Good morning, dear gentlemen. I'm glad to see you on the blog.

Aliexpress is a cunning scheme where it is not only possible, but necessary to write questions to the seller, because it is he who must answer all your questions, otherwise you will order the wrong thing, and then return the money to him, and send you the goods back.

Therefore, you need to ask questions and write comments on the order, and the seller must answer them. Another thing is that the Chinese “brother” does not always answer your questions, but more on that below.

In this article, I propose to consider the following points:

  • How to write a message, we will consider several options.
  • What to write and in what language.
  • What to do if what you wrote is not sent or errors occur.
  • My order is not being sent, what should I do?
  • How to ask for a discount?

How to write a message to the seller on Aliexpress?

Dear, in order to do these actions you must be a registered user, in addition, log in under your profile.

First let's find out where I can send messages.

I found a way to find contacts for questions.

As you already understand, there are 2 methods of communicating with the seller.

Great, you know where to write. Now you need to know...

What should I write to the seller on Aliexpress and in what language?

Attention! The language for communication is English. NOT RUSSIAN, NOT CHINESE, only English.

I'll just give a few examples of typical questions that are asked. With the help of a small constructor, you can easily ask a question.


  • Hi -Hi
  • Good day
  • Good morning - Morning)
  • Hello - Hello
  • Could you please help me? Could you help me?
  • Tell me please. Say me, please.
  • Is there a size larger? Do you have a larger size?
  • Is there a size smaller? Do you have a smaller size?
  • I want a different color. I'd like another color.
  • I want to return my purchase and get my money back. I’d like to return the purchase and get a refund.
  • Do you have anything cheaper? Haven't you cheaper anything?
  • I’d like to change this for a different size.
  • Can I get a discount? Could I have a discount?

I won’t turn everything into an English lesson; if so, Google Translator will help you.

Understand the important thing - you should roughly write what you want in broken English. On the other end is a person for whom English is an equally foreign language. And he will probably answer you too.

What to write for a discount on Aliexpress?

Let's say you saw the seller's price clearly lower yesterday, but today the price is higher, ask to sell at yesterday's price.

You can promise the seller to charge a lot, but now you need a trial batch. Say that you will buy 10 pieces of the product every month, but now you only need one unit to try. (Of course, write this only if you will actually buy such a product; deception is not good).

In the end, write that you really want this product, but are ready to buy it at a lower price. Please indicate how much.

Try to bargain - this works especially with young sellers.

How can I see what I have written?

Depending on where you wrote. IN online chat- everything is simple, open it and see the “clock” icon - this is the history of correspondence, and it is also possible to switch between sellers.

What to do if the message is not sent?

  • Technical error. It's worth waiting and sending again.
  • Message to native language. English language accepted.
  • Text length is up to 3,000 characters.
  • Attached pictures no more than 5 MB Jpeg, Png, Gif, Jpg, Bmp.
  • Your browser settings that prevent scripts from working. It could be installed add-ons browsers, various Ad-Blocks, antiviruses. Try turning them off.

I think I answered everything typical questions, which torment most people. But you may have your own special question. Ask it in the comments.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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Previously, we have already touched upon the topic of disputes in detail on, we hope you will not come to this, but still, moments often arise when it becomes necessary to find out some details regarding delivery, order tracking, or simply clarify technical specifications goods, which in one way or another implies communication between the buyer and the store. Therefore, this time we’ll talk about how to contact the seller on AliExpress.

Before making a purchase, the user, by entering into a correspondence, can clarify all the details that concern him - the quality of materials, color, request more detailed photographs, expanded specifications and even.

After successful payment, by writing a message to the seller on AliExpress, you can always agree on more reliable packaging of the goods in order to avoid unnecessary costs during transportation. mechanical damage. This advice is especially relevant for parcels whose contents are of some value. Most often, the Chinese make concessions without any questions and help resolve any current situation, and they usually do it for free.

How to write to the seller in AliExpress before ordering

If you are just planning to make a purchase, but you are suddenly tormented by certain doubts or questions, then of course you are interested in how to write to the seller on AliExpress before ordering, and this is done in literally a couple of minutes.

Of course, it’s not worth making threats at every opportunity, but for many stores the mention of a dispute is the decisive trigger that encourages action. By the way, after, almost all parcels without exception must be sent as a registered shipment type, with the ability to be tracked right up to the moment of delivery, and not as it was before - there seems to be a track code, but the movement statuses are visible only within the territory of China, therefore there is no point in all this was zero.

