The long-awaited developer conference WWDC 2016 starts today. On the first day we will be presented with a huge number of new products from Apple. I would like to join this holiday, and tonight you will have such an opportunity. And you can start preparing now. Apple itself began preparing over the weekend. The registration of the conference venues has already been completed.

The first day will take place in the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. Apple didn't work on this building for very long. It is decorated with a fairly small Apple logo. So far no banners have been seen indicating features operating systems that will be presented. Usually there are such banners.

But Apple has worked hard on Moscone West, where conference participants will spend the rest of the days. The building is decorated with a much more impressive company logo. Five large banners with the conference logo can also be seen near Moscone West. They look impressive.

The closer it gets to the evening, the more information we will be able to tell you about the first day of WWDC 2016. Follow our website and join the event, which will start at 20 o'clock Moscow time.

A free update to the next version of tvOS will be available in the fall. Developers will, of course, have access to the operating system on the day of the presentation.

Now comes the fun part. OS X. Craig Federighi and his famous blue shirt with wet “armpit areas” are already here. The desktop operating system will now be called macOS in order to look harmonious against the backdrop of iOS, watchOS and tvOS.

The new version of macOS will be called Sierra. And this is not at all the famous developer of cult quests. The first innovation will be “Auto-unlocking” of the computer using your Apple Watch. You no longer have to enter long passwords. Just open your laptop, and if your watch is on your hand, you can start working right away.

New feature Universal Clipboard allows you to use copy/paste functionality side by side across all your Apple devices. Copied to iPhone and then pasted into text editor on your MacBook.

Your documents from iCloud can be opened anywhere, be it your smartphone, desktop computer or even someone else's computer at a party. Old files can be sent to the cloud to free up hard drive space. In addition, the new macOS will automatically clean up unnecessary files cache and other garbage, so as not to clutter your life with this “waste paper”.

Apple Pay will now work in Safari. To pay, you just need to use Touch ID authentication on your smartphone. After all, dragging your Mac to the store is quite difficult.

In addition to adding the famous picture-in-picture feature, the new macOS finally welcomes the voice assistant Siri into its arms. Siri can show you the files you worked with last week, play music for you, search for photos, send messages and much, much more. Update on macOS Sierra will be available this fall completely free of charge.

The turn of iOS 10 has come. The developers decided to make the number 10 symbolic for this release, so there will be ten in the operating system. The first will be a change in UX.

The lock screen was the first to undergo the transformation process. Now notifications will become much more informative. And the screen will light up not only after you click on Home button or Power, but also simply when you raised the screen to your face. So the buttons will last longer, and you need to do much less unnecessary body movements. Apps now open directly on the lock screen using 3D Touch. And now you can pin your widgets to this screen. Hooray.

The Siri assistant has been made available to app developers. Now he can interact with third party applications, and not just those released by Apple.

Siri will have access to the keyboard. She will study what you write and adapt to your communication style. If you're asked in a message where you are, Siri will automatically prompt you to send the person your coordinates. In other words, now the voice assistant will actually interact closely with the user, rather than responding with “Google search results” to any question you ask.

Photo app From now on, it will be able to recognize not only people’s faces in photographs, but also various objects. The image sorting system has also been improved.

The Maps app boasts a completely new design. I must say that it really looks much nicer than the old one. The interface will become much more convenient, and information about road traffic will appear on the maps. The maps will also be adapted for CarPlay and made open to developers.

Apple Music. 15 million people use the service for a fee. The application will become more understandable and will also have a new design, we will be able to see the words of our favorite songs and much, much more.

News application. From now on, users will be able to receive notifications about “hot news”. If I'm not mistaken, this application is still not available in our country, which is very sad. I would love to use it.

HomeKit will get its own app for iOS. I don’t think that many people in Russia own “smart homes,” but maybe someone will find this application useful in their life. You can control your automatic curtains, lights, thermostats, door locks and other devices from your phone. You can even see the image from the security camera directly on your phone screen, if one is installed in your apartment.

Phone app will acquire a transformation voice messages into texts. Also now you can use VoIP with just one touch.

