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- [fil] n. f. av. 1464; de filer 1 ♦ Suite (de personnes, de choses) dont les éléments sont placés un par un et l un derrière l autre (à la différence du rang). File de gens. ⇒ colonne, procession. « Barca vit avancer un des miliciens, puis une... Encyclopédie Universelle

file- file [fil] n. f. av. 1464; de filer 1 ♦ Suite (de personnes, de choses) dont les éléments sont placés un par un et l un derrière l autre (à la différence du rang). File de gens. ⇒ colonne, procession. « Barca vit avancer un des miliciens,... ... Encyclopédie Universelle

File locking- is a mechanism that enforces access to a computer file by only one user or process at any specific time. The purpose of locking is to prevent the classic interceding update scenario. The interceding update problem may be illustrated as in the… … Wikipedia

File (Unix)- file is a standard Unix program for determining the type of data contained in a computer file. History The original version of file originated in Unix Research Version 4 this copy of the UNIX V4... ... Wikipedia

File area network- File Area Networking refers to various methods of sharing files over a network such as storage devices connected to a file server or network attached storage (NAS). Background Data storage technology over the years has evolved from a direct... ... Wikipedia

File- Aktuelle Version: 5.01 (30. April 2009) Betriebssystem: Multiplattform Category: Remote Access Lizenz: GPL ... Deutsch Wikipedia

file- Aktuelle Version 5.09 (16. September 2011) Betriebssystem Multiplattform Kategorie Remote Access Lizenz BSD Lizenz Deutschsprachig nein … Deutsch Wikipedia

File Transfer Protocol- (FTP) is a network protocol used to transfer data from one computer to another through a network such as the Internet.FTP is a file transfer protocol for exchanging and manipulating files over a TCP computer network. A FTP client may connect to a … Wikipedia

file- 1 vb filed, fil·ing vt 1 a: to submit (a legal document) to the proper office (as the office of a clerk of court) for keeping on file among the records esp. as a procedural step in a legal transaction or proceeding filed a tax return a financing… … Law dictionary

File comparison- in computing is the automatic comparing of data between files on a file system. The result of comparisons are typically displayed to the user, but can also be used to accomplish tasks in networks, file systems and revision control.Examples of… ... Wikipedia

File transfer- is a generic term for the act of transmitting files over a computer network or the Internet. There are numerous ways and protocols to transfer files over a network. Computers which provide a file transfer service are often called file servers... ... Wikipedia


  • English File: Upper-intermediate: Teacher's Book with Test and Assessment, . The English File Teacher's Book offers a comprehensive walk-through guide to every lesson, in every unit of the English File Student's Book, along with over 70 photocopiable activities. The…

