of bytes: 1 MB is equal to 1024 KB, and 1KB is equal to 1024 bytes.

Now press the button OK. That's all, the file is archived and will be placed in several archives. The names of these archives will be the same as the name of the source file, with the addition of a dot ending: .part1, .part2, .part3 and so on.

You can safely transfer these archives, or keep them for yourself.

Combining them into one file is also very simple. Place all these archives in one folder, and unzip any of them. You don't need to unzip them all, just one is enough. All the parts will then come together, and you will have a complete file.

Self-extracting archive

You've probably seen some archives that you could double-click on to automatically unarchive them? There is no need to right-click and look for unzipping items. You don’t even need to have the program itself - an archiver for unpacking. Everything is inside such an archive.

The self-extracting archive has the extension exe. To extract such an archive, you double-click on it with the left mouse button, and in the window that appears, select the location where this archive will be unpacked.

If the destination folder is left as default, the archive will be unpacked into the same folder where it is located, which is very convenient.

Now let's figure out how to create such an archive. It's very simple. In a folder My computer , or in the program Total Commander, right-click on the file or folder that you want to archive, and then select WinRAR - Add to archive .

Naturally, you must have installed WinRAR program. Next, put a tick next to the item Create SFX archive , and press OK .

The abbreviation SFX stands for self-extracting, and is translated from English as self-extracting .

Upon completion of archiving, you receive this archive in the same folder where the original file or folder is located.

Self-extracting archive in parts

You can also archive the file in parts so that the first archive is self-extracting. This can be easily done by combining the method of archiving a file in parts with the method of creating a self-extracting archive.

Right-click on the file and select WinRAR - Add to archive , and in the window at point Divide into volumes of size (in bytes) specify the size of the archives. And on the right side, put a tick in front of the item Create SFX archive . Next click OK .

The self-extracting archive will be ready in parts.

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