Airplane mode disables the phone's cellular radio system, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth features wireless transmission. However, many planes now have Wi-Fi on board, and they may soon have cellular service. So what benefit will airplane mode have?

Even if you don't fly at all, Airplane mode allows you to quickly turn off radios that drain your battery. It extends the battery life of the device, provided that wireless communication is not used, writes.

No matter what device you own—an Android phone, an iPhone, an iPad, a Windows 8 tablet, or something else—Airplane Mode disables the same hardware features on all devices. These include:
-Cellular: The device will stop communicating with towers cellular communications. You will not be able to send or receive anything over cellular network– no voice calls, no SMS messages, no mobile data.
-Wi-Fi: The phone will stop scanning nearby Wi-Fi networks and attempting to connect to them. The existing Wi-Fi connection will be disconnected.
-Bluetooth: This technology wireless communication, applied to wireless headsets and other devices such as keyboards and mice, will also turn off.
-GPS: On some devices, airplane mode is disabled GPS reception. GPS is different from all of the above technologies - a GPS-enabled device only listens to the GPS signals it receives, without transmitting anything. However, for some reason it is prohibited to use GPS on board some aircraft.

When airplane mode is on, in the top notification bar Android devices, iPhone and iPad display an airplane icon. They can be used on an airplane, even during takeoff and landing, as long as airplane mode is activated. It is not necessary to turn off the devices.

Regulations in many countries prohibit the use of signal-transmitting devices on commercial aircraft. A typical cellular phone or tablet communicates with multiple cell towers and continuously tries to maintain a connection. If the towers are far away, your phone or tablet boosts the signal to establish contact with them. This type of communication could interfere with the aircraft's sensors and theoretically cause problems with sensitive navigation equipment. This concern led to the above rules. In fact, modern equipment is resistant to failure. The plane won't crash because a few people forgot to turn on airplane mode.

The more obvious problem is that due to extremely fast travel, phones on an airplane would be constantly switching from one cell tower to another. This would interfere with cellular signals received by people on the ground. In addition, the phone's battery would quickly drain and there would not be sufficient signal strength.

Airplane mode is also useful on the ground. It perfectly saves the battery power of the device. Its radio modules spend a lot of energy maintaining communication with cell towers and searching for nearby Wi-Fi networks and attempts to connect to them, waiting for incoming Bluetooth connections and periodically checking GPS location.

Enabling airplane mode disables all radio modules. This blocks incoming calls and SMS on the phone, but increases battery life. This mode is especially useful for a tablet that serves as a standalone e-reader.

Wi-Fi is allowed on a number of aircraft - in fact, many planes now offer paid in-flight Wi-Fi. Activating airplane mode always disables Wi-Fi. However, most devices allow you to turn on Wi-Fi after turning on airplane mode. Cellular signals will still be blocked, but Wi-Fi will still allow you to connect to the aircraft's Wi-Fi network.

Some devices allow Bluetooth to be turned on in airplane mode. Whether this is acceptable depends on the airline and the applicable regulator.

Cellular signals on airplanes are also on the way. The US Federal Communications Commission is considering allowing cellular signals on airplanes above 3km. This would make calls, SMS and mobile Internet use possible on airplanes. However, the US Department of Transportation plans to ban calls on airplanes because they will be unpleasant for neighboring passengers. Only SMS and data transfer will be allowed.

Connecting to cell towers on the ground will be impossible, but planes will be equipped with picocells - miniature base stations to which phones on the plane will connect. The picocells will send signals to communications satellites that broadcast the signal to a ground base station connected to the cellular network on the ground.

Since the transmitter on the plane will be very close to the phones, they will be able to communicate at a minimum transmit power. Phones on an airplane won't boost their signal in an attempt to communicate with ground-based cell towers, eliminating the possibility of interference.

