Over the course of its existence, the push-button switch has undergone many changes and today it seems that nothing can surprise us. But there is such an interesting device that some have not even heard of - this is a touch switch.

Of course, the word sensor has long been familiar to us by its variety mobile phones. But many people would probably like to know in more detail how a switch with such control works and works. And for those who like to craft, we will give some tips on how to make it yourself.

How does this work?

Essentially, a sensor is a sensor that responds, in this case, to touch. To activate the switch, you only need to lightly touch the contact so that the circuit closes. The human body generates a certain amount of electricity, so each touch to the sensor carries a tiny charge. This is not enough for direct connection the entire system, but it is quite enough to give it a “push” through a chain of parts built in a certain way.

The touch switch is very often used when organizing lighting on LED strips, which is quite economical. In addition, their design is such that the device body can be flush with the wall, without protruding buttons; this looks impressive in modern interiors. Some sophisticated sensors are so sensitive to the human body that they are triggered even if you simply move your hand or other exposed part of the body near them.

Since the prices for such devices are still too prohibitive for most people, you can arm yourself with a soldering iron and build a simple touch switch with your own hands. This will require patience and the following elements:

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  • Soldering iron, rosin, solder,
  • Transistors VT2, VT1 (type KT315 with any index),
  • Relay K1 (type RES55A), for a voltage of 6 volts and an operating current of 15-20 mA,
  • Diode VD1 (type KD509, KD503, KD522),
  • Capacitors C1, C2, C3,
  • Resistor R.

Now, according to the diagram, a circuit is assembled from these elements. Then you need to check its functionality by connecting it to power. If the relay is triggered by touch, then everything is in order and can be used, if not, then you need to choose the right resistor. To do this, a variable resistor is placed in place of R1 and adjusted to the relay used. As soon as the relay operates, we measure its resistance with a multimeter and insert the corresponding ordinary resistor into our circuit.

By touching the sensor - E1, the electrical signal from a person is sent to a voltage amplifier made of two transistors - VT1 and VT2 (it is also a rectifier), while passing through a capacitor - C1. Relay K1 serves to supply a load to the amplifier, which is activated with each touch. Capacitor C2 in this circuit is a filter to smooth out the ripple between the rectifier and the load. To protect transistor VT2 from possible voltage surges, a diode VD1 is installed. Also between the amplifier and the relay there is a resistor - R1. The power source can be a regular 9-volt power supply (required when connecting 220-volt devices) or a battery with the same voltage.

If you don’t like or don’t want to solder, then you can simply buy a ready-made board and assemble on its basis the control of any lighting device, be it an LED strip or an incandescent lamp. On the back of the device there is a wiring diagram.

What do manufacturers offer?

All these homemade things are pampering compared to modern high-tech “toys” that can be purchased. True, they cost more than a thousand rubles apiece, but you have to pay for the pleasure.

These touch switches are controlled by small microcontrollers that perform specific user tasks. Thus, the most common functions are changing the brightness of lighting, automatic shutdown, presence effect, remembering the adjusted brightness, corridor effect and others.

Another type of product that uses a touch switch is LED strips in a metal profile. This is a completely ready-made solution that can be installed in any room. They come in different sizes, so it won’t be difficult for you to choose them for a spacious kitchen or a small cozy office.

Such devices operate on a 12 V power supply, i.e. through an appropriate power supply. Each such lamp comes with instructions for correct connection, so the installation is quite easy to handle.

See how different touch light switches can be. More precisely, the principle of operation is the same for all, but the scope of application in lighting products is very diverse. And don’t let their still high cost scare you, as soon as people experience all the capabilities of such devices, demand will increase, new manufacturers will appear and prices will become much more attractive.

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The touch switch is designed to turn electrical appliances off and on with a light touch of your finger. Today this device is actively used in modern technical devices.

If you base it on a relay that controls a large load, the device can be used to adjust lighting. The peculiarity of touch control is the ability to smoothly turn off and turn on the light, as well as the presence of a touch panel and remote control. Sometimes touch switches are produced together with electrical appliances that are controlled by remote control remote control. The combined socket and switch unit is very convenient to install in the kitchen or bathroom. In this case, you don’t have to worry about safety: despite the combined placement, thanks to the backlight of the sensor, you won’t confuse it with a socket. In addition, the ability to turn on not from contact with the sensitive element, but from the approach of fingers to it, will definitely prevent fingers from getting into the socket.

