Why Google Tag Manager?

Main advantages:
1. Easy installation.
Only one code (container) on all pages of the site.
2. Smart tracking.
Collection necessary information online thanks to customizable rules and macros.
3.Speed ​​of settings.
Thanks to the built-in templates for codes, the speed of setting up new ones increases
marketing tools at any time.
Google Tag Manager is completely free.

What else is good about Google Tag Manager?

Ease of use of the tool. Does not require knowledge of code or programming.
Ability to configure user access.
Check for errors. Preliminary check of downloaded codes and their debugging.
Installing web analytics systems through Google Tag Manager.
Allows you to simplify the procedure for installing web analytics on a website.
The code management system installs one code on all pages of the site, instead of many. There is no longer any need to change, add or delete anything on the site.

How Google Tag Manager can simplify your daily work with client site codes.

Adding and setting up codes.
Inserting the manager tag code on the site.
Selecting and adding tags to the container.
Activate a rule so that the tag works on all pages.
Support for tags from other services.
Event tracking.

How to get started with Google Tag Manager.
1. On the page http://google.com/tagmanager?hl=ru we create new account or enter an existing one.
Fill in all the fields and click the create button.

Who should create an account?
Most best option for the client to create an account himself and add the agency or manager as a user with the necessary access.
If there is a need to simplify the work for the client, you can create an account yourself and give the client admin access.
How many accounts and containers need to be created?
1. One account for one user
2. One container for one site

To understand how many tags are on your resources, install the extension for Google Chrome Tag Assistant (by Google)

Go to Chrome browser settings - Extensions. Bottom of the page: more extensions. In the search, type the name of the plugin.
Click install.
The Tag Assistant plugin will give you the information; what tags are currently installed on the site.
2. Copy the code and paste it into each page of the site. Place it directly after the opening tag .
Check that the code is inserted correctly on the site. Reload the web page.
Use the Chrome Tag Assistant extension to see the visibility of the tag manager on your site.

Adding a Google Analytics tag to the container.

On the “tags” page, click on the “Create” button

Product Selection: Google Analytics

Select tag type: Universal Analytics

Tag setup: Copy and add tracking ID

Check the “enable display network features” checkbox

Refresh the site and check through the plugin that the code worked correctly.

We bring to your attention step by step instructions on installing and configuring Google Tag Manager (GTM). Here we will tell you how to connect Google Analytics and Yandex Metrica using GTM.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) – multifunctional tool, which allows you to add to a site or mobile application tags for analyzing traffic, conversion and user behavior without interfering with the site’s source code.

In this article we will describe in detail how to create and configure GTM on a website and how to connect Google Analytics and Yandex Metrica without interfering with the site’s source code.

Benefits of GTM

  • You can add and update tags without interfering with the site's source code. You only need to add the Tag Manager code to the site once, and everything else can be implemented in personal account GTM;
  • Reducing code on website pages;
  • Convenient and easy to use interface;
  • Ease of testing. Preview mode allows marketers to easily check that tags are working correctly;
  • The service is free.

Before moving on to installation, let's look at the definitions:

  • Container is a fragment of JS code that is placed on all pages of the site. The container contains information about tags that are fired as a result of the execution of certain rules specified in triggers and variables;
  • Tag– a fragment of site code that allows you to track traffic and analyze user behavior, conversion, etc. (for example, Yandex Metrics code);
  • determine when to activate the tag in the web container;
  • Variables is a name-value pair that is used in a trigger as a condition under which the tag will fire.

How to install Google Tag Manager on a website

1. Register an account with Google

If you already have a Google account and are signed in, skip this step. If not, log in or create an account.

2. Create an account in GTM

After logging in to Google, you can proceed to creating an account in GTM. Go to the Google Tag Manager page and click on the “Create an account” button, then enter a fictitious account name and click on the “Next” button.

Figure 1

In the window that appears, enter an invented name for the container and select where it will be used. In our case, this is the “Website” button. After that, click on the “Create” button.

Figure 2

Figure 3

3. Add the resulting Tag Manager code to your site

Once you accept the usage agreement, a code window will appear.

Figure 4

Select and copy the code to a txt file. After that, click on the “OK” button at the very bottom of the window that opens.
Next, in the site template file in which you have the block, insert the code from the top block as close to the beginning as possible.

Figure 5

Paste the code from the bottom block directly after the opening tag.

Figure 6

After you complete these steps, click on the “Publish” button in the GTM panel.

Figure 7

4. Test the correct operation of GTM

Next, it is important to check whether you did everything correctly. To do this, you can use the Google Tag Assistant Recordings plugin for Chrome browser. Install this extension by following the link.

After installation, the Google Tag Assistant icon will appear in the Chrome browser extensions panel - . To check that GTM installed on your website is working correctly, you need to go to your website and click on this icon.

