Hello, dear friends! Some time ago, fighters for the rights of authors decided to launch a serious crackdown on sites that distribute pirated content. Of course, many did not like this, especially since the copyright law is considered by many to be flawed.

Be that as it may, providers were obliged to block access to the most popular torrent trackers. First of all, we are interested in Rutracker.org.

The twist is that blocking access to Rutracker org is not as simple as it seems to officials. It's easy enough to find workarounds for each browser.

The picture above shows a graph of traffic to the site rutracker.org. Let me remind you that the blocking came into force in mid-December 2015. As can be seen from the graph, attendance barely dropped by 30%. This indicates that the site is actively used, people are using to bypass the Rutracker.org blocking.

What are torrent trackers

These are huge repositories of various information that can be downloaded at high speed. In scientific terms: bittorrent is a data exchange protocol over the Internet, the essence of which is that you exchange data with each other without the direct participation of a tracker, which only stores statistical and other necessary information.

The idea is that you can’t be greedy (download it yourself - give it to others), therefore, having downloaded a certain amount of information, you can’t immediately delete it (for example, a movie), but you need to distribute it for some time. Manages these distributions (and, accordingly, downloads) special program, which is called BitTorrent client (I use uTorrent).

The algorithm of work is simple: we find the desired distribution on torrents, download the torrent file (about 10 kilobytes), drag it into the torrent client, wait until the downloading of the distribution itself finishes, rejoice ourselves and let others enjoy it.

How to download via torrent

First you need to select and install a torrent client, i.e. a program with which you will download and distribute files
uTorrent, as they say on the root tracker, is a Free BitTorrent client for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, as well as running on iPhone, iPad and Android devices, written in C++ and characterized by its small size and high speed with quite a lot of functionality.
I suggest installing it. We take the distribution kit. Unpack the archive and run the .exe file, installation begins

Next, choose which folder to install the program in and create the necessary shortcuts.

Now Yandex bar. The panel is quite convenient if you use Yandex at all. I personally use it. In any case, you can check it to broaden your horizons...if not needed, remove the checkboxes.

The installation is, in principle, complete, although the “Speed ​​Control” window has appeared. Click the use selected button; you can check the speed in other ways.

Congratulations, you have installed it... The program is serious, it has many settings, among which we will change one. We go to Settings->Configuration->Folders and there we already check the boxes “place new downloads in” and “Save torrents in”, and also indicate the paths where we will place and save them.

Why this is done: By default, downloads occur in the “Downloads” folder on drive C, which is usually small in size. Saving torrents separately is very convenient. You begin to understand this when reinstalling Windows:). You simply reinstall the client and upload torrent files from a separate folder.

How to download torrent files

The next stage that you need to courageously endure is registration on the tracker. Let's look at the example of www.rutracker.org So, .

Click where it says “Registration”, do everything as it is written there, nothing complicated, the main thing is not to forget your name, password or email address. After you have registered and logged in (logged in under your name), we can start downloading. To do this, find the desired distribution and click “Download torrent”.

The “Open” window appears, in which it is very convenient to select the default Bit-torrent program. Now when you click the “open in” button, the download will begin immediately.

So, we managed to download the torrent file. Then a window appears called “Add a new torrent”. At the top we see the address where it will be downloaded. Below we see the file name and checkmarks. If the distribution is complex, contains, for example, several books, and we only need one, remove all unnecessary checkboxes and feel free to download only what is required.

And now the long-awaited download has begun, you can understand this by the non-zero values ​​of seeds, peers and download speed. If it doesn’t work...well, that’s sad, but if it does work, we look for and read what is written at the top of the article...okay, we don’t look for it, I’ll write it again: We wait, we rejoice, let others rejoice!

Bypass Rutracker.org blocking for Firefox browser

In my opinion, the most best solution to bypass Rutracker.org blocking, is to use FriGate plugin. In order to install FriGate in the Firefox browser, you need. The FriGate add-on installation window will open.