How to write to the seller in AliExpress that the package has not arrived

Before you write to the seller in AliExpress that the package has not arrived, you should familiarize yourself with the average delivery times, specifically for that postal service, which sent the goods. In addition, always monitor and, if necessary, extend it.

On average, the overwhelming number of orders from China arrive within 20-30 days. If you do not take into account international holidays and congestion at sorting points, on the occasion of the next sales. True, there are exceptions; low-cost shipping options can delay receipt by 40-50 days. After waiting the promised time and not receiving the goods, you can write the following:

Hello, I was waiting for my order 30 days, but the parcel never came, the track code is not updated now. What should I do for this situation?

Most often, they will offer you to extend the protection time and wait a little longer, but agree to this if you are really sure that the parcel was actually sent, the track code was perfectly tracked and suddenly there was a delay, otherwise they will offer you this endlessly.

Remember, in the vast majority of cases, all shipments generally arrive in no more than 50 days, hopes of receiving your order later are very illusory, so do not miss the moment to contact the seller on AliExpress in time and resolve the situation at the stage when something is possible fix it.

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Aliexpress is an international online trading platform that sends goods all over the world without a fee. A huge range and prices every new day attract more and more new customers from different countries. For the convenience of users, Russian, Spanish, French and other versions of the site were created, where everything is in an understandable language.

But what if you need to write to the seller personally? Most of the dealers on Aliexpress not only don’t know Russian and other languages, but they don’t speak English very well either. And if for those buyers who speak English at least at the school level, communication with the seller, in principle, does not cause unnecessary problems and hassle, then for others, correspondence with the seller is a real test.

Of course, you can use the services of online translators, but even here there are difficulties: English differs from Russian in many ways and it is important to correctly convey your idea to the seller.

How to do this?

  1. Use simple and understandable words and short sentences.

The translator is a soulless machine that will not capture either typical Russian phrases, or emotional comparisons, or that single meaning of a word from many options.

Therefore, build communication with the program in the same way as if you were communicating with a small child. Namely: simple words, 4-5 words per sentence. For example:

  • The parcel did not arrive
  • I ordered a green phone
  • Which size should I choose?
  • Please show me a real photo

By following this rule, you can easily translate the desired message with the correct meaning.

  1. Check for grammatical errors.

Remember that a translator is a soulless and ruthless machine? So: if you misspell words, he cannot translate them correctly. For example, the word "size". IN English it translates as "size". But if you write “rOzmer” instead of “size,” then the program will not be able to understand you correctly and will give a translation either by transcription “rozmer” or select some other word that is closest to the word “size” in English.

Therefore, before sending the translated text of the message to the seller using an online translator, carefully check what you have written for grammatical errors.

If you are not good at spelling, ask your friends for help or use text editors with a spell checking function (for example, Word).

  1. Follow the rules of punctuation.

Yes, yes, and this is not a joke. If in everyday communication with friends and family you can easily do without periods and commas, then when communicating with programs like Google Translator, they are simply necessary. The artificial intelligence with which they are endowed, no matter how much you might think or want, does not analyze the text for errors, but does only what it was created for - translating the text.

Equally important are spaces after periods and commas. And if a translator can define a space after a comma as a separation of two words, then he definitely cannot do without a space after a period.

For example: “The parcel did not arrive. Return my money" (Package has not come. Return my money.) and "The parcel did not arrive. Return my money" (Sending prishla. Vernite not my money.)

The difference is noticeable.

Therefore, before sending the text of the message to the translator, check for spaces and punctuation throughout the text.

  1. Automatic replacement of words in mobile devices.

Of course, this thing is very convenient: it corrects mistakes, suggests your next words and corrects signs. But any user of this function has at least once sent friends and acquaintances a message that was absurd in its content due to the care of autocorrect.

To avoid such problems, before sending text to the translator window, carefully re-read what you wrote.

If you already know spelling well, just turn off this function.

  1. Eliminate words with double meanings.

Everyone’s favorite word “marriage,” which we use every day in everyday life, for foreigners most often sounds like “marriage,” which means “wedding, marriage.” Therefore, when receiving a message from their buyer, sellers from China are often perplexed, what does this have to do with a wedding when they sold you, say, a T-shirt? Did you like her that much or what?

To avoid such embarrassment, write down exactly what is wrong: crack, scratch, dirt, hole, problems with the design.

