Updated: 01/06/2020 Published: 04/25/2019


The monitor turns off by itself while the computer is running. At the same time, the computer continues to work - sounds are heard. After rebooting, the screen works for a while, then goes blank again. Most often this happens during:

  1. Games.
  2. Watching the video.
  3. Working with any program.
  4. Using scrolling on a laptop.
  • The video card may start to make a lot of noise.
  • The monitor may go dark on both a desktop computer and a laptop/monoblock.
  • The time the computer has been running since Windows boot different - from a few seconds to several hours.
  • The longer the monitor runs, the more often it turns off.
  • The monitor may turn off and on, or it may turn off with the message “no signal”.
  • It can be permanently turned off. But when you turn it on, you can see the loaded operating system desktop.


There may be several reasons:

  1. Monitor malfunction.
  2. Problems with wires or connectors.
  3. Video card failure.
  4. Overheat.
  5. The software is not working properly.
  6. Poor power supply.
  7. RAM malfunctions.


1. Video card malfunction

If the video card malfunctions, the problems can be of various types, in particular, the monitor may turn off.

To check the functionality of the video card, you can run it in the AIDA64 program. You can also try replacing it temporarily or using an integrated video card (if available).

2. Video card overheating

When overheating occurs, the problem usually occurs under high loads - while working with demanding programs or while playing games. In this case, the fans may begin to make a lot of noise. And the longer the computer works, the more often the monitor turns off.

6. Power problems

With this problem, not only the monitor, but also the computer itself may periodically turn off. This can happen more often under load, for example, when running games or demanding programs.

To check you need:

a) Temporarily change the power supply of the computer itself.

b) Test the socket with a multimeter. It should show a voltage close to 220. The minimum threshold is 190. If it shows lower, the socket needs to be repaired.

In the same way, we check the voltage at the surge protector, if one is used.

c) If a UPS is used, and the multimeter shows that the socket is working, we try to connect the computer directly to the power source.

d) We change all power cables - both for the computer and the monitor itself.

e) Check the tightness of the cables for supplying additional power to the video card (if any).

7. Software errors

In this case, the problem occurs when entering the game, while playing or watching a video. In some cases, the problem can be solved using software methods.

a) Reinstall the video card driver. Best of all. You can also use a specialized program, for example, DriverHub, to update the driver in a semi-automatic mode.

b) Update DirectX.

c) Update or install codecs, for example, K-Lite Code pack.

8. Bad contacts (wires, connectors, adapters)

This reason is characterized by the disappearance of the image without any pattern - at any time. This can also happen when your foot touches system unit or when the side cover of the housing moves. In this case, the screen can turn off and on by itself.

a) First, you should try to tightly secure the cable from the monitor to the video card.

b) Then we try to connect the wire to another connector on the video card, if there are several of them:

* in this image the connectors are different - in this case you will have to use different wires or adapters.

c) If you are using an adapter to connect the monitor to the video card, try replacing it.

d) On laptops there may be problems with the contact connectors that connect the monitor to the case. In some cases, this can be repaired by disassembling - cleaning contacts - reassembling.

There are various factors that cause the LCD monitor screen to turn off by itself or go blank, and they apply to everyone, not just, for example, LG, Benq, Samsung, Asus or Acer.

This can happen during the game, right when you turn it on, after a second, after a few seconds, constantly or periodically.

In this case, the monitor may go out, but the system unit continues to work (noise is heard, indicators are lit), in other words, the computer itself does not turn off.

First of all, you should know that in most cases, the monitor turns off or goes blank due to hardware components.

For this reason, most solutions are faced with problems caused by components that directly or indirectly affect the correct operation of the monitor.

It is very important, before applying the instructions below, to check the documents and the computer to see if it is still under warranty.

If there is a guarantee, and you want to violate it of your own free will, then think carefully about whether it is worth doing this.

After a certain operating time, the monitor goes dark and turns off.

  1. Try connecting your monitor to another computer (where possible) to determine for sure whether it works.
  2. Turn off the system, turn off the power, open the cover on the right side (as viewed from the front) and check that the fans are clean and unobstructed.
  3. Use good security software that always installs latest updates, analyzes the system in search of possible viruses, spyware, malware, worms, etc.

If there is dust, it must be removed. To do this, you can use compressed air, or even a vacuum cleaner, just be careful with it.

