Greetings! Apple releases software updates for its devices with enviable regularity and constantly encourages users to install new firmware versions. Sometimes this call is even too intrusive - just look at the notorious “red one” on the settings icon! And although, the temptation to update and see what's new for the iPhone or iPad is very great.

And here you can make a big mistake. So, let’s imagine that you installed a new version of iOS, looked at it, touched it... but you didn’t like it! Is it possible to roll back and return the old firmware? Now let's try to figure it all out. Let's get started!

And the most important thing is where you need to start...

In most cases, rollback is not possible. At your own discretion, you cannot change or “jump” from one version of iOS to another.

For example, if you have an iPhone or iPad with iOS 10, then there is no way you can install iOS 9 or 8. Absolutely not.

Why? The thing is that Apple has a system of so-called “firmware signing”. And, usually, the company signs (that is, allows you to install) only the most current version of iOS. Likewise, precisely because of the absence of this signature, it is impossible to upgrade the firmware “just a little.”

For example, you have iOS 8 installed and you want iOS 9, and not the currently current tenth version. Is it possible to do this? No. Updating is only possible for the latest software.

As you can see, Apple is true to itself and limits the user’s work with the software as much as possible. Do you want to update? Install only the latest firmware. Do you want to downgrade your iOS version? You can’t do this - everything is for your safety!

Is it really not possible? In fact, there are small exceptions, and although they are practically irrelevant for the mass user, it is useful to know about them. So, in what cases can you install a previous version of iOS on an iPhone or iPad:

So, “ordinary” people (including my humble person) need to remember this:

For any device “older” than the iPhone 4S and iPad 2, there is not even a theoretical possibility to roll back the firmware at any time.

It's a sad fact, but nothing can be done - these are Apple's rules.

However, if you look from the other side, everything is not so bad. After all, new versions of software mean increased security, stability, bug fixes and many, many other goodies. Although... for writing articles and instructions, sometimes I miss the ability to use the previous version of the software on my iPhone.

P.S. Did the article help and make it a little clearer? Click on the social network buttons! :) Did the author write some nonsense? Like it, let him be ashamed! :(

P.S.S. Why did you need to downgrade the firmware? And which one would you like to return to? Write your questions and opinions in the comments!

Surely you have heard about the Android operating system, unless you yourself are the owner of a device running this shell. This platform has appealed to a good portion of gadget owners and is the most common OS among mobile devices. Since 2009, when the first version of the “robot” was released, the developers have not stopped improving and modifying their brainchild. New versions and updates are released regularly. But do you always need to update your device and how to return the old version of Android after updating? We will talk about this in this publication.

Why are updates needed?

First of all, for the proper operation of the system. Developers optimize performance, improve the interface, correct lags, because it is almost impossible to release a perfect system right away, and minor faults will only be noticeable during its active use. In most cases, you can find out about the availability of an update using a regular message that appears in the notification line. You can upgrade by going to the update center, downloading and installing the new version.

Why might gadget owners be unhappy with the update?

In most cases, after the update procedure, the device should work faster, and all shortcomings should become a thing of the past. All that users can complain about are some changes in the interface or, for example, the disappearance of shortcuts from the desktop (accordingly, the applications themselves disappear). This happens because the installed programs are already outdated and simply do not correspond to the new firmware.

New versions of applications or their analogues can still be found on the Play Market, and trying to return the previous version of the OS due to the loss of old applications is a rather stupid idea. What else can irritate owners in the new firmware version is the appearance of some programs that cannot be removed. For example, these could be new services from Google. And then all users begin to think about whether it is possible to return the old version of Android. But most of all those who want to return to the old firmware are among those who tried to reflash their device on their own. Here, a huge variety of problems may appear, to the point that your gadget may turn into a “brick,” that is, stop showing signs of life altogether.

So before performing such manipulations, make sure that you have enough knowledge and experience, and best of all, contact a professional. Reflash the device only in extreme cases, when you cannot do without it, because such a procedure completely voids your warranty. But you can still return the previous version.

How to return to the old version of Android after updating?

First, come to terms with the fact that standard system resources do not provide a system rollback option, such as in the Windows OS. Accordingly, when you return to the old version, all installed programs and personal files will be deleted. Therefore, immediately before the procedure for returning the old version, make backup copies of all important documents, files, phone numbers, and so on. Be prepared to say goodbye to user settings, saved accounts or applications, they will be erased, everything except the built-in ones.

Next, you will have to perform a factory reset yourself. How to do this depends only on your version of the operating system, but most often this item is found if you go to “Settings” and “Recovery and reset”. This parameter can also be found in “Confidentiality”. In any case, finding a factory reset will be easy. Next, you will need to perform a series of actions that are a little more complicated, that is, enter recovery. And how to return the old version of Android using it - read on.

Login to recovery

"Recovery" is a special boot mode on Android, with which you can reset settings or flash the system. If you buy gadgets in trusted certified stores and with an already installed OS, then they should have the stock “recovery” mode. How to enter recovery depends only on your device model. The most common combination is the power button and the volume down key.

For example, if you don’t know how to return the old version of Android to Lenovo, then this combination will work for most of their devices. I would like to note that before entering recovery, you need to turn off the phone. If you are looking for how to return the old version of Android Sony Xperia, then you need to press three buttons: those that we have already named, and the camera button. You can easily find more detailed instructions for various models on the World Wide Web. But what to do after entering boot mode?

How to return the old version of Android after updating through recovery mode?

You can navigate the menu using the " key" highlight", and to select a specific item you need to press "select". There is no need to be afraid of this mode; if you understand it well, it becomes clear that there is nothing complicated. Now look for the line with " wipe data / and select it. A new menu will open in which you will have to confirm the action. Afterwards, wait for the reboot and the OS will return to factory settings.

Charge your smartphone

What is worth noting first of all is that before starting this procedure you need to charge the device well. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to roll back the system and how long the gadget will reboot after that.

If during such manipulations in the “recovery” mode the device does not have enough charge and it cannot fully complete its task, then, most likely, problems with its further use cannot be avoided.

The same applies to flashing your phone yourself. For some users, certain system functions disappeared or did not work, even to the point where the touchpad became inoperable. In some cases, the firmware did not install at all and it was simply impossible to enter the OS. But even then recovery helped again. If you cannot enter this mode or it simply does not exist, there are a number of simple utilities for flashing this mode directly through the operating system. Sometimes you may need a PC for this task.

We told you about how to return the old version of Android after updating. Treat your gadget with care and it will serve you for a long time.

A fairly common situation is that you update an application or game and instead of improved performance and new features, you get a completely non-working tool. Developers of all stripes make similar mistakes, and you can only roll back from a new version to an old one using the Charles Proxy tool.

The Charles Proxy program can also be useful in cases where some functions have been removed in new versions of applications or games. There are a whole host of examples of such remote functions; take, for example, the official VKontakte or YouTube applications, the latest version of which causes only negative emotions in users.

We would like to note right away that despite the apparent complexity, any user can install the old version of any application. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. In it we installed one of the first versions of the popular social network Instagram application on the iPad.

Step 1: Download, Install and Run Charles Tool for Windows or Mac (Download)

Step 2: Launch iTunes and start downloading the app whose old version you want to install on your iPhone or iPad

Step 3. In the Charles window, select the iTunes server from which the application is downloaded with the word "buy". Right-click on the server name and select Enable SSL Proxying

Step 4: Return to the iTunes window and stop downloading the application

Note: if the application has already been downloaded, then it must be deleted in the “My Programs” section

Step 5: Find the app you want in iTunes again and start downloading it again

Step 6. Go to the Charles window and find another line with the word “ buy" - this is exactly the object we are looking for. Go back to iTunes and stop downloading the app

Step 7. Expand the found thread with the word “ buy" in Charles and find the line buyProduct

Step 8: Select a stitch buyProduct and go to the tab Response, where specify the display type XML Text

Step 9. On the screen, after the line softwareVersionExternalIdentifiers, you will see lines like:


where the seven-digit number represents the application version numbers, arranged in ascending order. In our example, we rolled back Instagram to a truly ancient version 1.8.7, the build number of which was first in the list. In practice, it is most often necessary to roll back to the previous version, so it is recommended to select the build number (the one enclosed in the tag ) as close to the final version as possible.

Step 10. Right click on the item buyProduct and select Edit

Step 11. Select a section XML Text and find the line in the field:


where XXXX is the latest version of the application. Instead of XXXX, you need to paste the value copied in step 9, then click Execute. In our example, we changed the number 81542337 to 2948163, thereby rolling back the latest version of Instagram to the earliest one.

Step 12. Again, right-click on the item buyProduct and select Breakpoints

Step 14: Go to iTunes, find your application and refresh the page (Ctrl + R on Windows). After that, start downloading the tool

Step 15. A moment after you click the download button, you will be transferred to Charles, where you need to switch to the screen Edit Request -> XML Text. In field XXXX instead of " XXX» paste the build number you copied in step 9, then click the button Execute.

Step 16. Then click again Execute

Step 17: Go to iTunes and make sure the app has started downloading. Wait for the download to finish

Step 18: In iTunes, select the " My programs", find your application and right-click on it, select " Intelligence" Here you can make sure that the old version of the application is being downloaded

Step 19. Remove the new version of the required application from your iPhone or iPad, connect the device to iTunes and install the old version

Step 20. After synchronization is complete, your smartphone or tablet will have an old version of the required application

Sooner or later there comes a time when, for some reason, you need to return to an earlier version of the firmware on your Android device. These reasons can be very different: from software failures and errors to dissatisfaction with some unofficial build of the operating system. In any case, you need to be fully prepared and know how to undo changes made to the software.

Possible problems after updating Android

Not to say that an Android upgrade will completely ruin the life of the device owner, but it is guaranteed to cause moments of headache.

After the update, some shortcuts periodically disappear from the desktop, and along with them, programs.

In other cases, after modifying the system, the user discovers new, completely unnecessary programs that cannot be removed.

Options for returning old firmware


There are many applications that are designed to create backup copies of your Android gadget, all of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. But we will look at the example of one of the first and most universal programs for backup and recovery - Titanium Backup.

Titanium Backup

First, let's figure out why you need to use special software at all, because Android natively has backup capabilities. For example, when you change your phone or after a full reset to factory settings, just log into your Google account and your contact data will be restored. However, do not forget that in this case all applications and games, Wi-Fi and other network settings, system settings, etc. are lost. And this is a very significant problem if dozens of those same applications are installed - since restoration can take an prohibitively long time.

So, to create a backup, we need Root rights on the device and the Titanium Backup program itself. Root rights are needed to gain access to system files and folders in which the settings and data of interest to us are stored. Next, install the Titanium Backup program. Don't forget to allow installation of applications from "Unknown sources". After the first launch, Titanium Backup will ask for superuser rights, we give them and we can remember the decision. Don’t rush to click everything - the program is quite powerful, and with full access to the system, an inexperienced user can do a lot of things. Adhere to the principle: “never use functions unless you are sure what they do.”

To create a backup, you will need a memory card installed in the appropriate slot with sufficient free space, since the backup will be made to it. On the main Titanium Backup work screen, select the “Backups” tab. Press the “Menu” button on the phone and select “Processing” at the bottom of the screen. In the menu that opens, select “Back up all user software and system data” and click “Start” next to it. The program will prompt you to select all applications for backup. We are interested in a complete copy of the system, so we don’t change anything. After this, I start the process of creating a backup. The process may take varying amounts of time depending on the number of programs installed. Now in the “TitaniumBackup” folder on your memory card you can see a large number of backup files, it is advisable to copy them to a computer or other device - you never know, the microSD card may fail. It is also possible to configure automatic creation of backups in the “Schedules” menu.

When the time comes and you need to restore the contents of your Android device, you can do this in several ways. Firstly, you can restore both applications and settings. Through the “Processing” menu item, go to the “Recovery” section and click “Restore all software with data”. You can also restore only individual applications - then in the “Backups” section, select specific applications and click “Restore”. Don't forget that sometimes you need to restart your device before the changes take effect. In any case, Titanium Backup offers a huge number of options for creating and restoring backups, so you can always return your Android gadget to its original state. If you need to restore a full copy of the operating system, that is, the firmware, then you need to use the alternative recovery menu ClockworkMod Recovery or similar.

Other rollback methods

Reset to menu

The path to the treasured option depends on the type and model of your device:

  • Android phones version 2.3: Settings > Privacy >
  • Android phones version 4: Settings > Device memory > Reset to factory settings;
  • tablets on Android version 4: Settings > Backup & reset > Reset settings.

Hard reset

Go to the “Android system recovery” () menu. First you will need to turn off your smartphone or tablet, and then use the key combination, which again differs depending on the device manufacturer:

  • a more or less universal option is to simultaneously hold down the power and volume down buttons;
  • Samsung – simultaneously hold down the power and volume up buttons;
  • Sony Ericsson – simultaneously hold down the power, volume down and camera buttons;
  • Huawei – simultaneously hold down the power, volume down and volume up buttons;
  • LG – simultaneously hold down the power, volume down and home screen buttons for more than 10 seconds. Release the power button after the LG logo lights up on the screen, hold the rest until you go to the recovery screen;
  • HTC (the most interesting) - hold down the volume down key, then briefly press the power button. Once you see the recovery menu on the screen, you can temporarily leave the volume down button alone. Find the “Clear storage” item, select it by pressing the power button and confirm the action by clicking on volume down.

For more confident navigation through the “Android system recovery” menu, it would be useful to remind you of the button assignments: highlight is to move through the menu, and select is to select a menu item.

We get to the line “wipe data / factory reset” and select this item. Then in the new menu we find the action confirmation sub-item and select it.

With both the hard and the lighter reset options, a reboot will occur, after which your device will wake up with standard factory settings.

Video: How to restore firmware on Android

As you can see, the process of returning to the old version of Android is not as scary as many people think. Follow our instructions and don’t forget to make backups.

Yesterday we talked about how iPhone and iPad can install outdated versions of applications using the Charlie program. From the comments to that article, it turned out that there is an easier way that does not involve the use of third-party tools. This method only works if the new version of the application is not supported by your device due to system requirements.

If you are using an old Apple smartphone or tablet, or have not updated iOS to version 8 or 9, you will inevitably encounter limitations - the App Store will prompt you first or update the operating system. However, you can cheat and download not a new version of the application, but one compatible with old technology or an outdated build of iOS.

How to install an old version of the application on iOS?

1. Go to the system settings of your iPhone or iPad and enable iCloud synchronization.
2. Launch iTunes on your computer and download the application you need, even if it’s a new version.
3. Open the App Store on your mobile device and find the application that you downloaded through iTunes.
4. Near the name of the application, instead of the “download” button, a button with a cloud will appear, which shows that a “purchase” has already been registered in your account, and you can freely download this application to your device.
5. If your iPhone or iPad is incompatible with this application, the system will display an error and... offer to download the version that was once compatible with it.
6. Wait a while - the outdated version of the application will be downloaded to your device.

We emphasize once again that this installation method can only be used on older devices (iPhone 3, 4, etc.), and install outdated versions of applications on new Apple smartphones and tablets can be accessed using the Charlie application, which we recently wrote about. Charlie works as a proxy that downloads the version of the application you need from Apple servers - more stable than the new one or with features that were later removed by the developers. One of these applications is the official VKontakte client, which once had a full-fledged music section, but now only excerpts from songs are available, leading to the iTunes store.

The editors do not remain aloof from the New Year's excitement and preparation of surprises. Together with the Apple Jesus online store, we have prepared one of the best gifts for any holiday - a brand new iPhone 6s in any color of your choice. To participate in the drawing you only need to complete five simple tasks. Read, participate and good luck!