accounting file wt. accounting file active file wt. open file archival quality file thu. archive file archive file thu. archived file archived file wt. archived file backspace a file wt. go back to one backup file file wt. backup file batch file wt. command file file military. row, rank; column (of people); a file of men two fighters; blank (full) file incomplete (full) row blocked file vcht. blocked card index file wt. card index central information file wt. central file cabinet chained file wt. chained file chained file wt. chain file change file wt. change file chapter file wt. chapter description file checkpoint file wt. checkpoint file circular file wt. circular file close a file thursday. close file file sl dodger; close file miser; old (or deep) file is rough. blown beast, grated kalach command file wt. command file company file company file computer file wt. machine configuration file wt. configuration file contiguous file vcht. continuous control file wt. control file crunched file wt. compressed file customer file customer file data base file wt. file data base text file wt. file text types data data file data file data file wt. data array data file wt. data sensitive file wt. information-dependent file dead file wt. unused file dead file wt. lost default comment file wt. default comment file design file wt. project file destination file wt. output file destination file wt. results file detail file wt. current file device independent file wt. machine-independent differential file wt. iteration index differential file wt. diff file direct access file wt. direct file direct file wt. direct access file direct-access file wt. direct access file direftory file wt. help file disk file vcht. disk file display file wt. display file father file wt. original version file archive file court archive file military. chess. vertical file military attr.: file leader of the head row, head column one at a time; file closer trailing file case file dossier file go single file; file; file away = file off; file in enter in a line file file cabinet, file, dossier, case file file file set file sl dodger; close file miser; old (or deep) file is rough. blown beast, grated roll file tech. file file make a request file make a request file shaft, drawbar file register and store (documents) in (some) specific order; file away (also file away) file finishing, polishing; to need the file to require finishing file to finish (style, etc.); file away, file down, file off file down, process, polish file military. queue, tail file transmit a message by telegraph file transmit a message by telephone file saw, file file file (for nails) file submit a document to the proper institution file submit a document file submit a document to the proper institution file file papers file binder (newspapers) file file file filed papers, case; dossier file amer. present, submit (some kind of) document; to file resignation submit a letter of resignation file submit a document file accept an order for execution file accept an order for execution file register a document file register and store documents in a certain order file military. row, rank; column (of people); a file of men two fighters; blank (full) file incomplete (complete) series file archive file archive file folder (for papers); pin (for pricking papers) file wt. file file storing a document in a specific order file storing documents in a specific order fill: fill dial. = file file a claim file a claim file a suit against file a claim against file a suit against file a claim against file activity ratio vcht. the intensity of the impact on the file file goes in single file; file; file away = file off; file in to enter in a row file to finish (style, etc.); file away, file down, file off file down, process, polish file military. attr.: file leader of the head row, head column one at a time; file closer closing file control block wt. file control block file description block wt. file description block file trim (style, etc.); file away, file down, file off to file down, process, polish file for bankruptcy to declare bankruptcy file for bankruptcy to declare insolvency file to go in single file; file; file away = file off; file in enter in line file military. attr.: file leader of the head row, head column one at a time; file closer trailing file not found Thu. file not found file of documents archive of documents file military. row, rank; column (of people); a file of men two fighters; blank (full) file incomplete (full) row file go single file; file; file away = file off; file in to enter in a row file to finish (style, etc.); file away, file down, file off to cut down, process, polish file off to leave in single file, one at a time, two at a time; file out to go out in a line file off to leave in single file, one at a time, two at a time; file out file out present, submit (some kind of) document; to file resignation two-dimensional flat file wt. flat follow-up file wt. tracking file format file wt. report format file fully inverted file wt. completely inverted garbled file wth. corrupted help file wt. help file hidden file wt. hidden file immutable file wt. permanent file to march in file to go (in a column) in twos; in single (or in Indian) file in single file, one inactive file on Thursday. inactive file incomplete file wt. unfolded index file wt. index file indexed file wt. indexed file indirect file wt. command file inmutable file vcht. permanent file input file wt. input file integrated data file wt. single data file internal file wt. internal file inventory file inventory card index inverted file wt. inverted labeled file wt. marked file letter file folder for letters link file wt. link file linked file wt. linked file locked file wt. captured file main file main card index main file main archive main file wt. main file main file wt. file of regulatory and reference information many-reel file wt. multi-tape file to march in file to march (in a column) in twos; in single (or in Indian) file in single file, one at a time master file main card index master file wt. main file master file wt. main file master file wt. file of normative and reference information memory file vcht. memory dump file multireel file wt. multitape file multivolume file wt. multi-volume file file finishing, polishing; to need the file to require finishing negative file wt. negative object file wt. object file object library file wt. object library file file sl dodger; close file miser; old (or deep) file is rough. blown beast, grated roll permanent file file with permanent data perpetual inventory file card index for continuous inventory accounting private file wt. personal file privileged file wt. privileged file problem file wt. problematic profile file wt. user parameters file program file wt. program file protected file wt. protected query file wt. request form file random file wt. direct access file random-access file wt. file with random selection rank and file rank and file rank and file rank and file rank and file rank and file members rank: the ranks, the file and file rank and file of the army (as opposed to officers) read-only file wt. file with protection against recorder file wt. registration file regicter file wt. register file register file wt. array of registers relational file wt. relational file relative file wt. direct access file remote file wt. remote response file wt. response file scratch file wt. working file segment file wt. segment file self-extracting file wt. self-extracting file shareable image file vcht. multi-user loading module shared file wt. collective file skip file wt. bypass skip file wt. bypass son file wt. a new version file source file wt. source file special file wt. special spill file wt. scattered spool file wt. spooled file squeezed file wt. compressed file stuffed file wt. zipped file swapping file wt. paging file system file wt. system file tagged file thu. marked file tape file wt. tape file temporary file wt. temporary file temporary working file wt. temporary worker text file file wt. text file threaded file thu. chained transaction file wt. change file unlinked file wt. unconnected file unnamed file wt. unnamed file unstuffed file wt. unzipped file update file wt. updated user authorization file wt. user information file vendor card file supplier card file view file wt. virtual database file virtual file wt. virtual file visible file wt. rendered file volatile file vcht. volatile wallpaper file thu. registration file work file wt. working file working file wt. working file

English-Russian translation FILE

transcription, transcription: [faɪl]

1) file, needle file

a nail file - nail file

2) grinding, filing, filing

to need the file - require finishing

polish, buffing

3) trickster, trickster

4) decomposition guy, buddy

1) grind, sharpen with a file

2) trim (style)

1) folder, binder

2) inform. file

to copy a file - copy a file

to create a file - create a file

to delete, erase a file - delete a file

to edit a file - edit a file

to print a file - print a file

3) business; dossier

to make up, open a file - start a business

to keep a file - conduct business

to close a file - close a case

to keep a file on smb. - keep a file on smb.

