Modern technologies have stepped forward a long way. Now, in order to make a purchase, you can simply use the Internet. In World Wide Web We already have our own “marketing giants”, and online shopping enthusiasts are well acquainted with the rules and nuances of this procedure.

Such people have probably heard about the existence of one of the largest online stores in the world - Aliexpress. Incredibly low prices, many promotions and an amazing assortment - this is how the site has earned the attention of millions of customers. Increasingly, users are asking the question: Paypal account - what is it on Aliexpress? This is what we have to deal with in this publication.

What is a Paypal account?

Customers of online stores around the world are aware of the various payment methods for goods. For the countries of the post-Soviet space, the Webmoney payment system has become an excellent resource. But Paypal appears most often on the world stage. Using this online system, you can easily pay for purchases or receive/send funds.

Why not pay by card directly? Firstly, Paypal is good for paying in foreign stores, where difficulties may arise with a regular bank card. It’s not even worth talking about such advantages as the speed and ease of the procedure, it goes without saying. But the main “trump card” is the safety of your funds. You don’t always want to give your card details to every store in a row and expose yourself to financial danger. This system will protect you from this.

What else I would like to say: Paypal does not use any internal currency, as often happens with other well-known payment systems. Therefore, you see your money as it is. The Paypal registration procedure is quite simple and will not take you more than 5 minutes. One of the nuances is that when linking a card, there must be at least a few dollars on it, otherwise the system may refuse you to carry out this procedure.

Paypal and Aliexpress

Paypal is an independent payment system. It has its own rules, personal arbitration, a protected area for transactions and unique accounts. The policy of the system simply did not allow the Aliexpress website to fulfill its duties in regulating transactions between the seller and the buyer.

Therefore, Aliexpress refused to cooperate with this resource a long time ago. Therefore, questions like “how to find out a Paypal account on Aliexpress?” no longer cause much interest and are quite rare. These two systems work on their own and have virtually no points of contact. The only exception is refunds from Aliexpress to Paypal. How does this usually happen?

Sellers on Aliexpress and refunds on Paypal

Anyone who is familiar with the policy of the Aliexpress online store knows about buyer protection. Let's say you made an order and paid for it. From the moment the seller dispatches your item, purchase protection time begins. During this entire time, you can open a dispute with the seller. As a rule, this happens in several cases: the product arrived, but it does not correspond to the description or photographs, it is old or did not arrive at all.

The first may include the presence of a defect or malfunction. In these cases, the seller undertakes to refund you part of the money for the product or return the money in full. This is established by the site rules. If they are not followed, the seller may lose his job or, at a minimum, lose his reputation.

Cunning and deceitful sellers have come up with a loophole for themselves - they promise to return your money to your Paypal account in a dispute. What does it mean for Aliexpress to agree to such a deal? In most cases, you will simply lose money and lose the goods. Why shouldn't you agree to such an adventure?

on Aliexpress?

Having opened a dispute, you may well see requests from the seller to close it. has a bad effect on his reputation or the store may be closed. In return, he offers you to return the money to your Paypal account. What is it on Aliexpress? There are many good reasons to refuse the seller such a request.

First, please note that not all residents of the CIS countries can receive direct transfers. This feature is only available to residents of Russia. So, if you are residents of Belarus, Ukraine or, for example, Kazakhstan, it is physically impossible to return your money to Paypal. But despite this, self-confident sellers will guarantee you payment. Inexperienced buyers even deliberately create accounts to Paypal, confident that they will receive their money.

Secondly, any thinking person will immediately understand that there is something unclean in this venture. After all, Aliexpress's policy establishes certain rules and its own refund system. And if you are offered to bypass such a scheme, there is a priori a catch. The seller's goal in this case is not to pay you the funds and force you to close the dispute.

If the protection time has not yet expired, the dispute can be opened several times. But if this time has already come to an end (by the way, it can also be increased by writing to the seller about it) and you close the dispute - wait for response silence. Of course, an honest seller (of which few) can return your funds to Paypal, but this will depend on his personal desire. No one and nothing obliges him to return your money, because the dispute is closed and the protection has expired. The seller got his way.