Light switch touch

Regardless of how many consumers are connected, the touch switch includes:

  • a sensitive element located behind a decorative plate. It reacts to the touch or approach of fingers;
  • semiconductor control circuit. It converts the signal coming from the sensitive element into an electrical type signal, which is perceived by the switching element;
  • switching element responsible for actions with an electrical circuit (opening, closing, load regulation).

When a person touches the panel or brings his fingers closer to it, a signal sounds, which is converted into an electrical signal. Then operation occurs via the switching part.

To enable the infrared sensor to capture thermal energy from the fingers, devices often use focusing lenses. Thus, IF sensors can respond not only to human touch, but also to heat from other mechanisms.

Touch switch Kopou white for 3 zones

Expert opinion

Touch switches are most often used in everyday life. This device for LED lamps can be equipped with a dimmer that allows you to adjust the brightness of the light. If you hold your finger on the sensor, it will change; with a short touch, the light flow will turn on. It is best to highlight the location of the switch with an LED.

Konstantin Kotovsky

Circuit of a simple touch switch

Similarly, you can also make a touch sensor yourself. One of the do-it-yourself assembly schemes involves the presence of a relay in which the voltage is 6-12 V. You can take a fragment of foil PCB as a sensor element. The transistors present in the switch can be easily replaced with KT3102 or KT315. Any pulse-type diode with a voltage of 100 V or more is suitable.

Touch switch circuit

The circuit will function as a signal amplifier:

  • when a person touches the sensor, VT1 and VT2 will open;
  • then the relay will operate, closing the circuit. Different loads can be connected to the circuit. One of the ends of the relay contact is connected to a 220 V network, and the other to the lighting device.

This do-it-yourself switch, unlike the store-bought version, is suitable for any load, regardless of power. If you plan to connect low-power devices, you can exclude the relay from the circuit and make it more powerful transistor №2.

Infrared switch circuit

The difference between the operation of an infrared light switch and a touch switch assembled by yourself is as follows. When a person is in the sensor operating area, the lamps turn on. And if there are no people in the room, after a certain time the light will turn off.

When the voltage in the circuit is turned on, the data on the structure counter is reset, or the counter output is zero.

The output of the inverter component is one. The transistor is in the open state, and the relay contacts are connected to the switch button. To make the infrared sensor work, a pulse generator is used. To increase the pulse current supplied to the IR LED, amplifiers are used. After passing through element DD1.5, a logical unit is displayed at the counter output, prohibiting it from functioning.

Infrared switch circuit

The components of the do-it-yourself switch assembly are shown in such a way that after 20 minutes of operation, in the absence of a person in the working area of ​​the sensor, set the output to “1”, and the output DD1.6 to “0”. After this, relay K1 is turned off, and with it the lighting. You can add a socket with remote control to such a switch.

The touch switch is a very simple circuit that consists of only two transistors and several radio elements.

Sensor – sensor – with English language- a sensitive or receptive element. This circuit allows you to apply voltage to the load by touching the sensor with your finger. In this case, our sensor will be a wire coming from the base. So, let's look at the diagram:

The operating voltage of the circuit is 4-5 Volts. Maybe a little more.

The scheme is very simple. On a mm breadboard it will look something like this:

The yellow wire from the base of the KT315 transistor, which is in the air, will be our sensor.

For those who don’t remember where the emitter, collector and base are, the photo below shows the pinout (location of pins) of the KT361 transistor (left) and the KT315 transistor (right). KT361 and KT315 differ in the location of the letter. For KT361 this letter is in the middle, and for KT315 it is on the left. It doesn’t matter what letter it is. In this case, the letter “G” means transistors KT361G and KT315G are used

In my case, I used KT315B transistors (well, whatever came to hand).

Here is a video of this circuit in action:

What if you use such a touch switch to control a powerful load? For example, a 220 Volt incandescent lamp? We can just use an SSR instead of an LED.

In this circuit I used a Solid State Relay (SSR), although an electromechanical relay can also be used. When using an electromechanical relay, do not forget to place a protective diode in parallel with the relay coil

My modified TTP circuit looks like this:

And this is how it works:

On the Internet, this circuit uses three transistors. I simplified it a little. The operating principle of the circuit is very simple. When you touch the base output of transistor VT2 with your finger, a sinusoidal signal from our body is sent to the base. Where does it come from? Pick-ups from a 220 Volt network. So, these interferences are quite enough for transistor VT2 to open, then the signal from VT2 goes to the base of VT1 and is amplified even more there. The power of this signal is enough to light an LED or send a control signal to a relay. Everything is brilliant and simple!