These documents are kept on file. — These documents are filed with the case.

dossier, folder

4) filing (newspapers)

5) archive, card index

archive, chancery, card index

1) register (documents); file, archive

2) store in a certain order

3) apply (with an application, petition), submit something. document

to file a formal charge against - bring forward a formal charge

to file for divorce - file for divorce

She filed an application with several employment agencies. — She sent an application to several recruitment agencies.

charge, lodge, apply, submit

4) register (as a candidate in elections)

1) row, rank; Column

blank file - incomplete row

full file - full row

to march in file - go in a column of two

in single file, in Indian file - in single file, one at a time

file closer - trailing

file leader - the lead team that guides

2) chess. vertical

walk in single file; file

to file past a coffin - take turns approaching the coffin

to file into - enter

to file out of - go out

to file into an auditorium - to enter the audience

The jury filed out of the courtroom. — The judges left the courtroom.

English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon. English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary. 2005

  • English-Russian dictionaries
  • English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary

More meanings of the word and translation of FILE from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “FILE” in dictionaries.

  • FILE — I. ˈfīl, esp before pause or consonant -īəl noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fēol, fīl; ...
  • FILE - file 1 - fileable , adj. - filer, n. /fuyl/, n. , v. , filed, filing. n. ...
  • FILE - I. ˈfī(-ə)l noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fēol; akin to Old High German fīla file Date: before 12th …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • FILE - noun a roll or list. 2. file noun a shrewd or artful person. 3. file vt to smooth or polish…
    Webster English vocab
  • FILE - n (bef. 12c) 1: a tool usu. of hardened steel…
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • FILE - /faɪl; NAmE / noun, verb ■ noun 1. a box or folded piece of card for keeping loose …
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • FILE - I. file 1 S1 W2 AC /faɪl/ BrE AmE noun [ Sense 1-3, 5: Date: 1500-1600 ; Language: French…
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • FILE — (files, filing, filed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A file...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • FILE — I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES batch file ▪ an overnight batch file be/be filed/be listed etc under ▪ The …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • FILE -< file system >An element of data storage in a file system. The history of computing is rich…
    FOLDOC Computer English Dictionary
  • FILE
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • FILE - file.ogg _I 1. faıl n 1. 1> file, bench saw to touch a piece up with a file - file ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • FILE
    Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
  • FILE
    Large English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
  • FILE
    English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
  • FILE — _I 1. faıl n 1. 1> file, bench saw to touch a piece up with a file - file something down. ...
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • FILE - I 1. noun. 1) file, needle file a nail file - nail file 2) grinding, filing, filing to need the file - require finishing Syn: polish, ...
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • FILE
    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation 2
  • FILE
    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation
  • FILE - _I 1. _n. 1> _tech. file 2> file (for nails) 3> finishing, polishing - need the file 4> shaft, drawbar...
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • FILE - I 1. n. 1. tech. file 2. file (for nails) 3. finishing, polishing - need the file 4. shaft, drawbar ...
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - editor bed
  • FILE
    English-Russian dictionary of construction and new construction technologies
  • FILE - 1) file || form [organize] a file; file; store in a file 2) card index; archive, set || make a card index; keep a card index. (to...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Computer Science and Programming
  • FILE — _I faɪl 1. _n. 1> _tech. file 2> file (for nails) 3> finishing, polishing; to need the file to require finishing...
    English-Russian Muller Dictionary
  • FILE - 1) filed papers, file; registrar (for papers) || file papers 2) Amer. supply of something document || submit documents...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Economics and Finance
  • FILE - 1) submission (of a document) | submit (document) 2) file cabinet; filing; dossier; case; court archive | register and store documents in a certain order, ...
    English-Russian Legal Dictionary
  • FILE - a file, an ordered set of records or other collection of data stored in computer system under a common name. The entire set of files is divided into two...
    English-Russian explanatory dictionary of terms and abbreviations for VT, Internet and programming
  • FILE - 1) card index 2) binder 3) array (of data), file; create a file, organize a file; file; store in a file 4) archive 5) fund 6) cassette 7) dossier, ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Patents and Trademarks
  • FILE - file see ASCII file see backup file see ciphertext file see computer-controlled file see crypt file see encrypted file see ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Computer Security
  • FILE - I 1. noun. 1) file, needle file a nail file ≈ nail file 2) grinding, filing, filing to need ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • FILE - n. (papers) file; classifier; (mil.) range; (tool) lime; v. classificar; (mech.)limar
    English interlingue dictionary
  • FILE - han"ay (Noun) han-ay;hapnig;laray;limbas (Verb) nagpasaka (Verb) sang-at;tala
    English-Visayan vocabulary
  • FILÉ — also file noun Etymology: Louisiana French, from French, past participle of filer to twist, spin Date: 1806 powdered young leaves …
  • FILE - I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fēol; akin to Old High German fīla ~ Date: before 12th century …
    Dictionary in English-Merriam Webster
  • FILE — In hardware and metalworking, bar-or rod-shaped tool of hardened steel with many small cutting edges raised on its surfaces. Files...
    English Dictionary Britannica
  • FILÉ — fəˈlā, (ˈ)fi|lā, (ˈ)fē|lā noun (-s) Etymology: American French (Louisiana) from French, past participle of filer to twist, spin …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • FILE - (v. t.) To put upon the files or among the records of a court; to note on (a paper) the …
    Webster English Dictionary
  • FILE - (v. t.) To bring before a court or legislative body by presenting proper papers in a regular way; as, to...
    Webster English Dictionary
  • FILE - (v. t.) To set in order; to arrange, or lay away, esp. as papers in a methodical manner for preservation ...
    Webster English Dictionary
  • FILE - (n.) Course of thought; thread of narration.
    Webster English Dictionary
  • FILE - (n.) A roll or list.
    Webster English Dictionary
  • FILE - (n.) The line, wire, or other contrivance, by which papers are put and kept in order.
    Webster English Dictionary
  • FILE - (n.) An orderly collection of papers, arranged in sequence or classified for preservation and reference; as, files of letters or …
    Webster English Dictionary
  • FILE - (n.) A row of soldiers ranged one behind another; -- in contradistinction to rank, which designs a row of soldiers...
    Webster English Dictionary
  • FILE - (n.) An orderly succession; a line; a row
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  • FILÉ - /fi lay", fee"lay/, n. New Orleans Cookery. a powder made from the ground leaves of the sassafras tree, used …
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  1. archive (file, folder, dossier, file)
  2. card index (binder)
  3. line (row)
  4. vertical
  5. Column
  6. nail file