Refund when protection time has not expired

If the protection has not yet expired, the seller understands that nothing prevents the buyer from closing the dispute once from opening it again if he does not receive his money on Paypal. In this option, none of the sellers will take risks, because in this way he can pay double the price of the goods: one to you on Paypal, and the other through the protection program.

Let's explain in more detail. Let's say there is still protection time, but the seller in good faith refunded the cost of the goods on Paypal, and you closed the dispute. Next, you open a dispute again and Aliexpress itself obliges the seller to return the funds to you. As a result, you can receive the product for free and also receive a cash bonus in the amount of another value. What seller would do this? The answer suggests itself, and therefore there is no reason to believe in a miraculous return to Paypal.

Transfer and payment via Paypal

Let's figure out what a transfer and payment to a Paypal account is. What is this on Aliexpress and how does it relate to refunds? The fact is that on Paypal a transfer and a payment are two completely different things.

There is probably no need to explain to anyone what a simple translation is. But the payment is carried out as a payment for a specific product or service, and to regulate these issues, Paypal has its own buyer protection. That is, if money was sent to you as payment, but you are the seller.

How sellers from Aliexpress use this: they promise to return your money to Paypal, return it as payment, you see the money in your account, rejoice at the fairness of the transaction, and close the dispute. After 40 days, the Paypal protection program obliges you to return the money you received as payment if the buyer opens a dispute (remember that in this case the seller is you, and the Aliexpress seller is the buyer).

Thus, the money is returned to the seller, and you are left with nothing. So if you agree to payment via Paypal, be careful that it is a transfer. If you see a payment received, feel free to reject it and continue the usual dispute on Aliexpress.

In what case can you agree to pay via Paypal?

Is it still possible to agree to payment via Aliexpress? Despite all the prejudices and the fact that most sellers on Ali are still not conscientious, you can still find honest people.

Such sellers may offer you to send money to Paypal even after the protection period has expired and the dispute has been closed. Only in this option can you agree to the payment of funds to your Paypal account. What is this on Aliexpress? This is the concern of sellers who value their reputation and treat each of their clients with care.

This is the only way you don’t risk anything, because this is your last chance to receive any funds from the seller at all. But, as you understand, such cases are really few and far between, and meeting an honest and sympathetic person is very rare.

In conclusion

We hope that we have given a comprehensive answer to the question about a Paypal account and what it is. Aliexpress always takes care of its customers, and try not to fall for the tricks of scammers.

The return of money by the seller, in the event of a dispute, on PayPal can be called a common practice of deception. Let's try to understand this situation in more detail, using an example:

You have placed another order on Aliexpress. We paid for it, the seller, in turn, indicated the tracking number of the shipment. As a result, you cannot track the order; the track is not tracked anywhere. As a rule, in such situations, buyers open a dispute, indicating the corresponding reason.

During the dispute process, the seller assures you that he sent the goods and that, most likely, the reason for the delay is local postal service. He begins to press for pity, explaining that he just opened a business, and that disputes negatively affect his rating, etc. As a result, he asks to close the dispute and promises to return the money via PayPal. As soon as the money arrives in the buyer's PayPal account, he closes the dispute in favor of the seller.

That is, you fictitiously confirm your satisfaction with the order, plus leave positive feedback. It would seem that the issue was resolved and everyone was happy. But the culmination of this situation occurs after 40-45 days. The fact is that the PayPal payment system has its own arbitration and the ability to challenge money transfers. The reason for transferring money to your PayPal account can be a regular transfer or a purchase-sale transaction. At the same time, the system provides for a commission of 4% of the amount for payments. Thus, the person who transferred the money to you may open a dispute about non-receipt of the goods and demand a full refund.

In order to avoid such unpleasant situations, it is necessary to check the purpose of the payment. That is, if you trust the seller and agreed to such conditions, do not close the dispute until you are sure that they made a regular transfer and not a payment! Also check the information in the payment purpose. Fraudsters usually indicate some kind of non-existent order on Aliexpress. And then they open a dispute, claiming that they did not receive their order.

If you notice that money has been transferred to you as a payment, refuse it or immediately make a refund. The refund button is active for 60 days from the date of receipt of funds. A sure sign that you have received a payment and not a transfer is when the commission is withdrawn by the system. The absence of a commission indicates that this is a regular transfer. If you are not confident in your knowledge of the PayPal payment system, tell the seller about it and resolve the issue through the dispute and their Escrow program!

