In the HTML markup language, there are 3 types of lists - ordered (numbered), unordered (unnumbered) and definition lists.

To build such a list, you need 2 types of elements: ‘ul’ (short for unordered list, i.e. unordered list) and ‘li’ (list element). Everything written inside 'li' is marked with a marker.

The appearance of such a list can be controlled by specifying the types of markers.

Types of markers

There is a special type attribute that is placed in both list elements. This is your marker type. There are only 3 types: circle, disk and square:

    - square
      - disk
        - circumference

        Depending on where you specify the marker type, you can change it for the entire list or for a specific element.

        Ordered list

        To build a list, you also need 2 elements: ‘ol’ and ‘li’ (list element). Markers are replaced with numbers with a dot. Example of a simple list:

        1. first element
        2. second element
        3. last element

        You can control the appearance of the ordered list by specifying different types of numbering.

        Types of numbering

        There is a special type attribute that is placed in the ‘ol’ or ‘li’ element. This is your list type. There are 5 types in total:

          - Numbering in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3)
            - Numbering in capital letters (A, B, C)
              - Numbering in lowercase letters (a, b, c)
                - Numbering in large Roman numerals (I, II, III)
                  - Numbering in small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii)
                    - What number to start numbering from?

                    Depending on where you specify the type of numbering, you can change it for the entire list or for a specific element.

                    Definition list

                    A list of definitions has been developed for dictionary entries.

                    There is a general container 'dl'. Inside it are ‘dt’ (definition termin) and ‘dd’ (definition description). The simplest example:

                    Marketing department
                    This department is engaged in the promotion of goods and services
                    Financial department
                    This department deals with all financial transactions

                    All elements of all lists are block elements. But only inline elements can be placed inside the 'dt' element. You can put whatever you want into the 'dd' and 'li' elements. This is where nested lists come from.

                    Nested (mixed lists)

                    These are multi-level lists, within which there is a hierarchy. Often such lists are used when building a site map. Example:

                    Mixed list
                    NEWS OF THE DAY
                  1. Today the rain
                  2. It will rain all day
                    NEWS OF THE NIGHT
                  3. It will rain at night
                  4. Tomorrow a new day will begin
                  5. HTML supports three different types of lists, each of which has its own list types:

                      1. – a numbered (using numbers or letters) list, each element of which has a serial number (letter);
                        • – a bulleted (not numbered) list, next to each element of which a marker is placed (rather than numeric or alphabetic characters indicating a serial number);
                        • – a definition list consists of name/value pairs, including terms and definitions.

                        Numbered lists

                        In a numbered list, the browser automatically inserts element numbers in order, starting with a certain value (usually 1). This allows you to insert and delete list items without disturbing the numbering, since the remaining numbers will be automatically recalculated.
                        Numbered lists are created using a block element

                          (from the English Ordered List - numbered list). Next to the container
                            for each list item an element is placed
                          1. (from the English List Item - list item). The default is a numbered list with Arabic numbers.
                              has the following syntax:

                              1. element 1
                              2. element 2
                              3. element 3

                              Numbered list items must contain multiple list items, as shown in the following example:

                              Example: Numbered List

                              • Try it yourself "

                              Step-by-step instruction

                              1. Get the key
                              2. Insert the key into the lock
                              3. Turn the key two turns
                              4. Get the key out of the lock
                              5. Open the door

                              Step-by-step instruction

                              1. Get the key
                              2. Insert the key into the lock
                              3. Turn the key two turns
                              4. Get the key out of the lock
                              5. Open the door

                              Sometimes when looking at existing HTML codes you will come across the argument type in element

                                , which is used to indicate the type of numbering (letters, Roman and Arabic numerals, etc.). Syntax:

                                  Here: type – list symbols:

                                  • A - capital Latin letters (A, B, C...);
                                  • a - lowercase Latin letters (a, b, c...);
                                  • I - large Roman numerals (I, II, III...);
                                  • i - small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii...);
                                  • 1 - Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3 . . .) (used by default).