  1. Reverse translation does not solve the problem.

It would seem: if you translate your phrase again from English into Russian, you will see what a foreigner will receive and what he will read. But that was not the case. Most likely, when translating back, the program will give you your own version of the sentence, completely not displaying the mistakes that you made.

What to do if you don't understand what the seller told you?

In fact, the Chinese, like Russians, for the most part speak only their native language and broken English, that is, with an interpreter. Therefore, if you do not understand the businessman’s answer, run his message through an online translator.

If this does not help, ask him to clarify what he is trying to convey to you. Or you can look in the comments to the product - maybe someone has encountered such a problem.


Communicating with sellers on Aliexpress is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and follow simple rules.

Live more fun, buy more profitably with Aliexpress!

To make online purchases in English trading platforms: eBay auction, Amazon hypermarket, Chinese Aliexpress, and hundreds of others, perfect knowledge of the English language is not at all necessary. Descriptions of goods can be translated using an automatic translator like or simply using any search engine find a similar product in the Russian-language segment of the Internet with an already translated description. Correspondence with sellers on eBay and staff of online stores usually comes down to standard phrases.

We have tried to put together a small "phrase book" with a set of the most commonly used phrases and expressions that you can use for typical situations. The phrases are composed as simply as possible so that if necessary, you can always “construct” the desired letter.

  1. Politeness never hurts in any situation. Try to always start your message with a greeting and end with a goodbye and signature.
  2. The letter should always be specific; remember that the people you are addressing, as a rule, you are not the only client. Therefore, always indicate the identifier of the product(s) that the letter concerns: this could be the lot number on eBay, the internal number of the product in an online store, or, as a last resort, just insert a standard URL - a link to the product. In a letter, after the word product - item, you can always insert a number or link in brackets.
  3. If your knowledge of English leaves much to be desired, you should not build complex structures. In this case, brevity is your strong point. Use simple phrases.
  4. Disrespect, rudeness, rudeness, threats never bring any benefit. Try never to “burn the last bridge” with insults, even in the most difficult and seemingly hopeless situation. This is not in your interests - because everything can change. On eBay, rudeness and insults are punishable, and threats may result in the user's account being blocked.
  5. Try to make the letter reasoned. Do not make unfounded statements, statements, or put forward unreasonable demands. Support everything you write with facts.

Email templates and standard phrases in other languages

Standard phrases

Russian English
Dear Seller Dear Seller
Dear / respected Dear Sir/madam
I won item(s) I have won item(s)
I purchased item(s) I have bought an item(s)
Best wishes Best Regards
Best wishes Kind Regards
I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry.
Great. Great.
I have made several purchases on eBay and have good reviews in your profile, as you can see. I have already purchased items on eBay and I have good feedbacks in my profile, as you can see.
I tried to contact you, but received no response. I tried to contact with you, but I haven’t got any reply.

Questions about the purchased product

Russian English
Please send me some additional photos of this item. Preferably in good resolution. I kindly ask you to send me a few additional photos of this item. It is desirable to send photos in high resolution.
Could you provide me with more information regarding this product? Could you please give me more information about this item?
Where was this product purchased? Where was this item bought?
When was this product purchased? When was this item purchased?
What condition is this item in? What is the state of this item?
Why did you decide to sell this product? Why have you decided to sell this item?
In what country was this product produced? In what country was this item produced?
Do you have a document confirming the date and place of purchase of this product (cash receipt/invoice)? Do you have a document that confirms the date and the place of this item purchase (cashier’s receipt / bill)?
Do you have a warranty card for this product? Can you send me a copy of it? Do you have a warranty service coupon for this item? Could you please send me the copy of it?
Does it come with a software disc? Do you provide the disk with software?
What is the main software installed at the moment? What basic software is now installed?
Device serial number? What is the serial number of the device?
Is a case included? Do you provide the case?
Does the kit come with a mounting kit? Do you provide the complete set of fastenings?
Is it included? charger? Do you provide a charger?
Please send me photos of the information label of this product, where the country of origin / fabric composition / size / power supply specification / serial number will be visible. Please, send me the photos of information label of this item, from which I could find out the country-producer / structure of the fabric / size / the power unit specification /serial number.
Has this item been washed or dry cleaned? Was this item laundered or dry-cleaned?
Have you sent this product to an atelier/workshop for repair/adjustment to fit your body (height)? Have you taken this item to the atelier / to the workshop for repair / alteration to the body (height)?
Is this product made of leather or leatherette? Is this item made of leather or of leatherette ?
Is this product entirely made of leather or are there leatherette/fabric inserts? Is this item entirely made of leather or there are insets of leatherette / fabric?
Does this product have visible/hidden defects? Does this item have visible / hidden defects?
Can you measure the length of the insole? Could you please measure the length of the insole?
How long has this product been in use (used)? How long was this item in use (used)?
How would you rate the condition of this product on a scale of ten (0 - terrible, 10 - perfect)? How would you evaluate the condition of this item in ten-point system (0 - terribly, 10 - irreproachably)?
Is this item brand new with tags/tags/stickers in manufacturer's packaging? Is this item absolutely new with tags / labels / stickers in manufacturer’s box?
Is the power supply of this device designed for 110 or 220 volts? Or is it universal 110–220? Is the power unit of this devi e rated at 110 or 220 volts? Or is it universal 110-220V?
Does this device come with a European or US power plug? Is this devise supplied with a plug of European or US standard?
How long has it been used this device? How long was this device used?