Refund from Aliexpress to PayPal. You can, but be careful! It would seem that what can unite these two large companies - aliexpress and paypal, which have not cooperated with each other for a long time? Formally, of course, nothing. But, life is life and sometimes the paths converge in the most unexpected place.

In order not to pull the cat by the tail, I’ll tell you a story that happened to me. I ordered several T-shirts of different colors from the seller on Aliexpress, although it probably doesn’t matter what was in the order, the main thing is that the seller gave the goods at a very low price. I understood that this could be a scam, but I love doing these types of experiments and buying from dubious sellers. Damn experimenter! I am gaining experience, so to speak, with my own money. Truth is, I had never lost anything before this incident.

Everything was as always: the order was placed and paid, the seller sent the order and gave the tracking number. The time allotted for delivery was approaching zero, but there was still no information about the parcel. To my question: when will I receive the parcel and why is the track not tracked, the seller responded in the standard way: wait, dear friend, I sent everything, the post office is to blame.

It is useless to start a dispute in correspondence; time was running out and I opened a dispute for a full refund. The seller prayed that I would not ruin his business, that he sent everything honestly and with tears in his eyes asked to close the dispute on Aliexpress and not leave negative feedback on Aliexpress, promising to return the money to my PayPal account.

As they say: Moscow doesn’t believe in tears, and they also say: money in the morning, chairs in the evening, or money in the morning, chairs in the evening. Therefore, I popularly explained to the seller that first the money is in my account, and then the dispute will be closed. The seller agreed, asked for my email address in PayPal, transferred the money and the dispute was closed. It would seem that both parties fulfilled their obligations and the dispute was settled. For my part, I promised the seller that if the goods arrived, I would return his money. The first part of the exciting series has been completed.

The second part of this exciting movie began exactly forty days later. I logged into my paypal account and found an open dispute in my name, from the same seller who returned the money for the purchase on Aliexpress. Now this seller allegedly acted as a deceived buyer and demanded that I return his money for the goods paid for, but not received.

I wrote to PayPal support, but their position was clear - return the money. This turn of events threw me into a complete stupor, although at least the amount was not large. I started to figure it out and realized what my mistake was!

PayPal has two types of fund transfers, the first is regular remittance from one paypal account holder to another, and the second is a transfer of money from one paypal account holder to another for some product or service. Do you feel the difference? In the first case, one transferred, the other received, PayPal took its percentage and everyone is happy. Secondly, after the money has been received and the transfer has been approved by the payee, the buyer protection program begins to operate.

When the Chinese seller returned the money to my PayPal account, he issued the payment not as a regular transfer, but as a payment for the goods and indicated some kind of wrong order. When receiving the payment, I did not pay attention to this and in fact, in the eyes of PayPal, I became the seller, and the Chinese became the buyer.

The Chinese waited a while and opened a dispute with the wording that I did not provide any documents about the shipment of the goods and he, they say, was a deceived buyer who wants to get his money back.

As far as I know, when it comes to protecting PayPal buyers, we won’t beg you and it’s absolutely useless to prove that there was some kind of third-party transaction on Aliexpress, that the Chinese is a scammer, etc. Paypal is understandable, but I accepted money for the goods, which means I formally have to fulfill my obligations to the buyer.

As a result: I lost my money and never received the goods from Aliexpress. The seller is a scammer from Aliexpress and outplayed me. But there is also a positive side - I gained good experience.

At the end there are some tips. There is no need to be afraid of returning money to PayPal, especially since sometimes situations arise on Aliexpress when, apart from returning to PayPal, there are no other options.

The only thing is that you need to approach such a return very carefully and not rush to approve the payment. First, look at what kind of payment it is, if it is a regular transfer, then there is no problem, if money is transferred to you for something, then such a payment must be rejected. All information is indicated in the payment details in PayPal and you don’t need to have any special knowledge to figure it out, you just need maximum attention and a minimum of haste.

If you are still afraid of transferring money to some kind of PayPal, then it is better to write to the seller on Aliexpress that you do not know about any PayPal and want to get your money back only through Aliexpress and their payment system and buyer protection program ESCROW.

