Hello, dear readers of the blog site. We were all new to the Internet at one time or another. It is especially difficult to be a beginner when you are no longer a teenager. So many questions arise that are difficult to find answers to due to their simplicity for those who have already more or less mastered the Internet.

Personally, I myself have observed more than once when they tried to show me an interesting page using and search desired page among the responses received. And what a disappointment it was when this page was no longer there (the results change constantly).

One of the ease of use was the ability make a frequently used page(For example, home Yandex, Google or this one that you have opened now in your Internet browser) starting (home). As a result, it automatically opens when the browser starts. For example, this is very convenient if you use .

With appropriate settings, it will always open the next time you launch your browser (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Yandex browser). Usually they try to set up a home page for some major portal, from which you can start searching, read news, and do much more.

It will be enough to download and launch (or simply click on the “Install” button) the application using the link provided, and in this browser the home page will change to http://www.yandex.ru.

If you want do everything through home page Yandex, then depending on the browser you use, you will receive various “offers”, which all boil down to approximately the same thing - it will be automatic setting browser in such a way that when it starts, the main page of this search engine and also the portal always opens.

What am I talking about? Well, let's see what happens when you access the main page http://www.yandex.ru/ from under Chroma:

It will be enough to click on the inscription “Make Yandex home page"And all you have to do is agree to, which will make the necessary changes in your browser settings.

If you open the main page http://www.yandex.ru/ from under Mazily, you will see simple instructions for action, which you will not use:

At the Opera when you open the Yandex home page you will be offered:

It, in turn, will change the home page, and will add many other goodies, which you can read about in the article at the link above. you will be prompted to install Yandex.Panel for Opera, which is also capable of doing the work we need.

When you access http://www.yandex.ru/ in a browser Internet Explorer you will be directed to a page with extensions from Yandex, including the Elements mentioned above.

By installing this extension, the main page of the leading Russian Internet search engine will open automatically when you launch this browser.

How to make a home page in Yandex browser and Chrome

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Hello friends. Today I will show you how to make the Yandex website the start page of your browser. Despite the fact that it is not difficult to implement this feature, many novice Internet users do not know where and with what help this is done.

Most people who speak Russian use Yandex as a search engine. This search engine has many advantages - it’s also good quality search results, and a nice appearance, and a large set of related services, and a convenient home page.

In general, the Yandex start page compares favorably with its main competitor Google in its information content. From the page it is easy to get to all search engine services; it is complemented by various widgets and modules that provide quick background information. In addition, these blocks can also be customized according to your desires and preferences.

For example, I also use Yandex as the start page of my browsers. One of the widgets that I added to myself is a random aphorism, sometimes it is interesting to read something unusual. I also installed a module from Yandex.webmaster, checking fines and others.

I will show you how to add these blocks at the end of the article, but now let's move on to.

Application for installing Yandex.ru start page

The easiest way to make Yandex your start page is to use an application developed by Yandex itself. You can download the application on this website - http://home.yandex.ru/

It automatically replaces the home page of all your browsers with the Yandex one. No hemorrhoids and manual settings not required.

If for some reason the application did not work or you do not want to use it, then required settings we can do it manually in each browser separately. I'll show you how to do it.

Setting up the start page in Mozilla Firefox

I'll start with this browser, since I use it most often. The entire setup procedure will take 20 seconds. To do this, you need to open the browser itself. Next, in the upper right corner we find the “open menu” icon (in the current version it looks like three horizontal stripes). Click on this button and look for the gear-shaped icon in the drop-down menu - these are settings.

There are many sections in the settings menu, the very first of which is “Basic” (looks like a light switch). This section contains what we need. In the line “When launching Firefox” select “Show home page”. In the “Home Page” line, you must enter the address of the site that we want to make the starting site (in our case, http://yandex.ru). Click the “OK” button and that’s it – the operation is completed.

Setting Yandex as the start page in Google Chrome

Setting up your home page Google Chrome made just as easily. Open the browser, in the same upper right corner we look for a button in the form of three horizontal lines called “Setting up and managing Google Chrome”. In the drop-down menu that appears on the screen when you press the button, find the “Settings” item and go to the appropriate section.

On this page we are looking for the section “ Appearance", put a check mark next to the item - Show the "Home Page" button. In order to set or change the address of the main page on Yandex, you need to click on the “Change” link and, in the window that opens, indicate the address you need.

How to set the start page in Internet Explorer

As in all previous cases, setting up the home page in the Internet Explorer browser is very simple. Open the program, find the gear-shaped icon in the upper right corner and select “Browser Options” from the drop-down list.