Today touch panels inputs are found everywhere. They are installed on smartphone and tablet displays, laptop touchpads, graphics tablets, payment terminals and ATMs, as well as medical and industrial equipment. Manufacturers are making touchscreen all-in-one PCs and TVs, but most PC displays are still not touch sensitive.

About how to make a regular monitor a touchscreen, many have probably thought about it. Indeed, in some operations (reading, working with graphics, editing texts) scroll through the page, select required item or selecting an area on the screen with a pen or finger is much easier, faster and more convenient than moving the cursor or turning the mouse wheel. At first glance, it seems that this idea is a fantasy, and it is difficult to implement it. But in reality, everything is a little simpler. Howmake the monitor touchscreenindependently – this material will tell you.

A little theory

The touch screen surfaces are structurally a separate element that is not directly connected to the display matrix. Of course, the latest generations of smartphones and tablets use so-called OGS panels, in which the sensitive element is built between the pixels, but it is still controlled via a separate bus. In total, there are three types of touchscreens, each with its own characteristics.


Resistive technology for constructing touch screens is the simplest and cheapest. According to the principle of operation, such touchscreens are related computer keyboards. On two layers of a transparent substrate, tracks of almost transparent conductive material are applied. These two layers are located on top of each other with a gap of several micrometers. The upper one is necessarily flexible and bends when touched by a finger, closing the tracks. The further away the fault is, the longer the path the current travels and the higher the resistance. Based on its value (accurate to an ohm), the sensor controller calculates where the click occurred.

Resistive touch screens are cheap, simple, responsive to any object, but not reliable enough (a small cut can damage the touchscreen) and have limited transparency (at a certain angle, conductor tracks even become visible).


Capacitive touchscreen is the most common nowadays (as of 2016). It is more advanced and reliable. The number of layers was reduced to one, its thickness became smaller. A grid of transparent conductors with low resistance is applied to the surface of the touch glass or film. The human body is a poor conductor of electricity and can accumulate electric charge, therefore, when a finger touches the glass, a small current leak occurs, the location of which is determined by the controller.


In wave touch screen Acoustic (ultrasound, surfactant technology) or light (infrared, ultraviolet, PSV technology) waves are used to register touches. A frame is installed around the perimeter of the screen, combining the emitter and recorder. When a finger touches a surface, it absorbs and partially reflects the wave, and sensors register the location.


SAV and PSV screens are reliable, absolutely transparent (no mesh of electrodes), have an inexhaustible theoretical resource (in reality depends on the quality of the components), if there is a protective frame, the sensor itself cannot be damaged, and the use of armored glass makes the screen matrix invulnerable. Therefore, they are often used in ATMs, payment terminals, industrial machines and medical equipment. But their accuracy in determining finger coordinates is mediocre. Also, wave touchscreens require regular wiping (dirt on the glass causes phantom reactions).

There are other types of display sensors, but they are much less common. In addition, these methods are difficult to implement at home, so they are not discussed.

Application of sensors in practice

All three technologies are in demand when applied to touch monitors. The resistive type was widely used in the past, but is still found today. It is he who is interesting in terms of, but more on that below. Capacitive sensors are used in almost all modern displays that were originally touchscreen. Wave touchscreens, as mentioned above, are used in banking, industrial, medical and other specific equipment. Thanks to the enterprising Chinese, they are also interesting when converting a regular monitor into a touch screen.

It’s worth noting right away that converting a regular monitor into a capacitive touchscreen is out of the question: such touchscreens are relatively expensive, specific, and almost never found separately. But resistive and wave technologies are much more interesting in this regard. It is also worth mentioning the purely light (not PSV, but infrared) version.

Method 1: Light

The first method is the simplest and most accessible, but it requires certain skills and desire to work. Beforehow to make a monitor touchscreen, you need to stock up on a webcam, an infrared diode (like in a TV remote control), a piece of photographic film (undeveloped), a battery and a housing for a homemade stylus (for example, a laser pointer will do), as well as the Community Core Vision program. What to do with all this goodness - in more detail and point by point below.