Payment for goods

Russian English
I have won the following lot(s) (lot numbers #), I request that you send me a total invoice for payment. Delivery via USPS EMS (USPS Priority, Royal Mail). I have purchased the following item(s): #. I kindly ask you send me general invoice. Delivery via USPS EMS (USPS Priority, Royal Mail).
I purchased the following item(s) (lot numbers #) from you, I ask you to combine them into one package and send me a joint invoice for payment. I have purchased the following item(s): #. I kindly ask you to unite them into one parcel and send me general invoice.
I purchased an item from you (lot number #), I have not paid for it yet, because I plan to also purchase (lot number #). Can you defer payment and if I win this lot (lot number #) combine all the goods into one package and send me a total invoice for payment? I have purchased an item # , and I have not paid for it yet, because I’m going to purchase another item #. Could you please put off the payment, and if I win the item # , unite all the items into one parcel and send to me total invoice?
Unfortunately, I have some difficulties with payment, can I ask for a deferment of payment for.... days? Unfortunately, I have some problems with payment, can I ask for a delay for ... days?
Unfortunately I am unable to send the payment, please send me your Paypal ID so that I can send the funds directly from my account. Unfortunately, I cannot send the payment. Please, send me the identifier of your Paypal in order that I could send money directly from my account.
Can I pay for the goods by any other method other than Paypal? Is it possible to pay in a different way than Paypal?
Can I pay via (international bank transfer, Paypal)? Can I pay via (international bank transfer, Paypal)?
Please send me bank details. Could you send me please bank account information?
The VAT must be returned to my Paypal (card) account. The VAT value needs to be refunded to my Paypal (credit card) account.
I can't pay for my purchase via PayPal because it's online. payment system does not work with people in my country. I can’t pay for the purchase via Paypal, because this online payment system does not work with citizens of my country.

Delivery. Insurance. Customs

Russian English
Delivery. Delivery.
Insurance. Insurance.
Customs. Сustoms.
I am interested in purchasing your product(s), but I see that you do not ship orders to the country where I live (Russia, Ukraine). Can you make an exception for me and send me the item(s) via EMS (Priority, Royal Mail)? I’m interested in purchasing your item(s), but I see that you don’t send them to the countries I live in (Russia, Ukraine). Can you make an exception for me and send me the item(s) via USPS EMS (USPS Priority, Royal Mail)?
I would ask you to send the parcel via EMS (Priority, Royal Mail). I would like you to send the parcel via USPS EMS (USPS Priority, Royal Mail).
I am interested in purchasing your product(s), but the proposed delivery method does not suit me because it:
  • too expensive.
  • involves high customs duties.
  • The parcel will take too long.
  • too unreliable.
I’m interested in purchasing of your item(s), but the way of delivery you suggest isn’t convenient for me because:
  • it's too expensive.
  • the customs duties are too high.
  • the delivery will take too much time.
  • it's too unreliable.
You can send me this item(s) at Russian Federation(Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus) via EMS (Priority, Royal Mail)? Could you please send this item(s) to Russia (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus) via USPS EMS (USPS Priority, Royal Mail)?
I request that you carefully package the item(s) I purchased. I'm willing to pay extra for this. Please, pack up the purchased item(s) good. I’m ready to pay for it additionally.
I purchased product(s) from you.... Please tell me, have you already sent the parcel? I have purchased next item(s) from you .... Please let me know if you have already sent the parcel.
Please tell me the full cost including delivery to Russia (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus) via EMS (Priority, Royal Mail) and insurance. Please, let me know the total cost including delivery to Russia (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus) via USPS EMS (USPS Priority Mail, Royal Mail) and insurance.
Can you tell me the date when you sent the parcel? Could you please tell me the date when the parcel was sent?
Please send me a tracking number to track the delivery progress. Please send me the tracking number.
Unfortunately, I still have not received the item(s) sent to me. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten sent item(s) yet.
I want to initiate a search for the parcel, but for this I need scanned copies of the shipping receipt and customs declaration CP22/23. I would like to initiate a parcel search, but I need the scan-copies of the check of shipment and customs declaration CP22/23.
I ask you to indicate in the customs declaration the following value of the parcel: ... $ I kindly ask you to specify in the customs declaration the following value of a parcel: ... $
I ask you to send me this product as “used”, removing all stickers, tags, and price tags from it.

