With their help, you can safely communicate via Email, ICQ, Skype or even VKontakte.

Operating principle The secret note service is simple: when you create a message, you receive a special link, which you then need to pass on to your interlocutor. When the link is opened, the message is destroyed, so the message can be read only once (similar to “burn after reading”). If strangers click on a link to a message that was intended for you, then you will already know that the information has fallen into the wrong hands. On the server, messages are stored in encrypted form (usually using PGP) - this is a security measure in case the server is hacked.

Is it really safe? It’s more a question of trust in the service administration: do they really delete messages after reading them and don’t keep logs. Using the secret notes service, very valuable information can be transmitted (passwords to electronic accounts, card data, the location where the treasure is buried, etc.), which means there is a great temptation to save it. There is also a risk that such services may cooperate with intelligence agencies. To reduce risks, you can transfer some information through one secret notes service, and some through another. Or you can even create your own service with PGP message encryption - we will post instructions on how to create your own secret notes service on the forum.

Here's how it works in practice.

Popular secret note services.


Popular and easy to use service. Unfortunately, the service does not support the Russian language, but the sequence of actions is intuitive: write a message in the input field, then press the button Create Note, copy the received link and send it to your interlocutor (just don’t follow the link yourself, otherwise the message will be destroyed). You can also check the box " Notify me when this note gets read", if you want to be notified upon reading the message.


The site at first glance may seem sophisticated compared to other similar services, but it is also easy to use: write a message, press a button SAVE THIS MESSAGE, then copy the link like https://⌫.ws/2wGoOvYt and pass it on to the interlocutor. The site has the ability to set a password for a message - this will protect the message from being accidentally opened or read by strangers (if the password and link are sent by different sources).
The service has an important feature - links to messages are generated with a special character and not all mobile browsers they are understood. In this case, a link like https://⌫.ws/2wGoOvYt can be replaced by https://tmwsd.ws/2wGoOvYt. Links with special characters are not recognized as hyperlinks in email accounts or social networks, which, on the one hand, excludes them accidental press, and on the other hand, it complicates opening (you need to copy and paste into the address bar).


A new interesting secret notes service. Important feature of this service is that when you follow a link, you still need to click on a button to read the message, which means you won’t be able to accidentally open a secret message.

There is also a strange feature - the service does not allow you to copy the text of a secret message. At first I thought that the text was displayed as an image, which served as an additional security measure against message interception. Having opened the source code, I saw that the copying ban was set in the styles. Why it is necessary to prohibit copying of text, in this case, is not clear, because the service can transmit data that needs to be saved on a computer, and a person, if he does not think to look at the source code, will be forced to retype the text or save it as a screenshot.


Ten services that allow you to send self-destructing messages emails, which automatically disappear after a certain time.

Defines self-destructing email as postal message, which disappears or becomes unreadable after a certain period of time or at the request of the sender. This mail can prevent messages from being printed, copied, forwarded, or saved.

An inappropriate email sent several years ago may appear on your horizon today, just when you thought it was probably already deleted. Self-destructing mail deletes the original message immediately after it has been read by the recipient. While it doesn't provide complete protection—for example, someone could just take a photo of the message—at least there won't be any record of it left on the Internet.

Listed below are several self-destructing mail service providers that you may find useful. Some of them even offer free plugins to send emails from email clients like Outlook or Thunderbird.

1. : Allows you to send messages via webmail by adding ".self-destructing-email.com" to the end of the recipient's address. There is also a free plugin available called for postal Outlook clients, Thunderbird, Opera Mail, Outlook Express and even Webmail [ ].

2. : This site provides you with the facility of creating a one-time web page for the recipient. You can safely send a message by entering the recipient's address and the text itself. The recipient will receive an email with a link to a one-time page where they can read your message only once. As soon as the URL is used, the message is deleted.

3. : allows you to create a message that will self-destruct after a certain number of reads, or after a period of time.

4. : demon paid service, with which you can easily send, receive, recall, erase, destroy and edit messages after they have been sent. Users of the service gain unprecedented control over their mail, regardless of whether it is sent from the site or from the client program.

5. : offers functions similar to the BigString service - recall or “retract” of a message after sending, self-destruction based on the number of reads or over time, and protection against copying, forwarding and printing of the text by the recipient. A plugin for email clients is currently being developed.

6. : allows you to set the Release Time, before which the letter cannot be read; Expiration Time, after which the letter cannot be read; and a “delivery receipt”, which indicates when, where, how and who decrypted your message.

7. : allows you to encrypt messages email, anonymously store encrypted messages, set self-destruction parameters, prevent copying and forwarding.