Before how to make a regular monitor touchscreenBy this method, you need to make sure that the level of technical skills is sufficient, and the environment does not interfere with the implementation of the idea. After all, the webcam needs to be positioned precisely, and for this you need space on the table, which not everyone has. In addition, a slight shift of it or the screen forces you to set everything up again.

The method is cheap: the only equipment you will have to buy is the cheapest camera for 500 rubles (most already have one), an IR diode (you can pull it out of a broken remote control), a laser pointer (you can take a marker or other thin tube instead), batteries ( “mini fingers” or “tablets”). The most difficult thing is with photographic film: most people last held film point-and-shoot cameras in their hands more than 10 years ago. In addition, the disadvantages of this method are the difficulty of setting up, the instability of the structure, and not the highest level of convenience.

Some Chinese manufacturers offer ready-made solutions of this type, allowing you to make the monitor touch-sensitive. Such products consist of a special wide-angle webcam mounted on the display and a stylus. This option is not without the mentioned disadvantages, but it looks attractive and does not require skills in working with homemade products.

Method 2: Wave

There are ready-made touch panels on sale that operate on the principle of surface light (SLW) and surface acoustic (SAW) waves. They are a glass with a frame to which a special controller with a USB or COM interface (RS-232) is connected. Such solutions are intended, first of all, for creating terminals and special equipment, but no one prohibits using them at home.

The process of redesigning the display with them is extremely simple.

  1. Before how to make a monitor touchscreen, you need to wipe it with microfiber with a special cleaning agent or a universal glass cleaner. It is important to remember: if the screen has an anti-reflective coating, you cannot use products containing ammonia (ammonia) for this, as they wash off this layer!
  2. After this, a touch glass is placed on the screen, which is secured with the included devices or placed on high-quality double-sided tape (but it’s better to screw it on anyway).
  3. The further setup procedure consists of installing a proprietary driver and other software (supplied on a disk with the sensor or downloaded from the manufacturer’s website) and calibrating the touchscreen.

The main disadvantage of such a conversion of a monitor into a touchscreen is the relative high cost. New sensor costs from several thousand to tens of thousands of rubles, depending on the diagonal. In addition, finding the right size for modern wide-format large-diagonal matrices is often difficult. This is due to the fact that narrow-format (4:5 or 3:4) screens have a better ratio of diagonal to usable area, so such touchscreens are produced for them more often. In addition, glass with a frame can spoil the aesthetic appearance of the monitor, not fitting into its exterior.

Method 3: Resistive

In terms of price, efficiency and ease of use, a resistive touchscreen is most preferable. Chinese manufacturers create special touch films of varying levels of accuracy, durability and functionality, with different sizes.

Some of them can be trimmed to fit the display, while others do not support such modification. Therefore, before you buy such a touchscreen, you need to study its description and characteristics.

  1. Before how to make a regular monitor touchscreen, it also needs to be wiped clean from dust and stains.
  2. Next, you should remove the front frame from the screen (usually this is done using a pick, an unnecessary bank card, or another thin object made of durable plastic that is inserted into the gap) and wipe the display again with microfiber.
  3. If the touchscreen does not fit, but supports cropping, you need to take measurements from the matrix to fit the sensor to it. This must be done in accordance with the sensor manufacturer's instructions. It is also recommended to watch the video instructions for disassembling the display so as not to accidentally break it. Finally, it's important to remember that modification will void your display manufacturer's warranty.
  4. Along the edges of the monitor matrix (outside the visible area) you need to stick special gaskets on which the touchscreen will be placed. This is required to protect the display from finger pressure during operation.
  5. Next, you need to position the sensor and stick it on top of the matrix.
  6. To hide the touchscreen controller and secure it, you need to remove the back cover of the monitor. To do this, you need to disconnect the leg or stand and unscrew the screws on the back (if any).
  7. Near the scaler board (matrix controller) it is advisable to find free space, where the controller will be placed on a screw or double-sided tape (the first option is more reliable).
  8. The controller power and data cable must be routed into the existing hole near the VGA/HDMI/DVI connector or other connection interface. If there is no hole, it can be made with a drill or using a hot nail (select the diameter in accordance with the thickness of the cord).
  9. When installing the controller, it is important to monitor the integrity of the cable, preventing it from twisting, sharp bends, etc.
  10. If the matrix fits closely into the monitor body, in the place where the cable will go back, it is better to make a cut on the body with sandpaper, a needle file, or remove the plastic layer with a hot knife.
  11. Then back the housings can be put back on.
  12. In order for the monitor frame to fit back in place, it will have to be modified. Depending on the design features, you will have to file the fasteners, cut off or grind off the inner sides a little, etc. After adjustment, it can be installed.
  13. The final stage is connecting the sensor and calibrating it. To do this, you need to install the driver (downloaded from the sensor manufacturer's website or supplied on disk), and then adjust the accuracy by touching the dots that the driver program displays on the screen.