If cellular signals are allowed on planes, and even if all planes have picocells, the need for airplane mode will continue. Wi-Fi and cellular communications are allowed at altitudes above 3 km, but not during takeoff and landing, when airplane mode comes in handy, which, among other things, helps save battery power.

Every smartphone has a special flight mode.

You can enable the corresponding function through the notification shade. To do this, you need to pull the notification bar down and select the icon with the image of an airplane from the list presented - at this moment the device will turn off all wireless interfaces. Airplane mode instantly turns off cellular communications, location detection, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. In other words, the smartphone becomes autonomous and stops interacting with other devices and cell towers.

Initially, flight mode was intended by the developers to use the phone on board aircraft. There was an assumption that electromagnetic waves from a smartphone could negatively affect the electronic equipment of an aircraft and could even provoke emergency situations. Many airlines have staff ensuring that passengers turn off their mobile devices or switch them to a dedicated offline mode. In this mode, you can continue to watch videos, read e-books and run various applications, but the Internet and calls are unavailable.

Today, experts have determined that using your phone on board an airplane is completely safe, even without Airplane Mode activated. Moreover, many airlines even offer the use of the Internet (Wi-Fi) on board the aircraft. Operating room developers Android systems They didn’t remove the corresponding mode from gadgets because it has several other uses.

Airplane mode

The first option is to turn on airplane mode. Despite the existence of a large number of loyal airlines with Wi-Fi on board, some airlines still require you to turn off your smartphone's wireless interfaces. Detailed rules can be found on the official website of the selected company. Thus, the user will be able to continue using the gadget to launch applications or watch videos, but without the ability to surf the Internet or make calls.

Airplane mode to save battery

The second option is energy saving. Wireless interfaces and cellular communications (3G/4G) quickly drain battery power. If there are no outlets nearby, it is recommended to put the device in airplane mode. Location detection, Internet or phone calls will be automatically disabled, but this feature will slightly extend the battery life of the phone. In airplane mode, you can sometimes force Wi-Fi or geolocation to be turned on, but the SIM card modules will remain locked.

Disabling phone calls

Of course, each user can enable Do Not Disturb mode. In this case, the system simply will not play signals or notifications, although calls from subscribers will arrive. The easiest way to solve the problem is to disable the wireless modules. Previously, to do this you had to completely turn off the device or take out the SIM cards, but now this task can be accomplished by simply turning on airplane mode. It guarantees that the user will not receive any SMS, calls or notifications during its operation.

Solving a wireless connection problem

When using any phone, errors in the operation of the Internet or other communication modules often occur. - the procedure is too long, sometimes taking several minutes. The optimal solution to the problem may be to turn on airplane mode for a few seconds. In this case, a kind of reboot of the wireless modules occurs without completely turning off the phone.


Airplane mode on your phone can come in handy in several situations. We looked at the most popular scenarios for using the function - increasing autonomy, solving problems with wireless connections and complete shutdown of calls. Despite the loyal policy of many airlines, this mode can be useful on the plane.

Every year, mobile devices become more sophisticated and hide an increasing number of functions and capabilities in their miniature body. But not all cell phone owners know about all the capabilities of their phones. From this article you will learn what the offline mode of a mobile device is and why the average user needs it.

Any mobile device, be it a regular phone, a communicator or a tablet with support for calls, can operate in several modes. If such things as “normal” or “silent” mode are familiar to almost everyone, then some of the “states” of a cell phone still raise a number of questions for most users. This also includes offline mode. Let's finally find out what it is for and when is it worth (if at all) to turn it on?

Offline mode appeared on phones a few years ago. Some manufacturers mobile devices In this way, they decided to circumvent the problem associated with the use of mobile phones during air travel - after all, as many people know, previously mobile phones could not be used during the entire flight, which could last more than ten hours. The new mode allowed owners to keep their gadget turned on, but limited their access to cellular networks. Thus, “flight mode” (from the English “fly mode”) - this is how several mobile device manufacturing companies presented this function - made it possible to keep the cell phone on. Despite the fact that in this state the phone cannot communicate with the operator’s network (and, accordingly, you will not be able to use it for its intended purpose, that is, to make a call), during a long flight the passenger could play games, read and listen to music using your favorite cell phone. Over time, the autonomous mode gained wide popularity and began to be used on the ground much more often than during air travel.

