Tests for 11th grade students are carried out to test students' knowledge and ability to practically use the acquired knowledge.

They provide the teacher with objective material characterizing the level of preparation of all students.The test is compiled in the form of tasks in two versions.

Tests are designed for a whole lesson (45 minutes).

During the academic year 2014-2015 it is planned to:

- 3 tests:

Test for the first half of the year

Test for the second half of the year

Final test « Databases. Database Management Systems (DBMS)"

The student test is assessed using the following system: "5" - students receive if the correct answers range from 80% to 100% of the total"4" - is given if the correct answers range from 71 to 79% of the total;"3" - corresponds to work containing 50–70% correct answers;"2" - work containing less than 50% correct answers corresponds.


“Computer as a means of automating information processes”

Explanatory note

This test is carried out with students in the 11th grade of a general education school after studying the topics in the section “Computer as a means of automating information processes”, according to the textbook by N.D. Ugrinovich in 2 versions.

Students must


    purpose and functions of operating systems;

    what information requires protection;

    types of threats to numerical information;

    physical methods and software information protection;

    what is cryptography;

    What is a digital signature and digital certificate.

be able to:

    follow safety rules and hygiene recommendations when using ICT tools;

    select the PC configuration depending on its purpose;

    connect PC devices;

    make basic BIOS settings;

work in an environment operating system at user level
Instructions for carrying out:

Option 1

Al. When V.T. Odhner invented the adding machine?
1) in 18732) in 18793) in 18824) in 1880

1) kippah 2) abacus3) Salamis board 4) Napier sticks

AZ. What was the name of the first Soviet serial computer?
1) BULLET 2) BESM 3) MESM 4) “Strela”

A4. What is a large integrated circuit?
1) a set of various transistors on one board
2) a set of programs for working on a computer
3) a set of lamps performing various functions
4) silicon crystal with hundreds of logic elements

A5. What is the input device called? graphic images to the computer?
1) joystick2) microphone3) scanner4) keyboard

A6. TO What is the name of the device that outputs any visual information from a PC?
1) speakers
2) monitor 3) printer 4) plotter

A7. What is the name of the printer that produces high-quality color glossy copies?
1) matrix 2) laser3) jet4) solid paint

A8. Property of random access memory (RAM):
1) energy independence
2) the ability to rewrite information

3) long-term storage of information
4) energy dependence

A 9. Named information on the disk:
1) disk drive 2) folder 3)file4)kacatalog

A10. Specify the file extension proba.docx.
1) no extension 3) pro b a 2) .docx 4) docx

A11. Specify the file type fact.exe.
1) text 2) graphic 3) executable4) Web page

A12. Name C: has:

A13. Operating system is:
1) program to downloadPC
2) a program or set of programs that controls the operation of a computer and ensures the process of executing other programs3) programs to ensure the operation of external devices

A14. For what purposes is system software needed?
1) for application development
2) to solve problems from problem areas
3) to manage computer resources
4) to expand the capabilities of the OS

A15. Select application programs for processing graphic information.
1) M i With ros OftWord, StarOfficeWriter
Mu1tip1an, Quattro R ro, SuperCalc
3) Adobe Photoshop, Core1 PhotoPaint, Macromedia Freehand
4) M icr O s Oft Power Point, StarOffice Impress

Al6. Select a computer virus definition.
1) application program
2) system program
3) a program that performs unauthorized actions on a computer
4) database

A17. How does a software virus reproduce?
1) the virus program is copied once in the body of another program
2) the virus code is repeatedly copied in the body of another program
3) the virus program attaches itself to another program
the virus code is copied once in the body of another program

A18. Select implementation methods antivirus protection .
1) hardware and software
2) software, hardware and organizational
3) only software
4) enough backup data

A19. How does an antivirus program work?
1) waiting for the start of a virus attack
2) by comparing program codes with known viruses
3) on deleting infected files
4) on blocking unknown files

B1. Match.





B2. Give a definition.

Formatting is...

B3. Name auxiliary means of protection against viruses.


Al. When did Blaise Pascal invent Pascalina? 1) in 16242) at 16503) in 16424) in 1630

A2. Which counting device, related to the manual stage of ICT development, is shown in the figure?
1) pile2) abacus3) Salamis board 4) Russian abacus

AZ. Under whose leadership was the ENIAK machine created?
1) J. Mauchley and J. P. Eckert 2) G. Aiken
3) D. Anastasova 4) K. Zuse

A4. For what invention did J. Bardin, U. Shockley, U. Brattain received the Nobel Prize in 1956?
1) printed circuit boards2) electron vacuum tubes 3) computer mouse 4) transistor

A5. What is the name of the device used only to control the cursor on the monitor screen?
1) digitizer 2) keyboard3) trackball 4) scanner

A6. What is the name of the device used to print drawings on paper? 1) plotter2) printer 3) speakers 4) monitor

A7. What is the name of the printer used for mass color printing?
1) matrix 2) laser3) jet4) solid paint

A8. Property of Read Only Memory (ROM):
1) read only information
2) energy independence

3) the ability to overwrite information
4) short-term storage of information

A9. The file is:
1) unit of information
2) program in RAM
3) a program or part of memory with a name
4) text printed on a printer

A10. Specify the file extension primer .a vi .
1) primer . avi . 2) . primer 3) a vi 4) .a vi

A11. Specify the file type fact.jpeg .
1) text2) graphic3) executable 4) Web -page

A12. Name A: has:
1) floppy drive 2) hard drive 3) DVD drive 4) folder

Al3. The driver is: 1) PC boot program
2) a program or set of programs that controls the operation of a computer and ensures the process of executing other programs3) programs for ensuring the operation of external devices
4) programs for working with files

A14. Utility is software:
1) for application software development
2) for solving problems from various fields
3) manager of all resources

4) expanding the capabilities of the OS

A15. Select application programs for processing tabular information .
1) M i With ros O ftWord, StarOfficeWriter
2) M And 1tip1an, Q And attroPro, S And perCalc
3) AdobePhotoshop, Soge1 PhotoPaint, MacromediaFreehand
4) M i With ros OftPowerPoint, StarOfficeImpress

Al6. Name the types of computer viruses.
1) hardware, software, boot
2) software, boot, macro viruses
3) file, program, macro viruses
4) file, boot, macro viruses

A17. Choose the most correct description of the stages of action of a software virus.
1) reproduction, viral attack
2) writing to a file, reproduction

3) writing to a file, reproduction, destruction of the program
4) reproduction, writing to a file, deleting the program

A18. What is a virus attack?
1) repeated copying of the virus code into the program code
2) computer shutdown due to virus infection
3) disruption of the program, destruction of data
nykh, formatting hard drive
4) change data

A19. Select antivirus programs .
AVP , DrWeb , NortonAntiVirus
MS - DOS , MSWord , A V.P.
MSWord , MSExcel , NortonCommander
DrWeb , AVP , NortonDiskDoctor

B1. Match.





B2. Give a definition.

The conductor is...

B3. Name the main means of protection against viruses.


"Modeling and Formalization"

Teacher - developer: Khazhina G.I.

Running time: 45 minutes

Explanatory note

This test is carried out with students of the 11th grade of a general education school after studying the topics in the section “Modeling and Formalization” according to the textbook by N.D. Ugrinovich in 2 versions.

Students must


    purpose and types of information models describing real objects or processes;

    using an algorithm as a model for automating activities;

    what is a systems approach in science and practice;

    the role of information processes in systems;

    model definition;

    what is an information model;

    stages of information modeling on a computer;

be able to:

    illustrate educational work using information technology tools;

    navigate graph models, build them based on a verbal description of the system;

build tabular models based on the verbal description of the system.

Instructions for carrying out:

1.The text of the test is given to students in printed form.2. The test is carried out in a school lesson.3. The test is carried out in a familiar environment for children.4. Students were also familiarized with the assessment criteria.

Option – 1.

1. Which pairs of objects are not in the “object - model” relationship? A) computer - its photograph; B) computer - its functional diagram; B) a computer - its processor; D) the computer is his technical description.
2. An information model that has hierarchical structure is... A) file system computer; B) lesson schedule; B) periodic table; D) TV program.
3. Which model is static (describing the state of an object)? A) formula of a chemical compound; B) formulas for uniformly accelerated motion; B) formula of a chemical reaction; D) Newton's second law.
4. An information model that has a network structure is... A) computer file system; B) periodic table; B) family tree; D) model computer network Internet.
5. The information (sign) model is... A) anatomical model; B) building layout; B) model of the ship; D) chemical formula.
6. In information models of open-loop control systems there is no... A) control object; B) controlled object; B) control channel; D) channel feedback.

7. Which of the following definitions of the concept “model” are correct? Mark Allthe answers are correct in your opinion.

A) a model is a kind of auxiliary tool, an object that in a certain situation replaces another object;

B) a model is a new object that reflects some aspects of the object or phenomenon being studied that are significant from the point of view of the purpose of modeling;

C) a model is a physical or information analogue of an object, the functioning of which - according to certain parameters - is similar to the functioning of a real object;

D) a model of some object is another object (real, symbolic or imaginary), different from the original one, it has properties essential for modeling purposes and, within the framework of these goals, completely replaces the original object.

8. Insert into the sentence the most accurate term from the list below.

If the material model of an object is its physical likeness, then the information model of an object is its...

A) description;

B) accurate reproduction;

B) schematic representation;

D) transformation.

9. Which statement is true?

A) information models of the same object, even if intended for different purposes, should be largely similar;

B) information models of the same object, intended for different purposes, can be completely different.

10. Can information be transmitted from person to person and from generation to generation without the use of models?

A) no, you can never do without models;

B) yes, sometimes, for example, genetic information;

C) yes, most often knowledge is transferred without using any models.

11. Is it true that modeling is one of the main methods of cognition, a way of existing knowledge?

A) no; B) yes.

12. Which of the following models are probabilistic? Choose three correct answers.

A) weather forecast;

B) report on the activities of the enterprise;

B) device operation diagram;

D) scientific hypothesis;

E) plan of events dedicated to Victory Day.

13. Is the type of the following model correctly defined: “A computer model of the flight of a ball thrown vertically upward is a dynamic formalized model that imitates the behavior of a given object”?

A) no; B) yes.

Option – 2.

1. What pairs of objects are in the “object - model” relationship? A) computer – data; B) computer - its functional diagram; B) computer – program; D) computer - algorithm.
2. Which computer model is formal (obtained as a result of formalization)? A) technical description of the computer; B) photo of a computer; B) computer logic circuit; D) drawing of a computer.
3. An information model that has a tabular structure is... A) computer file system; B) periodic table; B) family tree; D) functional diagram of a computer.
4. Which model is dynamic (describing changes in the state of an object)? A) formula of a chemical compound; B) Ohm's law formula; B) formula of a chemical reaction; D) the law of universal gravitation.
5. The formal information model is... A) anatomical model; B) technical description of the computer; B) drawing of a functional diagram of a computer; D) a program in a programming language.
6. A computer experiment can be carried out if the information model is presented in the form... A) programs in a programming language; B) raster images graphic editor; C) images in a vector graphics editor; D) text in a text editor.

7. Insert the missing word by selecting it from the list below.

An information model is purposefully selected information about an object, which reflects the most significant for the researcher... of this object.

A) information;

B) laws of functioning;

B) distinctive features;

D) properties.

8. Insert the missing word by selecting it from the list below.

A computer model is... a model made using computer technology.

A) informational; B) schematic; B) electronic.

9. Can different objects have the same models?

B) yes, but only for constructive (artificial, human-made) objects;

10. The construction of any model begins...

A) by highlighting the properties and characteristics of the original object;

B) from determining the purpose of the modeling;

C) with the choice of the type of future model?

11. Insert into the sentence the most accurate term from the list below.

If the material model of an object is its......, then the information model of an object is its description.

A) physical similarity;

B) accurate reproduction;

B) schematic representation;

D) transformation.

12. Which of the following models are static? Choose three correct answers.

A) map of the area;

B) friendly cartoon;

C) a program that simulates the movement of dial hands on the display screen;

D) essay plan;

D) graph of air temperature changes during the day.

13. Which of the statements are true? Choose two correct answers.

A) the mathematical formula is an information model;

B) train schedule - tabular static model;

C) house plan - a graphical deterministic model that describes the structure of the object;

D) football championship standings - reference dynamic model.



Database Management Systems (DBMS)"

Teacher - developer: Khazhina G.I.

Running time: 45 minutes

Explanatory note

This test is carried out with students in the 11th grade of a general education school after studying the topics in the section “Databases. Database management systems (DBMS)” according to the textbook by N.D. Ugrinovich in 2 versions.

Students must


    purpose of the most common automation tools information activities(databases);

    what is a database (DB);

    what data models are used in the database;

    basic concepts of relational databases: record, field, field type, master key;

    definition and purpose of the DBMS;

    basics of organizing a multi-table database;

    what is a database schema;

    what is data integrity;

    stages of creating a multi-table database using a relational DBMS.

be able to:

    recognize information processes in various systems;

    use ready-made information models, evaluate their compliance with the real object and modeling goals;

    select the method of presenting information in accordance with the task;

    view, create, edit, save records in databases;

    search for information in databases.

Instructions for carrying out:

1.The text of the test is given to students in printed form.2. The test is carried out in a school lesson.3. The test is carried out in a familiar environment for children.4. Students were also familiarized with the assessment criteria.

Option 1

Question No. 1

Databases are:


Question No. 2


Question #3


Question #4

a)without modules;

Question #5

What is special about the "counter" field?

a)the data is stored not in the field, but in another place, and the field only stores a pointer to where the text is located;

Question #6


Question No. 7

a)in columns;

Question #8


Question No. 9

a)relational databases;

Question #10


Question No. 11


Question #12


Question No. 13

a)for selecting and processing database data;

Question No. 14


Option 2

Question No. 1

Databases are:

a)an interface that supports filling and manipulating data;

Question No. 2

Without which objects a database cannot exist?

a)without forms;

Question #3

The most common in practice are:

a)relational databases;

Question #4

Does a table that has no records contain any information?


Question #5

The most accurate analogue of a relational database can be:

a)unordered set of data;

Question #6

Search keys in database management systems (DBMS) are called:

a)the number of the first record in order that satisfies the search conditions;

Question No. 7

Which of the following is not a Base object


Question #8

Why, when closing a table, does the Base program not offer to save the entered data:

a)because the data is saved immediately after being entered into the table;

Question No. 9

Database tables are intended for:

a)selection and processing of database data;

Question #10

What are the forms for?

a)for selecting and processing database data;

Question No. 11

Which field can be considered unique?

a)field whose value has the property of increasing"

Question #12

Which table elements store database data?

a)in cells;

Question No. 13

Does a table that has no fields contain any information?

a)does not contain any information;

Question No. 14

What are the requests for?

a)to output processed data to a printer;

Answers to the test

Option #1






Option No. 2

(1) b

(1) f

(1) a

Test on the topic

Modeling and formalization

1. What pairs of objects are in the “object - model” relationship?

1) computer - data

2) computer - its functional diagram

3) computer - program

4) computer - algorithm

2. A model is the replacement of the object being studied with another object that reflects..

1) all sides of this object;

2) some aspects of this object;

3) essential aspects of this object;

4) insignificant aspects of this object.

3. The construction of any model begins with….

1) highlighting the properties and characteristics of the original object;

2) determining the purpose of the modeling;

3) choosing the type of future model;

4) constructing a drawing.

4. Insert the missing word by selecting it from the list below.

A computer model is... a model made using computer technology.

1) informational;

2) electronic;

3) schematic;

4) graphic

5. Which computer model is formal (obtained as a result of formalization)?

1) technical description of the computer

2) photo of the computer

3) computer logic circuit

4) computer drawing

6. An information model that has a hierarchical structure is...

2) lesson schedule

3) periodic table

4) TV program

7. Which model is dynamic (describing changes in the state of an object)?

2) Ohm's law formula

3) chemical reaction formula

4) law of gravity

8. An information model that has a tabular structure is...

1) computer file system

2) periodic table

4) functional diagram of a computer

9. Which model is static (describing the state of an object)?

1) formula of a chemical compound

2) formulas for uniformly accelerated motion

3) chemical reaction formula

4) Newton's second law

10. An information model that has a network structure is...

1) computer file system

2) periodic table

3) family tree

4) model of the Internet computer network

11. The formal information model is...

1) anatomical model

2) technical description of the computer

3) drawing of a functional diagram of a computer

4) program in a programming language

12. A computer experiment can be carried out if the information model is presented in the form...

1) programs in a programming language

2) images in a raster graphics editor

3) images in a vector graphics editor

4) text in a text editor

13. The information (sign) model is...

1) anatomical model

2) building layout

3) ship model

4) chemical formula

14. In information models of open-loop control systems there is no...

1) control object

2) managed object

3) control channel

4) feedback channel

15. If the information model of an object is its description, then the material model of the object is its

1) physical similarity

2) accurate reproduction

3) schematic representation

4) transformation

16. Indicate the correct statement:

1) A statistical model of a system describes its state, and a dynamic model describes its behavior.

2) A dynamic model of a system describes its state, and a statistical model describes its behavior.

3) The dynamic model of the system is always presented in the form of formulas or graphs.

4) The statistical model of the system is always presented in the form of formulas or graphs.

17. The process of building information models using formal languages ​​is called....

18. List the main stages of modeling.

19. What is the name of a graph designed to display nesting, subordination, inheritance, etc. between objects?

20. What are the names of models in which a decision is made based on an analysis of various conditions?

21. What is the name of a whole consisting of objects interconnected with each other?

Lesson summary on the topic
« Information models object management"


    educational: create a simplified mathematical model of object management.

    educational: formation of independence and responsibility when learning new material;

    developing: develop the ability to describe management models, highlighting significant differences in modeling.

Lesson didactic software: PC, task cards.
Lesson progress

    Org. moment:


    checking of those present.

    Updating previous knowledge:

What is a model?
What types of models do you know?

III. Learning new material:
During the functioning of complex systems (biological, technical, etc.), the objects included in them constantly exchange information. Changes in complex systems over time have their own characteristics. Thus, to maintain its vital functions, any living organism constantly receives information from the outside world using its senses, processes it and controls its behavior (for example, moving in space, avoiding danger).
IN everyday life We encounter management processes very often:

    the pilot controls the plane, and an automatic device, the autopilot, helps him in this;

    the director and his deputies manage production, and the teacher manages the education of schoolchildren;

    The processor ensures synchronous operation of all computer nodes, each of its external device is managed by a special controller;

    Without a conductor, a large orchestra cannot perform a piece of music in a coordinated manner, and a hockey or basketball team necessarily has one or more coaches who organize the preparation of athletes for competitions.

Control- this is the purposeful interaction of objects, some of which are managers, and others are managed. Models that describe management information processes in complex systems are called information models of management processes.
In any management process, there is always interaction between two objects - manager And managed, which are connected by channels direct And feedback. Control signals are transmitted via the direct communication channel, and information about the state of the controlled object is transmitted via the feedback channel.
Open-loop control systems. If during the control process the state of the controlled object is not taken into account and control is provided only through a direct channel (from the control object to the controlled object), then such control systems are called open. The information model of an open-loop control system can be visualized using the following diagram:

To demonstrate the principle of operation of open-loop control systems, we will develop a computer model in the Visual Basic programming language. Let the controlled object be the point that the controlling object (user) must move to the center of the target (circle). We will directly control the position of the point by pressing buttons that move the object up, down, left and right. There will be no feedback.

Model of an open-loop control system.

Place on the form a graphic field along which the point will move, a button to display the initial position of the point, four buttons to control the movement of the point, and a button to display the position of the target.

The event procedure for the initial output of a point should include setting the scale and random generation of point coordinates:
Dim bytX1, bytY1, bytX2, bytY2 As Byte
Private Sub cmdP_Click()
pic1. Scale (0, 20)-(20, 0)
bytX1 = Int(Rnd * 20)
bytY1 = Int(Rnd * 20)
pic1. PSet(bytX1, bytY1), vbRed
End Sub

Four event procedures for moving a point must ensure a change in the coordinates of the point. To move left the event procedure is:
Private Sub cmdL_Click()
pic1. Scale (0, 20)-(20, 0)
bytX1 = bytX1 - 1
End Sub

Event procedure for displaying the target and point position:
Private Sub cmd2_Click()
pic1. Scale (0, 20)-(20, 0)
pic1. Circle(10, 10), 5
pic1. PSet(bytX1, bytY1), vbBlack
End Sub

Click the button Ex. object and move it using the arrow buttons. Click the button Result. The deviation of the point from the center of the target will most likely be quite large.

Closed-loop control systems. In closed control systems, the control object performs the necessary actions on the control object through a direct control channel, and through the feedback channel receives information about its real parameters. This allows control with much greater precision.
The information model of a closed-loop control system can be visualized using the following diagram:

To demonstrate the principle of operation of closed-loop control systems, we will develop a computer model. To provide feedback, we will draw a new position of the point at each step, and also display the coordinate values ​​of the point in text fields.

Model of a closed-loop control system.

Improve the previous project and place two text fields on the form.
Add the following lines to the procedure codes:
pic1. PSet(bytX1, bytY1), vbRed
txtX.Text = bytX1
txtY.Text = bytY1
The use of feedback ensures that the point hits the target.

IV. Consolidation.

    Execution of projects.

    What control systems are called open-loop?

    What control systems are called closed?

    What is the difference between an open-loop control system and a closed-loop one?

VI. Lesson summary.
VII. House. exercise.
Read the summary.

Purposeful change in the behavior of an object over time can be carried out in open and closed loops.

A control system is the connection of individual elements into a specific configuration that provides specified characteristics. Its analysis is based on the theory of linear systems, which assumes the existence of cause-and-effect relationships between elements. A process or control object can be represented as a block

The connection between input and output is the transformation of one signal (cause) into another (effect).

A system in which the output signal is not supplied to the control device is calledopen

In an open-loop control system, an actuator is usually used to obtain the desired op-amp response (Fig. 1.1).

Fig.1.1 Open-loop control system (without feedback)

An example is the open-loop disk rotation speed control system shown in Fig. 1.2. Many modern devices use a disk that must rotate at a constant speed. This system uses a battery to set a voltage proportional to the desired speed, which is then amplified and applied to an electric motor. A DC motor, whose speed is proportional to the applied voltage, rotates the disk.

Rice. 1.2 Open-loop disk rotation speed control system

A system in which the output variable is measured and compared with a given value is calledclosed.

The measured output value is calledfeedback signal .

The simplest closed system is shown in Figure 1.3.

Fig.1.3 Closed-loop control system (with feedback)

In a closed-loop system, the difference (error) between the desired value of the output variable and its measured actual value is calculated.

In Fig. Figure 1.4 presents a closed-loop disk rotation speed control system.

Rice. 1.4 Closed-loop disk rotation speed control system

It is necessary to introduce into the existing system a sensor that measures the speed of rotation of the motor shaft, and a device for comparing the specified speed of rotation of the disk and the actual one. For these purposes, it is convenient to use a tachogenerator, the output voltage of which is proportional to the speed of rotation of the motor shaft. The error signal is generated as the difference between the input voltage and the tachogenerator voltage. A closed system always strives to reduce error to a minimum.

Structural and functional diagrams .

When depicting ACS, structural and functional diagrams are used.

General functional diagram determines the purpose of the elements and the sequence of their connection to each other. When drawing up a functional diagram, the system is divided into links based on the functions performed (purpose).

To obtain a structural diagram, the system is divided into possibly simple links of directional action (based on the convenience of the mathematical description ).

Directional link this is a link that transmits influence in only one direction from input to output, i.e. a change in the state of this link does not affect the state of the previous link working on its input.

Block diagram this is a circuit where each mathematical operation of signal conversion corresponds to a specific link. The block diagram consists of rectangles representing the links of the system and arrows connecting inputs and outputs; arrows also show external influences applied to the links. Each link of the structural diagram corresponds to an equation or characteristic that describes it. Obtaining a block diagram is the ultimate goal of a mathematical description of the system.

In the general case, one functional diagram may correspond to several different structural diagrams of the system, depending on the completeness of the mathematical description.

When describing an ACS, a typical functional diagram can be identified.

Rice. 1.5 Typical functional diagram of ACS : 1 – master device; 2 , 5 – comparing devices;3 – converting device;4 , 8 – correcting devices(regulator);6 – amplification device;7 – actuator;9 – sensitive or measuring elements;10 – main feedback element;11 – control object; f(t)– interference

The functional purpose of each of the elements of the standard circuit is as follows. The master device (1) converts the input into a signal x(t), convenient for comparison. Comparator (2) by comparing signal x( t) and controlled variable y(t) produces an error signal ( t). The converting device (3.10) serves to convert one physical quantity into another, more convenient for use in the control process. The correcting device (4.8) provides the specified dynamic properties of the closed system. The amplification device (6) provides amplification of the error and control signal power. The actuator (7) is designed to influence the control body. Sensing or measuring elements (sensors) (9) are necessary to measure information signals.

Let's consider the functional diagrams of an open and closed disk rotation speed control system (Fig. 1.6 and 1.7)

Rice. 1.6 Functional diagram of an open control system with disk rotation speed

Rice. 1.7 Functional diagram of a closed control system with disk rotation speed

educational: create a simplified mathematical model of object management.
educational: formation of independence and responsibility when learning new material;
developing: develop the ability to describe management models, highlighting significant differences in modeling.
Lesson didactic software: PC, task cards.
Lesson progress

    Org. moment:

checking of those present.

    Updating previous knowledge:

What is a model?
What types of models do you know?

III. Learning new material:
During the functioning of complex systems (biological, technical, etc.), the objects included in them constantly exchange information. Changes in complex systems over time have their own characteristics. Thus, to maintain its vital functions, any living organism constantly receives information from the outside world using its senses, processes it and controls its behavior (for example, moving in space, avoiding danger).
In everyday life we ​​encounter management processes very often:

the pilot controls the plane, and an automatic device helps him in this - the autopilot; the director and his deputies manage production, and the teacher manages the education of schoolchildren; the processor ensures the synchronous operation of all computer nodes, each of its external devices is controlled by a special controller; Without a conductor, a large orchestra cannot perform a piece of music in a coordinated manner, and a hockey or basketball team necessarily has one or more coaches who organize the preparation of athletes for competitions.

Control- this is the purposeful interaction of objects, some of which are managers, and others are managed. Models that describe management information processes in complex systems are called Information models of management processes.
In any management process, there is always an interaction between two objects - the manager and the controlled, which are connected by direct and feedback channels. Control signals are transmitted via the direct communication channel, and information about the state of the controlled object is transmitted via the feedback channel.
Open-loop control systems. If during the control process the state of the controlled object is not taken into account and control is provided only through a direct channel (from the control object to the controlled object), then such control systems are called open-loop. The information model of an open-loop control system can be visualized using the following diagram:

To demonstrate the principle of operation of open-loop control systems, we will develop a computer model in the Visual Basic programming language. Let the controlled object be the point that the controlling object (user) must move to the center of the target (circle). We will directly control the position of the point by pressing buttons that move the object up, down, left and right. There will be no feedback.

Model of an open-loop control system.

Place on the form a graphic field along which the point will move, a button to display the initial position of the point, four buttons to control the movement of the point, and a button to display the position of the target.

The event procedure for the initial output of a point should include setting the scale and random generation of point coordinates:
Dim bytX1, bytY1, bytX2, bytY2 As Byte
Private Sub cmdP_Click()
pic1. Scale (0, 20)-(20, 0)
bytX1 = Int(Rnd 20)
bytY1 = Int(Rnd 20)
pic1. PSet(bytX1, bytY1), vbRed
End Sub

Four event procedures for moving a point must ensure a change in the coordinates of the point. To move left the event procedure is:
Private Sub cmdL_Click()
pic1. Scale (0, 20)-(20, 0)
bytX1 = bytX1 - 1
End Sub

Event procedure for displaying the target and point position:
Private Sub cmd2_Click()
pic1. Scale (0, 20)-(20, 0)
pic1. Circle (10, 10), 5
pic1. PSet(bytX1, bytY1), vbBlack
End Sub

Click on the Control button. object and move it using the arrow buttons. Click on the Result button. The deviation of the point from the center of the target will most likely be quite large.

Closed-loop control systems. In closed control systems, the control object performs the necessary actions on the control object through a direct control channel, and through the feedback channel receives information about its real parameters. This allows control with much greater precision.
The information model of a closed-loop control system can be visualized using the following diagram:

To demonstrate the principle of operation of closed-loop control systems, we will develop a computer model. To provide feedback, we will draw a new position of the point at each step, and also display the coordinate values ​​of the point in text fields.

IV. Consolidation.

    Execution of projects. What control systems are called open-loop? What control systems are called closed? What is the difference between an open-loop control system and a closed-loop one?

VI. Lesson summary.
VII. House. exercise.
Read the summary.