When placing an order on Aliexpress, the buyer is sometimes faced with the need to return funds. Such an operation occurs through a dispute that is made on the trading platform. But sometimes a slightly different method of making a return is offered, and for this, the seller from Aliexpress asks for a PayPal account to return the money.

Should I agree to return money from Aliexpress to my PayPal account?

It is not recommended to agree to return money via PayPal. For this, there is a “Dispute” service that you should use. If necessary, you need to open it, and if it is already open, begin actions to return the finances.

You can agree to withdraw money through Pay Pal only if the time for the dispute has expired and the seller offers this option as a way out of the situation. Although there is one more nuance here: if the protection period on the platform has come to an end, it is no longer possible to return the money.

Why don't you need to agree to a refund via PayPal?

The seller often uses offers to return funds to PayPal to stall for time. This is done for the purpose of obtaining good review from the client, or the consultant hopes for erroneous user actions.

Sometimes there are situations when the seller returns funds to the client. And in such a situation you need to be vigilant. This is due to the fact that in the PayPal payment system there are two types of transfers:

  1. A payment that can be made for certain services and products.
  2. Translation intended for a friend or loved one.

The payment system provides client protection. Its duration is 180 days. It is more practical for the buyer than for the seller.

A PayPal system client who wants to carry out an operation through this payment transaction should take these points into account. Since the protection is long-term, the seller can issue a refund, but conduct it as payment for the goods. And after a certain period of time, open a dispute and demand the money back.

How to find out your PayPal account for a refund on Aliexpress?

To find out the balance of the PayPal payment system, you need to have an idea about it. This system payments is the most common and has millions of customers around the world. The Paypal account is the user's email address. To process a transfer, the client just needs to provide the address email box. Further work is carried out by the seller. You should pay attention to this nuance: the end email should be ".com".

In the process of creating a personal account, a plastic card is attached to the mail. Any operation requires confirmation; in the case of PayPal, it is paid. Therefore, during registration actions, a certain amount of money must be present on the card balance. And when the account is already opened, the written-off finances are returned to the balance again.

Working with PayPal requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. Account details are strictly prohibited from being disclosed.
  2. The payment platform should be used only on trusted sites.
  3. To avoid blocking and confirmation of identification, it is advisable to log into your PayPal account from one computer.
  4. IN personal account It is not recommended to use instant plastic cards - they are an easy target for attackers.

What PayPal information must be sent to the seller to receive a refund?

If the seller receives an offer to return money through the PayPal payment system, then the client must provide him only with an email address. In case of a request additional information Problematic situations may arise and the user risks losing funds. Because only scammers can make such demands.

The client should be aware that if unnecessary data is provided, the payment system and trading platform are not responsible for the actions of the buyer, even if the initiator was the seller.

Before making a transfer, the client is advised to find out whether the monetary transaction is possible. This is due to the fact that such a service is not provided in all cities and countries. Which localities do not support the service can be found on the company’s official website. Registration of a personal account will be completed without difficulties, but transferring savings will not be possible in such CIS countries as Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan.

Refund via PayPal on Aliexpress: the essence

Currently, the trading platform does not communicate with the payment system in question. To confirm this, go to official page platform, you should go down and click on the inscription “Trust us”. All systems through which you can make a transfer will be displayed here.

The PayPal payment system is an independent unit that provides its own rules, arbitration, and account for performing actions.

If a client opens a dispute, and the seller asks to close it and argues with all sorts of reasons related to the rating, long waits, interruptions in mail service, you can be sure that the money will not be returned. The reason for non-return of funds may also be convincing requests from the seller to transfer funds directly to PayPal.

How long should I wait for a refund from Aliexpress to PayPal?

The Aliexpress system has established one important financial rule - funds that are awaiting return are transferred only to the balance from which they were withdrawn. If the goods were paid directly from a bank card, you can not count on a refund.

The deadlines for receiving funds for payment products are as follows:

  1. Visa, MasterCard, Maestro – from three to five working days.
  2. WebMoney, QiWi – from seven to ten working days.
  3. Transfers: bank and Western Union – 7 – 10 days.

What to do if the return from Aliexpress to PayPal takes too long?

If the dispute operation has already been completed, but the finances have not been credited to the balance sheet, what should you do in this case? First you need to decide at what stage the funds are.