                                  If you want the list to start with a number other than 1, you should specify this using the attribute start tag

                                    The following example shows a numbered list with large Roman numerals and a starting value of XLIX:

                                    Numbering can also be started using the attribute value, which is added to the element

                                  1. in the following way:

                                  2. In this case, the sequential numbering of the list will be interrupted and from this point the numbering will begin again, in this case from seven.

                                    Attribute usage example value tag

                                  3. , which allows you to change the number of a given list element:

                                    In this example, the "First List Item" would be number 1, the "Second List Item" would be number 7, and the "Third List Item" would be number 8.

                                    Formatting Numbered Lists with CSS

                                    To change list numbers you should use the property list-style-type CSS style sheets:

                                      Numbered list styles
                                      a, b, clower-alphaLower case
                                      A, B, Cupper-alphaCapital letters
                                      i, ii, iiilower-romanRoman numerals in lowercase letters
                                      I, II, IIIupper-novelRoman numerals in capital letters

                                      Example: Applying a CSS Property list-style-type

                                      Bulleted lists

                                      Bulleted lists are essentially similar to numbered lists, only they do not contain sequential numbering of items. Bulleted lists are created using a block element

                                        (from the English Unordered List - unnumbered list). Each list element, as in numbered lists, begins with a tag
                                      • . The browser indents each list item and automatically displays bullets.
                                          has the following syntax:

                                          • First point
                                          • Second point
                                          • Third point

                                          In the following example, you can see that, by default, a small marker in the form of a filled circle is added before each list item:

                                          Inside a tag

                                        • It is not necessary to place only text; it is acceptable to place any element of streaming content (links, paragraphs, images, etc.)

                                          Nested Lists

                                          Any list can be nested within another. Inside an element
                                        • It is permissible to create a nested list or a second-level list. To nest a list, describe the new list inside the element
                                        • already existing list. When you nest one bulleted list into another, the browser automatically changes the bullet style for the second-level list. Any list can be nested within another. The following example demonstrates the structure of a bulleted list nested within the second item of a numbered list.

                                          Example: Nested Lists

                                          • Try it yourself "
                                          • Monday
                                            1. Send mail
                                            2. Visit to the editor
                                              • Choosing a theme
                                              • Decorative design
                                              • Final report
                                            3. Evening viewing of messages
                                          • Tuesday
                                            1. Revise schedule
                                            2. Send images
                                          • Wednesday...

                                          • Monday
                                            1. Send mail
                                            2. Visit to the editor
                                              • Choosing a theme
                                              • Decorative design
                                              • Final report
                                            3. Evening viewing of messages
                                          • Tuesday
                                            1. Revise schedule
                                            2. Send images
                                          • Wednesday...

                                          Formatting Bulleted Lists

                                          To change the appearance of the list marker, use the property list-style-type CSS style sheets:

                                            The following example shows different styles of bulleted lists:

                                            Example: Bullet List Styles

                                            • Try it yourself "
                                            • Coffee
                                            • Coffee
                                            • Coffee
                                            • Coffee


                                            • Coffee
                                            • Milk


                                            • Coffee
                                            • Milk


                                            • Coffee
                                            • Milk


                                            • Coffee
                                            • Milk

                                            Graphic markers.

                                            In HTML it is possible to create a list with graphic markers. It’s one thing when the list markers are standard circles or squares, and quite another when the developer himself selects the marker in accordance with the page design. In order to make list items beautiful, small pictures are often used.
                                            To replace a regular marker with a graphic one, replace the property list-style-type per property list-style-image and indicate the URL of the image:

                                              Example: Graphic Markers

                                              • Try it yourself "

                                              Zodiac signs

                                              • Taurus
                                              • Gemini

                                              Zodiac signs

                                              • Aries
                                              • Taurus
                                              • Gemini

                                              Lists of definitions (descriptions)

                                              Definition lists are very useful for creating, for example, your personal dictionary of terms. Each definition list item has two parts: the term and its definition.
                                              You put the entire list into an element

                                              (from the English Definition List - list of definitions). It includes tags
                                              (from the English Definition Term - a defined word, term) and
                                              (from the English Definition Description - description of the term being defined).
                                              Lists of definitions are often used in scientific, technical and educational publications, using them to compile glossaries, dictionaries, reference books, etc.