What is the reason for such a prevalence of such an unusual regime? It would seem like a paradox to use a phone without using it for its intended purpose, but with the development of technology, this is exactly what many users lacked. And after the offline mode appeared, a cell phone could be used as a digital camera, player, game console or e-reader without fear that someone would distract you from your favorite activity with their annoying calls!

But offline mode has other advantages. For example, if you find yourself in an area so far from civilization where you can only dream of coverage, your phone will constantly try to “find” the network, which is why its battery will drain much faster. In such places, you can either turn off your mobile phone altogether, or use a fly mod. When you find yourself closer to civilization again, you just need to turn off the offline mode and the phone will immediately find the operator’s network. This is exactly what experienced tourists usually do, who already know where to keep their mobile phone in normal mode, and where it is advisable to save battery power for future conversations.

But the offline mode also has one undeniable disadvantage. In some models, when it is turned on, not only the GSM module stops working, but also Wi-Fi, and sometimes also GPS. This is due to the fact that in such phones and communicators, when this mode is turned on, the phone immediately turns off all radio modules. To be fair, it should be noted that in many models, even in “fly mode”, GPS and Wi-Fi work when turned on again.

Thus, we can conclude that offline mode is a thing that is needed not only by those who like to travel frequently by plane, but also by a huge number of “grounded” users. The main thing is not to forget to turn off this mode in time, otherwise you may not wait for an important call.

What is "Airplane Mode" on a cell phone?

Olga Ogol

While in the on state, mobile phone continuously sends and receives radio signals. However, in some locations, this signal may interfere with the operation of essential equipment. This is why, for example, on airplanes or near operating rooms, the use of mobile phones is prohibited. Before takeoff, all passengers on the flight are asked to turn off their mobile phones.
“Airplane mode” in a mobile phone allows you not to turn off the device completely. In this mode, only the radio unit of the phone is turned off. At the same time, other functions, such as the player, games or file folders, are available for use.
Airplane mode is a useful, and for many people, an indispensable function.

Why do we need airplane mode on mobile phones?

Danila maltsev

What to play games on your mobile phone during the flight.
that is, it does not send or receive any signals - which does not interfere with the devices' flight.
and you can delve into the pipe itself, listen to music, watch the daily routine, etc.