Figure 8

From the screenshot we see that the icon is green, which means that the installation of Tag Manager was successful. If the icon is yellow or red, the tag is placed with errors.
Google Recommendations

Figure 9

Connecting Google Analytics via GTM

Now let's get straight to Google connection Analytics via GTM.

1. Register Google Analytics

If analytics are already installed on the site, you can skip this point. If not, check out how to register Google.Analytics and complete the registration process.

Pay attention! After registering Google.Analytics, you do not need to place the code on the site. We'll only need the Google.Analytics tracking ID a little later. If Google.Analytics was registered earlier and the code is already posted on the site, after connecting Google.Analytics via GTM, the previously posted analytics code can be removed.

2. Log in to your previously registered GTM account and click on the “Add new tag” link

Figure 10

3. Select tag type

In this case, we need Universal Analytics.

Figure 11

4. Specify the site tracking ID in Google Analytics and the tracking type - “Page View”

Figure 12

You can view the resource tracking ID in your Google Analytics settings.

Figure 13

5. Specify the “All Pages” trigger

To make the tag fire on all pages, specify the “All Pages” trigger.

Figure 14

6. Save the entered data

Figure 15

7. Specify the tag name and click on the “Save” button

Figure 16

8. Check if the tag is working correctly

To do this, click on the arrow next to the “Publish” button and select “Preview”.

Figure 17

In Preview, the container containing the changes will only be available in your browser.

If the container appeared under the line "Tags Not Fired On This Page", the tag on the page did not fire. It is necessary to check all settings and, if necessary, correct any errors.

If the container appears under the line “Tags Fired On This Page,” it means that Universal Analytics was installed without errors.

Figure 18

9. Publish Universal Analytics

Figure 19

Thus, we connected Google Analytics to the site via GTM without interfering with the source code of the pages.

Connecting Yandex Metrics via GTM

To connect Yandex Metrics, follow the same steps as for Google Analytics, but since by default there is no Yandex Metrics in GTM, when selecting a product, specify “custom HTML”.

Figure 20

As a result, a window with an empty field will appear.

Figure 21

You must insert the code for your Metrica counter into this HTML form.

If Yandex Metrica is already installed on the site, copy the counter code from the page source code. If not, read how to create and configure a Yandex Metrics counter.

Pay attention! As with Google.Analytics, there is no need to place code on the site. When setting up Yandex Metrica, the resulting code must be copied and added to the “Custom HTML” window that appeared at the previous stage.

Figure 22

Before publishing, check that the tag is working correctly by clicking on the “Preview” button.

Figure 23

If in preview mode the container is placed under the “Tags Fired On This Page” line, then everything is configured correctly. If the container is displayed under the line “Tags Not Fired On This Page”, the tag did not work, most likely an error was made during connection.

Figure 24

After we are convinced that the tag worked in preliminary mode, click “Publish”.

Thus, we connected Yandex Metrica to the site without interfering with the source code of the pages.

If you don't already have GTM installed on your site, you can install and configure it by following our instructions. And we, in turn, will continue to write about how to analyze traffic, conversions and user behavior using GTM.

Now that Google Assistant is available on any smartphone running Android Marshmallow (and above), more people can take advantage of its ability to optimize them daily life. You can communicate with this intelligent personal assistant from Google using a conversational style that is much more natural than typing commands. Our tips and tricks will help you get started with Google Assistant and get the most out of your new voice assistant.

Setting up Google Assistant for the first time

If you haven't used Google Assistant before, don't worry—despite the software's many features, getting it up and running is very easy. If your phone is running Android Marshmallow or higher, you'll need to long press the Home key to launch Google Assistant (or say "OK Google" if voice control is enabled on your device). . If you don't already have Google's virtual assistant, you'll have to wait a while.

So, here are the steps you should follow:

  • activate Google Assistant by long pressing the home key;
  • On the “Get to know Google Assistant” screen, click on the “Continue” icon;
  • grant permission to this assistant to access the necessary information by clicking on “Yes, I agree”;
  • teach Google Assistant to recognize your voice by clicking on the “Start” icon.

Setting up Google Assistant

Selecting the right one Google account: The first thing you'll need to do is make sure you select your primary Google account if you have more than one account. Launch Assistant, then click on the three dots icon in the upper right corner to open the menu, then click on “Account” and select the one you want to use.

Access to settings: call Assistant, click on the icon in the form of three dots to enter the menu, then click on the “Settings” icon. You will now see a list with settings for options such as Home Control, News, My Day, and Shopping List.

To set your priority news sources: Open “Settings”, then click on “News”, then click on the “Customize” icon. Select all the news sources you want, then click on the back arrow icon. You will see a list of selected news sources, which you can drag one by one to change their location, depending on the priority you need.
To listen to your customized news later, simply say “Listen to news.”