Select the Firefox browser and in the window that opens, click “Add to Firefox”:

Then click the “Install” button, after which the browser needs to be restarted for the additions to take effect:

We see that the add-on has been installed (a shortcut has appeared in the upper right corner of Firefox). Now we try to log into the Rutracker.org website and see that the label has changed, now there is the letter “P” inside, which means working through a proxy server.

The most important thing is that the site opens. This means that we were able to bypass the Rutracker org blocking for Firefox browser. None additional settings not required.

If you still cannot access some not very popular site, this indicates that it is not in the FriGate plugin list. In the settings, you can add any site to the list (this means that it will be accessed through a proxy server).

Other firefox plugins for logging into Rutracker

In addition to FriGate, you can use the following plugins:

  • Browsec
  • AnonymoX
  • ZenMate

The algorithm of actions is similar to the one given above.

You can also use various VPN services to bypass Rutracker blocking:

  • VPN Monster
  • VPN Gate
  • Kebrum

You can also use a special browser called Tor to bypass site blocking. The browser encrypts transmitted data, so working in it is a little more inconvenient (pages take a long time to open). Therefore, it is beneficial to use it for blocked sites.


We have looked at options for bypassing Rutracker org blocking for the Firefox browser. In the near future we will be looking at bypasses for other browsers, VPN plugins, etc., so I recommend staying up to date!

Rutracker.org is the largest Russian-language BitTorrent tracker. In general, a torrent is a special protocol that allows Internet users to exchange files, but these files are downloaded not from a specific server (as is done on traditional sites), but from the computers of other users. That is, using the torrent protocol, the first computer will download data from dozens of other computers.

If any of these ten computers are blocked (or turned off), nothing particularly terrible will happen, you can download data from the remaining computers. A torrent tracker (like, for example, Rutracker) performs only the functions of a coordinator who tells who to download what from; the data files themselves are not stored on such a server. But today our article is not about Rutracker as such, but about Bypass Rutreker blocking.

What is the essence of RuTracker blocking?

There are about 15 million registered users and almost two million distributions on Rutreker. Distribution is a situation when one of the users allows you to download from your computer a specific file registered in a torrent tracker.

For the most part, all these distributions provide access to prohibited content– protected by copyright ( movies, books, music, games). The copyright holders tolerated this for a long time and, as a result, filed a lawsuit against Rutreker. In 2015, a court was held, the decision of which was to require providers to block access to Rutracker. In 2016, the decision came into force and most Internet providers closed direct access to Rutracker for their users.

But it was only blocked access to this tracker, and not to himself. Therefore, millions of users of this site began to look for ways to organize Bypass Rutreker blocking. There are such methods, and there are quite a lot of them. Below are some of them.

The easiest way to bypass Rutreker blocking (for Opera owners)

If you use the Opera browser, then you do not need to install anything to bypass the blocking of this (and any other) tracker. Just turn on standard mode Opera Turbo for this browser.

The torrent becomes available due to the fact that in Opera Turbo mode, pages are loaded into your browser not directly, but through special Opera servers. Thanks to this, the blocking does not work. This is the easiest way to bypass RuTracker blocking that you can remember.

Bypass Rutreker blocking using browser plugins

For every popular browser ( Google Chrome , Mozilla Firefox , Opera) special plugins have been released that bypass the RuTracker blocking. All the plugins presented below are free and are always ready to help you.

Google Chrome

To download the plugin for bypassing RuTracker blocking in Google Chrome, you need to go to the Chrome online store page. Next, in the “Search by store” field, enter the following text: “ " A single plugin will open, which has exactly the same name. Make sure that under the name of this plugin there is an inscription: “ From the site rutracker.org " This means that this plugin is official plugin from the torrent tracker Rutreker to bypass blocking.

Chrome plugin

To install the plugin, click on the button “ Install", then confirm the action (in the pop-up window, click on the button " Install extension"). The installation will take some time - a few seconds. Once the plugin is installed, a green “Rate” button will appear instead of the blue “Install” button.