The idea of ​​controlling lighting fixtures using touch switches is not new; similar switches or light switches were produced back in the last century. But the dimensions of such devices were significantly larger than standard ones, which caused problems during installation. It is also worth noting that the cost of the first touch switches was quite high; naturally, this did not contribute to their popularity. With the development of technology, the situation has changed radically, and today capacitive, infrared and remote switches are in stable demand.

Design and operating principle

Despite the variety of models of touch communicators, most of them have a standard design consisting of the following elements:

  1. Housing made of heat-resistant plastic (see A in Fig. 1). The dimensions of the structure allow installation in a typical mounting location of a conventional switch.
  2. Electronic unit (B), it includes a power adapter and a semiconductor switch control circuit.
  3. Board with capacitive sensors (C).
  4. The front panel (D), as a rule, is made of quartz glass; in budget models other materials can be used.
Figure 1. Legrand six-key wall switch

Now we will tell you how such devices work. The electronic unit monitors the state of the sensor. When you touch a certain place on the front panel of the switch with your hand (it is marked accordingly), the capacitance of the sensor changes. The electronic unit detects this and changes the state of the contactless semiconductor switch, which opens or closes the electrical circuit.

Scope of application

Initially, this type of switch was planned to be used to turn on/off lighting, but the design turned out to be so successful that the scope of its application has expanded significantly. Today, most modern household appliances have touch controls; examples include kitchen stoves, hoods, microwaves, etc.

The only limitation on connecting to touch switches is the power of the equipment; its permissible parameters are indicated in the device passport.

Additional functionality

Modern technical base has made it possible to install microcontrollers in the electronic control unit of a touch switch, which has significantly expanded the functionality of switches and allowed them to fit into the concept of a smart home. Such switches can be controlled by voice, infrared or radio remote control, smartphone via WI-FI or a programmable timer.

The touch switch can be connected to the smart home system and controlled using a mobile phone

Touch switches can be used in conjunction with sensors that respond to motion or light levels. In the first case, such devices turn on a lamp, table lamp or other lighting fixtures when someone enters a room, such as a bathroom. With the second implementation option, the light will turn on at a low light level.

Sesoo Triple Touch Switch and Motion Sensors

Some manufacturers, for example, Livolо, produce touch switches with a dimmer function or that control combined sockets, to which almost any household appliance can be connected.

Livolo touch switch with socket block

Advantages of capacitive switches

Speaking about the advantages of this type of switches, the following qualities should be noted:

Now briefly about the shortcomings. First of all, it is necessary to note the difference in cost with conventional mechanical switches, but it has become significantly less than 10-20 years ago. Price of inexpensive Chinese touch models today is much cheaper than mechanical switches from well-known brands, such as GTS or Electronics.

Sometimes LED lamps connected to touch switches flicker. This may be due to both the low quality of the lighting sources themselves and the low-cost switch models. The problem can be resolved in two ways:

  1. Use products from well-known brands (Jazzway, Panasonic, Sapphire, Funry, LightaLight, Tronic, Sesso, etc.).
  2. Connect a 0.1 uF 630 V capacitor in parallel with the LED lamp.


The installation of touch switches is practically no different from the installation of conventional built-in and surface-mounted mechanical switches. You can read more about this process on the pages of our website. Let us remind you how to do this using the example of the kg020gs model from the manufacturer FD Electronics.

Connection algorithm:

Figure 8. Second and third connection stages

Some manufacturers, for example, Livolo, produce pass-through switches for 220 V (their connection diagram is shown in Fig. 9). With their help, you can control lighting from several places.

