Equipping trucks with vehicle control systems is not know-how for fleet owners now. The Russian government is implementing a transport control system (GLONASS) everywhere. In turn, both the heads of transport companies and the drivers themselves have already managed to test the transport control system in action and appreciate its work. However, the Slavic brothers went further, having managed to come up with ways to fight it!

Studying Internet forums and articles describing the operation of GLONASS controllers, you often come across unflattering reviews about this transport control system. But whatever the vehicle control system, its main function still keeps drivers on edge and makes them pretty nervous. This is understandable, if earlier “road conquerors” could easily take their mother-in-law’s old sofa to the dacha, quickly run off on everyday errands, or, even better, drain a couple of liters of government-owned diesel fuel from a work car, then with the advent of the control system transport (GPS controllers, trackers, sensors and other equipment), their capabilities have been sharply reduced.

Photo source: ssm22.ru

The inventive Russian people did not lose heart about this and immediately began to look for ways to “neutralize” the hateful GPS products of the transport control system.

With the development of the industry for the production of transport control systems, developers and manufacturers are trying to offer the customer as many interesting options as possible for complete and effective control over the operation of the vehicle fleet. Due to the considerable cost of such equipment, the heads of transport companies are still limited standard set control and measuring instruments: terminal (controller unit, auto tracker, recorder, etc.) and FLS (fuel level sensor).

Let's focus our attention on them.

Harmful advice on disabling the vehicle control system. Instructions for use:

I. Breaking the terminal operating system

1. Turn off the power to the controller, go about your business, return to your place, connect the power again... and voila!

It seemed It would have been a simple and uncomplicated method, but this was used by “beginning losers” who had just yet to get acquainted with the GLONASS transport control system. As practice has shown, the method is primitive and ineffective. Firstly, almost all units are equipped with a built-in battery that can support the operation of the device for a long time, secondly, a signal with the exact time of turning off and turning on the device will in any case be sent to the dispatcher’s console.

Photo source: automps.ru

2. Destroy the antenna of the vehicle control system

To disable such an “enemy” as an antenna, the “crazy people” offer several options: simply tear it out so as not to be an eyesore, wrap it in foil, cover it with a metal cup, etc.

At the very beginning of the formation and development of transport control systems, perhaps such manipulations would have had an effect, but when dealing with today’s highly sensitive receivers, they practically lose their meaning. The only thing this practice can lead to is a reduction in the number of satellites visible by the terminal (from 12-13 to 5-6). But to determine the coordinates of the “controlled” vehicle, the device only needs to receive signals from three satellites!

3. Acupuncture for cable transport control system

The easiest way to disable the antenna is by piercing it. Enjoy the trip!

There is one “but”: any more or less experienced specialist will be able to easily determine the reason for the failure of an expensive vehicle control system and point to the location of the puncture. Unless you use acupuncture with a nanoneedle...

Photo source: physionow.ca

4. "Shock therapy" for the transport control system

The most insidious, even barbaric method in anti-terminal circles is considered to be hitting the receiver with a stun gun. (Even the drivers themselves refuse to comment on this matter).

5. An “accidentally” spilled two-liter mug of coffee on the vehicle control system receiver can also cause its failure

On the one hand, the method is harmless (for the pest), but in addition to driving skills, the culprit of the incident must have the gift of persuasion! So, if you have not completed additional public speaking courses, then, alas, this method will not work for you!

Photo source: technoguide.com.ua

6. Scrapbooking for GPS/GLONASS

Experienced “spoilers” advise taking a creative approach to disabling the vehicle control system and making a so-called “packaging” for it with your own hands. This will require lead, a casting mold of the required design, patience and a little creativity. The end result is a pretty nice lead box in which you can pack the receiver. Particularly creative individuals can attach a bow or some other cute little thing to the product that will decorate the “signal jammer” and simply please the eye.

Photo source: i-mode.ruThe vehicle control system terminal can be disabled using a magnet

This method of disabling equipment also includes installing a magnet on the terminal of the transport control system.

7. Advanced users take “simple luggage” with them on the road: a special device that jams the GPS signal of the vehicle control system if it is located next to the antenna

But, it should be noted that this device is not affordable for everyone.

8. Very advanced users “reflash” the trackers of the transport control system and already control the situation on the road themselves

This method requires brains and good friendships.

Photo source: pxhere.com

II. We mock FLS - one of the components of the transport control system

1. Short circuit in the vehicle control system

The method is very simple: we close the wires coming from the sensor to the car body. As a result, we get a temporary “inoperability” of the vehicle control system device, which will show and tell you everything as soon as you return the wires to their place.

2. Boiling water, more boiling water

The method is used in the winter season! It is proposed to take a container with boiling water and pour it over the “frozen” FLS of the transport control system. The procedure is recommended to be carried out daily.

Photo source: ecrater.comPoor quality materials can also damage the device.

Experiments in the field of damage to the FLS system have shown that poor-quality manufacturing materials can also save the driver from intrusive monitoring. of this device. Nothing is perfect, alas!

3. Sealing the air drain hole of the transport control system

Quite fresh (but has already received a lot positive feedback) a method in which the hole in the upper part of the sensor of the vehicle control system is sealed. Isolating this hole allows the driver to “raid” the tank of the working vehicle. In this case, changes will not be recorded.

It is worth immediately noting that all sensors, as a rule, are sealed, and it is impossible to seal “unnecessary” holes without breaking the seals!

4. Draining fuel from the return line

This method can rightfully be called the most effective on the list of “sabotage”!

The point is this: by slowly draining fuel in small quantities, the FLS (fuel level sensor of the vehicle control system) will not be able to distinguish the drain from increased fuel consumption. Drivers insert a tee with a tap, through which the “lichen” flows in a thin stream into the canister.

Photo source: sensorigla.comDraining fuel "from the return line" is the most effective "sabotage"

The only negative is the competent dispatcher in the company.

5. Riding in Russian

A very extreme method that is not suitable for everyone. The bottom line is that when the car is moving, it is necessary to turn off the “ground”, in other words, turn off the power to the truck, while the car will continue to work, but all the devices of the vehicle control system (including the sensor) will not.

This method of fighting the “enemy” is only suitable for the truly desperate, because driving such a vehicle is far from safe. True, the desired effect can only be achieved if the control device does not have an internal battery.

Photo source: andreevdom.comThere is no point in disconnecting the ground while driving if the control device is equipped with an internal battery.

Dedicated to vandals: ways to break transport control system equipment using brute physical force

6. Jumping on the gas tank of the heavier one

This method involves breaking the measuring tube of the vehicle control system sensor, which is installed at the entire height of the tank. But that's all he means!

7. FLS are bent

To activate this method you will need to open the fuel tank and use a hook to bend the measuring tube of the vehicle control system sensor.

Photo source: svopi.ru

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No matter how sophisticated the methods of deceiving the transport control system are, whether they will work in practice depends only on the management of the companies.

Almost everything mobile devices, working under the control operating system Android, be it smartphones or tablets, are equipped with a GPS module. The geopositioning system allows you to determine the location of the device and its owner with an accuracy of several meters. This, of course, is good, especially when it comes to navigation or accurate search results, but it results in increased battery consumption and a couple of other problems.

This is why it is very important to properly configure GPS on Android to get the most out of this component.

Why do you need GPS in a smartphone and how is it used?

The location system is used in Android not only for navigation, but also in a number of other cases.

For example, many Google applications actively and constantly determine the location of the smartphone and its user. The obtained data is used for a variety of purposes.

So, Google Search helps you find nearby cafes, restaurants and other establishments. Just type “Where you can eat” into the search bar, and the smart system will display a list of nearby public catering establishments. Shops, train stations, hospitals, public institutions and other organizations - nothing can hide from the omnipresent “eye” of Google, and the search giant will help you find those that are closest to the searcher.

GPS is also used to create reminders linked to geographic coordinates. This functionality is implemented in Google Keep. There you can make a list of products and set a reminder so that the application displays a corresponding notification as soon as the smartphone - and its owner - is in the store.

Of course, in this case, GPS is a tool, and it is up to the user how it will be used.

GPS is also used in the camera - coordinates are “attached” to the photographs taken. This is excellent proof that the photograph taken from the top of Elbrus is not the result of photoshopping, and it was taken exactly there, on this mountain.

Anti-theft devices also operate based on GPS positioning. All programs that allow you to find a lost Android device require the smartphone location module to be enabled. And yes, it works!

And finally, GPS is also used in navigation, be it working with cartographic systems ( Google Maps, Yandex Maps) or directly determining and plotting a route (Navitel, 2GIS).

In general, the GPS module is a useful thing. Well, except for a few “buts”.

Why you should turn off GPS in Android

However, GPS is not a panacea at all, but rather a double-edged sword. The geolocation system can cause some trouble.

The first problem is, of course, the increasing battery consumption. GPS is a fairly resource-intensive technology that eats up the battery with great appetite. Even top-end smartphones cannot work for more than 4-5 hours with the positioning module turned on and active, let alone less “advanced” devices.

The second problem is that too many applications want to know the user's location. And if you want to trust the same Foursquare with information about where you are, then some kind of alarm clock that accesses GPS causes at least bewilderment.

In addition, Google collects and stores information about all the user’s “travels,” about his locations at various dates and times, and this is somehow strange and causes mild attacks of paranoia even in those who are not particularly suspicious.

Leaving GPS on or turning it off forever is a personal decision for each user. But it's still worth setting up this service.

Setting up GPS in Android

First of all, go to the “Settings” application of the operating system. Android systems. This is where the bulk of the manipulations will take place. The item we need is called “Location”.

What can you do with GPS at this point? Actually, it can be turned on or off - to do this, just move the corresponding slider. When it is ON, GPS and coordinates can be accessed by any application that is given the appropriate permission.

The Recent Geo Queries list shows all the apps that have attempted to locate the user in the last few hours. Thanks to this, you can “catch malware” - a program that collects data about the user and does not use it for the benefit of that user (as Google does).

But the most important item in the location settings is the Operating Mode. Modern smartphones are equipped not only with a GPS module, but also with A-GPS technology. It allows you to determine your location with more or less high accuracy, even if the device cannot communicate with positioning satellites.

For A-GPS operation various data are used - information from towers cellular communication(in this case, the triangulation technique is used) and information from available points Wi-Fi access, even if the device is not connected to them.

So, modern smartphones have 3 modes of operation of the GPS module: by all sources, by network coordinates and by GPS satellites.

The first mode is precisely the implementation of A-GPS technology. The smartphone uses all available sources to determine its location. This could be positioning satellites, cell tower coordinates, data from Wi-Fi access points, or all three. Working in this mode allows for the highest accuracy in location determination, regardless of whether the device is located outdoors or indoors, but leads to increased battery consumption.

The second mode turns off the GPS module - and then data from towers and access points is used to determine coordinates. This allows you to save a lot of battery power, especially if Wi-Fi is also turned off, but it degrades the positioning accuracy – up to a range of several blocks.

You can further reduce battery consumption by turning off Wi-Fi in A-GPS. The instructions are described in the article "".

Of course, to position using network coordinates, it is not necessary for the device to be in the field of view of the satellites. Therefore, if you use this mode, the location will be determined equally poorly regardless of where the Android device is located: indoors or outdoors.

The third mode disables A-GPS technology, and the device begins to try to determine its coordinates solely by geopositioning satellites. Battery consumption in this case is also quite high, but lower than in the A-GPS + “pure” GPS combination, accuracy is within a few meters. The only “but” is that if you move the smartphone indoors (or into a tunnel, for example, in general, you deprive it of the ability to “see the sky”), and it loses contact with satellites and, along with it, orientation in space.

In this way, you can set the optimal GPS operating mode.

You can then enable or disable geodata transfer. The switch is located in Settings, in the “curtain” or on the corresponding widget.

Optimal GPS settings on Android

If you need to ensure maximum time battery life, then it is better to set the GPS operating mode to “Only by GPS satellites” and completely disable it from Settings, “curtain” or widget. Thanks to this, battery power will not be consumed trying to determine the location of the device.

Then, when GPS is still needed, for example, if you need to plot a route from point A to point B, you can turn it on - from the settings, “curtain” or widget.

If you want to take advantage of all the benefits of always-on positioning (for example, personalized search results in Google app), but you don’t want to run with your smartphone to the outlet every three hours, then you can turn on the “Only by network coordinates” mode. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for navigation. The geolocation service itself should be left enabled.

And finally, if the battery charge is not too important - you still have to “run to the outlet” two or three times a day, then you should turn on the “By all sources” mode and leave the service turned on. This ensures maximum positioning accuracy both indoors and outdoors.

You can jam Glonass tracking using jammers on the website jammer.su

The main task of transport monitoring is to optimize logistics schemes and reduce fuel costs. However, the greatest fuel savings for the vehicle owner come not due to vague “optimization”, but due to the fact that monitoring allows you to monitor fuel drains and stop “left-handedness”. The drivers' response was to try to " fool GLONASS" Essentially, these attempts are divided into two types: to hide the movement of the car, and to hide the draining of fuel. In the first case, navigation equipment is affected, in the second - fuel meters.

How to get rid of GLONASS tracking

Drivers come up with various ways to block the transmission of information about the movement of the car, depending on their knowledge of technology and electronics. There are both frankly barbaric techniques - damage to equipment - and more advanced ones, using additional equipment.

1. Damage to the GLONASS antenna.
The most primitive method that drivers use is to influence the antenna. It is visible, and it needs a good signal from 3 or more satellites to report the location of the car. You can damage the cable - this is done by piercing the insulation with a needle and breaking the wiring. But such damage is easy to identify and sanctions for sabotage can be applied. Some drivers simply cut the cable and then come up with the excuse “it’s broken” or “frayed.” Moreover, this method is useless in those terminals that are capable of receiving signals without an antenna.

2. Shielding the GLONASS antenna. You can try to shield the antenna with metal, for example by wrapping it in foil or a thicker metal sheet. There are attempts to disrupt signal reception using a magnet, but as a rule they are unsuccessful.

3. Impact on the GSM antenna. A completely useless event, because... the terminal will still collect information about movement, and operators will quickly identify the machine that has stopped transmitting the signal and conduct an inspection. After the connection is returned, all information about the route traveled will be transmitted to its destination.

4. Shielding the GLONASS terminal with metal sheets is a useless exercise if the antenna cables are still removed from the housing intact.

5. Disconnecting the power supply to the terminal from the on-board power supply. Drivers think that this measure will get rid of all problems with navigation, but firstly, the failed terminal will be checked and returned to working order, and secondly: most terminals are equipped with their own batteries and will be able to record the path traveled within several hours after a power outage.
6. Damage to a GLONASS terminal is a barbaric and irrational act that instantly allows you to identify who did it, fire you, and also deduct the cost of the terminal from your salary. Damage is carried out by various means, from primitive mechanical breakdown to more sophisticated methods: pouring water, shocking with electric shockers or grounding the metal case of the terminal. In all cases, the violation is easily determined, as is the moment of damage. That is, the culprit is easily detected.

7. Attempts to introduce terminals into GLONASS chips.
In fact, they are excluded, since the body is sealed and any penetration will not go unnoticed.

8. Removal or damage of the SIM card.
Advanced motorists know that messages about the movement of the car are transmitted via a GSM channel, which means that a telephone SIM card is installed inside the terminal. If it is damaged or pulled out, the signal will not be transmitted. This technique is similar to damage to the GSM antenna - i.e. completely useless, because information about the movement will be accumulated and will be transmitted when the card is returned to its place.

9. Using GPS-GLONASS jammers.
Domestic and Chinese craftsmen quickly responded to market demands and offered portable electronic satellite signal jammers. Such a device, powered by the cigarette lighter, causes the terminal to transmit an alarm message “Satellite signal lost” to the control center. Using a jammer is the most “intelligent” technique, but requires the same intelligent approach to use, since periodic “signal losses” on one machine will ultimately arouse the suspicions of dispatchers. In addition, as a rule, a jammer successfully blocks one frequency, and if the terminal is dual-system: GLONASS/GPS, then you need two jammers or the device will be useless.

There are three types of fuel meters: flow-through, submersible and ultrasonic. Flow-through systems are effective only in the summer, and in winter they create a lot of problems for drivers due to low-quality fuel and blockage of the fuel line at the location of the meter impeller. Therefore, only ultrasonic and submersible meters are currently used. They all estimate the volume of fuel in the tank.

How to fool an ultrasonic fuel meter.

Ultrasonic meters are installed under the tank, and the fuel level is recorded through the bottom using ultrasound. Such a meter can be disabled by an electric shock, but a violation of its operation will be immediately detected. Drivers have come up with a more sophisticated method - attaching a magnet to the meter body. In this case, the voltage in the meter increases, and it begins to show unreliable information: an increase and decrease in the fuel level while driving. Thus, the vehicle owner loses confidence in the meter readings and the driver opens up scope for fraud.

How to cheat a submersible fuel meter

Submersible meters look like a tube that is installed vertically inside a tank. Such a meter very accurately determines the fuel level and is very reliable - it is resistant to current, and reliable sealing allows it not to be afraid of water. Some drivers try to disable it by pouring hot water on it during frost, but this action does not affect its performance in any way. Therefore, the only and most brutal way to disrupt the meter readings while maintaining its functionality is to bend it inside the tank. Drivers can do this with a metal rod through the neck of the tank. Some even try to remove the tank and bend its surface so that the meter inside bends, but such an effect is easy to see by appearance tank. Moreover, the meters are not installed end-to-end, but there remains a gap of about 5 cm between the bottom of the tank and the meter tube. A tank bent by this amount will be too noticeable with its crumpled appearance.

Return drain

The only, so far, win-win option for draining fuel with a meter installed remains on diesel cars. There is practically no way to control the return flow on them. An embedded tap in the fuel return line will allow the driver to safely drain part of the fuel returned to the tank. The meter will show increased consumption, but the reason for it cannot be determined remotely. It will be possible to identify the discrepancy only if you compare the readings of two meters on different cars, or accompany the driver on the route and monitor fuel consumption.

How to fool GLONASS for sure

In conclusion, it should be said that the successful “deception of GLONASS” and fuel meters lies in the mutual interest of three categories of workers: drivers, garage managers and dispatchers. Only their joint coordination will make it possible to work out fuel theft schemes in which all workers will look like victims, unfairly accused due to constantly erroneous, low-quality and, from their point of view, useless Glonass equipment.

P.S. Unattainable today for ordinary drivers, but theoretically a possible means of deceiving GLONASS could be the technology used by the Iranian military against an American unmanned aircraft. The Iranians, with the support of Belarusian technical specialists, jammed the signals of the real GPS and began transmitting fake data to the drone, which led it to the Iranian airfield, although the car was sure that it was returning to the American base. Those. replacement technology already exists satellite signal on the other - local. But for now it is too complex to be used for something as small as fuel theft.

All modern Android smartphones and tablets are equipped with a GPS module. This allows these devices to be used as GPS navigators. Besides this Availability of GPS module allows you to leave GPS tags on photos and use many other useful functions. In this regard, many novice users are interested in how to enable GPS on Android. In this article we will briefly consider this issue.

As a rule, Android devices have a GPS module enabled. But, if you previously disabled this function, and now you want to turn it back on, then you need to open Settings and go to the “Location” section.

At the top of the “Location” section there is a switch that is responsible for disabling and enabling GPS on Android.

If this switch glows blue, it means GPS is turned on. In addition to simply turning on GPS, you can change the navigation mode. To do this, go to the “Mode” section. Based on device sensors."

In the “Mode” section, you can choose one of three modes for determining your location.

Consider these modes:

  • High accuracy. In this mode, all available information is used to determine location: data from a GPS sensor, data received using wireless Wi-Fi networks, as well as data received using the mobile network. If you turn on GPS in this mode, you will be able to determine your location with maximum accuracy.
  • Save battery power. The operating mode intended for the device. In this mode, the GPS module. Instead, data obtained using wireless network Wi-Fi and mobile network.
  • Based on device sensors. In this mode, only information from the GPS module is used.

You can also enable or disable the use of your location data in the Location window Google services. To do this, go to the “Sending geodata” section.

In the “Sending Data” section there are two additional sections: “Sending Geodata” and “Location History”. Open each of these sections and turn off (or turn on) the use of your location data.

Increasingly, smartphones are used by their owners as navigators, since it is very convenient to always have a compact device on hand that allows you to determine your location or build a route to the desired object.

It communicates with satellites in orbit, receiving signals from them, and shows its coordinates on the map. Sometimes, due to various circumstances, detecting available satellites can be difficult and take a long time. This occurs in buildings, tunnels, and also near sources of electromagnetic radiation. Even outdoors in large cities with dense buildings may experience interruptions in the satellite signal.

To correct this situation, the A-GPS function is used, which is found in most modern smartphones.

A-GPS technology

A-GPS is a technology that provides the GPS module additional information about the most accessible satellites and their signal strength. When you turn on navigation, the smartphone almost instantly determines its location on the map, and searching for satellites is possible even in enclosed spaces, and interfloor ceilings are not a hindrance.

The successful launch of A-GPS occurred in the United States in the fall of 2001 as part of the communication networks of the national rescue service (911).

How does A-GPS work?

For up-to-date information this technology uses alternative communication channels. In the case of our smartphones, this is the Internet provided by a cellular operator or via Wi-Fi.

A-GPS communicates with its servers, transmitting location information, which is determined by the operator’s base stations (towers). In response, these servers receive fresh messages about active satellites in the area. Using them, the smartphone’s geolocation module quickly establishes contact with the necessary satellites, without wasting time searching for all of them. The more base stations there are around the smartphone, or the closer the user is to the cell tower, the more accurately the location of the smartphone is recorded, and therefore the more accurate the information about the available satellites.

Pros and cons of A-GPS

As we can see, the benefits of having A-GPS are undeniable. This and quick installation communication with satellites, and battery saving, since during a “cold” start and searching for signals, the GPS module intensively consumes battery power. At the same time, communication with servers consumes very little Internet traffic - up to 10 kilobytes per session. It is important that A-GPS does not require user participation, and data updates occur automatically as needed.

But this function also has disadvantages, albeit minor ones. It will not provide fast communication with satellites in areas with a shortage of towers mobile operators or their absence. Therefore, far from civilization, A-GPS is useless.

Despite modest Internet consumption, regular frequent updates and A-GPS synchronization will result in increased traffic. And when you are in roaming, especially international, communication costs can increase significantly.

How to enable or disable A-GPS?

When activating the “Geodata” function (GPS navigation, geolocation), the smartphone prompts you to select a determination method. The user can prioritize battery conservation or geolocation accuracy. Typically, the following methods are available (menu item names may vary depending on the Android version and phone manufacturer):

  • According to all sources (high accuracy). Location is determined using GPS, Wi-Fi and Internet traffic mobile networks. A-GPS technology is active.
  • By network coordinates (conserving battery charge). The location is detected when Wi-Fi assistance and and mobile networks. GPS protocol is disabled, A-GPS is active.
  • By GPS satellites (device only). Determining location solely by satellites without using additional communication channels. A-GPS technology is disabled.

A-GPS technology is necessary for normal navigation using a smartphone - it can be used regularly.