To set up the My Day summary: go to “Settings” and click on the “My Day” icon. Select the items you want to be part of your daily review. Among them: weather, work route, reminders and news. If you want Google Assistant to tell you what's on your agenda, simply say "tell me about my day."

Google Assistant Tips You'll Use Every Day


Organize Google work Assistant can be used without any problems. Instead of a lot of ready-made commands, you can communicate with him in a normal conversational manner. It looks quite natural, and you are unlikely to have to wonder if you are saying everything correctly. You probably noticed from the section above that the phrases you say to have your Assistant run news for you or outline your daily routine are more or less the same as what you would say to someone. For example, if you want the Google Assistant to launch the YouTube app for you, just say “Open YouTube.” Below we will tell you a few basic things you can do to get started with the above voice assistant.

Tips for convenience only:

  • ask Google Assistant a question to find the answer without using your hands;
  • ask this assistant to play a song by a specific artist;
  • ask him about the current weather.

Tricks to avoid missing anything in your daily life:

  • use Google Assistant to check your calendar for the current day;
  • Instruct your assistant to set alarms, reminders, or timers.

Tricks for staying in the cycle on a regular basis:

  • Google Assistant can make calls to phone contacts;
  • Google Assistant can read and respond to messages.

Reading and replying to messages: this is cool new feature. If you send SMS messages rather than use an instant messenger like WhatsApp, you'll find this trick especially useful. Tell Google Assistant "Show me my messages" and you'll see any unread messages. Ask your virtual assistant, “Any messages for me?” and it will show you both read and unread messages. When such messages appear, simply click on the Reply icon to open a reply window.

Once you've learned how to perform some of the most basic tasks with using Google Assistant, you can make this software work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Here are some examples:

  • receive personalized news and sports results after you wake up;
  • ask Google to get your morning commute to work;
  • find the nearest store or cafe for a business meeting;
  • Receive flight status and other travel information in real time;
  • perform translations into and from English at any time of the day.

Screen context: this feature can be really useful. Screen Context displays relevant information when you press the Home key, based on what you're reading on the display. For example, this function will display a map with details of the restaurant your friend suggested to you via text message.

Shopping list: built-in Google service Keep lets you easily add items to your shopping list. You can even add multiple items at once - just say "OK Google, add juice, eggs and milk to my shopping list."

Control your smart home with Google Assistant

Google Assistant goes far beyond your smartphone and digital environment - it can control the physical environment of your smart home. If you have a smart thermostat, you can ask the temperature to be set to 23 degrees Celsius. If you use smart lighting, you can also find out if the bulbs are on, turn them off from a distance, or turn them on in individual rooms in your home. As smart home technology becomes more common in your home or apartment, you'll increasingly rely on Google Assistant as your primary control center.

Add some fun with Google Assistant

Let your digital assistant know you're bored, and he can do plenty of things to cheer you and your friends up. Just say “Things You Can Do” and Google Assistant will give you a list of fun activities to choose from. This assistant can read a poem, play funny videos or fun music, and teach you something new. We, for example, would prefer games such as puzzles or quizzes.

Do you already have Google Assistant? What are your favorite ways to use it?

A quick check of your site and Google Analytics settings.

Using this tool, you can record user transitions on your site and evaluate the correct implementation of Analytics code. Use the information you gain to determine if there are problems with your resource design and whether you are getting all the data you need. Google Tag Assistant Recordings also supports tag verification in other Google products such as Google Ads, Campaign Manager, and Tag Manager.


Problems with website design

By recording users' journeys, you get information about whether they are having difficulties doing so, for example:

  • Landing pages do not match the ads or links that users clicked.
  • Calls to action are not immediately noticeable.
  • Page layout or site navigation makes it difficult for users to achieve the goals you want.

Problems with Google Analytics settings

If errors are made in the Google Analytics settings, not all the data you need is transferred to this service. By recording user journeys, you can see which tags are activated and how the data they collect is processed in Analytics.

Inaccurate communications can have a negative impact on your business by making it difficult to make effective and appropriate decisions. In addition, you risk missing out on promising opportunities.

Analytics automatically performs regular diagnostics of resources, but it has certain limitations, for example:

  • Already collected data is checked, which does not allow filtering out false information from the very beginning.
  • Pages that require authentication or password login, or that are displayed dynamically (for example, during an online purchase process) cannot be scanned.
  • This check does not take into account the structure of the site and how users navigate between pages.
  • Diagnostics indicate whether the problem has been corrected only after sufficient data has been collected and processed. During this time, you may accumulate even more false information.

Google Tag Assistant Recordings has no such restrictions.