                                              The general structure of the list of descriptions is as follows:

                                              First term
                                              Description of the first term
                                              Second term
                                              Description of the second term

                                              The following example shows one possible use of a definition list:

                                              Example: List of definitions

                                              • Try it yourself "

                                              World Wide Web - from English. The World Wide Web (WWW) is a distributed system that provides access to related documents located on different computers connected to the Internet.

                                              The Internet is a set of networks that use a single exchange protocol to transmit information.
                                              A website is a set of individual web pages that are interconnected by links and a uniform design.
                                              The World Wide Web
                                              - from English The World Wide Web (WWW) is a distributed system that provides access to related documents located on different computers connected to the Internet.
                                              — a set of networks that use a single exchange protocol to transmit information.


                                              - a set of individual web pages that are interconnected by links and a uniform design.

                                                By default, the text of the term is pressed to the left edge of the browser window, and the description of the term is located below and shifted to the right.
                                              1. Numbered lists are a collection of elements with their serial numbers. The type and type of numbering depends on the tag attributes

                                                1. , which is used to create the list. Each item in the numbered list is indicated by a tag
                                                2. Second point
                                                3. Third point

                                                If you do not specify any additional attributes and just write the tag

                                                  , then the default is a list with Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3,...), as shown in Example 11.3.

                                                  Example 11.3. Create a numbered list

                                                  Numbered list

                                                  Working with time

                                                  1. creating punctuality (you will never be late for anything);
                                                  2. cure for punctuality (you will never be in a hurry);
                                                  3. change in perception of time and clocks.

                                                  The result of this example is shown in Fig. 11.3.

                                                  Rice. 11.3. Numbered list view

                                                  Note that a numbered list also adds automatic indentation to the top, bottom, and left of the text.

                                                  The following values ​​can serve as numbering elements:

                                                  • Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, ...);
                                                  • capital Latin letters (A, B, C, ...);
                                                  • lowercase Latin letters (a, b, c, ...);
                                                  • capital Roman numerals (I, II, III, ...);
                                                  • lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, ...).

                                                  To indicate the type of numbered list, use the type attribute of the tag

                                                    . Its possible values ​​are given in table. 11.2.

                                                    Table 11.2. Types of numbered list
                                                    List type HTML Code Example
                                                    Arabic numbers

                                                    1. Cheburashka
                                                    2. Crocodile Gena
                                                    3. Shapoklyak
                                                    Capital letters of the Latin alphabet

                                                    A. Cheburashka
                                                    B. Crocodile Gena
                                                    C. Shapoklyak
                                                    Lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet

                                                    a. Cheburashka
                                                    b. Crocodile Gena
                                                    c. Shapoklyak
                                                    Roman numerals in upper case

                                                    I. Cheburashka
                                                    II. Crocodile Gena
                                                    III. Shapoklyak
                                                    Roman numerals in lower case

                                                    i. Cheburashka
                                                    ii. Crocodile Gena
                                                    iii. Shapoklyak

                                                    To start a list with a specific value, use the start attribute of the tag

                                                      . It doesn't matter what type the list is set to using type , the start attribute works the same with both Roman and Arabic numerals. Example 11.4 shows how to create a list using uppercase Roman numerals starting with eight.

                                                      Example 11.4. List numbering

                                                      Roman numbers

                                                      1. King Magnum XLIV
                                                      2. King Siegfried XVI
                                                      3. King Sigismund XXI
                                                      4. King Husbrandt I

                                                      The result of this example is shown in Fig. 11.4.

                                                      Rice. 11.4. Numbered list with Roman numerals

                                                      HTML lists used to group related pieces of information. There are three types of lists:

                                                      bulleted list

                                                        - each element of the list
                                                      • marked with a marker,
                                                        numbered list
                                                          - each element of the list
                                                        1. marked with a number
                                                          list of definitions- - consists of term pairs

                                                          Each list is a container within which list elements or term-definition pairs are located. List elements behave like block elements, stacked underneath each other and occupying the entire width of the container block. Each list item has an additional block located on the side, which does not participate in the layout.