Now you can use this plugin. If it is activated, then you don’t need to do anything else, go to the torrent tracker website and use it for your health.

Mozilla Firefox

For this browser there is also an official plugin of the same name to bypass the RuTracker blocking. To install it, go to the Firefox plugin search page. In the search field (which says " Find add-ons") enter the name of the official plugin: " RuTracker - official plugin (access, etc.)", press the key " Enter". We find a plugin that has exactly the same name (make sure that under this name there is a phrase: “ by RTO-Ext"). Go to the plugin page and click on the blue “Add to Firefox” button. We confirm the installation of the plugin - in the pop-up window, select the button " Add" The plugin installation takes place in a couple of seconds.

Firefox plugin

And this plugin also does not need to be activated in any way. To start using it, you need to go to the RuTracker page and use it the way you want.


Under this browser There is no official plugin to bypass RuTracker blocking, but there is a recommended one. Go to the search page for extensions for the Opera browser. In the search field (it says “ Search for add-ons"). Enter the name of the plugin: “ Access to RuTracker" and press the key " Enter" In the search results we find the plugin of the same name and go to its page. Make sure that under the name of the plugin there is an inscription “ by proartex" This plugin is tested and works.

Plugin for Opera

To install it, you need to click on the green button “ Add to Opera" The installation will take a couple of seconds; instead of the previous button, the “ button will appear Installed" The plugin is installed. You can use it immediately by going to the Rutreker website.

Bypassing RuTracker blocking using the Tor browser

In short, the Tor browser is a special browser for maintaining anonymity on the Internet. It loads all pages through a proxy server with the substitution of other (not your) IP addresses. This slows down page loading, browser sessions are always one-time - you will have to enter your login and password again each time. But these shortcomings are more than compensated by the fact that you can go to (almost) any site on the Internet.

Tor Browser

Download the Tor browser from official page, install (there is support for the Russian language), launch it and go to the Rutreker website. Ready!

To ensure greater security, when using all of the above methods for bypassing RuTracker blocking (except for the Tor browser), first switch to the browser operating mode called “ Incognita" Most often, it is launched by the keyboard shortcut Crtl+Shift+N. After that, go to the torrent tracker website.

And clean up after yourself and cookies. It definitely won't be redundant.

At the moment all these ways to bypass Rutreker blocking work one hundred percent. By the way, you can find browser plugins to bypass blocking not only of RuTracker, but also of other popular sites. Good luck with your downloads and high internet speed!

A year ago, access to RuTracker was blocked by a court decision by the vast majority of providers. It became impossible to access the site from a Russian IP address. The reason is clear - copyright infringement. But Rutracker has always cooperated with copyright holders, giving them the opportunity to close distributions. Why the entire RuTracker was included in the registry, and not individual pages, is a mystery! As they say, “breaking is not building.” So, blocking Rutreker is a dirty, barbaric method that can be dealt with accordingly, because Rutreker is not the first and far from the last blocked torrent tracker. Rutor, Seedoff.net, Kinozal and many other pirated sites have already been included in the register of prohibited sites.

In itself, blocking is not something terrible and costs one or two. Here best tools bypassing locks that are suitable practically for all blocked sites:

General method (suitable for most blocked sites)

Browser plugins

It couldn't be easier + free (with some exceptions)! Just choose any one that suits your browser, install it and forget about stupid blocking forever.

| – cut speed in free mode

Tor Browser

It is nothing more than an extended Firefox web browser with an integrated encryption system, which will not only allow you to access a blocked site, but will also hide your presence on the network. This is a more advanced method. It is slower and requires configuration. .

VPN and Proxy

Paid and most reliable options. Their goal is not so much to bypass blocking, but to protect you on the Internet. creates a secure encrypted channel that will reliably hide you from anyone's prying eyes. Nobody will know.

Especially for Rutracker, Pornolab, Rutor

Besides, to go to Rutracker.org , you can use one of the official tracker mirrors - rutracker.cr and rutracker.net. Unfortunately, mirrors, as a rule, quickly get blocked, so you can install a native browser extension RuTracker add-on for Firefox and Chrome, which will automatically redirect to working mirrors.