In the browser properties, we will open the “General” tab and at the very top of this tab there is a field for start pages. In the box, enter the address – http://yandex.ru, put a dot next to “Start from the home page” and click the “Apply” button. If you need to set a different start page, then repeat the procedure, indicating a different address in the box.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera

Let's move on to one of the most popular browsers. Opera has many fans and it wouldn’t hurt for them to know about the settings of their favorite web browser. To configure, launch the program, go to the browser menu (the button with the inscription Opera and a large red letter O in the upper left corner) and in this menu select “Settings”. You can make the transition to the settings a little faster by using the Alt+P hotkeys.

The second item in the settings menu is “At startup”. At this point we need to select the next option - “Open a specific page or several pages.” In order to specify a specific address for opening, click on the “Set pages” link. In the window that appears, indicate the address of the site that should open when you launch the browser.

Start page in Yandex browser - change with cunning

I admit frankly, I do not use this browser, since my experiment showed that it works much slower than competitors (I wrote about this), and in appearance the Yandex browser is no different from Google Chrome. But for this article, I installed it and am reviewing it along with other popular Internet programs.

Despite the fact that Yandex browser is based on the Chrome engine, it does not allow using standard methods make a start page. It allows you to either show the start page with bookmarks, or open the tabs left over from the last time and, only if they are not there, automatically loads the Yandex search engine (without the ability to select another).

There is a way to set up a starter site by manually changing browser files, but I would not recommend that unprepared people go there.

We'll go the other way - use a little trick which will allow you to do home page any site.

To make it work we need to do the following:

1. Configure the display of a quick access page when opening

Open the program, in the upper right corner we find the “Settings” button Yandex browser"(three horizontal stripes). Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

The first thing that is written in this paragraph “Where to start?” We need to put a dot in front of the paragraph about opening the page quick access. Here everything is saved automatically, you don’t need to press any buttons.

2. Set up the Yandex browser start page

Open the site that we want to make the home page (yandex.ru). Right-click on the tab of this site in the top panel of the Yandex browser. In the drop-down menu, click “pin tab”.

That's all. Now, every time you open your browser, you will see the tab that you pinned.

If you want to delete the home page, then also right-click and select “unpin tab”. To install new page– repeat the entire procedure described in this section.

Customizing a Yandex page

Not everyone knows that you can customize the main page of this search engine to suit yourself. Now you will know it, and hopefully use it.

This setup is done in 2 steps.

Step 1. Account in Yandex

You need to create an account in this search engine. This is done by opening mailbox. The mailbox address will be your login for all services, and the password, accordingly, will be your password.

All our settings will only apply when we are logged in to the system.

There are several sections there.

"Put a topic"– the name corresponds to the function performed – you can apply a unique design for the Yandex website by choosing the appropriate one from dozens of possible options.

"Add widget"– this is the function I talked about at the beginning. information block that you can place on your page. There are a lot of widget options.

"Set up Yandex"– this item allows you to move the widgets you use around the page, arranging them as you see fit.

"Change City"– most often, the search engine automatically determines the region in which you entered the Internet, but this is not always convenient (that in different regions different sites are returned for the same requests). You may be in Saratov on a business trip, but want to view information about your native Khabarovsk - enter the desired city and enjoy.

"Other settings"– it contains a few more points that you can adjust to suit you, for example, choose a different language.

Well, this concludes today’s article, I hope you have found the answers to all your questions and now you can easily make Yandex the start page of your web browser.

Hello! Do you like to use the Yandex search engine? Or you e-mail in this system? Then you definitely need make Yandex your start page on your computer or laptop so that when you load your Internet browser, this particular search engine automatically opens. Well, this task can be accomplished very easily on any popular browser, be it Mozila Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome or standard Internet Explorer.

Automatic method for Mozila Firefox and Google Chrome

If you use the popular Internet browser Mozilla or Chrome, then the process of linking the Yandex start page can be significantly speeded up. To do this, you need to visit the search engine website itself, indicating the address yandex.ru. There may be a link at the top left " Make it the start page", if you click on it, this search engine will become the main one in your browser. However, sometimes instead of this item the name of the city from which the user accessed the Internet appears, or other information.

In case you did not find the specified link, use the following recommendations for installing Yandex as the main Internet browser in Mozila Firefox and Google Chrome:

For Chroma– copy the link into your browser https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/

The following window will appear, where you need to click on Install extension.


For those who are not looking for easy ways, or who were unable to secure Yandex in Chrome or Mozilla, or who use another browser (Opera or Explorer), I suggest continuing to read.

How to make Yandex the start page of the Mozila Firefox browser

So, if you use Lisa, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Go to the Mozilla menu and click on Settings.
  • Go to the Home tab, and in the paragraph Home Firefox page From the drop-down list, select My URLs.
  • In the empty line that appears, insert the address: https://yandex.ru

Make sure that New Tabs is selected next to Firefox home page.