You can insert links into messages that will be parsed in real time into images and videos. About the same as what you could see on Telegram. And emoji icons will become three times larger. Words can now be automatically replaced with matching icons.

Text bubbles now have animations if you want to yell at your interlocutor or say something sweet to him. If you don’t want someone on the other end to see your message, you can literally “veil” it, turning it into blurry symbols that will appear only after the recipient runs his finger over them, moving away from “prying eyes.” The same can be done with photographs. And now you can insert animated backgrounds under messages.

Now you can write messages by hand or draw pictures, just like on the Apple Watch.

Sets of stickers will appear in messages. Better late than never.

Security has been greatly tightened. No more collecting user data. Full encryption of everything.

That's all for iOS 10. We are waiting for autumn. I won’t install the beta again for any price, since it works worse and worse every year.

Programming with Swift will now be even easier. Beginning programmers will have access to free application Swift Playgrounds, which contains everything you need to learn programming. - This is a very important skill, says Tim Cook. And you can't argue with him.

Talk to a set-top box, send an SOS signal using a watch, make online purchases in one click and learn to be a programmer for free - Apple has revealed what its users will be able to do this fall

The annual Worldwide developers conference (WWDC) is one of Apple’s key public events, where the company talks about the update software for the entire line of its devices. At WWDC-2016 on June 13, the company's CEO Tim Cook and other managers told an audience of 5 thousand developers about new versions of operating systems (OS) for Mac computers, iPhone smartphones and "smart" apple watch Watch. RBC identified five key new products.

Mobile operating system iOS 10

The head of Apple called the mobile OS update for iPhone and iPad “the largest in its history.” The changes affected many applications built into the system. Thus, the iMessage messaging service now has functions for watching videos, sending payments and editing photos.

Craig Federighi during the presentation of the mobile operating room iOS systems 10 (Photo: Tony Avelar/AP)

For the first time, developers have the opportunity to embed into other applications voice assistant Siri. Thanks to this, users will be able to control some services by voice: for example, turn on the air conditioner in a car. Built-in apple cards are now integrated with the Uber taxi service: the owner of an iPhone or iPad can order a car directly from the Apple application.

In iOS 10, Apple used differential privacy technology, which will collect anonymized data about users to know how they behave online. The company will not create a user profile; all data will be anonymous.​

iOS 10 is already available for developers, users will be able to “update” in September 2016.

Computer operating room macOS system Sierra

Another major update from Apple is the operating system for Mac computers - macOS Sierra. Mac OS supports Siri voice assistant for the first time. With its help, desktop users can search for information, documents, and change computer system settings.

On Mac with macOS Sierra also appeared payment system Apple Pay: the user will be able to make purchases online on sites that are synchronized with the service in almost one click. You will have to confirm the transaction with using iPhone or Apple Watch.

Another feature that makes interacting with your Mac easier is the ability to unlock remotely. Apple Watch owners can use this feature: to sign in account without typing a password on the keyboard, the user simply needs to approach the Mac with the smart watch on their wrist.

During the annual Worldwide developers conference (WWDC), June 13, 2016 (Photo: Tony Avelar/AP)

Operating system for smart watches watchOS 3

In the third generation of OS for Apple Watch, the company promises to solve one of the main problems of the device - low download speed - by new feature automatic background application updates.

The device will also receive simpler navigation: using the side button, users will be able to scroll through the list of applications installed on the watch, and by moving their finger across the screen from bottom to top - similar to the iPhone - they can switch the Apple Watch to silent or airplane mode.

Other new watchOS features include Scribble, which lets users respond to messages by drawing characters on the watch screen instead of typing or dictating. So far, this service “understands” English and Chinese.

Holding the side button of the device now activates the SOS function - calling the rescue service and transmitting the user's geolocation data.

Updated operating system for set-top box tvOS

More than 6 thousand applications have already been released for the Apple TV set-top box, but new version Developers now have an OS for the tvOS device additional features. Thus, the set-top box received support for the Siri voice assistant. A user can now ask Siri to find content on a specific topic, such as “nature documentaries.” In the same way, an Apple TV owner can search for content on YouTube. In the US, the voice assistant will allow you to connect to broadcasts of TV channels: for example, CBS News and ESPN.