How Google Tag Assistant Recordings Work

This function is part Google extensions Tag Assistant for Chrome browser. It can be used to record tags, events and interactions for any sequence of pages or sites visited. Google Tag Assistant Recordings allows you to record information about all the pages that a user has opened, even if some of them are outside your main domain.

For example, often a user will first search for a product online and then click through to your site through a paid ad or link in organic search results. He examines the catalog, adds the desired product to the cart (which may be on a different domain), checks the order, enters payment information and delivery address, clicks the “Checkout” button and returns to the thank you page, where the conversion achieved is recorded.

When you have it turned on Google function Tag Assistant Recordings records information about all pages, including those that are not part of your site or are created dynamically (for example, the order view page in the cart). A series of tests are run on each page and a report of the results is generated at the end. It only includes data related to your actions. The actions of other users are not taken into account.

Once you save the recording, you can re-run it with different Google Analytics account settings to track the results of these changes. There is no need to repeat the steps performed during recording. This way you can check and refine your settings in real time.

When reanalyzed, case records are not transferred to Google Analytics. Troubleshoot and experiment with settings without affecting your data.

With Google Tag Assistant Recordings, you can check tags not only in Google products, but also on third-party sites.

Google Tag Assistant Recordings

There are two reports available in Google Tag Assistant Recordings:

Tag Assistant Report

This report contains data about all the tags that were activated on the pages you visited during the recorded session. These may be Google tags (such as Google Analytics tracking codes, Google Tag Manager and Campaign Manager remarketing tags) or third-party sources. The latter may include or manage Google tags.

Google Analytics report

This report shows what your saved data will look like when processed using your current Google Analytics settings. Any resources and views are available to check the site and Analytics code. You can also make changes to Analytics settings and repeat the analysis to check and adjust them.

Who is this tool for?

Google Tag Assistant Recordings was designed for two main groups of users:

For marketers. Google Analytics decision makers can use Google Tag Assistant Recordings to quickly test how their site and Analytics are interacting with their current settings.

For developers. Professionals who create web products and add tags to them (including Google Analytics tags) can get detailed information to help review assets and troubleshoot problems.

What you need to use Google Tag Assistant Recordings

Currently, Google Tag Assistant Recordings is only available as part of the Google Tag Assistant extension for the Chrome browser.


  • Unsaved data remains available only until you close the browser window or start a new recording.
  • When saving records, only the Google data Analysts. Information received from the Google Tag Assistant extension is deleted along with the accompanying report, but it can be saved in PDF format and print.
  • Google Tag Assistant Recordings is currently only available in English.


Sessions recorded with Google Tag Assistant Recordings are available only to you. The extension does not store or track your online activity (other than the hits that are sent to Google Analytics as part of its analysis).

Google Assistant is currently the crowning achievement of Google in the field of communication between machines and humans. It is for this reason that understanding the context of user requests came to us from Now and Now on Tap, but with a number of changes. This assistant is always happy to understand what the owner wants and also knows how to do it in the best way. There has been quite deep integration with solutions such as Google Allo, Google Home, Android TV and Android Auto.

Despite the fact that voice assistants are gradually entering our lives, for the most part they are still very far from becoming full-fledged assistants. And the point here is not so much about development problems, but about user safety, which some functions of voice assistants often unwittingly violate. However, Google would not be itself if it neglected functionality for the sake of protecting user secrets, and therefore decided to expand the capabilities when working on a locked screen.

Despite the rebranding that Google carried out with, renaming it Wear OS, the platform remained not very attractive to users. As practice has shown, if people choose a smart watch to work in tandem with an Android smartphone, then most often they are solutions from Samsung. They are good for everything from overall performance to functionality. Another thing is that the only voice assistant they support by default is Bixby. But that doesn't mean you can't train a Korean watch to work with Google Assistant.

Lately there has been only talk about the upcoming upgrade. Wanting to make your voice assistant more convenient and functional, Google developers experienced a lot of various innovations from the Google Duplex mode, capable of making calls for the user, to acting as a smart speaker. But for some reason, no one except the Russian representative office of Google even thought about the spiritual development of the assistant.

Only a couple of weeks have passed since popular virtual assistants pitted their intellects against each other, but only . A couple of weeks, and the researchers can’t sit still, and they started a new test, in which the abilities artificial intelligence Google Assistant was pitted against such giants as Alexa, Siri and Bixby.

Have you ever thought about how it is more convenient for you to call a voice assistant: with a verbal command or by pressing a special key? To most, the first method seems the most logical, because how else can you call a voice assistant if not with your voice? But not everyone has this opportunity. The point is that constant waiting voice command requires the device to constantly keep the microphones active, analyzing everything heard, which in turn leads to increased energy consumption. But you can’t always call an assistant with a button, because most modern smartphones don’t have them at all. Fortunately,