Now, after closing and opening the browser, the Yandex search engine with all its features will appear on the first page. You can call the main page in Mozilla and Chrome using Alt+Home .

How to make Yandex the start page in Chrome

For the most popular Internet browser in the world, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Chrome browser settings - to do this, click on the 3 dots located at the top left.
  • Going to the Appearance tab, check the box next to Show Home button.
  • After these steps, the address of the start page will be displayed, which can be changed by clicking on the Change button. In the window, enter the search engine address: https://yandex.ru
  • If you want Yandex to load along with loading the browser, then in the settings item Launch Chrome you need to select Specified Pages, then click on Add page.
  • In the window that opens, again insert the usual link with the Yandex address:

That's it, now every time you log into Chrome, the first page you will see will be our beloved Yandex. The same search engine will open when you go to the home page. Let me remind you that in Chrome, as in Mozilla, you can use the key combination Alt+Home to open the home page.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera

In Opera, the procedure for installing Yandex on the main page is practically no different from other browsers:

How to make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer

If you use standard browser Explorer, which is available in every Windows versions by default, then you only need to complete three simple steps:

In addition to Yandex, you can specify any other sites by entering their names in the window Home page(entered on a new line). All specified sites will open in different tabs. A very convenient thing if you constantly use the same sites.

So, we looked at ways to make Yandex the start page in four popular Internet browsers. If, after following these recommendations, the main page does not change, perhaps the browser has additional extensions, for example, Mail - they make this search engine the main one. You need to disable the corresponding extensions and check if the page changes. The problem may also lie in malware ah – scan the system with an antivirus program.

Today, Yandex is considered one of the most common search engines. Many people think that this search engine When displaying results, it selects only the most useful answers to the question posed. We recently discussed how to install Google search engine to the Opera in . Following the instructions described in this article, you can make Yandex your home page in any browser in a few minutes.

A large number of users spend a very large amount of time on the Internet, and for many it is convenient for Yandex to be the page that loads when the browser is opened. Sometimes it happens that when you install the browser that suits you best, the start page is installed automatically by the developers.

Also, the start page may be reset if you did not uncheck the corresponding box when installing certain programs, free application to which there will be some completely unnecessary search engine. You can also expect such a “gift” plan from malware or viruses that can install any website instead of the start page; by the way, you can find out how to check your computer for viruses.

In any case, you have the power to change or reinstall the start page at any time to the one you need and is convenient for you. Since each browser has a slightly different interface, and in some cases also the manual, the method for creating the start page will be different for each browser. So, let's start with the Opera browser.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera

In order to install Yandex home page, we need to go to settings. To do this, right-click on the tab at the top, which is called “ Tools“, and select the item ““ at the very bottom.

Using buttons Alt And P You can get into the settings faster. In the window that opens in front of us, we need to select the tab “ Basic«.

To begin with, we need to specify exactly what our browser should do when it starts. From the entire drop-down list, select the item: “ Start from home page". And in the next line we need to indicate this very page. We write the Yandex address there.

And if you currently have the page of this search engine open, then it’s better to click on “ Current page» to the right of the home page (it is highlighted in the picture above). And after all that has been done, press the button “ OK«.

Making Yandex the start page in Mozilla

In order to in the browser Mozilla the start page was Yandex - you need to go to the “ Tools", then we select from the proposed list the settings item we need, and already in it - a tab such as " Basic". At the next stage, in the drop-down list, click on “ Show home page". And then we do exactly the same as in Opera— write the address of the search engine and click on “ OK«.

Setting Yandex as the start page in Google Chrome

To create a home page in Chrome Click on the icon located at the top right and select ““.

After all these actions, you will see a small house in your toolbar, clicking on which will take you back to your home page (Yandex).

How to make Yandex the home page in Internet Explorer

There are two ways to make Yandex the start page in Explorer. First, let's go to the browser. IN Internet Explorer You can set the start page using the control panel. Open it by clicking on “ Start", then we search and go to " Network and internet connection". A window will open in front of you in which you will need to go to the “ General"and enter Yandex URL in the field.

You can also assign Yandex as the home page through the interface. To do this, find the settings icon in the form of an asterisk in the right corner and click on it. After this, a window will open in which we select “” at the very bottom as in the picture:

Enter in the field located near the house Yandex address and click " Apply«.

Or, if you are currently on the page the desired search engine, then you can click on the button “ Current"and the address will be entered on its own. Click on the button " OK“—and we use it for our pleasure.

The process of creating a start page is not at all complicated, and you can install not only a search engine, but also any site that you use more often than others.