Please, take all the stickers, labels, and price tags off and send me the item as "used".

Is it possible to additionally insure the parcel? For the amount... . Is it possible to insure the parcel additionally? To the amount of... .
I still have not received the parcel sent. Can you initiate a search for her and obtain insurance compensation? I still haven’t received the sent parcel. Could you please initiate the search and insurance compensation?
This will help avoid paying unnecessary customs duties. This will help to avoid duties.


Russian English
Can you ship this item(s) to my friend in the US who will then ship it to me? Is this possible? Could you please send this item(s) to my friend in USA who will send it to me then? Is it possible?
My friend (my affiliate company) in the USA:
  • will pay for this product,
  • will receive it to your (her) address,
  • and then send it to me.
My friend (my partner company) in USA:
  • will pay for the item,
  • will receive it at his(its) address,
  • will send it to me then.
My friend (my affiliate company) will pay for the item(s) (via Paypal). My friend (my partner company) will pay for the item(s) (via Paypal).
I will pay for the goods myself via Paypal. I will pay for the item(s) myself via Paypal.

Canceling a deal

Item not received/not as described. Disputes. Returns

Russian English
You promised me a full (partial) refund for the purchased item(s), but you still haven't done so. May I ask why? When will you make the return? You have promised me full (partial) refund of money for item(s) purchased from you, but you have not done it yet. Can I ask you why? When do you do the refund?
I am forced to leave you negative feedback because I still have not received the item(s) (the item received does not match the description). I have to give you a negative feedback because I haven’t received the item(s) yet (the delivered item doesn’t correspond with description).
Can you guarantee compensation for the cost of return if the item I receive is not as described? Do you guarantee the compensation of the return cost in case the item doesn’t correspond with description?
I purchased this item, paid for it via Paypal, but I still haven't received it. I have purchased the item, paid for it via PayPal, but I haven’t received it yet.
Please refund me the full amount paid as soon as possible. Please refund me in full asap.
The product sent to me does not match the description (broken), but sending it back to you is very expensive, I can count on a partial (full) refund of the money paid to my Paypal account? The item delivered to me doesn’t correspond with description (it’s broken), but it’s too expensive to send it back to you. Can I ask for a partial (full) refund of money to my Paypal account?
The product I purchased from you is in need of repair. As I was told in service center, the repair will cost.... Can I count on a partial refund for the amount of the repair? (partial refund to my Paypal account)? The item I have purchased from you needs to be repaired. In the service center I was told that repair will cost .... Can I ask for partial refund of money to the amount of the repair cost (partial refund of money to my Paypal account)?
The item in the package was not the one I purchased. In the parcel there was not the item I had purchased.
Unfortunately, I have to turn the dispute into a complaint. Unfortunately, I have to turn the dispute into claim.
Do you accept returns of goods from Russia (Ukraine)? Do you accept return shipping from Russia (Ukraine)?

Exchange of feedback

Standard phrases for positive feedback

Russian English
Complete, truthful description of the product. The full and true description of the item.
Good price. Good price.
Excellent communication. Great communication.
I recommend it to everyone. I recommend everyone.
Pleasant to do business with. It’s a pleasure to deal with.
I will buy more. I will purchase more.
A true professional. A real professional.
The product matches the description. The item corresponds with description.
The goods were received as soon as possible. The item was delivered very fast.
Great seller. Great seller.