Gulnaz Kutusheva

Airplane mode disables the phone's cellular radio system, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth wireless transmission functions. However, many planes now have Wi-Fi on board, and they may soon have cellular service. So what benefit will airplane mode have?
Even if you don't fly at all, Airplane mode allows you to quickly turn off radios that drain your battery. It extends the device's battery life when not using wireless communication.
Whatever device you own—an Android phone, an iPhone, an iPad, a Windows 8 tablet, or anything else—Airplane mode disables the same hardware features on all devices. These include:
Cellular: The device will no longer communicate with cell towers. You won't be able to send or receive anything over the cellular network - no voice calls, no SMS messages, no mobile data.
Wi-Fi: The phone will stop scanning nearby Wi-Fi networks and attempting to connect to them. The existing Wi-Fi connection will be disconnected.
Bluetooth: This wireless technology used for wireless headsets and other devices such as keyboards and mice will also turn off.
GPS: On some devices, airplane mode disables GPS reception. GPS is different from all of the above technologies - a GPS-enabled device only listens to the GPS signals it receives, without transmitting anything. However, for some reason it is prohibited to use GPS on board some aircraft.
When Airplane mode is turned on, an airplane icon appears in the top notification bar of Android, iPhone, and iPad devices. They can be used on an airplane, even during takeoff and landing, as long as airplane mode is activated. It is not necessary to turn off the devices.
Regulations in many countries prohibit the use of signal-transmitting devices on commercial aircraft. A typical cellular phone or tablet communicates with multiple cell towers and continuously tries to maintain a connection. If the towers are far away, your phone or tablet boosts the signal to establish contact with them. This type of communication could interfere with the aircraft's sensors and theoretically cause problems with sensitive navigation equipment. This concern led to the above rules. In fact, modern equipment is resistant to failure. The plane won't crash because a few people forgot to turn on airplane mode.
The more obvious problem is that due to extremely fast travel, phones on an airplane would be constantly switching from one cell tower to another. This would interfere with cellular signals received by people on the ground. In addition, the phone's battery would quickly drain and there would not be sufficient signal strength.
Airplane mode is also useful on the ground. It perfectly saves the battery power of the device. Its radios spend a lot of energy communicating with cell towers, searching for and trying to connect to nearby Wi-Fi networks, waiting for incoming Bluetooth connections, and periodically checking GPS locations.
Enabling airplane mode disables all radio modules. This blocks incoming calls and SMS on the phone, but increases battery life. This mode is especially useful for a tablet that serves as a standalone e-reader.
Wi-Fi is allowed on a number of aircraft - in fact, many planes now offer paid in-flight Wi-Fi. Activating airplane mode always disables Wi-Fi. However, most devices allow you to turn on Wi-Fi after turning on airplane mode. Cellular signals will still be blocked, but Wi-Fi will still allow you to connect to the aircraft's Wi-Fi network.
Some devices allow Bluetooth to be turned on in airplane mode. Whether this is acceptable depends on the airline and the current regulatory authority.

Why does your phone have airplane mode?

The use of mobile phones on an airplane is prohibited (it is believed that they may damage radar equipment). But in the “flight” mode you can play, read books and use other functions. The phone does not communicate with the base station in this mode.

Flight mode and Autonomous mode are the same thing. In some phone models, the modes are called differently. They perform only one function.
It is prohibited to use a mobile phone while flying on an airplane.

Antilamer online

In the "Flight" mode, the mobile phone falls more smoothly, literally glides. Consequently, the risk of breaking it is sharply reduced.
And the “Outdoor” mode on will tell you where to look for your mobile phone if you lose it.

Many smartphone users, studying the numerous functions of these devices, discovered a special mode of operation of the phone, called airplane mode. Of course, the name first of all speaks for itself, but what is it and what is its meaning? How to turn it on and off if necessary? I will now be happy to tell you about this in more detail!

What is the function of airplane mode?

Despite the fact that a similar function is available on all existing operating systems for smartphones, it is designed to perform the same task, namely, disable a number of phone capabilities. These include:

  • Cellular communications, which deprives the user of the ability to send SMS or make calls;
  • , and therefore the device cannot be used to access the Internet;
  • Bluetooth, which makes it impossible to use various accessories, as well as transfer data;
  • GPS is not disabled in all cases.

Taking into account all of the above, we can say that turning on this mode has an extremely negative effect on the functionality of the device.

Airplane mode on Android - what is it and where is it used?

When the device operates in this mode, it is possible to achieve quite low level interference for most devices, most often equipment installed on aircraft, hence its name. However, a number of recently published data prove that this precaution is more of an unmotivated restriction than a justified protective measure. After all, all aircraft equipment is shielded from a variety of interference of much greater intensity than a mobile phone. In addition, crew members have repeatedly neglected this regime, which casts doubt on the necessity of this measure.

It is worth noting that the benefit from it is quite great - in hospitals and other institutions, the equipment does not have proper protection, which is why it is better not to use the device without turning on a special profile. Among other things, working with such restrictions, airplane mode or airplane mode is capable of significantly. This is very important during long trips, when the device is constantly searching for networks, which leads to its rapid discharge.

Be that as it may, most airlines require the use of this profile during the flight, which is why it is an integral part of the phone’s functionality.