                                                          Creating HTML Lists

                                                          1. Bulleted list

                                                          Bulleted list is an unordered list (from English Unordered List). Created using a paired tag

                                                          . The marker of a list element is a label, for example, a filled circle.

                                                          Browsers by default add the following formatting to the list block:

                                                          Each list element is created using a paired tag

                                                        2. (from English List Item).
                                                          available .
                                                        • Microsoft
                                                        • Google
                                                        • Apple
                                                        Rice. 1. Bulleted list

                                                        2. Numbered list

                                                        Numbered list is created using a paired tag. Each list item is also created using the element

                                                      • . The browser numbers the elements in order automatically, and if you delete one or more elements of such a list, the remaining numbers will be automatically recalculated.

                                                        The list block also has default browser styles:

                                                      • The value attribute is available, which allows you to change the default number for the selected list item. For example, if for the first item in the list you set
                                                      • , then the remaining numbering will be recalculated relative to the new value.

                                                        For tag

                                                          The following attributes are available:

                                                          Table 1. Tag attributes
                                                          Attribute Description, accepted value
                                                          reversed The reversed attribute causes the list to be displayed in reverse order (for example, 9, 8, 7...).
                                                          start The start attribute specifies the initial value from which the numbering will begin, for example, a construction
                                                            the first item will be assigned the serial number “10”. You can also specify the numbering type at the same time, for example,
                                                          type The type attribute specifies the type of marker to use in the list (letters or numbers). Accepted values:
                                                          1 — default value, decimal numbering.
                                                          A — list numbering in alphabetical order, capital letters (A, B, C, D).
                                                          a — list numbering in alphabetical order, lowercase letters (a, b, c, d).
                                                          I - numbering in Roman capital numerals (I, II, III, IV).
                                                          i — numbering in Roman lowercase numerals (i, ii, iii, iv).
                                                          1. Microsoft
                                                          2. Google
                                                          3. Apple
                                                          Rice. 2. Numbered list

                                                          3. List of definitions

                                                          Lists of definitions are created using a tag

                                                          . To add a term, use a tag
                                                          , and to insert a definition - the tag

                                                          The definition list block has the following default browser styles:

                                                          For tags

                                                          available .

                                                          Peter Tochilin
                                                          Andrey Gaidulyan
                                                          Alexey Gavrilov
                                                          Vitaly Gogunsky
                                                          Mariya Kozhevnikova
                                                          Rice. 3. List of definitions

                                                          4. Nested list

                                                          Often, the capabilities of simple lists are not enough; for example, when creating a table of contents, there is no way to do without nested items. The markup for the nested list would be as follows:

                                                          • Paragraph 1.
                                                          • Point 2.
                                                            • Subclause 2.1.
                                                            • Subclause 2.2.
                                                              • Subclause 2.2.1.
                                                              • Subclause 2.2.2.
                                                            • Subclause 2.3.
                                                          • Point 3.

                                                          Rice. 4. Nested list

                                                          5. Multi-level numbered list

                                                          A multi-level list is used to display list items at different levels with different indentations. The markup for a multi-level numbered list would be as follows:

                                                          1. paragraph
                                                          2. paragraph
                                                            1. paragraph
                                                            2. paragraph
                                                            3. paragraph
                                                              1. paragraph
                                                              2. paragraph
                                                              3. paragraph
                                                            4. paragraph
                                                          3. paragraph
                                                          4. paragraph

                                                          This default markup will create a new numbering for each nested list, starting with one. To create nested numbering, you need to use the following properties:
                                                          counter-reset resets one or more counters, specifying the value to be reset;
                                                          counter-increment specifies the counter increment value, i.e. in what increments each subsequent item will be numbered;
                                                          content - generated content, in this case it is responsible for displaying the number before each list item.