Standard phrases for negative reviews

Russian English
I received an item that does not match the seller's description. I have received an item that doesn’t correspond with the seller’s description.
The goods have not yet been received. I still haven’t received the item.
There was a delay in shipping the purchased item. The sending of purchased item was delayed.
Poor communication. Bad Communication.
The seller does not respond to letters. The seller doesn’t reply to the letters.
Received broken (broken) item (in poor condition). I have received broken (smashed) item (in a bad condition).
The seller does not answer phone calls. The seller doesn’t answer the phone.
The product is not original. Received a fake. The item is not original. I have received the fake.
The seller packaged the item(s) poorly. The seller has badly packed the item(s).
The size indicated in the description does not correspond to the size of the product received. The size mentioned in the description doesn’t correspond with the size of the item delivered.
Sells fakes (counterfeit goods). He is selling counterfeit items.
Rude in communication. He's rude.
Undisguised rudeness. Bald-faced rudeness.
The seller insulted me. The seller outraged me.
Scammer. Swindler.
I don't recommend doing business with him. I advice to avoid him.
Sells a product without having it in stock. He sells items that he doesn’t have.
The product was never sent to me. He has never sent me the item.
The seller returned my money (part of the money). The seller refunded me money (refunded a part of money).
The item received is in poor condition. Torn (dirty, broken). The item delivered in bad condition. It’s torn (dirty, broken).
Refused to return the money. He denied to refund money.
Indicated in the customs declaration a different amount than was agreed upon. In the customs declaration he specified different sum than was agreed.
Sent the item(s) in a different way than agreed (cheaper). He sent the item(s) in a different way than was agreed (more inexpensive).
Involved me in unnecessary expenses. He put me to extra expense.

Despite detailed system descriptions of goods, some points about the properties and characteristics of a future purchase can only be clarified in personal correspondence with the seller. Also, if the situation turns out to be controversial, it is much easier to resolve it through dialogue than to immediately open a dispute. In this article you will learn how to write to the seller on AliExpress, how to open a dialogue with the seller, and whether it is possible to write a complaint to the administration about him.

Why write to the seller?

We complain about poor service delivery, forgetting about the main thing. The main condition for a profitable transaction is the adequacy of the seller. Before you order an item and pay for your purchase, it is a good idea to check with the seller. If he is polite, responsive and quickly responds to questions, then you can safely buy goods from such a seller. If you have to wait weeks for an answer to questions related to the weight of the goods, additional photos or delivery methods, this is already enough to write a complaint against the seller. Buying something from someone who is not willing to cooperate with the buyer is risky.

How quickly should a seller respond to messages on AliExpress? If the merchant’s page indicates that he is now online, then a response message may follow within two to three minutes after you write to him. However, the difference in time zones greatly affects the speed of the merchant’s response, since the time difference in Moscow and Beijing is 5 hours. Thus, the answer may take a day, and if you add here also holidays, there are quite a few of them in China, it turns out that, depending on the situation, the seller is obliged to answer you within a couple of minutes to two or three business days. If after such a waiting period he does not respond, write again, however, if there is no response even after that, look for another merchant.

What information can you find out in personal correspondence?

  1. To clarify details related to the characteristics of the product: material, weight, color, how well the product matches the picture, you can find out by requesting additional photos; if you are buying clothes or shoes, find out about the availability of the required size; You can find out about the size of the parcel, departure times and other nuances. Detailed information of this kind will help you make the right choice and avoid possible difficulties and complaints against the seller.
  2. The question of the availability of goods in the warehouse is also important. Often specified information may contradict the current state, so before you rejoice that you have finally found the product you are interested in, find out in personal correspondence with the merchant whether this product is even in stock at the moment.

Language of communication

Choosing the language of communication is the main problem if you start corresponding with a merchant. The ideal option is, of course, Chinese. But since it is unlikely that many of the readers are familiar with the Chinese language, we advise you to use English or even Russian. In any case, the seller will most likely translate your messages using Google Translator, and this will greatly affect the quality of the translation, so literary letters are not encouraged. When communicating with a merchant on AliExpress, try to express yourself as concisely and simply as possible. Avoid ambiguous words and large sentences; it would be good to greet the seller, and if he responded quickly to the message, thank him for it.

Ways to personally contact the seller

Let's look at how to write a message to a seller on AliExpres. There are a total of 4 ways to contact the seller. We will now talk about each of them in detail.

Video instructions on how to write to the seller on AliExpress are presented below:
