In addition, the air receiver provides

  • smoothing out the pulsation of compressed air supply from the compressor or uneven consumption of compressed air by consumers during a work shift,
  • ensures optimal operating mode of the screw compressor, reduces the number of restarts of the piston compressor,
  • The receiver also contains primary cooling of compressed air and collection of condensate.
Horizontal air collector (air receiver) it is most often used for mounting a compressor unit, an electric motor and other equipment on it (control automation, compressed air dryer, filters, etc.). But if necessary (for example, in rooms with a low ceiling), the horizontal air collector can also be used as a separate receiver to create a supply of compressed air in the pneumatic system of the enterprise. The air collector can be easily integrated into an existing compressed air supply network by placing it in a suitable location downstream of the compressor. The air receiver is connected to the compressor and the air network using metal or plastic pipes or using a flexible connection.
Vertical air collectors (air receivers) have become widespread due to their minimal footprint. The vertical air collector can be easily integrated into the existing pneumatic compressed air supply network in a convenient location after the compressor. The air receiver is connected to the compressor and the pneumatic line using metal or plastic pipes or using a flexible connection.

To correctly calculate the volume and select an air receiver, there are special formulas that take into account the performance and type of compressor, the systems used to regulate the operating modes of the compressor, as well as the purpose of the selected air receiver.

Such calculations are made by designers and engineers when developing compressor units and when designing compressor shops or compressed air supply systems for enterprises. As a rule, compressors with an already installed air collector are equipped with a receiver selected taking into account the mode of use of the compressor.
But in many cases it is necessary to quickly select the required volume of the air receiver, without complex calculations and formulas.

For independent selection, you can use a simplified approach, in which the receiver for the compressor is selected based only on the performance of the compressor unit and in accordance with some features of its operation. In this case, the volume of the air receiver can be equated to the compressed air productivity in one minute.

  • It must be taken into account that
    • on the one hand, using a receiver of insufficient volume will lead to frequent changes in the operating mode of the compressor, which ultimately can lead to compressor failure (especially important for piston compressors).
    • on the other hand, if the volume of the air collector is too large, the compressor will work longer under load, filling the excess volume, which will lead to increased heating of the compressor unit and ultimately to premature wear of the seals and bearings.

An incorrectly selected air collector can lead to breakdowns in the pneumatic system, increased loads on equipment, or cause emergency shutdown of the compressor due to frequent changes in load-unload modes.

If it is necessary to install large capacity air collectors (more than 1000 liters), it is more expedient to use several smaller receivers, connecting them into a system sequentially or parallel. This will avoid a complex registration procedure and has many operational advantages.

  • With parallel arrangement air collectors, the throughput of the pneumatic system is higher and equal to the sum of the throughputs of all receivers in the network. In addition, if necessary, you can disconnect one or more receivers from the main line. For example, for inspection or routine maintenance.
  • When installing sequentially air collectors, the network throughput is reduced and is equal to the minimum throughput of one of the receivers. But at the same time, each individual receiver plays the role of a kind of mini-separator, in which the air is cooled and condensate is released. With this method, it is easier to place air receivers along the entire pneumatic line in convenient places and even loop the system, which will create the best conditions for maintaining the required pressure in the network and ensure stable operation of pneumatic equipment.

Extended pipelines can also have a significant volume, which will be filled with air, playing the role of a kind of air collector, and this must also be taken into account in the calculations.

Air collectors should be installed in open areas in places where there are no crowds of people, or in separate buildings. In cases provided for by regulatory documentation, air receivers can be installed in production shops, and it is best to install it in a place with the lowest ambient temperature for better cooling, but at the same time avoid temperatures close to zero to avoid condensate freezing. The installation of air collectors must prevent the possibility of them tipping over or being damaged by transport or other mechanisms. The air receiver must be provided with free access for inspection, repair and routine maintenance.

During operation of the air receiver, it is necessary to ensure that pressure fluctuations are no more than 20% between the maximum and minimum pressure of compressed air in the receiver. And so that the frequency of these oscillations is as low as possible. That is, filling the receiver with compressed air and its flow should occur as smoothly as possible, without sudden jumps. Otherwise, the load on the welds will increase, which can lead to premature damage to the air collector, the appearance of fistulas and cracks.

The air receiver is used as component compressor units or as a separate element of the pneumatic system of an enterprise, where, along with other equipment, dryers can be used to remove moisture from compressed air.

In this case, the air receiver can be located both before and after the dryer. Both of these location options have their pros and cons.

If (see Fig. 1) - it contains dry and clean compressed air, which has been pre-cleaned through filters and moisture separation in a dryer. Accordingly, condensation does not form in the receiver (of course, if the air is not subsequently cooled below the dew point, which depends on the type of dehumidifier) ​​and the risk of corrosion on the internal walls of the receiver is significantly reduced. In addition, the air collector stores a supply of already dehumidified air to quickly compensate for consumption peaks. To the disadvantages this method placement of the air collector may include the need to use a dehumidifier that is designed to maximum performance compressor. In addition, the compressed air entering the dryer will be at an elevated temperature (an additional aftercooler must be installed). And with such a scheme, especially when using a piston compressor, the dryer will be negatively affected by pulsations of compressed air, accelerating equipment wear.

When using screw compressors, by selecting a more efficient dryer, it is possible to reduce the negative factors of such an arrangement, but in general, placing an air receiver after the dryer can only be recommended for a limited range of tasks.

A more preferable option for placing an air receiver in a pneumatic network is its installation before the dryer (see Fig. 2). With this arrangement, the dryer can be selected based on the actual flow of compressed air that needs drying, and in each individual area you can install your own dryer with different dew point temperatures and performance. Possible pressure pulsations will be smoothed out in the air receiver and will not have a negative impact on the dryer and other equipment. Compressed air will enter the dryer after pre-cooling in the receiver, which will allow the dryer to operate in a more comfortable mode. Minor disadvantages of this placement method include the formation of condensation in the receiver, which increases the rate of corrosion of the internal walls of the receiver. To quickly and regularly remove condensate from the air receiver, various types of condensate drains (manual, float, electronic) are used. And one more small disadvantage - if it is necessary to dry all the compressed air entering the system, especially at peak flow rates, you will have to use a slightly larger dehumidifier, since the air receiver contains compressed air with a high moisture content.

Before calculating the volume of the air collector and choosing the method and location of its installation in the pipeline, it is necessary to study the requirements contained in the passport for the air collector, familiarize yourself with the industry rules governing the operation of pressure vessels, and also consult with the territorial office of Rostechnadzor and obtain recommendations from the air collector manufacturer.

Additionally, when choosing an air receiver (air collector), it is necessary to pay due attention to the quality of its manufacture, the availability of a passport and certificate of conformity, as well as a permit for use. The air collector should be selected based on its operating conditions and taking into account the existing piston or screw compressor.

Purchasing an air receiver from dubious “fly-by-night companies” can lead to unnecessary waste of money and time, and problems may arise during operation, as well as with approvals for the use of air receivers from regulatory authorities.

AROSNA - offers for its partners best solution- air receivers and air collectors, 100% manufactured in Russia at a well-known machine-building plant in compliance with all regulatory requirements, with all necessary documentation, technical support and warranty period, of excellent quality and at competitive prices.

From an official supplier. All models available!


This Instruction sets out the basic provisions that define the general procedure for preparation for installation, installation, commissioning and operation of air receivers with a capacity of 900 liters. The installation, operation and safety measures for the compressor station are generally described in the corresponding operating instructions.

The receivers included in the compressor station are designed to store air under pressure for subsequent use of the air for process needs.


  • Volume 900 liters,
  • operating pressure - 1.1 MPa (11 bar),
  • operating temperature from minus 10 to plus 60 °C,
  • working medium - air.


The receiver with equipment is integral part compressor station.

The receiver is a welded structure. The wall thickness of the shell and bottom is in accordance with the passport for the corresponding vessel. The material is steel A42 AR according to the French standard NFA 36-205, the closest Russian analogue is steel 16 GS according to GOST 5520.

After manufacturing, the receiver is subjected to a hydraulic test with a test pressure of 1.65 MPa. and is provided with a sign indicating trademark or the name of the manufacturer, name or designation of the vessel, serial number, operating pressure, design pressure, test pressure, permissible temperature of the vessel wall, weight of the vessel.

In accordance with the requirements of safety rules and regulations, the receiver is equipped with all necessary fittings, safety devices and safety devices to ensure trouble-free operation.

The receiver is designed and manufactured in compliance with the requirements of safety standards and regulations in force in Russia and is approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for use in the territory of Russian Federation.


The receiver, shut-off valves, connecting pipelines and their elements must be installed in full accordance with the project developed in accordance with the norms and regulations in force in the Russian Federation.

Installation of pressure vessels, their elements and auxiliary equipment must be carried out by a specialized organization that has the technical means necessary for high-quality performance of the work. The organization performing the specified work must have the appropriate license from the Gosgortekhnadzor authorities of Russia.

When installing receivers and auxiliary equipment, a quality control system (incoming, operational and acceptance control) must be used to ensure that the work is performed in accordance with the requirements of the rules of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and ND.


Acceptance of equipment, components and materials arriving at the installation site must be carried out in accordance with the current regulatory documentation regulating the requirements for the specified equipment, components and materials, as well as in accordance with technical and shipping documentation.

When accepting equipment and components, the following must be checked: Availability of a set of technical and shipping documentation; Completeness in accordance with technical and shipping documentation;

No damage, nicks, dents, distortions, or deformations that may occur during transportation and storage of equipment and products;

No contamination, paint damage, rust, etc.

Detected defects are eliminated.

Storage of equipment, components and materials received at the installation site must be carried out under conditions of safety of equipment, products and materials from loss, damage and corrosion.

Before the start of work on the installation of vessels and auxiliary equipment, the following construction and preparatory work must be completed:

  • Sites for receivers, compressors, electrical cabinets and other auxiliary equipment have been completed.
  • The main work on the construction of the compressor room has been completed;
  • Access roads and passages have been constructed;
  • For carrying out hydraulic tests, a water supply and sewerage supply is provided. Installation of temporary water supply and sewerage is allowed;
  • Lighting installed.

The delivery and acceptance of the object for installation is carried out by a commission consisting of the customer and the installation organization. At the installation sites, the main axes of receivers and equipment are marked, which are the longitudinal axis of the equipment and the front. The axes are laid out according to the drawings. The foundation for the receivers must be strong enough to withstand static and dynamic loads.


The main stages of installation of receivers and auxiliary equipment are:

  • Installation and alignment of equipment;
  • Pipeline installation;
  • Installation of fittings;
  • Installation of compressor station equipment, including power supply and control systems;
  • Technical examination of receivers after installation;
  • Commissioning works;
  • Control checks and testing before commissioning.

After marking and preparing the sites (foundations), install receivers.

Measuring tool for monitoring position deviations: rulers, frame level, plumb line.

To achieve the specified positions of the receiver, steel wedge pads and squeezing devices are used.

Pipeline installation:

Welders certified in accordance with the Rules for Certification of Welders approved by the State Mining and Technical Supervision Authority of Russia and having certificates of the established form are allowed to carry out welding work.

Welders can perform welding work of the types specified in their certificates.

Connections of parts and pipeline elements must be made by butt welding or using a flange connection.

In butt joints of elements with different wall thicknesses, a smooth transition from the larger to the smaller section must be ensured by appropriate one-sided or two-sided machining of the end of the element with a thicker wall. The angle of inclination of the transition surfaces should not exceed 15 degrees.

These provisions do not apply to welded joints with cast, forged and stamped parts, as well as with steeply curved elbows.

Other requirements for welded joints and their location are in accordance with the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels.

Data on the quality and properties of materials and semi-finished products must be confirmed by manufacturer certificates and appropriate markings.

Semi-finished products must be supplied in a heat-treated state.

It is allowed to supply semi-finished products without heat treatment in cases provided for by the relevant normative and technical documentation.

Installation of pipelines and their elements must be carried out according to the technology developed by the installation organization before the start of work.

The installation organization is obliged to check the presence of extracts from certificates, certificates or passports, as well as stamps and factory markings on all elements and parts of gas pipelines arriving at the installation site.

Before installation of vessels and pipelines, incoming inspection of the main welding materials and semi-finished products must be carried out in accordance with GOST 24297.

Preparation of edges and adjacent surfaces for welding should be carried out by mechanical processing or by thermal cutting followed by processing with a cutter, milling cutter, or abrasive tool.

The edges of parts to be welded and the areas adjacent to them must be cleaned of scale, paint, oil and other contaminants in accordance with the requirements of the PDD.

Welding and removal of auxiliary elements (assembly devices, temporary fastenings, etc.) must be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the drawings and PDD. Welding of these elements must be carried out by welders authorized to weld this product.

Tack welding of elements assembled for welding must be performed using the same welding materials as used for welding this product.

The need and mode of preliminary and concomitant heating of the welded parts is determined by the PDD.

Welding of elements working under pressure must be carried out at positive ambient temperatures. Welding at subzero temperatures is allowed in compliance with the requirements of the NTD (PTD) and the creation of the necessary conditions for welders.

After welding, the seam and surrounding areas must be cleaned of slag, metal splashes and other contaminants.

The installation company is obliged to apply such types and scope of control of its products that would guarantee the identification of unacceptable defects, high quality and operational reliability.

The product quality control system should include:

  • Verification of personnel certification;
  • Checking assembly and welding, thermal and control equipment, equipment, instruments and tools;
  • Quality control of basic materials;
  • Quality control of welding materials and materials for flaw detection;
  • Operational control of welding technology;
  • Non-destructive quality control of welded joints;
  • Destructive quality control of welded joints;
  • Monitoring the correction of defects.

Each product and all its welded joints are subject to visual and measuring control in order to identify external defects, including:

  • deviations in geometric dimensions and relative positions of elements;
  • surface cracks of all types and directions;
  • surface defects of the base metal and welded joints (dents, delaminations, cavities, sagging, undercuts, burns, fistulas, unwelded craters, lack of fusion, pores, inclusions, etc.).

Before visual inspection, the surfaces of the product and welded joints must be cleaned of contamination and slag. When inspecting welded joints, the surfaces of the weld and adjacent areas of the base metal with a width of at least 20 mm on both sides of the seam must be cleaned.

Surface defects identified during visual and measurement inspection must be corrected before testing by other non-destructive methods.

In butt welded joints with the same nominal wall thickness, the maximum permissible displacement (mismatch) of the edges of the welded elements (parts) on the outside of the seam should not exceed the following values:

Radiographic and ultrasonic testing in cases provided for by the requirements of the current normative and technical documentation should be carried out to identify internal defects in welded joints (cracks, lack of fusion, pores, slag inclusions, etc.).

Radiographic quality control of welded joints must be carried out in accordance with GOST 7512 and NTD.

Ultrasonic quality control - in accordance with GOST 14782 and NTD.

Unacceptable defects discovered during the installation process must be eliminated, followed by inspection of the corrected areas.

If, during inspection of the corrected area, defects are identified, then it is allowed to carry out a second correction in the same order as the first.

Joints cut along the weld with removal of weld metal and the heat-affected zone are not considered re-corrected.

In the case of cutting out a defective welded joint of pipes and subsequent welding of an insert in the form of a piece of pipe, the two newly made welded joints are not considered to have been corrected.

Installation of electrical equipment and control system:

Before installation, check the completeness of electrical equipment, automation devices and compliance of their technical characteristics with the design documentation.

Install electrical equipment and automation devices in accordance with the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations (PUE chapter II - I), installation and operating instructions for devices and assembly drawings.

The environment in the room where the control panel will be installed must not contain aggressive gases and vapors in concentrations that affect metal and insulation.

Ground the electrical equipment and device in accordance with the current PUE.

Protect the areas where wires exit metal hoses and pipes from damage with dielectric bushings.

Clean the electrical equipment from dust, remove anti-corrosion grease from the ends of the magnetic systems of electromagnetic devices (starters, relays, etc.) with a clean, dry, thick rag.

Check fastening electric machines and devices with the appropriate tool (screwdriver, wrench, etc.).

Check the rated currents of circuit breakers and fuse links for compliance with the values ​​indicated in the drawings and diagrams.

Prepare automation devices for operation according to the relevant installation and operating instructions.


Operation of receivers includes:

    periodic external inspections of vessels and their elements to ensure there is no damage to the equipment and its elements, deformations, damage to coatings, air leaks, or other deviations from the normal operation of the equipment;

    maintenance and testing of the operation of the pressure gauge, safety valve, shut-off valves;

    replacement of failed components and parts;

    technical examination within the time limits established by the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels.

Technical examination.

Technical examination of receivers is carried out:

  • after installation;
  • before putting into operation;
  • periodically during operation.

If necessary, an extraordinary technical examination is carried out.

Frequency of technical inspections of receivers:

  • external and internal inspections (carried out by the person responsible for supervision) - once every 2 years;
  • hydraulic pressure test - once every 8 years.

Technical examination is aimed at:

  • external and internal inspections - during the initial technical inspection, check that the vessel is installed and equipped in accordance with the requirements of current safety regulations, and that the vessel and its elements are not damaged; during periodic and extraordinary surveys, establish the serviceability of the vessel and the possibility of its further operation;
  • hydraulic test - checking the strength of the vessel elements and the tightness of the connections.

An extraordinary inspection of receivers in operation must be carried out in the following cases:

  • if the vessel has not been used for more than 12 months;
  • if the vessel was dismantled and installed in a new location;
  • if the vessel has been reconstructed or repaired using welding or soldering of elements operating under pressure.

Internal inspection of receivers is carried out using an endoscope or similar devices through the existing openings.

Technical inspection of the vessel after installation is carried out in the manner established by the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels.

Regulations for starting (shutting down) the vessel in winter.

The requirements of this article apply to cases of operation of vessels in winter.

Starting (stopping) the vessel in winter, i.e. An increase (decrease) in pressure in a vessel with an increase (decrease) in wall temperature must be carried out in accordance with the schedule:

  • T1 is the lowest temperature for central Russia;
  • T2 is the lowest temperature at which the vessel is allowed to operate = minus 10 degrees Celsius;
  • P1 - start pressure (no more than 0.45 MPa -4.5 kgscm2);
  • P2 is the working pressure of the vessel (1.1 MPa).

Note: at temperature T2 lower than or equal to temperature T1, the starting pressure is assumed to be equal to the operating pressure.

In cases not provided for in these Instructions, follow the instructions of the manufacturer.


If signs of air leakage (leakage of the vessel body and its elements) appear, it is necessary to immediately stop operating the vessel until the causes of the malfunction are eliminated.

Safety measures when operating the technological equipment of the compressor station are set out in the relevant instructions.


The purpose of the checks is to establish that the operating parameters of the vessel have remained unchanged since acceptance for new installation, as well as when checking the operation of instrumentation and safety devices:

  • Pressure gauge;
  • Safety valve.

Checking the calibration of the pressure gauge is carried out using a standard pressure gauge with a scale of 0-16 kgcm2 with a corresponding clamp on the flange of the three-way valve.

To ensure the tightness of the threaded manometer shank, Teflon should be used on the threads.

Checks and maintenance of the safety valve are carried out in accordance with the safety valve maintenance instructions.

An air receiver is a special vessel for storing compressed air. It is useful both for extending the life of injection equipment and for smoothing out pulsations of a compressed medium. However, it is important to correctly observe all the features of the installation and use of these vessels.

As for the installation of the air collector, first of all the customer needs to decide on the installation location. This decision should be made by specialists, taking into account the general requirements for working with devices that store compressed air. The following rules must be taken into account:

1). It is permissible to install the air collector in specially designated rooms, or in rooms separated from the main workshop by a wall, as well as on the street, provided that there is an open area equipped with a reinforced foundation;
2). Installation in recesses in the ground is permitted, but there should be no difficulty in removing condensate and protection against corrosion of the receiver elements must be provided;
3. Installation and operation in places where it may fall or tip over is strictly prohibited;
4). If there is a vessel with a volume of more than 1000 liters, it is obligatory to register it with Rostechnadzor;
5). The presence of a site or a specially equipped place for inspection and repair activities is mandatory;
6). There must be a site for repair work and inspection of the device for preventive purposes.

After choosing a location for installation, a very important stage begins - installation and commissioning. In general, this process looks like this:

Mounted following the instructions in the instruction manual, horizontally or vertically depending on its type;
- Fixation of the device is ensured, while rigid coupling with the platform is unacceptable;
- If necessary, pressure and temperature control sensors are installed, if necessary;
- During the week, the operating order of the receiver is monitored.

During operation of the receiver, it is important to promptly remove the condensate that forms during operation. For this purpose, drain plugs, ball valves or electronic systems. However, in order to achieve the designed service life of the receiver, as well as to ensure complete safety of its use, it is necessary to carry out routine inspection of the equipment.

The procedure for examining the receiver is as follows:

The integrity of the loan is checked;
- The condition of the weld seams is monitored;
- The quality of the paintwork and the degree of wear are checked;
- The condition of connecting elements and load-bearing supports is monitored;
- Notes are made on the inspection performed.

This event is held once every 12 months. Hydraulic testing is recommended every five years. In case of emergency situations, the inspection schedule should be revised towards reducing the intervals between tests. After each test, it is recommended to record the appropriate notes in the log. Personnel who are not involved in maintenance, inspection, repair should not approach it closer than 2 meters. If a situation arises when the pressure in the pneumatic line of the enterprise exceeds the standard, the operation of the air collector must be stopped, and after releasing the pressure, it itself must be inspected by specialists for damage, regardless of the operation of the safety valve.

To the inspection activities we must add the need to monitor the condition of additional equipment. The pressure gauge included in the kit is protected from dust and splashes, but it is not recommended to use it without shelter and moisture protection in open areas. The pressure gauge control panel is covered with glass, which must be kept clean and checked for cracks. The relief valve and drain plug (ball valve on some models) must be inspected for damage during inspections.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that compliance with strict, but at the same time, simple rules has two main goals. Firstly, to extend the life of the compressor receiver, and secondly, to ensure its integrity, and therefore increase safety.

10.12.12 16:56

Air collectors are containers for storing air. They serve to stabilize the compressed air pressure. Air collectors are called receivers in other words. These are two definitions of the same concept. Compressed air receivers operate under high pressure. We advise you to be careful when choosing this equipment. Thus, high-quality air collectors (compressed air receivers) are manufactured by Novotek.


The main function of any air collector is to create the necessary supply of air, which will smooth out pulsations in the air ducts while the compressor is running. Compressed air receivers are designed for general purpose piston, screw and rotary compressors.

The difference between an air receiver and an air collector

In general, these two types of equipment are the same thing. These are metal vessels that operate under high pressure to store air. The difference lies in the volume of accumulated air. Air receivers operate with volumes from 0.1 cubic meters to 0.9 cubic meters. Air collectors are designed for large volumes, reaching 80 cubic meters.

Registration of equipment with Rostekhnadzor authorities

We advise you to pay close attention to the quality of the purchased equipment. Vessels operate under high pressure and require responsibility and appropriate documentation. Keep in mind that if the cost is too low, then the equipment is probably old or refurbished. The operation of such equipment will cause a lot of hassle with registration with Rostekhnadzor authorities. When buying a compressed air receiver, pay attention to the price, shipment time, equipment, as well as warranty obligations manufacturer.

Operation of compressed air receivers

IN working documentation the parameters under which the air collector can be operated are indicated. Follow them. It is also recommended to develop instructions on the operating mode of the receiver and its safe maintenance. The air collector must include a safety valve, mating flanges, and fittings. Pay attention to the operating requirements of the compressed air receiver. Approximately twice per shift, release oil and water from equipment designed to retain airborne moisture. Before each start-up of the unit, drain condensate accumulated in the equipment. In addition, paint the receiver with oil paint every few years and pay attention to cleaning it. At least once every six months, clean the internal air collector of sediment and oil clots.

Before installing the receiver, pay attention to...

Before installing the air collector, we recommend checking the delivery contents. View technical documentation, check the compliance of the receiver and the documentation. In conclusion, before starting installation, be sure to check the foundation for compliance with the dimensions indicated in the product drawings.

Equipment installation

Installation of the air collector is allowed in rooms adjacent to industrial buildings if they are separated by a main wall. Also, receivers are installed with a recess into the ground if access to the fittings is provided and the walls of the vessel are protected from corrosion. Pay attention to the reliability of the installation, do not allow the air collector to tip over. If you install the equipment correctly, you will be able to inspect, clean, and repair the receiver from any side. The air collector must be fenced.

9.1.5. Where should the receiver (air collector) be installed?

Of course, when choosing a place to install a receiver, you should first of all be guided by the instructions contained in its passport, as well as the current edition of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels. Nevertheless, general recommendations that can be given are the following:

The receiver (air collector) must be installed in a location with the lowest ambient temperature available. Then, while the compressed air is in the receiver, the maximum amount of condensate will be released from it - which means that less of it will get into the part of the pneumatic system “behind” the receiver. At the same time, it is important to remember that it is usually impossible to cool compressed air below freezing temperature if its dew point temperature is higher than that. This means that if the compressed air was not subjected to drying, or was subjected to drying, but, for example, it was dried only to a dew point temperature of + 3°, then the receiver cannot be located outdoors, and generally outside heated premises (assuming that we are talking about climatic conditions , available in most of Russia). If this is done, then there is a very high probability that the moisture contained in the air in vaporized form will not only condense, but also freeze - which can lead to a narrowing of the flow area of ​​the pipelines, and to blocking or damage to the condensate drain, and even to damage the receiver itself. If the air has been dried, for example, with an adsorption dryer to a dew point temperature of -40 °C, then the receiver can be installed outdoors - of course, provided that the ambient temperature does not fall below the dew point temperature of the compressed air, and that the design of the receiver itself allows it to be installed outdoors (which can usually be checked using the receiver’s passport).

It is necessary to provide for the possibility of carrying out periodic checks and certifications of the receiver - access to it should not be hampered. The receiver nameplate (“nameplate”) must be clearly visible.

The base or foundation of the receiver must be designed not only for its own mass and the mass of compressed air, but also for the mass of any water that may be placed in it during the next qualification.

It is required to minimize the possibility mechanical damage both the receiver itself and its fittings, from the outside: by vehicles and loaders, rigging devices, etc.

And once again - follow the requirements of the Rules, especially if a receiver is installed that is subject to registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor authorities.