Figure 9. A clear example of how to connect several pass-through touch contact panels

Each of these switches controls the lighting in the room from different locations. The concept involves using a main switch and one auxiliary (or more). On the main devices there are three terminals, the phase is connected to one, the zero is connected to the other, and the control conductor is connected to the third. Accordingly, such contacts are marked as: L – phase, N – zero and Com – control wire. Assistive devices

Secondary switches are connected through two terminals: N – zero and Com – control contact. Labeling may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, so it makes sense to study the instructions. An example is the connection diagram for the electronic dimmer et0802193e, or its analogue tt6061a, which can be controlled with a light touch of your hand.

Selecting a touch light switch

Before purchasing a device, you need to determine its functionality. To do this, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  1. Power of connected equipment and its connection diagram.
  2. Execution corresponding to the type of wiring.
  3. Operating conditions (if installation is planned in the bathroom, then a device with moisture protection is selected).
  4. Possibility of remote control (remote control or smartphone).
  5. Matching the design with the interior of the room, etc.

Having decided on the main tasks, you can begin choosing a manufacturer. Naturally, you should give preference to well-known brands whose products are reliable. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the presence in the model range of switches of devices with the necessary functions. For example, Delumo has devices controlled by a radio remote control, and Sonoff specializes in Wi-Fi devices, Capsens Domuns Line lamps are “tailored” only for their touch switches, etc. There can be many nuances, so we recommend that you study the various options in detail.

Based on practical experience, in addition to well-known brands such as Legrand, we can recommend Vento Electric, Wemmon, Fanri, Merten, CGSS, Steu, Schneider, Ariston, etc.

MakeGood Classic wireless touch switch with remote control and backlight

We recommend monitoring reviews online, where ratings of the best manufacturers are published. Selection criteria are made both by the model range of manufacturers, taking into account functionality and cost, and by other indicators.

Refinement of standard devices

Many people are not happy that the touch zone on the panel is quite small, and to record a signal you need to touch it in the indicated place. Let us give an example of how you can increase the area of ​​indirect surface contact.

You should take the wire and carefully solder it to the place where the signal is supplied from the sensor on the touch board (for this you need to study the circuit diagram of the device). The connected wire is laid around the perimeter of the housing. As a result, such a frame will make it possible to trigger the sensor when touching the front panel without amplifying the signal level.

It should be noted that such an improvement will cancel warranty obligations manufacturer.

DIY touch switch

For those who like to work with a soldering iron, we can recommend several circuits of touch switches that will be easy to assemble with your own hands. Let's start with a simple circuit field effect transistor, this is exactly the principle that was laid down in the first touch devices.


  • Resistances: R1 - 10..15 kOhm (must be selected for sensor response), R2 - 3...5 MOhm.
  • Capacitors: C1 – 1000 pF (suppresses false triggering), C2 – 33.0 µF x 50 volts, C3 – 470 µF x 50 V.
  • Transistor VT1 – KP 501A.
  • Relay K1 can be used of any type whose operating current does not exceed 150.0 mA.

The circuit is powered from a source with a voltage of 12…24 V.

Now let's look at an option based on the NE555 asynchronous RS trigger. The device diagram is shown below.


  • Resistors: R1 – 1.0 MOhm, R2 – 1.0 MOhm, R3 – 1.0 kOhm.
  • Capacitors: C1 and C2 – 15 nF, C3 – 10 nF, C4 – 0.1 µF, C5 – 100.0 µF x 25 V.
  • Diodes: D1-D2 – 1N4001, D3 – standard indicator LED.
  • Microcircuit - NE555,
  • The relay is the same as in the previous electrical circuit.

The above diagram does not need to be configured.

Concluding the topic of homemade sensor devices, we should mention the Ardunio system. On this platform, you can assemble a switching device that can be easily integrated into " Smart home" In addition, such a device can be easily configured to operate independently, in accordance with a given program.

In addition, the system allows you to create several profiles for specific tasks. However, this will require programming skills. You can get more detailed information about the Ardunio platform on our website.

Note that in the above circuits, a power source with a voltage of 12-24 V is required to power the control circuit. For this purpose, it is best to use switching power supplies. As such, the electronic balance of LED and energy saving lamps. Detailed information on this topic can also be found on our website.

  • If the power supply uses a ground wire, it must be connected to the appropriate terminal.
  • If stranded wire is used for installation, its ends must be crimped or tinned. Otherwise, contact may be broken, which will lead to heating of the connection.
  • Do not use a touch switch with obvious signs of a violation of the integrity of the structure.
  • The load must match the parameters of the switch.

  • Close