                                                          Ol ( /* remove the standard numbering */ list-style: none; /* Identify the counter and give it the name li. The counter value is not specified - by default it is 0 */ counter-reset: li; ) li:before ( /* We define the element that will be numbered - li. The before pseudo-element indicates that the content inserted using the content property will be placed before the list items. The value of the counter increment is set here (default is 1 */ counter-increment: li /). * The content property displays the number of the list item. counters() means that the generated text represents the values ​​of all counters with that name. A period in quotes adds a separating period between numbers, and a period with a space is added before the content of each list item */ content: counters(li,"") "." )
                                                          Rice. 5. Multi-level numbered list

                                                      Lists are actively used for automatic numbering of content blocks. However, when using nested lists, it is impossible to obtain numbering of subclauses like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, since each list will be independent. But what is not possible in SHTML can be assigned to styles.

                                                      First, let's look at how to create nested lists in general. The main container is the tag

                                                        , and the list elements are formed by tags
                                                      1. . The nested list also starts with
                                                          , but this tag must be located inside the container
                                                        1. , this is how the correct syntax is maintained (example 1).

                                                          Example 1: Regular nested list

                                                          Nested list

                                                          1. Paragraph 1

                                                            1. Subclause 1.1

                                                            2. Subclause 1.2

                                                            3. Subclause 1.3

                                                          2. Point 2

                                                            1. Subclause 2.1

                                                            2. Subclause 2.2

                                                          The result of this example is shown in Fig. 1. Please note that the numbering of nested lists starts anew each time.

                                                          Rice. 1. Nested list view

                                                          Now let’s remove the built-in numbering of lists and create a new one, but in the form that we require. To do this, you need three style attributes: counter-reset, counter-increment and content.

                                                          counter-reset - sets a variable that will store the counter value;

                                                          counter-increment - increases or decreases the counter value by the specified number;

                                                          content - prints the counter value when using the counter(variable) argument. Works in conjunction with the after or before pseudo-elements.

                                                          For the first level list, let's call the counter variable list1 , and for the second level - list2 . Then the initiation of counters for lists will be as follows.

                                                          OL ( counter-reset: list1; ) /* First level list */
                                                          OL OL ( counter-reset: list2; ) /* Second level list*/

                                                          In this case, content selectors help separate the nested list from the outer list. The OL OL construct means to apply style only to the tag

                                                            , but only when it is located inside another tag

                                                              The counter value is increased through the OL LI:before selector, to which the counter-increment and content style attributes are added. The counter-increment attribute with the value list1 increments the value of this counter by one, and content: counter(list1) "." displays the value of the counter before the list item. These attributes work in pairs, so they must be enabled simultaneously.

                                                              OL LI:before ( /* First level list */
                                                              counter-increment: list1;
                                                              /* Output the value as 1., 2.*/
                                                              OL OL LI:before ( /* Second level list */
                                                              counter-increment: list2; /* Increase the counter value */

                                                              For a nested list, we again use content selectors (OL OL) and at the same time use the output of the counter list1 and list2, in this case we will get the numbering of the type we need.

                                                              The final code is shown in Example 2.

                                                              Example 2. Nested lists with auto-numbering

                                                              Nested list

                                                              1. Paragraph

                                                                1. Sub-clause

                                                                2. Sub-clause

                                                                3. Sub-clause

                                                              2. Paragraph

                                                                1. Sub-clause

                                                                2. Sub-clause

                                                              The result of this example is shown in Fig. 2.

                                                              Rice. 2. Type of list auto-numbering in the Opera browser


                                                              The given example does not work in the Internet Explorer browser up to version 7 inclusive, since it does not support any of the given style properties.

                                                              Since the Internet Explorer browser does not support many interesting styling attributes, the usual numbering in lists should be left untouched especially for it. To do this, remove list-style-type: none . But this will also affect other browsers in which the example works correctly, so you will have to use a hack - this means a technique when different browsers are given different style code. For example, you can use the !important tag. Adding !important to the value of a style attribute increases its importance. If you redefine the same attribute without !important , it will be ignored by browsers. But not in Intenet Explorer version 6 and below.

                                                              LI (
                                                              list-style-type: none !important; /* Remove numbering in Opera, Safari, Firefox browsers */
                                                              list-style-type: decimal; /* Leave numbering in browser IE6 and below */

                                                              Replacing these codes with the string with the LI selector in example 2, we get a nested list that works correctly in all browsers.