Plural number: files.


  1. file

Verb forms


old files
old archives

large file
big file

file of papers
folder with papers

complete file
complete dossier

text file
text file

new file
new business

wholesale file
a whole card index

file format
file format

file an application


When do you have to file your income tax returns?
When should you file your tax return?

I downloaded the file which Tom uploaded.
I downloaded the file that Tom uploaded.

A TXT file is a text file.
A TXT file is a text file.

The file cabinet drawers are open.
File cabinet drawers are open.

What is the file extension?
What is the file extension?

Nakido is a file sharing platform.
Nakido is a file sharing platform.

Please file a written request.
Please submit a written application.

Do you have a file in the tool chest?
Do you have a file in your toolbox?

The information is stored in a file on my computer.
The information is stored in a file on my computer.

In short, it is because the "plan.doc" file I attached in the previous email was infected with a virus.
Basically, this is because the “plan.doc” file that I sent in the last message was infected with a virus.

It's getting easier to find audio files by native speakers for almost any language you might want to study.
It's easier than ever to find audio files recorded by native speakers for almost every language you might want to learn.

The investigations began last year with the confiscation of computer files belonging to a man from Magdeburg, Germany.
The investigations began last year with the seizure of the computer archives of a man in the German city of Magdeburg.

I have to delete many files from my computer.
I have to delete a lot of files from my computer.

I haven't downloaded the files yet.
I haven't uploaded the files yet.

I can't figure out how to transfer MP3 files to my iPod.
I can't figure out how to download MP3 files to my iPod.

The hacker gained access to sensitive files in the company's database.
A hacker gained access to confidential files in the company's database.

The files are in proper order.
The documents are in the correct order.

No charges have been filed against the suspect.
No charges were brought against the suspect.

I filed a patent
I have registered a patent.

How many staff members filed to change departments?
How many employees have applied for transfer to another department?

The correspondent filed a report from Moscow.
The correspondent presented a report from Moscow.

Tom filed for divorce.
Tom filed for divorce.

He filed a complaint.
He filed a complaint.