8. : A web service that allows you to send messages that will self-destruct after 60 seconds of viewing.

10. : A paid service that separates the message header and "who", "what" and "where" fields from the message body. They never connect and are never seen together. There are no records to link users of the service to the content of messages. You also won't be able to print, copy to clipboard, or save messages. You can be absolutely sure that after reading the letter will disappear.

One of the most sought-after capabilities of modern digital technologies is their ability to store information forever. But, at the same time, this is also a big problem, especially in cases where it concerns living people.

Not all users like the fact that any of their photos, tweets, status on a social network or email message can be tracked in some database for decades, and then appear in the light of day at the most inopportune time. Therefore, recently there has been an increasing demand for services that allow you to work with “one-time” information, that is, with data that disappears without a trace after the time or event you specify. Some of these services will be discussed in this article.

Photo and video


This is special mobile application(iOS, Android), which is used for sharing photos and videos. You can clearly indicate the circle of recipients of your photo or clip, and also set the duration of their availability from one to ten seconds. The message you sent is then deleted from both the recipient's device and Snapchat's servers.


Secret.li - convenient application for iOS that gives you more control over your Facebook photos. The app allows you to control who can view your photos. You can also set the self-destruction time for pictures. The developers promise to soon introduce a version for Android.


This is a free web service that allows you to send tweets that self-destruct after a specified time. You must give access to your account Twitter, after which the service will be able to monitor your tweets using special hashtags. Hashtag view #20m indicates that this tweet will be deleted in 20 minutes. In the same way, you can set other time intervals using the letter d for days, and h- for watches.

Instant messages


An application for Android and iOS that allows you to transfer text messages, pictures, audio and video files using encryption. In addition, all data you transmit may have a self-destruct function, which allows you to delete it without a trace after a few seconds, hours or even days. There is even protection against screenshots to prevent overly cunning friends from trying to save your messages as pictures.


mxHero Toolbox

mxHero is a Chrome extension that improves Gmail functionality. In order to protect your correspondence, it can convert letters into pictures that disappear after a specified time. We wrote about this extension in .

This is another way to send a one-time message to a person. Only in this case the text of the message will be published on the service page, and you will only send the recipient a link to this page. After reading the message, it is destroyed and the link automatically becomes invalid.

To summarize, in light of the ever-increasing pressure on user privacy, the response will naturally increase. This means that many of the developments described in the article can well count on popularity and further development.

Do you like the eternal life of the content you generate in the digital universe?

- This new feature which allows you to send self-destructing messages. And today I came across another interesting one, but this time it’s an online service called Privnote. This site allows you to send self-deleting notes for free and without registration.

Who might need this?

We live in a digital age. Over time, a large amount of our information ends up on the Internet. This and search queries and personal information on social networks, our messages on forums and websites, and of course messages saved in email. After all, few people delete messages in Gmail, which offers the user gigabytes for free.

The Privnote service allows you to destroy without a trace transmitted information. This could be an anonymous password that you want to transfer to someone, or some other information that, as I said earlier, will not be associated with your mailboxes And social networks and will not end up in the bins of your email.

What if developers can view the message?

I don't think they do. You understand, every site on the network has its own goal, 99% percent of sites are earning money in one form or another. Privnote makes money from advertising Google Adsense, they don't need your anonymous notes.

And if the notes are depersonalized, then there is no danger at all.

What does it mean to depersonalize?

If you send a password from your email to your partner, then you should not indicate the email itself, or do this using another service, the same email, for example.

How does the Privnote website work?

Everything is extremely simple, but it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. Here detailed instructions for clarity.

How to send self-deleting messages

The interface of the Privnote website has been translated into different languages, including Russian. As a rule, the site automatically detects the language. If this does not happen, change the language yourself. To do this, select “Russian language” in the drop-down menu in the lower right corner.

1. Go to the Privnote website and type a message in the “New note” field.

2. Click on the “Show parameters” button. Here you can specify a password to decrypt the message, set the expiration date for the self-deleting message, and enter the email address where you can receive a read receipt when the message is destroyed.

3. After filling in all the required fields, click on the “Create note” button. Copy the link and send to the recipient.

5. You can read the self-deleting letter after clicking on the “Yes, show me the note” button.

6. After opening the note, you will receive a notification from Privnote by email. This way you will know exactly when the note was opened and read.

Privnote is a pretty good service - when you try to re-enter the link and read it, the message is no longer displayed, so there is no way to bypass this.

Use with default browser settings ensures that the page will not be cached by the browser or any intermediate proxy servers.

If you want to send self-deleting messages anonymously, then when logging into the site, use