To find out, in your personal account you should follow the “My Orders” link and find the product for which the dispute was made. The inscription “Stages of return” will appear next to the product. After clicking on the tab, three stages will appear:

  1. Return approved.
  2. Processing of funds.
  3. Return completed.

If the indicated line is not filled, there is no reason to worry. It is recommended to check the cards that may have been used to pay for the goods. If there is no money on the supposed cards, the AliPay settings are checked. The setting is automatically set here when, in the event of a return of funds, they go to this balance. Therefore, the buyer does not need to panic, but use the funds to pay for another product.

How to protect yourself from fraudulent activities?

If a person is faced with such a situation for the first time, it is necessary to know the nuances that will help not fall into the hands of scammers:

  1. The seller gets in touch and sends regularly emails, in which it explains that the product is of poor quality or simply did not reach its destination. If the buyer trusts the seller, he requests a PayPal account and assures that he will send the finances.
  2. When opening a dispute, the seller offers to close the transaction and return the funds directly. Sometimes clients buy into this trick and send an e-mail in the hope of getting their money back.

In any of these options, the client will not receive the funds back. And in order not to become a victim of such an operation, you should be vigilant and attentive.


The buyer is given the opportunity to return the funds paid for the goods not received by opening a dispute. But the client should know the nuances of returning so as not to become a ruse for fraudulent activities. Under no circumstances should you provide extraneous information about accounts so that user deposits are not withdrawn from them.

Many buyers who want to purchase something on Aliexpress for the first time are not familiar with this payment system like Paypal and they often ask me by mail what it is. So, dear readers, this note is for you.

PayPal is one of the largest payment systems for online payments. It is somewhat similar to Webmoney, but even more so, it is used all over the world. The main advantage of this system is the provision of security guarantees for both the seller and the buyer. You can top up your Paypal account or withdraw money from it only to a bank card or to an account in another payment system, for example, Qiwi.

Aliexpress has long ceased cooperation with the Paypal payment system, so you cannot pay for your purchase using this service. But you can use a bank card or the methods described in this section.

A Paypal account on Aliexpress is most often used to resolve disputes between seller and buyer. For example, in cases where the seller asks to close a dispute on Aliexpress and refund the cost of the goods to your PayPal account, or perhaps you received a package that did not contain everything you need (some part or thing is missing) and you also ask the seller to transfer money to your account in Paypal.

Refund from Aliexpress to Paypal from the seller in case of an open dispute

Frequent situation:

  • You received a defective product or your purchase did not reach you at all, naturally you open a dispute.
  • The seller asks for your Paypal account in order to return the money and thus close the dispute.

When opening a dispute, we need to indicate the most compelling arguments in order to return the money. Provide a photo of the defect or take a video of the broken product.

First, click on the button to open a dispute. Such a window will appear in front of us. Click on return only.

After opening a dispute, the seller may offer to resolve the issue directly and will ask for your Paypal account.

An important nuance - there are 2 payment options in Paypal

  1. exchange of money between ordinary users of the payment system.
  2. transfer of money from buyer to seller (payment for purchase).

The second option is most important to us. The seller who asked for your Paypal account can use the second payment option (as if he was buying something from you), and then contact support and get his money back. Then, if you do not have time to withdraw money to the card and close the dispute, but do not return either the money or the goods.

That's why. If the seller asks for your Paypal account to close the dispute, then you can give it to him, but close the dispute only after you withdraw money to the card (or better yet, when you withdraw cash).

How to recognize a seller's deception (buy-sell option)

When receiving payment from a seller on Paypal, you need to carefully review the transfer. If in the note to the payment the seller wrote that he would transfer money to you for paying for the goods, or delivery of the purchase, or payment for some order, then it is better to refuse such a transfer and immediately return all the money back and escalate the dispute on Aliexpress.

The following feature will help to distinguish between payment between system users and the transfer of money between seller and buyer:

  • in the first case, you receive the entire amount and no commission is charged;
  • if money is exchanged between the seller and the buyer, then a commission is charged.

Therefore, if you did not receive a round amount of money, then carefully check the payment.

P.S. Thanks for reading, do you need an article on how to register with Paypal? If yes, write in the comments.

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