Determine the manufacturer of your video card, download the driver for your operating system, install it and restart your computer.

If operating system does not support the video card, the only solution is to replace it with a compatible one.

Monitor keeps going blank when playing games

There is nothing special to describe the reasons here. It's better to simply explain the process. If the monitor turns off spontaneously in games, then this is a direct indication of a weak video card.

Games create the most load, and the video card is largely responsible for their work, which sends signals to the monitor, and it turns them into an image.

If the video card cannot withstand the load, then in order not to fail completely, the sensor turns it off, the result is dark screen or the monitor just goes blank.

What can be done? Check the temperature while playing, for example. Sometimes there is only one way out - replace the video card with a more powerful one.

You can also update the driver if more new version. The description above is of course not the final verdict - there may be other reasons.

The monitor does not start after turning on the computer

  1. Make sure the video card is properly connected to the system board.
  2. Check that your existing video card is compatible with other components of your computer (check the manufacturer's website for information).
  3. If you recently added new hardware, disable it for a while.
  4. Try the video card from another computer to find out for sure that the problem is not with it.

The monitor periodically goes off due to component overheating

This problem most often occurs because the computer fan periodically fails to undergo the cleaning process.

Dust and lint accumulated on fan blades, grilles, and components over time prevent the system unit from receiving proper ventilation.

Under such circumstances, the computer turns off to prevent possible damage caused by exposure to high temperatures.

The monitor turns off or goes blank when booting due to damaged components

When a computer component fails, it is replaced. This seems logical, but in many cases it does not take into account the power supply.

It is very important to have enough nutrition. Replacing a computer component is not the same as replacing a light bulb!

Insufficient power supply will cause the computer to suddenly shut down or the monitor to go dark.

When replacing a video card, hard drive or any other component, you must ensure that the existing source is capable of supplying sufficient power requirements.

Otherwise, replacing one component with another, and even more powerful one, can lead to problems.

Viruses and malware

You're probably asking yourself, "Why does this monitor go blank and turn off?!? There's no dust on the fans, I didn't change anything... I have best antivirus, which a friend gave me two years ago. What kind of dirty trick is this...? !?".

Oddly enough, viruses may well cause the monitor screen to go dark. If your antivirus is free, then you should know that all free ones provide only basic protection.

Believe me, no one will update your antivirus database every hour for free. No matter what anyone tells you, there are no such virtues.

I am in no way encouraging you to switch to a paid antivirus program. No matter how super-duper she is, the viruses of a lonely person can be missed.

Hackers are always one step ahead. More specifically, you need to scan your computer with at least two antivirus programs, created by various manufacturers.

If you checked everything (as described above), but nothing helped, then the only available solution remains: contact a service authorized by the manufacturer or ask a question here in the comments with detailed description the essence of the problem. Good luck.

Every PC user sooner or later encounters a variety of computer failures and problems that interfere with comfortable work with the gadget. If you know how to behave in a given situation, you can quickly return your PC to functionality. Next we will talk about cases in which the monitor turns on for 2 seconds and goes off. Why does this happen? What to do in case of such a phenomenon? Can the user solve the problem themselves? All this will be discussed further below. In fact, not everything is as scary as it seems!

Various manifestations

The first thing you need to pay attention to is exactly how the computer and its components behave. Does the monitor turn on for 2 seconds and then go off? What happens to the PC? Is it still working? Or does the machine turn off completely? By answering these questions, you can eliminate about half of the various causes of failure.

If the monitor turns off, the following options for device behavior are possible:

  • the screen stops working a few seconds after turning it on;
  • refusal to work after some time;
  • instant shutdown of the component (goes off immediately);
  • a complete shutdown occurs; after the next start of the PC, functionality does not return;
  • the picture on the monitor does not completely disappear, it is visible, but very poorly.

It is important to understand that in some cases such behavior can be corrected on your own, but sometimes you will need the help of professionals. Why might such failures occur? How to fix them?

Computer connection

Does the monitor turn on for 2 seconds and then go off? The reasons for this phenomenon are varied. The first thing you need to do is make sure that the device is connected to the computer correctly.

Checking the insides

What's next? Does the monitor still turn on for 2 seconds and then go off? Are the capacitors intact? By answering this question, you can understand the causes of the problem. The point is that if reconnecting the monitor does not help, you will have to check the integrity of the device components.

Most often by various reasons(overheating, power surge, wear) suffer:

  • capacitors;
  • fuses;
  • backlight lamps;
  • impulse transformer;
  • power transistors BI.

If their serviceability is confirmed, it is necessary to pay attention to some other reasons for this behavior. Otherwise, you will have to repair the faulty component. It's best to do this in service center. It is not recommended for beginners to repair monitors.

Dim picture

But that's not all. The proposed scenarios are relevant for situations where, when the PC is turned on again, the monitor completely refuses to show signs of life. But, as already mentioned, other situations are also possible.

What should I do if the monitor turns on for 2 seconds and the backlight goes out? Or, for example, the user can see his desktop, after which the image fades?

The cause of the breakdown is either burnt fuses or damaged backlight bulbs. As already mentioned, it is best to take the monitor to be repaired. In service centers for small fee will help correct the situation.

If you have the desire and at least some skills to repair complex mechanisms, you can try to replace the lamps and fuses yourself. After correct actions, the monitor will work again.


Does the monitor turn on for 2 seconds and then go off? LG or any other manufacturer - it doesn't matter that much. The main thing is that the main causes of problems and methods for eliminating them always remain the same.

Sometimes this phenomenon occurs due to simple wear and tear of the device. Any equipment has its own warranty period. After its completion, you should not be surprised by failures, malfunctions and refusals of devices to perform their functions. That is, the monitor may simply “die of old age.” This is normal. It’s not hard to guess that this arrangement is relevant mainly for older devices.

What to do? Your best bet is to buy a new monitor. It will 100% work fine for a long time. Devices that are already worn out, even after repair, either will not cope with their tasks, or they will quickly fail.

Control buttons

Does the monitor turn on for 2 seconds and then go off? Samsung or any other - it is not so important which company created the device. Some device models are equipped with a monitor. Sometimes the reason lies in them.

For example, damage to these buttons. Some users say that the slightest crack in the monitor's power controls causes the component to spontaneously turn on and off. This is caused by vibration, which simply activates the "Off" mode on the monitor.

There are several ways to correct the situation:

  1. Soldering the contacts of the buttons on the monitor. It is recommended to contact specialists for this.
  2. Replacing the monitor. An extremely effective, but radical option.
  3. Repairing buttons. Usually the procedure boils down to replacing them.

Accordingly, there are a lot of options. It is difficult to predict why the monitor turns on for 2 seconds and then turns off.

Video card

Also, a similar phenomenon can be caused by incompatibility of computer components with the screen. This is a normal phenomenon, and in practice it does not occur too often.

The most common case is the incompatibility of the video card with the monitor. It is enough to connect the screen to another PC to make sure that the component is working - it will perform its functions normally.

Does the monitor turn on for 2 seconds and then go off? If there is a possibility of incompatibility with computer hardware (for example, an old video card and new screen or vice versa), the only correct solution is to eliminate the problem. The user will have to either change the monitor, or look for an incompatible computer part and replace it.


Only a professional can independently notice the following alignment. Does the monitor turn on for 2 seconds and then go off? LG, for example, often suffers from damaged boards. If these components of the monitor are damaged or poorly soldered, the screen will not work properly.

It follows that failure of the monitor to work is not just a breakdown. This phenomenon may be caused by improper soldering of the boards or their damage. For correct diagnosis, it is best to take the screen to a service center.

As a rule, damaged boards are not repaired. Experts recommend just buying a new monitor and not thinking about the problematic device. It is possible to resolder and even replace the boards, but it is unlikely that after such actions the device will work normally for a long time.

Conclusions and Conclusions

Now it’s clear why the monitor turns on for 2 seconds and goes off. ViewSonic or any other - it doesn't matter. Often, the production of the monitor does not play any role in the reasons for the occurrence of certain malfunctions in the operation of the device.

We can confidently talk about the need to completely replace the device or repair its internals if:

  • there was a strong power surge;
  • the monitor has served the user for a long time;
  • When disassembling the device, you can notice obvious damage to its components.
  • check the compatibility of the PC with the monitor;
  • make sure that the devices are connected correctly;
  • Make sure that all sockets and connectors are not damaged or broken.

All the suggested methods really help. From now on it is clear what to do if the monitor turns on for 2 seconds and goes off. This situation should not cause panic. Often the problem can be solved in a few minutes.

If none of the options help, it is better to take the monitor to a service center. There, as already mentioned, they will help diagnose the cause of the breakdown, and then fix it. It may be time to replace your monitor. The technician at the service center will be able to point this out.

Hi all. What to do if the monitor turns on and immediately goes out? Today I had a monitor being repaired with a problem that even a novice radio amateur can solve. But first things first.

So, a Samsung monitor, namely Samsung SyncMaster 940nw. The malfunction was that a picture appeared on the screen briefly, for about 1-2 seconds, after which the monitor immediately went out.

This monitor uses what is called fluorescent CCFL backlight. To put it simply, this is a backlight in the form of llamas, similar to fluorescent lamps, only reduced tens of times. These lamps are lit by a special inverter, which supplies high voltage to their cathodes, which causes these lamps to glow. Most inverters have fault protection, which is triggered if one of the lamps fails, there is a breakdown in the inverter itself, or insufficient power is supplied to it. For an ordinary user, the protection works like this: the monitor turns on, at this moment the inverter analyzes whether everything is normal with the backlight, and if it finds a breakdown, it immediately turns off the backlight. This is what we see in our example. It remains only to find out what this very inverter protection includes.

Disassembling this monitor is quite easy. First, unscrew the stand, which is secured with 3 bolts. Everything else is held on by latches. To remove the frame, we drive some object between the body and the frame itself (I use a colloquial card from a bank), and run it around the perimeter of the frame, unlatching the latches.

There are control buttons on the frame, from which you need to carefully disconnect the cable going to motherboard. After placing something soft on the table, place the monitor face down. On the left we snap off the protective casing and get to the cables for connecting the backlight lamps.

Connectors for connecting monitor backlight lamps

As you can see from the image, this monitor uses four monitor backlights. Disconnect the lamps from the board. Now you can carefully lift the boards from the matrix. Next we see a cable connected to the matrix, which must be disconnected by pressing the latches on the sides.

After this, the matrix can be put aside and you can start repairing the boards.

The power supply is held on by 3 bolts, which can be unscrewed to remove the board. After removing the board, you can immediately see the cause of the monitor malfunction. It lies in three swollen electrolytic capacitors.

This is very frequent breakdown of these monitors, the repair of which takes no more than 15 minutes. The swollen capacitors were rated as follows: 2 820 mf capacitors and one 470 mf capacitor for 25 volts. I replaced them with two 1000uF capacitors and one with the same one as 470 at 25V.

After reassembling the monitor in reverse order, everything worked.

I hope this article will be useful to you. Thank you for your attention.

Since the days of cathode ray tube monitors, it has been provided automatic shutdown screen after some time of system inactivity. This was necessary so that the kinescope phosphor would not burn out under the influence of electrons. LCD monitors are not in danger of burning out, but the screen turns off to save energy.

You can change the screen blanking time yourself. Right click on free space desktop and select the "Properties" command in context menu. Go to the "Screensaver" tab and click "Power" in the "Energy Saving" section. In the “Display off” drop-down list, specify the amount of inactivity after which the monitor will turn off.

Technical problems

If the monitor turns off during heavy gaming or when working with 3D graphics, there may be a problem with the video card, especially if small artifacts appear on the screen, such as dead pixels. Disconnect the system unit from the power supply, remove sidebar and carefully remove the video card from the slot. If the card has a fan, use a vacuum cleaner to blow it out. Wipe the video card contact connector with an eraser to remove oxides. Carefully insert the card into the slot and check the operation of the monitor.

Try replacing the interface cable from the monitor to the system unit - its malfunction can also cause shutdowns. Insert the cable tightly as poor connections may cause problems. Connect the monitor to the system unit only when the power is turned off.

Modern video cards consume a lot of electricity. Your power supply may not be able to handle the load, especially if it is older than 3 years. Replace the power supply with a more powerful one or check the operation of the video card on another computer with a obviously more powerful power supply. Using Everest or a similar program, look at the temperature of the components inside the system unit - perhaps shutdowns occur due to overheating.

Download from the video card manufacturer's website new driver and install. If the disconnections continue, connect the monitor to another computer to determine the source of the problems.

If the screen fades, try turning the monitor power on and off several times Power button. If the image appears, there may be a problem in the power circuit - usually a dry or swollen capacitor. This technique will not help if the backlight lamps or monitor matrix are faulty.