In the updated tvOS, the location of some tabs has changed, and a new one has appeared - “Search”, with which it has become easier to search for music.

Other improvements include the ability to choose a dark interface background (for those who don’t like the screen to be too bright), automatic download apps, provided they're added to your iPhone or iPad, and the new Apple TV Remote app, which supports touch controls.

Apple Programming School

Another new WWDC product was the Swift Playgrounds service for tablet computers iPad. With its help, the company plans to teach programming to a new generation of developers. A series of lessons and assignments for schoolchildren who want to learn how to write code has appeared on the Apple website.

Apple CEO Tim Cook during the presentation of the Swift Playgrounds service (Photo: Tony Avelar/AP)

The Swift interface is reminiscent of the Codeacademy service, but contains more game elements to attract young users. So, to master the basics of programming on the iPad, Apple came up with a special keyboard with the symbols most in demand for typing code. With Swift, the company introduced a new programming language open to external developers. The platform is unlikely to be useful to experienced programmers, the company emphasized.

Swift became available to developers immediately after the presentation. Regular users will be able to use the service after the iOS update in September.​

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without asterisks, clear and detailed, where technically possible - as accurate and concise as possible.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The website shows the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and responsibility

A guarantee must be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half the battle is Apple repair- this is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts for current models, so that you do not have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good manners for service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you don't have to pay a penny for it, even if you don't repair the device based on its results.

Service repairs and delivery

Good service values ​​your time, so he offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of a service center: correctly and according to technology can only be done in a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to fit in before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Company age and experience

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years and has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the service center are restored.
Other service centers trust us and refer complex cases to us.

How many masters in areas

If there are always several engineers waiting for you for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of right away.
2. you give your Macbook for repair to an expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

Welcome to our guide to Apple events! Here we are guessing when the new Apple devices will be released. In short, at the time of writing, we believe that the company will introduce something new at the Worldwide Developers Conference on the Apple platform (). The conference will begin on June 5, 2017.

We all love a good Apple party: lots of guesses, mysterious invitations, nice music, good old Tim Cook and, finally, a whole bunch of new inventions. But if we knew when such events would take place, we could plan both the schedule and the budget.

Luckily for us, the gray-haired Apple pundits at Macworld have shared their experiences. With their help, we were able to put together a detailed—though not error-free—guide to Apple events.

Apple's annual event series

Sometimes Apple releases a new product so unexpectedly that it literally falls on users' heads. But usually a company has a very recognizable pattern.

There are certain points in the company's event calendar that you can use to navigate. Here is a list of events that almost always happen every year.

March/April: spring period

This is the first time since Christmas that Apple has returned to the spotlight. Apple usually releases computers and smartphones to the public in the spring, although it has sometimes happened that important updates for iOS were released in the spring.

In 2015, Apple held an event called "Spring Forward" on March 9, during which the price and release date of the first Apple Watch, as well as the first 12-inch MacBook, were announced. On March 21, 2016, during an event called “Let us loop you in,” and iPad Pro 9.7. iOS 9.3 was also released.

In the spring of 2017, Apple fans were disappointed: instead of a full-fledged holiday, the company quietly closed its online store, and then sent out a message announcing the release of the iPad 2017 and iPhone 7 in red.

It looks like there will be no more announcements in the spring, so we can only wait for the next spring event in March or April 2018.

June: Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC)

This event focuses on news from the software world. There, Apple usually talks about planned updates for existing operating systems. This is done so that the company's partners can adapt their software to work with updated systems.

At WWDC 2016, Apple announced macOS Sierra and iOS 10, and also released beta versions of both systems. The finished versions appeared only in the fall, but after the conference the public had a chance to see the changes for the first time.

Sometimes Apple announces the release of new devices there. For example, the famous Mac Pro “bucket” was first presented to the public at WWDC-2013.