Rutor.org also has its own browser extension, but only for Chrome - Web Mirrors. True, there are complaints from users that the plugin does not work well, so 100% option to access blocked Rutor , - look at the working mirror in their

Many people prefer to download free movies, TV series in order to fully enjoy the art of cinema. However, government organizations Russian Federation are trying to fight free resources, noting that the rights of Russian authors are being violated. How can you prevent the unpleasant consequences of prohibitions?

Features of the current situation

The Rutracker website is not available to its target audience after a corresponding decision by government organizations. The prohibited content was not removed from the portal, as a result of which access to the site was permanently blocked by court order. Despite this, many Russians are still interested in the services provided and the ability to download various films from the resource.

Rutracker has not been available since January 25, 2016, when providers were forced to block the resource. However, there are still enough opportunities to successfully bypass the Roskomnadzor block, and they are pleasingly legal.

Special plugin for Yandex

How can a Yandex browser access the root tracker? One of the most simple ways is the use of a plugin that is designed for desktop PCs and laptops.

When using this plugin, it is important to understand that it will not work on devices running the following operating systems:

  • Windows Mobile;
  • Android;

Despite this fact, there are more than enough opportunities for successful use of the plugin.

How to use the plugin?

Every Yandex user has the right to use the Rutracker plugin or a mirror of the main domain, because these two options allow you to solve the problem without unnecessary consequences. Your favorite content can be accessed again!

RuTracker, a once very popular and extremely necessary resource that was widely used by RuNet users, was blocked at the request of a well-known Russian publishing house. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to use it freely. However, many Russians still use it, circumventing the ban.

If you want to get around these restrictions—and you're willing to accept the risks involved—you can enlist the help of the following tools. Each of them will help you mask your online identity and remove restrictions.

Proxy sites act as a rescue method when you need a way to access blocked websites. This applies not only to RuTracker, but also to any other blocked site.

There are hundreds of proxy sites on the Internet that make your website free from restriction. A proxy site becomes a kind of intermediary between the user and the server. A proxy website masks the blocked website from ISPs and allows you to access any blocked websites. You can find a similar resource using a simple search.

As soon as you click on this button, the site you need will open immediately. All its functions will be available again, as they were before it was banned.

Unique advantages of this method:

  1. You don't have to download or install anything on your computer.
  2. This is the most quick way gaining access to the torrent tracker.
  3. Proxies do not prevent the site from performing its functions, or users from opening the site and using it to its fullest.

Option #2: Use Google Translate

Few people know that Google Translate can serve as a proxy site. With it, you can bypass the restriction by translating a blocked website into another language that you may know. Although, in fact, this is not necessary; you can “translate” from Russian into Russian. Try Google Translate and see for yourself. This is another easy way to access RuTracker. You can also use Microsoft's Bing translation service to unblock a banned website. So, let's get down to action.

Option number 3. Bypass through extensions

Extensions work in automatic mode, unblocking sites. All you need is to download and install it. We have selected several working options for you that will help you, depending on the browser you use.

Extensions for unlocking

  1. Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/access-to-roottracker/lbdmhpkmonokeldelekgfefldfboblbj.
  2. Mozilla Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/access-to-roottracker/.
  3. Opera: https://addons.opera.com/ru/extensions/details/dostup-k-rutrekeru/?display=ru.
  4. Yandex.Browser: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/access-to-roottracker/lbdmhpkmonokeldelekgfefldfboblbj.

Video - How to log into rutracker.org in Russia

Option #4: Wayback Machine

Wayback is an interesting feature that stores copies of most websites on the Internet. It saves multiple versions of the same website, you can use it to access past versions of the website. Users can also use it to view blocked content on the Internet.

Note! The version of the site you have chosen will open in the same tab. It's fully working. Typically, no site functionality is affected by this access method.

These are some of the most effective and easy to use methods to bypass the censorship that has been imposed on your favorite websites.
